Example #1
//! Draws a circular push button.
//! \param psWidget is a pointer to the push button widget to be drawn.
//! This function draws a circular push button on the display.  This is called
//! in response to a \b #WIDGET_MSG_PAINT message.
//! \return None.
static void
CircularButtonPaint(tWidget *psWidget)
    const uint8_t *pui8Image;
    tPushButtonWidget *pPush;
    tContext sCtx;
    int32_t i32X, i32Y, i32R;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a push button widget pointer.
    pPush = (tPushButtonWidget *)psWidget;

    // Initialize a drawing context.
    GrContextInit(&sCtx, psWidget->psDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region based on the extents of this circular
    // push button.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &(psWidget->sPosition));

    // Get the radius of the circular push button, along with the X and Y
    // coordinates for its center.
    i32R = (psWidget->sPosition.i16XMax - psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin + 1) / 2;
    i32X = psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin + i32R;
    i32Y = psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin + i32R;

    // See if the push button fill style is selected.
    if(pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_FILL)
        // Fill the push button with the fill color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, ((pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_PRESSED) ?
                                       pPush->ui32PressFillColor :
        GrCircleFill(&sCtx, i32X, i32Y, i32R);

    // See if the push button outline style is selected.
    if(pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_OUTLINE)
        // Outline the push button with the outline color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pPush->ui32OutlineColor);
        GrCircleDraw(&sCtx, i32X, i32Y, i32R);

    // See if the push button text or image style is selected.
    if(pPush->ui32Style & (PB_STYLE_TEXT | PB_STYLE_IMG))
        // If the push button outline style is selected then shrink the
        // clipping region by one pixel on each side so that the outline is not
        // overwritten by the text or image.
        if(pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_OUTLINE)

        // See if the push button image style is selected.
        if(pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_IMG)
            // Set the foreground and background colors to use for 1 BPP
            // images.
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pPush->ui32TextColor);
                                   ((pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_PRESSED) ?
                                    pPush->ui32PressFillColor :

            // Get the image to be drawn.
            pui8Image = (((pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_PRESSED) &&
                         pPush->pui8PressImage) ?
                        pPush->pui8PressImage : pPush->pui8Image);

            // Draw the image centered in the push button.
            GrImageDraw(&sCtx, pui8Image, i32X - (GrImageWidthGet(pui8Image) / 2),
                        i32Y - (GrImageHeightGet(pui8Image) / 2));

        // See if the push button text style is selected.
        if(pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_TEXT)
            // Draw the text centered in the middle of the push button.
            GrContextFontSet(&sCtx, pPush->psFont);
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pPush->ui32TextColor);
                                   ((pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_PRESSED) ?
                                    pPush->ui32PressFillColor :
            GrStringDrawCentered(&sCtx, pPush->pcText, -1, i32X, i32Y,
                                 pPush->ui32Style & PB_STYLE_TEXT_OPAQUE);
Example #2
//! Draws an image button.
//! \param psWidget is a pointer to the image button widget to be drawn.
//! This function draws a rectangular image button on the display.  This is
//! called in response to a \b #WIDGET_MSG_PAINT message.
//! \return None.
static void
ImageButtonPaint(tWidget *psWidget)
    const uint8_t *pui8Image;
    tImageButtonWidget *psPush;
    tContext sCtx;
    int32_t i32X, i32Y;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a image button widget pointer.
    psPush = (tImageButtonWidget *)psWidget;

    // Initialize a drawing context.
    GrContextInit(&sCtx, psWidget->psDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region based on the extents of this rectangular
    // image button.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &(psWidget->sPosition));

    // Compute the center of the image button.
    i32X = (psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin +
          ((psWidget->sPosition.i16XMax -
            psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin + 1) / 2));
    i32Y = (psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin +
          ((psWidget->sPosition.i16YMax -
            psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin + 1) / 2));

    // Do we need to fill the widget background with a color?
    if(psPush->ui32Style & IB_STYLE_FILL)
        // Yes. Set the appropriate color depending upon whether or not
        // the widget is currently pressed.
                               ((psPush->ui32Style & IB_STYLE_PRESSED) ?
                                psPush->ui32PressedColor :
        GrRectFill(&sCtx, &(psWidget->sPosition));

    // Set the foreground and background colors to use for 1 BPP
    // images and text
    GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, psPush->ui32ForegroundColor);
                           ((psPush->ui32Style & IB_STYLE_PRESSED) ?
                            psPush->ui32PressedColor :

    // Do we need to draw the background image?
    if(!(psPush->ui32Style & IB_STYLE_IMAGE_OFF))
        // Get the background image to be drawn.
        pui8Image = ((psPush->ui32Style & IB_STYLE_PRESSED) ?
                    psPush->pui8PressImage : psPush->pui8Image);

        // Draw the image centered in the image button.
        GrImageDraw(&sCtx, pui8Image, i32X - (GrImageWidthGet(pui8Image) / 2),
                    i32Y - (GrImageHeightGet(pui8Image) / 2));

    // Adjust the drawing position if the button is pressed.
    i32X += ((psPush->ui32Style & IB_STYLE_PRESSED) ? psPush->i16XOffset : 0);
    i32Y += ((psPush->ui32Style & IB_STYLE_PRESSED) ? psPush->i16YOffset : 0);

    // If there is a keycap image and it is not disabled, center this on the
    // top of the button, applying any offset defined if the button is
    // currently pressed.
    if(psPush->pui8KeycapImage && !(psPush->ui32Style & IB_STYLE_KEYCAP_OFF))
        // Draw the keycap image.
        GrImageDraw(&sCtx, psPush->pui8KeycapImage,
                    i32X - (GrImageWidthGet(psPush->pui8KeycapImage) / 2),
                    i32Y - (GrImageHeightGet(psPush->pui8KeycapImage) / 2));

    // See if the button text style is selected.
    if(psPush->ui32Style & IB_STYLE_TEXT)
        // Draw the text centered in the middle of the button with offset
        // applied if the button is currently pressed.
        GrContextFontSet(&sCtx, psPush->psFont);
        GrStringDrawCentered(&sCtx, psPush->pcText, -1, i32X, i32Y, 0);
//! Draws a slider.
//! \param psWidget is a pointer to the slider widget to be drawn.
//! \param psDirty is the subrectangle of the widget which is to be redrawn.
//! This is expressed in screen coordinates.
//! This function draws a slider on the display.  This is called in response to
//! a \b #WIDGET_MSG_PAINT message or when the slider position changes.
//! \return None.
static void
SliderPaint(tWidget *psWidget, tRectangle *psDirty)
    tRectangle sClipRect, sValueRect, sEmptyRect, sActiveClip;
    tSliderWidget *pSlider;
    tContext sCtx;
    int32_t i32X, i32Y;
    bool bIntersect;
    int16_t i16Pos;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a slider widget pointer.
    pSlider = (tSliderWidget *)psWidget;

    // Initialize a drawing context.
    GrContextInit(&sCtx, psWidget->psDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region based on the update rectangle passed.
    bIntersect = GrRectIntersectGet(psDirty, &(pSlider->sBase.sPosition),
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &sClipRect);

    // Draw the control outline if necessary.
    if(pSlider->ui32Style & SL_STYLE_OUTLINE)
        // Outline the slider with the outline color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ui32OutlineColor);
        GrRectDraw(&sCtx, &(psWidget->sPosition));

        // Adjust the clipping rectangle to prevent the outline from being
        // corrupted later.
        if(sClipRect.i16XMin == psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin)

        if(sClipRect.i16YMin == psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin)

        if(sClipRect.i16XMax == psWidget->sPosition.i16XMax)

        if(sClipRect.i16YMax == psWidget->sPosition.i16YMax)

    // Determine the position associated with the current slider value.
    i16Pos = SliderValueToPosition(pSlider, pSlider->i32Value);

    // Remember this so that the dirty rectangle code in the click handler
    // draws the correct thing the first time it is called.
    pSlider->i16Pos = i16Pos;

    // Determine the rectangles for the active and empty portions of the
    // widget.
    if(pSlider->ui32Style & SL_STYLE_VERTICAL)
        // Determine the rectangle corresponding to the bottom (value) portion
        // of the slider.
        sValueRect.i16XMin = psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin;
        sValueRect.i16XMax = psWidget->sPosition.i16XMax;
        sValueRect.i16YMin = i16Pos;
        sValueRect.i16YMax = psWidget->sPosition.i16YMax;

        // Determine the rectangle corresponding to the top (empty) portion
        // of the slider.
        sEmptyRect.i16XMin = psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin;
        sEmptyRect.i16XMax = psWidget->sPosition.i16XMax;
        sEmptyRect.i16YMin = psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin;
        sEmptyRect.i16YMax = max(sEmptyRect.i16YMin, sValueRect.i16YMin - 1);
        // Determine the rectangle corresponding to the bottom (value) portion
        // of the slider.
        sValueRect.i16YMin = psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin;
        sValueRect.i16YMax = psWidget->sPosition.i16YMax;
        sValueRect.i16XMin = psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin;
        sValueRect.i16XMax = i16Pos;

        // Determine the rectangle corresponding to the top (empty) portion
        // of the slider.
        sEmptyRect.i16YMin = psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin;
        sEmptyRect.i16YMax = psWidget->sPosition.i16YMax;
        sEmptyRect.i16XMax = psWidget->sPosition.i16XMax;
        sEmptyRect.i16XMin = min(sEmptyRect.i16XMax, sValueRect.i16XMax + 1);

    // Compute the center of the slider.  This will be needed later if drawing
    // text or an image.
    i32X = (psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin +
          ((psWidget->sPosition.i16XMax -
            psWidget->sPosition.i16XMin + 1) / 2));
    i32Y = (psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin +
          ((psWidget->sPosition.i16YMax -
            psWidget->sPosition.i16YMin + 1) / 2));

    // Get the required clipping rectangle for the active/value part of
    // the slider.
    bIntersect = GrRectIntersectGet(&sClipRect, &sValueRect, &sActiveClip);

    // Does any part of the value rectangle intersect with the region we are
    // supposed to be redrawing?
        // Yes - we have something to draw.

        // Set the new clipping rectangle.
        GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &sActiveClip);

        // Do we need to fill the active area with a color?
        if(pSlider->ui32Style & SL_STYLE_FILL)
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ui32FillColor);
            GrRectFill(&sCtx, &sValueRect);

        // Do we need to draw an image in the active area?
        if(pSlider->ui32Style & SL_STYLE_IMG)
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ui32TextColor);
            GrContextBackgroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ui32FillColor);
            GrImageDraw(&sCtx, pSlider->pui8Image,
                        i32X - (GrImageWidthGet(pSlider->pui8Image) / 2),
                        i32Y - (GrImageHeightGet(pSlider->pui8Image) / 2));

        // Do we need to render a text string over the top of the active area?
        if(pSlider->ui32Style & SL_STYLE_TEXT)
            GrContextFontSet(&sCtx, pSlider->psFont);
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ui32TextColor);
            GrContextBackgroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ui32FillColor);
            GrStringDrawCentered(&sCtx, pSlider->pcText, -1, i32X, i32Y,
                                 pSlider->ui32Style & SL_STYLE_TEXT_OPAQUE);

    // Now get the required clipping rectangle for the background portion of
    // the slider.
    bIntersect = GrRectIntersectGet(&sClipRect, &sEmptyRect, &sActiveClip);

    // Does any part of the background rectangle intersect with the region we
    // are supposed to be redrawing?
        // Yes - we have something to draw.

        // Set the new clipping rectangle.
        GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &sActiveClip);

        // Do we need to fill the active area with a color?
        if(pSlider->ui32Style & SL_STYLE_BACKG_FILL)
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ui32BackgroundFillColor);
            GrRectFill(&sCtx, &sEmptyRect);

        // Do we need to draw an image in the active area?
        if(pSlider->ui32Style & SL_STYLE_BACKG_IMG)
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ui32BackgroundTextColor);
            GrContextBackgroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ui32BackgroundFillColor);
            GrImageDraw(&sCtx, pSlider->pui8BackgroundImage,
                  i32X - (GrImageWidthGet(pSlider->pui8BackgroundImage) / 2),
                  i32Y - (GrImageHeightGet(pSlider->pui8BackgroundImage) / 2));

        // Do we need to render a text string over the top of the active area?
        if(pSlider->ui32Style & SL_STYLE_BACKG_TEXT)
            GrContextFontSet(&sCtx, pSlider->psFont);
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ui32BackgroundTextColor);
            GrContextBackgroundSet(&sCtx, pSlider->ui32BackgroundFillColor);
            GrStringDrawCentered(&sCtx, pSlider->pcText, -1, i32X, i32Y,
                              pSlider->ui32Style & SL_STYLE_BACKG_TEXT_OPAQUE);
Example #4
//! Draws a rectangular push button.
//! \param pWidget is a pointer to the push button widget to be drawn.
//! This function draws a rectangular push button on the display.  This is
//! called in response to a \b #WIDGET_MSG_PAINT message.
//! \return None.
static void
RectangularButtonPaint(tWidget *pWidget)
    const unsigned char *pucImage;
    tPushButtonWidget *pPush;
    tContext sCtx;
    long lX, lY;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Convert the generic widget pointer into a push button widget pointer.
    pPush = (tPushButtonWidget *)pWidget;

    // Initialize a drawing context.
    GrContextInit(&sCtx, pWidget->pDisplay);

    // Initialize the clipping region based on the extents of this rectangular
    // push button.
    GrContextClipRegionSet(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));

    // See if the push button fill style is selected.
    if(pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_FILL)
        // Fill the push button with the fill color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, ((pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_PRESSED) ?
                                       pPush->ulPressFillColor :
        GrRectFill(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));

    // See if the push button outline style is selected.
    if(pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_OUTLINE)
        // Outline the push button with the outline color.
        GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pPush->ulOutlineColor);
        GrRectDraw(&sCtx, &(pWidget->sPosition));

    // See if the push button text or image style is selected.
    if(pPush->ulStyle & (PB_STYLE_TEXT | PB_STYLE_IMG))
        // Compute the center of the push button.
        lX = (pWidget->sPosition.sXMin +
              ((pWidget->sPosition.sXMax - pWidget->sPosition.sXMin + 1) / 2));
        lY = (pWidget->sPosition.sYMin +
              ((pWidget->sPosition.sYMax - pWidget->sPosition.sYMin + 1) / 2));

        // If the push button outline style is selected then shrink the
        // clipping region by one pixel on each side so that the outline is not
        // overwritten by the text or image.
        if(pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_OUTLINE)

        // See if the push button image style is selected.
        if(pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_IMG)
            // Set the foreground and background colors to use for 1 BPP
            // images.
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pPush->ulTextColor);
                                   ((pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_PRESSED) ?
                                    pPush->ulPressFillColor :

            // Get the image to be drawn.
            pucImage = (((pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_PRESSED) &&
                         pPush->pucPressImage) ?
                        pPush->pucPressImage : pPush->pucImage);

            // Draw the image centered in the push button.
            GrImageDraw(&sCtx, pucImage, lX - (GrImageWidthGet(pucImage) / 2),
                        lY - (GrImageHeightGet(pucImage) / 2));

        // See if the push button text style is selected.
        if(pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_TEXT)
            // Draw the text centered in the middle of the push button.
            GrContextFontSet(&sCtx, pPush->pFont);
            GrContextForegroundSet(&sCtx, pPush->ulTextColor);
                                   ((pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_PRESSED) ?
                                    pPush->ulPressFillColor :
            GrStringDrawCentered(&sCtx, pPush->pcText, -1, lX, lY,
                                 pPush->ulStyle & PB_STYLE_TEXT_OPAQUE);