void AppWindow::initPrograms ()
   // Init my scene objects:
   _axis.init ();
   _floor.init( "../texture/_image.bmp", textures); _floor.build( 20.0f, -5.0f, 20.0f, textures);
   _side.init(); _side.build(25.0f, 20.0f, 20.0f, 25, textures);
   _building.load("../models/The_City.obj"); //_building.scale(.7f);
   _city.init(); _city.build(_building);

   //initiate models
   _model.init(); _model2.init(); _model3.init(); _model4.init(); _model5.init(); _model6.init();

   // set light:
   _light.set ( GsVec(0,0,10), GsColor(90,90,90,255), GsColor::white, GsColor::white );
   _shadow.set(GsVec(0, 0, 10), GsColor(0, 0, 0, 255), GsColor::black, GsColor::black);

   // Load demo model:
   loadModel ( 1 );
void AppWindow::initPrograms ()
   // We are not directly initializing glsl programs here, instead, each scene object
   // initializes its own program(s). This makes sharing more difficult but is probably easier
   // to manage.

   // Init my scene objects:
   _axis.init ();
   _texturedCylinder.init ();
   _lines.init ();

   // set light:
   _light.set ( GsVec(0,0,10), GsColor(90,90,90,255), GsColor::white, GsColor::white );

   // Load demo model:
   _texturedCylinder.build(rt, rb, 1.0f, numfaces);

   // Build normals object:
   _lines.build ( _texturedCylinder.NL, GsColor::yellow );
Example #3
GsColor GsColor::interphue ( float t ) // static method
   // First calculates RGB from HSV, saturation is set to 1.0
   struct HSV { float h, s, v; };
   struct COLOR { float r, g, b; };

   COLOR c2, sat;
   HSV c1;
   c1.h = (1-t)*240.0f; // re-mapping t to hue space of interest
   c1.s = 1.0f; c1.v = 1.0f;

   while ( c1.h<0.0f ) c1.h += 360.0f;
   while ( c1.h>360.0f ) c1.h -= 360.0f;

   if ( c1.h<120.0f )
    { sat.r = (120.0f-c1.h) / 60.0f;
      sat.g = c1.h / 60.0f;
      sat.b = 0.0f;
   else if ( c1.h<240.0f )
    { sat.r = 0.0f;
      sat.g = (240.0f-c1.h) / 60.0f;
      sat.b = (c1.h-120.0f) / 60.0f;
    { sat.r = (c1.h-240.0f) / 60.0f;
      sat.g = 0.0f;
      sat.b = (360.0f-c1.h) / 60.0f;
   if ( sat.r>1 ) sat.r = 1;
   if ( sat.g>1 ) sat.g = 1;
   if ( sat.b>1 ) sat.b = 1;

   c2.r = ( 1 - c1.s + c1.s*sat.r ) * c1.v;
   c2.g = ( 1 - c1.s + c1.s*sat.g ) * c1.v;
   c2.b = ( 1 - c1.s + c1.s*sat.b ) * c1.v;

   return GsColor ( c2.r, c2.g, c2.b );
Example #4
void SoModelWire::build(float len, float rt, float rb, int nfaces, bool shading)
	//int i;

	P.clear(); N.clear(); // set size to zero, just in case
						  //P.reserve(18); C.reserve(18); // reserve space to avoid re-allocations from the calls below

						  //Drawing hand

	for (int i = 0; i < m.vsize; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < m.fsize; j++) {
			C.push_back(GsColor(m.F[0].r, m.F[0].g, m.F[0].b));
			C.push_back(GsColor(m.F[0].r, m.F[0].g, m.F[0].b));
			C.push_back(GsColor(m.F[0].r, m.F[0].g, m.F[0].b));
			C.push_back(GsColor(m.F[0].r, m.F[0].g, m.F[0].b));
			C.push_back(GsColor(m.F[0].r, m.F[0].g, m.F[0].b));
			C.push_back(GsColor(m.F[0].r, m.F[0].g, m.F[0].b));

	// send data to OpenGL buffers:
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf[0]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, P.size() * 3 * sizeof(float), &P[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf[1]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, C.size() * 4 * sizeof(gsbyte), &C[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);

	// save size so that we can free our buffers and later just draw the OpenGL arrays:
	_numpoints = P.size();

	// free non-needed memory:
	P.resize(0); C.resize(0);