Example #1
static void
    IIAPI_INITPARM  initParm;

    printf( "IIdemo_init: initializing API\n" );
    initParm.in_version = IIAPI_VERSION_1; 
    initParm.in_timeout = -1;
    IIapi_initialize( &initParm );

Example #2
static void
IIdemo_init( II_PTR *envHandle )
    IIAPI_INITPARM  initParm;

    printf( "IIdemo_init: initializing API\n" );
    initParm.in_version = IIAPI_VERSION_2; 
    initParm.in_timeout = -1;
    IIapi_initialize( &initParm );

    *envHandle = initParm.in_envHandle; 
Example #3
int OGRIngresDataSource::Open( const char *pszFullName, 
                               char **papszOptions, int bUpdate )

    CPLAssert( nLayers == 0 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Verify we have a dbname, this parameter is required.            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszDBName = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"dbname");

    if( pszDBName == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "No DBNAME item provided in INGRES datasource name." );
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do we have a table list?                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char **papszTableNames = NULL;
    const char *pszTables = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"tables");

    if( pszTables != NULL )
        papszTableNames = CSLTokenizeStringComplex(pszTables,"/",TRUE,FALSE);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add support to dynamic vnode if passed                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszHost = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"host");
    if (pszHost)
        const char *pszInstance = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"instance");
        if (pszInstance == NULL || strlen(pszInstance) != 2)
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "instance name must be specified with host." );
            return FALSE;
        ** make sure the user name and password are passed too,
        ** note it could not be zero length.
        const char *pszUsername = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"username");
        const char *pszPassword = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"password");
        if (pszUsername == NULL || strlen(pszUsername) == 0)
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "user name must be specified in dynamic vnode." );            
            return FALSE;
        if (pszPassword == NULL || strlen(pszPassword) == 0)
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "password must be specified in dynamic vnode." );            
            return FALSE;
        ** construct the vnode string, like : 
        ** @host,protocol,port[;attribute=value{;attribute=value}][[user,password]], 
        ** visit for detail 
        ** http://docs.actian.com/ingres/10.0/command-reference-guide/1207-dynamic-vnode-specificationconnect-to-remote-node
        sprintf(pszDBTarget, "@%s,%s,%s;%s[%s,%s]::%s ", 
            pszHost,        /* host, compute name or IP address */
            "TCP_IP",       /* protocal, default with TCP/IP */
            pszInstance,    /* instance Name */
            "" ,            /* option, Null */
            pszUsername,    /* user name, could not be empty */
            pszPassword,    /* pwd */
            pszDBName       /* database name */
       CPLDebug("INGRES", pszDBTarget);
        /* Remain the database name */
        strcpy(pszDBTarget, pszDBName);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize the Ingres API. Should we only do this once per      */
/*      program run?  Really we should also try to terminate the api    */
/*      on program exit.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    IIAPI_INITPARM  initParm;

    initParm.in_version = IIAPI_VERSION_1; 
    initParm.in_timeout = -1;
    IIapi_initialize( &initParm );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      check effective user and db password                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hConn = NULL;
    const char *pszEffuser = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"effuser");
    const char *pszDBpwd = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"dbpwd");
    if ( pszEffuser 
        && strlen(pszEffuser) > 0 
        && pszDBpwd 
        && strlen(pszDBpwd) > 0 )
        if (SetConnParam(&hConn, IIAPI_CP_EFFECTIVE_USER,
			(II_PTR)pszEffuser) != IIAPI_ST_SUCCESS 
            || SetConnParam(&hConn, IIAPI_CP_DBMS_PASSWORD,
			(II_PTR)pszDBpwd) != IIAPI_ST_SUCCESS )
            return FALSE;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to connect to the database.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    IIAPI_CONNPARM	connParm;
    IIAPI_WAITPARM	waitParm = { -1 };
    memset( &connParm, 0, sizeof(connParm) );
    connParm.co_genParm.gp_callback = NULL;
    connParm.co_genParm.gp_closure = NULL;
    connParm.co_target = (II_CHAR *) pszDBTarget;
    connParm.co_connHandle = hConn;
    connParm.co_tranHandle = NULL;
    connParm.co_username = 
        (II_CHAR*) CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"username");
    connParm.co_password = 
    connParm.co_timeout = -1;

    if( CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"timeout") != NULL )
        connParm.co_timeout = atoi(CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"timeout"));

    IIapi_connect( &connParm );
    while( connParm.co_genParm.gp_completed == FALSE )
	IIapi_wait( &waitParm );

    hConn = connParm.co_connHandle;

    if( connParm.co_genParm.gp_status != IIAPI_ST_SUCCESS 
        || hConn == NULL )
        OGRIngresStatement::ReportError( &(connParm.co_genParm), 
                                    "Failed to connect to Ingres database." );
        return FALSE;

    pszName = CPLStrdup( pszFullName );
    bDSUpdate = bUpdate;

    // Check for new or old Ingres spatial library
    	OGRIngresStatement oStmt( hConn );

    	if( oStmt.ExecuteSQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM iicolumns WHERE table_name = 'iiattribute' AND column_name = 'attgeomtype'" ) )
    		char **papszFields;
    		while( (papszFields = oStmt.GetRow()) )
    			CPLString osCount = papszFields[0];
    			if( osCount[0] == '0' )
    				bNewIngres = FALSE;
    				bNewIngres = TRUE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get a list of available tables.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( papszTableNames == NULL )
        OGRIngresStatement oStmt( hConn );
        if( oStmt.ExecuteSQL( "select table_name from iitables where system_use = 'U' and table_name not like 'iietab_%'" ) )
            char **papszFields;
            while( (papszFields = oStmt.GetRow()) )
                CPLString osTableName = papszFields[0];
                papszTableNames = CSLAddString( papszTableNames, 
                                                osTableName );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get the schema of the available tables.                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int iRecord;

    for( iRecord = 0; 
         papszTableNames != NULL && papszTableNames[iRecord] != NULL;
         iRecord++ )
        OpenTable( papszTableNames[iRecord], bUpdate );

    CSLDestroy( papszTableNames );

    return TRUE;
Example #4
main( int argc, char** argv ) 
    II_PTR		envHandle = (II_PTR)NULL;
    IIAPI_INITPARM	initParm;
    IIAPI_TERMPARM	termParm;
    II_LONG		longvalue; 

    **  Initialize API at level 1 
    printf( "apisinit: initializing API at level 1 \n" );
    initParm.in_version = IIAPI_VERSION_1;
    initParm.in_timeout = -1;

    IIapi_initialize( &initParm );

    **  Terminate API 
    printf( "apisinit: shutting down API\n" );

    IIapi_terminate( &termParm );

    **  Initialize API at level 2.  Save environment handle.
    printf( "apisinit: initializing API at level 2 \n" );
    initParm.in_version = IIAPI_VERSION_2;
    initParm.in_timeout = -1;

    IIapi_initialize( &initParm );

    envHandle = initParm.in_envHandle; 
    **  Set an environment parameter
    printf( "apisinit: set environment parameter\n" );
    setEnvPrmParm.se_envHandle = envHandle;
    setEnvPrmParm.se_paramID = IIAPI_EP_DATE_FORMAT;
    setEnvPrmParm.se_paramValue = (II_PTR)&longvalue;
    longvalue = IIAPI_EPV_DFRMT_YMD;

    IIapi_setEnvParam( &setEnvPrmParm );

    **  Release environment resources.
    printf( "apisinit: releasing environment handle\n" );
    relEnvParm.re_envHandle = envHandle;


    **  Terminate API.
    printf( "apisinit: shutting down API\n" );

    IIapi_terminate( &termParm );

    return( 0 );
Example #5
gcd_api_init( u_i2 api_ver, PTR *env )
    bool		done;
    STATUS		status = OK;

    init.in_timeout = -1;
    init.in_version = api_ver;

    IIapi_initialize( &init );

    if ( init.in_status != IIAPI_ST_SUCCESS  &&
	 GCD_global.gcd_trace_level >= 1 )
	TRdisplay( "%4d    GCD Error initializing API: %s\n", 
		   -1, gcu_lookup( apiMap, init.in_status ) );

    switch( init.in_status )
	*env = init.in_envHandle;
	status = E_GC4808_NO_MEMORY;
    default :
	status = E_GC4809_INTERNAL_ERROR;

    for( done = (status != OK); ! done; done = TRUE )
	II_LONG	value;

	set.se_envHandle = *env;
	set.se_paramID = IIAPI_EP_TRACE_FUNC;
	set.se_paramValue = (II_PTR)gcd_api_trace;

	IIapi_setEnvParam( &set );
	if ( (status = set.se_status) != OK )  break;

	if( api_ver >= IIAPI_VERSION_6 )
	    set.se_paramID = IIAPI_EP_DATE_ALIAS;
	    set.se_paramValue = IIAPI_EPV_INGDATE;

	    IIapi_setEnvParam( &set );
	    if ( (status = set.se_status) != OK )  break;

	set.se_paramID = IIAPI_EP_DATE_FORMAT;
	set.se_paramValue = (II_PTR)&value;

	IIapi_setEnvParam( &set );
	if ( (status = set.se_status) != OK )  break;

	set.se_paramID = IIAPI_EP_TIMEZONE;
	set.se_paramValue = "gmt";

	IIapi_setEnvParam( &set );
	if ( (status = set.se_status) != OK )  break;

	value = 8192;
	set.se_paramValue = (II_PTR)&value;

	IIapi_setEnvParam( &set );
	if ( (status = set.se_status) != OK )  break;
	set.se_paramID = IIAPI_EP_DECIMAL_CHAR;
	set.se_paramValue  = ".";

	IIapi_setEnvParam( &set );
	if ( (status = set.se_status) != OK )  break;

	set.se_paramID = IIAPI_EP_MONEY_SIGN ;
	set.se_paramValue  = "$";

	IIapi_setEnvParam( &set );
	if ( (status = set.se_status) != OK )  break;

	set.se_paramID = IIAPI_EP_MONEY_LORT ;
	set.se_paramValue  =  (II_PTR)&value;

	IIapi_setEnvParam( &set );
	if ( (status = set.se_status) != OK )  break;

	value = 2;
	set.se_paramValue  =  (II_PTR)&value;

	IIapi_setEnvParam( &set );
	if ( (status = set.se_status) != OK )  break;

    if ( status != OK )
	gcu_erlog( 0, GCD_global.language, status, NULL, 0, NULL );

    return( status );
int OGRIngresDataSource::Open( const char *pszFullName, 
                               char **papszOptions, int bUpdate )

    CPLAssert( nLayers == 0 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Verify we have a dbname, this parameter is required.            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszDBName = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"dbname");

    if( pszDBName == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "No DBNAME item provided in INGRES datasource name." );
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do we have a table list?                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char **papszTableNames = NULL;
    const char *pszTables = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"tables");

    if( pszTables != NULL )
        papszTableNames = CSLTokenizeStringComplex(pszTables,"/",TRUE,FALSE);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize the Ingres API. Should we only do this once per      */
/*      program run?  Really we should also try to terminate the api    */
/*      on program exit.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    IIAPI_INITPARM  initParm;

    initParm.in_version = IIAPI_VERSION_1; 
    initParm.in_timeout = -1;
    IIapi_initialize( &initParm );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to connect to the database.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    IIAPI_CONNPARM	connParm;
    IIAPI_WAITPARM	waitParm = { -1 };
    memset( &connParm, 0, sizeof(connParm) );
    connParm.co_genParm.gp_callback = NULL;
    connParm.co_genParm.gp_closure = NULL;
    connParm.co_target = (II_CHAR *) pszDBName;
    connParm.co_connHandle = NULL;
    connParm.co_tranHandle = NULL;
    connParm.co_username = 
        (II_CHAR*) CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"username");
    connParm.co_password = 
    connParm.co_timeout = -1;

    if( CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"timeout") != NULL )
        connParm.co_timeout = atoi(CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"timeout"));

    IIapi_connect( &connParm );
    while( connParm.co_genParm.gp_completed == FALSE )
	IIapi_wait( &waitParm );

    hConn = connParm.co_connHandle;

    if( connParm.co_genParm.gp_status != IIAPI_ST_SUCCESS 
        || hConn == NULL )
        OGRIngresStatement::ReportError( &(connParm.co_genParm), 
                                    "Failed to connect to Ingres database." );
        return FALSE;

    pszName = CPLStrdup( pszFullName );
    bDSUpdate = bUpdate;

    // Check for new or old Ingres spatial library
    	OGRIngresStatement oStmt( hConn );

    	if( oStmt.ExecuteSQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM iicolumns WHERE table_name = 'iiattribute' AND column_name = 'attgeomtype'" ) )
    		char **papszFields;
    		while( (papszFields = oStmt.GetRow()) )
    			CPLString osCount = papszFields[0];
    			if( osCount[0] == '0' )
    				bNewIngres = FALSE;
    				bNewIngres = TRUE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get a list of available tables.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( papszTableNames == NULL )
        OGRIngresStatement oStmt( hConn );
        if( oStmt.ExecuteSQL( "select table_name from iitables where system_use = 'U' and table_name not like 'iietab_%'" ) )
            char **papszFields;
            while( (papszFields = oStmt.GetRow()) )
                CPLString osTableName = papszFields[0];
                papszTableNames = CSLAddString( papszTableNames, 
                                                osTableName );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get the schema of the available tables.                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int iRecord;

    for( iRecord = 0; 
         papszTableNames != NULL && papszTableNames[iRecord] != NULL;
         iRecord++ )
        OpenTable( papszTableNames[iRecord], bUpdate );

    CSLDestroy( papszTableNames );

    return TRUE;