Example #1
double MatCoatingCat( char *name, double wl )
    double value ;

    if( wl <= 0.0 )
	IOerror( MatBomb, "MatOpacityCat", "invalid wavelength %g", wl ) ;
	return nan("") ;

    EXPR* array = DbaseGetExpr( name, "transmission" ) ;
    if( array )
	value = ExprInterp( array, wl ) ;
	if( isnan(value) )
	    IOerror( MatBomb, "MatCoatingCat", "bad transmission data array for %s", name ) ;
	    return nan("") ;
	IOerror( MatBomb, "MatCoatingCat", "transmission data not found for %s", name ) ;
	return nan("") ;

// old range-check stuff...
//    if( (ret == 1) && DbaseCheck( name, "OPACITY_RANGE" ) )
//	IOerror( MatBomb, "MatOpacityCat", "wavelength %g out of range for %s -- extrapolating", wl, name ) ;

    return value ;
Example #2
DBDAT* DbaseSet( TAG* list, DBDAT* dbdat )
    FOLDER* folder ;

    if( !dbdat )
	IOerror( IO_WARN, "DbaseFind", "setting null value" ) ;
	return (DBDAT*) 0 ;

    if( !*list )
	IOerror( IO_WARN, "DbaseFind", "null taglist" ) ;
	return (DBDAT*) 0 ;

    for( folder = &DbaseRoot ; *(list + 1) ; list++ )
	FOLDER* son = (FOLDER*) TreeFind( folder->kids, kid_cmp, *list ) ;
	if( !son )
	    DbaseAddFolder( folder, *list ) ;
	    son = (FOLDER*) TreeFind( folder->kids, kid_cmp, *list ) ;
	folder = son ;

    return folder->EntryOverwrite( *list, dbdat ) ;
Example #3
void GlobalSet(void)

    TraceCoating = (int) ExprGetTaggedNumber( NULL, "Trace", "Coating", 0.0 ) ;

    GlobalOptInt( "OpticNoStops", &OpticNoStops ) ;	/* optic */
    GlobalOptInt( "OpticViewAll", &OpticViewAll ) ;

    SpotCount = (int) ExprGetTaggedNumber( NULL, NULL, "SpotCount", 0.0 ) ;
    if( SpotCount )
	IOerror( IO_WARN, "GlobalSet", "Old-Style SpotCount" ) ;
    SpotCount = (int) ExprGetTaggedNumber( NULL, "Spot", "Count", 1000.0 ) ;

    SPOT_PRINT_ANGLE = (int) ExprGetTaggedNumber( NULL, "Spot", "PrintAngle", 0.0 ) ;
    SPOT_PIXEL_SIZE = ExprGetTaggedNumber( NULL, "Spot", "PixelSize", 0.0 ) ;
    SPOT_DISK_SIZE = ExprGetTaggedNumber( NULL, "Spot", "DiskSize", 0.0 ) ;

	(int) ExprGetTaggedNumber( NULL, "Wavelength", "LogSpace", 0.0 ) ;

    FieldRadius	= ExprGetTaggedNumber( NULL, "Field", "Radius", 0.0 ) ;
    FieldHole	= ExprGetTaggedNumber( NULL, "Field", "Hole", 0.0 ) ;
    FWX		= ExprGetTaggedNumber( NULL, "Field", "HalfWidthX", 0.0 ) ;
    FWY		= ExprGetTaggedNumber( NULL, "Field", "HalfWidthY", 0.0 ) ;
    FOX		= ExprGetTaggedNumber( NULL, "Field", "OffsetX", 0.0 ) ;
    FOY		= ExprGetTaggedNumber( NULL, "Field", "OffsetY", 0.0 ) ;

    if( FieldRadius == 0.0 )
	FieldRadius = ExprGetTaggedNumber( NULL, NULL, "FieldRadius", 0.0 ) ;
	if( FieldRadius )
	    IOerror( IO_WARN, "GlobalSet", "Old-Style FieldRadius" ) ;
    if( FWX == 0.0 )
	FWX = ExprGetTaggedNumber( NULL, NULL, "FieldHalfWidthX", 0.0 ) ;
	if( FWX )
	    IOerror( IO_WARN, "GlobalSet", "Old-Style FieldHalfWidthX" ) ;

    if( (FWX == 0.0) && (FWY == 0.0) && (FieldRadius != 0.0) )
	FWX = FWY = FieldRadius ;

    GlobalOptReal( "Wavelength", &Wavelength ) ;

    wlmin = ExprGetTaggedNumber( NULL, "Wavelength", "Minimum", Wavelength ) ;
    wlmax = ExprGetTaggedNumber( NULL, "Wavelength", "Maximum", Wavelength ) ;
    wlcen = sqrt( wlmin * wlmax ) ;
    wlcount = (int) ExprGetTaggedNumber( NULL, "Wavelength", "Count", 1.0 ) ;

    if( Wavelength == 0.0 )
	Wavelength = wlcen ;

    OpticDrawStart = (int) SystemGetNumber( "OpticDrawStart" ) ;
    OpticDrawEnd = (int) SystemGetNumber( "OpticDrawEnd" ) ;
Example #4
DBDAT* DbaseLookup( char* opath, TAG keytag )
    static char path[1000] ;
    DBDAT* dbdat = (DBDAT*) 0 ;

    FOLDER* folder = &DbaseRoot ;
    (void) strcpy( path, DataBasePath ) ;
    dbdat = folder->EntryFind( keytag ) ;
    for( TAG* list = DbasePathtoList( opath ) ; *list ; list++ )
	(void) strcat( path, "/" ) ;
	(void) strcat( path, TagString( *list ) ) ;

	FOLDER* son = (FOLDER*) TreeFind( folder->kids, kid_cmp, *list ) ;
	if( !son )
	    IOerror( IO_WARN, "DbaseLookup", "no such directory %s\n", path ) ;
	    return dbdat ;

	if( !son->loaded )
	    DbaseLoadDir( path, son ) ;

	folder = son ;
	if( DBDAT* new_dbdat = folder->EntryFind( keytag ) )
	    dbdat = new_dbdat ;

    return dbdat ;
Example #5
DBDAT* DbaseGetData( char* path, char* keyword )
    DBDAT* dbdat = DbaseLookup( path, Tag( keyword ) ) ;
    if( !dbdat )
	IOerror( IO_WARN, "DbaseGetData", "no value found for %s in %s", keyword, path ) ;
    return dbdat ;
Example #6
int UnitAdd( EXPR *name, EXPR *def )
    unsigned int i ;
    EXPR *expr ;

    for( i = 0 ; i < U(UnitList)->used ; i++ )
	if( UN(i) == name )
	    if( Compare( def, U(UN(i))->Eeval ) )
		return 0 ;
		IOerror( IO_WARN, "UnitAdd", "unit %s already refined", LabelValue(name) ) ;
		return 1 ;

    expr = FindBasic( def ) ;
    delete U(expr)->Ehead ;
    U(expr)->Ehead = name ;
    U(expr)->Eeval = def->Copy() ;
    ListAppend( UnitList, expr ) ;
    return 0 ;
Example #7
static void PathStart( PLOT *plot, int style, int axis, double unit )
    double res ;

    if( PathState != 0 )
	IOerror( OpticBomb, "PathStart", "state mismatch" ) ;

    PathFile = PlotKludge( plot ) ;
    PathStyle = PlotKludge2( plot ) ;
    PathAxis = axis ;
    PathUnit = unit ;

    switch( PathStyle )
	case PLOT_PS:
	    PT( "newpath\n" ) ;
	    res = 1.0 / 25400.0 ;		/* 1.0 microns */
	    break ;
	case PLOT_MG:
	    res = 1.0 / 25400.0 ;		/* 1.0 microns */
	    break ;
	case PLOT_AC:
	    PathAxis = 0 ;
	    res = 0.1 / 25.4 ;			/* 0.1 mm */
	    break ;
	    res = 0.0 ;

    PathRes = (int) ( 0.99 - log10( PathUnit * res ) ) ;
    if( PathRes < 0 )
	PathRes = 0 ;

    PathState = 1 ;
Example #8
EXPR *StringEvaluate( expr_oper op, STRING *left, STRING *right )
    if( right )
	    case OPER_CATENATE:
		unsigned int count ;
		char *string ;
		EXPR *result ;

		count = 1 + strlen( StringValue(left) ) + strlen( StringValue(right) ) ;
		string = new char[count] ;
		(void) strcpy( string, StringValue(left) ) ;
		(void) strcat( string, StringValue(right) ) ;
		result = String( string ) ;
		delete[] string ;
		return result ;

	    case OPER_EQ:
		return Boolean( !strcmp( StringValue(left), StringValue(right) ) ) ;
	    case OPER_NEQ:
		return Boolean( strcmp( StringValue(left), StringValue(right) ) ) ;

		IOerror( IO_WARN, "StringEvaluate",
		    "passing string values to non-string operator" ) ;
		return NULL_EXPR ;
	    case OPER_SYMBOLIC:
		return ExprParseString( StringValue(left) ) ;

		IOerror( IO_WARN, "StringEvaluate",
		    "passing string value to non-string operator" ) ;
		return NULL_EXPR ;

    return NULL_EXPR ;					// never get here
Example #9
static FUNC *SetSkip( FUNC *func )
    int match ;
    unsigned int reverse ;

    match = func->match ;
    reverse = func->reverse ;
    for( func = func->next ; func && (func->match != match) ; func = func->next ) ;
    if( func )
	if( func->reverse == reverse )
	    IOerror( FuncBomb, "SetSkip", "syntax error in if/else" ) ;
	IOerror( FuncBomb, "SetSkip", "match not found" ) ;
    return func ;
Example #10
void OpticDrawEnvelopes( PLOT *plot, SYSTEM *system, int style, int axis, double unit )
    int n, state, do_surface, complete ;
    OPTIC *optic ;
    ENSEMBLE *view ;

    if( OpticUpdate( system ) )
	IOerror( IO_ERR, "OpticDrawEnvelopes", "system is not ready to trace" ) ;
    OpticPositions( system ) ;			/* set coordinates */

    do_surface = 1 ;
    for( view = system->view ; view ; view = view->next )
	optic = &( system->optic[ view->surface ] ) ;

 *  Determine if this surface is shown at all

	if( optic->terms[TERM_MARK].v == OpticDrawStart )
	    do_surface = 1 ;
	if( optic->terms[TERM_MARK].v == OpticDrawEnd )
	    do_surface = 0 ;
	if( !do_surface )
	    continue ;

	state = complete = 0 ;
	for( n = 0 ; n < view->N ; n++ )
	    if( view->ray[n].state )
		if( state )
		    PathEnd(0) ;
		state = 0 ;
		if( !state )
		    state = 1 ;
		    PathStart( plot, style, axis, unit ) ;
		    if( n == 0 )
			complete = 1 ;
		PathDraw3( optic, Q(view->ray+n) ) ;
	if( state )
	    if( complete )
		PathDraw3( optic, Q(view->ray) ) ;
	    PathEnd(0) ;
Example #11
static FUNC *SetTrue( FUNC *func )
    int match ;
    unsigned int reverse ;

    func->ignore = 1 ;				/* $if() */
    match = func->match ;
    reverse = func->reverse ;
    for( func = func->next ; func && (func->match != match) ; func = func->next ) ;
    if( func )
	func->ignore = 1 ;			/* ~$if() */
	if( func->reverse == reverse )
	    IOerror( FuncBomb, "SetTrue", "syntax error in if/else" ) ;
	IOerror( FuncBomb, "SetTrue", "match not found" ) ;
    return func ;
Example #12
	std::ofstream f(path_);
	try {
		f.exceptions(f.failbit | f.badbit);
		f << "level " << initial_state_ << std::flush;
	} catch (std::ios_base::failure &e) {
		throw IOerror(MSG_FAN_RESET(path_), errno);
Example #13
double MatCTECat( EXPR *name, EXPR *nothing )
    char *string ;

    string = ExprValueString( name ) ;
    if( !string )
	IOerror( MatBomb, "MatCTECat", "cannot evaluate name" ) ;
	return nan("") ;
    return ExprValue( DbaseGetExpr( string, "CTE" ) ) ;
Example #14
static int FuncCompileSet2( FUNC *func )
    FUNC *loop ;
    EXPR *var ;
    int work ;
double SystemGetNumber( char * ) ;

    work = 0 ;
    for( loop = func ; loop ; loop = loop->next )
	if( loop->ignore || loop->unknown )
	    continue ;
	if( !ExprLabelEqual(loop->label, iset) && !ExprLabelEqual(loop->label, iinit) )
	    continue ;
	var = FuncArg( loop, 0 ) ;
	if( !ExprIsVariable( var ) )
	    IOerror( FuncBomb, "FuncCompileSet2", "argument not a variable" ) ;
	    continue ;

	    /* I don't check here for VAR_TYPE conflicts */

	if( ExprGetFlags( var, VAR_SET ) )
	    IOerror( FuncBomb, "FuncCompileSet2",
		"`%s' is multiply defined or initialized", ExprName( var ) ) ;
	    loop->ignore = 1 ;
	    continue ;

	ExprSetDefinition( var, FuncArg( loop, 1 ) ) ;
	ExprSetFlags( var, VAR_SET ) ;
	loop->ignore = 1 ;
	work++ ;

    return work ;
Example #15
FOLDER* DbaseAddFolder( FOLDER* folder, TAG tag )
    FOLDER** gnew ;

    gnew = (FOLDER**) TreeInsert( folder->kids, kid_cmp, tag ) ;
    if( *gnew )
	IOerror( IO_WARN, "DbaseAddFolder", "%s/%s already exists\n", TagString( folder->tag ), TagString( tag ) ) ;
	return *gnew ;				// already exists!
    *gnew = new FOLDER ;
    (*gnew)->tag = tag ;
    return *gnew ;
Example #16
double SystemGetNumber( char *string )
    EXPR *expr ;

    expr = Label( string ) ;
    expr = ExprGetDefinition( expr ) ;
    if( !expr )
	IOerror( IO_WARN, "SystemGetNumber",
	    "no value set for `%s'", string ) ;
	return 0.0 ;
    return ExprValue( expr ) ;
Example #17
char *SystemGetString( char *string )
    EXPR *expr ;

    expr = Label( string ) ;
    expr = ExprGetDefinition( expr ) ;
    if( !expr )
	IOerror( IO_WARN, "SystemGetString",
	    "no value set for `%s'", string ) ;
	return (char *) 0 ;
    return ExprValueString( expr ) ;
Example #18
void OpticDrawRays( PLOT *plot, SYSTEM *system, int style, int axis, double unit )
    ENSEMBLE *view ;

    if( OpticUpdate( system ) )
	IOerror( IO_ERR, "OpticDrawRays", "system is not ready to trace" ) ;
    OpticPositions( system ) ;			/* set coordinates */

    if( SystemGetNumber( "OpticDrawAlt" ) )
	for( view = system->view ; view ; view = view->next )
	    if( view->alt )
		OpticDrawRays0( plot, system, style, axis, unit, view->alt ) ;
	OpticDrawRays0( plot, system, style, axis, unit, system->view ) ;
Example #19
static void PathEnd( int close )
    if( !PathState )
	IOerror( OpticBomb, "PathEnd", "state mismatch" ) ;

    switch( PathStyle )
	case PLOT_PS:
	    if( PathState == 1 )		/* don't bother... */
		break ;
	    if( close )
		PT( "closepath " ) ;
	    PT( "stroke\n" ) ;
	    break ;
	case PLOT_AC:
	    if( close )
		PT( "close\n" ) ;
		PT( "\n\n" ) ;
	    break ;
    PathState = 0 ;
Example #20
DBDAT* DbaseFind( TAG* list )
    FOLDER* folder ;

    if( !*list )
	IOerror( IO_WARN, "DbaseFind", "null taglist" ) ;
	return (DBDAT*) 0 ;

    for( folder = &DbaseRoot ; *(list + 1) ; list++ )
	FOLDER* son = (FOLDER*) TreeFind( folder->kids, kid_cmp, *list ) ;
	if( !son )
	    DbaseAddFolder( folder, *list ) ;
	    son = (FOLDER*) TreeFind( folder->kids, kid_cmp, *list ) ;
	folder = son ;

    return folder->EntryFind( *list ) ;
Example #21
void TraceZemax( SYSTEM *system )
    int surface ;
    OPTIC *optic ;

    PLOT *plot = PlotStuff( 1.0, 1e-5/25.4 ) ;		// units are inches; resolution is 0.01 micron

    if( OpticUpdate( system ) )
	IOerror( IO_ERR, "TraceZemax", "system not ready to trace" ) ;
    OpticPositions( system ) ;		/* set coordinates */

    int NSURF = 0 ;
    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "SURF %d\n", NSURF++ ) ;
    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  TYPE STANDARD\n" ) ;
    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  DISZ INFINITY\n" ) ;
    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  COMM Object\n" ) ; 

 *  loop through each surface

    for( surface = 0 ; surface < system->nsurf ; surface++ )
	optic = &( system->optic[ surface ] ) ;

#ifndef BROKEN
	static EDAT inv[16] ;
	const int d_ = 4 ;
	double W[2*d_*d_] ;

	for( int c = 0 ; c < d_ ; ++c )
	for( int r = 0 ; r < d_ ; ++r )
	    W[c*d_+r] = optic->terms[ TERM_XFORM + RC(c,r) ].v ;
	    W[c*d_+r+d_*d_] = (c == r) ;

	for( int col = 0 ; col < d_ ; ++col )
	    // find pivot row, given by largest absolute value
	    int row = col ;
	    long double big = W[col*d_+row] ;
	    for( int r = row+1 ; r < d_ ; ++r )
		if( fabs( W[col*d_+r] ) > fabsl(big) )
		    row = r ;
		    big = W[col*d_+r] ;
	    for( int c = col + 1 ; c < 2*d_ ; ++c )
		W[c*d_+row] /= big ;
		for( int r = 0 ; r < d_ ; ++r )
		    if( r != row )
			W[c*d_+r] -= W[col*d_+r] * W[c*d_+row] ;
	    // swap
		if( row != col )
		    long double tmp = W[c*d_+row] ;
		    W[c*d_+row] = W[c*d_+col] ;
		    W[c*d_+col] = tmp ;

	for( int c = 0 ; c < d_ ; ++c )
	for( int r = 0 ; r < d_ ; ++r )
	    inv[ RC(c,r) ].v = W[c*d_+r+d_*d_] ;
	EDAT* inv = optic->terms + TERM_XFORM ;

	double unit = PlotMultiplier( plot ) ;

	double Tx = unit * inv[ RC(0,3) ].v ;
	double Ty = unit * inv[ RC(1,3) ].v ;
	double Tz = unit * inv[ RC(2,3) ].v ;
	double Rx = (180/M_PI) * atan2( inv[ RC(1,2) ].v, inv[ RC(2,2) ].v ) ;
	double Ry = (180/M_PI) * -asin( inv[ RC(0,2) ].v ) ;
	double Rz = (180/M_PI) * atan2( inv[ RC(0,1) ].v, inv[ RC(0,0) ].v ) ;

	bool brk = Tx || Ty || Rx || Ry || Rz ;
	brk = true ;		// hack because distances are before the surface in this code, but after in Zemax
				// so just make every motion a coordinate break

	if( (surface != 0) && brk )							// no coord break on first surface
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "SURF %d\n", NSURF++ ) ;
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  TYPE COORDBRK\n" ) ;
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  FIMP\n" ) ;				// no clue what this is
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  CURV 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0\n" ) ;		// no clue what this is
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  HIDE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n" ) ;		// no clue what this is
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  MIRR 2 0\n" ) ;				// no clue what this is
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  PARM 1 %.10f\n", Tx ) ;
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  PARM 2 %.10f\n", Ty ) ;
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  PARM 3 %.10f\n", Rx ) ;
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  PARM 4 %.10f\n", Ry ) ;
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  PARM 5 %.10f\n", Rz ) ;
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  PARM 6 0\n" ) ;				// [0,1] for forward/reverse
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  DISZ %.10f\n", Tz ) ;
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  DIAM 0 0 0 0 1 ""\n" ) ;
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  POPS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0\n" ) ;

        FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "SURF %d\n", NSURF++ ) ;
	if( surface == 0 )
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  STOP\n" ) ;
        FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  TCED 0 0\n" ) ;
        FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  CURV %.10f\n", optic->terms[TERM_CURV].v / unit ) ;
	double conic = optic->terms[TERM_CONIC].v ;
	if( conic )
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  CONI %.10f\n", conic ) ;
	if( !brk )
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  DISZ %.10f\n", Tz ) ;
//	FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  GLAS CAF2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1\n" ) ;
	if( optic->function & FUNCTION_GRATING )
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  TYPE DGRATING\n" ) ;
	    double lines = optic->terms[TERM_LINES].v ;
	    double order = optic->terms[TERM_ORDER].v ;
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  PARM 1 %.10f\n", lines/1000 ) ;		// line/micron
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  PARM 2 %.10f\n", order ) ;		// order
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  TYPE STANDARD\n" ) ;
	if( optic->function & FUNCTION_MIRROR )
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  GLAS MIRROR\n" ) ;
	if( optic->terms[ TERM_LABEL ].E )
	    { FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  COMM %s\n", 
		ExprValueString( optic->terms[ TERM_LABEL ].E ) ) ;

	if( (optic->StopCount == 1) && (OpticStopType( optic, 0 ) == STOP_CIRCLE) )
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  DIAM %.10f\n", OpticStopScale( optic, 0 ) ) ;		// already returns radius
	if( optic->StopCount == 2 )
	    int type0 = OpticStopType( optic, 0 ) ;
	    int type1 = OpticStopType( optic, 1 ) ;
	    double X, Y ;
	    if( (type0 == STOP_X) && (type1 == STOP_Y) )
		X = OpticStopScale( optic, 0 ) ;
		Y = OpticStopScale( optic, 1 ) ;
	    if( (type0 == STOP_Y) && (type1 == STOP_X) )
		X = OpticStopScale( optic, 1 ) ;
		Y = OpticStopScale( optic, 0 ) ;
		continue ;
	    FP( PlotKludge( plot ), "  SQAP %.10f %.10f\n", X, Y ) ;
    PlotClose( plot ) ;
Example #22
EXPR* OPER::Text( bool protect ) const
    int i ;
    EXPR* result ;

    for( i = 0 ; OperTab[i].op ; i++ )
	if( OperTab[i].op == oper )
	    break ;
    if( OperTab[i].op == OPER_ERROR )
	IOerror( IO_WARN, "PrintExpr",
	    "unknown OPERATOR type 0x%02x", oper ) ;
	return String( "<unknown operator>" ) ;
    if( OperTab[i].style == SF )
	result = String( OperTab[i].name ) ;
	result->Append( "(" ) ;
	if( Eleft )
	    result->Append(" " ) ;
	    result->Append( PrintExpr( Eleft, 1 ) ) ;
	if( Eright )
	    result->Append( ", " ) ;
	    result->Append( PrintExpr( Eright, 1 ) ) ;
	result->Append( " )" ) ;
	return result ;
    if( OperTab[i].style == SU )
	result = String( "" ) ;
	if( !protect )
	    result->Append( "( " ) ;
	result->Append( OperTab[i].name ) ;
	result->Append( PrintExpr( Eleft, 0 ) ) ;
	if( !protect )
	    result->Append( " )" ) ;
	return result ;
    if( OperTab[i].style == SB )
	result = String( "" ) ;
	if( !protect )
	    result->Append( "( " ) ;
	result->Append( PrintExpr( Eleft, 0 ) ) ;
	result->Append( " " ) ;
	result->Append( OperTab[i].name ) ;
	result->Append( " " ) ;
	result->Append( PrintExpr( Eright, 0 ) ) ;
	if( !protect )
	    result->Append( " )" ) ;
	return result ;
    if( OperTab[i].style == SE )		/* unprotected op */
	result = PrintExpr( Eleft, 0 ) ;
	result->Append( " " ) ;
	result->Append( OperTab[i].name ) ;
	result->Append( " " ) ;
	result->Append( PrintExpr( Eright, 0 ) ) ;
	return result ;
    if( OperTab[i].style == SD )		/* units */
	result = PrintExpr( Eleft, 0 ) ;
	result->Append( " «" ) ;
	result->Append( PrintExpr( Eright, 1 ) ) ;
	result->Append( "»" ) ;
	return result ;
    if( OperTab[i].style == SS )		/* unit set */
	result = PrintExpr( Eleft, 0 ) ;
	result->Append( " = «" ) ;
	result->Append( PrintExpr( Eright, 1 ) ) ;
	result->Append( "»" ) ;
	return result ;
    if( OperTab[i].style == SA )		/* array set */
	result = PrintExpr( Eleft, 0 ) ;
	result->Append( "[" ) ;
	result->Append( PrintExpr( Eright, 1 ) ) ;
	result->Append( "]" ) ;
	return result ;

    IOerror( IO_WARN, "PrintExpr", "unknown OPERATOR style" ) ;
    return String( "$error" ) ;
Example #23
int SystemUpdate( SYSTEM *system, int verbose )
    int nsurf ;

    switch( system->hardstate )
	default:				/* never happens */
	case SYSTEM_BIZARRE:			/* never happens */
	    IOerror( OpticBomb, "SystemUpdate", "unknown hard-state" ) ;
	    return ( system->softstate = system->hardstate ) ;


 *  Do the compile which takes into account the `:=' statements.
 *  What about external variable sets?

	    FuncCompile1( &system->input ) ;
	    if( verbose )
		IOreportHeader( "Reversible Compile" ) ;
		FuncPrint( system->input, 0 ) ;
	    if( FuncCheckUnknown( system->input ) )
		return ( system->softstate = SYSTEM_UNDECIDED ) ;

 *  Count the number of surfaces and check for invalid functions.
 *  If the system is valid, then make the actual OPTIC.

	    nsurf = OpticCount( system->input ) ;
	    if( nsurf < 0 )
		return ( system->softstate = SYSTEM_INVALID ) ;
	    if( OpticMake( system, nsurf ) )
		return ( system->softstate = SYSTEM_INVALID ) ;

 *  Update the variable-dependent complex expressions

	    system->nvars = FuncPrintUnset( system->input, verbose ) ;
	/* I don't think this belongs here...perhaps below? */
	    if( !OpticIsSet( system, verbose ) )
		return ( system->softstate = SYSTEM_UNSET ) ;
	case SYSTEM_UNSET:			/* never happens */

 *  Evaluate the arguments

	    if( OpticEvaluate( system ) )
		return ( system->softstate = SYSTEM_BADARG ) ;

	    return ( system->softstate = SYSTEM_READY ) ;
Example #24
EXPR *FindBasic( EXPR *def )
    unsigned int i ;
    EXPR *expr, *E1, *E2 ;

    if( IsReal(def) )
	expr = new UNIT ;
  	U(expr)->Ehead = String( "Ordinate" ) ;
	ListAppend( expr, def->Copy() ) ;
	return expr ;

    if( IsLabel( def ) )
	for( i = 0 ; i < U(UnitList)->used ; i++ )
	    if( U(UN(i))->Ehead == def )
		expr = UN(i)->Copy() ;
		delete U(expr)->Eeval ;
		U(expr)->Eeval = NULL_EXPR ;
		return expr ;
	IOerror( IO_ERR, "FindBasic", "%s is an undefined unit", LabelValue(def) ) ;
	return garbageunit() ;

    if( !IsOper(def) )
	IOerror( IO_FATAL, "FindBasic", "unexpected in units definition" ) ;
	return garbageunit() ;

    if( D(def)->oper == OPER_MINUS )
	expr = FindBasic( D(def)->Eleft ) ;
	if( U(expr)->used > 1 )
	    IOerror( IO_ERR, "FindBasic", "illegal negation of unit" ) ;
	    return garbageunit() ;
	E1 = OP3( "u-", U(expr)->list[0], NULL_EXPR ) ;
	delete U(expr)->list[0] ;
	U(expr)->list[0] = E1 ;
	return expr ;

    E1 = FindBasic( D(def)->Eleft ) ;
    E2 = FindBasic( D(def)->Eright ) ;

    switch( D(def)->oper )

	    expr = UnitOP3( "*", "+", E1, E2 ) ;
	    break ;
	    expr = UnitOP3( "/", "-", E1, E2 ) ;
	    break ;
	case OPER_POW:
	    expr = UnitOP3( "^", "*", E1, E2 ) ;
	    break ;
	    IOerror( IO_ERR, "FindBasic", "unexpected operator in unit" ) ;
	    expr = garbageunit() ;
	    break ;

    delete E1 ;
    delete E2 ;
    return expr ;
Example #25
static void PathDraw3( OPTIC *optic, double *V )
    static double save[3] ;
    double X, Y, Z ;

    if( PathState == 0 )
	IOerror( OpticBomb, "PathDraw3", "state mismatch" ) ;

    if( (PathState == 2) && (V[0] == save[0]) && (V[1] == save[1]) && (V[2] == save[2]) )
	return ;

    save[0] = V[0] ;
    save[1] = V[1] ;
    save[2] = V[2] ;

    if( PathStyle == PLOT_AC )
	X = PathUnit * RayPos3( optic, 0, V ) ;
	Y = PathUnit * RayPos3( optic, 1, V ) ;
	Z = PathUnit * RayPos3( optic, 2, V ) ;
	X = PathUnit * RayPos3( optic, (PathAxis + 2) % 3, V ) ;
	Y = PathUnit * RayPos3( optic, (PathAxis + 1) % 3, V ) ;
	Z = 0.0 ;			/* unused */

    if( PathState == 1 )
	switch( PathStyle )
	    case PLOT_PS:
		PN( X ) ;
		PT( " " ) ;
		PN( Y ) ;
		PT( " moveto\n" ) ;
		break ;
	    case PLOT_MG:
		PT( "relo " ) ;
		PN( X ) ;
		PT( " " ) ;
		PN( Y ) ;
		PT( "\n" ) ;
		break ;
	    case PLOT_AC:
		PT( "line " ) ;
		PN( X ) ;
		PT( "," ) ;
		PN( Y ) ;
		PT( "," ) ;
		PN( Z ) ;
	PathState = 2 ;
	switch( PathStyle )
	    case PLOT_PS:
		PN( X ) ;
		PT( " " ) ;
		PN( Y ) ;
		PT( " lineto\n" ) ;
		break ;
	    case PLOT_MG:
		PT( "draw " ) ;
		PN( X ) ;
		PT( " " ) ;
		PN( Y ) ;
		PT( "\n" ) ;
		break ;
	    case PLOT_AC:
		PT( " " ) ;
		PN( X ) ;
		PT( "," ) ;
		PN( Y ) ;
		PT( "," ) ;
		PN( Z ) ;
Example #26
int OpticMake( SYSTEM *system, int nsurf )
    int s, n ;
    OPTIC *optic ;
    FUNC *func ;

    aperture_set = 0 ;
    origin_set = 0 ;
    failed = 0 ;

    if( system->optic )
	OpticFree( system->optic, system->nsurf ) ;
    system->optic = OpticAllocate( nsurf ) ;
    system->nsurf = nsurf ;

    SystemSetNumber( "MatTemperature", MatTemperature ) ;	// kludge warning
    MatPush( String( "Gas/AIR" ), Label( "MatTemperature" ), 0 ) ;
							/* just in case */

    func = OpticForward( system->input ) ;
    for( Surface = 0 ; func ; Surface++ )
	optic = &( system->optic[Surface] ) ;
	if( Surface >= nsurf )
	    IOerror( OpticBomb, "OpticMake",
		"surface count exceeded, Surface = %d  nsurf = %d",
		Surface, nsurf ) ;
	    failed = 1 ;
	func = ConvertTransform( func, optic->terms + TERM_XFORM ) ;
	func = ConvertSurface( func, optic ) ;
    if( Surface != nsurf )
	IOerror( OpticBomb, "OpticMake",
	    "surface count not met, Surface = %d  nsurf = %d",
	    Surface, nsurf ) ;
	failed = 1 ;

    MatClear() ;
/*  OpticPositions( system ) ;		# now done when needed */

    for( s = 0 ; s < nsurf ; s++ )
	optic = &( system->optic[s] ) ;
	optic->fixed = 1 ;
	for( n = 0 ; n < NTERMS ; n++ )
	    ExprSimplify( &optic->terms[n].E, 1 ) ;

	    if( (n < TERM_COORD) && optic->terms[n].E
	    && !ExprIsNumber( optic->terms[n].E )
	    && !ExprIsString( optic->terms[n].E ) )
		optic->fixed = 0 ;
	optic->axial_xform = XformIsAxial( optic->terms + TERM_XFORM ) ;
	if( optic->surface & SURFACE_TRIAXIAL )
	    optic->axial_surface = 0 ;
	    optic->axial_surface = 1 ;

	if( !optic->reverse )
	    int t ;
	    IOerror( IO_ERR, "OpticMake", "surface has no shape given" ) ;
	    failed = 1 ;
	    IOerrorPrint( "    label: " ) ;
	    ExprIOerror( optic->terms[ TERM_LABEL ].E ) ;
	    IOerrorPrint( "\nSurface #%d\n", Surface ) ;

	    for( t = s - 1 ; t >= 0 ; t-- )
		if( system->optic[t].terms[ TERM_LABEL ].E )
		    break ;
	    IOerrorPrint( "Previous surface with label is: " ) ;
	    if( t >= 0 )
		ExprIOerror( system->optic[t].terms[ TERM_LABEL ].E ) ;
		IOerrorPrint( "(none)" ) ;
	    IOerrorPrint( "\n" ) ;

	    for( t = s + 1 ; t < nsurf ; t++ )
		if( system->optic[t].terms[ TERM_LABEL ].E )
		    break ;
	    IOerrorPrint( "Following surface with label is: " ) ;
	    if( t < nsurf )
		ExprIOerror( system->optic[t].terms[ TERM_LABEL ].E ) ;
		IOerrorPrint( "(none)" ) ;
	    IOerrorPrint( "\n" ) ;

		/* KLUDGE for mirrors, since they don't reverse! */

	if( (optic->reverse == -1) && (optic->function & FUNCTION_MIRROR) )
	    optic->reverse = 1 ;

    return failed ;
Example #27
static FUNC *ConvertSurface( FUNC *func, OPTIC *optic )
    FUNC *loop ;
    EXPR *EA0, *separate ;
    int ea0used, which, rev ;

    optic->terms[ TERM_MAT ].E = Copy( MatGet() ) ;
    optic->terms[ TERM_TEMP ].E = Copy( MatGetTemp() ) ;

    for( loop = func ; loop ; loop = OpticForward( FuncNext(loop) ) )
	which = (int) ( ExprValue( FuncArg( loop, 0 ) ) + 0.49 ) ;

	if( which < 6 )
	    break ;

	EA0 = Copy( FuncArg( loop, 1 ) ) ;
	ea0used = 0 ;

	switch( which )
	    case 6:				/* INDX */
		if( FuncArgCount( loop ) == 4 )
		    MatPush( EA0, FuncArg( loop, 2 ),
			FuncIsReversed( loop ) ) ;
		    optic->mutant = 1 ;
		    (optic - 1)->mutant = -1 ;		/* kludge-o-rama */
		    optic->terms[TERM_MUTANT].E = Copy( FuncArg( loop, 3 ) ) ;
		if( FuncArgCount( loop ) == 3 )
		    MatPush( EA0, FuncArg( loop, 2 ),
			FuncIsReversed( loop ) ) ;
		if( FuncArgCount( loop ) == 2 )
		    MatPush( EA0, Label( "MatTemperature" ),
			FuncIsReversed( loop ) ) ;
		break ;
	    case 7:				/* PARAX */
		optic->terms[TERM_FOCLEN].E = EA0 ;
		optic->function |= FUNCTION_PARAX ;
		ea0used = 1 ;
		break ;
	    case 8:				/* MIRROR */
		optic->function |= FUNCTION_MIRROR ;
		break ;
	    case 9:				/* GRATING */
		optic->function |= FUNCTION_GRATING ;
		optic->terms[TERM_LINES].E = EA0 ;
		optic->terms[TERM_ORDER].E = Copy( FuncArg( loop, 2 ) ) ;
		ea0used = 1 ;
		break ;
	    case 10:				/* VIEW */
		optic->function |= FUNCTION_VIEW ;
		break ;
	    case 11:				/* STOP */
		if( FuncArgCount( loop ) == 1 )			/* EXIT */
		    optic->function |= FUNCTION_EXIT ;
		if( FuncArgCount( loop ) == 7 )			/* STOP */
		    int i ;
		    EDAT *S ;

		    if( optic->StopCount == NSTOPS )
			IOerror( IO_ERR, "ConvertSurface", "too many stops" ) ;
			failed = 1 ;
			break ;

		    S = &optic->terms[ TERM_STOPS + 6 * optic->StopCount ] ;

		    for( i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )
			S[i].E = Copy( FuncArg( loop, i + 1 ) ) ;
		    optic->StopCount++ ;
		break ;
	    case 12:				/* PDIST */
		if( FuncIsReversed( loop ) )
		    optic->terms[TERM_PDIST].E = Ecc( EA0, "u-", Garbage() ) ;
		optic->terms[TERM_PDIST].E = EA0 ;
		optic->function |= FUNCTION_PDIST ;
		ea0used = 1 ;
		break ;
	    case 13:				/* PRINT */
		break ;
	    case 14:				/* LABEL */
		separate = String( " & " ) ;
		if( optic->terms[ TERM_LABEL ].E )
		    optic->terms[ TERM_LABEL ].E = Ecc(
			optic->terms[ TERM_LABEL ].E, "//", separate ) ;
		    optic->terms[ TERM_LABEL ].E = Ecc(
			optic->terms[ TERM_LABEL ].E, "//", EA0 ) ;
		    optic->terms[ TERM_LABEL ].E = EA0 ;
		ea0used = 1 ;
		break ;
	    case 15:				/* SURF */

		rev = ( FuncIsReversed( loop ) ? -1 : 1 ) ;
		if( optic->reverse != rev )
		    if( !optic->reverse )
			optic->reverse = rev ;
			IOerror( IO_ERR, "ConvertSurface",
			    "inconsistent surface reversal on surface #%d",
			    Surface ) ;
			failed = 1 ;

		if( FuncArgCount( loop ) == 4 )
		    optic->surface |= SURFACE_SYMBOLIC ;
		    optic->terms[TERM_Sx].E = Copy( FuncArg( loop, 1 ) ) ;
		    optic->terms[TERM_Sy].E = Copy( FuncArg( loop, 2 ) ) ;
		    optic->terms[TERM_Sf].E = Copy( FuncArg( loop, 3 ) ) ;

		    if( !ExprIsVariable( optic->terms[TERM_Sx].E ) )
			IOerror( IO_ERR, "ConvertSurface", "X not a variable" ) ;
		    if( !ExprIsVariable( optic->terms[TERM_Sy].E ) )
			IOerror( IO_ERR, "ConvertSurface", "Y not a variable" ) ;

		    break ;

		optic->terms[TERM_CURV].E = EA0 ;
		ea0used = 1 ;
		if( FuncArgCount( loop ) == 1 )
		    optic->surface |= SURFACE_FLAT ;
		if( FuncArgCount( loop ) == 2 )
		    optic->surface |= SURFACE_SPHERE ;
		if( FuncArgCount( loop ) == 3 )
		    optic->surface |= SURFACE_CONIC ;
		    optic->terms[TERM_CONIC].E = Copy( FuncArg( loop, 2 ) ) ;
		else		/* count = 6 */
		    optic->surface |= SURFACE_ASPHERE ;
		    optic->terms[TERM_CONIC].E = Copy( FuncArg( loop, 2 ) ) ;
		    optic->terms[TERM_A4].E = Copy( FuncArg( loop, 3 ) ) ;
		    optic->terms[TERM_A6].E = Copy( FuncArg( loop, 4 ) ) ;
		    optic->terms[TERM_A8].E = Copy( FuncArg( loop, 5 ) ) ;
		    optic->terms[TERM_A10].E = Copy( FuncArg( loop, 6 ) ) ;
		break ;
	    case 16:				/* TRIX */

		rev = ( FuncIsReversed( loop ) ? -1 : 1 ) ;
		if( optic->reverse != rev )
		    if( !optic->reverse )
			optic->reverse = rev ;
			IOerror( IO_ERR, "ConvertSurface",
			    "inconsistent surface reversal on surface #%d",
			    Surface ) ;
			failed = 1 ;

		optic->terms[TERM_Ex].E = EA0 ;
		optic->terms[TERM_Ey].E = Copy( FuncArg( loop, 2 ) ) ;
		optic->terms[TERM_Ez].E = Copy( FuncArg( loop, 3 ) ) ;
		optic->terms[TERM_Eo].E = Copy( FuncArg( loop, 4 ) ) ;
		optic->surface |= SURFACE_TRIAXIAL ;
		ea0used = 1 ;
		break ;

	    case 17:				/* MARK */
		if( FuncArgCount( loop ) == 2 )		/* surface */
		    optic->terms[TERM_MARK].E = EA0 ;
		    ea0used = 1 ;
		if( FuncArgCount( loop ) == 3 )		/* variable */
		    if( !ExprIsVariable( FuncArg( loop, 1 ) ) )
			IOerror( OpticBomb, "ConvertSurface",
			    "EXPR not a VARIABLE" ) ;
		    ExprSetFlags( FuncArg( loop, 1 ),
			(int) ExprValue( FuncArg( loop, 2 ) ) & VAR_OPTIC ) ;
		break ;
	    case 18:				/* COAT */
		if( optic->terms[ TERM_COATING ].E )
		    IOerror( IO_ERR, "ConvertSurface",
			"multiple coating declarations on surface %d",
			Surface ) ;
		    failed = 1 ;
		    optic->terms[ TERM_COATING ].E = EA0 ;
		    ea0used = 1 ;
		break ;
	    case 19:				/* BOUND */
		break ;
	    case 20:				/* BAFFLE */
		optic->function |= FUNCTION_BAFFLE ;
		break ;
	    case 21:				/* MERIT */
		break ;
	    case 22:				/* APERTURE */
		optic->function |= FUNCTION_APERTURE ;
		if( aperture_set )
		    IOerror( IO_ERR, "ConvertSurface", "multiple apertures" ) ;
		    failed = 1 ;
		aperture_set = 1 ;
		break ;
	    case 23:				/* PINHOLE */
		optic->function |= FUNCTION_PINHOLE ;
		break ;
	    case 24:				/* ORIGIN */
		if( origin_set )
		    IOerror( IO_WARN, "ConvertSurface", "multiple origins" ) ;
/* EVIL HACK!!!! */
/*		    failed = 1 ; */
		    optic->function |= FUNCTION_ORIGIN ;
		    origin_set = 1 ;
		break ;
	    case 25:					/* FRESNEL */
		rev = ( FuncIsReversed( loop ) ? -1 : 1 ) ;
		if( optic->reverse != rev )
		    if( !optic->reverse )
			optic->reverse = rev ;
			IOerror( IO_ERR, "ConvertSurface",
			    "inconsistent surface reversal on surface #%d",
			    Surface ) ;
			failed = 1 ;

		optic->surface |= SURFACE_FRESNEL ;
		optic->terms[TERM_FOCLEN].E = EA0 ;
		ea0used = 1 ;
		break ;
		IOerror( OpticBomb, "ConvertSurface",
		    "unexpected surface function on surface #%d", Surface ) ;
		failed = 1 ;

	if( !ea0used )
	    Free( EA0 ) ;

    if( !Compare( optic->terms[ TERM_MAT ].E, MatGet() ) )
	optic->function |= FUNCTION_SNELL ;

    return loop ;
Example #28
void Physical( PLOT *plot, SYSTEM *system, int axis )
    OPTIC *optic ;
    int n, s ;

    if( OpticUpdate( system ) )
	IOerror( IO_ERR, "Physical", "system is not ready to trace" ) ;
    OpticPositions( system ) ;			/* set coordinates */

    PhysicalAxis = axis ;

    for( n = 0 ; n < system->nsurf ; n++ )
	optic = &( system->optic[n] ) ;

	if( optic->terms[ TERM_LABEL ].E || optic->StopCount )
	    PlotComment( plot, "________________________________________" ) ;
	    PlotComment( plot, (char *) 0 ) ;
	    if( optic->terms[ TERM_LABEL ].E )
		PlotComment( plot,
		    ExprValueString( optic->terms[ TERM_LABEL ].E ) ) ;
		PlotComment( plot, "Mysterious Unlabeled Surface" ) ;
	    PlotComment( plot, (char *) 0 ) ;

	for( s = 0 ; s < optic->StopCount ; s++ )
	    double T, R, X, Y ;
	    int type ;

	    type = OpticStopType( optic, s ) ;

	    if( abs(type) == STOP_CIRCLE )
		R = OpticStopScale( optic, s ) ;
		Plot2Start( plot ) ;
		for( T = 0.0 ; T < RESH * 2.0 * M_PI ; T += M_PI / RES )
		    PhysicalDraw2( plot, optic, R * cos(T), R * sin(T) ) ;
		Plot2End( plot, 1 ) ;

		Plot2Start( plot ) ;
		PhysicalLine( plot, optic, -R, 0.0, R, 0.0 ) ;
		Plot2End( plot, 0 ) ;

		Plot2Start( plot ) ;
		PhysicalLine( plot, optic, 0.0, -R, 0.0, R ) ;
		Plot2End( plot, 0 ) ;
		    continue ;
	    if( type == STOP_HALF_PLANE )
		X = optic->terms[ TERM_STOPS + 6 * s + 3 ].v ;
		Y = optic->terms[ TERM_STOPS + 6 * s + 4 ].v ;
		R = optic->terms[ TERM_STOPS + 6 * s + 5 ].v ;
		T = -R / ( X*X + Y*Y ) ;

		Plot2Start( plot ) ;
		PhysicalLine( plot, optic,
		    T*X - 10*Y, T*Y + 10*X, T*X + 10*Y, T*Y - 10*X ) ;
		Plot2End( plot, 0 ) ;

		continue ;

	    /* now we only accept pairs, (x,y) */

	    if( s == optic->StopCount - 1 )
		continue ;

	    if( abs(type) == STOP_X )
		if( abs( OpticStopType( optic, s+1 ) != STOP_Y ) )
		    continue ;
		X = OpticStopScale( optic, s ) ;
		s++ ;
		Y = OpticStopScale( optic, s ) ;
	    if( abs(type) == STOP_Y )
		if( abs( OpticStopType( optic, s+1 ) != STOP_X ) )
		    continue ;
		Y = OpticStopScale( optic, s ) ;
		s++ ;
		X = OpticStopScale( optic, s ) ;
		continue ;

	    Plot2Start( plot ) ;
	    PhysicalLine( plot, optic, -X, -Y,  X, -Y ) ;
	    PhysicalLine( plot, optic,  X, -Y,  X,  Y ) ;
	    PhysicalLine( plot, optic,  X,  Y, -X,  Y ) ;
	    PhysicalLine( plot, optic, -X,  Y, -X, -Y ) ;
	    Plot2End( plot, 1 ) ;

	    Plot2Start( plot ) ;
	    PhysicalLine( plot, optic, -X, 0.0, X, 0.0 ) ;
	    Plot2End( plot, 0 ) ;

	    Plot2Start( plot ) ;
	    PhysicalLine( plot, optic, 0.0, -Y, 0.0, Y ) ;
	    Plot2End( plot, 0 ) ;
Example #29
double MatOpacityCat( char *name, double wl )
    double low, high, depth, T ;
    char *type ;

    if( wl <= 0.0 )
	IOerror( MatBomb, "MatOpacityCat", "invalid wavelength %g", wl ) ;
	return nan("") ;

    low = ExprValue( DbaseGetExpr( name, "TransmissionLow" ) ) ;
    if( (wl < low) && DbaseCheck( name, "OPACITY_LOW" ) )
	IOerror( MatBomb, "MatOpacityCat", "wavelength %g out of range for %s: lower bound is %g", wl, name, low ) ;
	IOerror( MatBomb, "MatOpacityCat", "extrapolating beyond range\n" ) ;
	wl = low ;
    high = ExprValue( DbaseGetExpr( name, "TransmissionHigh" ) ) ;
    if( (wl > high) && DbaseCheck( name, "OPACITY_HIGH" ) )
	IOerror( MatBomb, "MatOpacityCat", "wavelength %g out of range for %s: upper bound is %g", wl, name, high ) ;
	IOerror( MatBomb, "MatOpacityCat", "extrapolating beyond range\n" ) ;
	wl = high ;

    type = ExprValueString( DbaseGetExpr( name, "TransmissionFormula" ) ) ;
    if( strcmp( type, "table" ) == 0 )
	EXPR* array = DbaseGetExpr( name, "transmission" ) ;
	if( array )
	    T = ExprInterp( array, wl ) ;
	    if( isnan(T) )
		IOerror( MatBomb, "MatOpacityCat", "bad transmission data array for %s", name ) ;
		return nan("") ;
	    IOerror( MatBomb, "MatOpacityCat", "transmission data not found for %s", name ) ;
	    return nan("") ;

// old stuff here that we should incorporate...
//	    if( (ret == 1) && DbaseCheck( name, "OPACITY_RANGE" ) )
//		IOerror( MatBomb, "MatOpacityCat", "wavelength %g out of range for %s -- extrapolating", wl, name ) ;

	depth = ExprValue( DbaseGetExpr( name, "TransmissionDepth" ) ) ;

	if( T == 1.0 )
	    return 0.0 ;
	if( T <= 0.0 )
	    return HUGE ;
	    return -( depth / 25.4 ) / log(T) ;
    if( strcmp( type, "clear" ) == 0 )
	return 0.0 ;
	IOerror( MatBomb, "MatOpacityCat", "unknown type of transmission formula for %s", name ) ;
	return nan("") ;
Example #30
double MatIndexCat( char *name, double temp, double wl )
    double low, high, S2, index2, Tcat, dndT ;
    int count ;
    char *type ;

    if( wl <= 0.0 )
	IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "invalid wavelength %g", wl ) ;
	return nan("") ;

 *  First get the index at the catalogue temperature

    low = ExprValue( DbaseGetExpr( name, "DispersionLow" ) ) ;
    if( (wl < low) && DbaseCheck( name, "DISP_LOW" ) )
	IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "wavelength %g out of range for %s: lower bound is %g", wl, name, low ) ;
	IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "extrapolating beyond range\n" ) ;
    high = ExprValue( DbaseGetExpr( name, "DispersionHigh" ) ) ;
    if( (wl > high) && DbaseCheck( name, "DISP_HIGH" ) )
	IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "wavelength %g out of range for %s: upper bound is %g", wl, name, high ) ;
	IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "extrapolating beyond range\n" ) ;

    S2 = 1.0 / ( wl * wl ) ;

    type = ExprValueString( DbaseGetExpr( name, "DispersionFormula" ) ) ;

    if( strcmp( type, "sellmeier" ) == 0 )
	EXPR* array = DbaseGetExpr( name, "sellmeier" ) ;
	if( !array )
	    IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "sellmeier data array not found for %s", name ) ;
	    return nan("") ;

	count = ExprArrayCount(array) ;
	if( count % 2 )
	    IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "sellmeier formula has %d terms for %s", count, name ) ;
	    return nan("") ;

	double table[count] ;
	for( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ )
	    table[i] = ExprValue( ExprArrayValue( array, i ) ) ;

	index2 = 1.0 ;
	for( int i = 0 ; i < count / 2 ; i++ )
	    index2 += table[ 2 * i ] / ( 1.0 - table[ 2 * i + 1 ] * S2 ) ;

	if( index2 < 1.0 )
	    IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "unphysical index of n[%s]^2 = %g at %g microns", name, index2, wl ) ;
	    return nan("") ;
    if( strcmp( type, "schott" ) == 0 )
	EXPR* array = DbaseGetExpr( name, "schott" ) ;
	if( !array )
	    IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "schott data array not found for %s", name ) ;
	    return nan("") ;

	count = ExprArrayCount(array) ;
	if( count != 6 )
	    IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "Schott formula has %d terms for %s", count, name ) ;
	    return nan("") ;

	double table[6] ;
	for( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )
	    table[i] = ExprValue( ExprArrayValue( array, i ) ) ;

	index2 = table[0]
	     +   table[1] / S2
	     + ( table[2]
	     + ( table[3]
	     + ( table[4]
	     +   table[5] * S2 ) * S2 ) * S2 ) * S2 ;

	if( index2 < 1.0 )
	    IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "unphysical index of n[%s]^2 = %g at %g microns", name, index2, wl ) ;
	    return nan("") ;
    if( strcmp( type, "polyindex" ) == 0 )
	EXPR* array = DbaseGetExpr( name, "polyindex" ) ;
	if( !array )
	    IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "polyindex data array not found for %s", name ) ;
	    return nan("") ;

	count = ExprArrayCount(array) ;
	if( !count || (count % 3 != 0) )
	    IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "Poly Index has %d terms for %s", count, name ) ;
	    return nan("") ;

	double table[count] ;
	for( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ )
	    table[i] = ExprValue( ExprArrayValue( array, i ) ) ;

	index2 = 0.0 ;
	for( int i = 0 ; i < count / 3 ; i++ )
	    index2 += table[ 3 * i + 2 ]
		* pow( S2, table[ 3 * i ] )
		* pow( temp, table[ 3 * i + 1 ] ) ;

	if( index2 < 1.0 )
	    IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "unphysical index of n[%s]^2 = %g at %g microns", name, index2, wl ) ;
	    return nan("") ;

	return sqrt( index2 ) ;			/* TEMP done already! */
	IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "unknown type of dispersion formula for %s", name ) ;
	return nan("") ;

 *  Now adjust for temperature effects

    Tcat = ExprValue( DbaseGetExpr( name, "DispersionTemperature" ) ) ;
    if( Tcat == temp )
	return sqrt( index2 ) ;			/* all done! */

    type = ExprValueString( DbaseGetExpr( name, "dndTFormula" ) ) ;
    if( strcmp( type, "table" ) == 0 )
	EXPR* array = DbaseGetExpr( name, "dndT" ) ;
	if( array )
	    dndT = ExprInterp( array, wl ) ;
	    if( isnan(dndT) )
		IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "bad dndT data array for %s", name ) ;
		return nan("") ;
	    IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "dndT data not found for %s", name ) ;
	    return nan("") ;

//	if( (ret == 1) && DbaseCheck( name, "DNDT_RANGE" ) )
//	    IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "wavelength %g out of range of dndT table for %s -- extrapolating", wl, name ) ;
    if( strcmp( type, "constant" ) == 0 )
	dndT = ExprValue( DbaseGetExpr( name, "dndTConstant" ) ) ;
	IOerror( MatBomb, "MatIndexCat", "unknown form of dndT table for %s",
	    name ) ;
	return nan("") ;

    return sqrt( index2 ) + dndT * ( temp - Tcat ) ;