Example #1
//! Initializes the TMP100 driver.
//! \param psInst is a pointer to the TMP100 instance data.
//! \param psI2CInst is a pointer to the I2C driver instance data.
//! \param ui8I2CAddr is the I2C address of the TMP100 device.
//! \param pfnCallback is the function to be called when the initialization has
//! completed (can be \b NULL if a callback is not required).
//! \param pvCallbackData is a pointer that is passed to the callback function.
//! This function initializes the TMP100 driver, preparing it for operation,
//! and initiates a reset of the TMP100 device, clearing any previous
//! configuration data.
//! \return Returns 1 if the TMP100 driver was successfully initialized and 0
//! if it was not.
TMP100Init(tTMP100 *psInst, tI2CMInstance *psI2CInst, uint_fast8_t ui8I2CAddr,
           tSensorCallback *pfnCallback, void *pvCallbackData)
    // Initialize the TMP100 instance structure
    psInst->psI2CInst = psI2CInst;
    psInst->ui8Addr = ui8I2CAddr;
    psInst->ui8State = TMP100_STATE_INIT;

    // Save the callback information.
    psInst->pfnCallback = pfnCallback;
    psInst->pvCallbackData = pvCallbackData;

    // Write the configuration register to its default value.
    psInst->pui8Data[0] = TMP100_O_CONFIG;
    psInst->pui8Data[1] = 0x00;

    // Write the reset bit and issue a callback when finished.
    if(I2CMWrite(psInst->psI2CInst, ui8I2CAddr, psInst->pui8Data, 2,
                 TMP100Callback, psInst) == 0)
        // I2CMWrite failed so reset TMP100 state and return zero to indicate
        // failure.
        psInst->ui8State = TMP100_STATE_IDLE;

    // Success
Example #2
//! Initializes the SHT21 driver.
//! \param psInst is a pointer to the SHT21 instance data.
//! \param psI2CInst is a pointer to the I2C driver instance data.
//! \param ui8I2CAddr is the I2C address of the SHT21 device.
//! \param pfnCallback is the function to be called when the initialization has
//! completed (can be \b NULL if a callback is not required).
//! \param pvCallbackData is a pointer that is passed to the callback function.
//! This function initializes the SHT21 driver, preparing it for operation, and
//! initiates a reset of the SHT21 device, clearing any previous configuration
//! data.
//! \return Returns 1 if the SHT21 driver was successfully initialized and 0 if
//! it was not.
SHT21Init(tSHT21 *psInst, tI2CMInstance *psI2CInst, uint_fast8_t ui8I2CAddr,
          tSensorCallback *pfnCallback, void *pvCallbackData)
    // Initialize the SHT21 instance structure.
    psInst->psI2CInst = psI2CInst;
    psInst->ui8Addr = ui8I2CAddr;
    psInst->ui8State = SHT21_STATE_INIT;

    // Save the callback information.
    psInst->pfnCallback = pfnCallback;
    psInst->pvCallbackData = pvCallbackData;

    // Perform a soft reset of the SHT21.
    psInst->pui8Data[0] = SHT21_CMD_SOFT_RESET;
    if(I2CMWrite(psInst->psI2CInst, ui8I2CAddr, psInst->pui8Data, 1,
                 SHT21Callback, psInst) == 0)
        // The I2C write failed, so move to the idle state and return a
        // failure.
        psInst->ui8State = SHT21_STATE_IDLE;

    // Success
Example #3
// The callback function that is called when I2C transations to/from the
// MPU9150 have completed.
static void
MPU9150Callback(void *pvCallbackData, uint_fast8_t ui8Status)
    tMPU9150 *psInst;

    // Convert the instance data into a pointer to a tMPU9150 structure.
    psInst = pvCallbackData;

    // If the I2C master driver encountered a failure, force the state machine
    // to the idle state (which will also result in a callback to propagate the
    // error). Except in the case that we are in the reset wait state and the 
    // error is an address NACK.  This error is handled by the reset wait 
    // state.
    if((ui8Status != I2CM_STATUS_SUCCESS) && 
       !((ui8Status == I2CM_STATUS_ADDR_NACK) &&
         (psInst->ui8State == MPU9150_STATE_INIT_RESET_WAIT)))
        psInst->ui8State = MPU9150_STATE_IDLE;

    // Determine the current state of the MPU9150 state machine.
        // All states that trivially transition to IDLE, and all unknown
        // states.
        case MPU9150_STATE_READ:
        case MPU9150_STATE_LAST:
        case MPU9150_STATE_RD_DATA:
            // The state machine is now idle.
            psInst->ui8State = MPU9150_STATE_IDLE;

            // Done.

        // MPU9150 Device reset was issued
        case MPU9150_STATE_INIT_RESET:
            // Issue a read of the status register to confirm reset is done.
            psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[0] = MPU9150_O_PWR_MGMT_1;
            I2CMRead(psInst->psI2CInst, psInst->ui8Addr,
                     psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer, 1, psInst->pui8Data, 1,
                     MPU9150Callback, psInst);

            psInst->ui8State = MPU9150_STATE_INIT_RESET_WAIT;

        // Status register was read, check if reset is done before proceeding.
        case MPU9150_STATE_INIT_RESET_WAIT:
            // Check the value read back from status to determine if device
            // is still in reset or if it is ready.  Reset state for this
            // register is 0x40, which has sleep bit set. Device may also 
            // respond with an address NACK during very early stages of the
            // its internal reset.  Keep polling until we verify device is 
            // ready.
            if((psInst->pui8Data[0] != MPU9150_PWR_MGMT_1_SLEEP) || 
               (ui8Status == I2CM_STATUS_ADDR_NACK))
                // Device still in reset so begin polling this register.
                psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[0] = MPU9150_O_PWR_MGMT_1;
                I2CMRead(psInst->psI2CInst, psInst->ui8Addr,
                         psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer, 1, psInst->pui8Data, 1,
                         MPU9150Callback, psInst);

                // Intentionally stay in this state to create polling effect.
                // Device is out of reset, bring it out of sleep mode.
                psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[0] = MPU9150_O_PWR_MGMT_1;
                psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[1] = MPU9150_PWR_MGMT_1_CLKSEL_XG;
                I2CMWrite(psInst->psI2CInst, psInst->ui8Addr,
                          psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer, 2, MPU9150Callback,

                // Update state to show we are modifing user control and
                // power management 1 regs.
                psInst->ui8State = MPU9150_STATE_INIT_PWR_MGMT;

        // Reset complete now take device out of sleep mode.
        case MPU9150_STATE_INIT_PWR_MGMT:
            psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[0] = MPU9150_O_USER_CTRL;
            psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[1] = MPU9150_USER_CTRL_I2C_MST_EN;
            I2CMWrite(psInst->psI2CInst, psInst->ui8Addr,
                      psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer, 2, MPU9150Callback,

            // Update state to show we are modifing user control and
            // power management 1 regs.
            psInst->ui8State = MPU9150_STATE_INIT_USER_CTRL;


        // Change to power mode complete, device is ready for configuration.
        case MPU9150_STATE_INIT_USER_CTRL:
            // Load index 0 with the sample rate register number.
            psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[0] = MPU9150_O_SMPLRT_DIV;

            // Set sample rate to 50 hertz.  1000 hz / (1 + 19)
            psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[1] = 19;

            I2CMWrite(psInst->psI2CInst, psInst->ui8Addr,
                      psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer, 2, MPU9150Callback, psInst);

            // update state to show are in process of configuring sensors.
            psInst->ui8State = MPU9150_STATE_INIT_SAMPLE_RATE_CFG;

        // Sensor configuration is complete.
            // Write the I2C Master delay control so we only sample the AK
            // every 5th time that we sample accel/gyro.  Delay Count itself
            // handled in next state.
            psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[0] = MPU9150_O_I2C_MST_DELAY_CTRL;
            psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[1] =
                (MPU9150_I2C_MST_DELAY_CTRL_I2C_SLV0_DLY_EN |
            I2CMWrite(psInst->psI2CInst, psInst->ui8Addr,
                      psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer, 2, MPU9150Callback, psInst);

            // Update state to show we are configuring i2c slave delay between
            // slave events.  Slave 0 and Slave 4 transaction only occur every
            // 5th sample cycle.
            psInst->ui8State = MPU9150_STATE_INIT_I2C_SLAVE_DLY;

        // Master slave delay configuration complete.
        case MPU9150_STATE_INIT_I2C_SLAVE_DLY:
            // Write the configuration for I2C master control clock 400khz
            // and wait for external sensor before asserting data ready
            psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[0] = MPU9150_O_I2C_MST_CTRL;
            psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[1] =
                (MPU9150_I2C_MST_CTRL_I2C_MST_CLK_400 |

            // Configure I2C Slave 0 for read of AK8975 (I2C Address 0x0C)
            // Start at AK8975 register status 1
            // Read 8 bytes and enable this slave transaction
            psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[2] = MPU9150_I2C_SLV0_ADDR_RW | 0x0C;
            psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[3] = AK8975_O_ST1;
            psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[4] = MPU9150_I2C_SLV0_CTRL_EN | 0x08;
            I2CMWrite(psInst->psI2CInst, psInst->ui8Addr,
                      psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer, 5, MPU9150Callback, psInst);

            // Update state.  Now in process of configuring slave 0.
            psInst->ui8State = MPU9150_STATE_INIT_I2C_SLAVE_0;

        // I2C slave 0 init complete.
        case MPU9150_STATE_INIT_I2C_SLAVE_0:
            // Write the configuration for I2C Slave 4 transaction to AK8975
            // 0x0c is the AK8975 address on i2c bus.
            // we want to write the control register with the value for a
            // starting a single measurement.
            psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[0] = MPU9150_O_I2C_SLV4_ADDR;
            psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[1] = 0x0C;
            psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[2] = AK8975_O_CNTL;
            psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[3] = AK8975_CNTL_MODE_SINGLE;

            // Enable the SLV4 transaction and set the master delay to
            // 0x04 + 1.  This means the slave transactions with delay enabled
            // will run every fifth accel/gyro sample.
            psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[4] = MPU9150_I2C_SLV4_CTRL_EN | 0x04;
            I2CMWrite(psInst->psI2CInst, psInst->ui8Addr,
                      psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer, 5, MPU9150Callback, psInst);

            // Update state.  Now in the final init state.
            psInst->ui8State = MPU9150_STATE_LAST;

        // A write just completed
        case MPU9150_STATE_WRITE:
            // Set the accelerometer and gyroscope ranges to the new values.
            // If the register was not modified, the values will be the same so
            // this has no effect.
            psInst->ui8AccelAfsSel = psInst->ui8NewAccelAfsSel;
            psInst->ui8GyroFsSel = psInst->ui8NewGyroFsSel;

            // The state machine is now idle.
            psInst->ui8State = MPU9150_STATE_IDLE;

            // Done.

        // A read-modify-write just completed
        case MPU9150_STATE_RMW:
            // See if the PWR_MGMT_1 register was just modified.
            if(psInst->uCommand.sReadModifyWriteState.pui8Buffer[0] ==
                // See if a soft reset has been issued.
                if(psInst->uCommand.sReadModifyWriteState.pui8Buffer[1] &
                    // Default range setting is +/- 2 g
                    psInst->ui8AccelAfsSel = 0;
                    psInst->ui8NewAccelAfsSel = 0;

                    // Default range setting is +/- 250 degrees/s
                    psInst->ui8GyroFsSel = 0;
                    psInst->ui8NewGyroFsSel = 0;

            // See if the GYRO_CONFIG register was just modified.
            if(psInst->uCommand.sReadModifyWriteState.pui8Buffer[0] ==
                // Extract the FS_SEL from the GYRO_CONFIG register value.
                psInst->ui8GyroFsSel =
                    ((psInst->uCommand.sReadModifyWriteState.pui8Buffer[1] &
                      MPU9150_GYRO_CONFIG_FS_SEL_M) >>

            // See if the ACCEL_CONFIG register was just modified.
            if(psInst->uCommand.sReadModifyWriteState.pui8Buffer[0] ==
                // Extract the FS_SEL from the ACCEL_CONFIG register value.
                psInst->ui8AccelAfsSel =
                    ((psInst->uCommand.sReadModifyWriteState.pui8Buffer[1] &
                      MPU9150_ACCEL_CONFIG_AFS_SEL_M) >>

            // The state machine is now idle.
            psInst->ui8State = MPU9150_STATE_IDLE;

            // Done.
Example #4
// The callback function that is called when I2C transations to/from the
// LSM303DLHC have completed.
static void
LSM303DLHCCallback(void *pvCallbackData, uint_fast8_t ui8Status)
    tLSM303DLHCAccel *psInst;

    // Convert the instance data into a pointer to a tLSM303DLHC structure.
    psInst = pvCallbackData;

    // If the I2C master driver encountered a failure, force the state machine
    // to the idle state (which will also result in a callback to propagate the
    // error).
    if(ui8Status != I2CM_STATUS_SUCCESS)
        psInst->ui8State = LSM303DLHC_STATE_IDLE;

    // Determine the current state of the LSM303DLHC state machine.
        // All states that trivially transition to IDLE, and all unknown
        // states.
        case LSM303DLHC_STATE_READ:
            // The state machine is now idle.
            psInst->ui8State = LSM303DLHC_STATE_IDLE;

            // Done.

        case LSM303DLHC_STATE_INIT:
            psInst->ui8State = LSM303DLHC_STATE_IDLE;
            I2CMWrite(psInst->psI2CInst, psInst->ui8Addr, g_pui8ZeroFifoCtl,
                      14, LSM303DLHCCallback, pvCallbackData);

            // Done.

        // A write just completed
        case LSM303DLHC_STATE_WRITE:
            // Set the accelerometer ranges to the new values.  If the register
            // was not modified, the values will be the same so this has no
            // effect.
            psInst->ui8AccelAfsSel = psInst->ui8NewAccelAfsSel;

            // The state machine is now idle.
            psInst->ui8State = LSM303DLHC_STATE_IDLE;

            // Done.

        // A read-modify-write just completed
        case LSM303DLHC_STATE_RMW:
            // See if the ACCEL_CONFIG register was just modified.
            if(psInst->uCommand.sReadModifyWriteState.pui8Buffer[0] ==
                // Extract the FS_SEL from the ACCEL_CONFIG register value.
                psInst->ui8AccelAfsSel =
                    ((psInst->uCommand.sReadModifyWriteState.pui8Buffer[1] &
                      LSM303DLHC_CTRL4_FS_M) >> LSM303DLHC_CTRL4_FS_S);

            // The state machine is now idle.
            psInst->ui8State = LSM303DLHC_STATE_IDLE;

            // Done.
Example #5
// The callback function that is called when I2C transations to/from the KXTI9
// have completed.
static void
KXTI9Callback(void *pvCallbackData, uint_fast8_t ui8Status)
    tKXTI9 *psInst;

    // Convert the instance data into a pointer to a tKXTI9 structure.
    psInst = pvCallbackData;

    // If the I2C master driver encountered a failure, force the state machine
    // to the idle state (which will also result in a callback to propagate the
    // error).
    if((ui8Status != I2CM_STATUS_SUCCESS) &&
       (psInst->ui8State != KXTI9_STATE_INIT_WAIT))
        psInst->ui8State = KXTI9_STATE_IDLE;

    // Determine the current state of the KXTI9 state machine.
        // All states that trivially transition to IDLE, and all unknown
        // states.
        case KXTI9_STATE_LAST:
        case KXTI9_STATE_READ:
            // The state machine is now idle.
            psInst->ui8State = KXTI9_STATE_IDLE;

            // Done.

        case KXTI9_STATE_INIT_RES:
            // Try to read back to determine if reset is done.  We expect to see
            // a NAK.
            psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[0] = KXTI9_O_CTRL3;
            I2CMRead(psInst->psI2CInst, psInst->ui8Addr,
                     psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer, 1, psInst->pui8Data, 1,
                     KXTI9Callback, psInst);

            psInst->ui8State = KXTI9_STATE_INIT_WAIT;

        case KXTI9_STATE_INIT_WAIT:
            // Check to see if there was finally an ACK.
            if(ui8Status != I2CM_STATUS_SUCCESS)
                // Read again.
                psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[0] = KXTI9_O_CTRL3;
                I2CMRead(psInst->psI2CInst, psInst->ui8Addr,
                         psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer, 1, psInst->pui8Data, 1,
                         KXTI9Callback, psInst);
                // Check the read data to make sure it jibes.
                if(psInst->pui8Data[0] == 0x4d)
                    // Device is out of reset, enable the device.
                    psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[0] = KXTI9_O_CTRL1;
                    psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[1] = KXTI9_CTRL1_PC1;
                    I2CMWrite(psInst->psI2CInst, psInst->ui8Addr,
                              psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer, 2, KXTI9Callback,
                    ui8Status = I2CM_STATUS_ERROR;

                // This is the last init write.
                psInst->ui8State = KXTI9_STATE_LAST;

        case KXTI9_STATE_WRITE:
            // Set the accelerometer range and resolution to the new value.
            // If the register was not modified, the values will be the same so
            // this has no effect.
            psInst->ui8Resolution = psInst->ui8NewResolution;
            psInst->ui8Range = psInst->ui8NewRange;

            // The state machine is now idle.
            psInst->ui8State = KXTI9_STATE_IDLE;

        case KXTI9_STATE_RMW:
            // See if the CTRL3 register was just modified.
            if(psInst->uCommand.sReadModifyWriteState.pui8Buffer[0] ==
                // See if a soft reset has been issued.
                if(psInst->uCommand.sReadModifyWriteState.pui8Buffer[1] &
                    // Default range setting is +/- 2 g
                    psInst->ui8Range = 0;
                    psInst->ui8NewRange = 0;

                    // Default resolution is 8-bit.
                    psInst->ui8Resolution = 0;
                    psInst->ui8NewResolution = 0;

            // See if the CTRL1 register was just modified.
            if(psInst->uCommand.sReadModifyWriteState.pui8Buffer[0] ==
                // Extract the range and resolution from the register value.
                psInst->ui8Range =
                    ((psInst->uCommand.sReadModifyWriteState.pui8Buffer[1] &
                            KXTI9_CTRL1_GSEL_M) >> KXTI9_CTRL1_GSEL_S);
                psInst->ui8Resolution =
                    ((psInst->uCommand.sReadModifyWriteState.pui8Buffer[1] &
                            KXTI9_CTRL1_RES) >> 6);

            // The state machine is now idle.
            psInst->ui8State = KXTI9_STATE_IDLE;
Example #6
//! Writes data to TMP100 registers.
//! \param psInst is a pointer to the TMP100 instance data.
//! \param ui8Reg is the first register to write.
//! \param pui16Data is a pointer to the 16-bit register data to write.
//! \param ui16Count is the number of 16-bit registers to write.
//! \param pfnCallback is the function to be called when the data has been
//! written (can be \b NULL if a callback is not required).
//! \param pvCallbackData is a pointer that is passed to the callback function.
//! This function writes a sequence of data values to consecutive registers in
//! the TMP100.  The first value in the \e pui16Data buffer contains the data
//! to be written into the \e ui8Reg register, the second value contains the
//! data to be written into the next register, and so on.
//! \note The TMP100 does not auto-increment the register pointer, so writes of
//! more than one register are rejected by the TMP100.
//! \return Returns 1 if the write was successfully started and 0 if it was
//! not.
TMP100Write(tTMP100 *psInst, uint_fast8_t ui8Reg, const uint16_t *pui16Data,
            uint_fast16_t ui16Count, tSensorCallback *pfnCallback,
            void *pvCallbackData)
    // Return a failure if the TMP100 driver is not idle (in other words, there
    // is already an outstanding request to the TMP100).
    if(psInst->ui8State != TMP100_STATE_IDLE)

    // Save the callback information.
    psInst->pfnCallback = pfnCallback;
    psInst->pvCallbackData = pvCallbackData;

    // Move the state machine to the wait for write state.
    psInst->ui8State = TMP100_STATE_WRITE;

    // Write the requested registers to the TMP100.
    if(ui8Reg == TMP100_O_CONFIG)
        // The configuration register is only one byte, so only a single byte
        // write is necessary and no endian swapping is required.
        psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[0] = ui8Reg;
        psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer[1] = *pui16Data & 0xff;
        if(I2CMWrite(psInst->psI2CInst, psInst->ui8Addr,
                     psInst->uCommand.pui8Buffer, 2, TMP100Callback,
                     psInst) == 0)
            // The I2C write failed, so move to the idle state and return a
            // failure.
            psInst->ui8State = TMP100_STATE_IDLE;
        // This is one of the temperature registers, which are 16-bit
        // big-endian registers.
        if(I2CMWrite16BE(&(psInst->uCommand.sWriteState), psInst->psI2CInst,
                         psInst->ui8Addr, ui8Reg, pui16Data, ui16Count,
                         TMP100Callback, psInst) == 0)
            // The I2C write failed, so move to the idle state and return a
            // failure.
            psInst->ui8State = TMP100_STATE_IDLE;

    // Success.