Example #1
File: logger.c Project: kkentzo/dps
// save the population
void logger_save_population(logger_t *logger, GString *profiles, GString *hosts) {

  // create population group
  hid_t group_id;
  group_id = H5Gcreate1(logger->file_id, "/population", H5P_DEFAULT);

  H5LTmake_dataset_string(group_id, "/population/profiles", profiles->str);
  H5LTmake_dataset_string(group_id, "/population/hosts", hosts->str);

Example #2
File: hdf5.cpp Project: jofeu/caffe
void hdf5_save_string(hid_t loc_id, const string& dataset_name,
                      const string& s) {
  herr_t status = \
    H5LTmake_dataset_string(loc_id, dataset_name.c_str(), s.c_str());
  CHECK_GE(status, 0)
    << "Failed to save string dataset with name " << dataset_name;
nh5ltmake_dataset_string_c (hid_t_f *loc_id,
                            int_f *namelen,
                            _fcd name,
                            char *buf)
 int     ret_value = -1;
 herr_t  ret;
 hid_t   c_loc_id;
 char    *c_name;
 int     c_namelen;

 * Convert FORTRAN name to C name
 c_namelen = *namelen;
 c_name = (char *)HD5f2cstring(name, c_namelen);
 if (c_name == NULL) return ret_value;

 * Call H5LTmake_dataset_string function.
 c_loc_id = (hid_t)*loc_id;

 ret = H5LTmake_dataset_string(c_loc_id,c_name,buf);

 if (ret < 0) return ret_value;
 ret_value = 0;
 return ret_value;
Example #4
/*writes properties of the current run related to implementation and command line choices*/
herr_t /*hdf5 error*/
append_meta_properties(hdf5block_t *h5block,/*hdf5 file ids*/
		       double *seed,/*random number seed*/
		       size_t *BurnInSampleSize, /*tuning iterations*/
		       char *h5file, /*name of hdf5 file containing the experimental data and prior set-up*/
		       char *lib_base)/*basename of the library file @code .so@ file*/{
  herr_t status;
  int omp_n,omp_np,i;
  status&=H5LTset_attribute_double(h5block->file_id, "LogParameters", "seed", seed, 1);
  status&=H5LTset_attribute_ulong(h5block->file_id, "LogParameters", "BurnIn", BurnInSampleSize, 1);
  status&=H5LTset_attribute_string(h5block->file_id, "LogParameters", "DataFrom", h5file);
  // here we make a short test to see what the automatic choice of the
  // number of threads turns out to be.
#pragma omp parallel private(omp_n,omp_np) reduction(+:i)
  if (i!=omp_n){
    fprintf(stderr,"[append_meta_properties] warning: finding out number of threads possibly failed reduction of (n×1: %i) != get_num_threads():%i.\n",i,omp_n);
  } else {
  return status;
Example #5
nh5ltmake_dataset_string_c (hid_t_f *loc_id,
                            int_f *namelen,
                            _fcd name,
                            int_f *buflen,
                            char *buf)
    int     ret_value = -1;
    herr_t  ret;
    hid_t   c_loc_id;
    char    *c_name = NULL;
    int     c_namelen;
    char    *c_buf = NULL;
    int     c_buflen;

    * convert FORTRAN name to C name
    c_namelen = *namelen;
    c_name = (char *)HD5f2cstring(name, c_namelen);
    if (c_name == NULL)
        goto done;

    c_buflen = *buflen;
    c_buf = (char *)HD5f2cstring(buf, c_buflen);
    if (c_buf == NULL)
        goto done;

    * call H5LTmake_dataset_string function.
    c_loc_id = (hid_t)*loc_id;

    ret = H5LTmake_dataset_string(c_loc_id,c_name,c_buf);

    if (ret < 0)
        goto done;

    ret_value = 0;


    return ret_value;
Example #6
File: fclib.c Project: xhub/fclib
/** write matrix */
static void write_matrix (hid_t id, struct fclib_matrix *mat)
  hsize_t dim = 1;

  IO (H5LTmake_dataset_int (id, "nzmax", 1, &dim, &mat->nzmax));
  IO (H5LTmake_dataset_int (id, "m", 1, &dim, &mat->m));
  IO (H5LTmake_dataset_int (id, "n", 1, &dim, &mat->n));
  IO (H5LTmake_dataset_int (id, "nz", 1, &dim, &mat->nz));

  if (mat->nz >= 0) /* triplet */
    dim = mat->nz;
    IO (H5LTmake_dataset_int (id, "p", 1, &dim, mat->p));
    IO (H5LTmake_dataset_int (id, "i", 1, &dim, mat->i));
  else if (mat->nz == -1) /* csc */
    dim = mat->n+1;
    IO (H5LTmake_dataset_int (id, "p", 1, &dim, mat->p));
    dim = mat->nzmax;
    IO (H5LTmake_dataset_int (id, "i", 1, &dim, mat->i));
  else if (mat->nz == -2) /* csr */
    dim = mat->m+1;
    IO (H5LTmake_dataset_int (id, "p", 1, &dim, mat->p));
    dim = mat->nzmax;
    IO (H5LTmake_dataset_int (id, "i", 1, &dim, mat->i));
  else ASSERT (0, "ERROR: unkown sparse matrix type => fclib_matrix->nz = %d\n", mat->nz);

  dim = mat->nzmax;
  IO (H5LTmake_dataset_double (id, "x", 1, &dim, mat->x));

  if (mat->info)
    dim = 1;
    if (mat->info->comment) IO (H5LTmake_dataset_string (id, "comment", mat->info->comment));
    IO (H5LTmake_dataset_double (id, "conditioning", 1, &dim, &mat->info->conditioning));
    IO (H5LTmake_dataset_double (id, "determinant", 1, &dim, &mat->info->determinant));
    IO (H5LTmake_dataset_int (id, "rank", 1, &dim, &mat->info->rank));
Example #7
bool stfio::exportHDF5File(const std::string& fName, const Recording& WData, ProgressInfo& progDlg) {
    hid_t file_id = H5Fcreate(fName.c_str(), H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
    const int NRECORDS = 1;
    const int NFIELDS = 3;

    /* Calculate the size and the offsets of our struct members in memory */
    size_t rt_offset[NFIELDS] = {  HOFFSET( rt, channels ),
                                   HOFFSET( rt, date ),
                                   HOFFSET( rt, time )};

    /* Define an array of root tables */
    rt p_data;
    p_data.channels = WData.size();
    struct tm t = WData.GetDateTime();
    std::size_t date_length = snprintf(p_data.date, DATELEN, "%04i-%02i-%02i", t.tm_year+1900, t.tm_mon+1, t.tm_mday);
    std::size_t time_length = snprintf(p_data.time, TIMELEN, "%02i:%02i:%02i", t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec);
    // ensure that an undefine string is set to "\0", and that the terminating \0 is counted in string length
    p_data.date[date_length++] = 0;
    p_data.time[time_length++] = 0;

    /* Define field information */
    const char *field_names[NFIELDS]  =  { "channels", "date", "time" };
    hid_t      field_type[NFIELDS];

    /* Initialize the field field_type */
    hid_t string_type1 = H5Tcopy( H5T_C_S1 );
    hid_t string_type2 = H5Tcopy( H5T_C_S1 );
    H5Tset_size( string_type1,  date_length);
    H5Tset_size( string_type2,  time_length);
    field_type[0] = H5T_NATIVE_INT;
    field_type[1] = string_type1;
    field_type[2] = string_type2;
    std::ostringstream desc;
    desc << "Description of " << fName;
    herr_t status = H5TBmake_table( desc.str().c_str(), file_id, "description", (hsize_t)NFIELDS, (hsize_t)NRECORDS, sizeof(rt),
                                    field_names, rt_offset, field_type, 10, NULL, 0, &p_data  );

    if (status < 0) {
        std::string errorMsg("Exception while writing description in stfio::exportHDF5File");
        throw std::runtime_error(errorMsg);

    hid_t comment_group = H5Gcreate2( file_id,"/comment", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

    /* File comment. */
    std::string description(WData.GetFileDescription());
    if (description.length() <= 0) {
        description = "No description";

    status = H5LTmake_dataset_string(file_id, "/comment/description", description.c_str());
    if (status < 0) {
        std::string errorMsg("Exception while writing description in stfio::exportHDF5File");
        throw std::runtime_error(errorMsg);

    std::string comment(WData.GetComment());
    if (comment.length() <= 0) {
        comment = "No comment";

    status = H5LTmake_dataset_string(file_id, "/comment/comment", comment.c_str());
    if (status < 0) {
        std::string errorMsg("Exception while writing comment in stfio::exportHDF5File");
        throw std::runtime_error(errorMsg);

    std::vector<std::string> channel_name(WData.size());

    hid_t channels_group = H5Gcreate2( file_id,"/channels", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

    for ( std::size_t n_c=0; n_c < WData.size(); ++n_c) {
        /* Channel descriptions. */
        std::ostringstream ossname;
        ossname << WData[n_c].GetChannelName();
        if ( ossname.str() == "" ) {
            ossname << "ch" << (n_c);
        channel_name[n_c] = ossname.str();
        hsize_t dimsc[1] = { 1 };
        hid_t string_typec = H5Tcopy( H5T_C_S1 );
        std::size_t cn_length = channel_name[n_c].length();
        if (cn_length <= 0) cn_length = 1;
        H5Tset_size( string_typec, cn_length );

        std::vector<char> datac(channel_name[n_c].length());
        std::copy(channel_name[n_c].begin(),channel_name[n_c].end(), datac.begin());
        std::ostringstream desc_path; desc_path << "/channels/ch" << (n_c);
        status = H5LTmake_dataset(file_id, desc_path.str().c_str(), 1, dimsc, string_typec, &datac[0]);
        if (status < 0) {
            std::string errorMsg("Exception while writing channel name in stfio::exportHDF5File");
            throw std::runtime_error(errorMsg);

        std::ostringstream channel_path; channel_path << "/" << channel_name[n_c];
        hid_t channel_group = H5Gcreate2( file_id, channel_path.str().c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
        if (channel_group < 0) {
            std::ostringstream errorMsg;
            errorMsg << "Exception while creating channel group for "
                     << channel_path.str().c_str();
            throw std::runtime_error(errorMsg.str());

        /* Calculate the size and the offsets of our struct members in memory */
        size_t ct_size =  sizeof( ct );
        size_t ct_offset[1] = { HOFFSET( rt, channels ) };
        /* Define an array of channel tables */
        ct c_data = { (int)WData[n_c].size() };

        /* Define field information */
        const char *cfield_names[1]  =  { "n_sections" };
        hid_t      cfield_type[1] = {H5T_NATIVE_INT};
        std::ostringstream c_desc;
        c_desc << "Description of channel " << n_c;
        status = H5TBmake_table( c_desc.str().c_str(), channel_group, "description", (hsize_t)1, (hsize_t)1, ct_size,
                                 cfield_names, ct_offset, cfield_type, 10, NULL, 0, &c_data  );
        if (status < 0) {
            std::string errorMsg("Exception while writing channel description in stfio::exportHDF5File");
            throw std::runtime_error(errorMsg);

        int max_log10 = 0;
        if (WData[n_c].size() > 1) {
            max_log10 = int(log10((double)WData[n_c].size()-1.0));

        for (std::size_t n_s=0; n_s < WData[n_c].size(); ++n_s) {
            int progbar = 
                // Channel contribution:
                      // Section contribution:
            std::ostringstream progStr;
            progStr << "Writing channel #" << n_c + 1 << " of " << WData.size()
                    << ", Section #" << n_s << " of " << WData[n_c].size();
            progDlg.Update(progbar, progStr.str());
            // construct a number with leading zeros:
            int n10 = 0;
            if (n_s > 0) {
                n10 = int(log10((double)n_s));
            std::ostringstream strZero; strZero << "";
            for (int n_z=n10; n_z < max_log10; ++n_z) {
                strZero << "0";

            // construct a section name:
            std::ostringstream section_name; section_name << WData[n_c][n_s].GetSectionDescription();
            if ( section_name.str() == "" ) {
                section_name << "sec" << n_s;

            // create a child group in the channel:
            std::ostringstream section_path;
            section_path << channel_path.str() << "/" << "section_" << strZero.str() << n_s;
            hid_t section_group = H5Gcreate2( file_id, section_path.str().c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

            // add data and description, store as 32 bit little endian independent of machine:
            hsize_t dims[1] = { WData[n_c][n_s].size() };
            std::ostringstream data_path;
            data_path << section_path.str() << "/data";
            Vector_float data_cp(WData[n_c][n_s].get().size()); /* 32 bit */
            for (std::size_t n_cp = 0; n_cp < WData[n_c][n_s].get().size(); ++n_cp) {
                data_cp[n_cp] = float(WData[n_c][n_s][n_cp]);
            status = H5LTmake_dataset(file_id, data_path.str().c_str(), 1, dims, H5T_IEEE_F32LE, &data_cp[0]);
            if (status < 0) {
                std::string errorMsg("Exception while writing data in stfio::exportHDF5File");
                throw std::runtime_error(errorMsg);

            const int NSRECORDS = 1;
            const int NSFIELDS = 3;

            /* Calculate the size and the offsets of our struct members in memory */
            size_t st_size =  sizeof( st );
            size_t st_offset[NSFIELDS] = {  HOFFSET( st, dt ),
                                            HOFFSET( st, xunits ),
                                            HOFFSET( st, yunits )};

            /* Define an array of root tables */
            st s_data;
            s_data.dt = WData.GetXScale();
            if (WData.GetXUnits().length() < UNITLEN)
                strcpy( s_data.xunits, WData.GetXUnits().c_str() );
            if (WData[n_c].GetYUnits().length() < UNITLEN)
                strcpy( s_data.yunits, WData[n_c].GetYUnits().c_str() );

            /* Define field information */
            const char *sfield_names[NSFIELDS]  =  { "dt", "xunits", "yunits" };
            hid_t      sfield_type[NSFIELDS];

            /* Initialize the field field_type */
            hid_t string_type4 = H5Tcopy( H5T_C_S1 );
            hid_t string_type5 = H5Tcopy( H5T_C_S1 );
            H5Tset_size( string_type4,  2);
            std::size_t yu_length = WData[n_c].GetYUnits().length();
            if (yu_length <= 0) yu_length = 1;

            H5Tset_size( string_type5, yu_length );
            sfield_type[0] = H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE;
            sfield_type[1] = string_type4;
            sfield_type[2] = string_type5;

            std::ostringstream sdesc;
            sdesc << "Description of " << section_name.str();
            status = H5TBmake_table( sdesc.str().c_str(), section_group, "description", (hsize_t)NSFIELDS, (hsize_t)NSRECORDS, st_size,
                                     sfield_names, st_offset, sfield_type, 10, NULL, 0, &s_data  );
            if (status < 0) {
                std::string errorMsg("Exception while writing section description in stfio::exportHDF5File");
                throw std::runtime_error(errorMsg);

    /* Terminate access to the file. */
    status = H5Fclose(file_id);
    if (status < 0) {
        std::string errorMsg("Exception while closing file in stfio::exportHDF5File");
        throw std::runtime_error(errorMsg);

    /* Release all hdf5 resources */
    status = H5close();
    if (status < 0) {
        std::string errorMsg("Exception while closing file in stfio::exportHDF5File");
        throw std::runtime_error(errorMsg);
    return (status >= 0);
Example #8
static int test_dsets( void )
    int     rank     = 2;
    hsize_t dims[2]  = {2,3};
    hid_t   file_id;
    hid_t   dataset_id;
    char    data_char_in[DIM]    = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
    char    data_char_out[DIM];
    short   data_short_in[DIM]   = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
    short   data_short_out[DIM];
    int     data_int_in[DIM]     = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
    int     data_int_out[DIM];
    long    data_long_in[DIM]    = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
    long    data_long_out[DIM];
    float   data_float_in[DIM]   = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
    float   data_float_out[DIM];
    double  data_double_in[DIM]  = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
    double  data_double_out[DIM];
    const char    *data_string_in = "This is a string";
    char    data_string_out[20];
    int     i;

    /* Create a new file using default properties. */
    file_id = H5Fcreate( FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT );

    * H5LTmake_dataset test


    /* Make dataset */
    if ( H5LTmake_dataset( file_id, DSET0_NAME, rank, dims, H5T_NATIVE_INT, data_int_in ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    /* Read dataset using the basic HDF5 API */

    if ( ( dataset_id = H5Dopen2(file_id, DSET0_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    if ( H5Dread ( dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, data_int_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    if ( H5Dclose( dataset_id ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
        if ( data_int_in[i] != data_int_out[i] ) {
            goto out;


    * read using the LT function H5LTread_dataset


    if ( H5LTread_dataset( file_id, DSET0_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, data_int_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
        if ( data_int_in[i] != data_int_out[i] ) {
            goto out;


    * test the H5LTmake_dataset_ functions

    * H5LTmake_dataset_char


    /* Make dataset char */
    if ( H5LTmake_dataset_char( file_id, DSET1_NAME, rank, dims, data_char_in ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    /* Read dataset */
    if ( H5LTread_dataset( file_id, DSET1_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_CHAR, data_char_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
        if ( data_char_in[i] != data_char_out[i] ) {
            goto out;

    /* Read dataset */
    if ( H5LTread_dataset_char( file_id, DSET1_NAME, data_char_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
        if ( data_char_in[i] != data_char_out[i] ) {
            goto out;


    * H5LTmake_dataset_short


    /* Make dataset short */
    if ( H5LTmake_dataset_short( file_id, DSET2_NAME, rank, dims, data_short_in ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    /* Read dataset */
    if ( H5LTread_dataset( file_id, DSET2_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_SHORT, data_short_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
        if ( data_short_in[i] != data_short_out[i] ) {
            goto out;

    /* Read dataset */
    if ( H5LTread_dataset_short( file_id, DSET2_NAME, data_short_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
        if ( data_short_in[i] != data_short_out[i] ) {
            goto out;


    * H5LTmake_dataset_int


    /* Make dataset int */
    if ( H5LTmake_dataset_int( file_id, DSET3_NAME, rank, dims, data_int_in ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    /* Read dataset */
    if ( H5LTread_dataset( file_id, DSET3_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, data_int_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
        if ( data_int_in[i] != data_int_out[i] ) {
            goto out;

    /* Read dataset */
    if ( H5LTread_dataset_int( file_id, DSET3_NAME, data_int_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
        if ( data_int_in[i] != data_int_out[i] ) {
            goto out;


    * H5LTmake_dataset_long


    /* Make dataset long */
    if ( H5LTmake_dataset_long( file_id, DSET4_NAME, rank, dims, data_long_in ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    /* Read dataset */
    if ( H5LTread_dataset( file_id, DSET4_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_LONG, data_long_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
        if ( data_long_in[i] != data_long_out[i] ) {
            goto out;

    /* Read dataset */
    if ( H5LTread_dataset_long( file_id, DSET4_NAME, data_long_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
        if ( data_long_in[i] != data_long_out[i] ) {
            goto out;


    * H5LTmake_dataset_float


    /* Make dataset float */
    if ( H5LTmake_dataset_float( file_id, DSET5_NAME, rank, dims, data_float_in ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    /* Read dataset */
    if ( H5LTread_dataset( file_id, DSET5_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, data_float_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
        if ( data_float_in[i] != data_float_out[i] ) {
            goto out;

    /* Read dataset */
    if ( H5LTread_dataset_float( file_id, DSET5_NAME, data_float_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
        if ( data_float_in[i] != data_float_out[i] ) {
            goto out;


    * H5LTmake_dataset_double


    /* Make dataset double */
    if ( H5LTmake_dataset_double( file_id, DSET6_NAME, rank, dims, data_double_in ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    /* Read dataset */
    if ( H5LTread_dataset( file_id, DSET6_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, data_double_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
        if ( data_double_in[i] != data_double_out[i] ) {
            goto out;

    /* Read dataset */
    if ( H5LTread_dataset_double( file_id, DSET6_NAME, data_double_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
        if ( data_double_in[i] != data_double_out[i] ) {
            goto out;


    * H5LTmake_dataset_string


    /* Make dataset string */
    if ( H5LTmake_dataset_string(file_id,DSET7_NAME,data_string_in) < 0 )
        goto out;

    /* Read dataset */
    if ( H5LTread_dataset_string(file_id,DSET7_NAME,data_string_out) < 0 )
        goto out;

    if ( strcmp(data_string_in,data_string_out) != 0 )
        goto out;

    * end tests

    /* Close the file. */
    H5Fclose( file_id );


    return 0;

    /* Close the file. */
    return -1;
Example #9
/* initializes hdf5 struct and writes some of the initially known
   problem properties such as state variable names into hdf5 file*/
hdf5block_t* /*freshly allocated struct with ids and size parameters*/
h5block_init(char *output_file, /*will create this file for writing*/
	     ode_model_parameters *omp, /*contains MCMC problem description*/
	     size_t Samples, /* MCMC sample size*/
	     const char **x_name, /*ODE model State Variable names, array of strings*/
	     const char **p_name, /*ODE model parameter names, array of strings*/
	     const char **f_name)/*ODE model output function names, array of strings*/
  hsize_t *size=malloc(sizeof(hsize_t)*2);
  hsize_t *chunk_size=malloc(sizeof(hsize_t)*2);
  hid_t file_id = H5Fcreate(output_file, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  int D=get_number_of_MCMC_variables(omp);
  int N=get_number_of_state_variables(omp);
  int P=get_number_of_model_parameters(omp);
  int F=get_number_of_model_outputs(omp);
  char *x_names=flatten(x_name, (size_t) N, "; ");
  char *p_names=flatten(p_name, (size_t) P, "; ");
  char *f_names=flatten(f_name, (size_t) F, "; ");

  herr_t NameWriteError=0;
  if (NameWriteError){
    fprintf(stderr,"[h5block_init] writing (x,p,f)-names into hdf5 file failed.");
  }/* else {
    printf("# [main] all names have been written to file «%s».\n",output_file);
  hid_t para_property_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
  hid_t post_property_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
  /* here we set a «chunk size», which will coincide with the hyperslabs we select to write output*/
  // parameter sample chunk size:
  H5Pset_chunk(para_property_id, 2, chunk_size);
  hid_t para_chunk_id=H5Screate_simple(2, chunk_size, NULL); // a dataspace to write chunks/hyperslabs
  // posterior probability distribution chunk size:
  H5Pset_chunk(post_property_id, 2, chunk_size);
  hid_t post_chunk_id=H5Screate_simple(2, chunk_size, NULL);
  // hyperslab selection
  hsize_t *offset, *stride, *count, *block;
  // hsize_t offset[2]={0,0}, stride[2]={1,1}, count[2]={1,1}, block[2];
  int i;
  for (i=0;i<2;i++) offset[i]=0;
  for (i=0;i<2;i++) stride[i]=1;
  for (i=0;i<2;i++)  count[i]=1;  

  // hdf5 file setup
  hid_t para_dataspace_id=H5Screate_simple(2, size, NULL);
  hid_t post_dataspace_id=H5Screate_simple(2, size, NULL);
    assert(post_dataspace_id>0 && para_dataspace_id>0);
  hid_t parameter_set_id = H5Dcreate2(file_id, "LogParameters", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, para_dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT, para_property_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
  hid_t posterior_set_id = H5Dcreate2(file_id, "LogPosterior", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, post_dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT, post_property_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
  assert(parameter_set_id>0 && posterior_set_id>0);
  //copy ids to struct
  hdf5block_t *h5block;
  h5block = malloc(sizeof(hdf5block_t));
  h5block->file_id = file_id;
  h5block->para_property_id = para_property_id;
  h5block->post_property_id = post_property_id;
  h5block->para_chunk_id = para_chunk_id;
  h5block->post_chunk_id = post_chunk_id;
  h5block->para_dataspace_id = para_dataspace_id;
  h5block->post_dataspace_id = post_dataspace_id;
  h5block->parameter_set_id = parameter_set_id;
  h5block->posterior_set_id = posterior_set_id;
  h5block->size = size;
  h5block->chunk_size = chunk_size;
  h5block->offset = offset;
  h5block->stride = stride;
  h5block->count = count;
  h5block->block = block;
  return h5block;
Example #10
File: fclib.c Project: xhub/fclib
/** write problem info */
static void write_problem_info (hid_t id, struct fclib_info *info)
  if (info->title) IO (H5LTmake_dataset_string (id, "title", info->title));
  if (info->description) IO (H5LTmake_dataset_string (id, "description", info->description));
  if (info->math_info) IO (H5LTmake_dataset_string (id, "math_info", info->math_info));