  osxHIDPointingDevice::hidQueueCallback(void *context, IOReturn /*result*/, void *sender) {
    // std::cerr << "osxHIDPointingDevice::hidQueueCallback" << std::endl ;
    osxHIDPointingDevice *self = (osxHIDPointingDevice*)context ;
    IOHIDQueueRef queue = (IOHIDQueueRef)sender ;

    while (true) {

      IOHIDValueRef hidvalue = IOHIDQueueCopyNextValueWithTimeout(queue, 0.) ;
      if (!hidvalue) break ;

#if 1
      TimeStamp::inttime uptime = AbsoluteTimeInNanoseconds(IOHIDValueGetTimeStamp(hidvalue)) ;
      TimeStamp::inttime timestamp = self->epoch + (uptime - self->epoch_mach)*TimeStamp::one_nanosecond ;

      TimeStamp::inttime timestamp = TimeStamp::createAsInt() ;

      if (self->qreport.isOlderThan(timestamp)) {
	// Flush the old qreport before creating a new one
	self->report(self->qreport) ;
	self->qreport.clear() ;

      IOHIDElementRef element = IOHIDValueGetElement(hidvalue) ;
      uint32_t usagepage = IOHIDElementGetUsagePage(element) ;
      uint32_t usage = IOHIDElementGetUsage(element) ;
      //std::cout << usagepage << std::endl;
      //std::cout << usage << std::endl;
      if (usagepage==kHIDPage_GenericDesktop) {
	if (usage==kHIDUsage_GD_X || usage==kHIDUsage_GD_Y) {
      // Could use IOHIDValueGetScaledValue(hidvalue, kIOHIDValueScaleTypePhysical)
      CFIndex d = IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(hidvalue) ;

      //std::cout << IOHIDValueGetBytePtr(hidvalue) << std::endl;
      //std::cout << IOHIDValueGetLength(hidvalue) << std::endl;
      if (d) {
	    if (usage==kHIDUsage_GD_X) self->qreport.dx = (int32_t)d ; else self->qreport.dy = (int32_t)d ;
	    self->qreport.t = timestamp ;
	// FIXME: GD_Z, GD_Wheel, etc.
      } else if (usagepage==kHIDPage_Button) {
	// kHIDUsage_Button_1 is 1
	self->qreport.setButton(usage-1, (uint32_t)IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(hidvalue)) ;
	self->qreport.t = timestamp ;

      CFRelease(hidvalue) ;

    // Flush the qreport we were constructing, if any
    if (self->qreport.t!=TimeStamp::undef)
      self->report(self->qreport) ;
    self->qreport.clear() ;
// ---------------------------------
// Get the next event in the queue for a device
// elements or entire device should be queued prior to calling this with HIDQueueElement or HIDQueueDevice
// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// Note: kIOReturnUnderrun returned from getNextEvent indicates an empty queue not an error condition
// Note: application should pass in a pointer to a IOHIDEventStruct cast to a void (for CFM compatibility)
unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef) {
	if (inIOHIDDeviceRef) {
		IOHIDQueueRef tIOHIDQueueRef = IOHIDDevice_GetQueue(inIOHIDDeviceRef);
		if (tIOHIDQueueRef) {
			if (pIOHIDValueRef) {
				*pIOHIDValueRef = IOHIDQueueCopyNextValueWithTimeout(tIOHIDQueueRef, 0.0);
				if (*pIOHIDValueRef) {
					return (true);
		} else {
			HIDReportError( "Could not get HID event, hid queue reference does not exist.");
	} else {
        HIDReportError( "Could not get HID event, device does not exist.");
	return (false);     // did not get event
} /* HIDGetEvent */
static void PsychHIDKbQueueCallbackFunction(void *target, IOReturn result, void *sender)
    // This routine is executed each time the queue transitions from empty to non-empty
    // The CFRunLoop of the thread in KbQueueWorkerThreadMain() is the one that executes here:
    IOHIDQueueRef queue = (IOHIDQueueRef) sender;
    IOHIDValueRef valueRef = NULL;
    int deviceIndex = (int) target;
    double timestamp;
    int eventValue;
    long keysUsage = -1;
    PsychHIDEventRecord evt;
    if (!queue) return; // Nothing we can do because we can't access queue, (shouldn't happen)
    while (1) {
        // This function only gets called when queue transitions from empty to non-empty
        // Therefore, we must process all available events in this while loop before
        // it will be possible for this function to be notified again.
        if (valueRef) {
            valueRef = NULL;
        // Dequeue next event from queue in a polling non-blocking fashion:
        valueRef = IOHIDQueueCopyNextValueWithTimeout(queue, 0.0);
        // Done? Exit, if so:
        if (!valueRef) break;
        // Get event value, e.g., the key state of a key or button 1 = pressed, 0 = released:
        eventValue = IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(valueRef);
        // Get usage value, ie., the identity of the key:
        IOHIDElementRef element = IOHIDValueGetElement(valueRef);
        keysUsage = IOHIDElementGetUsage(element);
        // Get double GetSecs timestamp, computed from returned uint64 nanoseconds timestamp:
        timestamp = convertTime(IOHIDValueGetTimeStamp(valueRef));
        // Don't bother with keysUsage of 0 (meaningless) or 1 (ErrorRollOver) for keyboards:
        if ((queueIsAKeyboard[deviceIndex]) && (keysUsage <= 1)) continue;
        // Clear ringbuffer event:
        memset(&evt, 0 , sizeof(evt));
        // Cooked key code defaults to "unhandled", and stays that way for anything but keyboards:
        evt.cookedEventCode = -1;
        // For real keyboards we can compute cooked key codes: Requires OSX 10.5 or later.
        if (queueIsAKeyboard[deviceIndex]) {
            // Keyboard(ish) device. We can handle this under some conditions.
            // Init to a default of handled, but unmappable/ignored keycode:
            evt.cookedEventCode = 0;
            // Keypress event code available in mapping table?
            if (keysUsage < kHID2VKCSize) {
                // Yes: We try to map this to a character code:
                // Step 1: Map HID usage value to virtual keycode via LUT:
                uint16_t vcKey = kHID2VKC[keysUsage];
                // Keep track of SHIFT keys as modifier keys: Bits 0 == Command, 1 == Shift, 2 == CapsLock, 3 == Alt/Option, 4 == CTRL
                if ((vcKey == kVKC_Shift || vcKey == kVKC_rShift) && (eventValue != 0)) modifierKeyState[deviceIndex] |=  (1 << 1);
                if ((vcKey == kVKC_Shift || vcKey == kVKC_rShift) && (eventValue == 0)) modifierKeyState[deviceIndex] &= ~(1 << 1);
                // Keep track of ALT keys as modifier keys:
                if ((vcKey == kVKC_Option || vcKey == kVKC_rOption) && (eventValue != 0)) modifierKeyState[deviceIndex] |=  (1 << 3);
                if ((vcKey == kVKC_Option || vcKey == kVKC_rOption) && (eventValue == 0)) modifierKeyState[deviceIndex] &= ~(1 << 3);
                // Keep track of CTRL keys as modifier keys:
                if ((vcKey == kVKC_Control || vcKey == kVKC_rControl) && (eventValue != 0)) modifierKeyState[deviceIndex] |=  (1 << 4);
                if ((vcKey == kVKC_Control || vcKey == kVKC_rControl) && (eventValue == 0)) modifierKeyState[deviceIndex] &= ~(1 << 4);
                // Was this a CTRL + C interrupt request?
                if ((eventValue != 0) && (vcKey == 0x08) && (modifierKeyState[deviceIndex] & (1 << 4))) {
                    // Yes: Tell the console input helper about it, so it can send interrupt
                    // signals to the runtime and reenable keyboard input if appropriate:
                    // Note: Not sure if the mutex exclusion is needed here, but better safe than sorry.
                // Key press?
                if (eventValue != 0) {
                    // Step 2: Translate virtual key code into unicode char:
                    // Ok, this is the usual horrifying complexity of Apple's system. We use code
                    // snippets found on StackOverflow, modified to suit our needs, e.g., we track
                    // modifier keys manually, at least left and right ALT and SHIFT keys. We don't
                    // care about other modifiers.
                    TISInputSourceRef currentKeyboard = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardInputSource();
                    CFDataRef uchr = (CFDataRef) ((currentKeyboard) ? TISGetInputSourceProperty(currentKeyboard, kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData) : NULL);
                    const UCKeyboardLayout *keyboardLayout = (const UCKeyboardLayout*) ((uchr) ? CFDataGetBytePtr(uchr) : NULL);
                    if (keyboardLayout) {
                        UInt32 deadKeyState = 0;
                        UniCharCount maxStringLength = 255;
                        UniCharCount actualStringLength = 0;
                        UniChar unicodeString[maxStringLength];
                        OSStatus status = UCKeyTranslate(keyboardLayout,
                                                         vcKey, kUCKeyActionDown, modifierKeyState[deviceIndex],
                                                         LMGetKbdType(), 0,
                                                         &actualStringLength, unicodeString);
                        if ((actualStringLength == 0) && deadKeyState) {
                            status = UCKeyTranslate(keyboardLayout,
                                                    kVK_Space, kUCKeyActionDown, 0,
                                                    LMGetKbdType(), 0,
                                                    &actualStringLength, unicodeString);
                        if((actualStringLength > 0) && (status == noErr)) {
                            // Assign final cooked / mapped keycode:
                            evt.cookedEventCode = (int) unicodeString[0];
                            // Send same keystroke character to console input helper.
                            // In kbqueue-based ListenChar(1) mode, the helper will
                            // inject/forward the character into the runtime:
                            // Note: ConsoleInputHelper() should be safe to call without
                            // mutex protection for >= 0 event codes.

        // Update records of first and latest key presses and releases
        if (eventValue != 0) {
            if (psychHIDKbQueueFirstPress[deviceIndex]) {
                // First key press timestamp:
                if (psychHIDKbQueueFirstPress[deviceIndex][keysUsage-1] == 0) {
                    psychHIDKbQueueFirstPress[deviceIndex][keysUsage-1] = timestamp;

            if (psychHIDKbQueueLastPress[deviceIndex]) {
                // Last key press timestamp:
                psychHIDKbQueueLastPress[deviceIndex][keysUsage-1] = timestamp;
            evt.status |= (1 << 0);
        else {
            if (psychHIDKbQueueFirstRelease[deviceIndex]) {
                // First key release timestamp:
                if (psychHIDKbQueueFirstRelease[deviceIndex][keysUsage-1] == 0) psychHIDKbQueueFirstRelease[deviceIndex][keysUsage-1] = timestamp;

            if (psychHIDKbQueueLastRelease[deviceIndex]) {
                // Last key release timestamp:
                psychHIDKbQueueLastRelease[deviceIndex][keysUsage-1] = timestamp;
            evt.status &= ~(1 << 0);

        // Update event buffer:
        evt.timestamp = timestamp;
        evt.rawEventCode = keysUsage;
        PsychHIDAddEventToEventBuffer(deviceIndex, &evt);

        // Tell waiting userspace (under KbQueueMutxex protection for better scheduling) something interesting has changed:


        // Next while loop iteration to dequeue potentially more events:
    // Done for this queue transition. Return to runloop.