Example #1
//  Base beacon
    RPAL_THREAD_FUNC thread_beacon
        RPVOID context
    RU32 status = 0;
    rList requests = NULL;
    rList responses = NULL;
    rIterator ite = NULL;
    rpcm_tag tag = 0;
    rpcm_type type = 0;
    rSequence msg = NULL;

    RPU8 crashContext = NULL;
    RU32 crashContextSize = 0;
    RU8 defaultCrashContext = 1;


    // First let's check if we have a crash context already present
    // which would indicate we did not shut down properly
    if( !acquireCrashContextPresent( &crashContext, &crashContextSize ) )
        crashContext = NULL;
        crashContextSize = 0;
    // Set a default crashContext to be removed before exiting
    setCrashContext( &defaultCrashContext, sizeof( defaultCrashContext ) );

    while( !rEvent_wait( g_hcpContext.isBeaconTimeToStop, 0 ) )
        if( 0 == g_hcpContext.beaconTimeout )
            // This is the default timeout to re-establish contact home
            g_hcpContext.beaconTimeout = RP_HCP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_BEACON_TIMEOUT_INIT;

            requests = assembleRequest( crashContext, crashContextSize );
            // If we just sent a crash context, free it so we don't keep sending it
            if( NULL != crashContext )
                rpal_memory_free( crashContext );
                crashContext = NULL;
                crashContextSize = 0;

            if( NULL != requests &&
                doBeacon( RP_HCP_MODULE_ID_HCP, requests, &responses ) &&
                NULL != responses )
                // This is the default beacon timeout when contact is already established
                g_hcpContext.beaconTimeout = RP_HCP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_BEACON_TIMEOUT;

                // Go through the response list of messages
                if( NULL != ( ite = rIterator_new( responses ) ) )
                    while( rIterator_next( ite, &tag, &type, &msg, NULL ) )
                        // We ignore non-messages for forward compat
                        if( RP_TAGS_MESSAGE == tag &&
                            RPCM_SEQUENCE == type )
                            processMessage( msg );

                    rIterator_free( ite );

            // Free resources.
            IF_VALID_DO( requests, rList_free );
            requests = NULL;
            IF_VALID_DO( responses, rList_free );
            responses = NULL;

        // Sleep for 1 second, we aproximate beacon times
        rpal_thread_sleep( 1 * 1000 );
        if( 0 != g_hcpContext.beaconTimeout ){ g_hcpContext.beaconTimeout--; }

    return status;
Example #2
        rpHCPContext* hcpContext,
        rSequence seq
    RBOOL isSuccess = FALSE;

    RU32 moduleIndex = (RU32)(-1);

    RPU8 tmpBuff = NULL;
    RU32 tmpSize = 0;

    RPU8 tmpSig = NULL;
    RU32 tmpSigSize = 0;

    rpal_thread_func pEntry = NULL;

    rpHCPModuleContext* modContext = NULL;


    if( NULL != seq &&
        NULL != hcpContext )
        for( moduleIndex = 0; moduleIndex < RP_HCP_CONTEXT_MAX_MODULES; moduleIndex++ )
            if( 0 == hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hThread )
                // Found an empty spot

    if( RP_HCP_CONTEXT_MAX_MODULES != moduleIndex &&
        (RU32)(-1) != moduleIndex )
        // We got an empty spot for our module
        if( rSequence_getRU8( seq, 
                              &(hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].id ) ) &&
            rSequence_getBUFFER( seq,
                                 &tmpSize ) &&
            rSequence_getBUFFER( seq,
                                 &tmpSigSize ) &&
            CRYPTOLIB_SIGNATURE_SIZE == tmpSigSize )
            // We got the data, now verify the buffer signature
            if( CryptoLib_verify( tmpBuff, tmpSize, getRootPublicKey(), tmpSig ) )
                // Ready to load the module
                rpal_debug_info( "loading module in memory" );
                hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hModule = MemoryLoadLibrary( tmpBuff, tmpSize );

                if( NULL != hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hModule )
                    OBFUSCATIONLIB_TOGGLE( entryName );

                    pEntry = (rpal_thread_func)MemoryGetProcAddress( hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hModule,
                                                            (RPCHAR)entryName );

                    OBFUSCATIONLIB_TOGGLE( entryName );

                    if( NULL != pEntry )
                        modContext = &(hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].context);

                        modContext->pCurrentId = &( hcpContext->currentId );
                        modContext->func_sendHome = doSend;
                        modContext->isTimeToStop = rEvent_create( TRUE );
                        modContext->rpalContext = rpal_Context_get();
                        modContext->isOnlineEvent = hcpContext->isCloudOnline;

                        if( NULL != modContext->isTimeToStop )
                            hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].isTimeToStop = modContext->isTimeToStop;

                            OBFUSCATIONLIB_TOGGLE( recvMessage );
                            hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].func_recvMessage =
                                    (rpHCPModuleMsgEntry)MemoryGetProcAddress( hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hModule,
                                                                               (RPCHAR)recvMessage );
                            OBFUSCATIONLIB_TOGGLE( recvMessage );

                            hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hThread = rpal_thread_new( pEntry, modContext );

                            if( 0 != hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hThread )
                                CryptoLib_hash( tmpBuff, tmpSize, &(hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hash ) );
                                hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].isOsLoaded = FALSE;
                                isSuccess = TRUE;
                                rpal_debug_warning( "Error creating handler thread for new module." );
                        rpal_debug_warning( "Could not find new module's entry point." );
                    rpal_debug_warning( "Error loading module in memory." );
                rpal_debug_warning( "New module signature invalid." );
            rpal_debug_warning( "Could not find core module components to load." );

        // Main cleanup
        if( !isSuccess )
            if( NULL != modContext )
                IF_VALID_DO( modContext->isTimeToStop, rEvent_free );

            if( NULL != hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hModule )
                MemoryFreeLibrary( hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hModule );

            rpal_memory_zero( &(hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ] ),
                              sizeof( hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ] ) );
        rpal_debug_error( "Could not find a spot for new module, or invalid module id!" );

    return isSuccess;
Example #3
        RpHcp_ModuleId moduleId,
        rList payload,
        RU8 sessionKey[ CRYPTOLIB_SYM_KEY_SIZE ],
        RU8 sessionIv[ CRYPTOLIB_SYM_IV_SIZE ]
    rString str = NULL;

    rSequence hdrSeq = NULL;
    rSequence hcpid = NULL;

    rBlob blob = NULL;

    RPCHAR encoded = NULL;

    RPU8 encBuffer = NULL;
    RU64 encSize = 0;

    RPU8 finalBuffer = NULL;
    RU32 finalSize = 0;

    RPCHAR hostName = NULL;

    RBOOL isSuccess = FALSE;


    str = rpal_stringbuffer_new( 0, 0, FALSE );

    if( NULL != str )
        if( NULL != ( hdrSeq = rSequence_new() ) )
            if( NULL != ( hcpid = hcpIdToSeq( g_hcpContext.currentId ) ) )
                // System basic information
                // Host Name
                if( NULL != ( hostName = libOs_getHostName() ) )
                    rSequence_addSTRINGA( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_HOST_NAME, hostName );
                    rpal_memory_free( hostName );
                    rpal_debug_warning( "could not determine hostname" );

                // Internal IP
                rSequence_addIPV4( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_IP_ADDRESS, libOs_getMainIp() );

                if( rSequence_addSEQUENCE( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_HCP_ID, hcpid ) &&
                    rSequence_addRU8( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_HCP_MODULE_ID, moduleId ) &&
                    rSequence_addBUFFER( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_SYM_KEY, sessionKey, CRYPTOLIB_SYM_KEY_SIZE ) &&
                    rSequence_addBUFFER( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_SYM_IV, sessionIv, CRYPTOLIB_SYM_IV_SIZE ) )
                    if( NULL != g_hcpContext.enrollmentToken &&
                        0 != g_hcpContext.enrollmentTokenSize )
                        rSequence_addBUFFER( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_HCP_ENROLLMENT_TOKEN, g_hcpContext.enrollmentToken, g_hcpContext.enrollmentTokenSize );

                    if( NULL != payload )
                        blob = rpal_blob_create( 0, 0 );

                    if( NULL == payload ||
                        NULL != blob )
                        if( rSequence_serialise( hdrSeq, blob ) &&
                            ( NULL == payload ||
                              rList_serialise( payload, blob ) ) )
                            encSize = compressBound( rpal_blob_getSize( blob ) );
                            encBuffer = rpal_memory_alloc( (RU32)encSize );

                            if( NULL == payload ||
                                NULL != encBuffer )
                                if( NULL == payload ||
                                    Z_OK == compress( encBuffer, (uLongf*)&encSize, (RPU8)rpal_blob_getBuffer( blob ), rpal_blob_getSize( blob ) ) )
                                    FREE_N_NULL( blob, rpal_blob_free );

                                    if( NULL == payload ||
                                        CryptoLib_fastAsymEncrypt( encBuffer, (RU32)encSize, getC2PublicKey(), &finalBuffer, &finalSize ) )
                                        FREE_N_NULL( encBuffer, rpal_memory_free );

                                        if( NULL == payload ||
                                            base64_encode( finalBuffer, finalSize, &encoded, TRUE ) )
                                            isSuccess = TRUE;

                                            if( NULL != payload )
                                                FREE_N_NULL( finalBuffer, rpal_memory_free );

                                                DO_IFF( rpal_stringbuffer_add( str, "&" ), isSuccess );

                                                OBFUSCATIONLIB_TOGGLE( payHdr );

                                                DO_IFF( rpal_stringbuffer_add( str, (RPCHAR)payHdr ), isSuccess );
                                                DO_IFF( rpal_stringbuffer_add( str, encoded ), isSuccess );
                                                OBFUSCATIONLIB_TOGGLE( payHdr );

                                            IF_VALID_DO( encoded, rpal_memory_free );

                                        IF_VALID_DO( finalBuffer, rpal_memory_free );

                                IF_VALID_DO( encBuffer, rpal_memory_free );

                        IF_VALID_DO( blob, rpal_blob_free );

            rSequence_free( hdrSeq );

        if( !isSuccess )
            rpal_stringbuffer_free( str );
            str = NULL;

    return str;