Example #1
static void
on_toggle_comment (GtkAction *action, gpointer data)
    gint line;
    gboolean has_selection;

    CppJavaPlugin *lang_plugin;
    IAnjutaEditor *editor;
    lang_plugin = ANJUTA_PLUGIN_CPP_JAVA (data);
    editor = IANJUTA_EDITOR (lang_plugin->current_editor);

    ianjuta_document_begin_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);

    has_selection = ianjuta_editor_selection_has_selection
                        (IANJUTA_EDITOR_SELECTION (editor), NULL);
    if (has_selection)
        IAnjutaIterable *sel_start, *sel_end;
        sel_start = ianjuta_editor_selection_get_start (IANJUTA_EDITOR_SELECTION (editor),
        sel_end = ianjuta_editor_selection_get_end (IANJUTA_EDITOR_SELECTION (editor),
        toggle_comment_multiline (editor, sel_start, sel_end);
        g_object_unref (sel_start);
        g_object_unref (sel_end);
        line = ianjuta_editor_get_lineno (IANJUTA_EDITOR(editor), NULL);
        toggle_comment_singleline (lang_plugin, editor, line);
    ianjuta_document_end_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);
Example #2
static void
on_replace_all_activated (GtkWidget* widget, SearchBox* search_box)
	IAnjutaIterable* cursor;

	if (!search_box->priv->current_editor)

	/* Cache current position and search from begin */
	cursor = ianjuta_editor_get_position (IANJUTA_EDITOR (search_box->priv->current_editor),
	ianjuta_editor_goto_start (IANJUTA_EDITOR (search_box->priv->current_editor), NULL);
	/* Replace all instances of search_entry with replace_entry text */
	ianjuta_document_begin_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (search_box->priv->current_editor), NULL);
	while (search_box_incremental_search (search_box, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))
		search_box_replace (search_box, widget, FALSE);
	ianjuta_document_end_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (search_box->priv->current_editor), NULL);

	/* Back to cached position */
	ianjuta_editor_selection_set (IANJUTA_EDITOR_SELECTION (search_box->priv->current_editor),
	                              cursor, cursor, TRUE, NULL);
	g_object_unref (cursor);
Example #3
static void insert_member_decl_and_init (IAnjutaEditor* editor, gchar* widget_name,
                                         gchar* ui_filename, CppJavaPlugin* lang_plugin)
       AnjutaStatus* status;
       gchar* member_decl = generate_widget_member_decl_str(widget_name);
       gchar* member_init = generate_widget_member_init_str(widget_name);

       gchar* member_decl_marker = generate_widget_member_decl_marker (ui_filename);
       gchar* member_init_marker = generate_widget_member_init_marker (ui_filename);

       status = anjuta_shell_get_status (ANJUTA_PLUGIN (lang_plugin)->shell, NULL);

       if (!glade_widget_already_in_scope (editor, widget_name, member_decl_marker, lang_plugin))

              ianjuta_document_begin_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);
              if (insert_after_mark (editor, member_decl_marker, member_decl, lang_plugin))
                     insert_after_mark (editor, member_init_marker, member_init, lang_plugin);
                     g_signal_emit_by_name (G_OBJECT (editor), "code-changed", NULL, NULL);
                     anjuta_status_set (status, _("Code added for widget."));
              ianjuta_document_end_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);

       g_free (member_decl);
       g_free (member_init);

       g_free (member_decl_marker);
       g_free (member_init_marker);
Example #4
cpp_auto_indentation (IAnjutaEditor *editor,
                      IndentCPlugin *lang_plugin,
                      IAnjutaIterable *start,
                      IAnjutaIterable *end)
	gint line_start, line_end;
	gint insert_line;
	gint line_indent;
	gboolean has_selection;

	has_selection = ianjuta_editor_selection_has_selection
	if (start == NULL || end == NULL)
		if (has_selection)
			IAnjutaIterable *sel_start, *sel_end;
			sel_start = ianjuta_editor_selection_get_start (IANJUTA_EDITOR_SELECTION (editor),
			sel_end = ianjuta_editor_selection_get_end (IANJUTA_EDITOR_SELECTION (editor),
			line_start = ianjuta_editor_get_line_from_position (editor, sel_start, NULL);
			line_end = ianjuta_editor_get_line_from_position (editor, sel_end, NULL);
			g_object_unref (sel_start);
			g_object_unref (sel_end);
			line_start = ianjuta_editor_get_lineno (IANJUTA_EDITOR(editor), NULL);
			line_end = line_start;
			line_start = ianjuta_editor_get_line_from_position (editor, start, NULL);
			line_end = ianjuta_editor_get_line_from_position (editor, end, NULL);
	ianjuta_document_begin_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);

	for (insert_line = line_start; insert_line <= line_end; insert_line++)
		gint parenthesis_indentation = 0;
		line_indent = get_line_auto_indentation (lang_plugin, editor,
		/* DEBUG_PRINT ("Line indent for line %d = %d", insert_line, line_indent); */
		set_line_indentation (lang_plugin, editor, insert_line, line_indent, parenthesis_indentation);
	ianjuta_document_end_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);
Example #5
static void
on_dialog_response(GtkDialog* dialog, gint response_id, gpointer user_data)
    QuickOpenPlugin* self = user_data;


    if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
        GObject* object;

        object = quick_open_dialog_get_selected_object(self->dialog);
        if (!object)

        if (IANJUTA_IS_DOCUMENT(object))
                IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(object), NULL);
        else if (G_IS_FILE(object))
            IAnjutaFileLoader* loader;

            loader = anjuta_shell_get_interface (ANJUTA_PLUGIN (self)->shell,
                IAnjutaFileLoader, NULL);
            g_return_if_fail (loader != NULL);

            ianjuta_file_loader_load (loader, G_FILE(object), FALSE, NULL);

Example #6
search_box_hide (SearchBox* search_box)
	gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET (search_box));
	search_box_set_entry_color (search_box, TRUE);
	if (search_box->priv->current_editor)
		ianjuta_document_grab_focus (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (search_box->priv->current_editor),
Example #7
/* Complete the document addition process */
vim_widget_add_document_complete (VimWidget *widget, VimEditor *editor)
    IAnjutaDocumentManager *docman;
    if (g_ptr_array_find (widget->priv->unloaded, editor) != -1)
        g_ptr_array_remove (widget->priv->unloaded, editor);

    g_ptr_array_add (widget->priv->documents, editor);
    editor->priv->loaded = TRUE;
	vim_editor_update_variables (editor);
    docman = anjuta_shell_get_interface (ANJUTA_PLUGIN(widget->priv->plugin)->shell, 
            IAnjutaDocumentManager, NULL);
    ianjuta_document_manager_add_document (docman, IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);
Example #8
vim_signal_buf_enter_cb (DBusGProxy *proxy, const guint bufno, 
		const gchar* filename, VimWidget *widget)
    IAnjutaDocumentManager *docman;
	VimEditor *editor = vim_widget_get_document_bufno (widget, bufno, NULL);
	if (!editor)
	editor->priv->bufno = bufno;
	if (widget->priv->current_editor != editor)
	    widget->priv->current_editor = editor;
        /* Set the current editor */
        docman = anjuta_shell_get_interface (ANJUTA_PLUGIN(widget->priv->plugin)->shell, 
                IAnjutaDocumentManager, NULL);
        ianjuta_document_manager_set_current_document (docman, IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);
Example #9
 * anjuta_docman_add_editor:
 * @docman: pointer to docman data struct
 * @uri: string with uri of file to edit, may be "" or NULL
 * @name: string with name of file to edit, may be absolute path or just a basename or "" or NULL
 * Add a new editor, working on specified uri or filename if any
 * Return value: the editor
IAnjutaEditor *
anjuta_docman_add_editor (AnjutaDocman *docman, GFile* file,
						  const gchar *name)
	IAnjutaEditor *te;
	IAnjutaEditorFactory* factory;

	factory = anjuta_shell_get_interface (docman->shell, IAnjutaEditorFactory, NULL);

	te = ianjuta_editor_factory_new_editor (factory, file, name, NULL);
	/* if file cannot be loaded, text-editor brings up an error dialog ? */
	if (te != NULL)
			ianjuta_editor_set_popup_menu (te, docman->priv->popup_menu, NULL);
		anjuta_docman_add_document (docman, IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (te), file);
	return te;
Example #10
static void
on_value_added_current_editor (AnjutaPlugin *plugin, const gchar *name,
							   const GValue *value, gpointer data)
	JSLang *js_support_plugin;
	IAnjutaDocument* doc = IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(g_value_get_object (value));

	DEBUG_PRINT ("%s", "JSLang: Add editor");

	js_support_plugin = (JSLang*) plugin;
		js_support_plugin->current_editor = G_OBJECT(doc);
		js_support_plugin->current_editor = NULL;
	install_support (js_support_plugin);
Example #11
static void
on_value_added_current_editor (AnjutaPlugin *plugin, const gchar *name,
                               const GValue *value, gpointer data)
    CppJavaPlugin *lang_plugin;
    IAnjutaDocument* doc = IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(g_value_get_object (value));
    lang_plugin = ANJUTA_PLUGIN_CPP_JAVA (plugin);
    if (IANJUTA_IS_EDITOR(doc))
        lang_plugin->current_editor = G_OBJECT(doc);
        lang_plugin->current_editor = NULL;
    if (IANJUTA_IS_EDITOR(lang_plugin->current_editor))
        install_support (lang_plugin);
    g_signal_connect (lang_plugin->current_editor, "language-changed",
                      G_CALLBACK (on_editor_language_changed),
Example #12
static void
quick_open_plugin_setup_document_handling(QuickOpenPlugin* self)
    GList* documents, *l;

    self->docman = anjuta_shell_get_interface(ANJUTA_PLUGIN(self)->shell,
        IAnjutaDocumentManager, NULL);

    g_object_add_weak_pointer(G_OBJECT(self->docman), (void**)&self->docman);

    documents = ianjuta_document_manager_get_doc_widgets(self->docman, NULL);
    for (l = documents; l; l = l->next)
        IAnjutaDocument* doc = IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(l->data);
        quick_open_dialog_add_document(self->dialog, doc);

    g_signal_connect(self->docman, "document-added", G_CALLBACK(on_document_added), self);
    g_signal_connect(self->docman, "document-removed", G_CALLBACK(on_document_removed), self);
Example #13
static gboolean
on_search_box_key_pressed (GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventKey* event, SearchBox* search_box)
	switch (event->keyval)
		case GDK_KEY_Escape:
			gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET (search_box));
			search_box_set_entry_color (search_box, TRUE);
			if (search_box->priv->current_editor)
				ianjuta_document_grab_focus (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (search_box->priv->current_editor), 
			/* Do nothing... */
	return FALSE;
Example #14
static void
on_style_changed (GtkComboBox* combo, SourceviewPlugin* plugin)
	GtkTreeIter iter;
	gchar* id;
	GtkSourceStyleSchemeManager* manager = gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_get_default();
	GtkSourceStyleScheme* scheme;
	IAnjutaDocumentManager* docman;
	AnjutaShell* shell = ANJUTA_PLUGIN (plugin)->shell;
	gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter (combo, &iter);
	gtk_tree_model_get (gtk_combo_box_get_model(combo), &iter,
						COLUMN_ID, &id, -1);
	scheme = gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_get_scheme (manager, id);

	g_settings_set_string (plugin->settings,
	g_free (id);

	docman = anjuta_shell_get_interface (shell,
										 IAnjutaDocumentManager, NULL);
	if (docman)
		GList* editors = ianjuta_document_manager_get_doc_widgets (docman, NULL);
		GList* node;
		for (node = editors; node != NULL; node = g_list_next (node))
			IAnjutaDocument* editor = IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (node->data);
			if (ANJUTA_IS_SOURCEVIEW (editor))
				Sourceview* sv = ANJUTA_SOURCEVIEW (editor);
				gtk_source_buffer_set_style_scheme (GTK_SOURCE_BUFFER (sv->priv->document),
Example #15
/* Complete the document removal process */
vim_widget_remove_document_complete (VimWidget *widget, VimEditor *editor)
    IAnjutaDocumentManager *docman;
	GFile *file = g_file_new_for_path (UNTITLED_FILE);
	/* The phantom "Untitled document" */
	VimEditor *null_editor = vim_widget_get_document_file (widget, file, NULL);
	VimEditor *next_editor = NULL;

	g_return_if_fail (editor != NULL);

	/* Check for the phantom "Untitled" document */
    g_ptr_array_remove (widget->priv->documents, editor);
    if (null_editor && widget->priv->documents->len == 1)
        g_ptr_array_remove (widget->priv->documents, null_editor);

	/* Set this to null until vim signals the change */
    if (widget->priv->documents->len == 0)
        widget->priv->current_editor = NULL;
        widget->priv->current_editor = g_ptr_array_index (widget->priv->documents, 0);

    docman = anjuta_shell_get_interface (ANJUTA_PLUGIN(widget->priv->plugin)->shell, 
            IAnjutaDocumentManager, NULL);
    ianjuta_document_manager_remove_document (docman, IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), TRUE, NULL);
	gtk_object_destroy (GTK_OBJECT(editor));

	g_signal_emit_by_name (editor,

	g_object_unref (file);
    /* One for the master's reference */
	g_object_unref (editor);
Example #16
static void
on_editor_added (AnjutaPlugin *plugin, const gchar *name,
                 const GValue *value, gpointer data)
	PythonPlugin *lang_plugin;
	IAnjutaDocument* doc = IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(g_value_get_object (value));
	lang_plugin = ANJUTA_PLUGIN_PYTHON(plugin);

		lang_plugin->current_editor = G_OBJECT(doc);
		lang_plugin->current_editor = NULL;
	if (lang_plugin->current_editor)
		IAnjutaEditor* editor = IANJUTA_EDITOR (lang_plugin->current_editor);
		GFile* current_editor_file = ianjuta_file_get_file (IANJUTA_FILE (editor), 
		if (current_editor_file)
			lang_plugin->current_editor_filename = g_file_get_path (current_editor_file);
			g_object_unref (current_editor_file);
		install_support (lang_plugin);
		g_signal_connect (lang_plugin->current_editor, "language-changed",
		                  G_CALLBACK (on_editor_language_changed),
Example #17
IAnjutaEditor *
anjuta_docman_goto_file_line_mark (AnjutaDocman *docman, GFile* file,
								   gint line, gboolean mark)
	IAnjutaDocument *doc;
	IAnjutaEditor *te;
	AnjutaDocmanPage *page;

	g_return_val_if_fail (file != NULL, NULL);

	if (!g_file_query_exists (file, NULL))
		return NULL;

	/* Save current uri and line in document history list */
	page = anjuta_docman_get_current_page (docman);
	if (page && page->doc && IANJUTA_IS_FILE (page->doc))
		GFile* file = ianjuta_file_get_file (IANJUTA_FILE (page->doc), NULL);

		if (file)
			gint line = 0;

			if (IANJUTA_IS_EDITOR (page->doc))
				line = ianjuta_editor_get_lineno (IANJUTA_EDITOR (page->doc), NULL);

			an_file_history_push (file, line);

	/* if possible, use a document that's already open */
	doc = anjuta_docman_get_document_for_file (docman, file);
	if (doc == NULL)
		te = anjuta_docman_add_editor (docman, file, NULL);
		doc = IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (te);
	else if (IANJUTA_IS_EDITOR (doc))
		te = IANJUTA_EDITOR (doc);
		doc = NULL;
		te = NULL;

	if (te != NULL)
		if (line >= 0)
			ianjuta_editor_goto_line (te, line, NULL);
			if (mark && IANJUTA_IS_MARKABLE (doc))
				ianjuta_markable_delete_all_markers (IANJUTA_MARKABLE (doc),
				ianjuta_markable_mark (IANJUTA_MARKABLE (doc), line,
	if (doc != NULL)
		anjuta_docman_present_notebook_page (docman, doc);
		ianjuta_document_grab_focus (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (doc), NULL);

	return te;
Example #18
cpp_java_indentation_char_added (IAnjutaEditor *editor,
                                 IAnjutaIterable *insert_pos,
                                 gchar ch,
                                 IndentCPlugin *plugin)
	IAnjutaEditorAttribute attrib;
	IAnjutaIterable *iter;
	gboolean should_auto_indent = FALSE;

	iter = ianjuta_iterable_clone (insert_pos, NULL);

	/* If autoindent is enabled*/
	if (plugin->smart_indentation)

		/* DEBUG_PRINT ("Char added at position %d: '%c'", insert_pos, ch); */

		if (iter_is_newline (iter, ch))
			skip_iter_to_newline_head (iter, ch);
			/* All newline entries means enable indenting */
			should_auto_indent = TRUE;
		else if (ch == '{' || ch == '}' || ch == '#')
			/* Indent only when it's the first non-white space char in the line */

			/* Don't bother if we are inside string */
			attrib = ianjuta_editor_cell_get_attribute (IANJUTA_EDITOR_CELL (iter),
			if (attrib != IANJUTA_EDITOR_STRING)
				/* Iterate backwards till the begining of the line and disable
				 * indenting if any non-white space char is encountered

				/* Begin by assuming it should be indented */
				should_auto_indent = TRUE;

				while (ianjuta_iterable_previous (iter, NULL))
					ch = ianjuta_editor_cell_get_char (IANJUTA_EDITOR_CELL (iter),
					                                   0, NULL);

					//DEBUG_PRINT ("Looking at char '%c'", ch);

					/* Break on begining of line (== end of previous line) */
					if (iter_is_newline (iter, ch))
						skip_iter_to_newline_head (iter, ch);
					/* If a non-white space char is encountered, disabled indenting */
					if (!isspace (ch))
						should_auto_indent = FALSE;
		if (should_auto_indent)
			gint insert_line;
			gint line_indent;
			gint parenthesis_indentation;

			ianjuta_document_begin_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);

			insert_line = ianjuta_editor_get_lineno (editor, NULL);
			line_indent = get_line_auto_indentation (plugin, editor, insert_line, &parenthesis_indentation);
			set_line_indentation (plugin, editor, insert_line, line_indent, parenthesis_indentation);
			ianjuta_document_end_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);

	if (g_settings_get_boolean (plugin->settings, PREF_BRACE_AUTOCOMPLETION))
		if (ch == '[' || ch == '(')
						gchar *prev_char, *next_char;
						IAnjutaIterable *previous, *next, *next_end;

						previous = ianjuta_iterable_clone (iter, NULL);
						ianjuta_iterable_previous (previous, NULL);
						prev_char = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, previous, iter, NULL);

						next = ianjuta_iterable_clone (iter, NULL);
						ianjuta_iterable_next (next, NULL);
						next_end = ianjuta_iterable_clone (next, NULL);
						ianjuta_iterable_next (next_end, NULL);
						next_char = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, next, next_end, NULL);

						/* If the previous char is a ' we don't have to autocomplete,
						   also we only autocomplete if the next character is white-space
						   a closing bracket, "," or ";" */
						if (*prev_char != '\'' &&
						    (g_ascii_isspace(*next_char) || is_closing_bracket (*next_char) ||
							 *next_char == ',' || *next_char == ';'|| *next_char == '\0'))
							ianjuta_document_begin_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (editor), NULL);
							ianjuta_iterable_next (iter, NULL);
							switch (ch)
								case '[':
									       insert_editor_blocked (editor, iter,
									                              "]", plugin);
								case '(':
									       insert_editor_blocked (editor, iter,
									                       ")", plugin);
							ianjuta_editor_goto_position (editor, iter, NULL);
							ianjuta_document_end_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (editor), NULL);
						g_object_unref (previous);
		            else if (ch == '"' || ch == '\'')
						gchar *prev_char;
						IAnjutaIterable *previous;

						previous = ianjuta_iterable_clone (iter, NULL);
						ianjuta_iterable_previous (previous, NULL);
						prev_char = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, previous, iter, NULL);

						/* First iter*/
						ianjuta_iterable_next (iter, NULL);

						 * If the character is " we have to decide if we need insert
						 * another " or we have to skip the character
						if (ch == '"' || ch == '\'')
							 * Now we have to detect if we want to manage " as a char
							if (*prev_char != '\'' && *prev_char != '\\')
								gchar *c;

								if (ch == '"')
									c = g_strdup ("\"");
								else c = g_strdup ("'");

								ianjuta_document_begin_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (editor), NULL);
								insert_editor_blocked (editor, iter, c, plugin);
								ianjuta_editor_goto_position (editor, iter, NULL);
								ianjuta_document_end_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (editor), NULL);

								g_free (c);
							g_object_unref (previous);
							g_object_unref (iter);
						g_object_unref (previous);
	g_object_unref (iter);
Example #19
static void
language_support_add_c_callback (CppJavaPlugin* lang_plugin,
                                 IAnjutaEditor* editor,
                                 IAnjutaIterable* position,
                                 GStrv split_signal_data,
                                 CppFileType filetype)
    GSignalQuery query;

    gchar* separator;
    gchar* body;
    gint offset;

    const gchar* widget = split_signal_data[0];
    const gchar* signal = split_signal_data[1];
    const gchar* handler = split_signal_data[2];
    const gchar* user_data = split_signal_data[3];

    gboolean swapped = g_str_equal (split_signal_data[4], "1");

    GType type = g_type_from_name (widget);
    guint id = g_signal_lookup (signal, type);

    g_signal_query (id, &query);

    if (!language_support_get_callback_strings (&separator, &body, &offset, user_data, editor, filetype))

    GString* str = language_support_generate_c_signature (separator, widget,
                                                          query, swapped, handler);

    g_string_append (str, body);

    ianjuta_document_begin_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);
    ianjuta_editor_insert (editor, position,
                           str->str, -1, NULL);
	ianjuta_document_end_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);

    /* Code was inserted, we'll now check if we should add a prototype to the header */
    if (filetype == LS_FILE_C)
        IAnjutaEditor* header_editor;
        IAnjutaIterable* mark_position;
        mark_position = language_support_get_header_editor_and_mark (lang_plugin,
                                                                     "/* Callbacks */",
        if (mark_position)
            /* Check if there's a the prototype to the header */
            IAnjutaIterable* symbol;
            symbol = language_support_find_symbol (lang_plugin, header_editor, handler);

            if (symbol)
                g_object_unref (symbol);
            } else {
                /* Add prototype to the header */
                language_support_add_c_callback (lang_plugin, header_editor, mark_position,
                                                 split_signal_data, LS_FILE_CHDR);
                g_signal_emit_by_name (G_OBJECT (header_editor), "code-changed", NULL, NULL);

            g_object_unref (mark_position);

    gchar *string = g_string_free (str, FALSE);

    /* Emit code-added signal, so symbols will be updated */
    g_signal_emit_by_name (G_OBJECT (editor), "code-changed", position, string);

    if (string) g_free (string);

    /* Body is a bit different form other strings and must be freed */
    if (body) g_free (body);

    /* Will now set the caret position offset */
    ianjuta_editor_goto_line (editor,
                              ianjuta_editor_get_line_from_position (
                                            editor, position, NULL) + offset, NULL);
Example #20
static gint
set_line_indentation (IndentCPlugin *plugin, IAnjutaEditor *editor, gint line_num, gint indentation, gint parenthesis_indentation)
	IAnjutaIterable *line_begin, *line_end, *indent_position;
	IAnjutaIterable *current_pos;
	gint carat_offset, nchars = 0;
	gchar *old_indent_string = NULL, *indent_string = NULL;

	/* DEBUG_PRINT ("In %s()", __FUNCTION__); */
	line_begin = ianjuta_editor_get_line_begin_position (editor, line_num, NULL);
	line_end = ianjuta_editor_get_line_end_position (editor, line_num, NULL);

	DEBUG_PRINT ("line begin = %d, line end = %d, current_pos = %d",
				 line_begin, line_end, current_pos);
	indent_position = ianjuta_iterable_clone (line_begin, NULL);

	if (ianjuta_iterable_compare (line_end, line_begin, NULL) > 0)
		gchar *idx;
		gchar *line_string = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, line_begin,
														   line_end, NULL);

		//DEBUG_PRINT ("line_string = '%s'", line_string);
		if (line_string)
			idx = line_string;

			/* Find first non-white space */
			while (*idx != '\0' && isspace (*idx))
				idx = g_utf8_find_next_char (idx, NULL);
				ianjuta_iterable_next (indent_position, NULL);
			g_free (line_string);
	/* Indent iter defined at this point, Identify how much is current
	 * position is beyound this point. We need to restore it later after
	 * indentation
	current_pos = ianjuta_editor_get_position (editor, NULL);
	carat_offset = ianjuta_iterable_diff (indent_position, current_pos, NULL);
	//DEBUG_PRINT ("carat offset is = %d", carat_offset);

	/* Set new indentation */
	if ((indentation + parenthesis_indentation) > 0)
		indent_string = get_line_indentation_string (plugin, editor, indentation, parenthesis_indentation);
		nchars = indent_string ? g_utf8_strlen (indent_string, -1) : 0;

		/* Only indent if there is something to indent with */
		if (indent_string)
			/* Get existing indentation */
			if (ianjuta_iterable_compare (indent_position, line_begin, NULL) > 0)
				old_indent_string =
					ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, line_begin,
												  indent_position, NULL);

				//DEBUG_PRINT ("old_indent_string = '%s'", old_indent_string);

			/* Only indent if there was no indentation before or old
			 * indentation string was different from the new indent string
			if (old_indent_string == NULL ||
				strcmp (old_indent_string, indent_string) != 0)
				/* Remove the old indentation string, if there is any */
				if (old_indent_string)
					ianjuta_editor_erase (editor, line_begin,
										  indent_position, NULL);

				/* Insert the new indentation string */
				ianjuta_editor_insert (editor, line_begin,
									   indent_string, -1, NULL);

	/* If indentation == 0, we really didn't enter the previous code block,
	 * but we may need to clear existing indentation.
	if ((indentation + parenthesis_indentation) == 0)
		/* Get existing indentation */
		if (ianjuta_iterable_compare (indent_position, line_begin, NULL) > 0)
			old_indent_string =
				ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, line_begin,
											  indent_position, NULL);
		if (old_indent_string)
			ianjuta_editor_erase (editor, line_begin, indent_position, NULL);

	/* Restore current position */
	if (carat_offset >= 0)
		/* If the cursor was not before the first non-space character in
		 * the line, restore it's position after indentation.
		gint i;
		IAnjutaIterable *pos = ianjuta_editor_get_line_begin_position (editor, line_num, NULL);
		for (i = 0; i < nchars + carat_offset; i++)
			ianjuta_iterable_next (pos, NULL);
		ianjuta_document_begin_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);
		ianjuta_editor_goto_position (editor, pos, NULL);
		ianjuta_document_end_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);
		g_object_unref (pos);
	else /* cursor_offset < 0 */
		/* If the cursor was somewhere in the old indentation spaces,
		 * home the cursor to first non-space character in the line (or
		 * end of line if there is no non-space characters in the line.
		gint i;
		IAnjutaIterable *pos = ianjuta_editor_get_line_begin_position (editor, line_num, NULL);
		for (i = 0; i < nchars; i++)
			ianjuta_iterable_next (pos, NULL);
		ianjuta_document_begin_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);
		ianjuta_editor_goto_position (editor, pos, NULL);
		ianjuta_document_end_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);
		g_object_unref (pos);

	g_object_unref (current_pos);
	g_object_unref (indent_position);
	g_object_unref (line_begin);
	g_object_unref (line_end);

	g_free (old_indent_string);
	g_free (indent_string);
	return nchars;
Example #21
static gboolean
search_box_replace (SearchBox * search_box, GtkWidget * widget,
                    gboolean undo /* treat as undo action */)

	IAnjutaEditorSelection* selection;
	gchar * selection_text;
	gboolean replace_successful = FALSE;

	const gchar* replace_text = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (search_box->priv->replace_entry));
	const gchar* search_text = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (search_box->priv->search_entry));
	selection = IANJUTA_EDITOR_SELECTION (search_box->priv->current_editor);
	selection_text = ianjuta_editor_selection_get (selection, NULL);

	if (ianjuta_editor_selection_has_selection (selection, NULL))
		if (search_box->priv->regex_mode)
			GRegex * regex;
			gchar * replacement_text;
			gint start_pos, end_pos;
			GError * err = NULL;
			gboolean result = search_regex_in_text (search_text, selection_text, TRUE, &start_pos, &end_pos);
			if (result)
				regex = g_regex_new (search_text, 0, 0, NULL);
				replacement_text = g_regex_replace(regex, selection_text, strlen(selection_text), 0, 
													replace_text, 0, &err);
				if (err)
					g_message ("%s",err->message);
					g_error_free (err);
					if (undo)
						ianjuta_document_begin_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (selection), NULL);
					ianjuta_editor_selection_replace (selection, replacement_text, strlen(replacement_text), NULL);
					if (undo)
						ianjuta_document_end_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (selection), NULL);
					replace_successful = TRUE;

				if (regex)
				if (replacement_text)			
		else if ((search_box->priv->case_sensitive && g_str_equal (selection_text, search_text)) ||
		         (!search_box->priv->case_sensitive && strcasecmp (selection_text, search_text) == 0))
			if (undo)
				ianjuta_document_begin_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (selection), NULL);
			ianjuta_editor_selection_replace (selection, replace_text, strlen(replace_text), NULL);
			if (undo)
				ianjuta_document_end_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (selection), NULL);

			replace_successful = TRUE;
	return replace_successful;

Example #22
static IAnjutaDocument*
imaster_get_current_document (IAnjutaEditorMaster *obj, GError **err)
	VimWidget* widget = VIM_WIDGET (obj);
	return IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(widget->priv->current_editor);
Example #23
anjuta_docman_set_current_document (AnjutaDocman *docman, IAnjutaDocument *doc)
	AnjutaDocmanPage *page;
	IAnjutaDocument *defdoc;

	defdoc = anjuta_docman_get_current_document(docman);

	if (doc != NULL)
		page = anjuta_docman_get_page_for_document (docman, doc);
		/* proceed only if page data has been added before */
		if (page)
			gint page_num;

			if (defdoc != NULL)
				AnjutaDocmanPage *oldpage;
				oldpage = anjuta_docman_get_page_for_document (docman, defdoc);
				if (oldpage)
					oldpage->is_current = FALSE;
					if (oldpage->close_button != NULL)
						gtk_widget_set_sensitive (oldpage->close_image, FALSE);
						if (oldpage->mime_icon)
							gtk_widget_set_sensitive (oldpage->mime_icon, FALSE);

			page->is_current = TRUE;
			if (page->close_button != NULL)
				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (page->close_image, TRUE);
				if (page->mime_icon)
					gtk_widget_set_sensitive (page->mime_icon, TRUE);
			page_num = gtk_notebook_page_num (GTK_NOTEBOOK (docman),
			gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (docman), page_num);

			if (g_settings_get_boolean (docman->priv->settings,
				anjuta_docman_order_tabs (docman);

			gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (doc));
			anjuta_docman_grab_text_focus (docman);
			ianjuta_document_grab_focus (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (doc), NULL);
	else /* doc == NULL */
		if (defdoc != NULL)
			page = anjuta_docman_get_current_page (docman);
			if (page)
				page->is_current = FALSE;
				if (page->close_button != NULL)
					gtk_widget_set_sensitive (page->close_image, FALSE);
					if (page->mime_icon)
						gtk_widget_set_sensitive (page->mime_icon, FALSE);