Example #1
static void run_window_events(windowproc window, struct _event *events)
  struct _event *ev = events;
  int ret = window(ev->event, ev->lparam, ev->rparam);
  //GrContextFontSet(&context, (const tFont*)NULL);
  if (ret != 0x80)
    status_process(EVENT_WINDOW_PAINT, 0, &context);

    GrContextClipRegionSet(&context, &client_clip);
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&context, &fullscreen_clip);

  for(; ev->delta != -1; ev++)
    window(ev->event, ev->lparam, ev->rparam);
    if (ev->event == EVENT_WINDOW_PAINT)

Example #2
//! Paints a menu, menu items on a display.
//! \param psWidget is a pointer to the slide menu widget to be drawn.
//! This function draws the contents of a slide menu on the display.  This is
//! called in response to a \b WIDGET_MSG_PAINT message.
//! \return None.
static void
SlideMenuPaint(tWidget *psWidget)
    tSlideMenuWidget *psMenuWidget;
    tContext sContext;

    // Check the arguments.

    // If this widget has a child widget, that means that the menu has
    // slid off the screen and the child widget is in control.  Therefore
    // there is nothing to paint here.  Just exit and the child widget will
    // be painted.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a slide menu widget pointer,
    // and get a pointer to its context.
    psMenuWidget = (tSlideMenuWidget *)psWidget;

    // Initialize a context for the primary off-screen drawing buffer.
    // Clip region is set to entire display by default, which is what we want.
    GrContextInit(&sContext, psMenuWidget->psDisplayA);

    // Render the menu into the off-screen buffer, using normal vertical
    // position.
    SlideMenuDraw(psMenuWidget, &sContext, 0);

    // Initialize a drawing context for the display where the widget is to be
    // drawn.  This is the physical display, not an off-screen buffer.
    GrContextInit(&sContext, psWidget->psDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region on the physical display, based on the
    // extents of this widget.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sContext, &(psWidget->sPosition));

    // Now copy the rendered menu into the physical display. This will show
    // the menu on the display.
    GrImageDraw(&sContext, psMenuWidget->psDisplayA->pvDisplayData,
                psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin, psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin);
Example #3
void TestControl(CuTest* tc)
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&context, &client_clip);
    GrContextForegroundSet(&context, ClrBlack);
    GrRectFill(&context, &client_clip);

    GrContextForegroundSet(&context, ClrWhite);
    window_volume(&context, 20, 100, 8, 4);
Example #4
static void test_window_stopwatch(windowproc window, void* data)
  window(EVENT_WINDOW_CREATED, 0, data);
//  GrContextClipRegionSet(&context, &status_clip);
//  status_process(EVENT_WINDOW_PAINT, 0, &context);
  for(int i = 3; i >= 0; i--)
    window(EVENT_KEY_PRESSED, KEY_ENTER, (void*)0);
  GrContextClipRegionSet(&context, &client_clip);
  GrContextForegroundSet(&context, ClrWhite);
  window(EVENT_WINDOW_PAINT, 0, &context);

  window(EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSING, 0, 0);
// Draw a string of text centered within an outlined rectangle.
// \param pszText is a pointer to the zero-terminated ASCII string which will
// be displayed within the given rectangle.
// \param prectOutline points to the rectangle within which the test is to be
// displayed.
// \param psColors points to a structure defining the colors to be used for
// the background, outline and text.
// This function draws a text string centered within a given rectangle.  The
// rectangle is filled with a given color and outlined in another color prior
// to drawing the text.
// \return None.
DrawTextBox(const char *pszText, tRectangle *prectOutline,
            tOutlineTextColors *psColors)
    // Set the clipping region to guard against text strings that are too
    // long for the supplied rectangle.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&g_sContext, prectOutline);

    // Draw the background area
    GrContextForegroundSet(&g_sContext, psColors->ulBackground);
    GrRectFill(&g_sContext, prectOutline);

    // Draw the border
    GrContextForegroundSet(&g_sContext, psColors->ulBorder);
    GrRectDraw(&g_sContext, prectOutline);

    // Draw the text
    GrContextForegroundSet(&g_sContext, psColors->ulText);
    GrStringDrawCentered(&g_sContext, (char *)pszText, strlen(pszText),
                         (prectOutline->sXMax + prectOutline->sXMin) / 2,
                         (prectOutline->sYMax + prectOutline->sYMin) / 2,

    // Remove our clipping area.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&g_sContext, &g_sRectDisplay);
Example #6
//! Paints the strip chart on the display.
//! \param psWidget is a pointer to the strip chart widget to be drawn.
//! This function draws the contents of a strip chart on the display.  This is
//! called in response to a \b WIDGET_MSG_PAINT message.
//! \return None.
static void
StripChartPaint(tWidget *psWidget)
    tStripChartWidget *psChartWidget;
    tContext sContext;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a strip chart widget pointer.
    psChartWidget = (tStripChartWidget *)psWidget;

    // Initialize a context for the primary off-screen drawing buffer.
    // Clip region is set to entire display by default, which is what we want.
    GrContextInit(&sContext, psChartWidget->psOffscreenDisplay);

    // Render the strip chart into the off-screen buffer
    StripChartDraw(psChartWidget, &sContext);

    // Initialize a drawing context for the display where the widget is to be
    // drawn.  This is the physical display, not an off-screen buffer.
    GrContextInit(&sContext, psWidget->psDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region on the physical display, based on the
    // extents of this widget.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sContext, &(psWidget->sPosition));

    // Now copy the rendered strip chart into the physical display
    GrImageDraw(&sContext, psChartWidget->psOffscreenDisplay->pvDisplayData,
                psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin, psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin);
Example #7
static void onDrawTitleBar(tContext *pContext)
  // draw the title bar of circles
  const tRectangle rect = {0, 0, LCD_WIDTH, 12};

  GrContextForegroundSet(pContext, ClrBlack);
  GrContextClipRegionSet(pContext, &rect);

  GrRectFill(pContext, &rect);

  GrContextForegroundSet(pContext, ClrWhite);

  long startx = LCD_WIDTH/2 - num_uids * 4;

  for(int i = 0; i < num_uids; i++)
    if (i == selectidx)
      GrCircleFill(pContext, startx + i * 10, 4, 3);
      GrCircleDraw(pContext, startx + i * 10, 4, 3);
Example #8
//! Draws a the full keyboard.
//! \param psWidget is a pointer to the keyboard widget to be drawn.
//! This function draws a the full keyboard.  This is called whenever
//! the full keyboard needs to be updated.
//! \return None.
static void
KeyboardPaint(tWidget *psWidget)
    int32_t i32Key;
    tKeyboardWidget *psKeyboardWidget;
    const tKeyboard *psKeyboard;
    tContext sCtx;

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a keyboard widget pointer.
    psKeyboardWidget = (tKeyboardWidget *)psWidget;

    psKeyboard = &psKeyboardWidget->psKeyboards[psKeyboardWidget->ui32Active];

    // Initialize a drawing context.
    GrContextInit(&sCtx, psWidget->psDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region based on the extents of this keyboard.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &(psWidget->sPosition));

    // Fill the keyboard with the fill color.
    if(psKeyboardWidget->ui32Style & KEYBOARD_STYLE_BG)
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, psKeyboardWidget->ui32BackgroundColor);
        GrRectFill(&sCtx, &psWidget->sPosition);

    for(i32Key = 0; i32Key < psKeyboard->ui16NumKeys; i32Key++)
        ButtonPaintText(psWidget, &psKeyboard->uKeys.psKeysText[i32Key]);
Example #9
//! Draws the contents of a listbox.
//! \param psWidget is a pointer to the listbox widget to be drawn.
//! This function draws the contents of a listbox on the display.  This is
//! called in response to a \b #WIDGET_MSG_PAINT message.
//! \return None.
static void
ListBoxPaint(tWidget *psWidget)
    tListBoxWidget *pListBox;
    tContext sCtx;
    tRectangle sWidgetRect, sLineRect;
    int16_t i16Height;
    int32_t i32Width;
    uint16_t ui16String;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a listbox widget pointer.
    pListBox = (tListBoxWidget *)psWidget;

    // Initialize a drawing context.
    GrContextInit(&sCtx, psWidget->psDisplay);
    GrContextFontSet(&sCtx, pListBox->psFont);

    // Initialize the clipping region based on the extents of this listbox.
    sWidgetRect = psWidget->sPosition;
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &sWidgetRect);

    // See if the listbox outline style is selected.
    if(pListBox->ui32Style & LISTBOX_STYLE_OUTLINE)
        // Outline the listbox with the outline color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pListBox->ui32OutlineColor);
        GrRectDraw(&sCtx, &(psWidget->sPosition));

        // Shrink the widget region by one pixel on each side and draw another
        // rectangle, this time in the background color.  This ensures that the
        // text will not interfere with the colored border.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pListBox->ui32BackgroundColor);
        GrRectDraw(&sCtx, &sWidgetRect);

        // Reduce the size of the rectangle by another pixel to get the final
        // area into which we will put the text.
        GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &sWidgetRect);

    // Start drawing at the top of the widget.
    sLineRect = sWidgetRect;
    ui16String = pListBox->ui16StartEntry;
    i16Height = GrFontHeightGet(pListBox->psFont);

    // Keep drawing until we reach the bottom of the listbox or run out of
    // strings to draw.
    while((sLineRect.i16YMin < sWidgetRect.i16YMax) &&
          (ui16String < pListBox->ui16Populated))
        // Calculate the rectangle that will enclose this line of text.
        sLineRect.i16YMax = sLineRect.i16YMin + i16Height - 1;

        // Set foreground and background colors appropriately.
        GrContextBackgroundSet(&sCtx, ((ui16String == pListBox->i16Selected) ?
                               pListBox->ui32SelectedBackgroundColor :
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, ((ui16String == pListBox->i16Selected) ?
                               pListBox->ui32SelectedTextColor :

        // Draw the text.
        GrStringDraw(&sCtx, pListBox->ppcText[ui16String], -1,
                     sLineRect.i16XMin, sLineRect.i16YMin, 1);

        // Determine the width of the string we just rendered.
        i32Width = GrStringWidthGet(&sCtx, pListBox->ppcText[ui16String], -1);

        // Do we need to clear the area to the right of the string?
        if(i32Width < (sLineRect.i16XMax - sLineRect.i16XMin + 1))
            // Yes - we need to fill the right side of this string with
            // background color.
                                   ((ui16String == pListBox->i16Selected) ?
                                    pListBox->ui32SelectedBackgroundColor :
            sLineRect.i16XMin += i32Width;
            GrRectFill(&sCtx, &sLineRect);
            sLineRect.i16XMin = sWidgetRect.i16XMin;

        // Move on to the next string, wrapping if necessary.
        if(ui16String == pListBox->ui16MaxEntries)
            ui16String = 0;
        sLineRect.i16YMin += i16Height;

        // If we are wrapping and got back at the oldest entry, we drop out.
        if(ui16String == pListBox->ui16OldestEntry)

    // Fill the remainder of the listbox area with the background color.
    if(sLineRect.i16YMin < sWidgetRect.i16YMax)
        // Determine the rectangle to be filled.
        sLineRect.i16YMax = sWidgetRect.i16YMax;

        // Fill the rectangle with the background color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pListBox->ui32BackgroundColor);
        GrRectFill(&sCtx, &sLineRect);
Example #10
static void onDraw(tContext *pContext)
  // draw circles

  GrContextClipRegionSet(pContext, &contentrect);
  GrContextForegroundSet(pContext, ClrWhite);
  GrRectFill(pContext, &fullscreen_clip);

  GrContextForegroundSet(pContext, ClrBlack);

  long starty = 12 - skip;

  if (message_icon && message_date)
    // draw the title bar
    // draw icon
    if (message_icon)
      GrContextFontSet(pContext, (tFont*)&g_sFontExIcon16);    
      GrStringDraw(pContext, &message_icon, 1, 8, starty, 0);

    if (message_date)
      char buffer[20];

      strcpy(buffer, message_date);
#if defined(PRODUCT_W002) || defined(PRODUCT_W004)  
	GrContextFontSet(pContext, (tFont*)&g_sFontRonda12);
      GrContextFontSet(pContext, (tFont*)&g_sFontGothic14);
      const char* text = parse_date(buffer);
      int16_t width = GrStringWidthGet(pContext, text, -1);
      GrStringDraw(pContext, text, -1, LCD_WIDTH - 10 - width, starty, 0);

    starty += 16;

  const tFont *titleFont;
  const tFont *contentFont;

  titleFont = get_titlefont();
  contentFont = get_contentfont();

  GrContextFontSet(pContext, titleFont);

  // draw title
  if (message_title && (*message_title != '\0'))
    starty = GrStringDrawWrap(pContext, message_title, 1, starty, LCD_WIDTH - 1, 0);

  if (message_subtitle && (*message_subtitle != '\0'))
    starty = GrStringDrawWrap(pContext, message_subtitle, 1, starty, LCD_WIDTH - 1, 0);
  GrContextFontSet(pContext, contentFont);
  //draw message
  if (message && *message != '\0')
    if (GrStringDrawWrap(pContext, message, 1, starty, LCD_WIDTH - 1,  0) == -1)
      state |= STATE_MORE;
      for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
          GrLineDrawH(pContext, 130 - i, 130 + i,  160 - i);
      state &= ~STATE_MORE;
Example #11
// Paint the blocks in the game play area.
OnGameAreaPaint(tWidget *pWidget, tContext *pContext)
    static const struct shape *psLastShape;
    static tBoolean bLastMsgShown = false;
    unsigned long ulIndex, ulRow, ulCol;
    tRectangle rectBlock;

    // Update the score if necessary.
    if (score != g_iCurScore)
        usnprintf(g_pcScore, MAX_SCORE_LEN, "  %d  ", score);
        WidgetPaint((tWidget *)&g_sScore);
        g_iCurScore = score;

    // Draw a preview of the next shape if it is different
    if (nextshape != psLastShape)
        WidgetPaint((tWidget *)&g_sNextPiece);
        psLastShape = nextshape;

    // Has the screen just been cleared? If so, we fill the whole background
    // in a single operation rather than doing it cell-by-cell.
        // Draw the logo into the background of the game area.
        GrImageDraw(&g_sScreenContext, g_pucTILogo240x120,
                    GAME_AREA_LEFT, GAME_AREA_TOP);

    // Loop through the rows (which are actually columns in our implementation
    // since we've rotated the board).
    for (ulRow = D_FIRST; ulRow < (D_LAST - 1); ulRow++)
        // Get the index of the first block in this row.
        ulIndex = ulRow * B_COLS;

        // Loop through all the displayed colums (rows in our implementation)
        for (ulCol = 1; ulCol < (B_COLS - 1); ulCol++)
            // If the block on the screen is different from the one we have been
            // asked to draw, draw it.  We also force a redraw of everything if
            // we had a message displayed last time we repainted but it has
            // since been removed.
            if ((board[ulIndex + ulCol] != g_psCurScreen[ulIndex + ulCol]) ||
               (bLastMsgShown && !g_bMsgShown))
                // Calculate the coordinates of this block.
                rectBlock.sXMin = GAME_AREA_LEFT +
                                  ((ulRow - D_FIRST) * GAME_BLOCK_SIZE);
                rectBlock.sYMin = GAME_AREA_TOP +
                                  ((ulCol - 1) * GAME_BLOCK_SIZE);
                rectBlock.sXMax = rectBlock.sXMin + (GAME_BLOCK_SIZE - 1);
                rectBlock.sYMax = rectBlock.sYMin + (GAME_BLOCK_SIZE - 1);

                // Remember what we are about to draw into the current cell.
                g_psCurScreen[ulIndex + ulCol] = board[ulIndex + ulCol];

                // Draw this block of the shape.  We use either an image if one
                // is defined or black otherwise.
                if(g_ppucBlockImages[board[ulIndex + ulCol]])
                    // If we just cleared the whole background, there is no
                    // need to reblit the background blocks.
                                    g_ppucBlockImages[board[ulIndex + ulCol]],
                    tRectangle sRect;

                    // Draw the block from the background image.  First save
                    // the existing clipping region.
                    sRect = g_sScreenContext.sClipRegion;

                    // Set the new clipping region to the block we are about
                    // to draw.
                    GrContextClipRegionSet(&g_sScreenContext, &rectBlock);

                    // Draw the background image into the clipping region.
                    GrImageDraw(&g_sScreenContext, g_pucTILogo240x120,
                                GAME_AREA_LEFT, GAME_AREA_TOP);

                    // Restore the previous clip region.
                    GrContextClipRegionSet(&g_sScreenContext, &sRect);

    // If there is a message to show, draw it on top of the game area.
        // Determine the center of the game area.
        rectBlock.sXMin = GAME_AREA_LEFT +
                          (GAME_BLOCK_SIZE * ((D_LAST - 1) - D_FIRST)) / 2;
        rectBlock.sYMin = GAME_AREA_TOP +
                          ((GAME_BLOCK_SIZE * (B_COLS - 2)) / 2);

        // Render the required message centered in the game area.
        GrContextFontSet(&g_sScreenContext, g_pFontCmss20b);
        GrContextForegroundSet(&g_sScreenContext, MESSAGE_COLOR);
        GrContextBackgroundSet(&g_sScreenContext, BACKGROUND_COLOR);
        GrStringDrawCentered(&g_sScreenContext, g_pcMessage, -1,
                             rectBlock.sXMin, rectBlock.sYMin, true);

    // Remember whether we displayed the message or not.
    bLastMsgShown = g_bMsgShown;

    // Clear the flag that we use to indicate the first redraw in a new game.
    g_bScreenCleared = false;
Example #12
//! Performs the sliding menu operation, in response to the "left" button.
//! \param psWidget is a pointer to the slide menu widget to move to the left.
//! This function will respond to the "left" key/button event.  The left
//! button is used to ascend to the next menu up in the menu tree.  The effect
//! is that the current menu, or active widget, slides off to the right, while
//! the parent menu slides in from the left.
//! This function repeatedly draws the menu onto the display until the sliding
//! animation is finished and will not return to the caller until then.  This
//! function is usually called from the thread context of
//! WidgetMessageQueueProcess().
//! \return Returns a non-zero value if the menu was moved or was not moved
//! because it is already at the last position.  If a child widget is active
//! then this function does nothing and returns a 0.
static int32_t
SlideMenuLeft(tWidget *psWidget)
    tSlideMenuWidget *psMenuWidget;
    tSlideMenu *psMenu;
    tSlideMenu *psParentMenu;
    tContext sContext;
    uint32_t ui32X;
    uint32_t ui32MenuWidth;

    // Get handy pointers to the menu widget and active menu, and the parent
    // menu if there is one.
    psMenuWidget = (tSlideMenuWidget *)psWidget;
    psMenu = psMenuWidget->psSlideMenu;
    psParentMenu = psMenu->psParent;

    // Initialize a context for the primary off-screen drawing buffer.
    // Clip region is set to entire display by default, which is what we want.
    GrContextInit(&sContext, psMenuWidget->psDisplayB);

    // If this widget has a child, that means that the child widget is in
    // control, and we are requested to go back to the previous menu item.
    // Process the child widget.
        // Call the widget de-activated callback function.  This notifies the
        // application that the widget is being deactivated.

        // Unlink the child widget from the slide menu widget.  The menu
        // widget will now no longer have a child widget.
        psWidget->psChild->psParent = 0;
        psWidget->psChild = 0;

        // Fill a rectangle with the child widget background color.  This will
        // erase everything else that is shown on the widget but leave the
        // background, which will make the change visually less jarring.
        // This is done in off-screen buffer B, which is the buffer that is
        // going to be slid off the screen.
        GrRectFill(&sContext, &sContext.sClipRegion);

    // Otherwise there is not a child widget in control, so process the parent
    // menu, if there is one.
    else if(psParentMenu)
        // Render the current menu into the off-screen buffer B.  This will be
        // the same menu appearance that is currently on the display.
        SlideMenuDraw(psMenuWidget, &sContext, 0);

        // Now switch the widget to the parent menu
        psMenuWidget->psSlideMenu = psParentMenu;

    // Otherwise, we are already at the top level menu and there is nothing
    // else to do.

    // Draw the new menu in the second offscreen buffer.  This is the menu
    // that will be on the display when the animation is over.
    GrContextInit(&sContext, psMenuWidget->psDisplayA);
    SlideMenuDraw(psMenuWidget, &sContext, 0);

    // Initialize a drawing context for the display where the widget is to be
    // drawn.  This is the physical display, not an off-screen buffer.
    GrContextInit(&sContext, psWidget->psDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region on the physical display, based on the
    // extents of this widget.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sContext, &(psWidget->sPosition));

    // Get the width of the menu widget.
    ui32MenuWidth = psMenuWidget->psDisplayA->ui16Width;

    // The following loop draws the two off-screen buffers onto the physical
    // display using a left-to-right.  This will provide an appearance
    // of sliding to the right.  The parent menu will slide in from the left.
    // The "old" child menu is being held in off-screen buffer B and the new
    // one is in buffer A.  So when we are done, the correct image will be in
    // buffer A.
    for(ui32X = 0; ui32X <= ui32MenuWidth; ui32X += 8)
        GrImageDraw(&sContext, psMenuWidget->psDisplayB->pvDisplayData,
                    psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin + ui32X,
        GrImageDraw(&sContext, psMenuWidget->psDisplayA->pvDisplayData,
                    psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin + ui32X - ui32MenuWidth,

    // Return indication that we handled the key event.
Example #13
//! Draws a key on the keyboard.
//! \param psWidget is a pointer to the keyboard widget to be drawn.
//! \param psKey is a pointer to the key to draw.
//! This function draws a single key on the display.  This is called whenever
//! a key on the keyboard needs to be updated.
//! \return None.
static void
ButtonPaintText(tWidget *psWidget, const tKeyText *psKey)
    tKeyboardWidget *psKeyboard;
    tContext sCtx;
    int32_t i32X, i32Y;
    uint32_t ui32Range, ui32Size;
    tRectangle sRect;
    char pcKeyCap[4];

    // Check the arguments.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a keyboard widget pointer.
    psKeyboard = (tKeyboardWidget *)psWidget;

    // Initialize a drawing context.
    GrContextInit(&sCtx, psWidget->psDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region based on the extents of this keyboard.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &(psWidget->sPosition));

    // Calculate a keys bounding box.
    ui32Range = psWidget->sPosition.i16XMax - psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin + 1;
    sRect.i16XMin = psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin + 1;
    sRect.i16XMin += (ui32Range * (uint32_t)psKey->ui16XPos) / 10000;

    sRect.i16XMax = sRect.i16XMin - 3 +
                    ((ui32Range * (uint32_t)psKey->ui16Width) / 10000);

    ui32Range = psWidget->sPosition.i16YMax - psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin + 1;
    sRect.i16YMin = psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin + 1;
    sRect.i16YMin += (ui32Range * (uint32_t)psKey->ui16YPos) / 10000;

    sRect.i16YMax = sRect.i16YMin - 3 +
                    ((ui32Range * (uint32_t)psKey->ui16Height) / 10000);

    // See if the keyboard fill style is selected.
    if(psKeyboard->ui32Style & KEYBOARD_STYLE_FILL)
        // Fill the key with the fill color.
                               ((psKeyboard->ui32Flags & FLAG_KEY_PRESSED) ?
                                psKeyboard->ui32PressFillColor :
        GrRectFill(&sCtx, &sRect);

    // See if the keyboard outline style is selected.
    if(psKeyboard->ui32Style & KEYBOARD_STYLE_OUTLINE)
        // Outline the key with the outline color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, psKeyboard->ui32OutlineColor);
        GrRectDraw(&sCtx, &sRect);

    // Compute the center of the key.
    i32X = (sRect.i16XMin + ((sRect.i16XMax - sRect.i16XMin + 1) / 2));
    i32Y = (sRect.i16YMin + ((sRect.i16YMax - sRect.i16YMin + 1) / 2));

    // If the keyboard outline style is selected then shrink the
    // clipping region by one pixel on each side so that the outline is not
    // overwritten by the text or image.
    if(psKeyboard->ui32Style & KEYBOARD_STYLE_OUTLINE)

    // Draw the text centered in the middle of the key.
    GrContextFontSet(&sCtx, psKeyboard->psFont);
    GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, psKeyboard->ui32TextColor);
                           ((psKeyboard->ui32Flags & FLAG_KEY_PRESSED) ?
                            psKeyboard->ui32PressFillColor :

    ui32Size = 0;

    if(psKey->ui32Code == UNICODE_BACKSPACE)
        pcKeyCap[0] = 'B';
        pcKeyCap[1] = 'S';
        ui32Size = 2;
    else if(psKey->ui32Code == UNICODE_RETURN)
        pcKeyCap[0] = 'E';
        pcKeyCap[1] = 'n';
        pcKeyCap[2] = 't';
        ui32Size = 3;
    else if(psKey->ui32Code == UNICODE_CUSTOM_SHIFT)
        pcKeyCap[0] = 'C';
        pcKeyCap[1] = 'a';
        pcKeyCap[2] = 'p';
        ui32Size = 3;
    else if(psKey->ui32Code == UNICODE_CUSTOM_MODE_TOG)
        pcKeyCap[0] = '1';
        pcKeyCap[1] = '2';
        pcKeyCap[2] = '3';
        ui32Size = 3;
        ui32Size = 1;
        pcKeyCap[0] = (char)psKey->ui32Code;
    GrStringDrawCentered(&sCtx, (const char *)pcKeyCap, ui32Size, i32X,
                       psKeyboard->ui32Style & KEYBOARD_STYLE_TEXT_OPAQUE);
Example #14
void TestNotification(CuTest *tc)
  GrContextClipRegionSet(&context, &fullscreen_clip);

  handle_message('S', "+8615618273349", "hey KREYOS, how are you doing today? I will be dropping by later at CES to check out the Meteor!");
  window_current()(EVENT_WINDOW_PAINT, 0, &context);

  window_current()(EVENT_KEY_PRESSED, KEY_DOWN, NULL);
  window_current()(EVENT_WINDOW_PAINT, 0, &context);


  handle_message('S', "+8615618273349", "testing 123");
  window_current()(EVENT_WINDOW_PAINT, 0, &context);

  window_notify("Facebook", "Tom Paker\nOur schedule is crazy next a few days unfortunately.", NOTIFY_OK, 'a');
  window_current()(EVENT_WINDOW_PAINT, 0, &context);

  window_notify("Facebook", "Tom Paker\nOurscheduleiscrazynextafewdaysunfortunately.", NOTIFY_OK, 'a');
  window_current()(EVENT_WINDOW_PAINT, 0, &context);

  window_notify("SMS", chinesedata, NOTIFY_OK, 'a');
  window_current()(EVENT_WINDOW_PAINT, 0, &context);

  window_notify_ancs(0, 9, 1, 1);
  window_notify_ancs(0, 10, 1, 1);
  window_notify_ancs(0, 11, 1, 1);
  window_notify_ancs(2, 9, 1, 1);
  window_notify_ancs(0, 12, 1, 1);
  window_current()(EVENT_WINDOW_PAINT, 0, &context);

    window_current()(EVENT_KEY_PRESSED, KEY_DOWN, NULL);
  window_current()(EVENT_WINDOW_PAINT, 0, &context);

  window_current()(EVENT_KEY_PRESSED, KEY_DOWN, NULL);
  window_current()(EVENT_WINDOW_PAINT, 0, &context);

  window_current()(EVENT_KEY_PRESSED, KEY_DOWN, NULL);
  window_current()(EVENT_WINDOW_PAINT, 0, &context);

  window_current()(EVENT_KEY_PRESSED, KEY_DOWN, NULL);
  window_current()(EVENT_WINDOW_PAINT, 0, &context);

  window_current()(EVENT_KEY_PRESSED, KEY_DOWN, NULL);
  window_current()(EVENT_WINDOW_PAINT, 0, &context);


  window_messagebox(ICON_LARGE_WARNING, "Please Pair your Smartphone to the meteor.", 0);
  window_current()(EVENT_WINDOW_PAINT, 0, &context);

Example #15
//! Draws a slider.
//! \param pWidget is a pointer to the slider widget to be drawn.
//! \param pDirty is the subrectangle of the widget which is to be redrawn.
//! This is expressed in screen coordinates.
//! This function draws a slider on the display.  This is called in response to
//! a \b #WIDGET_MSG_PAINT message or when the slider position changes.
//! \return None.
static void
SliderPaint(tWidget *pWidget, tRectangle *pDirty)
    tRectangle sClipRect, sValueRect, sEmptyRect, sActiveClip;
    tSliderWidget *pSlider;
    tContext sCtx;
    long lX, lY, bIntersect;
    short sPos;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a slider widget pointer.
    pSlider = (tSliderWidget *)pWidget;

    // Initialize a drawing context.
    GrContextInit(&sCtx, pWidget->pDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region based on the update rectangle passed.
    bIntersect = GrRectIntersectGet(pDirty, &(pSlider->sBase.sPosition),
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &sClipRect);

    // Draw the control outline if necessary.
    if(pSlider->ulStyle & SL_STYLE_OUTLINE)
        // Outline the slider with the outline color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ulOutlineColor);
        GrRectDraw(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));

        // Adjust the clipping rectangle to prevent the outline from being
        // corrupted later.
        if(sClipRect.sXMin == pWidget->sPosition.sXMin)

        if(sClipRect.sYMin == pWidget->sPosition.sYMin)

        if(sClipRect.sXMax == pWidget->sPosition.sXMax)

        if(sClipRect.sYMax == pWidget->sPosition.sYMax)

    // Determine the position associated with the current slider value.
    sPos = SliderValueToPosition(pSlider, pSlider->lValue);

    // Remember this so that the dirty rectangle code in the click handler
    // draws the correct thing the first time it is called.
    pSlider->sPos = sPos;

    // Determine the rectangles for the active and empty portions of the
    // widget.
    if(pSlider->ulStyle & SL_STYLE_VERTICAL)
        // Determine the rectangle corresponding to the bottom (value) portion
        // of the slider.
        sValueRect.sXMin = pWidget->sPosition.sXMin;
        sValueRect.sXMax = pWidget->sPosition.sXMax;
        sValueRect.sYMin = sPos;
        sValueRect.sYMax = pWidget->sPosition.sYMax;

        // Determine the rectangle corresponding to the top (empty) portion
        // of the slider.
        sEmptyRect.sXMin = pWidget->sPosition.sXMin;
        sEmptyRect.sXMax = pWidget->sPosition.sXMax;
        sEmptyRect.sYMin = pWidget->sPosition.sYMin;
        sEmptyRect.sYMax = max(sEmptyRect.sYMin, sValueRect.sYMin - 1);
        // Determine the rectangle corresponding to the bottom (value) portion
        // of the slider.
        sValueRect.sYMin = pWidget->sPosition.sYMin;
        sValueRect.sYMax = pWidget->sPosition.sYMax;
        sValueRect.sXMin = pWidget->sPosition.sXMin;
        sValueRect.sXMax = sPos;

        // Determine the rectangle corresponding to the top (empty) portion
        // of the slider.
        sEmptyRect.sYMin = pWidget->sPosition.sYMin;
        sEmptyRect.sYMax = pWidget->sPosition.sYMax;
        sEmptyRect.sXMax = pWidget->sPosition.sXMax;
        sEmptyRect.sXMin = min(sEmptyRect.sXMax, sValueRect.sXMax + 1);

    // Compute the center of the slider.  This will be needed later if drawing
    // text or an image.
    lX = (pWidget->sPosition.sXMin +
          ((pWidget->sPosition.sXMax - pWidget->sPosition.sXMin + 1) / 2));
    lY = (pWidget->sPosition.sYMin +
          ((pWidget->sPosition.sYMax - pWidget->sPosition.sYMin + 1) / 2));

    // Get the required clipping rectangle for the active/value part of
    // the slider.
    bIntersect = GrRectIntersectGet(&sClipRect, &sValueRect, &sActiveClip);

    // Does any part of the value rectangle intersect with the region we are
    // supposed to be redrawing?
        // Yes - we have something to draw.

        // Set the new clipping rectangle.
        GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &sActiveClip);

        // Do we need to fill the active area with a color?
        if(pSlider->ulStyle & SL_STYLE_FILL)
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ulFillColor);
            GrRectFill(&sCtx, &sValueRect);

        // Do we need to draw an image in the active area?
        if(pSlider->ulStyle & SL_STYLE_IMG)
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ulTextColor);
            GrContextBackgroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ulFillColor);
            GrImageDraw(&sCtx, pSlider->pucImage,
                        lX - (GrImageWidthGet(pSlider->pucImage) / 2),
                        lY - (GrImageHeightGet(pSlider->pucImage) / 2));

        // Do we need to render a text string over the top of the active area?
        if(pSlider->ulStyle & SL_STYLE_TEXT)
            GrContextFontSet(&sCtx, pSlider->pFont);
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ulTextColor);
            GrContextBackgroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ulFillColor);
            GrStringDrawCentered(&sCtx, pSlider->pcText, -1, lX, lY,
                                 pSlider->ulStyle & SL_STYLE_TEXT_OPAQUE);

    // Now get the required clipping rectangle for the background portion of
    // the slider.
    bIntersect = GrRectIntersectGet(&sClipRect, &sEmptyRect, &sActiveClip);

    // Does any part of the background rectangle intersect with the region we
    // are supposed to be redrawing?
        // Yes - we have something to draw.

        // Set the new clipping rectangle.
        GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &sActiveClip);

        // Do we need to fill the active area with a color?
        if(pSlider->ulStyle & SL_STYLE_BACKG_FILL)
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ulBackgroundFillColor);
            GrRectFill(&sCtx, &sEmptyRect);

        // Do we need to draw an image in the active area?
        if(pSlider->ulStyle & SL_STYLE_BACKG_IMG)
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ulBackgroundTextColor);
            GrContextBackgroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ulBackgroundFillColor);
            GrImageDraw(&sCtx, pSlider->pucBackgroundImage,
                    lX - (GrImageWidthGet(pSlider->pucBackgroundImage) / 2),
                    lY - (GrImageHeightGet(pSlider->pucBackgroundImage) / 2));

        // Do we need to render a text string over the top of the active area?
        if(pSlider->ulStyle & SL_STYLE_BACKG_TEXT)
            GrContextFontSet(&sCtx, pSlider->pFont);
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ulBackgroundTextColor);
            GrContextBackgroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ulBackgroundFillColor);
            GrStringDrawCentered(&sCtx, pSlider->pcText, -1, lX, lY,
                                 pSlider->ulStyle & SL_STYLE_BACKG_TEXT_OPAQUE);
Example #16
//! Draws the contents of a listbox.
//! \param pWidget is a pointer to the listbox widget to be drawn.
//! This function draws the contents of a listbox on the display.  This is
//! called in response to a \b #WIDGET_MSG_PAINT message.
//! \return None.
static void
ListBoxPaint(tWidget *pWidget)
    tListBoxWidget *pListBox;
    tContext sCtx;
    tRectangle sWidgetRect, sLineRect;
    short sHeight;
    long lWidth;
    unsigned short usCount, usString;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a listbox widget pointer.
    pListBox = (tListBoxWidget *)pWidget;

    // Initialize a drawing context.
    GrContextInit(&sCtx, pWidget->pDisplay);
    GrContextFontSet(&sCtx, pListBox->pFont);

    // Initialize the clipping region based on the extents of this listbox.
    sWidgetRect = pWidget->sPosition;
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &sWidgetRect);

    // See if the listbox outline style is selected.
    if(pListBox->ulStyle & LISTBOX_STYLE_OUTLINE)
        // Outline the listbox with the outline color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pListBox->ulOutlineColor);
        GrRectDraw(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));

        // Shrink the widget region by one pixel on each side and draw another
        // rectangle, this time in the background color.  This ensures that the
        // text will not interfere with the colored border.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pListBox->ulBackgroundColor);
        GrRectDraw(&sCtx, &sWidgetRect);

        // Reduce the size of the rectangle by another pixel to get the final
        // area into which we will put the text.
        GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &sWidgetRect);

    // Start drawing at the top of the widget.
    sLineRect = sWidgetRect;
    usCount = 0;
    usString = pListBox->usStartEntry;
    sHeight = GrFontHeightGet(pListBox->pFont);

    // Keep drawing until we reach the bottom of the listbox or run out of
    // strings to draw.
    while((sLineRect.sYMin < sWidgetRect.sYMax) &&
          (usCount < pListBox->usPopulated))
        // Calculate the rectangle that will enclose this line of text.
        sLineRect.sYMax = sLineRect.sYMin + sHeight - 1;

        // Set foreground and background colors appropriately.
        GrContextBackgroundSet(&sCtx, ((usString == pListBox->sSelected) ?
                               pListBox->ulSelectedBackgroundColor :
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, ((usString == pListBox->sSelected) ?
                               pListBox->ulSelectedTextColor :

        // Draw the text.
        GrStringDraw(&sCtx, pListBox->ppcText[usString], -1, sLineRect.sXMin,
                     sLineRect.sYMin, 1);

        // Determine the width of the string we just rendered.
        lWidth = GrStringWidthGet(&sCtx, pListBox->ppcText[usString], -1);

        // Do we need to clear the area to the right of the string?
        if(lWidth < (sLineRect.sXMax - sLineRect.sXMin + 1))
            // Yes - we need to fill the right side of this string with
            // background color.
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, ((usString == pListBox->sSelected) ?
                                   pListBox->ulSelectedBackgroundColor :
            sLineRect.sXMin += lWidth;
            GrRectFill(&sCtx, &sLineRect);
            sLineRect.sXMin = sWidgetRect.sXMin;

        // Move on to the next string.
        if(usString == pListBox->usMaxEntries)
            usString = 0;
        sLineRect.sYMin += sHeight;

    // Fill the remainder of the listbox area with the background color.
    if(sLineRect.sYMin < sWidgetRect.sYMax)
        // Determine the rectangle to be filled.
        sLineRect.sYMax = sWidgetRect.sYMax;

        // Fill the rectangle with the background color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pListBox->ulBackgroundColor);
        GrRectFill(&sCtx, &sLineRect);
Example #17
// Draws a JPEG widget.
// \param pWidget is a pointer to the JPEG widget to be drawn.
// This function draws a JPEG widget on the display.  This is called in
// response to a \b WIDGET_MSG_PAINT message.
// \return None.
static void
JPEGWidgetPaint(tWidget *pWidget)
    tRectangle sRect;
    tJPEGWidget *pJPEG;
    tContext sCtx;
    unsigned short usWidth, usHeight, usRow;
    unsigned short *pusRow;
    short sSrcX, sSrcY, sDstX, sDstY;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a JPEG widget pointer.
    pJPEG = (tJPEGWidget *)pWidget;

    // Initialize a drawing context.
    GrContextInit(&sCtx, pWidget->pDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region based on the extents of this rectangular
    // JPEG widget.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));

    // Take a copy of the current widget position.

    // See if the JPEG widget outline style is selected.
    if(pJPEG->ulStyle & JW_STYLE_OUTLINE)
        unsigned long ulLoop;

        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pJPEG->ulOutlineColor);

        // Outline the JPEG widget with the outline color.
        for(ulLoop = 0; ulLoop < (unsigned long)pJPEG->ucBorderWidth; ulLoop++)
            GrRectDraw(&sCtx, &sRect);

    // If the fill style is selected fill the widget with the appropriate color.
    if(pJPEG->ulStyle & JW_STYLE_FILL)
        // Fill the JPEG widget with the fill color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pJPEG->ulFillColor);
        GrRectFill(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));

    // Does the widget had a decompressed image to draw?
        // What is the size of the image area of the widget?
        usWidth = (sRect.sXMax - sRect.sXMin) + 1;
        usHeight = (sRect.sYMax - sRect.sYMin) + 1;

        // Is the display window wider than the image?
        if(usWidth > pJPEG->psJPEGInst->usWidth)
            // The display window is wider so we need to center the image
            // within the window.
            sDstX = sRect.sXMin +
                    (short)(usWidth - pJPEG->psJPEGInst->usWidth) / 2;
            sSrcX = 0;
            usWidth = pJPEG->psJPEGInst->usWidth;
            // The image is wider so we will fill the window (in the x
            // direction) and clip the image accordingly.
            sDstX = sRect.sXMin;
            sSrcX = (pJPEG->psJPEGInst->usWidth - usWidth) / 2 -

            // Ensure we don't wrap the image due to an offset that is too
            // large.
            sSrcX = (sSrcX < 0) ? 0 : sSrcX;

        // Is the image highter than the display window?
        if(usHeight > pJPEG->psJPEGInst->usHeight)
            // The display window is higher so we need to center the image
            // within the window.
            sDstY = sRect.sYMin +
                    (short)(usHeight - pJPEG->psJPEGInst->usHeight) / 2;
            sSrcY = 0;
            usHeight = pJPEG->psJPEGInst->usHeight;

            // The image is higher so we will fill the window (in the y
            // direction) and clip the image accordingly.
            sDstY = sRect.sYMin;
            sSrcY = (pJPEG->psJPEGInst->usHeight - usHeight) / 2 -

            // Ensure we don't wrap the image due to an offset that is too
            // large.
            sSrcY = (sSrcY < 0) ? 0 : sSrcY;

        // Start at the top left of the visible portion of the image (based on the
        // slider settings).
        pusRow = pJPEG->psJPEGInst->pusImage + sSrcX +
                 (sSrcY * pJPEG->psJPEGInst->usWidth);

        // Draw the rows of image data using direct calls to the display driver.
        for(usRow = 0; usRow < usHeight; usRow++)
                                           sDstX, sDstY + usRow, 0, usWidth, 16,
                                           (unsigned char *)pusRow, 0);
            pusRow += pJPEG->psJPEGInst->usWidth;

    // See if the JPEG widget text style is selected.
    if(pJPEG->ulStyle & JW_STYLE_TEXT)
        // Compute the center of the JPEG widget.
        sDstX = (sRect.sXMin + ((sRect.sXMax - sRect.sXMin + 1) / 2));
        sDstY = (sRect.sYMin + ((sRect.sYMax - sRect.sYMin + 1) / 2));

        // Draw the text centered in the middle of the JPEG widget.
        GrContextFontSet(&sCtx, pJPEG->pFont);
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pJPEG->ulTextColor);
        GrStringDrawCentered(&sCtx, pJPEG->pcText, -1, sDstX, sDstY, 0);
Example #18
//! Draws a circular push button.
//! \param pWidget is a pointer to the push button widget to be drawn.
//! This function draws a circular push button on the display.  This is called
//! in response to a \b #WIDGET_MSG_PAINT message.
//! \return None.
static void
CircularButtonPaint(tWidget *pWidget)
    const unsigned char *pucImage;
    tPushButtonWidget *pPush;
    tContext sCtx;
    long lX, lY, lR;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a push button widget pointer.
    pPush = (tPushButtonWidget *)pWidget;

    // Initialize a drawing context.
    GrContextInit(&sCtx, pWidget->pDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region based on the extents of this circular
    // push button.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));

    // Get the radius of the circular push button, along with the X and Y
    // coordinates for its center.
    lR = (pWidget->sPosition.sXMax - pWidget->sPosition.sXMin + 1) / 2;
    lX = pWidget->sPosition.sXMin + lR;
    lY = pWidget->sPosition.sYMin + lR;

    // See if the push button fill style is selected.
    if(pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_FILL)
        // Fill the push button with the fill color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, ((pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_PRESSED) ?
                                       pPush->ulPressFillColor :
        GrCircleFill(&sCtx, lX, lY, lR);

    // See if the push button outline style is selected.
    if(pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_OUTLINE)
        // Outline the push button with the outline color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pPush->ulOutlineColor);
        GrCircleDraw(&sCtx, lX, lY, lR);

    // See if the push button text or image style is selected.
    if(pPush->ulStyle & (PB_STYLE_TEXT | PB_STYLE_IMG))
        // If the push button outline style is selected then shrink the
        // clipping region by one pixel on each side so that the outline is not
        // overwritten by the text or image.
        if(pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_OUTLINE)

        // See if the push button image style is selected.
        if(pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_IMG)
            // Set the foreground and background colors to use for 1 BPP
            // images.
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pPush->ulTextColor);
                                   ((pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_PRESSED) ?
                                    pPush->ulPressFillColor :

            // Get the image to be drawn.
            pucImage = (((pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_PRESSED) &&
                         pPush->pucPressImage) ?
                        pPush->pucPressImage : pPush->pucImage);

            // Draw the image centered in the push button.
            GrImageDraw(&sCtx, pucImage, lX - (GrImageWidthGet(pucImage) / 2),
                        lY - (GrImageHeightGet(pucImage) / 2));

        // See if the push button text style is selected.
        if(pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_TEXT)
            // Draw the text centered in the middle of the push button.
            GrContextFontSet(&sCtx, pPush->pFont);
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pPush->ulTextColor);
                                   ((pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_PRESSED) ?
                                    pPush->ulPressFillColor :
            GrStringDrawCentered(&sCtx, pPush->pcText, -1, lX, lY,
                                 pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_TEXT_OPAQUE);
Example #19
//! Draws a rectangular push button.
//! \param psWidget is a pointer to the push button widget to be drawn.
//! This function draws a rectangular push button on the display.  This is
//! called in response to a \b #WIDGET_MSG_PAINT message.
//! \return None.
static void
RectangularButtonPaint(tWidget *psWidget)
    const uint8_t *pui8Image;
    tPushButtonWidget *pPush;
    tContext sCtx;
    int32_t i32X, i32Y;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a push button widget pointer.
    pPush = (tPushButtonWidget *)psWidget;

    // Initialize a drawing context.
    GrContextInit(&sCtx, psWidget->psDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region based on the extents of this rectangular
    // push button.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &(psWidget->sPosition));

    // See if the push button fill style is selected.
    if(pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_FILL)
        // Fill the push button with the fill color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, ((pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_PRESSED) ?
                                       pPush->ui32PressFillColor :
        GrRectFill(&sCtx, &(psWidget->sPosition));

    // See if the push button outline style is selected.
    if(pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_OUTLINE)
        // Outline the push button with the outline color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pPush->ui32OutlineColor);
        GrRectDraw(&sCtx, &(psWidget->sPosition));

    // See if the push button text or image style is selected.
    if(pPush->ui32Style & (PB_STYLE_TEXT | PB_STYLE_IMG))
        // Compute the center of the push button.
        i32X = (psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin +
              ((psWidget->sPosition.i16XMax -
                psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin + 1) / 2));
        i32Y = (psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin +
              ((psWidget->sPosition.i16YMax -
                psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin + 1) / 2));

        // If the push button outline style is selected then shrink the
        // clipping region by one pixel on each side so that the outline is not
        // overwritten by the text or image.
        if(pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_OUTLINE)

        // See if the push button image style is selected.
        if(pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_IMG)
            // Set the foreground and background colors to use for 1 BPP
            // images.
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pPush->ui32TextColor);
                                   ((pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_PRESSED) ?
                                    pPush->ui32PressFillColor :

            // Get the image to be drawn.
            pui8Image = (((pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_PRESSED) &&
                         pPush->pui8PressImage) ?
                        pPush->pui8PressImage : pPush->pui8Image);

            // Draw the image centered in the push button.
            GrImageDraw(&sCtx, pui8Image,
                        i32X - (GrImageWidthGet(pui8Image) / 2),
                        i32Y - (GrImageHeightGet(pui8Image) / 2));

        // See if the push button text style is selected.
        if(pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_TEXT)
            // Draw the text centered in the middle of the push button.
            GrContextFontSet(&sCtx, pPush->psFont);
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pPush->ui32TextColor);
                                   ((pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_PRESSED) ?
                                    pPush->ui32PressFillColor :
            GrStringDrawCentered(&sCtx, pPush->pcText, -1, i32X, i32Y,
                                 pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_TEXT_OPAQUE);
//! Draws the contents of a canvas.
//! \param pWidget is a pointer to the canvas widget to be drawn.
//! This function draws the contents of a canvas on the display.  This is
//! called in response to a \b #WIDGET_MSG_PAINT message.
//! \return None.
static void
CanvasPaint(tWidget *pWidget)
    tCanvasWidget *pCanvas;
    tContext sCtx;
    long lX, lY, lSize;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a canvas widget pointer.
    pCanvas = (tCanvasWidget *)pWidget;

    // Initialize a drawing context.
    GrContextInit(&sCtx, pWidget->pDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region based on the extents of this canvas.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));

    // See if the canvas fill style is selected.
    if(pCanvas->ulStyle & CANVAS_STYLE_FILL)
        // Fill the canvas with the fill color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pCanvas->ulFillColor);
        GrRectFill(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));

    // See if the canvas outline style is selected.
    if(pCanvas->ulStyle & CANVAS_STYLE_OUTLINE)
        // Outline the canvas with the outline color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pCanvas->ulOutlineColor);
        GrRectDraw(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));

    // See if the canvas text or image style is selected.
    if(pCanvas->ulStyle & (CANVAS_STYLE_TEXT | CANVAS_STYLE_IMG))
        // Compute the center of the canvas.
        lX = (pWidget->sPosition.sXMin +
              ((pWidget->sPosition.sXMax - pWidget->sPosition.sXMin + 1) / 2));
        lY = (pWidget->sPosition.sYMin +
              ((pWidget->sPosition.sYMax - pWidget->sPosition.sYMin + 1) / 2));

        // If the canvas outline style is selected then shrink the clipping
        // region by one pixel on each side so that the outline is not
        // overwritten by the text or image.
        if(pCanvas->ulStyle & CANVAS_STYLE_OUTLINE)

        // See if the canvas image style is selected.
        if(pCanvas->ulStyle & CANVAS_STYLE_IMG)
            // Set the foreground and background colors to use for 1 BPP
            // images.
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pCanvas->ulTextColor);
            GrContextBackgroundSet(&sCtx, pCanvas->ulFillColor);

            // Draw the image centered in the canvas.
            GrImageDraw(&sCtx, pCanvas->pucImage,
                        lX - (GrImageWidthGet(pCanvas->pucImage) / 2),
                        lY - (GrImageHeightGet(pCanvas->pucImage) / 2));

        // See if the canvas text style is selected.
        if(pCanvas->ulStyle & CANVAS_STYLE_TEXT)
            // Set the relevant font and colors.
            GrContextFontSet(&sCtx, pCanvas->pFont);
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pCanvas->ulTextColor);
            GrContextBackgroundSet(&sCtx, pCanvas->ulFillColor);

            // Determine the drawing position for the string based on the
            // text alignment style.  First consider the horizontal case.  We
            // enter this section with lX set to the center of the widget.

            // How wide is the string?
            lSize = GrStringWidthGet(&sCtx, pCanvas->pcText, -1);

            if(pCanvas->ulStyle & CANVAS_STYLE_TEXT_LEFT)
                // The string is to be aligned with the left edge of
                // the widget.  Use the clipping rectangle as reference
                // since this will ensure that the string doesn't
                // encroach on any border that is set.
                lX = sCtx.sClipRegion.sXMin;
                if(pCanvas->ulStyle & CANVAS_STYLE_TEXT_RIGHT)
                    // The string is to be aligned with the right edge of
                    // the widget.  Use the clipping rectangle as reference
                    // since this will ensure that the string doesn't
                    // encroach on any border that is set.
                    lX = sCtx.sClipRegion.sXMax - lSize;
                    // We are centering the string horizontally so adjust
                    // the position accordingly to take into account the
                    // width of the string.
                    lX -= (lSize / 2);

            // Now consider the horizontal case.  We enter this section with lY
            // set to the center of the widget.
            // How tall is the string?
            lSize = GrStringHeightGet(&sCtx);

            if(pCanvas->ulStyle & CANVAS_STYLE_TEXT_TOP)
                // The string is to be aligned with the top edge of
                // the widget.  Use the clipping rectangle as reference
                // since this will ensure that the string doesn't
                // encroach on any border that is set.
                lY = sCtx.sClipRegion.sYMin;
                if(pCanvas->ulStyle & CANVAS_STYLE_TEXT_BOTTOM)
                    // The string is to be aligned with the bottom edge of
                    // the widget.  Use the clipping rectangle as reference
                    // since this will ensure that the string doesn't
                    // encroach on any border that is set.
                    lY = sCtx.sClipRegion.sYMax - lSize;
                    // We are centering the string vertically so adjust
                    // the position accordingly to take into account the
                    // height of the string.
                    lY -= (lSize / 2);

            // Now draw the string.
            GrStringDraw(&sCtx, pCanvas->pcText, -1, lX, lY,
                         pCanvas->ulStyle & CANVAS_STYLE_TEXT_OPAQUE);

    // See if the application-drawn style is selected.
    if(pCanvas->ulStyle & CANVAS_STYLE_APP_DRAWN)
        // Call the application-supplied function to draw the canvas.
        pCanvas->pfnOnPaint(pWidget, &sCtx);
Example #21
//! Draws an image button.
//! \param pWidget is a pointer to the image button widget to be drawn.
//! This function draws a rectangular image button on the display.  This is
//! called in response to a \b #WIDGET_MSG_PAINT message.
//! \return None.
static void
ImageButtonPaint(tWidget *pWidget)
    const unsigned char *pucImage;
    tImageButtonWidget *pPush;
    tContext sCtx;
    long lX, lY;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a image button widget pointer.
    pPush = (tImageButtonWidget *)pWidget;

    // Initialize a drawing context.
    GrContextInit(&sCtx, pWidget->pDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region based on the extents of this rectangular
    // image button.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));

    // Compute the center of the image button.
    lX = (pWidget->sPosition.sXMin +
          ((pWidget->sPosition.sXMax - pWidget->sPosition.sXMin + 1) / 2));
    lY = (pWidget->sPosition.sYMin +
          ((pWidget->sPosition.sYMax - pWidget->sPosition.sYMin + 1) / 2));

    // Do we need to fill the widget background with a color?
    if(pPush->ulStyle & IB_STYLE_FILL)
        // Yes. Set the appropriate color depending upon whether or not
        // the widget is currently pressed.
                               ((pPush->ulStyle & IB_STYLE_PRESSED) ?
                                pPush->ulPressedColor :
        GrRectFill(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));

    // Set the foreground and background colors to use for 1 BPP
    // images and text
    GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pPush->ulForegroundColor);
                           ((pPush->ulStyle & IB_STYLE_PRESSED) ?
                            pPush->ulPressedColor :

    // Do we need to draw the background image?
    if(!(pPush->ulStyle & IB_STYLE_IMAGE_OFF))
        // Get the background image to be drawn.
        pucImage = ((pPush->ulStyle & IB_STYLE_PRESSED) ?
                    pPush->pucPressImage : pPush->pucImage);

        // Draw the image centered in the image button.
        GrImageDraw(&sCtx, pucImage, lX - (GrImageWidthGet(pucImage) / 2),
                    lY - (GrImageHeightGet(pucImage) / 2));

    // Adjust the drawing position if the button is pressed.
    lX += ((pPush->ulStyle & IB_STYLE_PRESSED) ? pPush->sXOffset : 0);
    lY += ((pPush->ulStyle & IB_STYLE_PRESSED) ? pPush->sYOffset : 0);

    // If there is a keycap image and it is not disabled, center this on the
    // top of the button, applying any offset defined if the button is
    // currently pressed.
    if(pPush->pucKeycapImage && !(pPush->ulStyle & IB_STYLE_KEYCAP_OFF))
        // Draw the keycap image.
        GrImageDraw(&sCtx, pPush->pucKeycapImage,
                    lX - (GrImageWidthGet(pPush->pucKeycapImage) / 2),
                    lY - (GrImageHeightGet(pPush->pucKeycapImage) / 2));

    // See if the button text style is selected.
    if(pPush->ulStyle & IB_STYLE_TEXT)
        // Draw the text centered in the middle of the button with offset
        // applied if the button is currently pressed.
        GrContextFontSet(&sCtx, pPush->pFont);
        GrStringDrawCentered(&sCtx, pPush->pcText, -1, lX, lY, 0);
//! Paints the clock set widget on the display.
//! \param psWidget is a pointer to the clock setting widget to be drawn.
//! This function draws the date and time fields of the clock setting widget
//! onto the display.  One of the fields can be highlighted.  This is
//! called in response to a \b WIDGET_MSG_PAINT message.
//! \return None.
static void
ClockSetPaint(tWidget *psWidget)
    tClockSetWidget *psClockWidget;
    tContext sContext;
    tRectangle sRect, sRectSel;
    struct tm *psTime;
    char pcBuf[8];
    int32_t i32X, i32Y, i32Width, i32Height;
    uint32_t ui32Idx, ui32FontHeight, ui32FontWidth, ui32SelWidth;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a clock set widget pointer.
    psClockWidget = (tClockSetWidget *)psWidget;

    // Get pointer to the time structure
    psTime = psClockWidget->psTime;

    // Initialize a drawing context.
    GrContextInit(&sContext, psWidget->psDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region based on the extents of this widget.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sContext, &(psWidget->sPosition));

    // Set the font for the context, and get font height and width - they
    // are used a lot later.
    GrContextFontSet(&sContext, psClockWidget->psFont);
    ui32FontHeight = GrFontHeightGet(psClockWidget->psFont);
    ui32FontWidth = GrFontMaxWidthGet(psClockWidget->psFont);

    // Fill the widget with the background color.
    GrContextForegroundSet(&sContext, psClockWidget->ui32BackgroundColor);
    GrRectFill(&sContext, &sContext.sClipRegion);

    // Draw a border around the widget
    GrContextForegroundSet(&sContext, psClockWidget->ui32ForegroundColor);
    GrContextBackgroundSet(&sContext, psClockWidget->ui32BackgroundColor);
    GrRectDraw(&sContext, &sContext.sClipRegion);

    // Compute a rectangle for the screen title.  Put it at the top of
    // the widget display, and sized to be the height of the font, plus
    // a few pixels of space.
    sRect.i16XMin = sContext.sClipRegion.i16XMin;
    sRect.i16XMax = sContext.sClipRegion.i16XMax;
    sRect.i16YMin = sContext.sClipRegion.i16YMin;
    sRect.i16YMax = ui32FontHeight * 2;
    GrRectDraw(&sContext, &sRect);

    // Print a title for the widget
    GrContextFontSet(&sContext, psClockWidget->psFont);
    GrStringDrawCentered(&sContext, "CLOCK SET", -1,
                         (1 + sRect.i16XMax - sRect.i16XMin) / 2,
                         (1 + sRect.i16YMax - sRect.i16YMin) / 2, 1);

    // Reset the rectangle to cover the non-title area of the display
    sRect.i16YMin = sRect.i16YMax + 1;
    sRect.i16YMax = sContext.sClipRegion.i16YMax;

    // Compute the width and height of the area remaining for showing the
    // clock fields.
    i32Width = 1 + (sRect.i16XMax - sRect.i16XMin);
    i32Height = 1 + (sRect.i16YMax - sRect.i16YMin);

    // Compute the X and Y starting point for the row that will show the
    // date.
    i32X = sRect.i16XMin + (i32Width - (ui32FontWidth * 10)) / 2;
    i32Y = sRect.i16YMin + ((i32Height * 1) / 6) - (ui32FontHeight / 2);

    // Draw the date field separators on the date row.
    GrStringDraw(&sContext, "/", -1, i32X + (ui32FontWidth * 4), i32Y, 0);
    GrStringDraw(&sContext, "/", -1, i32X + (ui32FontWidth * 7), i32Y, 0);

    // Compute the X and Y starting point for the row that will show the
    // time.
    i32X = sRect.i16XMin + (i32Width - (ui32FontWidth * 5)) / 2;
    i32Y = sRect.i16YMin + ((i32Height * 3) / 6) - (ui32FontHeight / 2);

    // Draw the time field separators on the time row.
    GrStringDraw(&sContext, ":", -1, i32X + (ui32FontWidth * 2), i32Y, 0);

    // Process each of the fields to be shown on the widget
    for(ui32Idx = 0; ui32Idx < NUM_FIELDS; ui32Idx++)
        // Compute the X and Y for the text for each field, and print the
        // text into a buffer.
            // Year
            case FIELD_YEAR:
                usnprintf(pcBuf, sizeof(pcBuf), "%4u", psTime->tm_year+1900);
                i32X = sRect.i16XMin + (i32Width - (ui32FontWidth * 10)) / 2;
                i32Y = sRect.i16YMin + ((i32Height * 1) / 6) -
                       (ui32FontHeight / 2);
                ui32SelWidth = 4;

            // Month
            case FIELD_MONTH:
                usnprintf(pcBuf, sizeof(pcBuf), "%02u", psTime->tm_mon + 1);
                i32X += ui32FontWidth * 5;
                ui32SelWidth = 2;

            // Day
            case FIELD_DAY:
                usnprintf(pcBuf, sizeof(pcBuf), "%02u", psTime->tm_mday);
                i32X += ui32FontWidth * 3;
                ui32SelWidth = 2;

            // Hour
            case FIELD_HOUR:
                usnprintf(pcBuf, sizeof(pcBuf), "%02u", psTime->tm_hour);
                i32X = sRect.i16XMin + (i32Width - (ui32FontWidth * 5)) / 2;
                i32Y = sRect.i16YMin + ((i32Height * 3) / 6) -
                       (ui32FontHeight / 2);
                ui32SelWidth = 2;

            // Minute
            case FIELD_MINUTE:
                usnprintf(pcBuf, sizeof(pcBuf), "%02u", psTime->tm_min);
                i32X += ui32FontWidth * 3;
                ui32SelWidth = 2;

            // OK
            case FIELD_OK:
                usnprintf(pcBuf, sizeof(pcBuf), "OK");
                i32X = (i32Width - (ui32FontWidth * 9)) / 2;
                i32X += sRect.i16XMin;
                i32Y = ((i32Height * 5) / 6) - (ui32FontHeight / 2);
                i32Y += sRect.i16YMin;
                ui32SelWidth = 2;

            // CANCEL (default case is purely to keep the compiler from
            // issuing a warning that ui32SelWidth may be used ininitialized).
            case FIELD_CANCEL:
                usnprintf(pcBuf, sizeof(pcBuf), "CANCEL");
                i32X += ui32FontWidth * 3;
                ui32SelWidth = 6;

        // If the current field index is the highlighted field, then this
        // text field will be drawn with highlighting.
        if(ui32Idx == psClockWidget->ui32Highlight)
            // Compute a rectangle for the highlight area.
            sRectSel.i16XMin = i32X;
            sRectSel.i16XMax = (ui32SelWidth * ui32FontWidth) + i32X;
            sRectSel.i16YMin = i32Y - 2;
            sRectSel.i16YMax = ui32FontHeight + i32Y + 2;

            // Set the foreground color to the text color, and then fill the
            // highlight rectangle.  The text field will be highlighted by
            // inverting the normal colors.
            // Then draw the highlighting rectangle.
            GrRectFill(&sContext, &sRectSel);

            // Change the foreground color to the normal background color.
            // This will be used for drawing the text for the highlighted
            // field, which has the colors inverted (FG <--> BG)
            // This text field is not highlighted so just set the normal
            // foreground color.

        // Print the text from the buffer to the display at the computed
        // location.
        GrStringDraw(&sContext, pcBuf, -1, i32X, i32Y, 0);
Example #23
//! Draws a check box widget.
//! \param pWidget is a pointer to the check box widget to be drawn.
//! \param bClick is a boolean that is \b true if the paint request is a result
//! of a pointer click and \b false if not.
//! This function draws a check box widget on the display.  This is called in
//! response to a \b #WIDGET_MSG_PAINT message.
//! \return None.
static void
CheckBoxPaint(tWidget *pWidget, unsigned long bClick)
    tCheckBoxWidget *pCheck;
    tRectangle sRect;
    tContext sCtx;
    long lY;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a check box widget pointer.
    pCheck = (tCheckBoxWidget *)pWidget;

    // Initialize a drawing context.
    GrContextInit(&sCtx, pWidget->pDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region based on the extents of this check box.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));

    // See if the check box fill style is selected.
    if((pCheck->usStyle & CB_STYLE_FILL) && !bClick)
        // Fill the check box with the fill color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pCheck->ulFillColor);
        GrRectFill(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));

    // See if the check box outline style is selected.
    if((pCheck->usStyle & CB_STYLE_OUTLINE) && !bClick)
        // Outline the check box with the outline color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pCheck->ulOutlineColor);
        GrRectDraw(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));

    // Draw the check box.
    sRect.sXMin = pWidget->sPosition.sXMin + 2;
    sRect.sYMin = (pWidget->sPosition.sYMin +
                   ((pWidget->sPosition.sYMax - pWidget->sPosition.sYMin -
                     pCheck->usBoxSize + 1) / 2));
    sRect.sXMax = sRect.sXMin + pCheck->usBoxSize - 1;
    sRect.sYMax = sRect.sYMin + pCheck->usBoxSize - 1;
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pCheck->ulOutlineColor);
        GrRectDraw(&sCtx, &sRect);

    // Select the foreground color based on whether or not the check box is
    // selected.
    if(pCheck->usStyle & CB_STYLE_SELECTED)
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pCheck->ulOutlineColor);
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pCheck->ulFillColor);

    // Draw an "X" in the check box.
    GrLineDraw(&sCtx, sRect.sXMin + 1, sRect.sYMin + 1, sRect.sXMax - 1,
               sRect.sYMax - 1);
    GrLineDraw(&sCtx, sRect.sXMin + 1, sRect.sYMax - 1, sRect.sXMax - 1,
               sRect.sYMin + 1);

    // See if the check box text or image style is selected.
    if((pCheck->usStyle & (CB_STYLE_TEXT | CB_STYLE_IMG)) && !bClick)
        // Shrink the clipping region by the size of the check box so that it
        // is not overwritten by further "decorative" portions of the widget.
        sCtx.sClipRegion.sXMin += pCheck->usBoxSize + 4;

        // If the check box outline style is selected then shrink the clipping
        // region by one pixel on each side so that the outline is not
        // overwritten by the text or image.
        if(pCheck->usStyle & CB_STYLE_OUTLINE)

        // See if the check box image style is selected.
        if(pCheck->usStyle & CB_STYLE_IMG)
            // Determine where along the Y extent of the widget to draw the
            // image.  It is drawn at the top if it takes all (or more than
            // all) of the Y extent of the widget, and it is drawn centered if
            // it takes less than the Y extent.
            if(GrImageHeightGet(pCheck->pucImage) >
               (sCtx.sClipRegion.sYMax - sCtx.sClipRegion.sYMin))
                lY = sCtx.sClipRegion.sYMin;
                lY = (sCtx.sClipRegion.sYMin +
                      ((sCtx.sClipRegion.sYMax - sCtx.sClipRegion.sYMin -
                        GrImageHeightGet(pCheck->pucImage) + 1) / 2));

            // Set the foreground and background colors to use for 1 BPP
            // images.
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pCheck->ulTextColor);
            GrContextBackgroundSet(&sCtx, pCheck->ulFillColor);

            // Draw the image next to the check box.
            GrImageDraw(&sCtx, pCheck->pucImage, sCtx.sClipRegion.sXMin, lY);

        // See if the check box text style is selected.
        if(pCheck->usStyle & CB_STYLE_TEXT)
            // Determine where along the Y extent of the widget to draw the
            // string.  It is drawn at the top if it takes all (or more than
            // all) of the Y extent of the widget, and it is drawn centered if
            // it takes less than the Y extent.
            if(GrFontHeightGet(pCheck->pFont) >
               (sCtx.sClipRegion.sYMax - sCtx.sClipRegion.sYMin))
                lY = sCtx.sClipRegion.sYMin;
                lY = (sCtx.sClipRegion.sYMin +
                      ((sCtx.sClipRegion.sYMax - sCtx.sClipRegion.sYMin -
                        GrFontHeightGet(pCheck->pFont) + 1) / 2));

            // Draw the text next to the check box.
            GrContextFontSet(&sCtx, pCheck->pFont);
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pCheck->ulTextColor);
            GrContextBackgroundSet(&sCtx, pCheck->ulFillColor);
            GrStringDraw(&sCtx, pCheck->pcText, -1, sCtx.sClipRegion.sXMin,
                         lY, pCheck->usStyle & CB_STYLE_TEXT_OPAQUE);
Example #24
//! Draws a radio button widget.
//! \param psWidget is a pointer to the radio button widget to be drawn.
//! \param bClick is a boolean that is \b true if the paint request is a result
//! of a pointer click and \b false if not.
//! This function draws a radio button widget on the display.  This is called
//! in response to a \b #WIDGET_MSG_PAINT message.
//! \return None.
static void
RadioButtonPaint(tWidget *psWidget, uint32_t bClick)
    tRadioButtonWidget *pRadio;
    tContext sCtx;
    int32_t i32X, i32Y;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a radio button widget pointer.
    pRadio = (tRadioButtonWidget *)psWidget;

    // Initialize a drawing context.
    GrContextInit(&sCtx, psWidget->psDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region based on the extents of this radio
    // button.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &(psWidget->sPosition));

    // See if the radio button fill style is selected.
    if((pRadio->ui16Style & RB_STYLE_FILL) && !bClick)
        // Fill the radio button with the fill color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pRadio->ui32FillColor);
        GrRectFill(&sCtx, &(psWidget->sPosition));

    // See if the radio button outline style is selected.
    if((pRadio->ui16Style & RB_STYLE_OUTLINE) && !bClick)
        // Outline the radio button with the outline color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pRadio->ui32OutlineColor);
        GrRectDraw(&sCtx, &(psWidget->sPosition));

    // Draw the radio button.
    i32X = psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin + (pRadio->ui16CircleSize / 2) + 2;
    i32Y = (psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin +
            ((psWidget->sPosition.i16YMax - psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin) / 2));
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pRadio->ui32OutlineColor);
        GrCircleDraw(&sCtx, i32X, i32Y, pRadio->ui16CircleSize / 2);

    // Select the foreground color based on whether or not the radio button is
    // selected.
    if(pRadio->ui16Style & RB_STYLE_SELECTED)
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pRadio->ui32OutlineColor);
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pRadio->ui32FillColor);

    // Fill in the radio button.
    GrCircleFill(&sCtx, i32X, i32Y, (pRadio->ui16CircleSize / 2) - 2);

    // See if the radio button text or image style is selected.
    if((pRadio->ui16Style & (RB_STYLE_TEXT | RB_STYLE_IMG)) && !bClick)
        // Shrink the clipping region by the size of the radio button so that
        // it is not overwritten by further "decorative" portions of the
        // widget.
        sCtx.sClipRegion.i16XMin += pRadio->ui16CircleSize + 4;

        // If the radio button outline style is selected then shrink the
        // clipping region by one pixel on each side so that the outline is not
        // overwritten by the text or image.
        if(pRadio->ui16Style & RB_STYLE_OUTLINE)

        // See if the radio button image style is selected.
        if(pRadio->ui16Style & RB_STYLE_IMG)
            // Determine where along the Y extent of the widget to draw the
            // image.  It is drawn at the top if it takes all (or more than
            // all) of the Y extent of the widget, and it is drawn centered if
            // it takes less than the Y extent.
            if(GrImageHeightGet(pRadio->pui8Image) >
                    (sCtx.sClipRegion.i16YMax - sCtx.sClipRegion.i16YMin))
                i32Y = sCtx.sClipRegion.i16YMin;
                i32Y = (sCtx.sClipRegion.i16YMin +
                        ((sCtx.sClipRegion.i16YMax - sCtx.sClipRegion.i16YMin -
                          GrImageHeightGet(pRadio->pui8Image) + 1) / 2));

            // Set the foreground and background colors to use for 1 BPP
            // images.
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pRadio->ui32TextColor);
            GrContextBackgroundSet(&sCtx, pRadio->ui32FillColor);

            // Draw the image next to the radio button.
            GrImageDraw(&sCtx, pRadio->pui8Image, sCtx.sClipRegion.i16XMin,

        // See if the radio button text style is selected.
        if(pRadio->ui16Style & RB_STYLE_TEXT)
            // Determine where along the Y extent of the widget to draw the
            // string.  It is drawn at the top if it takes all (or more than
            // all) of the Y extent of the widget, and it is drawn centered if
            // it takes less than the Y extent.
            if(GrFontHeightGet(pRadio->psFont) >
                    (sCtx.sClipRegion.i16YMax - sCtx.sClipRegion.i16YMin))
                i32Y = sCtx.sClipRegion.i16YMin;
                i32Y = (sCtx.sClipRegion.i16YMin +
                        ((sCtx.sClipRegion.i16YMax - sCtx.sClipRegion.i16YMin -
                          GrFontHeightGet(pRadio->psFont) + 1) / 2));

            // Draw the text next to the radio button.
            GrContextFontSet(&sCtx, pRadio->psFont);
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pRadio->ui32TextColor);
            GrContextBackgroundSet(&sCtx, pRadio->ui32FillColor);
            GrStringDraw(&sCtx, pRadio->pcText, -1, sCtx.sClipRegion.i16XMin,
                         i32Y, pRadio->ui16Style & RB_STYLE_TEXT_OPAQUE);
Example #25
//! Performs the sliding menu operation, in response to the "up" button.
//! \param psWidget is a pointer to the slide menu widget to move up.
//! This function will respond to the "up" key/button event.  The up
//! button is used to select the previous menu item down the list, and the
//! effect is that the menu itself slides down, leaving the highlighted menu
//! item in the middle of the screen.
//! This function repeatedly draws the menu onto the display until the sliding
//! animation is finished and will not return to the caller until then.  This
//! function is usually called from the thread context of
//! WidgetMessageQueueProcess().
//! \return Returns a non-zero value if the menu was moved or was not moved
//! because it is already at the first position.  If a child widget is active
//! then this function does nothing and returns a 0.
static int32_t
SlideMenuUp(tWidget *psWidget)
    tSlideMenuWidget *psMenuWidget;
    tSlideMenu *psMenu;
    tContext sContext;
    uint32_t ui32MenuHeight;
    uint32_t ui32Y;

    // If this menu widget has a child widget, that means the child widget
    // is in control of the display, and there is nothing to do here.

    // Get handy pointers to the menu widget, and the menu that is currently
    // displayed.
    psMenuWidget = (tSlideMenuWidget *)psWidget;
    psMenu = psMenuWidget->psSlideMenu;

    // If we are already at the start of the list of menu items, then there
    // is nothing else to do.
    if(psMenu->ui32FocusIndex == 0)

    // Decrement the focus menu item.  This has the effect of selecting the
    // previous menu item in the list.

    // Initialize a context for the primary off-screen drawing buffer.
    // Clip region is set to entire display by default, which is what we want.
    GrContextInit(&sContext, psMenuWidget->psDisplayA);

    // Render the menu into the off-screen buffer.  This will be the same
    // menu appearance as before, except the highlighted item has changed
    // to the previous menu item up.
    SlideMenuDraw(psMenuWidget, &sContext, 0);

    // Draw a continuation of this menu in the second offscreen buffer.
    // This is the part of the menu that would be drawn above this menu if the
    // display were twice as tall.  We are effectively creating a virtual
    // display that is twice as tall as the physical display.
    GrContextInit(&sContext, psMenuWidget->psDisplayB);
    SlideMenuDraw(psMenuWidget, &sContext,
                  (psMenuWidget->sBase.sPosition.i16YMax -

    // Initialize a drawing context for the display where the widget is to be
    // drawn.  This is the physical display, not an off-screen buffer.
    GrContextInit(&sContext, psWidget->psDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region on the physical display, based on the
    // extents of this widget.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sContext, &(psWidget->sPosition));

    // Get the height of the displayed part of the menu.
    ui32MenuHeight = psMenuWidget->psDisplayA->ui16Height;

    // Now copy the rendered menu into the physical display
    // Iterate over the Y displacement of one menu item cell.  This loop
    // will repeatedly draw both off screen buffers to the physical display,
    // adjusting the position of each by one pixel each time it is drawn.  Each
    // time the offset is changed so that both buffers are drawn one lower
    // than the previous time.  This will have the effect of "sliding" the
    // entire menu down by the height of one menu item cell.
    // The speed of the animation is controlled entirely by the speed of the
    // processor and the speed of the interface to the physical display.
    for(ui32Y = 0; ui32Y <= psMenuWidget->ui32MenuItemHeight; ui32Y++)
        GrImageDraw(&sContext, psMenuWidget->psDisplayB->pvDisplayData,
                    psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin + ui32Y - ui32MenuHeight);
        GrImageDraw(&sContext, psMenuWidget->psDisplayA->pvDisplayData,
                    psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin + ui32Y);

    // Decrement the  centered menu item.  This will now match the menu item
    // with the focus.  When the menu is repainted again, the newly selected
    // menu item will be centered and highlighted.
    psMenu->ui32CenterIndex = psMenu->ui32FocusIndex;

    // Initialize a context for the primary off-screen drawing buffer.
    // Clip region is set to entire display by default, which is what we want.
    GrContextInit(&sContext, psMenuWidget->psDisplayA);

    // Render the menu into the off-screen buffer.  This will be the same
    // menu appearance as before, except the highlighted item has changed
    // to the next menu item up.  Now when a repaint occurs the menu
    // will be redrawn with the newly highlighted menu item.
    SlideMenuDraw(psMenuWidget, &sContext, 0);

    // Return indication that we handled the key event.
Example #26
//! Draws a container widget.
//! \param pWidget is a pointer to the container widget to be drawn.
//! This function draws a container widget on the display.  This is called in
//! response to a \b #WIDGET_MSG_PAINT message.
//! \return None.
static void
ContainerPaint(tWidget *pWidget)
    tContainerWidget *pContainer;
    long lX1, lX2, lY;
    tContext sCtx;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a container widget pointer.
    pContainer = (tContainerWidget *)pWidget;

    // Initialize a drawing context.
    GrContextInit(&sCtx, pWidget->pDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region based on the extents of this container.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));

    // See if the container fill style is selected.
    if(pContainer->ulStyle & CTR_STYLE_FILL)
        // Fill the container with the fill color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pContainer->ulFillColor);
        GrRectFill(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));

    // See if the container text style is selected.
    if(pContainer->ulStyle & CTR_STYLE_TEXT)
        // Set the font and colors used to draw the container text.
        GrContextFontSet(&sCtx, pContainer->pFont);
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pContainer->ulTextColor);
        GrContextBackgroundSet(&sCtx, pContainer->ulFillColor);

        // Get the width of the container text.
        lX2 = GrStringWidthGet(&sCtx, pContainer->pcText, -1);

        // Determine the position of the text.  The position depends on the
        // the width of the string and if centering is enabled.
        if(pContainer->ulStyle & CTR_STYLE_TEXT_CENTER)
            lX1 = (pWidget->sPosition.sXMin +
                   ((pWidget->sPosition.sXMax - pWidget->sPosition.sXMin + 1 -
                     lX2 - 8) / 2));
            lX1 = pWidget->sPosition.sXMin + 4;

        // Draw the container text.
        GrStringDraw(&sCtx, pContainer->pcText, -1, lX1 + 4,
                     pContainer->ulStyle & CTR_STYLE_TEXT_OPAQUE);

        // See if the container outline style is selected.
        if(pContainer->ulStyle & CTR_STYLE_OUTLINE)
            // Get the position of the right side of the string.
            lX2 = lX1 + lX2 + 8;

            // Get the position of the vertical center of the text.
            lY = (pWidget->sPosition.sYMin +
                  (GrFontBaselineGet(pContainer->pFont) / 2));

            // Set the color to draw the outline.
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pContainer->ulOutlineColor);

            // Draw the outline around the container widget, leaving a gap
            // where the text reside across the top of the widget.
            GrLineDraw(&sCtx, lX1, lY, pWidget->sPosition.sXMin, lY);
            GrLineDraw(&sCtx, pWidget->sPosition.sXMin, lY,
                       pWidget->sPosition.sXMin, pWidget->sPosition.sYMax);
            GrLineDraw(&sCtx, pWidget->sPosition.sXMin,
                       pWidget->sPosition.sYMax, pWidget->sPosition.sXMax,
            GrLineDraw(&sCtx, pWidget->sPosition.sXMax,
                       pWidget->sPosition.sYMax, pWidget->sPosition.sXMax, lY);
            GrLineDraw(&sCtx, pWidget->sPosition.sXMax, lY, lX2, lY);

    // Otherwise, see if the container outline style is selected.
    else if(pContainer->ulStyle & CTR_STYLE_OUTLINE)
        // Outline the container with the outline color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pContainer->ulOutlineColor);
        GrRectDraw(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));
Example #27
//! Performs the sliding menu operation, in response to the "right" button.
//! \param psWidget is a pointer to the slide menu widget to move to the right.
//! This function will respond to the "right" key/button event.  The right
//! button is used to select the next menu level below the current menu item,
//! or a widget that is activated by the menu item.  The effect is that the
//! menu itself slides off to the left, and the new menu or widget slides in
//! from the right.
//! This function repeatedly draws the menu onto the display until the sliding
//! animation is finished and will not return to the caller until then.  This
//! function is usually called from the thread context of
//! WidgetMessageQueueProcess().
//! \return Returns a non-zero value if the menu was moved or was not moved
//! because it is already at the last position.  If a child widget is active
//! then this function does nothing and returns a 0.
static int32_t
SlideMenuRight(tWidget *psWidget)
    tSlideMenuWidget *psMenuWidget;
    tSlideMenu *psMenu;
    tSlideMenu *psChildMenu;
    tContext sContext;
    tWidget *psChildWidget;
    uint32_t ui32X;
    uint32_t ui32MenuWidth;

    // If this menu widget has a child widget, that means the child widget
    // is in control of the display, and there is nothing to do here.

    // Get handy pointers to the menu widget, and the current menu, and the
    // child menu and widget if they exist.
    psMenuWidget = (tSlideMenuWidget *)psWidget;
    psMenu = psMenuWidget->psSlideMenu;
    psChildMenu = psMenu->psSlideMenuItems[psMenu->ui32FocusIndex].psChildMenu;
    psChildWidget = psMenu->psSlideMenuItems[psMenu->ui32FocusIndex].psChildWidget;

    // Initialize a context for the secondary off-screen drawing buffer.
    // Clip region is set to entire display by default, which is what we want.
    GrContextInit(&sContext, psMenuWidget->psDisplayB);

    // Render the current menu into off-screen buffer B.  This
    // will be the same menu appearance as is already being shown.
    SlideMenuDraw(psMenuWidget, &sContext, 0);

    // Now set up context for drawing into off-screen buffer A
    GrContextInit(&sContext, psMenuWidget->psDisplayA);

    // Process child menu of this menu item
        // Switch the active menu for this SlideMenuWidget to be the child
        // menu
        psMenuWidget->psSlideMenu = psChildMenu;

        // Draw the new (child) menu into off-screen buffer A
        SlideMenuDraw(psMenuWidget, &sContext, 0);

    // Process child widget of this menu item.  This only happens if there
    // is no child menu.
    else if(psChildWidget)
        // Call the widget activated callback function.  This will notify
        // the application that a child widget has been activated by the
        // menu system.

        // Link the new child widget into this SlideMenuWidget so
        // it appears as a child to this widget.  Normally the menu widget
        // has no child widget.
        psWidget->psChild = psChildWidget;
        psChildWidget->psParent = psWidget;

        // Fill a rectangle with the new child widget background color.
        // This is done in off-screen buffer A.  When the menu slides off,
        // it will be replaced by a blank background that will then be
        // controlled by the new child widget.
        GrRectFill(&sContext, &sContext.sClipRegion);

        // Request a repaint for the child widget so it can draw itself once
        // the menu slide is done.

    // There is no child menu or child widget, so there is nothing to change
    // on the display.

    // Initialize a drawing context for the display where the widget is to be
    // drawn.  This is the physical display, not an off-screen buffer.
    GrContextInit(&sContext, psWidget->psDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region on the physical display, based on the
    // extents of this widget.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sContext, &(psWidget->sPosition));

    // Get the width of the menu widget which is used in calculations below
    ui32MenuWidth = psMenuWidget->psDisplayA->ui16Width;

    // The following loop draws the two off-screen buffers onto the physical
    // display using a right-to-left-wipe.  This will provide an appearance
    // of sliding to the left.  The new child menu, or child widget background
    // will slide in from the right.  The "old" menu is being held in
    // off-screen buffer B and the new one is in buffer A.  So when we are
    // done, the correct image will be in buffer A.
    for(ui32X = 0; ui32X <= ui32MenuWidth; ui32X += 8)
        GrImageDraw(&sContext, psMenuWidget->psDisplayB->pvDisplayData,
                    psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin - ui32X,
        GrImageDraw(&sContext, psMenuWidget->psDisplayA->pvDisplayData,
                    psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin + ui32MenuWidth - ui32X,

    // Return indication that we handled the key event.