Example #1
static void WrapHistograms(
    vec_double& histbins)
    for (int row = 0; row < GRIDHEIGHT; row++)
        for (int col = 0; col < GRIDWIDTH; col++)
            const int ibin = HistIndex(row, col, 0);
            histbins[ibin] += histbins[ibin + BINS_PER_HIST]; // 360 wraps to 0
Example #2
static void CopyHistsToDesc(    // copy histograms to descriptor, skipping pad bins
    VEC&              desc,     // out
    const vec_double& histbins) // in
    for (int row = 0; row < GRIDHEIGHT; row++)
        for (int col = 0; col < GRIDWIDTH; col++)
            memcpy(Buf(desc) +
                       (row * GRIDWIDTH + col) * BINS_PER_HIST,
                   &histbins[HistIndex(row, col, 0)],
                   BINS_PER_HIST * sizeof(histbins[0]));
Example #3
void GetHistograms(                // get all histogram bins
    vec_double&       histbins,    // out
    const int         patchwidth,  // in: in pixels
    const vec_double& mags,        // in
    const vec_double& orients,     // in
    const vec_int&    row_indices, // in
    const vec_double& row_fracs,   // in
    const vec_int&    col_indices, // in
    const vec_double& col_fracs)   // in
    const int npix = SQ(patchwidth); // number of pixels in image patch

    const int nhistbins =
        (1 + GRIDHEIGHT + 1) * (1 + GRIDWIDTH + 1) * (BINS_PER_HIST + 1);

    // resize and clear (the fill is needed if the size of histbins
    // doesn't change, because in that case resize does nothing)
    fill(histbins.begin(), histbins.end(), 0.);

    for (int ipix = 0; ipix < npix; ipix++)
        const double orient = orients[ipix];
        const int iorient   = int(floor(orient));
        CV_DbgAssert(iorient >= 0 && iorient < BINS_PER_HIST);

        const int ibin =
            HistIndex(row_indices[ipix], col_indices[ipix], iorient);

        double* const p = &histbins[ibin];

        TrilinearAccumulate( // apportion grad mag across eight orientation bins
            p[0],                                     // ThisOrient
            p[1],                                     // NextOrient
            p[BINS_PER_HIST + 1],                     // NextCol ThisOrient
            p[BINS_PER_HIST + 2],                     // NextCol NextOrient
            p[(GRIDWIDTH+2) * (BINS_PER_HIST+1)],     // NextRow ThisOrient
            p[(GRIDWIDTH+2) * (BINS_PER_HIST+1) + 1], // NextRow NextOrient
            p[(GRIDWIDTH+3) * (BINS_PER_HIST+1)],     // NextRow NextCol ThisOrient
            p[(GRIDWIDTH+3) * (BINS_PER_HIST+1) + 1], // NextRow NextCol NextOrient
            mags[ipix],        // the mag that gets apportioned
            row_fracs[ipix],   // rowfrac
            col_fracs[ipix],   // colfrac
            orient - iorient); // orientfrac
void GRIHist1DGridScrollWidget::SetYLabel(GRIHistogrammer *h, QString ylabel) {
  if (HistIsPresent(h)) {
    hist_ylabel_vec_[HistIndex(h)] = ylabel;
void GRIHist1DGridScrollWidget::SetAutoScale(GRIHistogrammer *h, bool autoscale_on) {
  if (HistIsPresent(h)) {
    hist_autoscale_on_vec_[HistIndex(h)] = autoscale_on;
void GRIHist1DGridScrollWidget::SetLogScale(GRIHistogrammer *h, bool logscale_on) {
  if (HistIsPresent(h)) {
    hist_logscale_on_vec_[HistIndex(h)] = logscale_on;
void GRIHist1DGridScrollWidget::SetOutlineColor(GRIHistogrammer *h, QColor qcolor) {
  if (HistIsPresent(h)) {
    hist_outline_color_vec_[HistIndex(h)] = qcolor;
void GRIHist1DGridScrollWidget::SetBackgroundColor(GRIHistogrammer *h, QColor qcolor) {
  if (HistIsPresent(h)) {
    hist_background_color_vec_[HistIndex(h)] = qcolor;