nsSupportsArray::InsertElementAt(nsISupports* aElement, PRUint32 aIndex)
  if (aIndex <= mCount) {
    if (mArraySize < (mCount + 1)) {
      // need to grow the array
      if (!GrowArrayBy(1))
        return PR_FALSE;

    // Could be slightly more efficient if GrowArrayBy knew about the
    // split, but the difference is trivial.
    PRUint32 slide = (mCount - aIndex);
    if (0 < slide) {
      ::memmove(mArray + aIndex + 1, mArray + aIndex, slide * sizeof(nsISupports*));

    mArray[aIndex] = aElement;

    if (mCount > mMaxCount &&
        mCount < (PRInt32)(sizeof(MaxElements)/sizeof(MaxElements[0])))
      mMaxCount = mCount;
    return PR_TRUE;
  return PR_FALSE;
PRBool nsVoidArray::ReplaceElementAt(void* aElement, PRInt32 aIndex)
  NS_ASSERTION(aIndex >= 0,"ReplaceElementAt(negative index)");
  if (aIndex < 0)
    return PR_FALSE;

  // Unlike InsertElementAt, ReplaceElementAt can implicitly add more
  // than just the one element to the array.
  if (PRUint32(aIndex) >= PRUint32(GetArraySize()))
    PRInt32 oldCount = Count();
    PRInt32 requestedCount = aIndex + 1;
    PRInt32 growDelta = requestedCount - oldCount;

    // frees old mImpl IF this succeeds
    if (!GrowArrayBy(growDelta))
      return PR_FALSE;

  mImpl->mArray[aIndex] = aElement;
  if (aIndex >= mImpl->mCount)
    // Make sure that any entries implicitly added to the array by this
    // ReplaceElementAt are cleared to 0.  Some users of this assume that.
    // This code means we don't have to memset when we allocate an array.
    if (aIndex > mImpl->mCount) // note: not >=
      // For example, if mCount is 2, and we do a ReplaceElementAt for
      // element[5], then we need to set three entries ([2], [3], and [4])
      // to 0.
      memset(&mImpl->mArray[mImpl->mCount], 0,
             (aIndex - mImpl->mCount) * sizeof(mImpl->mArray[0]));
     mImpl->mCount = aIndex + 1;

     if (mImpl->mCount > mMaxCount &&
         mImpl->mCount < (PRInt32)(sizeof(MaxElements)/sizeof(MaxElements[0])))
       mMaxCount = mImpl->mCount;

  return PR_TRUE;
PRBool nsVoidArray::InsertElementsAt(const nsVoidArray& other, PRInt32 aIndex)
  PRInt32 oldCount = Count();
  PRInt32 otherCount = other.Count();

  NS_ASSERTION(aIndex >= 0,"InsertElementsAt(negative index)");
  if (PRUint32(aIndex) > PRUint32(oldCount))
    // An invalid index causes the insertion to fail
    // Invalid indexes are ones that are more than one entry past the end of
    // the array (i.e., they can append).
    return PR_FALSE;

  if (oldCount + otherCount > GetArraySize())
    if (!GrowArrayBy(otherCount))
      return PR_FALSE;;
  // else the array is already large enough

  PRInt32 slide = oldCount - aIndex;
  if (0 != slide)
    // Slide data over to make room for the insertion
    memmove(mImpl->mArray + aIndex + otherCount, mImpl->mArray + aIndex,
            slide * sizeof(mImpl->mArray[0]));

  for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < otherCount; i++)
    // copy all the elements (destroys aIndex)
    mImpl->mArray[aIndex++] = other.mImpl->mArray[i];

  if (mImpl->mCount > mMaxCount &&
      mImpl->mCount < (PRInt32)(sizeof(MaxElements)/sizeof(MaxElements[0])))
    mMaxCount = mImpl->mCount;

  return PR_TRUE;
PRBool nsVoidArray::SetCount(PRInt32 aNewCount)
  NS_ASSERTION(aNewCount >= 0,"SetCount(negative index)");
  if (aNewCount < 0)
    return PR_FALSE;

  if (aNewCount == 0)
    return PR_TRUE;

  if (PRUint32(aNewCount) > PRUint32(GetArraySize()))
    PRInt32 oldCount = Count();
    PRInt32 growDelta = aNewCount - oldCount;

    // frees old mImpl IF this succeeds
    if (!GrowArrayBy(growDelta))
      return PR_FALSE;

  if (aNewCount > mImpl->mCount)
    // Make sure that new entries added to the array by this
    // SetCount are cleared to 0.  Some users of this assume that.
    // This code means we don't have to memset when we allocate an array.
    memset(&mImpl->mArray[mImpl->mCount], 0,
           (aNewCount - mImpl->mCount) * sizeof(mImpl->mArray[0]));

  mImpl->mCount = aNewCount;

  if (mImpl->mCount > mMaxCount &&
      mImpl->mCount < (PRInt32)(sizeof(MaxElements)/sizeof(MaxElements[0])))
    mMaxCount = mImpl->mCount;

  return PR_TRUE;
nsVoidArray& nsVoidArray::operator=(const nsVoidArray& other)
  PRInt32 otherCount = other.Count();
  PRInt32 maxCount = GetArraySize();
  if (otherCount)
    if (otherCount > maxCount)
      // frees old mImpl IF this succeeds
      if (!GrowArrayBy(otherCount-maxCount))
        return *this;      // XXX The allocation failed - don't do anything

      memcpy(mImpl->mArray, other.mImpl->mArray, otherCount * sizeof(mImpl->mArray[0]));
      mImpl->mCount = otherCount;
      // the old array can hold the new array
      memcpy(mImpl->mArray, other.mImpl->mArray, otherCount * sizeof(mImpl->mArray[0]));
      mImpl->mCount = otherCount;
      // if it shrank a lot, compact it anyways
      if ((otherCount*2) < maxCount && maxCount > 100)
        Compact();  // shrank by at least 50 entries
     if (mImpl->mCount > mMaxCount &&
         mImpl->mCount < (PRInt32)(sizeof(MaxElements)/sizeof(MaxElements[0])))
       mMaxCount = mImpl->mCount;
    // Why do we drop the buffer here when we don't in Clear()?

  return *this;
nsSupportsArray::InsertElementsAt(nsISupportsArray* aElements, PRUint32 aIndex)
  if (!aElements) {
    return PR_FALSE;
  PRUint32 countElements;
  if (NS_FAILED( aElements->Count( &countElements ) ))
    return PR_FALSE;

  if (aIndex <= mCount) {
    if (mArraySize < (mCount + countElements)) {
      // need to grow the array
      if (!GrowArrayBy(countElements))
        return PR_FALSE;

    // Could be slightly more efficient if GrowArrayBy knew about the
    // split, but the difference is trivial.
    PRUint32 slide = (mCount - aIndex);
    if (0 < slide) {
      ::memmove(mArray + aIndex + countElements, mArray + aIndex,
                slide * sizeof(nsISupports*));

    for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < countElements; ++i, ++mCount) {
      // use GetElementAt to copy and do AddRef for us
      if (NS_FAILED( aElements->GetElementAt( i, mArray + aIndex + i) ))
        return PR_FALSE;

    if (mCount > mMaxCount &&
        mCount < (PRInt32)(sizeof(MaxElements)/sizeof(MaxElements[0])))
      mMaxCount = mCount;
    return PR_TRUE;
  return PR_FALSE;
PRBool nsVoidArray::InsertElementAt(void* aElement, PRInt32 aIndex)
  PRInt32 oldCount = Count();
  NS_ASSERTION(aIndex >= 0,"InsertElementAt(negative index)");
  if (PRUint32(aIndex) > PRUint32(oldCount))
    // An invalid index causes the insertion to fail
    // Invalid indexes are ones that add more than one entry to the
    // array (i.e., they can append).
    return PR_FALSE;

  if (oldCount >= GetArraySize())
    if (!GrowArrayBy(1))
      return PR_FALSE;
  // else the array is already large enough

  PRInt32 slide = oldCount - aIndex;
  if (0 != slide)
    // Slide data over to make room for the insertion
    memmove(mImpl->mArray + aIndex + 1, mImpl->mArray + aIndex,
            slide * sizeof(mImpl->mArray[0]));

  mImpl->mArray[aIndex] = aElement;

  if (mImpl->mCount > mMaxCount &&
      mImpl->mCount < (PRInt32)(sizeof(MaxElements)/sizeof(MaxElements[0])))
    mMaxCount = mImpl->mCount;

  return PR_TRUE;