int IBFiltering3B(IBDomains d, IBDmodified *dmodified, IBLocalPropagation f2b)
*  3B consistency, using the 2B consistency algorithm f2b
*  Returns - 0 if d is inconsistent
*          - 1 if d is consistent (and reduced or not)
  int i, n, fixedPoint;
  double bound,
         wRatio = 5.0;     /* 5.0 originates from the experiments */
  IBDomains dcopy;

  IBDMnb(dmodified) = IBVnb(variables);
  if( !f2b(d,dmodified) )  /* reduction of d */
    return( 0 );

  /* Initialization of widths used for the precision at bounds */
  for( i=0; i<IBVnb(variables); i++ )
    IBwidth3B[i] = IBWidthI(IBDomV(d,i));

  dcopy = IBNewD(IBVnb(variables));
  fixedPoint = 0;
  while( (!fixedPoint) && (IBClockObserve(IBClockSolve)<=IBPragmaMaxTime) )
    /* Detection of fixed-point: d is consistent and all the parameters
       IBwidth3B[i] are small enough, i.e., <= IBPragmaPrecision3B */

    fixedPoint = 1;

    if( !(n=IBFiltering3BOneStep(d,dmodified,f2b,dcopy,IBwidth3B)) )
      return( 0 );         /* inconsistency */
    else if( n==1 )
      fixedPoint = 0;
    else                   /* n==2: no reduction of d, n==1: reduction of d */
      i = 0;
      while( fixedPoint && (i<IBVnb(variables)) )
        if( IBwidth3B[i]>IBPragmaPrecision3B )
          fixedPoint = 0;
	else i++;
  return( 1 );
int IBFiltering3BOneStep(IBDomains d, IBDmodified *dmodified, IBLocalPropagation f2b,
                         IBDomains dcopy, double *w)
*  One step of 3B consistency for each variable bound
*  Returns - 0 if d is inconsistent
*          - 1 if d is reduced and it is not 3B(w) consistent
*          - 2 if d is reduced and it is 3B(w) consistent
  int i,
    result = 2;   /* a priori, d is 3B(w) consistent */
  double bound,
         wRatio = 5.0;

  /* Contraction of all domains */
  for( i=0; i<IBVnb(variables) && (IBClockObserve(IBClockSolve)<=IBPragmaMaxTime); i++ )
    w[i] /= wRatio;
    if( w[i]<IBPragmaPrecision3B ) w[i] = IBPragmaPrecision3B;

    /* Copy of d in dcopy, d must not be modified by the call to IB3BReviseLeft */
    if( !(n=IB3BReviseLeft(dcopy,i,dmodified,f2b,IBwidth3B[i],&bound)) )
      return 0;       /* d is inconsistent */
    else if( n==1 )
      IBMinI(IBDomV(d,i)) = bound;
      result = 1;     /* modification, left bound not 3B(w) consistent */
      IBMinI(IBDomV(d,i)) = bound;  /* optimization */

    if( !(n=IB3BReviseRight(dcopy,i,dmodified,f2b,IBwidth3B[i],&bound)) )
      return 0;       /* d is inconsistent */
    else if( n==1 )
      IBMaxI(IBDomV(d,i)) = bound;
      result = 1;     /* modification, right bound not 3B(w) consistent */
      IBMaxI(IBDomV(d,i)) = bound;  /* optimization */
  return( result );
int IB3BReviseRight(IBDomains d, int var, IBDmodified *dmodified,
                    IBLocalPropagation f2b, double w, double* out)
*  Returns - 0 if d is inconsistent
*          - 1 if the right bound of d[var] is inconsistent; in this case,
*            *out is equal to the reduced right bound
*          - 2 if the right bound of d[var] is 3B(w) consistent
*  If the result is 1 and 2 then [max d[var] - w, max d[var]] is consistent
*  If it is equal to 2, an optimization consists in saving the new computed
*  right bound in *out
*  The proof is done by using the 2B consistency algorithm f2b
  double left,
         save = IBMaxI(IBDomV(d,var));
  int allDomain = 0;

  left = save - w;

  IBDMnb(dmodified) = IBVnb(variables);

  if( left>IBMinI(IBDomV(d,var)))
    IBMinI(IBDomV(d,var)) = left;     /* f2b is applied over the right bound of d[var]*/
    allDomain = 1;                    /* f2b is applied over d */

  /* right bound inconsistent ? */
  if( !f2b(d,dmodified) )
    if( allDomain )
      return 0;                      /* d is inconsistent */
      *out = left;                   /* d[var] is consistent but its right bound is inconsistent */
      return 1;
    *out = IBMaxI(IBDomV(d,var));    /* optimization: the new value of the right bound of d[var] */
    return 2;
int IBFilteringWeak3B(IBDomains d, IBDmodified *dmodified, IBLocalPropagation f2b)
*  Weak 3B consistency, using the 2B consistency algorithm f2b
*  Returns - 0 if d is inconsistent
*          - 1 if d is consistent (and reduced or not)
  int i;
  double bound,
         wRatio = 5.0;     /* 5.0 originates from the experiments */
  IBDomains dcopy;

  IBDMnb(dmodified) = IBVnb(variables);
  if( !f2b(d,dmodified) )  /* reduction of d */
    return( 0 );

  /* Initialization of widths used for the precision at bounds */
  for( i=0; i<IBVnb(variables); i++ )
    IBwidth3B[i] = IBWidthI(IBDomV(d,i));

  dcopy = IBNewD(IBVnb(variables));
  if( !IBFiltering3BOneStep(d,dmodified,f2b,dcopy,IBwidth3B) )
    return( 0 );
    return( 1 );
Example #5
int IBFilteringBC5(IBDomains d, IBDmodified *dmodified)
 *  Propagation algorithm BC5 than enforces box consistency
 *  and the interval Newton method
 *  It does not compute a fixed-point
 *  IBDmodified contains the variable domains previously modified
 *  and it is used to intialize the propagation
    int dom, i, isin;
    IBDomains dsave = IBNewD(IBVnb(variables));
    if( IBDMnb(dmodified)==1 )
        dom = IBDMdom(dmodified,0);      /* one domain modified */
    else dom = -1;                        /* all domains modified */
     i.e., the computation of a fixed-point of (HC4,BC3) in BC4
     may be too long, and a bisection step may be more efficient */
    /* Call of BC4 */
     if( IBFilteringBC4(d,dmodified) )
     if( IBComputableIntervalNewton )
     if( !IBNarrowIntervalNewton(d) )
     return( 0 );
     return( 0 );
     return( 1 );
    /* Call of HC4 */
    if( IBFilteringHC4in(d,dmodified,1) )
        if( dom==-1 ) IBDMnb(dmodified) = IBVnb(variables);
            /* Creation of dmodified before BC3 */
            IBDMnb(dmodified) = 0; isin = 0;
            for( i=0; i<IBVnb(variables); i++ )
                if( IBIdiffI(IBDomV(d,i),IBDomV(dsave,i)) )
                    IBDMdom(dmodified,IBDMnb(dmodified)) = i;
                    if( i==dom ) isin = 1;
            if( !isin )  /* domain dom has not been modified by HC4
                          but dom belongs to the argument dmodified */
                IBDMdom(dmodified,IBDMnb(dmodified)) = dom;
        /* Call of BC3 */
        if( IBFilteringBC3in(d,dmodified,0) )
            if( IBComputableIntervalNewton )
                /* Call of Interval Newton */
                if( !IBNarrowIntervalNewton(d) )
                    return( 0 );
            return( 0 );    /* failure of filtering in BC3 */
        return( 0 );      /* failure of filtering in HC4 */
    return( 1 );         /* success of filtering */
Example #6
int IBFilteringBC4(IBDomains d, IBDmodified *dmodified)
 *  Propagation algorithm BC4 that enforces box consistency
 *    => combination of BC3revise and HC4revise narrowing operators
 *  IBDmodified contains the variable domains previously modified
 *  and it is used to intialize the propagation
    int notfixedpoint;
    int dom, i;
    IBDomains dsave = IBNewD(IBVnb(variables));
    IBCopyD(dsave,d,IBVnb(variables));    /* domains are saved */
    if( IBDMnb(dmodified)==1 )
        dom = IBDMdom(dmodified,0);      /* one domain modified */
    else dom = -1;                        /* all domains modified */
    /* first application of HC4 (3rd argument=1 since only the constraints
     containing at least one variable occurring once are considered) )*/
    if( IBFilteringHC4in(d,dmodified,1) )
        if( dom==-1 )
            IBDMnb(dmodified) = IBVnb(variables);  /* initialization used for BC3 */
            IBDMnb(dmodified) = 1;
            IBDMdom(dmodified,0) = 0;
        /* first application of BC3 (3rd argument=0 since only the constraint
         projections (c,x) s.t. x occurs one in c are considered */
        if( !IBFilteringBC3in(d,dmodified,0) )
            return( 0 );  /* FAILURE OF FILTERING from BC3 */
        return( 0 );  /* FAILURE OF FILTERING from HC4 */
    /* Creation of the list of modified domains */
    IBDMnb(dmodified) = 0;
    for( i=0; i<IBVnb(variables); i++ )
        if( IBIdiffI(IBDomV(d,i),IBDomV(dsave,i)) )
            IBDMdom(dmodified,IBDMnb(dmodified)) = i;
    while( IBDMnb(dmodified) && (IBClockObserve(IBClockSolve)<=IBPragmaMaxTime) )
        IBCopyD(dsave,d,IBVnb(variables));     /* domains are saved */
        /* Call of HC4 */
        if( IBFilteringHC4in(d,dmodified,1) )
            /* Creation of dmodified */
            IBDMnb(dmodified) = 0;
            for( i=0; i<IBVnb(variables); i++ )
                if( IBIdiffI(IBDomV(d,i),IBDomV(dsave,i)) )
                    IBDMdom(dmodified,IBDMnb(dmodified)) = i;
            if( IBDMnb(dmodified) )
                /* Call of BC3 */
                if( IBFilteringBC3in(d,dmodified,0) )
                    /* Creation of dmodified */
                    IBDMnb(dmodified) = 0;
                    for( i=0; i<IBVnb(variables); i++ )
                        if( IBIdiffI(IBDomV(d,i),IBDomV(dsave,i)) )
                            IBDMdom(dmodified,IBDMnb(dmodified)) = i;
                    return( 0 );  /* FAILURE OF FILTERING from BC3 */
            return( 0 );      /* FAILURE OF FILTERING from HC4 */
    return( 1 );          /* SUCCESS OF FILTERING */
Example #7
int IBFilteringHC3(IBDomains d, IBDmodified *dmodified)
 *  Propagation algorithm HC4 that enforces hull consistency
 *  IBDmodified contains the variable domains previously modified
 *  and it is used to intialize the propagation
 *  Equivalent to HC4 where HC4revise is replaced with HC3revise
 *  HC4revise uses unions of intervals while HC3revise uses only intervals
    IBConstraint *ctr;
    int i, j, globvar;
    int onlyoccone = 0;
    IBDomains dsave = IBNewD(IBVnb(variables));
    /* Propagation wrt. all the constraints */
    while( IBPLCnbelem(IBpropaglistctr) && (IBClockObserve(IBClockSolve)<=IBPragmaMaxTime) )
        ctr = IBPLCctr(IBpropaglistctr,IBPLCfirst(IBpropaglistctr));
        IBCopyD(dsave,d,IBVnb(variables));   /* domains are saved */
        /* HC3revise narrowing operator */
        if( IBNarrowHC3revise(ctr,d) )
            /* which domains have been modified ? */
            i = j = 0;
            for( i=0; i<IBCNbVar(ctr); i++ )
                globvar = IBCVglobvar(ctr,i);
                if( IBIdiffI(IBDomV(dsave,globvar),IBDomV(d,globvar)) )
                    if( ((IBWidthI(IBDomV(d,globvar)) < IBPragmaImprovement*IBWidthI(IBDomV(dsave,globvar)))
                         || (IBInfiniteI(IBDomV(d,globvar))))
                       && ( (!onlyoccone) || (onlyoccone && (IBCVnbocc(ctr,i)==1))) )
                        IBDMdom(dmodified,j) = globvar;
            IBDMnb(dmodified) = j;
            /* PROPAGATION */
            if( IBDMnb(dmodified) )
                /* ctr is not added in the list since is is already in the list */
                /* ctr is removed from the list */
                IBPLCfirst(IBpropaglistctr) =
                (IBPLCfirst(IBpropaglistctr)+1) % IBPLCsize(IBpropaglistctr);
                /* ctr is added at the end of the list since HC4revise is not idempotent */
                IBCctrAsleep(ctr) = 0;
                IBPLCend(IBpropaglistctr) = (IBPLCend(IBpropaglistctr)+1) % IBPLCsize(IBpropaglistctr);
                IBPLCctr(IBpropaglistctr,IBPLCend(IBpropaglistctr)) = ctr;
                /* Remark: the number of elements does not change */
            else  /* no domain modified, then no propagation */
                IBPLCfirst(IBpropaglistctr) =
                (IBPLCfirst(IBpropaglistctr)+1) % IBPLCsize(IBpropaglistctr);
                IBCctrAsleep(ctr) = 1;
            return( 0 ); /* FAILURE OF FILTERING */
    return( 1 );      /* SUCCESS OF FILTERING */
Example #8
int IBFilteringHC4in(IBDomains d, IBDmodified *dmodified, int onlyoccone)
 *  Propagation algorithm HC4 that enforces hull consistency
 *  IBDmodified contains the variable domains previously modified
 *  and it is used to initialize the propagation
 *  onlyoccone=1 if only the constraints with at least one variable occurring
 *  once are considered => in this case, propagation is stopped when no domain
 *  of such a variable is contracted
 *  onlyoccone=0 if all constraints are considered
    IBConstraint *ctr;
    int i, j, globvar;
    IBDomains dsave = IBNewD(IBVnb(variables));
    while( IBPLCnbelem(IBpropaglistctr) && (IBClockObserve(IBClockSolve)<=IBPragmaMaxTime) )
        ctr = IBPLCctr(IBpropaglistctr,IBPLCfirst(IBpropaglistctr));
        IBCopyD(dsave,d,IBVnb(variables));   /* domains are saved */
        /* HC4revise narrowing operator */
        if( IBNarrowHC4revise(ctr,d) )
            /* which domains have been modified ? */
            i = j = 0;
            for( i=0; i<IBCNbVar(ctr); i++ )
                globvar = IBCVglobvar(ctr,i);
                if( IBIdiffI(IBDomV(dsave,globvar),IBDomV(d,globvar)) )
                    /* propagation only if the width of domain has been reduced enough, i.e.,
                     improvement factor = e.g. 10%  => domain 10% tighter
                     the improvement factor can be used only if the domain is finite, otherwise
                     the width is infinite and the test below does not succeed */
                    if( ((IBWidthI(IBDomV(d,globvar)) < IBPragmaImprovement*IBWidthI(IBDomV(dsave,globvar)))
                         || (IBInfiniteI(IBDomV(d,globvar))))
                       && ( (!onlyoccone) || (onlyoccone && (IBCVnbocc(ctr,i)==1))) )
                        IBDMdom(dmodified,j) = globvar;
            IBDMnb(dmodified) = j;   /* number of modified domains */
            /* Propagation */
            if( IBDMnb(dmodified) )
                /* ctr is not added in the list since it is already in the list */
                /* ctr is removed from the list */
                IBPLCfirst(IBpropaglistctr) =
                (IBPLCfirst(IBpropaglistctr)+1) % IBPLCsize(IBpropaglistctr);
                /* whether ctr is kept in the list ? */
                if( IBCNbProjMul(ctr)>0 )  /* HC4revise is not idempotent */
                    IBCctrAsleep(ctr) = 0;
                    IBPLCend(IBpropaglistctr) = (IBPLCend(IBpropaglistctr)+1) % IBPLCsize(IBpropaglistctr);
                    IBPLCctr(IBpropaglistctr,IBPLCend(IBpropaglistctr)) = ctr;
                else                       /* HC4revise is idempotent */
                    IBCctrAsleep(ctr) = 1;
                /* Remark: the number of elements does not change */
            else  /* no domain modified, then no propagation */
                IBPLCfirst(IBpropaglistctr) =
                (IBPLCfirst(IBpropaglistctr)+1) % IBPLCsize(IBpropaglistctr);
                IBCctrAsleep(ctr) = 1;
            return( 0 ); /* FAILURE OF FILTERING */
    return( 1 );      /* SUCCESS OF FILTERING */
Example #9
void IBFPropagationHC4(IBPropagationListCtr *l, IBDmodified *d, int init, int onlyoccone)
 *  Creation of propagation list l wrt. the modified domains in d
 *  used in Algorithm HC4
 *  init=1 if l is empty => propagation is implemented by the
 *                          concatenation of the arrays of constraints
 *  onlyoccone=1 => propagation only wrt. constraints that contain at
 *  least one variable occurring once
 *      - Algorithm HC4 => no
 *      - Algorithm BC5 => yes (since HC4 is combined with BC3 that efficiently
 *                              handles multiple occurrences of variables)
    IBDependencyV *dep;
    IBProjection **proj;
    IBConstraint *ctr;
    int i, j, index, bitpos, n;
    unsigned long val;
    if( init )  /* initialization of propagation in HC4 */
        /* Flags asleep for all constraints are initialized to 1 */
        for( i=0; i<IBCNbCtr(constraints); i++ )
            IBCctrAsleep(IBCCtr(constraints,i)) = 1;
        if( (IBDMnb(d)>1) || ((IBDMnb(d)==1) && (IBVnb(variables)==1)) )
        /* propagation wrt. all domains */
            /* All the constraints are added in the list */
            IBPLCfirst(l) = IBPLCnbelem(l) = 0;
            for( i=0; i<IBCNbCtr(constraints); i++ )
                /* propagation wrt. the i-th constraint ? */
                if( (!onlyoccone) ||
                   (onlyoccone && IBCNbProjOne(IBCCtr(constraints,i))) )
                    IBPLCctr(l,IBPLCnbelem(l)) = IBCCtr(constraints,i);
                    IBCctrAsleep(IBCCtr(constraints,i)) = 0;
            IBPLCend(l) = IBPLCnbelem(l) - 1;
            return;  /* END OF PROPAGATION IN THIS CASE */
    /* Otherwise, two cases : initialization with one domain or modification
     of several domains in HC4 */
    if( IBDMnb(d)==1 )  /* only one modified domain */
        dep = IBDepV(variables,IBDMdom(d,0));  /* dependency list of variable */
        for( i=0; i<IBDVnb(dep); i++ )         /* decoding of the dependency list */
            val   = IBDVval(dep,i);
            index = IBDVindex(dep,i);
            while( val!=0 )
                bitpos = (int)floor(log((double)val)/0.6931471805599453);
                val &= ~(1<<bitpos);
                ctr = IBCCtr(constraints,(bitpos+sizeof(unsigned long)*index));
                /* propagation wrt. ctr ? */
                if( (IBCctrAsleep(ctr)) &&
                   ((!onlyoccone) ||
                    (onlyoccone && IBCNbProjOne(IBCCtr(constraints,i)))) )
                    IBCctrAsleep(ctr) = 0;
                    IBPLCend(l) = (IBPLCend(l)+1) % IBPLCsize(l);
                    IBPLCctr(l,IBPLCend(l)) = ctr;
    else                                      /* several domains in d */
        /* Filtering of the constraints depending on the modified domains
         Consider the dependencies of all the variables in d
         and set propaglistglobal at the right place */
        for( i=0; i<IBDMnb(d); i++ )       /* for each modified domain */
            dep = IBDepV(variables,IBDMdom(d,i));     /* dependency list */
            /* propaglistglobal represents all the constraints depending
             on a modified domain */
            for( j=0; j<IBDVnb(dep); j++ )
                IBPGlobalValue(IBpropaglistglobal,IBDVindex(dep,j)) |= IBDVval(dep,j);
        /* Decoding of propaglistglobal and then propagation */
        for( i=0; i<IBPGlobalNb(IBpropaglistglobal); i++ )
            val = IBPGlobalValue(IBpropaglistglobal,i);
            while( val!=0 )
                bitpos = (int)floor(log((double)val)/0.6931471805599453);
                val &= ~(1<<bitpos);
                ctr = IBCCtr(constraints,(bitpos+sizeof(unsigned long)*i));
                /* Propagation wrt. ctr ? */
                if( (IBCctrAsleep(ctr)) &&
                   ((!onlyoccone) ||
                    (onlyoccone && IBCNbProjOne(IBCCtr(constraints,i)))) )
                    IBCctrAsleep(ctr) = 0;
                    IBPLCend(l) = (IBPLCend(l)+1) % IBPLCsize(l);
                    IBPLCctr(l,IBPLCend(l)) = ctr;
            IBPGlobalValue(IBpropaglistglobal,i) = 0;
Example #10
void IBFPropagationBC3(IBPropagationList *l, IBDmodified *d, int init, int allproj)
 *  Creation of propagation list l wrt. the modified domains in d
 *  used in Algorithm BC3
 *  init=1 if l is empty => propagation implemented by the
 *                          concatenation of the array of projections
 *  allproj=1 if all the projections are considered by propagation, 0 if only
 *  the projections with multiple occurrences of the variables are considered
    IBDependencyV *dep;
    IBProjection **proj;
    IBConstraint *ctr;
    int i, j, index, bitpos, n;
    unsigned long val;
    if( init )  /* initialization of propagation in BC3 */
        /* Flags asleep for all the projections are initialized to 1 */
        for( i=0; i<IBCNbCtr(constraints); i++ )
            ctr = IBCCtr(constraints,i);
            for( j=0; j<IBCNbProjMul(ctr); j++ )
                IBCPasleep(IBCmulprj(ctr,j)) = 1;
            if( allproj )
                for( j=0; j<IBCNbProjOne(ctr); j++ )
                    IBCPasleep(IBConeprj(ctr,j)) = 1;
        if( (IBDMnb(d)>1) || ((IBDMnb(d)==1) && (IBVnb(variables)==1)) )
        /* propagation wrt. all domains */
            /* Concatenation of the arrays of all constraint projections */
            IBPLfirst(l) = IBPLnbelem(l) = 0;
            for( i=0; i<IBCNbCtr(constraints); i++ )
                ctr = IBCCtr(constraints,i);
                /* Propagation over projections (ctr,x) s.t. x occurs more than once in ctr */
                n = IBCNbProjMul(ctr);
                if( n>0 )
                    proj = IBCProjMul(ctr);
                    memcpy(&(IBPLproj(l,IBPLnbelem(l))),proj,n*sizeof(IBProjection *));
                    IBPLnbelem(l) += n;
                if( allproj )
                    /* Moreover, propagation over projections (ctr,x) s.t. x occurs once in ctr */
                    n = IBCNbProjOne(ctr);
                    if( n>0 )
                        proj = IBCProjOne(ctr);
                        memcpy(&(IBPLproj(l,IBPLnbelem(l))),proj,n*sizeof(IBProjection *));
                        IBPLnbelem(l) += n;
            IBPLend(l) = IBPLnbelem(l) - 1;
            for( i=IBPLfirst(l); i<=IBPLend(l); i++ )
                IBCPasleep(IBPLproj(l,i)) = 0;
            return;  /* END OF PROPAGATION IN THIS CASE */
    /* Otherwise, two cases : initialization with one domain or modification
     of one domain in BC3 -> propagation is the same with domain IBDMdom(d,0) */
    dep = IBDepV(variables,IBDMdom(d,0));  /* dependency list of variable */
    for( i=0; i<IBDVnb(dep); i++ )         /* decoding of the dependency list */
        val   = IBDVval(dep,i);
        index = IBDVindex(dep,i);
        while( val!=0 )
            bitpos = (int)floor(log((double)val)/0.6931471805599453);
            val &= ~(1<<bitpos);
            ctr = IBCCtr(constraints,(bitpos+sizeof(unsigned long)*index));
            /* Propagation over the projections (ctr,x) s.t. x occurs more than once in ctr */
            proj = IBCProjMul(ctr);
            n    = IBCNbProjMul(ctr);
            for( j=0; j<n; j++ )
                if( IBCPasleep(proj[j]) )
                    IBPLend(l) = (IBPLend(l)+1) % IBPLsize(l);
                    IBPLproj(l,IBPLend(l)) = proj[j];
                    IBCPasleep(proj[j]) = 0;
            if( allproj )
                /* Moreover, propagation over the projections (ctr,x) s.t. x occurs once in ctr */
                proj = IBCProjOne(ctr);
                n = IBCNbProjOne(ctr);
                for( j=0; j<n; j++ )
                    if( IBCPasleep(proj[j]) )
                        IBPLend(l) = (IBPLend(l)+1) % IBPLsize(l);
                        IBPLproj(l,IBPLend(l)) = proj[j];
                        IBCPasleep(proj[j]) = 0;