Example #1
/* Submit a bulk request to an endpoint */
int UhsSubmitBulkRequest(int uhs_handle, uint32_t if_handle, uint8_t endpoint, int direction, void *buffer, int length, int timeout)
	/* Symbol loading */
	unsigned int coreinit_handle;
	OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle);
	void* (*memset)(void *buffer, int value, unsigned length);
	int (*IOS_Ioctlv)(int fd, int request, int cnt_in, int cnt_out, struct iovec *vecbuf);
	OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, false, "memset", &memset);
	OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, false, "IOS_Ioctlv", &IOS_Ioctlv);

	/* Allocate and fill in the request buffer */
	char reqbuf[0xa1];
	memset(&reqbuf[0], 0, sizeof(reqbuf));
	*((uint32_t*)&reqbuf[0x00]) = if_handle;
	reqbuf[0x04] = endpoint;
	*((uint32_t*)&reqbuf[0x05]) = timeout;
	*((uint32_t*)&reqbuf[0x09]) = 3;
	*((uint32_t*)&reqbuf[0x0d]) = direction;
	*((uint32_t*)&reqbuf[0x11]) = length;

	/* Allocate and fill in the I/O vectors */
	struct iovec vecbuf[2];
	memset(&vecbuf[0], 0, sizeof(struct iovec) * 2);
	vecbuf[0].buffer = &reqbuf[0];
	vecbuf[0].len = sizeof(reqbuf);
	vecbuf[1].buffer = buffer;
	vecbuf[1].len = length;

	/* Perform the ioctlv() request */
	if (direction == ENDPOINT_TRANSFER_OUT) return IOS_Ioctlv(uhs_handle, 0xe, 0, 2, &vecbuf[0]);
	else if (direction == ENDPOINT_TRANSFER_IN) return IOS_Ioctlv(uhs_handle, 0xe, 1, 1, &vecbuf[0]);
	else return -1;
Example #2
int DIP::Open_Partition(unsigned int Offset, void* Ticket, void* Certificate, unsigned int Cert_Len, void* Out)
	static ioctlv	Vectors[5]		__attribute__((aligned(0x20)));

	Command[0] = Ioctl::DI_OpenPartition << 24;
	Command[1] = Offset;

	Vectors[0].data		= Command;
	Vectors[0].len		= 0x20;
	Vectors[1].data		= (Ticket == NULL) ? 0 : Ticket;
	Vectors[1].len		= (Ticket == NULL) ? 0 : 0x2a4;
	Vectors[2].data		= (Certificate == NULL) ? 0 : Certificate;
	Vectors[2].len		= (Certificate == NULL) ? 0 : Cert_Len;
	Vectors[3].data		= Out;
	Vectors[3].len		= 0x49e4;
	Vectors[4].data		= Output;
	Vectors[4].len		= 0x20;


	int Ret = IOS_Ioctlv(Device_Handle, Ioctl::DI_OpenPartition, 3, 2, Vectors);


	if (Ret == 2) throw "Ioctl error (DI_OpenPartition)";

	return ((Ret == 1) ? 0 : -Ret);
Example #3
s32 WDVD_OpenPartition(u32 offset, u32 *IOS)
	static u8 Tmd_Buffer[0x4A00] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32);
	static ioctlv Vectors[5] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32);
	s32 ret;

	memset(inbuf, 0, sizeof inbuf);
	memset(outbuf, 0, sizeof outbuf);

	inbuf[0] = IOCTL_DI_OPENPART << 24;
	inbuf[1] = offset;

	Vectors[0].data		= inbuf;
	Vectors[0].len		= 0x20;
	Vectors[1].data		= 0;
	Vectors[1].len		= 0;
	Vectors[2].data		= 0;
	Vectors[2].len		= 0;
	Vectors[3].data		= Tmd_Buffer;
	Vectors[3].len		= 0x49e4;
	Vectors[4].data		= outbuf;
	Vectors[4].len		= 0x20;

	ret = IOS_Ioctlv(di_fd, IOCTL_DI_OPENPART, 3, 2, (ioctlv *)Vectors);
	if(ret < 0)
		return ret;
	*IOS = (u32)(Tmd_Buffer[0x18b]);
	return (ret == 1) ? 0 : -ret;
Example #4
void tell_cIOS_to_return_to_channel(void)
    if (TITLE_UPPER(old_title_id) > 1 && TITLE_LOWER(old_title_id) > 2) // Don't change anything for system menu or no title id
		static u64 sm_title_id ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32);
		sm_title_id = old_title_id; // title id to be launched in place of the system menu
		int ret;
		static ioctlv vector[0x08] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32);

		vector[0].data = &sm_title_id;
		vector[0].len = 8;

		int es_fd = IOS_Open("/dev/es", 0);
		if (es_fd < 0)
			debug("Couldn't open ES module\n");
		ret = IOS_Ioctlv(es_fd, 0xA1, 1, 0, vector);
		debug ("tell_cIOS_to_return_to_channel = %d\n", ret);

Example #5
File: usb.c Project: comex/libogc
static inline s32 __usb_interrupt_bulk_message(s32 fd,u8 ioctl,u8 bEndpoint,u16 wLength,void *rpData,usbcallback cb,void *usrdata)
	s32 ret = IPC_ENOMEM;
	u8 *pEndP = NULL;
	u16 *pLength = NULL;
	ioctlv *vec = NULL;
	struct _usb_cb *msgcb = NULL;

	if(((s32)rpData%32)!=0) return IPC_EINVAL;
	if(wLength && !rpData) return IPC_EINVAL;
	if(!wLength && rpData) return IPC_EINVAL;

	vec = iosAlloc(hId,sizeof(ioctlv)*3);
	if(vec==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;

	pEndP = iosAlloc(hId,32);
	if(pEndP==NULL) goto done;
	*pEndP = bEndpoint;

	pLength = iosAlloc(hId,32);
	if(pLength==NULL) goto done;
	*pLength = wLength;

	vec[0].data = pEndP;
	vec[0].len = sizeof(u8);
	vec[1].data = pLength;
	vec[1].len = sizeof(u16);
	vec[2].data = rpData;
	vec[2].len = wLength;

		ret = IOS_Ioctlv(fd,ioctl,2,1,vec);
	else {
		msgcb = iosAlloc(hId,sizeof(struct _usb_cb));
		if(msgcb==NULL) goto done;

		msgcb->fd = -1;
		msgcb->cb = cb;
		msgcb->usrdata = usrdata;
		msgcb->vec = vec;
		return IOS_IoctlvAsync(fd,ioctl,2,1,vec,__usb_bulk_messageCB,msgcb);

	if(pLength!=NULL) iosFree(hId,pLength);
	if(pEndP!=NULL) iosFree(hId,pEndP);
	if(vec!=NULL) iosFree(hId,vec);

	return ret;
Example #6
/* Submit a control request to endpoint 0 */
int UhsSubmitControlRequest(int uhs_handle, uint32_t if_handle, void *buffer, uint8_t bRequest, uint8_t bmRequestType, uint16_t wValue, uint16_t wIndex, uint16_t wLength, int timeout)
	/* Symbol loading */
	unsigned int coreinit_handle;
	OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle);
	void* (*memset)(void *buffer, int value, unsigned length);
	int (*IOS_Ioctlv)(int fd, int request, int cnt_in, int cnt_out, struct iovec *vecbuf);
	OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, false, "memset", &memset);
	OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, false, "IOS_Ioctlv", &IOS_Ioctlv);

	/* Allocate and fill in the request buffer */
	uint8_t reqbuf[0xa1];
	memset(&reqbuf[0], 0, sizeof(reqbuf));
	*((uint32_t*)&reqbuf[0x00]) = if_handle;
	reqbuf[0x04] = 0;						/* Endpoint 0 */
	*((uint32_t*)&reqbuf[0x05]) = timeout;
	*((uint32_t*)&reqbuf[0x09]) = 1;		/* Transfer type */
	reqbuf[0x0d] = bRequest;
	reqbuf[0x0e] = bmRequestType;
	*((uint16_t*)&reqbuf[0x0f]) = wValue;
	*((uint16_t*)&reqbuf[0x11]) = wIndex;
	*((uint16_t*)&reqbuf[0x13]) = wLength;

	/* Allocate and fill in the I/O vectors */
	struct iovec vecbuf[2];
	memset(&vecbuf[0], 0, sizeof(struct iovec) * 2);
	vecbuf[0].buffer = &reqbuf[0];
	vecbuf[0].len = sizeof(reqbuf);
	vecbuf[0].unknown8[3] = 1;
	vecbuf[1].buffer = buffer;
	vecbuf[1].len = (int)wLength;
	vecbuf[1].unknown8[3] = 1;

	/* Perform the ioctlv() request */
	if (bmRequestType & (1 << 7)) return IOS_Ioctlv(uhs_handle, 0xc, 1, 1, &vecbuf[0]);
	else return IOS_Ioctlv(uhs_handle, 0xc, 0, 2, &vecbuf[0]);
Example #7
s32 Nand_Unmount(nandDevice *dev)
	s32 fd, ret;

	/* Open FAT module */
	fd = IOS_Open("fat", 0);
	if (fd < 0)
		return fd;

	/* Unmount device */
	ret = IOS_Ioctlv(fd, dev->umountCmd, 0, 0, NULL);

	/* Close FAT module */

	return ret;
Example #8
File: DI.c Project: BhaaLseN/sneek
s32 DVDClose( s32 fd )
	s32 DVDHandle = IOS_Open("/dev/di", 0 );
	if( DVDHandle < 0 )
		return DVDHandle;

	vector *v = (vector*)malloca( sizeof(vector), 32 );

	v[0].data = fd;
	v[0].len = sizeof(u32);

	s32 r = IOS_Ioctlv( DVDHandle, DVD_CLOSE, 1, 0, v );

	free( v );

	IOS_Close( DVDHandle );

	return r;
Example #9
s32 Nand_Mount(nandDevice *dev)
	s32 fd, ret;

	/* Open FAT module */
	fd = IOS_Open("fat", 0);
	if (fd < 0)
		return fd;

	// TODO Tell the cIOS which partition to use
	/* Mount device */
	ret = IOS_Ioctlv(fd, dev->mountCmd, 0, 0, NULL);

	/* Close FAT module */

	return ret;
s32 BlockIOSReload(void)
	/* Open ES Module */
	s32 ESHandle = IOS_Open("/dev/es", 0);
	/* IOS Reload Block */
	static ioctlv block_vector[2] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32);
	static u32 mode ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32);
	static u32 ios ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32);
	mode = 2;
	block_vector[0].data = &mode;
	block_vector[0].len  = sizeof(u32);
	ios = IOS_GetVersion();
	block_vector[1].data = &ios;
	block_vector[1].len  = sizeof(u32);
	s32 ret = IOS_Ioctlv(ESHandle, 0xA0, 2, 0, block_vector);
	/* Close ES Module */
	return ret;
Example #11
File: DI.c Project: BhaaLseN/sneek
s32 DVDWrite( s32 fd, void *ptr, u32 len )
	s32 DVDHandle = IOS_Open("/dev/di", 0 );
	if( DVDHandle < 0 )
		return DVDHandle;

	vector *v = (vector*)malloca( sizeof(vector)*2, 32 );
	v[0].data = fd;
	v[0].len = sizeof(u32);
	v[1].data = (u32)ptr;
	v[1].len = len;

	s32 r = IOS_Ioctlv( DVDHandle, DVD_WRITE, 2, 0, v );

	free( v );

	IOS_Close( DVDHandle );

	return r;
s32 WDVD_OpenPartition(u64 offset) {
	u8 *vector = NULL;

	//u32 *buffer = NULL;
	s32 ret;

	//gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
	//buffer = (u32 *)memalign(32, 0x5000);
//	if (!buffer)
	//	return -1;

	//gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
	vector = (u8 *)wdvd_buffer;

	memset(wdvd_buffer, 0, 0x5000);

	wdvd_buffer[0] = (u32)(wdvd_buffer + 0x10);
	wdvd_buffer[1] = 0x20;
	wdvd_buffer[3] = 0x024A;
	wdvd_buffer[6] = (u32)(wdvd_buffer + 0x380);
	wdvd_buffer[7] = 0x49E4;
	wdvd_buffer[8] = (u32)(wdvd_buffer + 0x360);
	wdvd_buffer[9] = 0x20;

	wdvd_buffer[(0x40 >> 2)]     = IOCTL_DI_OPENPART << 24;
	wdvd_buffer[(0x40 >> 2) + 1] = offset >> 2;

	//gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
	ret = IOS_Ioctlv(di_fd, IOCTL_DI_OPENPART, 3, 2, (ioctlv *)vector);


	//gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
	if (ret < 0)
		return ret;

	return (ret == 1) ? 0 : -ret;
Example #13
File: DI.c Project: BhaaLseN/sneek
s32 DVDCreateDir( char *FileName )
	s32 fd = IOS_Open("/dev/di", 0 );
	if( fd < 0 )
		return fd;
	vector *v = (vector*)malloca( sizeof(vector), 32 );
	char *lFileName = (char*)malloca( strlen(FileName), 32 );

	strcpy( lFileName, FileName );

	v[0].data = (u32)lFileName;
	v[0].len = strlen(lFileName);

	s32 r = IOS_Ioctlv( fd, DVD_CREATEDIR, 1, 0, v );
	free( lFileName );
	free( v );

	IOS_Close( fd );

	return r;
MCP_GetSysProdSettings(IOSHandle handle,
                       MCPSysProdSettings *settings)
   if (!settings) {
      return MCPError::InvalidArg;

   auto message = internal::mcpAllocateMessage(sizeof(IOSVec));

   if (!message) {
      return MCPError::AllocError;

   auto outVec = reinterpret_cast<IOSVec *>(message);
   outVec->paddr = settings;
   outVec->len = sizeof(MCPSysProdSettings);

   auto iosError = IOS_Ioctlv(handle, MCPCommand::GetSysProdSettings, 0, 1, outVec);
   auto mcpError = internal::mcpDecodeIosErrorToMcpError(iosError);

   return mcpError;
Example #15
File: usb.c Project: comex/libogc
static inline s32 __usb_control_message(s32 fd,u8 bmRequestType,u8 bmRequest,u16 wValue,u16 wIndex,u16 wLength,void *rpData,usbcallback cb,void *usrdata)
	s32 ret = IPC_ENOMEM;
	u8 *pRqType = NULL;
	u8 *pRq = NULL;
	u8 *pNull = NULL;
	u16 *pValue = NULL;
	u16 *pIndex = NULL;
	u16 *pLength = NULL;
	ioctlv *vec = NULL;
	struct _usb_cb *msgcb = NULL;

	if(((s32)rpData%32)!=0) return IPC_EINVAL;
	if(wLength && !rpData) return IPC_EINVAL;
	if(!wLength && rpData) return IPC_EINVAL;

	vec = iosAlloc(hId,sizeof(ioctlv)*7);
	if(vec==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;

	pRqType = iosAlloc(hId,32);
	if(pRqType==NULL) goto done;
	*pRqType = bmRequestType;

	pRq = iosAlloc(hId,32);
	if(pRq==NULL) goto done;
	*pRq = bmRequest;

	pValue = iosAlloc(hId,32);
	if(pValue==NULL) goto done;
	*pValue = bswap16(wValue);

	pIndex = iosAlloc(hId,32);
	if(pIndex==NULL) goto done;
	*pIndex = bswap16(wIndex);

	pLength = iosAlloc(hId,32);
	if(pLength==NULL) goto done;
	*pLength = bswap16(wLength);

	pNull = iosAlloc(hId,32);
	if(pNull==NULL) goto done;
	*pNull = 0;

	vec[0].data = pRqType;
	vec[0].len = sizeof(u8);
	vec[1].data = pRq;
	vec[1].len = sizeof(u8);
	vec[2].data = pValue;
	vec[2].len = sizeof(u16);
	vec[3].data = pIndex;
	vec[3].len = sizeof(u16);
	vec[4].data = pLength;
	vec[4].len = sizeof(u16);
	vec[5].data = pNull;
	vec[5].len = sizeof(u8);
	vec[6].data = rpData;
	vec[6].len = wLength;

		ret = IOS_Ioctlv(fd,USB_IOCTL_CTRLMSG,6,1,vec);
	else {
		msgcb = iosAlloc(hId,sizeof(struct _usb_cb));
		if(msgcb==NULL) goto done;

		msgcb->fd = -1;
		msgcb->cb = cb;
		msgcb->usrdata = usrdata;
		msgcb->vec = vec;
		return IOS_IoctlvAsync(fd,USB_IOCTL_CTRLMSG,6,1,vec,__usb_control_messageCB,msgcb);

	if(pNull!=NULL) iosFree(hId,pNull);
	if(pLength!=NULL) iosFree(hId,pLength);
	if(pIndex!=NULL) iosFree(hId,pIndex);
	if(pValue!=NULL) iosFree(hId,pValue);
	if(pRq!=NULL) iosFree(hId,pRq);
	if(pRqType!=NULL) iosFree(hId,pRqType);
	if(vec!=NULL) iosFree(hId,vec);

	return ret;
UCReadSysConfig(UCHandle handle,
                uint32_t count,
                phys_ptr<UCSysConfig> settings)
   phys_ptr<void> vecBuffer = nullptr;
   phys_ptr<void> reqBuffer = nullptr;
   phys_ptr<UCReadSysConfigRequest> request = nullptr;
   phys_ptr<IoctlVec> vecs = nullptr;
   auto vecBufSize = static_cast<uint32_t>((1 + count) * sizeof(IoctlVec));
   auto reqBufSize = static_cast<uint32_t>(count * sizeof(UCSysConfig) + sizeof(UCReadSysConfigRequest));

   auto error = allocIpcData(vecBufSize, &vecBuffer);
   if (error < UCError::OK) {
      goto out;

   error = allocIpcData(reqBufSize, &reqBuffer);
   if (error < UCError::OK) {
      goto out;

   request = phys_cast<UCReadSysConfigRequest *>(reqBuffer);
   request->unk0x00 = 0u;
   request->count = count;
   std::memcpy(request->settings, settings.get(), sizeof(UCSysConfig) * count);

   vecs = phys_cast<IoctlVec *>(vecBuffer);
   vecs[0].len = reqBufSize;
   vecs[0].paddr = phys_cast<phys_addr>(reqBuffer);

   for (auto i = 0u; i < count; ++i) {
      auto size = settings[i].dataSize;
      vecs[1 + i].len = size;

      if (size) {
         phys_ptr<void> dataBuffer;
         error = allocIpcData(vecBufSize, &dataBuffer);
         if (error < UCError::OK) {
            goto out;

         vecs[1 + i].paddr = phys_cast<phys_addr>(dataBuffer);
      } else {
         vecs[1 + i].paddr = phys_addr { 0u };

   error = static_cast<UCError>(IOS_Ioctlv(handle,
                                           1 + count,

   for (auto i = 0u; i < count; ++i) {
      settings[i].error = request->settings[i].error;

      if (auto len = vecs[i + 1].len) {
         auto dst = phys_cast<void *>(phys_addr { virt_cast<virt_addr>(settings[i].data).getAddress() });
         auto src = phys_cast<const void *>(vecs[i + 1].paddr);
         std::memcpy(dst.get(), src.get(), len);

   for (auto i = 0u; i < count; ++i) {
      if (vecs[i + 1].paddr) {
         freeIpcData(phys_cast<void *>(vecs[i + 1].paddr));

   if (vecBuffer) {

   if (reqBuffer) {

   return error;