Example #1
 * A ICMP packet is created and put on MAC.
 * @preCondition ICMPIsTxReady() == TRUE
 * @param remote    Remote node info
 * @param code      ICMP_ECHO_REPLY or ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST
 * @param data      Data bytes
 * @param len       Number of bytes to send
 * @param id        ICMP identifier
 * @param seq       ICMP sequence number
void ICMPPut(NODE_INFO *remote,
             ICMP_CODE code,
             BYTE *data,
             BYTE len,
             WORD id,
             WORD seq)
    ICMP_PACKET    packet;
    BUFFER MyTxBuffer;
    MyTxBuffer = MACGetTxBuffer(TRUE);

    // Abort if there is no where in the Ethernet controller to 
    // store this packet.
    if(MyTxBuffer == INVALID_BUFFER)

    IPSetTxBuffer(MyTxBuffer, 0);


    packet.Code             = 0;
    packet.Type             = code;
    packet.Checksum         = 0;
    packet.Identifier       = id;
    packet.SequenceNumber   = seq;

    memcpy((void*)packet.Data, (void*)data, len);


#if defined(NON_MCHP_MAC)   //This is NOT a Microchip MAC
    packet.Checksum         = CalcIPChecksum((BYTE*)&packet,

                (WORD)(ICMP_HEADER_SIZE + len));

    IPPutArray((BYTE*)&packet, ICMPLen);

#if !defined(NON_MCHP_MAC)  //This is a Microchip MAC
    // Calculate and write the ICMP checksum using the Microchip MAC's DMA
    packet.Checksum = MACCalcTxChecksum(sizeof(IP_HEADER), ICMPLen);
    IPSetTxBuffer(MyTxBuffer, 2);
    MACPutArray((BYTE*)&packet.Checksum, 2);

Example #2
 * Function:        BOOL UDPPut(BYTE v)
 * PreCondition:    UDPIsPutReady() == TRUE with desired UDP socket
 *                  that is to be loaded.
 * Input:           v       - Data byte to loaded into transmit buffer
 * Output:          TRUE if transmit buffer is still ready to accept
 *                  more data bytes
 *                  FALSE if transmit buffer can no longer accept
 *                  any more data byte.
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        Given data byte is put into UDP transmit buffer
 *                  and active UDP socket buffer length is incremented
 *                  by one.
 *                  If buffer has become full, FALSE is returned.
 *                  Or else TRUE is returned.
 * Note:            This function loads data into an active UDP socket
 *                  as determined by previous call to UDPIsPutReady()
    WORD temp;

    p = &UDPSocketInfo[activeUDPSocket];

    if ( p->TxCount == 0 )
         * This is the very first byte that is loaded in UDP buffer.
         * Remember what transmit buffer we are loading, and
         * start loading this and next bytes in data area of UDP
         * packet.
        p->TxBuffer = MACGetTxBuffer();

        IPSetTxBuffer(p->TxBuffer, sizeof(UDP_HEADER));

        p->TxOffset = 0;

     * Load it.

    if ( p->TxOffset++ >= p->TxCount )

#if 0
     * Keep track of number of bytes loaded.
     * If total bytes fill up buffer, transmit it.

#define SIZEOF_MAC_HEADER       (14)

     * Depending on what communication media is used, allowable UDP
     * data length will vary.
#if !defined(STACK_USE_SLIP)
#define MAX_UDP_DATA  (MAC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE - sizeof(IP_HEADER) - sizeof(UDP_HEADER) )

    temp = p->TxCount;
    if ( temp >= MAX_UDP_DATA )

    return TRUE;
Example #3
 * Given number of data bytes from the given array are put into the UDP transmit buffer
 * and active UDP socket buffer length is incremented by number of bytes. The data is
 * NOT sent yet, and the UDPFlush() function must be called to send all data contained
 * in the transmit buffer.
 * If there is not enough space in the transmit buffer for all the data, the contents of
 * the transmit buffer will be sent, and this function will return the actual amount of
 * bytes that were sent. In this case, it is VERY IMPORTANT to call the UDPIsPutReady()
 * function again before calling the UDPPut() or UDPPutArray() functions! This will however
 * only happen if the transmit buffer fills up. The transmit buffer for UDP data is
 * = (MAC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE - 42), which is usually 982 bytes. If writing less then this to
 * the transmit buffer before calling UDPFlush(), then this function will always return the
 * requested number of bytes!
 * Note: This function loads data into an active UDP socket as determined by previous
 * call to UDPIsPutReady().
 * @preCondition    UDPIsPutReady() == TRUE with desired UDP socket
 *                  that is to be loaded.
 * @param[in] buffer Buffer containing data that has to be sent.
 * @param count     Number of bytes to send
 * @return          Number of bytes added to the transmit buffer.<br>
 *                  !!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!<br>
 *                  If this value is less then the number of bytes we requested to send, then 
 *                  UDPIsPutReady() must be called again before calling the UDPPut() or
 *                  UDPPutArray() functions!
WORD UDPPutArray(BYTE *buffer, WORD count)
    WORD temp;
	WORD ckCount = 0;
    p = &UDPSocketInfo[activeUDPSocket];

    //This UDP Socket does not contain any unsent data, and currently does not own a TX Buffer!
    //Assign it the next available TX Buffer
    if ( p->TxCount == 0 )
        //Get handle to next available TX Buffer. The UDPIsPutReady() function that has to be called
        //prior to this function will determine if there is an available TX Buffer.
        p->TxBuffer = MACGetTxBuffer(TRUE);

        // Make sure that we received a TX buffer
        if(p->TxBuffer == INVALID_BUFFER)
            return FALSE;

        //This sets the current TX Buffer pointer to the given offset after the IP header.
        //We give the size of the UDP header here as a parameter. This causes the current
        //write pointer to be set to firt byte after the UDP header, which is the UDP data
        IPSetTxBuffer(p->TxBuffer, sizeof(UDP_HEADER));
    //This function request more bytes to be written to the TX Buffer then there is space 
    if ((p->TxCount + count) > UDPGetMaxDataLength()) {
        //Update count with maximum number of bytes that there is place for in the TX Buffer
        count = UDPGetMaxDataLength() - p->TxCount;

    //Write buffer
    MACPutArray(buffer, count);
	while (ckCount <= count) {
		if (p->TxCount+ckCount & 1) {
			udpChecksum += *(buffer+ckCount);
			} else
			udpChecksum += ((WORD)*(buffer+ckCount) << 8);

    //Keep track of number of bytes loaded.
    //If total bytes fill up buffer, transmit it.
    p->TxCount +=  count;

    if ( p->TxCount >= UDPGetMaxDataLength() )
    return count;   //Return actual number of bytes sent
Example #4
 * Function:        BOOL UDPFlush(void)
 * PreCondition:    UDPPut() is already called and desired UDP socket
 *                  is set as an active socket by calling
 *                  UDPIsPutReady().
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          All and any data associated with active UDP socket
 *                  buffer is marked as ready for transmission.
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        None
 * Note:            This function transmit all data from
 *                  an active UDP socket.
void UDPFlush(void)
    UDP_HEADER      h;

     * When using SLIP (USART), packet transmission takes some time
     * and hence before sending another packet, we must make sure
     * that, last packet is transmitted.
     * When using ethernet controller, transmission occurs very fast
     * and by the time next packet is transmitted, previous is
     * transmitted and we do not need to check for last packet.
    //while( !IPIsTxReady() );

    p = &UDPSocketInfo[activeUDPSocket];

    h.SourcePort        = swaps(p->localPort);
    h.DestinationPort   = swaps(p->remotePort);
    h.Length            = (WORD)((WORD)p->TxCount + (WORD)sizeof(UDP_HEADER));
    // Do not swap h.Length yet.  It is needed in IPPutHeader.
    h.Checksum          = 0x00;

    IPSetTxBuffer(p->TxBuffer, 0);

     * Load IP header.
    IPPutHeader( &p->remoteNode,
                 h.Length );

    // Now swap h.Length.
    h.Length            = swaps(h.Length);

     * Now load UDP header.
    IPPutArray((BYTE*)&h, sizeof(h));

     * Update checksum.


    p->TxBuffer         = INVALID_BUFFER;
    p->TxCount          = 0;

Example #5
 * Given data byte is put into the UDP transmit buffer and active UDP socket buffer
 * length is incremented. The data is NOT sent yet, and the UDPFlush() function must
 * be called to send all data contained in the transmit buffer.
 * If the transmit buffer filled up, the contents of the transmit buffer will be sent,
 * and this function will return FALSE. In this case, it is VERY IMPORTANT to call the
 * UDPIsPutReady() function again before calling the UDPPut() or UDPPutArray() functions!
 * Note: This function loads data into an active UDP socket as determined by previous
 * call to UDPIsPutReady().
 * @preCondition    UDPIsPutReady() == TRUE with desired UDP socket
 *                  that is to be loaded.
 * @param v       - Data byte to loaded into transmit buffer
 * @return          TRUE if transmit buffer is still ready to accept more data bytes <br>
 *                  FALSE if transmit buffer can no longer accept any more data byte.<br>
 *                  If FALSE is returned, then UDPIsPutReady() has to be called again before
 *                  calling the UDPPut() or UDPPutArray() functions!

    p = &UDPSocketInfo[activeUDPSocket];

    //This UDP Socket does not contain any unsent data, and currently does not own a TX Buffer!
    //Assign it the next available TX Buffer
    if ( p->TxCount == 0 )
        // This is the very first byte that is loaded in UDP buffer.
        // Remember what transmit buffer we are loading, and
        // start loading this and next bytes in data area of UDP packet.
        p->TxBuffer = MACGetTxBuffer(TRUE);

        // Make sure that we received a TX buffer
        if(p->TxBuffer == INVALID_BUFFER)
            return FALSE;

        //This sets the current TX Buffer pointer to the given offset after the IP header.
        //We give the size of the UDP header here as a parameter. This causes the current
        //write pointer to be set to firt byte after the UDP header, which is the UDP data area.
        IPSetTxBuffer(p->TxBuffer, sizeof(UDP_HEADER));
	    udpChecksum = 0;
        //p->TxOffset = 0;  /* TxOffset is not required! */

    //Load it.
	if (p->TxCount & 1) {
		udpChecksum += v;
		} else
		udpChecksum += ((WORD)v << 8);
    //Keep track of number of bytes loaded.
    //If total bytes fill up buffer, transmit it.

    if ( p->TxCount >= UDPGetMaxDataLength() )
		udpChecksum = 0;
    return TRUE;
Example #6
 * This function transmit all data from the active UDP socket.
 * @preCondition    UDPPut() is already called and desired UDP socket
 *                  is set as an active socket by calling
 *                  UDPIsPutReady().
 * @return          All and any data associated with active UDP socket
 *                  buffer is marked as ready for transmission.
void UDPFlush(void)
    UDP_HEADER      h;

    // Wait for TX hardware to become available (finish transmitting 
    // any previous packet)
    while( !IPIsTxReady(TRUE) ) FAST_USER_PROCESS();

    p = &UDPSocketInfo[activeUDPSocket];

    h.SourcePort.Val        = swaps(p->localPort);
    h.DestinationPort.Val   = swaps(p->remotePort);
    h.Length.Val            = (WORD)((WORD)p->TxCount + (WORD)sizeof(UDP_HEADER));
    // Do not swap h.Length yet.  It is needed in IPPutHeader.
    h.Checksum.Val      = 0x00;

    //Makes the given TX Buffer active, and set's the pointer to the first byte after the IP
    //header. This is the first byte of the UDP header. The UDP header follows the IP header.
    IPSetTxBuffer(p->TxBuffer, 0);

    //Load IP header.
    IPPutHeader( &p->remoteNode,
                 h.Length.Val );

    //Now swap h.Length.Val
    h.Length.Val        = swaps(h.Length.Val);

    //Now load UDP header.
    IPPutArray((BYTE*)&h, sizeof(h));

    //Update checksum. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO BE IMPLEMENTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    //Send data contained in TX Buffer via MAC

    // The buffer was reserved with AutoFree, so we can immediately 
    // discard it.  The MAC layer will free it after transmission.
    p->TxBuffer         = INVALID_BUFFER;
    p->TxCount          = 0;

Example #7
 * Function:        BOOL UDPFlush(void)
 * PreCondition:    UDPPut() is already called and desired UDP socket
 *                  is set as an active socket by calling
 *                  UDPIsPutReady().
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          All and any data associated with active UDP socket
 *                  buffer is marked as ready for transmission.
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        None
 * Note:            This function transmit all data from
 *                  an active UDP socket.
void UDPFlush(void)
    UDP_HEADER      h;

    // Wait for TX hardware to become available (finish transmitting
    // any previous packet)
    while( !IPIsTxReady(TRUE) );

    p = &UDPSocketInfo[activeUDPSocket];

    debug_udp("\r\nUDP FLUSH - Sok:%U TxC:%LU SP:%LU DP:%LU ",

    h.SourcePort        = swaps(p->localPort);
    h.DestinationPort   = swaps(p->remotePort);
    h.Length            = (WORD)((WORD)p->TxCount + (WORD)sizeof(UDP_HEADER));
    // Do not swap h.Length yet.  It is needed in IPPutHeader.
    h.Checksum          = 0x0000;

    IPSetTxBuffer(p->TxBuffer, 0);

     * Load IP header.

    IPPutHeader( &p->remoteNode,
                 h.Length );

    // Now swap h.Length.
    h.Length            = swaps(h.Length);

    // Now load UDP header.
    IPPutArray((BYTE*)&h, sizeof(h));

     // Update checksum.


    // The buffer was reserved with AutoFree, so we can immediately
   // discard it.  The MAC layer will free it after transmission.
    p->TxBuffer         = INVALID_BUFFER;
    p->TxCount          = 0;

Example #8
 * Function:        BOOL UDPPut(BYTE v)
 * PreCondition:    UDPIsPutReady() == TRUE with desired UDP socket
 *                  that is to be loaded.
 * Input:           v       - Data byte to loaded into transmit buffer
 * Output:          TRUE if transmit buffer is still ready to accept
 *                  more data bytes
 *                  FALSE if transmit buffer can no longer accept
 *                  any more data byte.
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        Given data byte is put into UDP transmit buffer
 *                  and active UDP socket buffer length is incremented
 *                  by one.
 *                  If buffer has become full, FALSE is returned.
 *                  Or else TRUE is returned.
 * Note:            This function loads data into an active UDP socket
 *                  as determined by previous call to UDPIsPutReady()
    WORD temp;
    WORD tempOffset;
    WORD tempCount;

    p = &UDPSocketInfo[activeUDPSocket];


    if ( tempCount == 0 )
        // This is the very first byte that is loaded in UDP buffer.
        // Remember what transmit buffer we are loading, and
        // start loading this and next bytes in data area of UDP packet.
        p->TxBuffer = MACGetTxBuffer(TRUE);

      // Make sure that we received a TX buffer
      if(p->TxBuffer == INVALID_BUFFER)
         return FALSE;

        IPSetTxBuffer(p->TxBuffer, sizeof(UDP_HEADER));

        p->TxOffset = 0;


   /*if (v>=0x20)
      debug_udp("-%c", v);
      debug_udp("-0x%X", v);*/
    // Load it.

    // Keep track of number of bytes loaded.
    // If total bytes fill up buffer, transmit it.
    if (tempOffset >= tempCount)

    /* //broken in ccs?
    if ( p->TxOffset++ >= p->TxCount )

#define SIZEOF_MAC_HEADER       (14)

    // Depending on what communication media is used, allowable UDP
    // data length will vary.
#define MAX_UDP_DATA  (MAC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE - sizeof(IP_HEADER) - sizeof(UDP_HEADER) )

   p->TxOffset = tempOffset;

    //temp = p->TxCount;
    //if ( temp >= MAX_UDP_DATA )
    p->TxCount = tempCount;
    if (tempCount >= MAX_UDP_DATA)

    return TRUE;
Example #9
	void UDPSetTxBuffer(WORD wOffset)

	Moves the pointer within the TX buffer.
	This function allows the write location within the TX buffer to be 
	specified.  Future calls to UDPPut, UDPPutArray, UDPPutString, etc will
	write data from the indicated location.

	UDPInit() must have been previously called and a socket is currently 

	wOffset - Offset from beginning of UDP packet data payload to place the
		write pointer.

void UDPSetTxBuffer(WORD wOffset)
	wPutOffset = wOffset;
Example #10
 * This function transmit all data from the active UDP socket.
 * @preCondition    UDPPut() is already called and desired UDP socket
 *                  is set as an active socket by calling
 *                  UDPIsPutReady().
 * @return          All and any data associated with active UDP socket
 *                  buffer is marked as ready for transmission.
void UDPFlush(void)
    UDP_HEADER      h;
    WORD csLength;
	DWORD_VAL csChecksum;
    // Wait for TX hardware to become available (finish transmitting 
    // any previous packet)
    while( !IPIsTxReady(TRUE) ) FAST_USER_PROCESS();

    p = &UDPSocketInfo[activeUDPSocket];

    h.SourcePort.Val        = swaps(p->localPort);
    h.DestinationPort.Val   = swaps(p->remotePort);
    h.Length.Val            = (WORD)((WORD)p->TxCount + (WORD)sizeof(UDP_HEADER));
    // Do not swap h.Length yet.  It is needed in IPPutHeader.
    h.Checksum.Val      = 0x00;

    //Makes the given TX Buffer active, and set's the pointer to the first byte after the IP
    //header. This is the first byte of the UDP header. The UDP header follows the IP header.
    IPSetTxBuffer(p->TxBuffer, 0);

    //Load IP header.
    IPPutHeader( &p->remoteNode,
                 h.Length.Val );

    // save length before swap for checksum calculation
    csLength			= p->TxCount;

    //Now swap h.Length.Val
    h.Length.Val        = swaps(h.Length.Val);

    //Now load UDP header.
    IPPutArray((BYTE*)&h, sizeof(h));

    //Update checksum. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO BE IMPLEMENTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	// Update checksum.
	// start the checksum with value for UDP protocol & length from pseudo header (and in the actual packet)
	csChecksum.Val = (WORD)IP_PROT_UDP + (WORD)csLength + sizeof(UDP_HEADER);
	// add in my address and the remoteNode address
	csChecksum.Val += ((WORD)MY_IP_BYTE1 << 8) + MY_IP_BYTE2;
	csChecksum.Val += ((WORD)MY_IP_BYTE3 << 8) + MY_IP_BYTE4;
	csChecksum.Val += ((WORD)p->remoteNode.IPAddr.v[0] << 8) +  ((WORD)p->remoteNode.IPAddr.v[1] ) +
					  ((WORD)p->remoteNode.IPAddr.v[2] << 8) +  ((WORD)p->remoteNode.IPAddr.v[3] );

    // set mac pointer to the ip_addr of the source, so all of pseudo header but length is included.
    // length of pseudo header is already included in previous instruction.
    //MACSetRxBuffer( sizeof(IP_HEADER)+sizeof(UDP_HEADER) );

	csChecksum.Val += (WORD)p->localPort;
	csChecksum.Val += (WORD)p->remotePort;
	csChecksum.Val += (WORD)csLength + sizeof(UDP_HEADER);

	//IPSetRxBuffer(BASE_TX_ADDR + sizeof(ETHER_HEADER) + sizeof(IP_HEADER) - ( sizeof(IP_ADDR) * 2 ) );
    // handled in UdpPut routines
	csChecksum.Val += udpChecksum;

	// add any carry over to the last word
	while((DWORD)csChecksum.word.MSW) {
		csChecksum.Val = (DWORD)csChecksum.word.LSW + (DWORD)csChecksum.word.MSW;
	// add any carry over from adding the carry over
	//csChecksum.Val = (DWORD)csChecksum.word.LSW + (DWORD)csChecksum.word.MSW;
	// invert
	csChecksum.Val = ~csChecksum.Val;
	// set write pointer to location of checksum in packet
	//MACSetWritePtr( sizeof(ETHER_HEADER) + sizeof(IP_HEADER) + sizeof(UDP_HEADER) - 2 );
	IPSetTxBuffer(p->TxBuffer,   sizeof(UDP_HEADER) - 2);
	// write the swapped checksum to the packet
	//MACPut(	csChecksum.v[1] );
	//MACPut(	csChecksum.v[0] );
    //Send data contained in TX Buffer via MAC

    // The buffer was reserved with AutoFree, so we can immediately 
    // discard it.  The MAC layer will free it after transmission.
    p->TxBuffer         = INVALID_BUFFER;
    p->TxCount          = 0;

Example #11
    void UDPSetTxBuffer(uint16_t wOffset)

    Moves the pointer within the TX buffer.

    This function allows the write location within the TX buffer to be
    specified.  Future calls to UDPPut, UDPPutArray, UDPPutString, etc will
    write data from the indicated location.

    UDPInit() must have been previously called and a socket is currently

    wOffset - Offset from beginning of UDP packet data payload to place the
        write pointer.

void UDPSetTxBuffer(uint16_t wOffset)
    wPutOffset = wOffset;