Example #1
orte_idl_attr_fake_ops(IDL_tree attr, IDL_ns ns)
  IDL_tree attr_name, ident, curnode, op1, op2, intf;
  GString *attrname;
  OIDL_Attr_Info *setme;

  g_assert(attr && IDL_NODE_TYPE(attr) == IDLN_ATTR_DCL);

  attrname = g_string_new(NULL);

  for(curnode = IDL_ATTR_DCL(attr).simple_declarations; curnode; curnode = IDL_LIST(curnode).next) {
    op1 = op2 = NULL;

    attr_name = IDL_LIST(curnode).data;

    g_string_printf(attrname, "_get_%s",
    ident = IDL_ident_new(g_strdup(attrname->str));
    IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(ident) = IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(attr_name);
    op1 = IDL_op_dcl_new(0, IDL_ATTR_DCL(attr).param_type_spec, ident, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    IDL_NODE_UP(op1) = IDL_NODE_UP(attr);
    intf = IDL_NODE_UP (IDL_NODE_UP (op1));
    IDL_NS(ns).current = IDL_IDENT_TO_NS (IDL_INTERFACE (intf).ident);
    IDL_ns_place_new(ns, ident);

    if(!IDL_ATTR_DCL(attr).f_readonly) {
      g_string_printf(attrname, "_set_%s",
      ident = IDL_ident_new(g_strdup(attrname->str));
      IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(ident) = IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(attr_name);
      op2 = IDL_op_dcl_new(0, NULL, ident, NULL, NULL, NULL);
      IDL_NODE_UP(op2) = IDL_NODE_UP(attr);
      intf = IDL_NODE_UP (IDL_NODE_UP (op2));
      IDL_NS(ns).current = IDL_IDENT_TO_NS (IDL_INTERFACE (intf).ident);
      IDL_ns_place_new(ns, ident);
      IDL_OP_DCL(op2).parameter_dcls = IDL_list_new(

    setme = g_new0(OIDL_Attr_Info, 1);
    setme->op1 = op1;
    setme->op2 = op2;
    attr_name->data = setme;

  g_string_free(attrname, TRUE);
Example #2
IDL_tree IDL_ns_qualified_ident_new (IDL_tree nsid)
	IDL_tree l = NULL, item;

	while (nsid != NULL) {
		if (IDL_GENTREE (nsid).data == NULL) {
			nsid = IDL_NODE_UP (nsid);
		assert (IDL_GENTREE (nsid).data != NULL);
		assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_GENTREE (nsid).data) == IDLN_IDENT);
		item = IDL_list_new (IDL_ident_new (
			g_strdup (IDL_IDENT (IDL_GENTREE (nsid).data).str)));
		l = IDL_list_concat (item, l);
		nsid = IDL_NODE_UP (nsid);

	return l;
Example #3
IDL_ns IDL_ns_new (void)
	IDL_ns ns;

	ns = g_new0 (struct _IDL_ns, 1);
	if (ns == NULL) {
		yyerror ("IDL_ns_new: memory exhausted");
		return NULL;

	IDL_NS (ns).global = IDL_gentree_new (IDL_ident_hash,
					      IDL_ident_new (""));
	IDL_NS (ns).file =  IDL_NS (ns).current = IDL_NS (ns).global;
	IDL_NS (ns).inhibits = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
	IDL_NS (ns).filename_hash = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);

	return ns;
 * Shared between the interface class declaration and the NS_DECL_IFOO macro
 * provided to aid declaration of implementation classes.  
 * mode...
 *  AS_DECL writes 'NS_IMETHOD foo(string bar, long sil)'
 *  AS_IMPL writes 'NS_IMETHODIMP className::foo(string bar, long sil)'
 *  AS_CALL writes 'foo(bar, sil)'
static gboolean
write_method_signature(IDL_tree method_tree, FILE *outfile, int mode,
                       const char *className)
    struct _IDL_OP_DCL *op = &IDL_OP_DCL(method_tree);
    gboolean no_generated_args = TRUE;
    gboolean op_notxpcom =
        (IDL_tree_property_get(op->ident, "notxpcom") != NULL);
    const char *name;
    IDL_tree iter;

    if (mode == AS_DECL) {
        if (op_notxpcom) {
            fputs("NS_IMETHOD_(", outfile);
            if (!write_type(op->op_type_spec, FALSE, outfile))
                return FALSE;
            fputc(')', outfile);
        } else {
            fputs("NS_IMETHOD", outfile);
        fputc(' ', outfile);
    else if (mode == AS_IMPL) {
        if (op_notxpcom) {
            fputs("NS_IMETHODIMP_(", outfile);
            if (!write_type(op->op_type_spec, FALSE, outfile))
                return FALSE;
            fputc(')', outfile);
        } else {
            fputs("NS_IMETHODIMP", outfile);
        fputc(' ', outfile);
    name = IDL_IDENT(op->ident).str;
    if (mode == AS_IMPL) {
        fprintf(outfile, "%s::%c%s(", className, toupper(*name), name + 1);
    } else {
        fprintf(outfile, "%c%s(", toupper(*name), name + 1);
    for (iter = op->parameter_dcls; iter; iter = IDL_LIST(iter).next) {
        if (mode == AS_DECL || mode == AS_IMPL) {
            if (!write_param(IDL_LIST(iter).data, outfile))
                return FALSE;
        } else {
        if ((IDL_LIST(iter).next ||
             (!op_notxpcom && op->op_type_spec) || op->f_varargs))
            fputs(", ", outfile);
        no_generated_args = FALSE;

    /* make IDL return value into trailing out argument */
    if (op->op_type_spec && !op_notxpcom) {
        IDL_tree fake_param = IDL_param_dcl_new(IDL_PARAM_OUT,
        if (!fake_param)
            return FALSE;
        if (mode == AS_DECL || mode == AS_IMPL) {
            if (!write_param(fake_param, outfile))
                return FALSE;
        } else {
            fputs("_retval", outfile);
        if (op->f_varargs)
            fputs(", ", outfile);
        no_generated_args = FALSE;

    /* varargs go last */
    if (op->f_varargs) {
        if (mode == AS_DECL || mode == AS_IMPL) {
            fputs("nsVarArgs *", outfile);
        fputs("_varargs", outfile);
        no_generated_args = FALSE;

     * If generated method has no arguments, output 'void' to avoid C legacy
     * behavior of disabling type checking.
    if (no_generated_args && mode == AS_DECL) {
        fputs("void", outfile);

    fputc(')', outfile);

    return TRUE;
Example #5
 * Shared between the interface class declaration and the NS_DECL_IFOO macro
 * provided to aid declaration of implementation classes.  
 * mode...
static gboolean
write_method_signature(IDL_tree method_tree, FILE *outfile, const char *className)
    struct _IDL_OP_DCL *op = &IDL_OP_DCL(method_tree);
    gboolean no_generated_args = TRUE;
    gboolean op_notxpcom =
        (IDL_tree_property_get(op->ident, "notxpcom") != NULL);
    const char *name;
    IDL_tree iter;

    if (op_notxpcom && !op->op_type_spec)
        fputs("procedure ", outfile);
        fputs("function ", outfile);

    name = IDL_IDENT(op->ident).str;
    if( is_reserved(name) )
        fputc('_', outfile);
    fprintf(outfile, "%c%s(", toupper(*name), name + 1);

    for (iter = op->parameter_dcls; iter; iter = IDL_LIST(iter).next) {
        if (!write_param(IDL_LIST(iter).data, outfile))
            return FALSE;
        if ((IDL_LIST(iter).next ||
             (!op_notxpcom && op->op_type_spec) || op->f_varargs))
            fputs("; ", outfile);
        no_generated_args = FALSE;

    /* make IDL return value into trailing out argument */
    if (op->op_type_spec && !op_notxpcom) {
        IDL_tree fake_param = IDL_param_dcl_new(IDL_PARAM_OUT,
        if (!fake_param)
            return FALSE;
        if (!write_param(fake_param, outfile))
            return FALSE;
        if (op->f_varargs)
            fputs("; ", outfile);
        no_generated_args = FALSE;

    /* varargs go last */
    if (op->f_varargs) {
        fputs("_varargs : PVarArgs", outfile);
        no_generated_args = FALSE;

    fputc(')', outfile);

    if (op_notxpcom) {
        if (!interface_write_type(op->op_type_spec, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, outfile))
            return FALSE;
    } else {
        fputs(": nsresult", outfile);
    fputs("; stdcall", outfile);

    return TRUE;