Example #1
/* 对捕获的视频做编码、解码处理 */
void CMainFrame::OnVfwCodec()
	// TODO: 在此添加命令处理程序代码
	DWORD fsize;
	/* VCM initialization */
	hic1 = ICOpen(mmioFOURCC('v','i','d','c'),  mmioFOURCC('X','V','I','D'),  ICMODE_COMPRESS);
	if (hic1 == 0) 

	hic2 = ICOpen(mmioFOURCC('v','i','d','c'),  mmioFOURCC('X','V','I','D'),  ICMODE_DECOMPRESS);
	if (hic2 == 0) 

	fsize = capGetVideoFormatSize(m_hWndCap);
	capGetVideoFormat(m_hWndCap, lpbiIn, fsize);

	lpbiOut->bmiHeader.biSize          = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
	lpbiOut->bmiHeader.biWidth         = lpbiIn->bmiHeader.biWidth;
	lpbiOut->bmiHeader.biHeight        = lpbiIn->bmiHeader.biHeight;
	lpbiOut->bmiHeader.biPlanes        = 1;
	lpbiOut->bmiHeader.biBitCount      = 24;
	lpbiOut->bmiHeader.biCompression   = BI_RGB;
	lpbiOut->bmiHeader.biSizeImage     = lpbiIn->bmiHeader.biWidth*lpbiIn->bmiHeader.biHeight*3;
	lpbiOut->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
	lpbiOut->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
	lpbiOut->bmiHeader.biClrUsed       = 0;
	lpbiOut->bmiHeader.biClrImportant  = 0;

//	get the format of the input video
	if (ICCompressGetFormat(hic1,lpbiIn,lpbiTmp)!=ICERR_OK) 
	if (ICCompressQuery(hic1,lpbiIn,lpbiTmp) != ICERR_OK)   

//	set the parameters of the CODEC
	pc.cbSize         = sizeof(COMPVARS);			//结构体大小
	pc.dwFlags        = ICMF_COMPVARS_VALID;
	pc.hic            = hic1;						//编码器句柄
	pc.fccType        = mmioFOURCC('v','i','d','c');
	pc.fccHandler     = mmioFOURCC('X','V','I','D');
	pc.lpbiOut        = lpbiTmp;					//输出格式
	pc.lKey           = 100;						//key帧频率
	pc.lQ             = 10000;						//图像质量

	if(!ICSeqCompressFrameStart(&pc, lpbiIn))
	m_vfwState  = ENCDEC;
Example #2
static void test_ICSeqCompress(void)
    /* The purpose of this test is to validate sequential frame compressing
     * functions. The MRLE codec will be used because Wine supports it and
     * it is present in any Windows.
    HIC h;
    DWORD err, vidc = mmioFOURCC('v','i','d','c'), mrle = mmioFOURCC('m', 'r', 'l', 'e');
    DWORD i;
    LONG frame_len;
    BOOL key_frame, ret;
    char *frame;
    COMPVARS pc;
    struct { BITMAPINFOHEADER header; RGBQUAD map[256]; }
    input_header = { {sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 32, 1, 1, 8, 0, 32*8, 0, 0, 256, 256},
                     {{255,0,0}, {0,255,0}, {0,0,255}, {255,255,255}}};
    PBITMAPINFO bitmap = (PBITMAPINFO) &input_header;
    static BYTE input[32] = {1,2,3,3,3,3,2,3,1};
    static const BYTE output_kf[] = {1,1,1,2,4,3,0,3,2,3,1,0,23,0,0,0,0,1}, /* key frame*/
                      output_nkf[] = {0,0,0,1}; /* non key frame */

    h = ICOpen(vidc, mrle, ICMODE_COMPRESS);
    ok(h != NULL, "Expected non-NULL\n");

    pc.cbSize = sizeof(pc);
    pc.dwFlags    = ICMF_COMPVARS_VALID;
    pc.fccType    = vidc;
    pc.fccHandler = mrle;
    pc.hic        = h;
    pc.lpbiIn     = NULL;
    pc.lpbiOut    = NULL;
    pc.lpBitsOut  = pc.lpBitsPrev = pc.lpState = NULL;
    pc.lQ         = ICQUALITY_DEFAULT;
    pc.lKey       = 1;
    pc.lDataRate  = 300;
    pc.lpState    = NULL;
    pc.cbState    = 0;

    ret = ICSeqCompressFrameStart(&pc, bitmap);
    ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE\n");
    /* Check that reserved pointers were allocated */
    ok(pc.lpbiIn != NULL, "Expected non-NULL\n");
    ok(pc.lpbiOut != NULL, "Expected non-NULL\n");

    for(i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        frame_len = 0;
        frame = ICSeqCompressFrame(&pc, 0, input, &key_frame, &frame_len);
        ok(frame != NULL, "Frame[%d]: Expected non-NULL\n", i);
        if (frame_len == sizeof(output_nkf))
            ok(!memcmp(output_nkf, frame, frame_len), "Frame[%d]: Contents do not match\n", i);
        else if (frame_len == sizeof(output_kf))
            ok(!memcmp(output_kf, frame, frame_len), "Frame[%d]: Contents do not match\n", i);
            ok(0, "Unknown frame size of %d byten\n", frame_len);

    /* ICCompressorFree already closed the HIC */
    err = ICClose(h);
    ok(err == ICERR_BADHANDLE, "Expected -8, got %d\n", err);
Example #3
int imFileFormatAVI::WriteImageInfo()
  if (dib)
    if (dib->bmih->biWidth != width || dib->bmih->biHeight != height ||
        imColorModeSpace(file_color_mode) != imColorModeSpace(user_color_mode))
      return IM_ERR_DATA;

    return IM_ERR_NONE;  // parameters can be set only once

  // force bottom up orientation
  this->file_data_type = IM_BYTE;
  this->file_color_mode = imColorModeSpace(this->user_color_mode);

  int bpp;
  if (this->file_color_mode == IM_RGB)
    this->file_color_mode |= IM_PACKED;
    bpp = 24;

    if (imColorModeHasAlpha(this->user_color_mode))
      this->file_color_mode |= IM_ALPHA;
      bpp = 32;

      this->rmask = 0x00FF0000;
      this->roff = 16;

      this->gmask = 0x0000FF00;
      this->goff = 8;

      this->bmask = 0x000000FF;
      this->boff = 0;
    bpp = 8;

  this->line_buffer_extra = 4; // room enough for padding

  imAttribTable* attrib_table = AttribTable();

  const void* attrib_data = attrib_table->Get("FPS");
  if (attrib_data)
    fps = *(float*)attrib_data;
    fps = 15;

  if (this->compression[0] == 0 || imStrEqual(this->compression, "NONE"))
    this->use_compressor = 0;
    this->use_compressor = 1;

  dib = imDibCreate(width, height, bpp);

  if (use_compressor)
    memset(&compvars, 0, sizeof(COMPVARS));
    compvars.cbSize = sizeof(COMPVARS);

    if (imStrEqual(this->compression, "CUSTOM"))
      if (ICCompressorChoose(NULL, ICMF_CHOOSE_DATARATE | ICMF_CHOOSE_KEYFRAME, dib->dib, NULL, &compvars, "Choose Compression") == FALSE)
        return IM_ERR_COMPRESS;
      compvars.dwFlags = ICMF_COMPVARS_VALID;
      compvars.fccType = ICTYPE_VIDEO;

      int* attrib = (int*)attrib_table->Get("KeyFrameRate");
      if (attrib)
        compvars.lKey = *attrib;
        compvars.lKey = 15;        // same defaults of the dialog

      attrib = (int*)attrib_table->Get("DataRate");
      if (attrib)
        compvars.lDataRate = *attrib / 8;
        compvars.lDataRate = 300;  // same defaults of the dialog

      attrib = (int*)attrib_table->Get("AVIQuality");
      if (attrib)
        compvars.lQ = *attrib;
        compvars.lQ = (DWORD)ICQUALITY_DEFAULT;

      if (imStrEqual(this->compression, "RLE"))
        compvars.fccHandler = mmioFOURCC('M','R','L','E');
      else if (imStrEqual(this->compression, "CINEPACK"))
        compvars.fccHandler = mmioFOURCC('c','v','i','d');    
        compvars.fccHandler = mmioFOURCC(compression[0],compression[1],compression[2],compression[3]);

      compvars.hic = ICOpen(ICTYPE_VIDEO, compvars.fccHandler, ICMODE_COMPRESS);

    if (compvars.hic == NULL)
      use_compressor = 0;

  AVISTREAMINFO streaminfo;
  memset(&streaminfo, 0, sizeof(AVISTREAMINFO));
  streaminfo.fccType = streamtypeVIDEO;
  streaminfo.dwScale = 1000;
  streaminfo.dwRate  = (DWORD)(fps*1000);
  SetRect(&streaminfo.rcFrame, 0, 0, width, height);

  if (use_compressor)
    streaminfo.fccHandler = compvars.fccHandler;
    streaminfo.dwQuality = compvars.lQ;
    streaminfo.fccHandler = mmioFOURCC('D','I','B',' ');
    streaminfo.dwQuality = (DWORD)ICQUALITY_DEFAULT;

  /* creates a new stream in the new file */
  HRESULT hr = AVIFileCreateStream(file, &stream, &streaminfo);         
  if (hr != 0)
    return IM_ERR_ACCESS;

  /* set stream format */
  if (use_compressor)
    if (!ICSeqCompressFrameStart(&compvars, dib->bmi))
      return IM_ERR_COMPRESS;

    hr = AVIStreamSetFormat(stream, 0, compvars.lpbiOut, dib->size - dib->bits_size); 
    hr = AVIStreamSetFormat(stream, 0, dib->dib, dib->size - dib->bits_size); 

  if (hr != 0)
    return IM_ERR_ACCESS;

  return IM_ERR_NONE;
Example #4
long __stdcall DlgProc ( HWND hWnd , unsigned msg , unsigned wParam , long lParam )
      case WM_INITDIALOG: 
			//hEdit = GetDlgItem( hWnd , I_EDIT );  
			//GetClientRect( hEdit , &rect );
			hWndCap = capCreateCaptureWindow ( NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE , 0, 0, 320, 240, hWnd, 1235 );
			//hWndCap = capCreateCaptureWindow ( NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE , 0, 0, (rect.right-rect.left ), (rect.bottom-rect.top), hEdit, 1235);
			// вручную заполняем структуру CapVar
			ZeroMemory( &CapVar, sizeof(COMPVARS) );   
			CapVar.cbSize = sizeof(COMPVARS);
			CapVar.dwFlags = ICMF_COMPVARS_VALID;   
			CapVar.cbState = 0;   
			CapVar.fccHandler = mmioFOURCC( 'x', '2', '6', '4' );   
			CapVar.fccType = ICTYPE_VIDEO;

			// открываем декомпрессор (долго)
			CapVar.hic = ICOpen( ICTYPE_VIDEO, CapVar.fccHandler, ICMODE_COMPRESS ); 

			hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)SendThread, NULL, 0, 0 );
			return -1 ;

      case WM_COMMAND:
				case I_BUTTON_CONN :

					if( !capDriverConnect( hWndCap, 0 ) )
                  EndDialog ( hWnd, 0 );
                  return -1;
					capCaptureGetSetup( hWndCap, &CapParms, sizeof(CAPTUREPARMS) );        
					CapParms.dwRequestMicroSecPerFrame = 66000;    
					CapParms.fLimitEnabled = FALSE;     
					CapParms.fCaptureAudio = FALSE;    
					CapParms.fMCIControl = FALSE;     
					CapParms.fYield = TRUE;      
					CapParms.vKeyAbort = VK_ESCAPE;    
					CapParms.fAbortLeftMouse = FALSE;    
					CapParms.fAbortRightMouse = FALSE;    
					capCaptureSetSetup( hWndCap, &CapParms, sizeof(CAPTUREPARMS) );    
					capPreviewScale( hWndCap, 1 );     
					capPreviewRate( hWndCap, 66 );     
					capPreviewScale( hWndCap, FALSE );    
					capPreview( hWndCap, 1 );    
					//added by jimmy 

					// OPTIONAL STEP: Setup resolution
					capGetVideoFormat( hWndCap, &InputBmpInfo ,sizeof(InputBmpInfo) );
					//InputBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = 320; //(rect.right-rect.left );
					//InputBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = 240; //(rect.bottom-rect.top);
					//InputBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
					capSetVideoFormat( hWndCap, &InputBmpInfo, sizeof(InputBmpInfo) );
					//capDriverDisconnect (hWndCap, 0);//Can we do better?
					//capDriverConnect (hWndCap, 0);

					capSetCallbackOnFrame( hWndCap, FrameCallBack ); 									

					if(CapVar.hic > 0 )   
						OutFormatSize = ICCompressGetFormatSize( CapVar.hic, &InputBmpInfo.bmiHeader );   // BITMAPINFO возвращает размер структуры исходных данных InputBmpInfo
						ICCompressGetFormat( CapVar.hic, &InputBmpInfo.bmiHeader, &OutputBmpInfo.bmiHeader );   //  заполняет структуру получаемых данных OutputBmpInfo
						OutBufferSize = ICCompressGetSize( CapVar.hic, &InputBmpInfo.bmiHeader, &OutputBmpInfo.bmiHeader );   // максимальный размер одного сжатого кадра (полученного)
						ICSeqCompressFrameStart( &CapVar, &InputBmpInfo );  // начало сжатия 


				case I_BUTTON_EXIT :

					ICSeqCompressFrameEnd(&CapVar);   // конец сжатия

					capPreview( hWndCap , false );		
					capDriverDisconnect( hWndCap );

					EndDialog ( hWnd , 0 ) ;									

		   return -1 ;	

      case WM_CLOSE :

			ICSeqCompressFrameEnd(&CapVar);   // конец сжатия

			capPreview( hWndCap , false );		
			capDriverDisconnect( hWndCap );
			EndDialog ( hWnd , 0 ) ;
         return -1 ;


   return 0 ;