Example #1
int optionsURL_tcl(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, 
		   int argc, char **argv) {

    if (argc == 2) {
	char *url 	      = argv[1];
	if (url) {

	    HTRequest *req    = HTRequest_new();
	    BOOL work;
	    HTChunk *chunk	= HTChunk_new(0x2000);
	    HTStream *stream = HTStreamToChunk(req, &chunk, 0);
	    HTRequest_setOutputFormat(req, DEFAULT_FORMAT);
	    HTRequest_setOutputStream(req, stream);
	    HTRequest_setPreemptive(req, YES);

	    work = HTOptionsAbsolute(url, req);

	    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, work ? "YES" : "NO", HTChunkData(chunk), NULL);
	    return TCL_OK;
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, bad_vars, NULL);
	return TCL_ERROR;
    else {
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, err_string, argv[0], " url", NULL);
	return TCL_ERROR;
Example #2
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
    HTRequest * request = NULL;
    HTAnchor * anchor = NULL;
    char * uri = NULL;

    /* Create a new premptive client */
    HTProfile_newNoCacheClient("UpgradeApp", "1.0");

    /* Need our own trace and print functions */

    /* Set trace messages and alert messages*/
#if 0

    /* Add our own AFTER filter to terminate the app */
    HTNet_addAfter(terminate_handler, NULL, NULL, HT_ALL, HT_FILTER_LAST);

    /* Don't ask - don't tell */

    /* Setup a timeout on the request for 15 secs */

    /* Handle command line args */
    if (argc >= 2) uri = argv[1];

    if (uri && *uri) {

	/* Create a request */
	request = HTRequest_new();

	/* Get an anchor object for the URI */
	anchor = HTAnchor_findAddress(uri);

	/* Get the source stream asis */
	HTRequest_setOutputFormat(request, WWW_SOURCE);

	/* Get the source stream asis */
	HTRequest_setOutputStream(request, HTFWriter_new(request, stdout, YES));

	/* Issue the GET */
	if (HTLoadAnchor(anchor, request)) {

	    /* Go into the event loop... */

    } else {
	HTPrint("Type the URI to get (to test for upgrade).\n");
	HTPrint("If an 101 Switching Protocols status is recieved\n");
        HTPrint("then print everything following to stdout.\n\n");
	HTPrint("\t%s <uri>\n", argv[0]);

    return 0;
Example #3
int postURL_tcl(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, 
		int argc, char **argv) {

    if (argc == 3) {
	char *url 	      = argv[1];
	char *dest 	      = argv[2];
	if (url && dest) {

	    HTParentAnchor *source = (HTParentAnchor *) HTAnchor_findAddress(url);
	    HTRequest *req    = HTRequest_new();
	    HTChunk *chunk	= HTChunk_new(0x2000);
	    HTStream *stream = HTStreamToChunk(req, &chunk, 0);
	    BOOL work;
	    HTRequest_setOutputFormat(req, DEFAULT_FORMAT);
	    HTRequest_setOutputStream(req, stream);
	    HTRequest_setPreemptive(req, YES);
	    work = HTPostAbsolute (source, dest, req);

	    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, work ? "YES" : "NO", HTChunkData(chunk), NULL);
	    return TCL_OK;
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, bad_vars, NULL);
	return TCL_ERROR;
    else {
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, err_string, argv[0], " url destination", NULL);
	return TCL_ERROR;
Example #4
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
    char * uri = NULL;
    char * cwd = HTGetCurrentDirectoryURL();

    /* Create a new premptive client */
    HTProfile_newHTMLNoCacheClient ("ShowRDFTriples", "1.0");

    /* Need our own trace and print functions */

    /* Set trace messages */
#if 0

    /* Add our own termination filter */
    HTNet_addAfter(terminate_handler, NULL, NULL, HT_ALL, HT_FILTER_LAST);

    /* Setup a timeout on the request for 15 secs */

    /* Set up our RDF To Triple conveter stream */
    HTFormat_addConversion("text/rdf", "*/*", HTRDFToTriples, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

    /* Handle command line args */
    if (argc >= 2) uri = HTParse(argv[1], cwd, PARSE_ALL);

    if (uri) {
	HTRequest * request = HTRequest_new();
	HTAnchor * anchor = HTAnchor_findAddress(uri);
	BOOL status = NO;

	/* Set the output stream to stdout */
	HTRequest_setOutputStream(request, HTFWriter_new(request, stdout, NO));

	/* Start the GET request */
	status = HTLoadAnchor(anchor, request);

	/* Go into the event loop... */
	if (status == YES) HTEventList_loop(request);

    } else {
	HTPrint("Type the URI to parse\n");
	HTPrint("\t%s <uri>\n", argv[0]);
	HTPrint("For example:\n");
	HTPrint("\t%s http://www.yoursite.com/your.rdf\n", argv[0]);

    return 0;
Example #5
PRIVATE HTRequest * create_request (void) {
    HTRequest * me = HTRequest_new();

    /* set output and debug streans */
    HTRequest_setOutputStream(me, HTFWriter_new(me, stdout, YES));
    HTRequest_setDebugStream(me, HTFWriter_new(me, stderr, YES));


    return me;
Example #6
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
    HTRequest * request;
    HTProfile_newPreemptiveClient("HTTPHeadApplication", "1.0");
    request = HTRequest_new();
#if 0
    /* Turn on TRACE so we can see what is going on */

    /* We don't want any progress notifications */

    /* Parse the command line options */
    if (argc >= 2) {
	char * url = argv[1];

	/* Set the header field match (if any) */
	if (argc >= 3) match = argv[2];

	/* Need our own trace and print functions */

	/* Add our own filter to handle termination */
	HTNet_addAfter(terminate_handler, NULL, NULL, HT_ALL, HT_FILTER_LAST);

	/* Set the output format to source and put output to stdout */
	HTRequest_setOutputStream(request, HTFWriter_new(request, stdout, YES));

	/* Start the load */
	if (url && *url) {
	    HTHeadAbsolute(url, request);
		/* wait until the request has finished */
		HTEventList_loop (request);
	    HTPrint("Bad parameters - please try again\n");
    } else {
	HTPrint("Type the URL to perform a HEAD request on.\n");
	HTPrint("\t%s <url> <header-prefix>\n", argv[0]);
	HTPrint("where <header-prefix> is the prefix of the header fields\n");
	HTPrint("you want to see, for example 'content*. If no \'*\' is used'\n");
	HTPrint("then an exact match is needed. Default value is all header fields'\n");

    HTRequest_delete(request);			/* Delete the request object */
    return 0;
Example #7
/*	Partial Response MIME parser stream
**	-----------------------------------
**	In case we sent a Range conditional GET we may get back a partial
**	response. This response must be appended to the already existing
**	cache entry before presented to the user.
**	We do this by continuing to load the new object into a temporary 
**	buffer and at the same time start the cache load of the already
**	existing object. When we have loaded the cache we merge the two
**	buffers.
PUBLIC HTStream * HTMIMEPartial (HTRequest *	request,
				 void *		param,
				 HTFormat	input_format,
				 HTFormat	output_format,
				 HTStream *	output_stream)
#ifndef NO_CACHE
    HTParentAnchor * anchor = HTRequest_anchor(request);
    HTFormat format = HTAnchor_format(anchor);
    HTStream * pipe = NULL;

    **  The merge stream is a place holder for where we can put data when it
    **  arrives. We have two feeds: one from the cache and one from the net.
    **  We call the stream stack already now to get the right output stream.
    **  We can do this as we already know the content type from when we got the
    **  first part of the object.
    HTStream * merge = HTMerge(HTStreamStack(format,
					     output_format, output_stream,
					     request, YES), 2);

    **  Now we create the MIME parser stream in partial data mode. We also
    **  set the target to our merge stream.
    HTStream * me = HTMIMEConvert(request, param, input_format,
				  output_format, output_stream);
    me->mode |= HT_MIME_PARTIAL;
    me->target = merge;

#if 0
    /* JK: this doesn't work because this work is repeated before */
    **  Create the cache append stream, and a Tee stream
	HTStream * append = HTStreamStack(WWW_CACHE_APPEND, output_format,
					  output_stream, request, NO);
	if (append) me->target = HTTee(me->target, append, NULL);

    **  Create the pipe buffer stream to buffer the data that we read
    **  from the network
    if ((pipe = HTPipeBuffer(me->target, 0))) me->target = pipe;

    **  Now start the second load from the cache. First we read this data from
    **  the cache and then we flush the data that we have read from the net.
	HTRequest * cache_request = HTRequest_new();

	**  Set the output format to source and the output stream to the
	**  merge stream. As we have already set up the stream pipe, we just 
	**  load it as source.
	HTRequest_setOutputFormat(cache_request, WWW_SOURCE);
	HTRequest_setOutputStream(cache_request, merge);

	**  Bind the anchor to the new request and also register a local
	**  AFTER filter to flush the pipe buffer so that we can get
	**  rest of the data through. 
	HTRequest_setAnchor(cache_request, (HTAnchor *) anchor);
	HTRequest_addBefore(cache_request, HTCacheLoadFilter, NULL, NULL,
	HTRequest_addAfter(cache_request, HTCacheFlushFilter, NULL, pipe,

	HTTRACE(STREAM_TRACE, "Partial..... Starting cache load\n");
	HTLoad(cache_request, NO);
    return me;
    return NULL;
Example #8
PRIVATE int ServEvent (SOCKET soc, void * pVoid, HTEventType type)
    https_info * http = (https_info *)pVoid;
    int status = HT_ERROR;
    HTNet * net = http->net;
    HTRequest * request = HTNet_request(net);

    if (!net || !request) {
        HTTRACE(PROT_TRACE, "Serv HTTP... Invalid argument\n");
        return HT_ERROR;

    if (type == HTEvent_CLOSE) {			      /* Interrupted */
        ServerCleanup(request, net, HT_INTERRUPTED);
        return HT_OK;
    } else
        http = (https_info *) HTNet_context(net);	/* Get existing copy */

    /* Now jump into the machine. We know the state from the previous run */
    while (1) {
        switch (http->state) {
        case HTTPS_BEGIN:
            ** Create the request to handle the request and inherit the old
            ** context
            HTRequest * client = HTRequest_new();
            void * context = HTRequest_context(request);
            if (context) HTRequest_setContext(client, context);
            HTRequest_setOutputConnected(client, NO);
            HTRequest_setGnHd(client, HTRequest_gnHd(request));
            HTRequest_setRsHd(client, HTRequest_rsHd(request));
            HTRequest_setEnHd(client, HTRequest_enHd(request));
            HTList_addObject(http->clients, client);

            ** Create the HTTP output stream for generating the reply
            ** FROM the client request to the channel
                HTOutputStream * output = HTNet_getOutput(net, NULL, 0);
                HTStream * app = HTTPReply_new(client, http,(HTStream*)output);
                HTRequest_setOutputStream(client, app);
                HTRequest_setOutputFormat(client, WWW_SOURCE);
            http->state = HTTPS_NEED_REQUEST;

        case HTTPS_NEED_REQUEST:
            if (type == HTEvent_READ || type == HTEvent_BEGIN) {
                status = HTHost_read(net->host, net);
                if (status == HT_WOULD_BLOCK)
                    return HT_OK;
                else if (status == HT_CLOSED)
                    http->state = HTTPS_OK;
                else if (status==HT_LOADED || status==HT_PAUSE) {
                    http->state = HTTPS_LOAD_CLIENT;
                } else
                    http->state = HTTPS_ERROR;
            } else
                http->state = HTTPS_ERROR;

        case HTTPS_LOAD_CLIENT:
            HTRequest * client = HTList_removeFirstObject(http->clients);
            HTLoad(client, NO);
            http->state = HTTPS_BEGIN;

        case HTTPS_OK:
            ServerCleanup(request, net, HT_IGNORE);
            return HT_OK;

        case HTTPS_ERROR:
            ServerCleanup(request, net, HT_ERROR);
            return HT_OK;
Example #9
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
    int		status = 0;	
    int		arg;
    int		tokencount = 0;
    BOOL	formdata = NO;
    HTChunk *	keywords = NULL;			/* From command line */
    HTAssocList*formfields = NULL;
    HTMethod	method = METHOD_GET;			    /* Default value */
    ComLine *	cl = ComLine_new();
    BOOL	cache = NO;			     /* Use persistent cache */
    BOOL	flush = NO;		       /* flush the persistent cache */
    char *	cache_root = NULL;

    /* Starts Mac GUSI socket library */
#ifdef GUSI

#ifdef __MWERKS__ /* STR */
    InitGraf((Ptr) &qd.thePort); 
    InitMenus(); TEInit(); 
    SIOUXSettings.asktosaveonclose = false;

    /* Initiate W3C Reference Library with a client profile */
    HTProfile_newNoCacheClient(APP_NAME, APP_VERSION);

    /* Need our own trace and print functions */

    ** Delete the default Username/password handler so that we can handle
    ** parameters handed to us from the command line. The default is set
    ** by the profile.
    HTAlert_add(PromptUsernameAndPassword, HT_A_USER_PW);

    ** Add default content decoder. We insert a through line as it doesn't
    ** matter that we get an encoding that we don't know.
    HTFormat_addCoding("*", HTIdentityCoding, HTIdentityCoding, 0.3);

    /* Scan command Line for parameters */
    for (arg=1; arg<argc; arg++) {
	if (*argv[arg] == '-') {
	    /* - alone => filter */
	    if (argv[arg][1] == '\0') {
		cl->flags |= CL_FILTER;	   
	    /* -? or -help: show the command line help page */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg],"-?") || !strcmp(argv[arg],"-help")) {
		cl->anchor = (HTParentAnchor *) HTAnchor_findAddress(W3C_HELP);
		tokencount = 1;

	    /* non-interactive */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-n")) {

	    /* Treat the keywords as form data with a <name> "=" <value> */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-form")) {
		formdata = YES;

	    /* from -- Initial represntation (only with filter) */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-from")) {
		cl->format = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    HTAtom_for(argv[++arg]) : WWW_HTML;

	    /* to -- Final representation */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-to")) {
		HTFormat format = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    HTAtom_for(argv[++arg]) : DEFAULT_FORMAT;
		HTRequest_setOutputFormat(cl->request, format);

	    /* destination for PUT, POST etc. */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-dest")) {
		if (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') {
		    char * dest = HTParse(argv[++arg], cl->cwd, PARSE_ALL);
		    cl->dest = (HTParentAnchor *) HTAnchor_findAddress(dest);

	    /* source please */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-source")) {
		HTRequest_setOutputFormat(cl->request, WWW_RAW);

	    /* log file */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-l")) {
		cl->logfile = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    argv[++arg] : DEFAULT_LOG_FILE;

	    /* Max forward hops in case of TRACE request */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-hops") ||
		       !strcmp(argv[arg], "-maxforwards")) {
		int hops = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    atoi(argv[++arg]) : DEFAULT_HOPS;
		if (hops >= 0) HTRequest_setMaxForwards(cl->request, hops);

	    /* automated authentication of format user:password@realm */
	    } else if (!strncmp(argv[arg], "-auth", 5)) {
		char * credentials = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    argv[++arg] : NULL;
		if (credentials) ParseCredentials(cl, credentials);

	    /* rule file */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-r")) {
		cl->rules = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    argv[++arg] : DEFAULT_RULE_FILE;

	    /* output filename */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-o")) { 
		cl->outputfile = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    argv[++arg] : DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE;

	    /* timeout -- Change the default request timeout */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-timeout")) {
		int timeout = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    atoi(argv[++arg]) : DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
		if (timeout >= 1) cl->timer = timeout*MILLIES;

	    /* preemptive or non-preemptive access */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-single")) {
		HTRequest_setPreemptive(cl->request, YES);

	    /* content Length Counter */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-cl")) { 
		cl->flags |= CL_COUNT;

	    /* print version and exit */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-version")) { 
		Cleanup(cl, 0);

	    /* run in quiet mode */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-q")) { 
		cl->flags |= CL_QUIET;

	    /* Start the persistent cache */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-cache")) {
		cache = YES;

	    /* Determine the cache root */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-cacheroot")) { 
		cache_root = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    argv[++arg] : NULL;

	    /* Persistent cache flush */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-flush")) {
		flush = YES;

	    /* Do a cache validation */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-validate")) {
		cl->flags |= CL_VALIDATE;

	    /* Do an end-to-end cache-validation */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-endvalidate")) {
		cl->flags |= CL_END_VALIDATE;

	    /* Force complete reload */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-nocache")) {
		cl->flags |= CL_CACHE_FLUSH;

	    /* trace flags */
	    } else if (!strncmp(argv[arg], "-v", 2)) {

	    /* GET method */
	    } else if (!strcasecomp(argv[arg], "-get")) {
		method = METHOD_GET;

	    /* HEAD method */
	    } else if (!strcasecomp(argv[arg], "-head")) {
		method = METHOD_HEAD;

	    /* DELETE method */
	    } else if (!strcasecomp(argv[arg], "-delete")) {
		method = METHOD_DELETE;

	    /* POST Method */
	    } else if (!strcasecomp(argv[arg], "-post")) {
		method = METHOD_POST;

	    /* PUT Method */
	    } else if (!strcasecomp(argv[arg], "-put")) {
		method = METHOD_PUT;

	    /* OPTIONS Method */
	    } else if (!strcasecomp(argv[arg], "-options")) {
		method = METHOD_OPTIONS;

	    /* TRACE Method */
	    } else if (!strcasecomp(argv[arg], "-trace")) {
		method = METHOD_TRACE;

	    } else {
		if (SHOW_MSG) HTPrint("Bad Argument (%s)\n", argv[arg]);
	} else {	 /* If no leading `-' then check for URL or keywords */
    	    if (!tokencount) {
		char * ref = HTParse(argv[arg], cl->cwd, PARSE_ALL);
		cl->anchor = (HTParentAnchor *) HTAnchor_findAddress(ref);
		tokencount = 1;
	    } else if (formdata) {		   /* Keywords are form data */
		char * string = argv[arg];
		if (tokencount++ <= 1) formfields = HTAssocList_new();
		HTParseFormInput(formfields, string);
	    } else {		   	       /* keywords are search tokens */
		char * escaped = HTEscape(argv[arg], URL_XALPHAS);
		if (tokencount++ <= 1)
		    keywords = HTChunk_new(128);
		    HTChunk_putc(keywords, ' ');
		HTChunk_puts(keywords, HTStrip(escaped));

    if (!tokencount && !cl->flags & CL_FILTER) {
	Cleanup(cl, 0);

    /* Should we use persistent cache? */
    if (cache) {
	HTCacheInit(cache_root, 20);

	/* Should we start by flushing? */
	if (flush) HTCache_flushAll();

    ** Check whether we should do some kind of cache validation on
    ** the load
    if (cl->flags & CL_VALIDATE)
	HTRequest_setReloadMode(cl->request, HT_CACHE_VALIDATE);
    else if (cl->flags & CL_END_VALIDATE)
	HTRequest_setReloadMode(cl->request, HT_CACHE_END_VALIDATE);
    else if (cl->flags & CL_CACHE_FLUSH)
	HTRequest_setReloadMode(cl->request, HT_CACHE_FLUSH);

    /* Add progress notification */
    if (cl->flags & CL_QUIET) HTAlert_deleteOpcode(HT_A_PROGRESS);

    /* Output file specified? */
    if (cl->outputfile) {
	if ((cl->output = fopen(cl->outputfile, "wb")) == NULL) {
	    if (SHOW_MSG) HTPrint("Can't open `%s'\\n",cl->outputfile);
	    cl->output = OUTPUT;

    ** Set up the output. Even though we don't use this explicit, it is
    ** required in order to show the stream stack that we know that we are
    ** getting raw data output on the output stream of the request object.
			      HTFWriter_new(cl->request, cl->output, YES));

    /* Setting event timeout */

    ** Make sure that the first request is flushed immediately and not
    ** buffered in the output buffer
    HTRequest_setFlush(cl->request, YES);

    /* Log file specifed? */
    if (cl->logfile) {
	cl->log = HTLog_open(cl->logfile, YES, YES);
        if (cl->log) HTNet_addAfter(HTLogFilter, NULL, cl->log, HT_ALL, HT_FILTER_LATE);

    /* Just convert formats */
    if (cl->flags & CL_FILTER) {
	HTRequest_setAnchor(cl->request, (HTAnchor *) cl->anchor);
	HTRequest_setPreemptive(cl->request, YES);
	HTLoadSocket(STDIN_FILENO, cl->request);
	Cleanup(cl, 0);
    /* Content Length Counter */
    if (cl->flags & CL_COUNT) {
						   cl->request, 0x2000));

    /* Rule file specified? */
    if (cl->rules) {
	char * rules = HTParse(cl->rules, cl->cwd, PARSE_ALL);
	if (!HTLoadRulesAutomatically(rules))
	    if (SHOW_MSG) HTPrint("Can't access rules\n");

    /* Add our own filter to update the history list */
    HTNet_addAfter(terminate_handler, NULL, NULL, HT_ALL, HT_FILTER_LAST);

    /* Start the request */
    switch (method) {
    case METHOD_GET:

	if (formdata)
	    status = HTGetFormAnchor(formfields, (HTAnchor *) cl->anchor,
	else if (keywords)
	    status = HTSearchAnchor(keywords, (HTAnchor *) cl->anchor,
	    status = HTLoadAnchor((HTAnchor *) cl->anchor, cl->request);

    case METHOD_HEAD:
	if (formdata) {
	    HTRequest_setMethod(cl->request, METHOD_HEAD);
	    status = HTGetFormAnchor(formfields, (HTAnchor *) cl->anchor,
	} else if (keywords) {
	    HTRequest_setMethod(cl->request, METHOD_HEAD);
	    status = HTSearchAnchor(keywords, (HTAnchor *) cl->anchor,
	} else
	    status = HTHeadAnchor((HTAnchor *) cl->anchor, cl->request);

	status = HTDeleteAnchor((HTAnchor *) cl->anchor, cl->request);

    case METHOD_POST:
	if (formdata) {
	    HTParentAnchor * posted = NULL;
#if 1
	    posted = HTPostFormAnchor(formfields, (HTAnchor *) cl->anchor,
	    status = posted ? YES : NO;
	    /* If we want output to a chunk instead */
	    post_result = HTPostFormAnchorToChunk(formfields, (HTAnchor *) cl->anchor,
	    status = post_result ? YES : NO;
	} else {
	    if (SHOW_MSG) HTPrint("Nothing to post to this address\n");
	    status = NO;	    

    case METHOD_PUT:
	status = HTPutDocumentAnchor(cl->anchor, (HTAnchor *) cl->dest,

	status = HTOptionsAnchor((HTAnchor *) cl->anchor, cl->request);

    case METHOD_TRACE:
	status = HTTraceAnchor((HTAnchor *) cl->anchor, cl->request);

	if (SHOW_MSG) HTPrint("Don't know this method\n");

    if (keywords) HTChunk_delete(keywords);
    if (formfields) HTAssocList_delete(formfields);
    if (status != YES) {
	if (SHOW_MSG) HTPrint("Sorry, can't access resource\n");
	Cleanup(cl, -1);

    /* Go into the event loop... */

    /* Only gets here if event loop fails */
    Cleanup(cl, 0);
    return 0;
Example #10
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
    ListenTool * ms = ListenTool_new();
    int status = HT_ERROR;
    int	arg = 0;

    ** Initiate libwww. Note that we don't call a profile as these set up
    ** all the client side specific things. Here we just want a very basic
    ** server which doesn't do anything but forwarding what it reads to
    ** stdout.

    /* Set up default event loop */

    /* Need our own trace and print functions */

    /* Add our own filter to handle termination */
    HTNet_addAfter(terminate_handler, NULL, NULL, HT_ALL, HT_FILTER_LAST);

    /* Check if we should just provide some help */
    if (argc==1) {
	Cleanup(ms, 0);

    /* Scan command Line for parameters */
    for (arg=1; arg<argc ; arg++) {
	if (*argv[arg] == '-') {

	    /* server port */
	    if (!strncmp(argv[arg], "-p", 2)) { 
		ms->port = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    atoi(argv[++arg]) : DEFAULT_PORT;

	    /* Print version and exit */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-version")) { 
		Cleanup(ms, 0);
#ifdef HTDEBUG
	    /* trace flags */
	    } else if (!strncmp(argv[arg], "-v", 2)) {
	    } else {
		Cleanup(ms, 0);
        } else {
	    Cleanup(ms, 0);
    /* Set up a tool to listen on this port */
    if (ms->port >= 0) {

	/* Register TCP as the transport */
	HTTransport_add("tcp", HT_TP_SINGLE, HTReader_new, HTWriter_new);

	/* Register the "noop" application layer protocol for reading */
	HTProtocol_add("noop", "tcp", ms->port, NO, NULL, HTLoadSocket);

	/* Set up the request */
	ms->request = HTRequest_new();
	HTRequest_setOutputFormat(ms->request, DEFAULT_FORMAT);
				  HTFWriter_new(ms->request, OUTPUT, YES));

	/* Start listening on the socket */
	HTPrint("Listening on port %d\n", ms->port);
	if ((status = HTServeAbsolute("noop://localhost", ms->request)) == NO) {
	    HTPrint("Can't listen on port %d\n", ms->port);
	    Cleanup(ms, -1);

	/* Go into the event loop... */
	if (status == YES) HTEventList_newLoop();
    Cleanup(ms, 0);
    return 0;