}; static union option_info uri_rewrite_options[] = { INIT_OPT_TREE("protocol", N_("URI rewriting"), "rewrite", OPT_SORT, N_("Rules for rewriting URIs entered in the goto dialog. " "It makes it possible to define a set of prefixes that will " "be expanded if they match a string entered in the goto " "dialog. The prefixes can be dumb, meaning that they work " "only like URI abbreviations, or smart ones, making it " "possible to pass arguments to them like search engine " "keywords.")), INIT_OPT_BOOL("protocol.rewrite", N_("Enable dumb prefixes"), "enable-dumb", 0, 1, N_("Enable dumb prefixes - simple URI abbreviations which " "can be written to the Goto URL dialog instead of actual URIs " "- i.e. if you write 'elinks' there, you are directed to " "http://elinks.cz/.")), INIT_OPT_BOOL("protocol.rewrite", N_("Enable smart prefixes"), "enable-smart", 0, 1, N_("Enable smart prefixes - URI templates triggered by " "writing given abbreviation to the Goto URL dialog followed " "by a list of arguments from which the actual URI is composed " "- i.e. 'gg:search keywords' or 'gn search keywords for " "news'.")), INIT_OPT_TREE("protocol.rewrite", N_("Dumb Prefixes"), "dumb", OPT_AUTOCREATE | OPT_SORT, N_("Dumb prefixes, see enable-dumb description for details.")),
socket_SSL_ex_data_idx = SSL_get_ex_new_index(0, NULL, NULL, socket_SSL_ex_data_dup, NULL); } static void done_openssl(struct module *module) { if (context) SSL_CTX_free(context); /* There is no function that undoes SSL_get_ex_new_index. */ } static struct option_info openssl_options[] = { INIT_OPT_BOOL("connection.ssl", N_("Verify certificates"), "cert_verify", 0, 0, N_("Verify the peer's SSL certificate. Note that this " "needs extensive configuration of OpenSSL by the user.")), INIT_OPT_TREE("connection.ssl", N_("Client Certificates"), "client_cert", OPT_SORT, N_("X509 client certificate options.")), INIT_OPT_BOOL("connection.ssl.client_cert", N_("Enable"), "enable", 0, 0, N_("Enable or not the sending of X509 client certificates " "to servers which request them.")), #ifdef CONFIG_NSS_COMPAT_OSSL INIT_OPT_STRING("connection.ssl.client_cert", N_("Certificate nickname"), "nickname", 0, "", N_("The nickname of the client certificate stored in NSS "
#include "protocol/http/http.h" #include "protocol/uri.h" #include "util/conv.h" #include "util/file.h" #include "util/memory.h" #include "util/string.h" static union option_info file_options[] = { INIT_OPT_TREE("protocol", N_("Local files"), "file", 0, N_("Options specific to local browsing.")), INIT_OPT_BOOL("protocol.file", N_("Allow reading special files"), "allow_special_files", 0, 0, N_("Whether to allow reading from non-regular files. " "Note this can be dangerous; reading /dev/urandom or " "/dev/zero can ruin your day!")), INIT_OPT_BOOL("protocol.file", N_("Show hidden files in directory listing"), "show_hidden_files", 0, 1, N_("When set to false, files with name starting with a dot " "will be hidden in local directory listings.")), INIT_OPT_BOOL("protocol.file", N_("Try encoding extensions"), "try_encoding_extensions", 0, 1, N_("When set, if we can't open a file named 'filename', " "we'll try to open 'filename' with some encoding extension " "appended (ie. 'filename.gz'); it depends on the supported " "encodings.")),