Example #1
bool SerializerElement::GetBoolAttribute(const gd::String& name,
                                         bool defaultValue,
                                         gd::String deprecatedName) const {
  if (attributes.find(name) != attributes.end()) {
    return attributes.find(name)->second.GetBool();
  } else if (!deprecatedName.empty() &&
             attributes.find(deprecatedName) != attributes.end()) {
    return attributes.find(deprecatedName)->second.GetBool();
  } else {
    if (HasChild(name, deprecatedName)) {
      SerializerElement& child = GetChild(name, 0, deprecatedName);
      if (!child.IsValueUndefined()) {
        return child.GetValue().GetBool();

  std::cout << "Bool attribute \"" << name << "\" not found, returning "
            << defaultValue;
  return defaultValue;
Example #2
	bool ConfigurationNode::AddNode(Crude::String Key, Crude::String Value) {

		bool NodeAlreadyExists = false;

		if (HasChild(Key.Hash()))
			NodeAlreadyExists = true;

		if (NodeAlreadyExists)
			ConfigurationNode* Node = GetChild(Key.Hash());
			Node->Value = Value;

			ConfigurationNode* InsertNode = new ConfigurationNode(Key, Value);

		return NodeAlreadyExists;
Example #3
Job::AddChild( Job* child, MyString &whynot )
	if( !this->CanAddChild( child, whynot ) ) {
		return false;

	if( HasChild( child ) ) {
		debug_printf( DEBUG_NORMAL,
					"Warning: parent %s already has child %s\n",
					GetJobName(), child->GetJobName() );
		check_warning_strictness( DAG_STRICT_3 );
		return true;

	if( !Add( Q_CHILDREN, child->GetJobID() ) ) {
		whynot = "unknown error appending to CHILDREN queue";
		return false;
	whynot = "n/a";
    return true;
Example #4
bool XMLElement::HasChild(const ea::string& name) const
    return HasChild(name.c_str());
Example #5
bool XMLElement::HasChild(const String& name) const
    return HasChild(name.CString());
Example #6
   void TaskEditor::RefreshComboBox(const QString& itemName)
      LOGN_DEBUG("taskeditor.cpp", "Refresh Combo Box");
      dtDAL::Map* m = EditorData::GetInstance().getCurrentMap();

      if (m == NULL)
         LOG_ERROR("Unable read lookup the task actor types because the current map is NULL.");

      const std::string topLevelProperty("IsTopLevel");

      std::vector<dtCore::RefPtr<dtDAL::ActorProxy> > toFill;
      std::vector<dtDAL::ActorProxy*> selectedActors;
      m->FindProxies(toFill, "", "dtcore.Tasks", "Task Actor");

      for (unsigned i = 0; i < toFill.size(); ++i)
         dtDAL::ActorProxy* ap = toFill[i].get();
         bool isRemoved = mRemovedTasks.find(ap) != mRemovedTasks.end();
         // We don't want to see actors with parents unless it has been removed from the current parent actor
         // or the checkbox has been selected by the user to explicitly show them.
         if (!isRemoved && mShowTasksWithParents->checkState() == Qt::Unchecked)
            dtDAL::BooleanActorProperty* bap = static_cast<dtDAL::BooleanActorProperty*>(ap->GetProperty(topLevelProperty));
            if (bap == NULL)
               LOG_ERROR("A task actor named \"" + ap->GetName() + "\" with type \"" + ap->GetActorType().GetCategory()
                  + "." + ap->GetActorType().GetName() + "\" was found that doesn't have an \""
                  + topLevelProperty + "\" property.  Ignoring.");

            //don't add non-top-level tasks to the list.
            if (!bap->GetValue())

         bool isSelected = false;
         for (unsigned j = 0; j < selectedActors.size(); ++j)
            if (selectedActors[j] == toFill[i].get())
               isSelected = true;

         if (!isSelected && !HasChild(*ap))
            //TODO if it's not the currently selected actor
            QVariant v = QVariant::fromValue(dtCore::RefPtr<dtDAL::ActorProxy>(ap));
            mComboBox->addItem(tr(ap->GetName().c_str()), v);

Example #7
static BOOL TreeSecondWalk(PNODE pThisNode,
	unsigned nCurrentLevel)
	* During a second pre-order walk, each node is given a
	* final x-coordinate by summing its preliminary
	* x-coordinate and the modifiers of all the node's
	* ancestors.  The y-coordinate depends on the height of
	* the tree.  (The roles of x and y are reversed for
	* RootOrientations of EAST or WEST.)
	* Returns: TRUE if no errors, otherwise returns FALSE.
	*----------------------------------------- ----------*/

	BOOL bResult = TRUE;        /* assume innocent        */
	long lxTemp, lyTemp;        /* hold calculations here */
	float flNewModsum;          /* local modifier value   */
	static float flModsum = (float)0.0;

	if (nCurrentLevel <= MAXIMUM_DEPTH) {
		flNewModsum = flModsum;  /* Save the current value  */
		switch (RootOrientation) {
		case NORTH:
			lxTemp = (long)xTopAdjustment +
				(long)(pThisNode->flPrelim + flModsum);
			lyTemp = (long)yTopAdjustment +
				(long)(nCurrentLevel * LEVEL_SEPARATION);
		case SOUTH:
			lxTemp = (long)xTopAdjustment +
				(long)(pThisNode->flPrelim + flModsum);
			lyTemp = (long)yTopAdjustment -
				(long)(nCurrentLevel * LEVEL_SEPARATION);
		case EAST:
			lxTemp = (long)xTopAdjustment +
				(long)(nCurrentLevel * LEVEL_SEPARATION);
			lyTemp = (long)yTopAdjustment -
				(long)(pThisNode->flPrelim + flModsum);
		case WEST:
			lxTemp = (long)xTopAdjustment -
				(long)(nCurrentLevel * LEVEL_SEPARATION);
			lyTemp = (long)yTopAdjustment -
				(long)(pThisNode->flPrelim + flModsum);

		if (CheckExtentsRange(lxTemp, lyTemp)) {
			/* The values are within the allowable range */

			pThisNode->xCoordinate = (COORD)lxTemp;
			pThisNode->yCoordinate = (COORD)lyTemp;

			if (HasChild(pThisNode)) {
				/* Apply the flModifier value for this    */
				/* node to all its offspring.             */
				flModsum = flNewModsum =
					flNewModsum + pThisNode->flModifier;
				bResult = TreeSecondWalk(
					FirstChild(pThisNode), nCurrentLevel + 1);
				flNewModsum = flNewModsum -

			if ((HasRightSibling(pThisNode)) && (bResult)) {
				flModsum = flNewModsum;
				bResult = TreeSecondWalk(
					RightSibling(pThisNode), nCurrentLevel);
		else bResult = FALSE;   /* outside of extents   */
	return (bResult);
Example #8
bool TWidget::HasChild(const ChildRef& childRef) const {
    if (childRef.expired() == true) { return false; }
    const auto child = childRef.lock();
    return HasChild(child->name) && (child->parent.lock().get() == this);