// Populate the particles list
void ParticlesChooser::populateParticleList()

	// Create and use a ParticlesVisitor to populate the list
	ParticlesVisitor visitor(_particlesList, _iterMap);
	// The worker function that will execute in the thread
    void run()
        ScopedDebugTimer timer("ThreadedParticlesLoader::run()");

		// Create and use a ParticlesVisitor to populate the list

		wxutil::TreeModel::PopulationFinishedEvent finishedEvent;

// Static instance owner
ParticlesChooser& ParticlesChooser::getInstance()
	ParticlesChooserPtr& instancePtr = getInstancePtr();

	if (!instancePtr)
		instancePtr.reset(new ParticlesChooser);

            sigc::mem_fun(*instancePtr, &ParticlesChooser::onRadiantShutdown)
            sigc::mem_fun(*instancePtr, &ParticlesChooser::reloadParticles)

	return *instancePtr;
scene::INodePtr ModelCache::getModelNode(const std::string& modelPath)
	// Check if we have a reference to a modeldef
	IModelDefPtr modelDef = GlobalEntityClassManager().findModel(modelPath);

	// The actual model path (is usually the same as the incoming modelPath)
	std::string actualModelPath(modelPath);

	if (modelDef != NULL)
		// We have a valid modelDef, override the model path
		actualModelPath = modelDef->mesh;

	// Get the extension of this model
	std::string type = actualModelPath.substr(actualModelPath.rfind(".") + 1);

	if (type == "prt")
		// This is a particle, pass the call to the Particles Manager
		return GlobalParticlesManager().createParticleNode(actualModelPath);

	// Get a suitable model loader
	ModelLoaderPtr modelLoader = getModelLoaderForType(type);

	// Try to construct a model node using the suitable loader
	scene::INodePtr node = modelLoader->loadModel(actualModelPath);

	if (node)
		// For MD5 models, apply the idle animation by default
		if (modelDef)
			model::ModelNodePtr modelNode = Node_getModel(node);

			if (!modelNode)
				return node;

			// Set the animation to play
				md5::IMD5Model& md5model = dynamic_cast<md5::IMD5Model&>(modelNode->getIModel());

				// Look up the "idle" anim if there is one
				IModelDef::Anims::const_iterator found = modelDef->anims.find("idle");

				if (found != modelDef->anims.end())
					// Load the anim
					md5::IMD5AnimPtr anim = GlobalAnimationCache().getAnim(found->second);

					if (anim)
			catch (std::bad_cast&)
				// not an MD5 model, do nothing

		// Model load was successful
		return node;

	// The model load failed, let's return the NullModel
	// This call should never fail, i.e. the returned model is non-NULL
	return NullModelLoader::InstancePtr()->loadModel(actualModelPath);
void ParticlePreview::setParticle(const std::string& name)
    std::string nameClean = name;

    if (boost::algorithm::ends_with(nameClean, ".prt"))
        nameClean = nameClean.substr(0, nameClean.length() - 4);

    // If the model name is empty, release the model
    if (nameClean.empty())
        if (_particleNode)


    // Set up the scene
    if (!_entity)

    if (_particleNode)

    // Construct the particle emitter node
    _particleNode = GlobalParticlesManager().createParticleNode(nameClean);

    if (_particleNode && _lastParticle != nameClean)

        // Reset preview time

        // Reset the rotation to the default one
        _rotation = Matrix4::getRotation(Vector3(0,-1,0), Vector3(0,-0.3f,1));
        _rotation.multiplyBy(Matrix4::getRotation(Vector3(0,1,0), Vector3(1,-1,0)));

        // Call update(0) once to enable the bounds calculation

        // Use particle AABB to adjust camera distance
        const AABB& particleBounds = _particleNode->getParticle()->getBounds();

        if (particleBounds.isValid())
            _camDist = -2.0f * static_cast<float>(particleBounds.getRadius());
            // Bounds not valid, fall back to default
            _camDist = -40.0f;

        _lastParticle = nameClean;

        // Start playback when switching particles

    // Redraw