Example #1
void LuaUtils::PushCommandDesc(lua_State* L, const CommandDescription& cd)
	const int numParams = cd.params.size();
	const int numTblKeys = 12;

	lua_checkstack(L, 1 + 1 + 1 + 1);
	lua_createtable(L, 0, numTblKeys);

	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "id",          cd.id);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "type",        cd.type);
	HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "name",        cd.name);
	HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "action",      cd.action);
	HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "tooltip",     cd.tooltip);
	HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "texture",     cd.iconname);
	HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "cursor",      cd.mouseicon);
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L,   "hidden",      cd.hidden);
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L,   "disabled",    cd.disabled);
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L,   "showUnique",  cd.showUnique);
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L,   "onlyTexture", cd.onlyTexture);

	HSTR_PUSH(L, "params");

	lua_createtable(L, 0, numParams);

	for (int p = 0; p < numParams; p++) {
		lua_pushsstring(L, cd.params[p]);
		lua_rawseti(L, -2, p + 1);

	// CmdDesc["params"] = {[1] = "string1", [2] = "string2", ...}
	lua_settable(L, -3);
Example #2
/// pushes 7 items on the stack
static void PushUnitAndCommand(lua_State* L, const CUnit* unit, const Command& cmd)
	// push the unit info
	lua_pushnumber(L, unit->id);
	lua_pushnumber(L, unit->unitDef->id);
	lua_pushnumber(L, unit->team);

	// push the command id
	lua_pushnumber(L, cmd.id);

	// push the params list
	for (int p = 0; p < (int)cmd.params.size(); p++) {
		lua_pushnumber(L, p + 1);
		lua_pushnumber(L, cmd.params[p]);
		lua_rawset(L, -3);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "n", cmd.params.size());

	// push the options table
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "coded", cmd.options);
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "alt",   !!(cmd.options & ALT_KEY));
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "ctrl",  !!(cmd.options & CONTROL_KEY));
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "shift", !!(cmd.options & SHIFT_KEY));
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "right", !!(cmd.options & RIGHT_MOUSE_KEY));
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "meta",  !!(cmd.options & META_KEY));

	// push the command tag
	lua_pushnumber(L, cmd.tag);
bool CLuaHandle::AddBasicCalls()
	HSTR_PUSH(L, "Script");
	lua_newtable(L); {
		HSTR_PUSH_CFUNC(L, "Kill",            KillActiveHandle);
		HSTR_PUSH_CFUNC(L, "GetName",         CallOutGetName);
		HSTR_PUSH_CFUNC(L, "GetSynced",       CallOutGetSynced);
		HSTR_PUSH_CFUNC(L, "GetFullCtrl",     CallOutGetFullCtrl);
		HSTR_PUSH_CFUNC(L, "GetFullRead",     CallOutGetFullRead);
		HSTR_PUSH_CFUNC(L, "GetCtrlTeam",     CallOutGetCtrlTeam);
		HSTR_PUSH_CFUNC(L, "GetReadTeam",     CallOutGetReadTeam);
		HSTR_PUSH_CFUNC(L, "GetReadAllyTeam", CallOutGetReadAllyTeam);
		HSTR_PUSH_CFUNC(L, "GetSelectTeam",   CallOutGetSelectTeam);
		HSTR_PUSH_CFUNC(L, "GetGlobal",       CallOutGetGlobal);
		HSTR_PUSH_CFUNC(L, "GetRegistry",     CallOutGetRegistry);
		HSTR_PUSH_CFUNC(L, "GetCallInList",   CallOutGetCallInList);
		// special team constants
		HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "NO_ACCESS_TEAM",  CEventClient::NoAccessTeam);
		HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "ALL_ACCESS_TEAM", CEventClient::AllAccessTeam);
//FIXME		LuaArrays::PushEntries(L);
	lua_rawset(L, -3);

	// extra math utilities
	lua_getglobal(L, "math");
	lua_pop(L, 1);
	return true;
Example #4
bool CLuaRules::CommandFallback(const CUnit* unit, const Command& cmd)
	if (!haveCommandFallback) {
		return true; // the call is not defined

	lua_checkstack(L, 9);
	static const LuaHashString cmdStr("CommandFallback");
	if (!cmdStr.GetGlobalFunc(L)) {
		return true; // the call is not defined

	// push the unit info
	lua_pushnumber(L, unit->id);
	lua_pushnumber(L, unit->unitDef->id);
	lua_pushnumber(L, unit->team);

	// push the command id
	lua_pushnumber(L, cmd.id);

	// push the params list
	for (int p = 0; p < (int)cmd.params.size(); p++) {
		lua_pushnumber(L, p + 1);
		lua_pushnumber(L, cmd.params[p]);
		lua_rawset(L, -3);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "n", cmd.params.size());

	// push the options table
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "coded", cmd.options);
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "alt",   !!(cmd.options & ALT_KEY));
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "ctrl",  !!(cmd.options & CONTROL_KEY));
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "shift", !!(cmd.options & SHIFT_KEY));
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "right", !!(cmd.options & RIGHT_MOUSE_KEY));
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "meta",  !!(cmd.options & META_KEY));

	// push the command tag
	lua_pushnumber(L, cmd.tag);

	// call the function
	if (!RunCallIn(cmdStr, 7, 1)) {
		return true;

	// get the results
	if (!lua_isboolean(L, -1)) {
		logOutput.Print("%s() bad return value\n", cmdStr.GetString().c_str());
		lua_pop(L, 1);
		return true;

	const bool retval = !!lua_toboolean(L, -1);
	lua_pop(L, 1);

	// return 'true' to remove the command
	return retval;
bool CLuaRules::AllowCommand(const CUnit* unit, const Command& cmd)
	if (!haveAllowCommand) {
		return true; // the call is not defined

	lua_settop(L, 0);

	static const LuaHashString cmdStr("AllowCommand");
	if (!cmdStr.GetGlobalFunc(L)) {
		lua_settop(L, 0);
		return true; // the call is not defined

	// push the unit info
	lua_pushnumber(L, unit->id);
	lua_pushnumber(L, unit->unitDef->id);
	lua_pushnumber(L, unit->team);

	// push the command id
	lua_pushnumber(L, cmd.id);

	// push the params list
	for (int p = 0; p < (int)cmd.params.size(); p++) {
		lua_pushnumber(L, p + 1);
		lua_pushnumber(L, cmd.params[p]);
		lua_rawset(L, -3);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "n", cmd.params.size());

	// push the options table
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "coded", cmd.options);
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "alt",   !!(cmd.options & ALT_KEY));
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "ctrl",  !!(cmd.options & CONTROL_KEY));
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "shift", !!(cmd.options & SHIFT_KEY));
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "right", !!(cmd.options & RIGHT_MOUSE_KEY));

	// call the function
	if (!RunCallIn(cmdStr, 6, 1)) {
		return true;

	// get the results
	const int args = lua_gettop(L);
	if ((args != 1) || !lua_isboolean(L, -1)) {
		logOutput.Print("%s() bad return value (%i)\n",
		                cmdStr.GetString().c_str(), args);
		lua_settop(L, 0);
		return true;

	return !!lua_toboolean(L, -1);
Example #6
static int WeaponsTable(lua_State* L, const void* data)
	const vector<UnitDefWeapon>& weapons =
		*((const vector<UnitDefWeapon>*)data);


	for (size_t i = 0; i < weapons.size(); i++) {
		const UnitDefWeapon& udw = weapons[i];
		const WeaponDef* weapon = udw.def;
		lua_pushnumber(L, i + LUA_WEAPON_BASE_INDEX);
		lua_newtable(L); {
			HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "weaponDef",   weapon->id);
			HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "slavedTo",    udw.slavedTo-1+LUA_WEAPON_BASE_INDEX);
			HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "fuelUsage",   udw.fuelUsage);
			HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "maxAngleDif", udw.maxMainDirAngleDif);
			HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "mainDirX",    udw.mainDir.x);
			HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "mainDirY",    udw.mainDir.y);
			HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "mainDirZ",    udw.mainDir.z);

			HSTR_PUSH(L, "badTargets");
			CategorySetFromBits(L, &udw.badTargetCat);
			lua_rawset(L, -3);

			HSTR_PUSH(L, "onlyTargets");
			CategorySetFromBits(L, &udw.onlyTargetCat);
			lua_rawset(L, -3);
		lua_rawset(L, -3);

	return 1;
static int GuiSoundSetTable(lua_State* L, const void* data)
	const GuiSoundSet& soundSet = *((const GuiSoundSet*) data);
	const int soundCount = (int)soundSet.sounds.size();
	for (int i = 0; i < soundCount; i++) {
		lua_pushnumber(L, i + 1);
		const GuiSoundSet::Data& sound = soundSet.sounds[i];
		HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "name",   sound.name);
		HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "volume", sound.volume);
		if (!CLuaHandle::GetSynced(L)) {
			HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "id", sound.id);
		lua_rawset(L, -3);
	return 1;
Example #8
static void PushGuiSoundSet(lua_State* L, const string& name,
                            const GuiSoundSet& soundSet)
	const int soundCount = (int)soundSet.sounds.size();
	lua_pushsstring(L, name);
	for (int i = 0; i < soundCount; i++) {
		lua_pushnumber(L, i + 1);
		const GuiSoundSet::Data& sound = soundSet.sounds[i];
		HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "name",   sound.name);
		HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "volume", sound.volume);
		if (!CLuaHandle::GetHandleSynced(L)) {
			HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "id", sound.id);
		lua_rawset(L, -3);
	lua_rawset(L, -3);
static int DamagesArray(lua_State* L, const void* data)
	const DamageArray& d = *((const DamageArray*)data);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "impulseFactor",      d.impulseFactor);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "impulseBoost",       d.impulseBoost);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "craterMult",         d.craterMult);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "craterBoost",        d.craterBoost);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "paralyzeDamageTime", d.paralyzeDamageTime);

	// damage values
	const int typeCount = damageArrayHandler->GetNumTypes();
	for (int i = 0; i < typeCount; i++) {
		lua_pushnumber(L, i);
		lua_pushnumber(L, d[i]);
		lua_rawset(L, -3);

	return 1;
Example #10
static int MoveDefTable(lua_State* L, const void* data)
	const unsigned int mdType = *static_cast<const unsigned int*>(data);
	const MoveDef* md = NULL;

	if (mdType == -1U) {
		return 1;
	if ((md = moveDefHandler->GetMoveDefByPathType(mdType)) == NULL) {
		return 1;

	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "id", md->pathType);

	switch (md->speedModClass) {
		case MoveDef::Tank:  { HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "family", "tank");  HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "type", "ground"); break; }
		case MoveDef::KBot:  { HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "family", "kbot");  HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "type", "ground"); break; }
		case MoveDef::Hover: { HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "family", "hover"); HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "type",  "hover"); break; }
		case MoveDef::Ship:  { HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "family", "ship");  HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "type",   "ship"); break; }

	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "xsize",         md->xsize);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "zsize",         md->zsize);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "depth",         md->depth);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "maxSlope",      md->maxSlope);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "slopeMod",      md->slopeMod);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "depthMod",      md->depthModParams[MoveDef::DEPTHMOD_LIN_COEFF]);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "crushStrength", md->crushStrength);

	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "heatMapping",     md->heatMapping);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "heatMod",       md->heatMod);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "heatProduced",  md->heatProduced);

	HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "name", md->name);

	return 1;
Example #11
bool CLuaHandle::CommandNotify(const Command& cmd)
	if (!CheckModUICtrl()) {
		return false;
	lua_checkstack(L, 5);
	static const LuaHashString cmdStr("CommandNotify");
	if (!PushUnsyncedCallIn(cmdStr)) {
		return false; // the call is not defined

	// push the command id
	lua_pushnumber(L, cmd.id);

	// push the params list
	for (int p = 0; p < (int)cmd.params.size(); p++) {
		lua_pushnumber(L, p + 1);
		lua_pushnumber(L, cmd.params[p]);
		lua_rawset(L, -3);

	// push the options table
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "coded", cmd.options);
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "alt",   !!(cmd.options & ALT_KEY));
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "ctrl",  !!(cmd.options & CONTROL_KEY));
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "shift", !!(cmd.options & SHIFT_KEY));
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "right", !!(cmd.options & RIGHT_MOUSE_KEY));
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "meta",  !!(cmd.options & META_KEY));

	// call the function
	if (!RunCallInUnsynced(cmdStr, 3, 1)) {
		return false;

	// get the results
	if (!lua_isboolean(L, -1)) {
		logOutput.Print("CommandNotify() bad return value\n");
		lua_pop(L, 1);
		return false;

	const bool retval = !!lua_toboolean(L, -1);
	lua_pop(L, 1);
	return retval;
static int VisualsTable(lua_State* L, const void* data)
	const struct WeaponDef::Visuals& v =
		*((const struct WeaponDef::Visuals*)data);
	HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "modelName",      v.modelName);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "colorR",         v.color.x);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "colorG",         v.color.y);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "colorB",         v.color.z);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "color2R",        v.color2.x);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "color2G",        v.color2.y);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "color2B",        v.color2.z);
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL  (L, "smokeTrail",     v.smokeTrail);
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL  (L, "beamWeapon",     v.beamweapon);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "tileLength",     v.tilelength);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "scrollSpeed",    v.scrollspeed);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "pulseSpeed",     v.pulseSpeed);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "laserFlareSize", v.laserflaresize);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "thickness",      v.thickness);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "coreThickness",  v.corethickness);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "beamDecay",      v.beamdecay);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "stages",         v.stages);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "sizeDecay",      v.sizeDecay);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "alphaDecay",     v.alphaDecay);
	HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "separation",     v.separation);
	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL  (L, "noGap",          v.noGap);

	HSTR_PUSH_BOOL  (L, "alwaysVisible", v.alwaysVisible);

	return 1;
//	CColorMap *colorMap;
//	AtlasedTexture *texture1;
//	AtlasedTexture *texture2;
//	AtlasedTexture *texture3;
//	AtlasedTexture *texture4;