//! The framework calls this member function when the user double-clicks
//! the left mouse button. Used to expand and collapse groups when group
//! header is clicked.
//! @param nFlags Indicates whether various virtual keys are down (MK_CONTROL, MK_SHIFT, etc.)
//! @param point Specifies the x- and y-coordinate of the cursor relative to the upper-left corner of the window.
void CGridListCtrlGroups::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
	CGridListCtrlEx::OnLButtonDblClk(nFlags, point);

	if (!IsGroupStateEnabled())
	int nGroupId = GroupHitTest(point);
	if (nGroupId!=-1)
		if (HasGroupState(nGroupId, LVGS_COLLAPSED))
			SetGroupState(nGroupId, LVGS_NORMAL);
			SetGroupState(nGroupId, LVGS_COLLAPSED);
//! Expand all groups
void CGridListCtrlGroups::ExpandAllGroups()
	if (!IsGroupStateEnabled())

	// Loop through all rows and find possible groups
	for(int nRow=0; nRow<GetItemCount(); ++nRow)
		int nGroupId = GetRowGroupId(nRow);
		if (nGroupId!=-1)
			if (HasGroupState(nGroupId,LVGS_COLLAPSED))
//! Override this method to change the context menu when activating context
//! menu for the group headers
//! @param pWnd Handle to the window in which the user right clicked the mouse
//! @param point Position of the cursor, in screen coordinates, at the time of the mouse click.
//! @param nGroupId ID of the group
void CGridListCtrlGroups::OnContextMenuGroup(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint point, int nGroupId)
	CMenu menu;
	VERIFY( menu.CreatePopupMenu() );
	const CString& groupHeader = GetGroupHeader(nGroupId);

	// Provide menu-options for collapsing groups, if the collapsible state is not available
	if (IsGroupStateEnabled())
		if (HasGroupState(nGroupId,LVGS_COLLAPSED))
			CString menuText = CString(_T("Expand group: ")) + groupHeader;
			menu.InsertMenu(0, uFlags, 1, menuText);
			CString menuText = CString(_T("Collapse group: ")) + groupHeader;
			menu.InsertMenu(0, uFlags, 2, menuText);

	if (GetExtendedStyle() & LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES)
		CString menuText = CString(_T("Check group: ")) + groupHeader;
		menu.InsertMenu(1, uFlags, 3, menuText);
		menuText = CString(_T("Uncheck group: ")) + groupHeader;
		menu.InsertMenu(2, uFlags, 4, menuText);

	int nResult = menu.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RETURNCMD, point.x, point.y, this, 0);
		case 1: SetGroupState(nGroupId, LVGS_NORMAL); break;
		case 2: SetGroupState(nGroupId, LVGS_COLLAPSED); break;
		case 3: CheckEntireGroup(nGroupId, true); break;
		case 4: CheckEntireGroup(nGroupId, false); break;
//! Updates the state of a group
//! @param nGroupId ID of the group
//! @param dwState Specifies the new state of the group
//! @return The group state was updated (true / false)
BOOL CGridListCtrlGroups::SetGroupState(int nGroupId, DWORD dwState)
	// Vista SDK - ListView_SetGroupState / LVM_SETGROUPINFO
	if (!IsGroupStateEnabled())
		return FALSE;

	LVGROUP lg = {0};
	lg.cbSize = sizeof(lg);
	lg.mask = LVGF_STATE;
	lg.state = dwState;
	lg.stateMask = dwState;

	// Maintain LVGS_COLLAPSIBLE state
	if (HasGroupState(nGroupId, LVGS_COLLAPSIBLE))
		lg.state |= LVGS_COLLAPSIBLE;

	if (SetGroupInfo(nGroupId, (PLVGROUP)&lg)==-1)
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
void CFeedIcoItemListCtrl::DrawGroupInfo(CDC & dcMem, const CRect & rectClip, const CRect & rectClient)

	if (thePrefs.GetWindowsVersion() >= _WINVER_VISTA_ )
		int n = GetGroupCount();
		for(int i = 0 ; i < n; ++i)
			CString  strGroupCaption = GetGroupCaption( i );

			CString strGroupTotals;
			if ( strGroupCaption == m_mapGroups.GetKeyAt(i) )
				const CSimpleArray<int>& groupRows = m_mapGroups.GetValueAt(i);
				strGroupTotals.Format(_T("(共%d个)"), groupRows.GetSize());

			LVGROUP  lg = GetGroupInfoByIndex(i, LVGF_GROUPID);
			CRect    rcGroup = GetRectbyGroupID(lg.iGroupId, LVGGR_HEADER);
			CRect rcIntersect;
			rcIntersect.IntersectRect(rectClip, rcGroup);

			//rcGroup.DeflateRect(0, 7);//缩小7像素高度
			//rcGroup.OffsetRect(0, -7);//向上偏移7像素

			if ( !rcIntersect.IsRectEmpty() )
				DrawGroup(dcMem, rcGroup, strGroupCaption, strGroupTotals);

			// Maintain LVGS_COLLAPSIBLE state
			CRect rcDropDown(rcGroup.right - 20, rcGroup.top + 10, rcGroup.right - 5, rcGroup.bottom - 3);
			if (HasGroupState(i, LVGS_COLLAPSED))
				if (m_imageRss_Group_Drop_Up_Nor)
					m_imageRss_Group_Drop_Up_Nor->Draw(dcMem, rcDropDown.left, rcDropDown.top);
			else if (HasGroupState(i, LVGS_NORMAL))
				if (m_imageRss_Group_Drop_Down_Nor)
					m_imageRss_Group_Drop_Down_Nor->Draw(dcMem, rcDropDown.left, rcDropDown.top);

			//CRect rcDropDown(rcGroup.right - 20, rcGroup.top + 7, rcGroup.right - 5, rcGroup.bottom - 3);
			//CRgn rgDropDown;//画圆角矩形
			//rgDropDown.CreateRoundRectRgn( rcDropDown.left, rcDropDown.top, rcDropDown.right, rcDropDown.bottom, 3, 3 );
			//CBrush* brushFrame; 
			//brushFrame = new CBrush( GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT) );
			//delete brushFrame;
		if ( nGroupHeight == -1 )
			CRect rcFirstItem;//算法有待优化
			GetItemRect(0, rcFirstItem, LVIR_BOUNDS);
			if ( !rcFirstItem.IsRectEmpty() )
				nGroupHeight = rcFirstItem.top;
		}//计算group 高度

		CFeedCatalogs & feedCatalogs = CFeedCatalogs::GetInstance();
		//遍历Catlogs 获得每个一级分类的Start RssData[只要用第一个就行了....第一个向上偏移绘制]
		for (	CFeedCatalogs::iterator it = feedCatalogs.GetBegin();
				it != feedCatalogs.GetEnd();
				++it	)
			FeedCatalog & feedCatlog = it->second;
			if ( feedCatlog.IsTop() && feedCatlog.GetFeedCount() > 0 )
				CRssFeedBase* feedStart = feedCatlog.GetFirstFeed();

				int nStartIndex = GetItemIndex( (CRssFeed*)feedStart );//确定第一个item位置
				if ( nStartIndex > -1 )
					int nGroupID = GetGroupIDByItemIndex( nStartIndex );
					CString strGroupCaption = GetGroupCaption( nGroupID );

					CString strGroupTotals;
					const CSimpleArray<int>& groupRows = m_mapGroups.GetValueAt(nGroupID);
					strGroupTotals.Format(_T("(共%d个)"), groupRows.GetSize());
					//strGroupTotals.Format(_T("(共 %n 个)"), GetGroupCount());

					CRect itemRect;
					GetItemRect(nStartIndex, &itemRect, LVIR_BOUNDS);

					//根据item rect获得group rect
					CRect rcGroup(rectClient.left, itemRect.top - nGroupHeight, rectClient.right, itemRect.top - 6);
					CRect rtIntersect;
					rtIntersect.IntersectRect(rectClip, rcGroup);

					if ( !rtIntersect.IsRectEmpty() )
						DrawGroup(dcMem, rcGroup, strGroupCaption, strGroupTotals);
