Example #1
LCUI_API int Graph_FillAlpha( LCUI_Graph *src, uchar_t alpha )
	int y, row_start;
	LCUI_Rect src_rect;
	/* 获取引用的区域在源图形中的有效区域 */
	src_rect = Graph_GetValidRect( src );
	/* 获取引用的源图指针 */
	src = Graph_GetQuote( src );
	if(! Graph_IsValid(src) ) {
		return -1;
	if( !Graph_HaveAlpha(src) ) {
		return -2;
	row_start = src_rect.x + src_rect.y * src->w;
	for(y=0; y<src_rect.height; ++y) {
		memset( &src->rgba[3][row_start], 
			alpha, src_rect.width*sizeof(uchar_t) );
		row_start += src->w;
	return 0; 
Example #2
LCUI_EXPORT(int) write_png(const char *file_name, LCUI_Graph *graph)
/* 将图像数据写入至png文件 */
	FILE *fp;
	int j, i, temp, pos;
	png_byte color_type; 
	png_structp png_ptr;
	png_infop info_ptr; 
	png_bytep * row_pointers;
	if(!Graph_IsValid(graph)) {
		printf("write_png(): graph is not valid\n");
		return -1;
	/* create file */
	fp = fopen(file_name, "wb");
	if (!fp) {
		printf("write_png(): File %s could not be opened for writing\n", file_name);
		return -1;
	/* initialize stuff */
	png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);

	if (!png_ptr) {
		printf("write_png(): png_create_write_struct failed\n");
		return -1;
	info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
	if (!info_ptr) {
		printf("write_png(): png_create_info_struct failed\n");
		return -1;
	if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
		printf("write_png(): Error during init_io\n");
		return -1;
	png_init_io(png_ptr, fp);

	/* write header */
	if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
		printf("write_png(): Error during writing header\n");
		return -1;
	if(Graph_HaveAlpha(graph)) {
		color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;
	} else {
		color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;
	png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, graph->width, graph->height,
		graph->bit_depth, color_type, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE,
	png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);

	/* write bytes */
	if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr)))
		printf("write_png(): Error during writing bytes\n");
		return -1;
	if(Graph_HaveAlpha(graph)) {
		temp = (4 * graph->width);
	} else {
		temp = (3 * graph->width);
	row_pointers = (png_bytep*)malloc(graph->height*sizeof(png_bytep));
	for(i=0,pos=0; i < graph->height; i++) {
		row_pointers[i] = (png_bytep)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*temp);
		for(j=0; j < temp; ++pos) {
			row_pointers[i][j++] = graph->rgba[0][pos]; // red
			row_pointers[i][j++] = graph->rgba[1][pos]; // green
			row_pointers[i][j++] = graph->rgba[2][pos];   // blue
			if(Graph_HaveAlpha(graph)) {
				row_pointers[i][j++] = graph->rgba[3][pos]; // alpha 
	png_write_image(png_ptr, row_pointers);

	/* end write */
	if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
		printf("write_png(): Error during end of write\n");
		return -1;
	png_write_end(png_ptr, NULL);

    /* cleanup heap allocation */
	for (j=0; j<graph->height; j++) {

	printf("warning: not PNG support!"); 
	return 0;
Example #3
LCUI_EXPORT(int) Graph_Rotate(LCUI_Graph *src, int rotate_angle, LCUI_Graph *des)
 * 功能:旋转图形
 * 说明:指定旋转中心点坐标以及旋转角度,即可得到旋转后的图形
 * 本源代码参考自互联网相关代码
 * 算法有待优化完善。
	int	width, height;
	int	new_width,new_height; 
	int m, n, z;
	int src_x, src_y, des_x, des_y;
	double   fRotateAngle; 
	double   fSina, fCosa; 
	double   fSrcX1,fSrcY1,fSrcX2,fSrcY2,fSrcX3,fSrcY3,fSrcX4,fSrcY4;
	double   fDstX1,fDstY1,fDstX2,fDstY2,fDstX3,fDstY3,fDstX4,fDstY4;
	double   f1,f2; 

	if(!Graph_IsValid(src)) {
		return -1;
	// 获取图像的"宽度"(4的倍数)   
	width = src->width; 
	// 获取图像的高度   
	height = src->height;   
	// 将旋转角度从度转换到弧度   
	fRotateAngle = (double) radian(rotate_angle); 
	// 计算旋转角度的正弦   
	fSina = (double) sin((double)fRotateAngle); 
	// 计算旋转角度的余弦   
	fCosa = (double) cos((double)fRotateAngle);   
	// 计算原图的四个角的坐标(以图像中心为坐标系原点)   
	fSrcX1 = (double) (- (width  - 1) / 2);   
	fSrcY1 = (double) (  (height - 1) / 2);   
	fSrcX2 = (double) (  (width  - 1) / 2);   
	fSrcY2 = (double) (  (height - 1) / 2);   
	fSrcX3 = (double) (- (width  - 1) / 2);   
	fSrcY3 = (double) (- (height - 1) / 2);   
	fSrcX4 = (double) (  (width  - 1) / 2);   
	fSrcY4 = (double) (- (height - 1) / 2);   
	// 计算新图四个角的坐标(以图像中心为坐标系原点)   
	fDstX1 =  fCosa * fSrcX1 + fSina * fSrcY1;   
	fDstY1 = -fSina * fSrcX1 + fCosa * fSrcY1;   
	fDstX2 =  fCosa * fSrcX2 + fSina * fSrcY2;   
	fDstY2 = -fSina * fSrcX2 + fCosa * fSrcY2;   
	fDstX3 =  fCosa * fSrcX3 + fSina * fSrcY3;   
	fDstY3 = -fSina * fSrcX3 + fCosa * fSrcY3;   
	fDstX4 =  fCosa * fSrcX4 + fSina * fSrcY4;   
	fDstY4 = -fSina * fSrcX4 + fCosa * fSrcY4;   
	// 计算旋转后的图像实际宽度   
	new_width  = (long) ( getmax( (int)fabs(fDstX4 - fDstX1), (int)fabs(fDstX3 - fDstX2) ) + 0.5);   
	// 计算旋转后的图像高度   
	new_height = (long) (getmax( (int)fabs(fDstY4 - fDstY1), (int)fabs(fDstY3 - fDstY2) )  + 0.5);   
	// 两个常数,这样不用以后每次都计算了   
	f1 = (double) (-0.5*(new_width-1)*fCosa-0.5*(new_height-1)*fSina+0.5*(width-1)); 
	f2 = (double) (0.5*(new_width-1)*fSina-0.5*(new_height-1)*fCosa+0.5*(height-1));   
	if(Graph_IsValid(des)) {
		Graph_Free(des);/* 先将这个内存释放 */
	des->have_alpha = src->have_alpha;
	// 分配内存,储存新的图形
	if(Graph_Create(des, new_width, new_height) != 0) {
		return -1;

	// 针对图像每行进行操作
	for(des_y = 0; des_y < new_height; ++des_y) {
		m = new_width * des_y;
		// 针对图像每列进行操作   
		for(des_x = 0; des_x < new_width; ++des_x) {
			n = m + des_x;
			// 计算该象素在源图中的坐标   
			src_y = (long) (-((double) des_x) * fSina + ((double) des_y) * fCosa + f2 + 0.5);   
			src_x = (long) ( ((double) des_x) * fCosa + ((double) des_y) * fSina + f1 + 0.5);   
			// 判断是否在源图范围内   
			if( (src_x >= 0) && (src_x < width) 
			&& (src_y >= 0) && (src_y < height)) {
				// 指向源DIB第i0行,第j0个象素的指针
				z = width * src_y + src_x;
				des->rgba[0][n] = src->rgba[0][z];
				des->rgba[1][n] = src->rgba[1][z];
				des->rgba[2][n] = src->rgba[2][z];
				if(Graph_HaveAlpha(des)) {
					des->rgba[3][n] = src->rgba[3][z];
			} else {
				// 对于源图中没有的象素,直接赋值为255   
				des->rgba[0][n] = 255;
				des->rgba[1][n] = 255;
				des->rgba[2][n] = 255;
				if(Graph_HaveAlpha(des)) {
					des->rgba[3][n] = 0;
	return 0;