Example #1
HtmlCheck(int WriteOutput, FILE *InputFile, char *s, int sSize,
    char *CurrentFilename, int *CurrentLineAll, int *CurrentLineInFile)
  static int StyleBox = 0, StyleBoxWidth = 75, StyleUser = 0;
  static char StyleUserStart[2049] = "", StyleUserEnd[1025] = "";
  int Width, Pos = 0;
  int i, j;
  char c = 0, *ss;
  extern int inHeader;

  //if (WriteOutput)
  //  printf("HTML -> %s", s);

  // Process default style file at startup.
  if (!StyleInitialized)
      FILE *Defaults;

      StyleInitialized = 1;
      Defaults = fopen("Default.style", "r");
      if (Defaults != NULL)
          Line_t s =
            { 0 };
          StyleOnly = 1;

          while (NULL != fgets(s, sizeof(s) - 1, Defaults))
            HtmlCheck(0, Defaults, s, sizeof(s), "", &i, &j);

          StyleOnly = 0;

  if (StyleOnly)
    goto ProcessStyle;
  Retry: Pos = 0;
  c = 0;

  // First, take care of directives to include HTML from a 
  // file.  There are two forms:
  // <HTML "filename">
  // or
  // ### FILE="filename"
  if (!strncmp(s, "<HTML \"", 7))
    Pos = 7;
  else if (!strncmp(s, "### FILE=\"", 10))
    Pos = 10;

  if (Pos)
      FILE *Include;

      if (!WriteOutput || !Html || HtmlOut == NULL)
        return (1);

      for (ss = &s[Pos]; *ss && *ss != '\"'; ss++)

      if (*ss != '\"')
        return (1);

      *ss = 0;
      Include = fopen(&s[Pos], "r");
      *ss = '\"';
      if (Include == NULL)
        return (1);

      fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", HTML_STYLE_END);
      while (NULL != fgets(s, sSize - 1, Include))
        fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", s);

      fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", HTML_STYLE_START);
      return (1);

  // Take care of the addition of destinations for hyperlinks.
  if (!strncmp(s, "### ANCHOR=", 11))
      if (!WriteOutput || !Html || HtmlOut == NULL)
        return (1);

      for (ss = s; *ss && *ss != '\n'; ss++)

      *ss = 0;
      fprintf(HtmlOut, "<a name=\"%s\">\n", &s[11]);

      return (1);

  // Now take care of style pragmas.  The allowed forms are
  // ### STYLE=NONE
  // or
  // ### STYLE=BOX n%
  // or
  // ### STYLE=START stuff
  // ### STYLE=START+ stuff
  // ### STYLE=END stuff
  // or
  // ### STYLE=USER
  // The latter just re-enables STYLE=START/STYLE=END styles which
  // may have been defined earlier but then disabled temporarily
  // is a user-defined style, in which you can give
  // both the HTML to initiate the style and the HTML to end 
  // the style to allow returning to the default style.  In other
  // words, when a block of comments in "## htmlstuff" format
  // is encountered, the style-start stuff will be output,
  // followed by all of the htmlstuff in the ## comments, followed
  // by the style-end stuff.  STYLE=START gives the starting commands,
  // but since such commands are sometimes gargantuan, they may not
  // fit conveniently on a single line, so what STYLE=START+ does is
  // to *add* stuff to the end of a previous STYLE=START or 
  if (!strncmp(s, "### STYLE=", 10))
      if (!WriteOutput || !Html || HtmlOut == NULL)
        return (1);

      ProcessStyle: ss = &s[10];
      if (!strncmp(ss, "NONE", 4))
          StyleBox = 0;
          StyleUser = 0;
      else if (!strncmp(ss, "BOX ", 4) && sscanf(ss + 4, "%d%c", &i, &c) == 2
          && i >= 1 && i <= 100 && c == '%')
          StyleBox = 1;
          StyleBoxWidth = i;
          StyleUser = 0;
      else if (!strncmp(ss, "USER", 4))
          StyleBox = 0;
          StyleUser = 1;
      else if (!strncmp(ss, "START ", 6))
          StyleBox = 0;
          StyleUser = 1;
          strcpy(StyleUserStart, &ss[6]);
      else if (!strncmp(ss, "START+ ", 7))
          strcat(StyleUserStart, &ss[7]);
      else if (!strncmp(ss, "END ", 4))
          StyleBox = 0;
          StyleUser = 1;
          strcpy(StyleUserEnd, &ss[4]);

      return (1);

  // Now take care of HTML embedded with
  // ## stuff
  // JL 2010-02-17 Don't try to process Page meta-comments.
  // RSB 2010-02-20 ... if --unpound-page is used.  Otherwise,
  // process them normally. 
  //if (WriteOutput)
  //  printf("inHeader=%d match=%d UnpoundPage=%d\n", inHeader, strncmp(s + 3, "Page", 4), UnpoundPage);
  if ((!strncmp(s, "## ", 3) || !strncmp(s, "##\t", 3)) && !inHeader
      && (strncmp(s + 3, "Page", 4) != 0 || !UnpoundPage))
      //if (WriteOutput)
      //  printf("HERE\n");
      // Set proper style and output the line.
      if (WriteOutput && Html && HtmlOut != NULL)
          fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", HTML_STYLE_END);
          if (StyleBox)
            fprintf(HtmlOut, HTML_TABLE_START, StyleBoxWidth);
          else if (StyleUser)
            fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", StyleUserStart);
          fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", &s[3]);

      // Loop on the lines of the insert.
      while (1)
          ss = fgets(s, sSize - 1, InputFile);
          if (ss == NULL)
          if (strncmp(s, "## ", 3) && strncmp(s, "##\t", 3))
          if (WriteOutput && Html && HtmlOut != NULL)
            fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", &s[3]);

      // Restore default style.
      if (WriteOutput && Html && HtmlOut != NULL)
          if (StyleBox)
            fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", HTML_TABLE_END);
          else if (StyleUser)
            fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", StyleUserEnd);
          fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", HTML_STYLE_START);

      if (ss == NULL)
        return (1);

      goto Retry;

  // Now take care of the <HTML> or <HTMLnn> tags.  However,
  // the ## style described above is preferred.
  if (!strncmp(s, "<HTML>", 6)
      || (2 == sscanf(s, "<HTML%d%c", &Width, &c) && Width > 0 && Width <= 99
          && c == '>'))
      // Turn off default HTML styling.
      if (WriteOutput && Html && HtmlOut != NULL)
          fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", HTML_STYLE_END);
          if (c == '>')
            fprintf(HtmlOut, HTML_TABLE_START, Width);
      // Loop on the lines of the insert.
      while (1)
          ss = fgets(s, sSize - 1, InputFile);
          if (ss == NULL)
              printf("Premature end-of-file.\n");
              fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Premature end-of-file.\n",
                  CurrentFilename, *CurrentLineInFile);
              goto Done;


          if (!strncmp(s, "</HTML>", 7))
              // Turn default HTML styling back on and return
              // to normal source processing.
              if (WriteOutput && Html && HtmlOut != NULL)
                  if (c == '>')
                    fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", HTML_TABLE_END);
                  fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", HTML_STYLE_START);

          if (WriteOutput && Html && HtmlOut != NULL)
            fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", s);
      return (1);
  return (0);
Example #2
SymbolPass (const char *InputFilename)
  Line_t CurrentFilename;
  Line_t s;
  char *Comment, *Label, *FalseLabel, *Operator, *Operand, *Mod1, *Mod2;
  FILE *InputFile;
  int CurrentLineAll = 0, CurrentLineInFile = 0;
  int i;				// dummies.
  char *ss;				// dummies.
  // Open the input file.
  strcpy (CurrentFilename, InputFilename);
  InputFile = fopen (CurrentFilename, "r");
  if (InputFile == NULL)
    goto Done;

  // Loop on the lines of the input file.  
  s[sizeof (s) - 1] = 0;
  for (;;)
      // Get the next line from the file.
      ss = fgets (s, sizeof (s) - 1, InputFile);
      // At end of the file?
      if (NULL == ss)
	  // We've reached the end of this input file.  Need to switch
	  // files (if we were within an include-file) or to end the pass.
	  if (NumStackedIncludes)
	      fclose (InputFile);
	      InputFile = StackedIncludes[NumStackedIncludes].InputFile;
	      strcpy (CurrentFilename, 
	      CurrentLineInFile = StackedIncludes[NumStackedIncludes].CurrentLineInFile; 
	      // All done!
	  // No, not at end of file, so we've just read a new line.
      if (HtmlCheck (0, InputFile, s, sizeof (s), CurrentFilename, &CurrentLineAll, &CurrentLineInFile))
      // Analyze the input line.  Is it an "include" directive?	
      if (s[0] == '$')
	  // This is a directive to include another file.
	  if (NumStackedIncludes == MAX_STACKED_INCLUDES)
	      printf ("Too many levels of include-files.\n");
	      goto Done;
	  StackedIncludes[NumStackedIncludes].InputFile = InputFile;
	  strcpy (StackedIncludes[NumStackedIncludes].InputFilename,
	  StackedIncludes[NumStackedIncludes].CurrentLineInFile = CurrentLineInFile;
	  if (1 != sscanf (s, "$%s", CurrentFilename))
	      printf ("Include-directive has no filename.\n");
	      goto Done;
	  CurrentLineInFile = 0;
	  InputFile = fopen (CurrentFilename, "r");
	  if (InputFile == NULL)
	      printf ("Include-file \"%s\" does not exist.\n", CurrentFilename);
	      goto Done;
      // Set up appropriate default values for various fields.
      Label = FalseLabel = Operator = Operand = Mod1 = Mod2 = "";
      // Find and remove the comment field, if any.
      for (Comment = s; *Comment && *Comment != COMMENT_SEPARATOR; Comment++);
      if (*Comment == '#')
          *Comment++ = 0;
	  // Trim the newline at the end:
	  for (ss = Comment; *ss; ss++)
	    if (*ss == '\n')
	      *ss = 0;
      // Suck in all other fields.
      NumFields = sscanf (s, "%s%s%s%s%s%s", Fields[0], Fields[1],
      			  Fields[2], Fields[3], Fields[4], Fields[5]);	
      if (NumFields >= 1)
	  i = 0;
	  if (*s && !isspace (*s))
	    Label = Fields[i++];
	  else if (*Fields[0] == '+' || *Fields[0] == '-')
	    FalseLabel = Fields[i++];
	  if (i < NumFields)
	    Operator = Fields[i++];
	  if (i < NumFields)
	    Operand = Fields[i++];
	  if (i < NumFields)
	    Mod1 = Fields[i++];
	  if (i < NumFields)
	    Mod2 = Fields[i++];
      if (*Label != 0 && strcmp(Operator, "MEMORY") && strcmp(Operator, "CHECK="))
	  //if (!strcmp (Label, "ATMAGAD"))
	  //  printf ("***** %s, %d, %d, %s", CurrentFilename, CurrentLineAll, CurrentLineInFile, s);
	  if (AddSymbol (Label))
	      printf ("Out of memory (2).\n");
	      goto Done;

  // Done with this pass.
  if (InputFile != NULL)
    fclose (InputFile);
  for (i = 0; i < NumStackedIncludes; i++)
    fclose (StackedIncludes[i].InputFile); 
  NumStackedIncludes = 0; 