Example #1
void MainWindow::checkStatus() {
    int a[4] = {0,0,0,0};
    int tempI = 0, i=0, tempI2 = 0;
    QDateTime TimeNow;
    QString dateUNIXNow;
    QSettings *GlobalSettings = new QSettings("/root/.WiFiHostapdAP/WiFi_Hostapd_AP.conf",QSettings::NativeFormat); // создание нового объекта
    bool starting = true;
    bool test;
    QString temp_QT;
    qDebug() << "Testing AP... ";
    // Активирована ли точка доступа?
    // точка доступа активирована, если
    // 1. Статус  устройства
    CheckProcess IFace(1,GlobalSettings->value("AP/Iface", "wlan0").toString());
    if(!IFace.init()) { starting=false; a[0]=0; qDebug() << "DEVICE - " << "OFF"; }
    else { qDebug() << "DEVICE - " << "ON"; a[0]=1; }

    // 2. Статус DNSMASQ
    CheckProcess DNSMASQcheck("dnsmasq");
    test = DNSMASQcheck.init();
    if(test) { qDebug() << "DNSMASQ - " << "ON"; a[1]=1; }
    else { starting=false; a[1]=0; qDebug() << "DNSMASQ - " << "OFF"; }

    // 3. Статус Hostapd
    CheckProcess HOSTAPDcheck("hostapd");
    test = HOSTAPDcheck.init();
    if(!test) { starting=false; a[2]=0; qDebug() << "HOSTAPD - " << "OFF"; }
    else { qDebug() << "HOSTAPD - " << "ON"; a[2]=1; }

    // 4. Статус IP Forwarding
    CheckProcess IPForwarding(2, "");
    if(!IPForwarding.init())   { starting=false; a[3]=0; qDebug() << "IP FORWARDING - " << "OFF"; }
    else { qDebug() << "IP FORWARDING - " << "ON"; a[3]=1; }

    if(starting==true) {
        ui->identificator->setText(tr("<h3><font color=\"green\">Активировано</font></h3>"));
        qDebug() << "AP IS RUNNING \n";

        dateUNIXNow = QString::number(TimeNow.currentDateTime().toTime_t());
        LogSystemAppend(QString("%1|%2|%3|%4").arg(tr("Programm"), dateUNIXNow, tr("AP online"), QString("0")));

    } else {
        ui->identificator->setText(tr("<h3><font color=\"red\">Отключена</font></h3>"));
        qDebug() << "AP IS NOT RUNNING\n";
        // Выясняем, что не так
        for(i=0;i<4;i++) if(a[i]==0) tempI++; // Считаем, сколько пунктов не активны

        temp_QT.clear(); temp_QT = tr("AP offline because ");
        if(a[0]==0) { temp_QT.append(tr("network interface is down")); tempI2++;
            if(tempI>tempI2) temp_QT.append(tr(" and ")); }
        if(a[1]==0) { temp_QT.append(tr("DNSMASQ offline")); tempI2++;
            if(tempI>tempI2) temp_QT.append(tr(" and ")); }
        if(a[2]==0) { temp_QT.append(tr("Hostapd offline")); tempI2++;
            if(tempI>tempI2) temp_QT.append(tr(" and ")); }
        if(a[3]==0) { temp_QT.append(tr("IP Forward disabled")); }

        dateUNIXNow = QString::number(TimeNow.currentDateTime().toTime_t());
        LogSystemAppend(QString("%1|%2|%3|%4").arg(tr("Programm"), dateUNIXNow, temp_QT, QString("0")));

    delete GlobalSettings;

Example #2
bool CBaseToolApp::Connect( const CreateInterfaceFn* pFactories, const size_t uiNumFactories )
	if( !LoadAndCheckInterfaces( pFactories, uiNumFactories, 
							IFace( ICVARSYSTEM_NAME, g_pCVar, "CVar System" ),
							IFace( IFILESYSTEM_NAME, m_pFileSystem, "File System" ),
							IFace( ISOUNDSYSTEM_NAME, m_pSoundSystem, "Sound System" ),
							IFace( IRENDERERLIBRARY_NAME, m_pRendererLib, "Render Library" ),
							IFace( IRENDERCONTEXT_NAME, g_pRenderContext, "Render Context" ),
							IFace( ISTUDIOMODELRENDERER_NAME, g_pStudioMdlRenderer, "StudioModel Renderer" ) ) )
		return false;

	g_pSoundSystem = m_pSoundSystem;

	if( !g_pCVar->Initialize() )
		FatalError( "Failed to initialize CVar system!\n" );
		return false;

	//Connect Core lib cvars first.
	ConnectCoreCVars( g_pCVar );


	if( !m_pFileSystem->Initialize() )
		FatalError( "Failed to initialize file system!\n" );
		return false;

	if( !InitOpenGL() )
		return false;

	if( !m_pRendererLib->Connect( pFactories, uiNumFactories ) )
		FatalError( "Failed to connect renderer!\n" );
		return false;

	if( !g_pStudioMdlRenderer->Initialize() )
		FatalError( "Failed to initialize StudioModel renderer!\n" );
		return false;

	if( !m_pSoundSystem->Connect( pFactories, uiNumFactories ) )
		FatalError( "Failed to connect sound system!\n" );
		return false;

	if( !m_pSoundSystem->Initialize() )
		FatalError( "Failed to initialize sound system!\n" );
		return false;

	return true;