SimpleExcludedVolume create_simple_excluded_volume_on_rigid_bodies( const core::RigidBodies &rbs, Refiner *ref) { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(rbs.size() > 0, "At least one particle should be given"); /****** Set the restraint ******/ kernel::ParticlesTemp all; for (unsigned int i=0; i< rbs.size(); ++i) { kernel::ParticlesTemp cur= ref->get_refined(rbs[i]); all.insert(all.end(), cur.begin(), cur.end()); } IMP_NEW(container::ListSingletonContainer, lsc, (all)); IMP_NEW(core::ExcludedVolumeRestraint, evr, (lsc)); /****** Add restraint to the model ******/ //Model *mdl = rbs[0].get_model(); //mdl->add_restraint(evr); /****** Return a SimpleExcludedVolume object ******/ return SimpleExcludedVolume(evr); }
IMPRESTRAINER_BEGIN_NAMESPACE SimpleConnectivity create_simple_connectivity_on_rigid_bodies( const core::RigidBodies &rbs, Refiner *ref) { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(rbs.size() > 0, "At least one particle should be given"); /****** Define PairScore ******/ // Use RigidBodyDistancePairScore to accelerate computation of the distance // between two rigid bodies. The distance is defined as the minimal distance // over all bipartite pairs with one particle taken from each rigid body. IMP_NEW(core::HarmonicUpperBound, h, (0, 1)); IMP_NEW(core::SphereDistancePairScore, sdps, (h)); IMP_NEW(core::RigidBodyDistancePairScore, rdps, (sdps, ref)); /****** Set the restraint ******/ IMP_NEW(core::ConnectivityRestraint, cr, (rdps)); for ( size_t i=0; i<rbs.size(); ++i ) //cr->set_particles((*rbs)[i].get_particle()); cr->add_particle(rbs[i].get_particle()); /****** Add restraint to the model ******/ //Model *mdl = rbs[0].get_model(); //mdl->add_restraint(cr); /****** Return a SimpleConnectivity object ******/ return SimpleConnectivity(cr, h, sdps); }
SimpleExcludedVolume create_simple_excluded_volume_on_molecules( atom::Hierarchies const &mhs) { IMP_CHECK_CODE(size_t mhs_size = mhs.size()); IMP_USAGE_CHECK(mhs_size > 0, "At least one hierarchy should be given"); kernel::ParticlesTemp ps; for ( size_t i=0; i<mhs.size(); ++i ) { kernel::ParticlesTemp leaves= IMP::atom::get_leaves(mhs[i]); ps.insert(ps.end(), leaves.begin(), leaves.end()); } /****** Set the restraint ******/ IMP_NEW(container::ListSingletonContainer, lsc, (ps)); IMP_NEW(core::ExcludedVolumeRestraint, evr, (lsc)); /****** Add restraint to the model ******/ //Model *mdl = mhs[0].get_particle()->get_model(); //mdl->add_restraint(evr); /****** Return a SimpleExcludedVolume object ******/ return SimpleExcludedVolume(evr); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { IMP::setup_from_argv(argc, argv, "Test ConsecutivePairContainer."); IMP_NEW(IMP::Model, m, ()); IMP::ParticleIndexes ps; IMP::algebra::BoundingBox3D bb(IMP::algebra::Vector3D(0, 0, 0), IMP::algebra::Vector3D(10, 10, 10)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) { ps.push_back(m->add_particle("P")); IMP::core::XYZ::setup_particle(m, ps.back(), IMP::algebra::get_random_vector_in(bb)); } IMP_NEW(IMP::container::ConsecutivePairContainer, cpc, (m, ps)); IMP_NEW(IMP::core::HarmonicDistancePairScore, hdps, (0, 1)); IMP::Pointer<IMP::Restraint> r = IMP::container::create_restraint(hdps.get(), cpc.get()); IMP_USAGE_CHECK(r->evaluate(false) > 0, "zero evaluate"); IMP::Pointer<IMP::Restraint> rd = r->create_decomposition(); IMP::RestraintsTemp rds = IMP::get_restraints(IMP::RestraintsTemp(1, rd)); IMP_USAGE_CHECK(rds.size() == ps.size() - 1, "Bad lengths: " << rds.size() << " vs " << ps.size() - 1); double re = r->evaluate(false); double rde = rd->evaluate(false); IMP_CHECK_VARIABLE(re); IMP_CHECK_VARIABLE(rde); IMP_USAGE_CHECK(std::abs(rde - re) < .1, "Invalid decomposed score: " << re << " vs " << rde); return 0; }
void assign_blame(const RestraintsTemp &rs, const ParticlesTemp &ps, FloatKey attribute) { IMP_FUNCTION_LOG; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ps.size(); ++i) { if (ps[i]->has_attribute(attribute)) { ps[i]->set_value(attribute, 0); } else { ps[i]->add_attribute(attribute, 0, false); } } Restraints drs; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs.size(); ++i) { Pointer<Restraint> rd = rs[i]->create_decomposition(); if (rd) { drs.push_back(rd); } } IMP_NEW(RestraintsScoringFunction, rsf, (drs)); rsf->evaluate(false); DependencyGraph dg = get_dependency_graph(IMP::internal::get_model(rs)); // attempt to get around boost/gcc bug and the most vexing parse DependencyGraphVertexIndex dgi((IMP::get_vertex_index(dg))); ControlledBy controlled_by; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ps.size(); ++i) { ParticlesTemp cps = get_dependent_particles(ps[i], ps, dg, dgi); IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(cps.size() > 0, "No dependent particles for " << ps[i]); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < cps.size(); ++j) { controlled_by[cps[j]] = ps[i]; } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < drs.size(); ++i) { distribute_blame(drs[i], controlled_by, attribute, 1.0); } }
IMPMULTIFIT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE void get_anchors_for_density(em::DensityMap *dmap, int number_of_means, float density_threshold, std::string pdb_filename, std::string cmm_filename, std::string seg_filename, std::string txt_filename) { dmap->set_was_used(true); IMP_NEW(multifit::DensityDataPoints, ddp, (dmap, density_threshold)); IMP::statistics::internal::VQClustering vq(ddp, number_of_means); ddp->set_was_used(true);; multifit::DataPointsAssignment assignment(ddp, &vq); multifit::AnchorsData ad(assignment.get_centers(), *(assignment.get_edges())); multifit::write_pdb(pdb_filename, assignment); // also write cmm string into a file: if (cmm_filename != "") { multifit::write_cmm(cmm_filename, "anchor_graph", ad); } if (seg_filename != "") { float apix = dmap->get_spacing(); multifit::write_segments_as_mrc(dmap, assignment, apix, apix, density_threshold, seg_filename); } if (txt_filename != "") { multifit::write_txt(txt_filename, ad); } }
display::Geometries get_interaction_graph_geometry(const InteractionGraph &ig) { display::Geometries ret; InteractionGraphConstVertexName vm = boost::get(boost::vertex_name, ig); InteractionGraphConstEdgeName em = boost::get(boost::edge_name, ig); boost::unordered_map<std::string, display::Color> colors; for (std::pair<InteractionGraphTraits::vertex_iterator, InteractionGraphTraits::vertex_iterator> be = boost::vertices(ig); be.first != be.second; ++be.first) { Particle *p = dynamic_cast<Particle *>(vm[*be.first]); core::XYZ pd(p); for (std::pair<InteractionGraphTraits::out_edge_iterator, InteractionGraphTraits::out_edge_iterator> ebe = boost::out_edges(*be.first, ig); ebe.first != ebe.second; ++ebe.first) { unsigned int target = boost::target(*ebe.first, ig); if (target > *be.first) continue; Particle *op = dynamic_cast<Particle *>(vm[target]); core::XYZ od(op); std::string on = em[*ebe.first]->get_name(); IMP_NEW(display::SegmentGeometry, cg, (algebra::Segment3D(pd.get_coordinates(), od.get_coordinates()))); if (colors.find(em[*ebe.first]->get_name()) == colors.end()) { colors[em[*ebe.first]->get_name()] = display::get_display_color(colors.size()); } cg->set_color(colors[em[*ebe.first]->get_name()]); cg->set_name(on); ret.push_back(cg.get()); } } return ret; }
void read_files(Model *m, const std::vector<std::string>& files, std::vector<std::string>& pdb_file_names, std::vector<std::string>& dat_files, std::vector<IMP::Particles>& particles_vec, Profiles& exp_profiles, bool residue_level, bool heavy_atoms_only, int multi_model_pdb, bool explicit_water, float max_q, int units) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { // check if file exists std::ifstream in_file(files[i].c_str()); if (!in_file) { IMP_WARN("Can't open file " << files[i] << std::endl); return; } // 1. try as pdb try { read_pdb(m, files[i], pdb_file_names, particles_vec, residue_level, heavy_atoms_only, multi_model_pdb, explicit_water); } catch (const IMP::ValueException &e) { // not a pdb file // 2. try as a dat profile file IMP_NEW(Profile, profile, (files[i], false, max_q, units)); if (profile->size() == 0) { IMP_WARN("can't parse input file " << files[i] << std::endl); return; } else { dat_files.push_back(files[i]); exp_profiles.push_back(profile); IMP_LOG_TERSE("Profile read from file " << files[i] << " size = " << profile->size() << std::endl); } } } }
void RecursiveAssignmentsTable::load_assignments( const Subset &s, AssignmentContainer *pac) const { set_was_used(true); IMP_OBJECT_LOG; IMP_NEW(SimpleAssignmentsTable, sac, (pst_, sft_, max_)); recursive_load_assignments(s, pst_, sft_, max_, sac, pac); }
display::Geometries create_blame_geometries(const RestraintsTemp &rs, const ParticlesTemp &ps, double max, std::string name) { IMP_FUNCTION_LOG; FloatKey key("blame temporary key"); assign_blame(rs, ps, key); if (max == NO_MAX) { max = -NO_MAX; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ps.size(); ++i) { max = std::max(ps[i]->get_value(key), max); } IMP_LOG_TERSE("Maximum blame value is " << max << std::endl); } display::Geometries ret; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ps.size(); ++i) { double colorv; if (max == 0) { colorv = 0; } else { colorv = display::get_linear_color_map_value(0, max, ps[i]->get_value(key)); } display::Color c = display::get_hot_color(colorv); IMP_NEW(XYZRGeometry, g, (ps[i])); if (!name.empty()) { g->set_name(name); } g->set_color(c); ret.push_back(g); } return ret; }
void Fine2DRegistrationRestraint::setup( ParticlesTemp &ps, const ProjectingParameters ¶ms, Model *scoring_model, // ScoreFunctionPtr score_function, ScoreFunction *score_function, MasksManagerPtr masks) { IMP_LOG_TERSE("Initializing Fine2DRegistrationRestraint" << std::endl); ps_ = ps; params_ = params; // Generate all the projection masks for the structure if (masks == MasksManagerPtr()) { // Create the masks masks_ = MasksManagerPtr(new MasksManager(params.resolution, params.pixel_size)); masks_->create_masks(ps); IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("Created " << masks_->get_number_of_masks() << " masks withing Fine2DRegistrationRestraint " << std::endl); } else { masks_ = masks; IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("masks given to Fine2DRegistrationRestraint " << std::endl); } // Create a particle for the projection parameters to be optimized subj_params_particle_ = new Particle(scoring_model); PP_ = ProjectionParameters::setup_particle(subj_params_particle_); PP_.set_parameters_optimized(true); // Add an score state to the model IMP_NEW(ProjectionParametersScoreState, pp_score_state, (subj_params_particle_)); scoring_model->add_score_state(pp_score_state); score_function_ = score_function; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // TODO: emulate real runtime parameters by initializig fake argc / argv? try { IMP::base::setup_from_argv(argc, argv, "Test of the main loop for npc transport"); std::string config = IMP::npctransport::get_data_path("quick.pb"); std::string assignment = IMP::base::create_temporary_file_name("output", ".pb"); std::string output = IMP::base::create_temporary_file_name("output", ".rmf"); IMP::base::set_log_level(IMP::base::LogLevel(IMP::base::SILENT)); int num=IMP::npctransport::assign_ranges (config, assignment, 0, true, IMP::base::get_random_seed()); std::cout << "num ranges " << num << std::endl; IMP_NEW(IMP::npctransport::SimulationData, sd,(assignment, true /* quick */)); sd->set_rmf_file_name(output); sd->get_m()->set_log_level(IMP::base::SILENT); std::cout << "Files are " << assignment << " and " << output << std::endl; IMP::npctransport::do_main_loop(sd, IMP::RestraintsTemp()); } catch (IMP::base::Exception e) { std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } return 0; }
void get_segmentation(em::DensityMap *dmap, double apix, double density_threshold, int num_means, const std::string pdb_filename, const std::string cmm_filename, const std::string seg_filename, const std::string txt_filename) { IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("start setting trn_em" << std::endl); IMP_NEW(DensityDataPoints, ddp, (dmap, density_threshold)); IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("initialize calculation of initial centers" << std::endl); statistics::internal::VQClustering vq(ddp, num_means);; DataPointsAssignment assignment(ddp, &vq); AnchorsData ad(assignment.get_centers(), *(assignment.get_edges())); multifit::write_pdb(pdb_filename, assignment); // also write cmm string into a file: if (cmm_filename != "") { write_cmm(cmm_filename, "anchor_graph", ad); } if (seg_filename != "") { write_segments_as_mrc(dmap, assignment, apix, apix, density_threshold, seg_filename); } if (txt_filename != "") { write_txt(txt_filename, ad); } }
SecondaryStructureResidue setup_coarse_secondary_structure_residue( const Particles &ssr_ps, Model *mdl, bool winner_takes_all_per_res) { Floats scores; scores.push_back(0.0); scores.push_back(0.0); scores.push_back(0.0); int count = 0; for (Particles::const_iterator p = ssr_ps.begin(); p != ssr_ps.end(); ++p) { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(SecondaryStructureResidue::get_is_setup(*p), "all particles must be SecondaryStructureResidues"); SecondaryStructureResidue ssr(*p); Floats tmp_scores; tmp_scores.push_back(ssr.get_prob_helix()); tmp_scores.push_back(ssr.get_prob_strand()); tmp_scores.push_back(ssr.get_prob_coil()); int max_i = 0; Float max = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (tmp_scores[i] > max) { max = tmp_scores[i]; max_i = i; } if (!winner_takes_all_per_res) scores[i] += tmp_scores[i]; } if (winner_takes_all_per_res) scores[max_i] += 1.0; count++; } IMP_NEW(Particle, coarse_p, (mdl)); SecondaryStructureResidue ssres = SecondaryStructureResidue::setup_particle( coarse_p, scores[0] / count, scores[1] / count, scores[2] / count); return ssres; }
atom::Hierarchy create_coarse_molecule_from_molecule( const atom::Hierarchy &mh,int num_beads, Model *mdl, float bead_radius, bool add_conn_restraint) { IMP_NEW(IMP::statistics::internal::ParticlesDataPoints, ddp, (core::get_leaves(mh))); IMP::statistics::internal::VQClustering vq(ddp,num_beads);; multifit::DataPointsAssignment assignment(ddp,&vq); atom::Selections sel; algebra::Vector3Ds vecs; for (int i=0;i<num_beads;i++){ IMP::statistics::internal::Array1DD xyz = assignment.get_cluster_engine()->get_center(i); vecs.push_back(algebra::Vector3D(xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2])); } //todo - mass should be a parameter atom::Hierarchy ret_prot=create_molecule(vecs,bead_radius,3,mdl); ParticlesTemp leaves=core::get_leaves(ret_prot); for (ParticlesTemp::iterator it = leaves.begin();it != leaves.end();it++){ sel.push_back(atom::Selection(atom::Hierarchy(*it))); } if (add_conn_restraint){ int k=1;//todo - make this a parameter Restraint *r = atom::create_connectivity_restraint(sel,k); if (r != nullptr){ mdl->add_restraint(r);} } return ret_prot; }
CnSymmAxisDetector::CnSymmAxisDetector(int symm_deg, const atom::Hierarchies &mhs) : symm_deg_(symm_deg) { // create a density map kernel::Particles ps; for (atom::Hierarchies::const_iterator it = mhs.begin(); it != mhs.end(); it++) { kernel::Particles temp_ps = core::get_leaves(*it); ps.insert(ps.end(), temp_ps.begin(), temp_ps.end()); } // TODO - check the number of particles!! IMP_NEW(em::SampledDensityMap, sampled_dmap, (ps, 3., 1.)); sampled_dmap->resample(); sampled_dmap->calcRMS(); dmap_ = new em::DensityMap(*(sampled_dmap->get_header())); dmap_->copy_map(sampled_dmap); double top_20_den_val = get_top_density_value(dmap_, dmap_->get_header()->dmin, 0.8); vecs_ = em::density2vectors(dmap_, top_20_den_val); // calculate pca pca_ = algebra::get_principal_components(vecs_); // calculate transformation from the native axes system to the one // defined by the pca from_native_ = algebra::get_rotation_from_x_y_axes( pca_.get_principal_component(0), pca_.get_principal_component(1)); to_native_ = from_native_.get_inverse(); sampled_dmap = nullptr; }
void AnchorsData::setup_secondary_structure(Model *mdl) { for (int anum = 0; anum < (int)points_.size(); anum++) { IMP_NEW(Particle, ssr_p, (mdl)); atom::SecondaryStructureResidue default_ssr = atom::SecondaryStructureResidue::setup_particle(ssr_p); secondary_structure_ps_.push_back(ssr_p); } }
IMP::algebra::DenseGrid3D<float> get_complementarity_grid(const IMP::ParticlesTemp &ps, const ComplementarityGridParameters ¶ms) { IMP_NEW(SurfaceDistanceMap, sdm, (ps, params.voxel_size)); sdm->resample(); IMP::algebra::BoundingBox3D bb = IMP::em::get_bounding_box(sdm); IMP_LOG_VERBOSE( __FUNCTION__ << ": Sampled bounding box is " << bb.get_corner(0) << " to " << bb.get_corner(1) << '\n'); IMP::algebra::DenseGrid3D<float> grid(params.voxel_size, bb); IMP_GRID3D_FOREACH_VOXEL(grid, IMP_UNUSED(loop_voxel_index); long idx = sdm->get_voxel_by_location( voxel_center[0], voxel_center[1], voxel_center[2]); if ( idx > -1 ) { float v = sdm->get_value(idx); if ( v > 0 ) { //inside voxel if ( v - 1 > params.interior_cutoff_distance ) grid[voxel_center] = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); else grid[voxel_center] = int((v - 1)/params.interior_thickness) + 1; /***Shouldn't happen if(grid[voxel_center] < 0) std::cout << "INSIDE voxel negative " << grid[voxel_center] << std::endl; **/ } else if ( v < 0 ) { // outside voxel v = -v - 1; // assume complementarity_thickness is sorted!!! Floats::const_iterator p = std::lower_bound( params.complementarity_thickness.begin(), params.complementarity_thickness.end(), v); if ( p == params.complementarity_thickness.end() ) v = 0; else { v = params.complementarity_value[ p - params.complementarity_thickness.begin()]; } grid[voxel_center] = v; /*** Shouldn't happen if(grid[voxel_center] >= std::numeric_limits<float>::max()) std::cout << "OUTSIDE voxel infinite " << grid[voxel_center] << std::endl; if(grid[voxel_center] > 0) std::cout << "OUTSIDE voxel positive " << grid[voxel_center] << std::endl; **/ } });
CHARMMTopology *CHARMMParameters::create_topology(Hierarchy hierarchy) const { IMP_OBJECT_LOG; IMP_NEW(CHARMMTopology, topology, (this)); Hierarchies chains = get_by_type(hierarchy, CHAIN_TYPE); for (Hierarchies::iterator chainit = chains.begin(); chainit != chains.end(); ++chainit) { IMP_NEW(CHARMMSegmentTopology, segment, ()); Hierarchies residues = get_by_type(*chainit, RESIDUE_TYPE); for (Hierarchies::iterator resit = residues.begin(); resit != residues.end(); ++resit) { ResidueType restyp = Residue(*resit).get_residue_type(); try { IMP_NEW(CHARMMResidueTopology, residue, (get_residue_topology(restyp))); segment->add_residue(residue); } catch (base::ValueException) { // If residue type is unknown, add empty topology for this residue IMP_WARN_ONCE( restyp.get_string(), "Residue type " << restyp << " was not found in " "topology library; using empty topology for this residue", warn_context_); IMP_NEW(CHARMMResidueTopology, residue, (restyp)); segment->add_residue(residue); } } topology->add_segment(segment); } // keep clang happy bool dumped = false; IMP_IF_LOG(VERBOSE) { dumped = true; warn_context_.dump_warnings(); } if (!dumped) { warn_context_.clear_warnings(); } // Topology objects are not designed to be added into other containers topology->set_was_used(true); return topology.release(); }
SimpleDistance create_simple_distance(const kernel::Particles &ps) { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(ps.size() == 2, "Two particles should be given"); /****** Set the restraint ******/ IMP_NEW(core::HarmonicUpperBound, h, (0, 1)); IMP_NEW(core::DistanceRestraint, dr, (h, ps[0], ps[1])); /****** Add restraint to the model ******/ //Model *mdl = (*ps)[0]->get_model(); //mdl->add_restraint(dr); /****** Return a SimpleDistance object ******/ return SimpleDistance(dr, h); }
SingletonContainerAdaptor ::SingletonContainerAdaptor(const ParticlesTemp &t, std::string name) { Model *m=internal::get_model(t); IMP_NEW(internal::InternalListSingletonContainer, c, (m, name)); c->set_particles(t); P::operator=(c); }
unsigned int get_enclosing_image_size(const ParticlesTemp &ps, double pixel_size, unsigned int slack) { IMP_NEW(Particle, p, (ps[0]->get_model(), "cover Particle")); // core::XYZsTemp xyzs(ps); core::XYZs xyzs(ps); double diameter = 2 * core::get_enclosing_sphere(xyzs).get_radius(); unsigned int size = static_cast<unsigned int>(diameter / pixel_size) + 2 * slack; return size; }
SimpleDiameter create_simple_diameter(const kernel::Particles &ps, Float diameter) { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(ps.size() >= 2, "At least two particles should be given"); /****** Set the restraint ******/ IMP_NEW(core::HarmonicUpperBound, h, (0, 1)); IMP_NEW(container::ListSingletonContainer, lsc, (get_as<kernel::ParticlesTemp>(ps))); IMP_NEW(core::DiameterRestraint, dr, (h, lsc, diameter)); /****** Add restraint to the model ******/ //Model *mdl = (*ps)[0]->get_model(); //mdl->add_restraint(dr); /****** Return a SimpleDiameter object ******/ return SimpleDiameter(dr, h); }
SecondaryStructureResidues read_psipred(TextInput inf, Model* mdl) { Strings ss = parse_psipred_file(inf); int nres = ss[0].size(); Particles ps; for (int nr = 0; nr < nres; nr++) { IMP_NEW(Particle, p, (mdl)); ps.push_back(p); } return create_sses_from_strings(ss, ps); }
void Optimizer::set_restraints(const RestraintsTemp &rs) { if (rs.empty()) { // otherwise the SF can't figure out the model IMP_NEW(RestraintSet, rss, (get_model(), 1.0, "dummy restraint set")); RestraintsTemp rt(1, rss); set_scoring_function(new internal::RestraintsScoringFunction(rt)); } else { set_scoring_function(new internal::RestraintsScoringFunction(rs)); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { IMP::setup_from_argv(argc, argv, "Testing protection of particles"); // no checks in fast mode #if IMP_HAS_CHECKS >= IMP_INTERNAL IMP_NEW(IMP::Model, m, ()); IMP_NEW(IMP::Particle, p, (m)); IMP::SetNumberOfThreads no(1); IMP_NEW(TouchyRestraint, r, (p, IMP::FloatKey(0))); try { r->evaluate(false); // there had better be an exception return 1; // the exception gets translated into a normal IMP exception } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } #endif return 0; }
ClassnameContainerAdaptor::ClassnameContainerAdaptor( const PLURALVARIABLETYPE &t) { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(t.size() > 0, "An Empty PLURALVARIABLETYPE list cannot be adapted to " "container since it lacks model info"); Model *m = internal::get_model(t); IMP_NEW(internal::StaticListContainer<ClassnameContainer>, c, (m, "ClassnameContainerInput%1%")); c->set(IMP::internal::get_index(t)); P::operator=(c); }
IMPEXAMPLE_BEGIN_NAMESPACE core::MonteCarloMover *create_serial_mover(const kernel::ParticlesTemp &ps) { core::MonteCarloMovers movers; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ps.size(); ++i) { double scale = core::XYZR(ps[i]).get_radius(); movers.push_back(new core::BallMover(ps[i]->get_model(), ps[i]->get_index(), scale * 2)); } IMP_NEW(core::SerialMover, sm, (get_as<core::MonteCarloMoversTemp>(movers))); return sm.release(); }
Restraints MSConnectivityRestraint::do_create_current_decomposition() const { ParticlePairsTemp pp = get_connected_pairs(); Restraints ret(pp.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pp.size(); ++i) { IMP_NEW(PairRestraint, pr, (ps_, pp[i])); std::ostringstream oss; oss << get_name() << " " << i; pr->set_name(oss.str()); ret[i] = pr; } return ret; }
void EzRestraint::setup() { Model *m = get_model(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ps_.size(); ++i) { // get residue type std::string restype = atom::Residue(atom::Atom(m, ps_[i]).get_parent()) .get_residue_type() .get_string(); // get parameters from residue type Floats param = get_parameters(restype); // create Sigmoid of Gaussian if (restype != "TYR" && restype != "TRP") { IMP_NEW(atom::internal::Sigmoid, ptr, (param[0], param[1], param[2])); ptr->set_was_used(true); ufs_.push_back(ptr); } else { IMP_NEW(atom::internal::Gaussian, ptr, (param[0], param[1], param[2])); ptr->set_was_used(true); ufs_.push_back(ptr); } } }