Example #1
** Function         hidh_conn_disconnect
** Description      This function disconnects a connection.
** Returns          TRUE if disconnect started, FALSE if already disconnected
tHID_STATUS hidh_conn_disconnect (UINT8 dhandle)
    tHID_CONN *p_hcon = &hh_cb.devices[dhandle].conn;

    HIDH_TRACE_EVENT ("HID-Host disconnect");

    if ((p_hcon->ctrl_cid != 0) || (p_hcon->intr_cid != 0))
        p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_DISCONNECTING;

        /* Set l2cap idle timeout to 0 (so ACL link is disconnected
         * immediately after last channel is closed) */
        L2CA_SetIdleTimeoutByBdAddr(hh_cb.devices[dhandle].addr, 0, BT_TRANSPORT_BR_EDR);
        /* Disconnect both interrupt and control channels */
        if (p_hcon->intr_cid)
            L2CA_DisconnectReq (p_hcon->intr_cid);
        else if (p_hcon->ctrl_cid)
            L2CA_DisconnectReq (p_hcon->ctrl_cid);
        p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_UNUSED;

    return (HID_SUCCESS);
Example #2
** Function         hidh_l2cif_cong_ind
** Description      This function handles a congestion status event from L2CAP.
** Returns          void
static void hidh_l2cif_cong_ind (UINT16 l2cap_cid, BOOLEAN congested)
    UINT8 dhandle;
    tHID_CONN    *p_hcon = NULL;

    /* Find CCB based on CID */
    if( (dhandle = find_conn_by_cid(l2cap_cid)) < HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES )
        p_hcon = &hh_cb.devices[dhandle].conn;

    if (p_hcon == NULL)
        HIDH_TRACE_WARNING ("HID-Host Rcvd L2CAP congestion status, unknown CID: 0x%x", l2cap_cid);

    HIDH_TRACE_EVENT ("HID-Host Rcvd L2CAP congestion status, CID: 0x%x  Cong: %d", l2cap_cid, congested);

    if (congested)
        p_hcon->conn_flags |= HID_CONN_FLAGS_CONGESTED;
        p_hcon->conn_flags &= ~HID_CONN_FLAGS_CONGESTED;

Example #3
** Function         hidh_sec_check_complete_orig
** Description      This function checks to see if security procedures are being
**                  carried out or not..
** Returns          void
void hidh_sec_check_complete_orig (BD_ADDR bd_addr, tBT_TRANSPORT transport, void *p_ref_data, UINT8 res)
    tHID_HOST_DEV_CTB *p_dev = (tHID_HOST_DEV_CTB *) p_ref_data;
    UINT8 dhandle;
    UNUSED (transport);

    // TODO(armansito): This kind of math to determine a device handle is way
    // too dirty and unnecessary. Why can't |p_dev| store it's handle?
    dhandle = (PTR_TO_UINT(p_dev) - PTR_TO_UINT(&(hh_cb.devices[0])))/ sizeof(tHID_HOST_DEV_CTB);
    if( res == BTM_SUCCESS && p_dev->conn.conn_state == HID_CONN_STATE_SECURITY )
        HIDH_TRACE_EVENT ("HID-Host Originator security pass.");
        p_dev->conn.disc_reason = HID_SUCCESS;  /* Authentication passed. Reset disc_reason (from HID_ERR_AUTH_FAILED) */

        /* Transition to the next appropriate state, configuration */
        p_dev->conn.conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_CONFIG;
        L2CA_ConfigReq (p_dev->conn.ctrl_cid, &hh_cb.l2cap_cfg);
        HIDH_TRACE_EVENT ("HID-Host Got Control conn cnf, sent cfg req, CID: 0x%x", p_dev->conn.ctrl_cid);


    if( res != BTM_SUCCESS && p_dev->conn.conn_state == HID_CONN_STATE_SECURITY )
        if( res == BTM_DEVICE_TIMEOUT )
            if( p_dev->conn_tries <= HID_HOST_MAX_CONN_RETRY )
                hidh_conn_retry (dhandle);
        p_dev->conn.disc_reason = HID_ERR_AUTH_FAILED;      /* Save reason for disconnecting */

Example #4
** Function         hidh_l2cif_disconnect_cfm
** Description      This function handles a disconnect confirm event from L2CAP.
** Returns          void
static void hidh_l2cif_disconnect_cfm (UINT16 l2cap_cid, UINT16 result)
    UINT8 dhandle;
    tHID_CONN    *p_hcon = NULL;

    /* Find CCB based on CID */
    if( (dhandle = find_conn_by_cid(l2cap_cid)) < HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES )
        p_hcon = &hh_cb.devices[dhandle].conn;

    if (p_hcon == NULL)
        HIDH_TRACE_WARNING ("HID-Host Rcvd L2CAP disc cfm, unknown CID: 0x%x", l2cap_cid);

    HIDH_TRACE_EVENT ("HID-Host Rcvd L2CAP disc cfm, CID: 0x%x", l2cap_cid);

    if (l2cap_cid == p_hcon->ctrl_cid)
        p_hcon->ctrl_cid = 0;
        p_hcon->intr_cid = 0;
        if (p_hcon->ctrl_cid)
            HIDH_TRACE_EVENT ("HID-Host Initiating L2CAP Ctrl disconnection");
            L2CA_DisconnectReq (p_hcon->ctrl_cid);

    if ((p_hcon->ctrl_cid == 0) && (p_hcon->intr_cid == 0))
        hh_cb.devices[dhandle].state = HID_DEV_NO_CONN;
        p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_UNUSED;
        HIDH_TRACE_EVENT ("HID-Host: disconnect cfm, reason = %d", p_hcon->disc_reason);
        hh_cb.callback( dhandle, hh_cb.devices[dhandle].addr, HID_HDEV_EVT_CLOSE, p_hcon->disc_reason, NULL ) ;
Example #5
** Function         hidh_l2cif_disconnect_ind
** Description      This function handles a disconnect event from L2CAP. If
**                  requested to, we ack the disconnect before dropping the CCB
** Returns          void
static void hidh_l2cif_disconnect_ind (UINT16 l2cap_cid, BOOLEAN ack_needed)
    UINT8 dhandle;
    tHID_CONN    *p_hcon = NULL;
    UINT16 disc_res = HCI_SUCCESS;
    UINT16 hid_close_evt_reason;

    /* Find CCB based on CID */
    if( (dhandle = find_conn_by_cid(l2cap_cid)) < HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES )
        p_hcon = &hh_cb.devices[dhandle].conn;

    if (p_hcon == NULL)
        HIDH_TRACE_WARNING ("HID-Host Rcvd L2CAP disc, unknown CID: 0x%x", l2cap_cid);

    if (ack_needed)
        L2CA_DisconnectRsp (l2cap_cid);

    HIDH_TRACE_EVENT ("HID-Host Rcvd L2CAP disc, CID: 0x%x", l2cap_cid);

    p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_DISCONNECTING;

    if (l2cap_cid == p_hcon->ctrl_cid)
        p_hcon->ctrl_cid = 0;
        p_hcon->intr_cid = 0;

    if ((p_hcon->ctrl_cid == 0) && (p_hcon->intr_cid == 0))
        hh_cb.devices[dhandle].state = HID_DEV_NO_CONN;
        p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_UNUSED;

        if( !ack_needed )
            disc_res = btm_get_acl_disc_reason_code();

        HIDH_TRACE_EVENT ("HID-Host: acl disconnect reason %d", disc_res);

        if( (disc_res == HCI_ERR_CONNECTION_TOUT || disc_res == HCI_ERR_UNSPECIFIED) &&
            (!(hh_cb.devices[dhandle].attr_mask & HID_RECONN_INIT)) &&
            (hh_cb.devices[dhandle].attr_mask & HID_NORMALLY_CONNECTABLE))
            hh_cb.devices[dhandle].conn_tries = 0;
            hh_cb.devices[dhandle].conn.timer_entry.param = (UINT32) dhandle;
            HIDH_TRACE_EVENT ("HID-Host: starting timer for reconnection");
            btu_start_timer (&(hh_cb.devices[dhandle].conn.timer_entry), BTU_TTYPE_HID_HOST_REPAGE_TO, HID_HOST_REPAGE_WIN);
            hh_cb.callback( dhandle,  hh_cb.devices[dhandle].addr, HID_HDEV_EVT_CLOSE, disc_res, NULL);
            /* Set reason code for HID_HDEV_EVT_CLOSE */
            hid_close_evt_reason = p_hcon->disc_reason;

            /* If we got baseband sent HCI_DISCONNECT_COMPLETE_EVT due to security failure, then set reason to HID_ERR_AUTH_FAILED */
            if ((disc_res == HCI_ERR_AUTH_FAILURE)                        ||
                (disc_res == HCI_ERR_KEY_MISSING)                         ||
                (disc_res == HCI_ERR_HOST_REJECT_SECURITY)                ||
                (disc_res == HCI_ERR_PAIRING_NOT_ALLOWED)                 ||
                (disc_res == HCI_ERR_UNIT_KEY_USED)                       ||
                (disc_res == HCI_ERR_PAIRING_WITH_UNIT_KEY_NOT_SUPPORTED) ||
                (disc_res == HCI_ERR_ENCRY_MODE_NOT_ACCEPTABLE)           ||
                (disc_res == HCI_ERR_REPEATED_ATTEMPTS))
                hid_close_evt_reason = HID_ERR_AUTH_FAILED;
            HIDH_TRACE_EVENT ("HID-Host: disconnect ind, reason = %d", hid_close_evt_reason);
            hh_cb.callback( dhandle,  hh_cb.devices[dhandle].addr, HID_HDEV_EVT_CLOSE, hid_close_evt_reason, NULL ) ;
Example #6
** Function         hidh_l2cif_config_cfm
** Description      This function processes the L2CAP configuration confirmation
**                  event.
** Returns          void
static void hidh_l2cif_config_cfm (UINT16 l2cap_cid, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg)
    UINT8 dhandle;
    tHID_CONN    *p_hcon = NULL;
    UINT32  reason;

    HIDH_TRACE_EVENT ("HID-Host Rcvd cfg cfm, CID: 0x%x  Result: %d", l2cap_cid, p_cfg->result);

    /* Find CCB based on CID */
    if( (dhandle = find_conn_by_cid(l2cap_cid)) < HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES )
        p_hcon = &hh_cb.devices[dhandle].conn;

    if (p_hcon == NULL)
        HIDH_TRACE_WARNING ("HID-Host Rcvd L2CAP cfg ind, unknown CID: 0x%x", l2cap_cid);

    /* If configuration failed, disconnect the channel(s) */
    if (p_cfg->result != L2CAP_CFG_OK)
        hidh_conn_disconnect (dhandle);
        reason = HID_L2CAP_CFG_FAIL | (UINT32) p_cfg->result ;
        HIDH_TRACE_WARNING ("HID-Host: l2cap config ind failed, reason = %d", reason);
        hh_cb.callback( dhandle, hh_cb.devices[dhandle].addr, HID_HDEV_EVT_CLOSE, reason, NULL ) ;

    if (l2cap_cid == p_hcon->ctrl_cid)
        p_hcon->conn_flags |= HID_CONN_FLAGS_MY_CTRL_CFG_DONE;
        if ((p_hcon->conn_flags & HID_CONN_FLAGS_IS_ORIG) &&
           (p_hcon->conn_flags & HID_CONN_FLAGS_HIS_CTRL_CFG_DONE))
            /* Connect interrupt channel */
            p_hcon->disc_reason = HID_L2CAP_CONN_FAIL;  /* Reset initial reason for CLOSE_EVT: Connection Attempt was made but failed */
            if ((p_hcon->intr_cid = L2CA_ConnectReq (HID_PSM_INTERRUPT, hh_cb.devices[dhandle].addr)) == 0)
                HIDH_TRACE_WARNING ("HID-Host INTR Originate failed");
                reason = HID_L2CAP_REQ_FAIL ;
                p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_UNUSED;
                hidh_conn_disconnect (dhandle);
                HIDH_TRACE_WARNING ("HID-Host: l2cap config ind failed 2, reason = %d", reason);
                hh_cb.callback( dhandle, hh_cb.devices[dhandle].addr, HID_HDEV_EVT_CLOSE, reason, NULL ) ;
                /* Transition to the next appropriate state, waiting for connection confirm on interrupt channel. */
                p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_CONNECTING_INTR;
        p_hcon->conn_flags |= HID_CONN_FLAGS_MY_INTR_CFG_DONE;

    /* If all configuration is complete, change state and tell management we are up */
     && (p_hcon->conn_state == HID_CONN_STATE_CONFIG))
        p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_CONNECTED;
        /* Reset disconnect reason to success, as connection successful */
        p_hcon->disc_reason = HID_SUCCESS;

        hh_cb.devices[dhandle].state = HID_DEV_CONNECTED;
        hh_cb.callback( dhandle, hh_cb.devices[dhandle].addr, HID_HDEV_EVT_OPEN, 0, NULL ) ;
Example #7
** Function         hidh_l2cif_connect_cfm
** Description      This function handles the connect confirm events
**                  from L2CAP. This is the case when we are acting as a
**                  client and have sent a connect request.
** Returns          void
static void hidh_l2cif_connect_cfm (UINT16 l2cap_cid, UINT16 result)
    UINT8 dhandle;
    tHID_CONN    *p_hcon = NULL;
    UINT32  reason;
    tHID_HOST_DEV_CTB *p_dev = NULL;

    /* Find CCB based on CID, and verify we are in a state to accept this message */
    if( (dhandle = find_conn_by_cid(l2cap_cid)) < HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES )
        p_dev = &hh_cb.devices[dhandle];
        p_hcon = &hh_cb.devices[dhandle].conn;

    if ((p_hcon == NULL)
     || (!(p_hcon->conn_flags & HID_CONN_FLAGS_IS_ORIG))
     || ((l2cap_cid == p_hcon->ctrl_cid) && (p_hcon->conn_state != HID_CONN_STATE_CONNECTING_CTRL))
     || ((l2cap_cid == p_hcon->intr_cid) && (p_hcon->conn_state != HID_CONN_STATE_CONNECTING_INTR)
     && (p_hcon->conn_state != HID_CONN_STATE_DISCONNECTING)))
        HIDH_TRACE_WARNING ("HID-Host Rcvd unexpected conn cnf, CID 0x%x ", l2cap_cid);

    if (result != L2CAP_CONN_OK)
        if (l2cap_cid == p_hcon->ctrl_cid)
            p_hcon->ctrl_cid = 0;
            p_hcon->intr_cid = 0;


        if( (hh_cb.devices[dhandle].conn_tries <= HID_HOST_MAX_CONN_RETRY) &&
            (result == HCI_ERR_CONNECTION_TOUT || result == HCI_ERR_UNSPECIFIED ||
             result == HCI_ERR_PAGE_TIMEOUT) )
            reason = HID_L2CAP_CONN_FAIL | (UINT32) result ;
            HIDH_TRACE_WARNING ("HID-Host: l2cap connect failed, reason = %d", reason);
            hh_cb.callback( dhandle, hh_cb.devices[dhandle].addr, HID_HDEV_EVT_CLOSE, reason, NULL ) ;
    /* receive Control Channel connect confirmation */
    if (l2cap_cid == p_hcon->ctrl_cid)
        /* check security requirement */
        p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_SECURITY;
        p_hcon->disc_reason = HID_L2CAP_CONN_FAIL;  /* In case disconnection occurs before security is completed, then set CLOSE_EVT reason code to "connection failure" */

        if (!interop_addr_match(INTEROP_DISABLE_AUTH_FOR_HID_POINTING, (bt_bdaddr_t *)p_dev->addr))
            btm_sec_mx_access_request (p_dev->addr, HID_PSM_CONTROL,
                TRUE, BTM_SEC_PROTO_HID,
                (p_dev->attr_mask & HID_SEC_REQUIRED) ? HID_SEC_CHN : HID_NOSEC_CHN,
                &hidh_sec_check_complete_orig, p_dev);
            /* device is blacklisted, don't perform authentication */
             hidh_sec_check_complete_orig(p_dev->addr, BT_TRANSPORT_BR_EDR,
                p_dev, BTM_SUCCESS);
        p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_CONFIG;
        /* Send a Configuration Request. */
        L2CA_ConfigReq (l2cap_cid, &hh_cb.l2cap_cfg);
        HIDH_TRACE_EVENT ("HID-Host got Interrupt conn cnf, sent cfg req, CID: 0x%x", l2cap_cid);

Example #8
** Function         hidh_l2cif_connect_ind
** Description      This function handles an inbound connection indication
**                  from L2CAP. This is the case where we are acting as a
**                  server.
** Returns          void
static void hidh_l2cif_connect_ind (BD_ADDR  bd_addr, UINT16 l2cap_cid, UINT16 psm, UINT8 l2cap_id)
    tHID_CONN    *p_hcon;
    BOOLEAN      bAccept = TRUE;
    UINT8        i = HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES;
    tHID_HOST_DEV_CTB *p_dev;

    HIDH_TRACE_EVENT ("HID-Host Rcvd L2CAP conn ind, PSM: 0x%04x  CID 0x%x", psm, l2cap_cid);

    /* always add incoming connection device into HID database by default */
    if (HID_HostAddDev(bd_addr, HID_SEC_REQUIRED, &i) != HID_SUCCESS)
        L2CA_ConnectRsp (bd_addr, l2cap_id, l2cap_cid, L2CAP_CONN_SECURITY_BLOCK, 0);

    p_hcon = &hh_cb.devices[i].conn;
    p_dev  = &hh_cb.devices[i];

    /* Stop the retry timer if active */
    HIDH_TRACE_DEBUG ("HID-Host stopping retry timer as l2cap is connected from remote side");
    p_dev->conn_tries = HID_HOST_MAX_CONN_RETRY+1;

    /* Check we are in the correct state for this */
    if (psm == HID_PSM_INTERRUPT)
        if (p_hcon->ctrl_cid == 0)
            HIDH_TRACE_WARNING ("HID-Host Rcvd INTR L2CAP conn ind, but no CTL channel");
            bAccept = FALSE;
        if (p_hcon->conn_state != HID_CONN_STATE_CONNECTING_INTR)
            HIDH_TRACE_WARNING ("HID-Host Rcvd INTR L2CAP conn ind, wrong state: %d",
            bAccept = FALSE;
    else /* CTRL channel */
        p_hcon->ctrl_cid = p_hcon->intr_cid = 0;
        p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_UNUSED;
        if (p_hcon->conn_state != HID_CONN_STATE_UNUSED)
            HIDH_TRACE_WARNING ("HID-Host - Rcvd CTL L2CAP conn ind, wrong state: %d",
            bAccept = FALSE;

    if (!bAccept)
        L2CA_ConnectRsp (bd_addr, l2cap_id, l2cap_cid, L2CAP_CONN_NO_RESOURCES, 0);

    if (psm == HID_PSM_CONTROL)
        p_hcon->conn_flags = 0;
        p_hcon->ctrl_cid   = l2cap_cid;
        p_hcon->ctrl_id    = l2cap_id;
        p_hcon->disc_reason = HID_L2CAP_CONN_FAIL;  /* In case disconnection occurs before security is completed, then set CLOSE_EVT reason code to 'connection failure' */

        p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_SECURITY;
        if (!interop_addr_match(INTEROP_DISABLE_AUTH_FOR_HID_POINTING, (bt_bdaddr_t*)p_dev->addr))
            if(btm_sec_mx_access_request (p_dev->addr, HID_PSM_CONTROL,
                FALSE, BTM_SEC_PROTO_HID,
                (p_dev->attr_mask & HID_SEC_REQUIRED) ? HID_SEC_CHN : HID_NOSEC_CHN,
                &hidh_sec_check_complete_term, p_dev) == BTM_CMD_STARTED)
                L2CA_ConnectRsp (bd_addr, l2cap_id, l2cap_cid, L2CAP_CONN_PENDING, L2CAP_CONN_OK);
            /* device is blacklisted, don't perform authentication */
            L2CA_ConnectRsp (bd_addr, l2cap_id, l2cap_cid, L2CAP_CONN_PENDING, L2CAP_CONN_OK);
            hidh_sec_check_complete_term(p_dev->addr, BT_TRANSPORT_BR_EDR,
                p_dev, BTM_SUCCESS);


    /* Transition to the next appropriate state, configuration */
    p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_CONFIG;
    p_hcon->intr_cid   = l2cap_cid;

    /* Send response to the L2CAP layer. */
    L2CA_ConnectRsp (bd_addr, l2cap_id, l2cap_cid, L2CAP_CONN_OK, L2CAP_CONN_OK);

    /* Send a Configuration Request. */
    L2CA_ConfigReq (l2cap_cid, &hh_cb.l2cap_cfg);

    HIDH_TRACE_EVENT ("HID-Host Rcvd L2CAP conn ind, sent config req, PSM: 0x%04x  CID 0x%x",
                       psm, l2cap_cid);
Example #9
** Function         hidh_l2cif_config_ind
** Description      This function processes the L2CAP configuration indication
**                  event.
** Returns          void
static void hidh_l2cif_config_ind (UINT16 l2cap_cid, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg)
    UINT8 dhandle;
    tHID_CONN    *p_hcon = NULL;
    UINT32  reason;

    /* Find CCB based on CID */
    if( (dhandle = find_conn_by_cid(l2cap_cid)) < HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES )
        p_hcon = &hh_cb.devices[dhandle].conn;

    if (p_hcon == NULL)
        HIDH_TRACE_WARNING ("HID-Host Rcvd L2CAP cfg ind, unknown CID: 0x%x", l2cap_cid);

    HIDH_TRACE_EVENT ("HID-Host Rcvd cfg ind, sent cfg cfm, CID: 0x%x", l2cap_cid);

    /* Remember the remote MTU size */
    if ((!p_cfg->mtu_present) || (p_cfg->mtu > HID_HOST_MTU))
        p_hcon->rem_mtu_size = HID_HOST_MTU;
        p_hcon->rem_mtu_size = p_cfg->mtu;

    /* For now, always accept configuration from the other side */
    p_cfg->flush_to_present = FALSE;
    p_cfg->mtu_present      = FALSE;
    p_cfg->result           = L2CAP_CFG_OK;

    L2CA_ConfigRsp (l2cap_cid, p_cfg);

    if (l2cap_cid == p_hcon->ctrl_cid)
        p_hcon->conn_flags |= HID_CONN_FLAGS_HIS_CTRL_CFG_DONE;
        if ((p_hcon->conn_flags & HID_CONN_FLAGS_IS_ORIG) &&
           (p_hcon->conn_flags & HID_CONN_FLAGS_MY_CTRL_CFG_DONE))
            /* Connect interrupt channel */
            p_hcon->disc_reason = HID_L2CAP_CONN_FAIL;	/* Reset initial reason for CLOSE_EVT: Connection Attempt was made but failed */
            if ((p_hcon->intr_cid = L2CA_ConnectReq (HID_PSM_INTERRUPT, hh_cb.devices[dhandle].addr)) == 0)
                HIDH_TRACE_WARNING ("HID-Host INTR Originate failed");
                reason = HID_L2CAP_REQ_FAIL ;
                p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_UNUSED;
                hidh_conn_disconnect (dhandle);
                hh_cb.callback( dhandle, hh_cb.devices[dhandle].addr, HID_HDEV_EVT_CLOSE, reason, NULL ) ;
                /* Transition to the next appropriate state, waiting for connection confirm on interrupt channel. */
                p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_CONNECTING_INTR;
        p_hcon->conn_flags |= HID_CONN_FLAGS_HIS_INTR_CFG_DONE;

    /* If all configuration is complete, change state and tell management we are up */
     && (p_hcon->conn_state == HID_CONN_STATE_CONFIG))
        p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_CONNECTED;
        /* Reset disconnect reason to success, as connection successful */
        p_hcon->disc_reason = HID_SUCCESS;

        hh_cb.devices[dhandle].state = HID_DEV_CONNECTED;
        hh_cb.callback( dhandle,  hh_cb.devices[dhandle].addr, HID_HDEV_EVT_OPEN, 0, NULL ) ;