Example #1
KalmanFilter1d::Update(const fixed z_abs, const fixed var_z_abs,
                       const fixed dt)
  // Some abbreviated constants to make the code line up nicely:
  static constexpr fixed F1 = fixed(1);

  // Validity checks. TODO: more?

  // Note: math is not optimized by hand. Let the compiler sort it out.
  // Predict step.
  // Update state estimate.
  x_abs_ += x_vel_ * dt;
  // Update state covariance. The last term mixes in acceleration noise.
  const fixed dt2 = sqr(dt);
  const fixed dt3 = dt * dt2;
  const fixed dt4 = sqr(dt2);
  p_abs_abs_ += Double(dt*p_abs_vel_) + dt2 * p_vel_vel_ + Quarter(var_x_accel_ * dt4);
  p_abs_vel_ += dt * p_vel_vel_ + Half(var_x_accel_ * dt3);
  p_vel_vel_ += var_x_accel_ * dt2;

  // Update step.
  const fixed y = z_abs - x_abs_;  // Innovation.
  const fixed s_inv = F1 / (p_abs_abs_ + var_z_abs);  // Innovation precision.
  const fixed k_abs = p_abs_abs_*s_inv;  // Kalman gain
  const fixed k_vel = p_abs_vel_*s_inv;
  // Update state estimate.
  x_abs_ += k_abs * y;
  x_vel_ += k_vel * y;
  // Update state covariance.
  p_vel_vel_ -= p_abs_vel_*k_vel;
  p_abs_vel_ -= p_abs_vel_*k_abs;
  p_abs_abs_ -= p_abs_abs_*k_abs;
Example #2
Middle(const GeoPoint &a, const GeoPoint &b)
  // TODO: optimize this naive approach
  const fixed distance = Distance(a, b);
  return IntermediatePoint(a, b, Half(distance));
Example #3
GlidePolar::SinkRate(const double V, const double n) const
  const auto w0 = SinkRate(V);
  const auto vl = VbestLD / std::max(Half(VbestLD), V);
  return std::max(0.,
                  w0 + (V / Double(bestLD)) * (n * n - 1) * vl * vl);
Example #4
GlidePolar::SinkRate(const fixed V, const fixed n) const
  const fixed w0 = SinkRate(V);
  const fixed vl = VbestLD / std::max(Half(VbestLD), V);
  return std::max(fixed(0),
                  w0 + (V / Double(bestLD)) * (sqr(n) - fixed(1)) * sqr(vl));
  const auto sol = find_zero(Half(xmax + xmin));
  if (valid(sol)) {
    return sol;
  } else {
    return -1;
Example #6
FlatEllipse::FlatEllipse(const FlatPoint &_f1, const FlatPoint &_f2,
                         const FlatPoint &_ap)
  const FlatLine f12(f1, f2);
  p = f12.ave();
  theta = f12.angle();
  const fixed csq = f12.dsq();
  a = (f1.Distance(ap) + f2.Distance(ap));

  assert(sqr(a) >= csq);
  b = Half(sqrt(sqr(a) - csq));
  a = Half(a);

  // a.sin(t) = ap.x
  // b.cos(t) = ap.y

  FlatPoint op = ap;
  theta_initial = Angle::FromXY(op.x * b, op.y * a).AsDelta();
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
    printf("PROCESS HALF RUNNING....\n");
    printf("PROCESS HALF PID = %d\n",getpid());

    if (argc == 2 ){
    int num = atoi(argv[1]);

    printf("RESULT = %d\n",Half(num));


    else if(argc > 2){

        char* args[argc];
        char buffer[100];

        for (int i=1; i <= argc ;i++){
                args[i-1] = argv[i];

        int num  = atoi((argv[argc-1]));

        printf("HALF  = %d\n",Half(num));

        args[argc-2] = buffer;

        args[argc-1]= NULL;



Example #8
AirspaceRoute::Synchronise(const Airspaces& master,
                           const AGeoPoint& origin,
                           const AGeoPoint& destination)
  // @todo: also synchronise with AirspaceWarningManager to filter out items that are
  // acknowledged.
  h_min = std::min(origin.altitude, std::min(destination.altitude, h_min));
  h_max = std::max(origin.altitude, std::max(destination.altitude, h_max));
  // @todo: have margin for h_max to allow for climb
  AirspacePredicateHeightRangeExcludeTwo condition(h_min, h_max, origin, destination);
  if (m_airspaces.SynchroniseInRange(master, origin.Middle(destination),
    if (m_airspaces.size())
      dirty = true;
Example #9
GlidePolar::GetVTakeoff() const
  return Half(GetVMin());
Example #10
inline fixed
ZeroFinder::tolerance_actual_zero(const fixed x) const
  return Double(epsilon * fabs(x)) + Half(tolerance);
Example #11
inline fixed
ZeroFinder::find_min_actual(const fixed xstart)
  fixed x, v, w; // Abscissae, descr. see above
  fixed fx; // f(x)
  fixed fv; // f(v)
  fixed fw; // f(w)
  fixed a = xmin;
  fixed b = xmax;
  bool x_best = true;

  assert(positive(tolerance) && b > a);

  /* First step - always gold section*/
  x = w = v = a + r * (b - a);
  fx = fw = fv = f(v);

  // Main iteration loop
  for (;;) {
    // Range over which the minimum is seeked for
    const fixed range = b - a;
    const fixed middle_range = Half(a + b);

    // Actual tolerance
    const fixed tol_act = tolerance_actual_min(x);
    const fixed double_tol_act = Double(tol_act);

    if (fabs(x-middle_range) + Half(range) <= double_tol_act) {
      if (!x_best)
        // call once more
        fx = f(x);

      // Acceptable approx. is found
      return x;

    // Step at this iteration
    // Obtain the gold section step
    fixed new_step = r * (x < middle_range ? b - x : a - x);

    // Decide if the interpolation can be tried

    // If x and w are distinct
    // interpolation may be tried
    if (fabs(x - w) >= tol_act) {
      // Interpolation step is calculated as p/q;
      // division operation is delayed until last moment
      fixed p;
      fixed q;

      const fixed t = (x - w) * (fx - fv);
      q = (x - v) * (fx - fw);
      p = (x - v) * q - (x - w) * t;
      q = Double(q - t);

      // q was calculated with the opposite sign;
      // make q positive and assign possible minus to p
      if (positive(q))
        p = -p;
        q = -q;

      // If x+p/q falls in [a,b] not too close to a and b,
      // and isn't too large it is accepted
      // If p/q is too large then the gold section procedure can
      // reduce [a,b] range to more extent
      if (fabs(p) < fabs(new_step * q) && p > q * (a - x + double_tol_act)
          && p < q * (b - x - double_tol_act))
        new_step = p / q;

    // Adjust the step to be not less than tolerance
    limit_tolerance(new_step, tol_act);

    // Obtain the next approximation to min and reduce the enveloping range
      // Tentative point for the min
      const fixed t = x + new_step;
      const fixed ft = f(t);
      // t is a better approximation
      if (ft <= fx) {
        // Reduce the range so that t would fall within it
        (t < x ? b : a) = x;

        // Assign the best approx to x
        v = w;
        w = x;
        x = t;

        fv = fw;
        fw = fx;
        fx = ft;
        x_best = false;
      } else {
        // x remains the better approx
        x_best = true;
        // Reduce the range enclosing x
        (t < x ? a : b) = t;

        if ((ft <= fw) || (w == x)) {
          v = w;
          w = t;
          fv = fw;
          fw = ft;
        } else if ((ft <= fv) || (v == x) || (v == w)) {
          v = t;
          fv = ft;
Example #12
inline fixed
ZeroFinder::find_zero_actual(const fixed xstart)
  fixed a, b, c; // Abscissae, descr. see above
  fixed fa; // f(a)
  fixed fb; // f(b)
  fixed fc; // f(c)

  bool b_best = true; // b is best and last called

  c = a = xmin;  
  fc = fa = f(a);  

  b = xmax;  
  fb = f(b);

  // Main iteration loop
  for (;;) {
    // Distance from the last but one to the last approximation
    fixed prev_step = b - a;
    if (fabs(fc) < fabs(fb)) {
      // Swap data for b to be the best approximation
      a = b;
      b = c;
      c = a;

      fa = fb;
      fb = fc;
      fc = fa;

      b_best = false;
    } else {
      b_best = true;

    // Actual tolerance
    const fixed tol_act = tolerance_actual_zero(b);

    // Step at this iteration
    fixed new_step = Half(c - b);

    if (fabs(new_step) <= tol_act || fabs(fb) < sqrt_epsilon) {
      if (!b_best)
        // call once more
        fb = f(b);

      // Acceptable approx. is found
      return b;

    // Decide if the interpolation can be tried

    // If prev_step was large enough and was in true direction,
    // interpolation may be tried
    if (fabs(prev_step) >= tol_act && fabs(fa) > fabs(fb)) {
      // Interpolation step is calculated in the form p/q;
      // division operations is delayed until the last moment
      fixed p;
      fixed q;

      const fixed cb = c - b;
      // If we have only two distinct points
      // -> linear interpolation can only be applied
      if (a == c) {
        const fixed t1 = fb / fa;
        p = cb * t1;
        q = fixed(1) - t1;
      } else {
        // Quadric inverse interpolation
        q = fa / fc;
        const fixed t1 = fb / fc;
        const fixed t2 = fb / fa;
        p = t2 * (cb * q * (q - t1) - (b - a) * (t1 - fixed(1)));
        q = (q - fixed(1)) * (t1 - fixed(1)) * (t2 - fixed(1));

      // p was calculated with the opposite sign;
      // make p positive and assign possible minus to q
      if (positive(p))
        q = -q;
        p = -p;

      // If b+p/q falls in [b,c] and isn't too large it is accepted
      // If p/q is too large then the bissection procedure can
      // reduce [b,c] range to more extent
      if (p < (fixed_threequaters * cb * q - Half(fabs(tol_act * q)))
          && p < fabs(Half(prev_step * q)))
        new_step = p / q;

    // Adjust the step to be not less than tolerance
    limit_tolerance(new_step, tol_act);

    // Save the previous approx.
    a = b;
    fa = fb;

    // Do step to a new approxim.
    b += new_step;
    fb = f(b);

    // Adjust c for it to have a sign opposite to that of b
    if ((positive(fb) && positive(fc)) || (negative(fb) && negative(fc))) {
      c = a;
      fc = fa;

    assert(b >= xmin);
    assert(b <= xmax);
Example #13
    void set_shape(ObservationZone::Shape shape) {
        if (oz != NULL && shape == oz->GetShape())

        delete oz;
        oz = NULL;

        fixed radius(10000);

        switch (shape) {
        case ObservationZone::Shape::LINE:
            oz = new LineSectorZone(location, 2 * radius);

        case ObservationZone::Shape::CYLINDER:
            oz = new CylinderZone(location, radius);

        case ObservationZone::Shape::MAT_CYLINDER:
            oz = CylinderZone::CreateMatCylinderZone(location);

        case ObservationZone::Shape::SECTOR:
            oz = new SectorZone(location, radius,
                                Angle::Degrees(0), Angle::Degrees(70));

        case ObservationZone::Shape::ANNULAR_SECTOR:
            oz = new AnnularSectorZone(location, radius,
                                       Angle::Degrees(0), Angle::Degrees(70),

        case ObservationZone::Shape::FAI_SECTOR:
            oz = SymmetricSectorZone::CreateFAISectorZone(location);

        case ObservationZone::Shape::CUSTOM_KEYHOLE:
            oz = KeyholeZone::CreateCustomKeyholeZone(location, fixed(10000),

        case ObservationZone::Shape::DAEC_KEYHOLE:
            oz = KeyholeZone::CreateDAeCKeyholeZone(location);

        case ObservationZone::Shape::BGAFIXEDCOURSE:
            oz = KeyholeZone::CreateBGAFixedCourseZone(location);

        case ObservationZone::Shape::BGAENHANCEDOPTION:
            oz = KeyholeZone::CreateBGAEnhancedOptionZone(location);

        case ObservationZone::Shape::BGA_START:
            oz = KeyholeZone::CreateBGAStartSectorZone(location);

        case ObservationZone::Shape::SYMMETRIC_QUADRANT:
            oz = new SymmetricSectorZone(location);

        if (oz != NULL)
            oz->SetLegs(&previous, &next);

        if (IsDefined())
Example #14
// add using dual numbers
// combine diffeq and incorporation for direct RedTrace computation
void DerivativeRedTrace(float *red_out, float *ival_offset, float *da_offset, float *dk_offset,
                        int npts, float *deltaFrameSeconds, float *deltaFrame,
        float *nuc_rise_ptr, int SUB_STEPS, int my_start,
        Dual A, float SP,
        Dual kr, float kmax, float d,
                        float sens, float gain, float tauB,
                        PoissonCDFApproxMemo *math_poiss)
    int i;
    Dual totocc, totgen;
//    mixed_poisson_struct mix_ctrl;
    MixtureMemo mix_memo;

    Dual pact,pact_new;
    Dual  c_dntp_top, c_dntp_bot;
    Dual  hplus_events_sum, hplus_events_current; // mean events per molecule, cumulative and current

    Dual ldt;
    Dual Ival;

    Dual One(1.0);
    Dual Zero(0.0);
    Dual Half(0.5);

    Dual xSP(SP);
    Dual xkmax(kmax);
    Dual xd(d);

    Dual xA = mix_memo.Generate(A,math_poiss);
    //A = InitializeMixture(&mix_ctrl,A,MAX_HPLEN); // initialize Poisson with correct amplitude which maxes out at MAX_HPLEN
    //ScaleMixture(&mix_ctrl,SP); // scale mixture fractions to proper number of molecules
    pact = Dual(mix_memo.total_live);  // active polymerases // wrong???
    //Dual pact_zero = pact;
    totocc = xSP*xA;  // how many hydrogens we'll eventually generate
    totgen = totocc;  // number remaining to generate
    c_dntp_bot = Zero; // concentration of dNTP in the well
    c_dntp_top = Zero; // concentration at top
    hplus_events_sum = hplus_events_current = Zero; // Events per molecule

    memset(ival_offset,0,sizeof(float[my_start]));  // zero the points we don't compute
    memset(da_offset,0,sizeof(float[my_start]));  // zero the points we don't compute
    memset(dk_offset,0,sizeof(float[my_start]));  // zero the points we don't compute

    Dual scaled_kr = kr*Dual(n_to_uM_conv)/xd; // convert molecules of polymerase to active concentraction
    Dual half_kr = kr *Half; // for averaging
   // kr.Dump("kr");

    // first non-zero index of the computed [dNTP] array for this nucleotide
    int c_dntp_top_ndx = my_start*SUB_STEPS;
    Dual c_dntp_bot_plus_kmax = Dual(1.0/kmax);
    Dual c_dntp_old_effect = Zero;
    Dual c_dntp_new_effect = Zero;
    Dual cur_gen(0.0);
    Dual equilibrium(0.0);
    int st;

    // trace variables
    Dual old_val = Zero;
    Dual cur_val = Zero;
    Dual run_sum = Zero;
    Dual half_dt = Zero;
    Dual TauB(tauB);
    Dual SENS(sens);


    for (i=my_start;i < npts;i++)
        // Do one prediction time step
        if (totgen.a > 0.0)
          // need to calculate incorporation
            ldt = (deltaFrameSeconds[i]/SUB_STEPS); // multiply by half_kr out here, because I'm going to use it twice?
            ldt *= half_kr; // scale time by rate out here
            for (st=1; (st <= SUB_STEPS) && (totgen.a > 0.0);st++)
                c_dntp_bot.a = nuc_rise_ptr[c_dntp_top_ndx];
                // calculate denominator
                equilibrium = c_dntp_bot_plus_kmax;
                equilibrium *= pact;
                equilibrium *= scaled_kr;
                equilibrium += One;
                c_dntp_bot /= equilibrium;
                // the level at which new nucs are used up as fast as they diffuse in

                c_dntp_bot_plus_kmax.Reciprocal(c_dntp_bot + xkmax); // scale for michaelis-menten kinetics, assuming nucs are limiting factor
                // Now compute effect of concentration on enzyme rate
                c_dntp_old_effect = c_dntp_new_effect;
                c_dntp_new_effect = c_dntp_bot;
                c_dntp_new_effect *= c_dntp_bot_plus_kmax; // current effect of concentration on enzyme rate

                // update events per molecule
                hplus_events_current = c_dntp_old_effect;
                hplus_events_current += c_dntp_new_effect;
                hplus_events_current *= ldt;
                //hplus_events_current.Dump("current");  // events per molecule is average rate * time of rate
                hplus_events_sum += hplus_events_current;

                // how many active molecules left at end of time period given poisson process with total intensity of events
                // exp(-t) * (1+t+t^2/+t^3/6+...) where we interpolate between polynomial lengths by A
                // exp(-t) ( 1+... + frac*(t^k/k!)) where k = ceil(A-1) and frac = A-floor(A), for A>=1
                pact_new = mix_memo.GetStep(hplus_events_sum);
                //pact_new = pact_zero;
                // how many hplus were generated
                // reuse pact for average
                // reuse hplus-events_current for total events
                pact += pact_new;
                pact *= Half; // average number of molecules
                //hplus_events_current *= pact; // events/molecule *= molecule is total events
                totgen -= pact*hplus_events_current;  // active molecules * events per molecule
                pact = pact_new; // update to current number of molecules

            if (totgen.a < 0.0) totgen = Zero;
        Ival =  totocc;
        Ival -= totgen;
        ival_offset[i] = Ival.a;

        Ival *= SENS; // convert from hydrogen to counts

        // Now compute trace
        // trace
        half_dt = deltaFrame[i]*0.5;

        // calculate new value
        Ival *= TauB;
        cur_val = Ival;
        cur_val -= run_sum;
        old_val *= half_dt; // update
        cur_val -= old_val;
        cur_val /= (TauB+half_dt);
        // update run sum
        run_sum += old_val; // reuse update
        run_sum += cur_val*half_dt;
        old_val = cur_val; // set for next value

        //cur_val *= gain;  // gain=1.0 always currently
        red_out[i] = cur_val.a;
        da_offset[i] = cur_val.da;
        dk_offset[i] = cur_val.dk;
        // now we have done one prediction time step
Example #15
 fixed GetMiddleX() const {
   return Half(x_min + x_max);
Example #16
 * After take-off has been detected, we check if the ground speed goes
 * below a certain threshold that indicates the aircraft has ceased
 * flying.  To avoid false positives while wave/ridge soaring, this
 * threshold is half of the given take-off speed.
static bool
CheckLandingSpeed(fixed takeoff_speed, const NMEAInfo &basic)
  return !CheckTakeOffSpeed(Half(takeoff_speed), basic);
Example #17
  assert(circle_count > 0);

  // reject if average time step greater than 2.0 seconds
  if ((samples.back().time - samples[0].time) / (samples.size() - 1) > 2)
    return Result(0);

  // find average
  double av = 0;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < samples.size(); i++)
    av += samples[i].vector.norm;

  av /= samples.size();

  // find zero time for times above average
  double rthismax = 0;
  double rthismin = 0;
  int jmax = -1;
  int jmin = -1;

  for (unsigned j = 0; j < samples.size(); j++) {
    double rthisp = 0;

    for (unsigned i = 1; i < samples.size(); i++) {
      const unsigned ithis = (i + j) % samples.size();
      unsigned idiff = i;

      if (idiff > samples.size() / 2)
        idiff = samples.size() - idiff;

      rthisp += samples[ithis].vector.norm * idiff;

    if ((rthisp < rthismax) || (jmax == -1)) {
      rthismax = rthisp;
      jmax = j;

    if ((rthisp > rthismin) || (jmin == -1)) {
      rthismin = rthisp;
      jmin = j;

  // attempt to fit cycloid
  const auto mag = Half(samples[jmax].vector.norm - samples[jmin].vector.norm);
  if (mag >= 30)
    // limit to reasonable values (60 knots), reject otherwise
    return Result(0);

  double rthis = 0;

  for (const Sample &sample : samples) {
    const auto sc = sample.vector.bearing.SinCos();
    auto wx = sc.second, wy = sc.first;
    wx = wx * av + mag;
    wy *= av;
    auto cmag = hypot(wx, wy) - sample.vector.norm;
    rthis += Square(cmag);

  rthis /= samples.size();
  rthis = sqrt(rthis);

  int quality;

  if (mag > 1)
    quality = 5 - iround(rthis / mag * 3);
    quality = 5 - iround(rthis);

  if (circle_count < 3)
  if (circle_count < 2)

  if (quality < 1)
    //measurment quality too low
    return Result(0);

  /* 5 is maximum quality, make sure we honour that */
  quality = std::min(quality, 5);

  // jmax is the point where most wind samples are below
  SpeedVector wind(samples[jmax].vector.bearing.Reciprocal(), mag);
  return Result(quality, wind);