PUBLIC void edit_temporary_file ARGS3( char *, filename, char *, position, char *, message) { #ifdef UNIX struct stat stat_info; #endif char *format = "%s %s"; char *command = NULL; char *editor_arg = ""; int params = 1; int rv; if (strstr(editor, "pico")) { editor_arg = " -t"; /* No prompt for filename to use */ } if (editor_can_position() && *position) { #ifdef VMS format = "%s %s -%s%s"; HTAddXpand(&command, format, params++, editor); HTAddParam(&command, format, params++, filename); HTAddParam(&command, format, params++, position); HTAddParam(&command, format, params++, editor_arg); HTEndParam(&command, format, params); #else format = "%s +%s%s %s"; HTAddXpand(&command, format, params++, editor); HTAddParam(&command, format, params++, position); HTAddParam(&command, format, params++, editor_arg); HTAddParam(&command, format, params++, filename); HTEndParam(&command, format, params); #endif } #ifdef DOSPATH else if (strncmp(editor, "VZ", 2)==0) { /* for Vz editor */ format = "%s %s -%s"; HTAddXpand(&command, format, params++, editor); HTAddParam(&command, format, params++, HTDOS_short_name(filename)); HTAddParam(&command, format, params++, position); HTEndParam(&command, format, params); } else if (strncmp(editor, "edit", 4)==0) { /* for standard editor */ HTAddXpand(&command, format, params++, editor); HTAddParam(&command, format, params++, HTDOS_short_name(filename)); HTEndParam(&command, format, params); } #endif else { #ifdef _WINDOWS if (strchr(editor, ' ')) HTAddXpand(&command, format, params++, HTDOS_short_name(editor)); else HTAddXpand(&command, format, params++, editor); #else HTAddXpand(&command, format, params++, editor); #endif HTAddParam(&command, format, params++, filename); HTEndParam(&command, format, params); } if (message != NULL) { _statusline(message); } CTRACE((tfp, "LYEdit: %s\n", command)); CTRACE_SLEEP(MessageSecs); stop_curses(); #ifdef UNIX set_errno(0); #endif if ((rv = LYSystem(command)) != 0) { /* Spawn Editor */ start_curses(); /* * If something went wrong, we should probably return soon; * currently we don't, but at least put out a message. - kw */ { #ifdef UNIX CTRACE((tfp, "ExtEditForm: system() returned %d (0x%x), %s\n", rv, rv, errno ? LYStrerror(errno) : "reason unknown")); LYFixCursesOn("show error warning:"); if (rv == -1) { HTUserMsg2(gettext("Error starting editor, %s"), LYStrerror(errno)); } else if (WIFSIGNALED(rv)) { HTAlwaysAlert(NULL, gettext("Editor killed by signal")); } else if (WIFEXITED(rv) && WEXITSTATUS(rv) != 127) { HTUserMsg2(gettext("Editor returned with exit code %d"), WEXITSTATUS(rv)); } else #endif HTAlwaysAlert(NULL, ERROR_SPAWNING_EDITOR); } } else { start_curses(); } #ifdef UNIX /* * Delete backup file, if that's your style. */ HTSprintf0 (&command, "%s~", filename); if (stat (command, &stat_info) == 0) remove (command); #endif FREE(command); }
/* Translate by rules HTTranslate() * ------------------ * * The most recently defined rules are applied first. * * On entry, * required points to a string whose equivalent value is needed * On exit, * returns the address of the equivalent string allocated from * the heap which the CALLER MUST FREE. If no translation * occurred, then it is a copy of the original. * NEW FEATURES: * When a "protect" or "defprot" rule is matched, * a call to HTAA_setCurrentProtection() or * HTAA_setDefaultProtection() is made to notify * the Access Authorization module that the file is * protected, and so it knows how to handle it. * -- AL */ char *HTTranslate(const char *required) { rule *r; char *current = NULL; char *msgtmp = NULL; const char *pMsg; int proxy_none_flag = 0; int permitredir_flag = 0; StrAllocCopy(current, required); HTAA_clearProtections(); /* Reset from previous call -- AL */ for (r = rules; r; r = r->next) { char *p = r->pattern; int m = 0; /* Number of characters matched against wildcard */ const char *q = current; for (; *p && *q; p++, q++) { /* Find first mismatch */ if (*p != *q) break; } if (*p == '*') { /* Match up to wildcard */ m = strlen(q) - strlen(p + 1); /* Amount to match to wildcard */ if (m < 0) continue; /* tail is too short to match */ if (0 != strcmp(q + m, p + 1)) continue; /* Tail mismatch */ } else /* Not wildcard */ if (*p != *q) continue; /* plain mismatch: go to next rule */ if (!rule_cond_ok(r)) /* check condition, next rule if false - kw */ continue; switch (r->op) { /* Perform operation */ #ifdef ACCESS_AUTH case HT_DefProt: case HT_Protect: { char *local_copy = NULL; char *p2; char *eff_ids = NULL; char *prot_file = NULL; CTRACE((tfp, "HTRule: `%s' matched %s %s: `%s'\n", current, (r->op == HT_Protect ? "Protect" : "DefProt"), "rule, setup", (r->equiv ? r->equiv : (r->op == HT_Protect ? "DEFAULT" : "NULL!!")))); if (r->equiv) { StrAllocCopy(local_copy, r->equiv); p2 = local_copy; prot_file = HTNextField(&p2); eff_ids = HTNextField(&p2); } if (r->op == HT_Protect) HTAA_setCurrentProtection(current, prot_file, eff_ids); else HTAA_setDefaultProtection(current, prot_file, eff_ids); FREE(local_copy); /* continue translating rules */ } break; #endif /* ACCESS_AUTH */ case HT_UserMsg: /* Produce message immediately */ LYFixCursesOn("show rule message:"); HTUserMsg2((r->equiv ? r->equiv : "Rule: %s"), current); break; case HT_InfoMsg: /* Produce messages immediately */ case HT_Progress: case HT_Alert: LYFixCursesOn("show rule message:"); /* and fall through */ case HT_AlwaysAlert: pMsg = r->equiv ? r->equiv : (r->op == HT_AlwaysAlert) ? "%s" : "Rule: %s"; if (strchr(pMsg, '%')) { HTSprintf0(&msgtmp, pMsg, current); pMsg = msgtmp; } switch (r->op) { /* Actually produce message */ case HT_InfoMsg: HTInfoMsg(pMsg); break; case HT_Progress: HTProgress(pMsg); break; case HT_Alert: HTAlert(pMsg); break; case HT_AlwaysAlert: HTAlwaysAlert("Rule alert:", pMsg); break; default: break; } FREE(msgtmp); break; case HT_PermitRedir: /* Set special flag */ permitredir_flag = 1; CTRACE((tfp, "HTRule: Mark for redirection permitted\n")); break; case HT_Pass: /* Authorised */ if (!r->equiv) { if (proxy_none_flag) { char *temp = NULL; StrAllocCopy(temp, "NoProxy="); StrAllocCat(temp, current); FREE(current); current = temp; } CTRACE((tfp, "HTRule: Pass `%s'\n", current)); return current; } /* Else fall through map and pass */ case HT_Map: case HT_Redirect: case HT_RedirectPerm: if (*p == *q) { /* End of both strings, no wildcard */ CTRACE((tfp, "For `%s' using `%s'\n", current, r->equiv)); StrAllocCopy(current, r->equiv); /* use entire translation */ } else { char *ins = strchr(r->equiv, '*'); /* Insertion point */ if (ins) { /* Consistent rule!!! */ char *temp = NULL; HTSprintf0(&temp, "%.*s%.*s%s", (int) (ins - r->equiv), r->equiv, m, q, ins + 1); CTRACE((tfp, "For `%s' using `%s'\n", current, temp)); FREE(current); current = temp; /* Use this */ } else { /* No insertion point */ char *temp = NULL; StrAllocCopy(temp, r->equiv); CTRACE((tfp, "For `%s' using `%s'\n", current, temp)); FREE(current); current = temp; /* Use this */ } /* If no insertion point exists */ } if (r->op == HT_Pass) { if (proxy_none_flag) { char *temp = NULL; StrAllocCopy(temp, "NoProxy="); StrAllocCat(temp, current); FREE(current); current = temp; } CTRACE((tfp, "HTRule: ...and pass `%s'\n", current)); return current; } else if (r->op == HT_Redirect) { CTRACE((tfp, "HTRule: ...and redirect to `%s'\n", current)); redirecting_url = current; HTPermitRedir = (BOOL) (permitredir_flag == 1); return (char *) 0; } else if (r->op == HT_RedirectPerm) { CTRACE((tfp, "HTRule: ...and redirect like 301 to `%s'\n", current)); redirecting_url = current; permanent_redirection = TRUE; HTPermitRedir = (BOOL) (permitredir_flag == 1); return (char *) 0; } break; case HT_UseProxy: if (r->equiv && 0 == strcasecomp(r->equiv, "none")) { CTRACE((tfp, "For `%s' will not use proxy\n", current)); proxy_none_flag = 1; } else if (proxy_none_flag) { CTRACE((tfp, "For `%s' proxy server ignored: %s\n", current, NONNULL(r->equiv))); } else { char *temp = NULL; StrAllocCopy(temp, "Proxied="); StrAllocCat(temp, r->equiv); StrAllocCat(temp, current); CTRACE((tfp, "HTRule: proxy server found: %s\n", NONNULL(r->equiv))); FREE(current); return temp; } break; case HT_Invalid: case HT_Fail: /* Unauthorised */ CTRACE((tfp, "HTRule: *** FAIL `%s'\n", current)); FREE(current); return (char *) 0; } /* if tail matches ... switch operation */ } /* loop over rules */ if (proxy_none_flag) { char *temp = NULL; StrAllocCopy(temp, "NoProxy="); StrAllocCat(temp, current); FREE(current); return temp; } return current; }
int remote_session( char *acc_method, char *host ) { char *program; char *user = host; char *password = 0; char *cp; char *hostname; char *port; char *command = 0; enum _login_protocol login_protocol = rlogin; cp = host; for ( ; cp[0]; cp++ ) { if ( !( *(short*)(*(int*)(__ctype_b_loc( )) + ( cp[0] * 2 )) & 8 ) && cp[0] != '_' && cp[0] != '-' && cp[0] != ':' && cp[0] != '.' && cp[0] != '@' ) { cp[0] = 0; break; } else { // cp++; } } hostname = strchr( host, '@' ); if ( hostname ) { hostname[0] = 0; hostname++; } else { hostname = host; user = 0; } port = strchr( hostname, ':' ); if ( port ) { port[0] = 0; port++; } if ( hostname == 0 || hostname[0] == 0 ) { if ( WWW_TraceFlag ) { fprintf( TraceFP( ), "HTTelnet: No host specified!\n" ); } return -204; } else { if ( ( valid_hostname( hostname ) & 255 ) == 0 ) { char *prefix = 0; char *line = 0; if ( WWW_TraceFlag ) { fprintf( TraceFP( ), "HTTelnet: Invalid hostname %s!\n", host ); } HTSprintf0( &prefix, gettext( "remote %s session:" ), acc_method ); HTSprintf0( &line, gettext( "Invalid hostname %s" ), host ); HTAlwaysAlert( prefix, line ); if ( prefix ) { free( prefix ); prefix = 0; } if ( line ) { free( line ); line = 0; } return -204; } else { if ( user ) { password = strchr( user, ':' ); if ( password ) { password[0] = 0; password++; } } if ( HTSecure ) { puts( "\n\nSorry, but the service you have selected is one" ); puts( "to which you have to log in. If you were running www" ); puts( "on your own computer, you would be automatically connected." ); puts( "For security reasons, this is not allowed when" ); puts( "you log in to this information service remotely.\n" ); printf( "You can manually connect to this service using %s\n", acc_method ); printf( "to host %s", hostname ); if ( user ) printf( ", user name %s", user ); if ( password ) printf( ", password %s", password ); if ( port ) printf( ", port %s", port ); puts( ".\n" ); return -204; } else { if ( user && login_protocol != rlogin ) printf( "When you are connected, log in as: %s\n", user ); if ( password && login_protocol != rlogin ) printf( " The password is: %s\n", password ); fflush( stdout ); switch ( login_protocol ) { case rlogin: program = HTGetProgramPath( 11 ); if ( program == 0 ) { LYSystem( command ); return -204; } HTAddParam( &command, "%s %s%s%s", 1, program ); HTAddParam( &command, "%s %s%s%s", 2, hostname ); HTSACat( &command, "" ); HTAddParam( &command, "%s %s%s%s", 4, user ); HTEndParam( &command, "%s %s%s%s", 4 ); break; case tn3270: program = HTGetProgramPath( 17 ); if ( program == 0 ) { LYSystem( command ); return -204; } HTAddParam( &command, "%s %s %s", 1, program ); HTAddParam( &command, "%s %s %s", 2, hostname ); HTAddParam( &command, "%s %s %s", 3, port ); HTEndParam( &command, "%s %s %s", 3 ); break; case telnet: program = HTGetProgramPath( 16 ); if ( program == 0 ) { LYSystem( command ); return -204; } HTAddParam( &command, "%s %s %s", 1, program ); HTAddParam( &command, "%s %s %s", 2, hostname ); HTAddParam( &command, "%s %s %s", 3, port ); HTEndParam( &command, "%s %s %s", 3 ); break; } } } } }