Example #1
 * @brief Draws the free and usable inventory positions when dragging an item.
 * @note Only call this function in dragging mode
static void UI_ContainerNodeDrawFreeSpace (uiNode_t *node, inventory_t *inv)
	const objDef_t *od = UI_DNDGetItem()->item;	/**< Get the 'type' of the dragged item. */
	vec2_t nodepos;

	/* Draw only in dragging-mode and not for the equip-floor */

	UI_GetNodeAbsPos(node, nodepos);
	/* if single container (hands, extension, headgear) */
	if (EXTRADATA(node).container->single) {
		/* if container is free or the dragged-item is in it */
		if (UI_DNDIsSourceNode(node) || INVSH_CheckToInventory(inv, od, EXTRADATA(node).container, 0, 0, dragInfoIC))
			UI_DrawFree(EXTRADATA(node).container->id, node, nodepos[0], nodepos[1], node->box.size[0], node->box.size[1], true);
	} else {
		/* The shape of the free positions. */
		uint32_t free[SHAPE_BIG_MAX_HEIGHT];
		bool showTUs = true;
		int x, y;


		for (y = 0; y < SHAPE_BIG_MAX_HEIGHT; y++) {
			for (x = 0; x < SHAPE_BIG_MAX_WIDTH; x++) {
				/* Check if the current position is usable (topleft of the item). */

				/* Add '1's to each position the item is 'blocking'. */
				const int checkedTo = INVSH_CheckToInventory(inv, od, EXTRADATA(node).container, x, y, dragInfoIC);
				if (checkedTo & INV_FITS)				/* Item can be placed normally. */
					INVSH_MergeShapes(free, (uint32_t)od->shape, x, y);
				if (checkedTo & INV_FITS_ONLY_ROTATED)	/* Item can be placed rotated. */
					INVSH_MergeShapes(free, INVSH_ShapeRotate((uint32_t)od->shape), x, y);

				/* Only draw on existing positions. */
				if (INVSH_CheckShape(EXTRADATA(node).container->shape, x, y)) {
					if (INVSH_CheckShape(free, x, y)) {
						UI_DrawFree(EXTRADATA(node).container->id, node, nodepos[0] + x * C_UNIT, nodepos[1] + y * C_UNIT, C_UNIT, C_UNIT, showTUs);
						showTUs = false;
Example #2
 * @brief Add an item to a specified container in a given inventory.
 * @note Set x and y to NONE if the item should get added to an automatically chosen free spot in the container.
 * @param[in] self The inventory interface pointer
 * @param[in,out] inv Pointer to inventory definition, to which we will add item.
 * @param[in] item Item to add to given container (needs to have "rotated" tag already set/checked, this is NOT checked here!)
 * @param[in] container Container in given inventory definition, where the new item will be stored.
 * @param[in] x The x location in the container.
 * @param[in] y The x location in the container.
 * @param[in] amount How many items of this type should be added. (this will overwrite the amount as defined in "item.amount")
 * @sa I_RemoveFromInventory
 * @return the @c invList_t pointer the item was added to, or @c NULL in case of an error (item wasn't added)
static invList_t *I_AddToInventory (inventoryInterface_t* self, inventory_t * const inv, const item_t* const item, const invDef_t * container, int x, int y, int amount)
	invList_t *ic;
	int checkedTo;

	if (!item->t)
		return NULL;

	if (amount <= 0)
		return NULL;


	if (container->single && inv->c[container->id] && inv->c[container->id]->next)
		return NULL;

	/* idEquip and idFloor */
	if (container->temp) {
		for (ic = inv->c[container->id]; ic; ic = ic->next)
			if (INVSH_CompareItem(&ic->item, item)) {
				ic->item.amount += amount;
				Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_SHARED, "I_AddToInventory: Amount of '%s': %i (%s)\n",
					ic->item.t->name, ic->item.amount, self->name);
				return ic;

	if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= SHAPE_BIG_MAX_WIDTH || y >= SHAPE_BIG_MAX_HEIGHT) {
		/* No (sane) position in container given as parameter - find free space on our own. */
		INVSH_FindSpace(inv, item, container, &x, &y, NULL);
		if (x == NONE)
			return NULL;

	checkedTo = INVSH_CheckToInventory(inv, item->t, container, x, y, NULL);

	/* not found - add a new one */
	ic = I_AddInvList(self, &inv->c[container->id]);

	/* Set the data in the new entry to the data we got via function-parameters.*/
	ic->item = *item;
	ic->item.amount = amount;

	/* don't reset an already applied rotation */
	if (checkedTo == INV_FITS_ONLY_ROTATED)
		ic->item.rotated = qtrue;
	ic->x = x;
	ic->y = y;

	return ic;
Example #3
 * @brief Draw a preview of the DND item dropped into the node
static void UI_ContainerNodeDrawDropPreview (uiNode_t *target)
	item_t previewItem;
	int checkedTo;
	vec3_t origine;

	/* no preview into scrollable list */
	if (UI_IsScrollContainerNode(target))

	/* copy the DND item to not change the original one */
	previewItem = *UI_DNDGetItem();
	previewItem.rotated = false;
	checkedTo = INVSH_CheckToInventory(ui_inventory, previewItem.item, EXTRADATA(target).container, dragInfoToX, dragInfoToY, dragInfoIC);
	switch (checkedTo) {
	case INV_FITS:
		/** @todo enable Shift-rotate for battlescape too when issues are solved */
		if (!Key_IsDown(K_SHIFT) || CL_BattlescapeRunning())
		previewItem.rotated = true;

	/* Hack, no preview for armour, we don't want it out of the armour container (and armour container is not visible) */
	if (INV_IsArmour(previewItem.item))

	UI_GetNodeAbsPos(target, origine);
	origine[2] = -40;

	/* Get center of single container for placement of preview item */
	if (EXTRADATA(target).container->single) {
		origine[0] += target->box.size[0] / 2.0;
		origine[1] += target->box.size[1] / 2.0;
	/* This is a "grid" container - we need to calculate the item-position
	 * (on the screen) from stored placement in the container and the
	 * calculated rotation info. */
	} else {
		if (previewItem.rotated) {
			origine[0] += (dragInfoToX + previewItem.item->sy / 2.0) * C_UNIT;
			origine[1] += (dragInfoToY + previewItem.item->sx / 2.0) * C_UNIT;
		} else {
			origine[0] += (dragInfoToX + previewItem.item->sx / 2.0) * C_UNIT;
			origine[1] += (dragInfoToY + previewItem.item->sy / 2.0) * C_UNIT;

	UI_DrawItem(NULL, origine, &previewItem, -1, -1, scale, colorPreview);
Example #4
 * @brief Tries to add an item to a container (in the inventory inv).
 * @param[in] self The inventory interface pointer
 * @param[in] inv Inventory pointer to add the item.
 * @param[in] item Item to add to inventory.
 * @param[in] container Container id.
 * @sa INVSH_FindSpace
 * @sa I_AddToInventory
static bool I_TryAddToInventory (inventoryInterface_t* self, inventory_t* const inv, const item_t * const item, const invDef_t * container)
	int x, y;

	INVSH_FindSpace(inv, item, container, &x, &y, NULL);

	if (x == NONE) {
		assert(y == NONE);
		return false;
	} else {
		const int checkedTo = INVSH_CheckToInventory(inv, item->item, container, x, y, NULL);
		if (!checkedTo)
			return false;

		const bool rotated = checkedTo == INV_FITS_ONLY_ROTATED;
		item_t itemRotation = *item;
		itemRotation.rotated = rotated;

		return self->AddToInventory(self, inv, &itemRotation, container, x, y, 1) != NULL;
Example #5
 * @brief Conditions for moving items between containers.
 * @param[in] self The inventory interface pointer
 * @param[in] inv Inventory to move in.
 * @param[in] from Source container.
 * @param[in] fItem The item to be moved.
 * @param[in] to Destination container.
 * @param[in] tx X coordinate in destination container.
 * @param[in] ty Y coordinate in destination container.
 * @param[in,out] TU pointer to entity available TU at this moment
 * or @c NULL if TU doesn't matter (outside battlescape)
 * @param[out] icp
 * @return IA_NOTIME when not enough TU.
 * @return IA_NONE if no action possible.
 * @return IA_NORELOAD if you cannot reload a weapon.
 * @return IA_RELOAD_SWAP in case of exchange of ammo in a weapon.
 * @return IA_RELOAD when reloading.
 * @return IA_ARMOUR when placing an armour on the actor.
 * @return IA_MOVE when just moving an item.
static int I_MoveInInventory (inventoryInterface_t* self, inventory_t* const inv, const invDef_t * from, invList_t *fItem, const invDef_t * to, int tx, int ty, int *TU, invList_t ** icp)
	invList_t *ic;

	int time;
	int checkedTo = INV_DOES_NOT_FIT;
	qboolean alreadyRemovedSource = qfalse;


	if (icp)
		*icp = NULL;

	if (from == to && fItem->x == tx && fItem->y == ty)
		return IA_NONE;

	time = from->out + to->in;
	if (from == to) {
		if (INV_IsFloorDef(from))
			time = 0;
			time /= 2;

	if (TU && *TU < time)
		return IA_NOTIME;


	/* Special case for moving an item within the same container. */
	if (from == to) {
		/* Do nothing if we move inside a scroll container. */
		if (from->scroll)
			return IA_NONE;

		ic = inv->c[from->id];
		for (; ic; ic = ic->next) {
			if (ic == fItem) {
				if (ic->item.amount > 1) {
					checkedTo = INVSH_CheckToInventory(inv, ic->item.t, to, tx, ty, fItem);
					if (checkedTo & INV_FITS) {
						ic->x = tx;
						ic->y = ty;
						if (icp)
							*icp = ic;
						return IA_MOVE;
					return IA_NONE;

	/* If weapon is twohanded and is moved from hand to hand do nothing. */
	/* Twohanded weapon are only in CSI->idRight. */
	if (fItem->item.t->fireTwoHanded && INV_IsLeftDef(to) && INV_IsRightDef(from)) {
		return IA_NONE;

	/* If non-armour moved to an armour slot then abort.
	 * Same for non extension items when moved to an extension slot. */
	if ((to->armour && !INV_IsArmour(fItem->item.t))
	 || (to->extension && !fItem->item.t->extension)
	 || (to->headgear && !fItem->item.t->headgear)) {
		return IA_NONE;

	/* Check if the target is a blocked inv-armour and source!=dest. */
	if (to->single)
		checkedTo = INVSH_CheckToInventory(inv, fItem->item.t, to, 0, 0, fItem);
	else {
		if (tx == NONE || ty == NONE)
			INVSH_FindSpace(inv, &fItem->item, to, &tx, &ty, fItem);
		/* still no valid location found */
		if (tx == NONE || ty == NONE)
			return IA_NONE;

		checkedTo = INVSH_CheckToInventory(inv, fItem->item.t, to, tx, ty, fItem);

	if (to->armour && from != to && !checkedTo) {
		item_t cacheItem2;
		invList_t *icTo;
		/* Store x/y origin coordinates of removed (source) item.
		 * When we re-add it we can use this. */
		const int cacheFromX = fItem->x;
		const int cacheFromY = fItem->y;

		/* Check if destination/blocking item is the same as source/from item.
		 * In that case the move is not needed -> abort. */
		icTo = INVSH_SearchInInventory(inv, to, tx, ty);
		if (fItem->item.t == icTo->item.t)
			return IA_NONE;

		/* Actually remove the ammo from the 'from' container. */
		if (!self->RemoveFromInventory(self, inv, from, fItem))
			return IA_NONE;
			/* Removal successful - store this info. */
			alreadyRemovedSource = qtrue;

		cacheItem2 = self->cacheItem; /* Save/cache (source) item. The cacheItem is modified in I_MoveInInventory. */

		/* Move the destination item to the source. */
		self->MoveInInventory(self, inv, to, icTo, from, cacheFromX, cacheFromY, TU, icp);

		/* Reset the cached item (source) (It'll be move to container emptied by destination item later.) */
		self->cacheItem = cacheItem2;
	} else if (!checkedTo) {
		/* Get the target-invlist (e.g. a weapon). We don't need to check for
		 * scroll because checkedTo is always true here. */
		ic = INVSH_SearchInInventory(inv, to, tx, ty);

		if (ic && !INV_IsEquipDef(to) && INVSH_LoadableInWeapon(fItem->item.t, ic->item.t)) {
			/* A target-item was found and the dragged item (implicitly ammo)
			 * can be loaded in it (implicitly weapon). */
			if (ic->item.a >= ic->item.t->ammo && ic->item.m == fItem->item.t) {
				/* Weapon already fully loaded with the same ammunition -> abort */
				return IA_NORELOAD;
			time += ic->item.t->reload;
			if (!TU || *TU >= time) {
				if (TU)
					*TU -= time;
				if (ic->item.a >= ic->item.t->ammo) {
					/* exchange ammo */
					const item_t item = {NONE_AMMO, NULL, ic->item.m, 0, 0};
					/* Put current ammo in place of the new ammo unless floor - there can be more than 1 item */
					const int cacheFromX = INV_IsFloorDef(from) ? NONE : fItem->x;
					const int cacheFromY = INV_IsFloorDef(from) ? NONE : fItem->y;

					/* Actually remove the ammo from the 'from' container. */
					if (!self->RemoveFromInventory(self, inv, from, fItem))
						return IA_NONE;

					/* Add the currently used ammo in place of the new ammo in the "from" container. */
					if (self->AddToInventory(self, inv, &item, from, cacheFromX, cacheFromY, 1) == NULL)
						Sys_Error("Could not reload the weapon - add to inventory failed (%s)", self->name);

					ic->item.m = self->cacheItem.t;
					if (icp)
						*icp = ic;
					return IA_RELOAD_SWAP;
				} else {
					/* Actually remove the ammo from the 'from' container. */
					if (!self->RemoveFromInventory(self, inv, from, fItem))
						return IA_NONE;

					ic->item.m = self->cacheItem.t;
					/* loose ammo of type ic->item.m saved on server side */
					ic->item.a = ic->item.t->ammo;
					if (icp)
						*icp = ic;
					return IA_RELOAD;
			/* Not enough time -> abort. */
			return IA_NOTIME;

		/* temp container like idEquip and idFloor */
		if (ic && to->temp) {
			/* We are moving to a blocked location container but it's the base-equipment floor or a battlescape floor.
			 * We add the item anyway but it'll not be displayed (yet)
			 * This is then used in I_AddToInventory below.*/
			/** @todo change the other code to browse trough these things. */
			INVSH_FindSpace(inv, &fItem->item, to, &tx, &ty, fItem);
			if (tx == NONE || ty == NONE) {
				Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_SHARED, "I_MoveInInventory - item will be added non-visible (%s)\n", self->name);
		} else {
			/* Impossible move -> abort. */
			return IA_NONE;

	/* twohanded exception - only CSI->idRight is allowed for fireTwoHanded weapons */
	if (fItem->item.t->fireTwoHanded && INV_IsLeftDef(to))
		to = &self->csi->ids[self->csi->idRight];

	if (checkedTo == INV_FITS_ONLY_ROTATED) {
		/* Set rotated tag */
		fItem->item.rotated = qtrue;
	} else if (fItem->item.rotated) {
		/* Remove rotated tag */
		fItem->item.rotated = qfalse;

	/* Actually remove the item from the 'from' container (if it wasn't already removed). */
	if (!alreadyRemovedSource)
		if (!self->RemoveFromInventory(self, inv, from, fItem))
			return IA_NONE;

	/* successful */
	if (TU)
		*TU -= time;

	ic = self->AddToInventory(self, inv, &self->cacheItem, to, tx, ty, 1);

	/* return data */
	if (icp) {
		*icp = ic;

	if (INV_IsArmourDef(to)) {
		return IA_ARMOUR;
	} else
		return IA_MOVE;
Example #6
 * @brief Call into the target when the DND hover it
 * @return True if the DND is accepted
bool uiContainerNode::onDndMove (uiNode_t *target, int x, int y)
	vec2_t nodepos;
	bool exists;
	int itemX = 0;
	int itemY = 0;
	item_t *dragItem = UI_DNDGetItem();

	/* we already check it when the node accept the DND */

	UI_GetNodeAbsPos(target, nodepos);

	/** We calculate the position of the top-left corner of the dragged
	 * item in oder to compensate for the centered-drawn cursor-item.
	 * Or to be more exact, we calculate the relative offset from the cursor
	 * location to the middle of the top-left square of the item.
	 * @sa UI_LeftClick */
	if (dragItem->item) {
		itemX = C_UNIT * dragItem->item->sx / 2;	/* Half item-width. */
		itemY = C_UNIT * dragItem->item->sy / 2;	/* Half item-height. */

		/* Place relative center in the middle of the square. */
		itemX -= C_UNIT / 2;
		itemY -= C_UNIT / 2;

	dragInfoToX = (mousePosX - nodepos[0] - itemX) / C_UNIT;
	dragInfoToY = (mousePosY - nodepos[1] - itemY) / C_UNIT;

	/* Check if the items already exists in the container. i.e. there is already at least one item. */
	exists = false;
	if ((INV_IsFloorDef(EXTRADATA(target).container) || INV_IsEquipDef(EXTRADATA(target).container))
		&& (dragInfoToX < 0 || dragInfoToY < 0 || dragInfoToX >= SHAPE_BIG_MAX_WIDTH || dragInfoToY >= SHAPE_BIG_MAX_HEIGHT)
		&& INVSH_ExistsInInventory(ui_inventory, EXTRADATA(target).container, dragItem)) {
		exists = true;

	/* Search for a suitable position to render the item at if
	 * the container is "single", the cursor is out of bound of the container. */
	if (!exists && dragItem->item && (EXTRADATA(target).container->single
		|| dragInfoToX < 0 || dragInfoToY < 0
		|| dragInfoToX >= SHAPE_BIG_MAX_WIDTH || dragInfoToY >= SHAPE_BIG_MAX_HEIGHT)) {
#if 0
/* ... or there is something in the way. */
/* We would need to check for weapon/ammo as well here, otherwise a preview would be drawn as well when hovering over the correct weapon to reload. */
		|| (INVSH_CheckToInventory(ui_inventory, dragItem->item, EXTRADATA(target).container, dragInfoToX, dragInfoToY) == INV_DOES_NOT_FIT)) {
		INVSH_FindSpace(ui_inventory, dragItem, EXTRADATA(target).container, &dragInfoToX, &dragInfoToY, dragInfoIC);

	/* we can drag every thing */
	if (UI_IsScrollContainerNode(target)) {
		return true;

		invList_t *fItem;

		/* is there empty slot? */
		const int checkedTo = INVSH_CheckToInventory(ui_inventory, dragItem->item, EXTRADATA(target).container, dragInfoToX, dragInfoToY, dragInfoIC);
		if (checkedTo != INV_DOES_NOT_FIT)
			return true;

		/* can we equip dragging item into the target item? */
		fItem = INVSH_SearchInInventory(ui_inventory, EXTRADATA(target).container, dragInfoToX, dragInfoToY);
		if (!fItem)
			return false;
		if (EXTRADATA(target).container->single)
			return true;
		return INVSH_LoadableInWeapon(dragItem->item, fItem->item.item);

 * @brief Call when a DND enter into the node
void uiContainerNode::onDndLeave (uiNode_t *node)
	dragInfoToX = -1;
	dragInfoToY = -1;