Example #1
  * @brief  Initializes the COMP2 peripheral according to the specified parameters
  *         in the COMP_InitStruct:
  *           - COMP_InvertingInput specify the inverting input of COMP2
  *           - COMP_OutputSelect connect the output of COMP2 to selected timer
  *             input (Input capture / Output Compare Reference Clear)
  *           - COMP_Speed configures COMP2 speed for optimum speed/consumption ratio
  * @note   This function configures only COMP2.
  * @note   COMP2 comparator is enabled as soon as the INSEL[2:0] bits are 
  *         different from "000".
  * @param  COMP_InitStruct: pointer to an COMP_InitTypeDef structure that contains 
  *         the configuration information for the specified COMP peripheral.
  * @retval None
void COMP_Init(COMP_InitTypeDef* COMP_InitStruct)
  uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
  /* Check the parameters */

  /*!< Get the COMP CSR value */
  tmpreg = COMP->CSR;

  /*!< Clear the  INSEL[2:0], OUTSEL[1:0] and SPEED bits */ 
  tmpreg &= (uint32_t) (~(uint32_t) (COMP_CSR_OUTSEL | COMP_CSR_INSEL | COMP_CSR_SPEED));
  /*!< Configure COMP: speed, inversion input selection and output redirection */
  /*!< Set SPEED bit according to COMP_InitStruct->COMP_Speed value */
  /*!< Set INSEL bits according to COMP_InitStruct->COMP_InvertingInput value */ 
  /*!< Set OUTSEL bits according to COMP_InitStruct->COMP_OutputSelect value */  
  tmpreg |= (uint32_t)((COMP_InitStruct->COMP_Speed | COMP_InitStruct->COMP_InvertingInput 
                        | COMP_InitStruct->COMP_OutputSelect));

  /*!< The COMP2 comparator is enabled as soon as the INSEL[2:0] bits value are 
     different from "000" */
  /*!< Write to COMP_CSR register */
  COMP->CSR = tmpreg;  
Example #2
  * @brief  Initializes the comparator inverting input, output and speed.
  * @note   This function configures only COMP2.
  * @param  COMP_InvertingInput : selects the comparator inverting input.
  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *            @arg COMP_InvertingInput_IO: Input/Output on comparator inverting input enable
  *            @arg COMP_InvertingInput_VREFINT: VREFINT on comparator inverting input enable
  *            @arg COMP_InvertingInput_3_4VREFINT: 3/4 VREFINT on comparator inverting input enable
  *            @arg COMP_InvertingInput_1_2VREFINT: 1/2 VREFINT on comparator inverting input enable
  *            @arg COMP_InvertingInput_1_4VREFINT: 1/4 VREFINT on comparator inverting input enable
  *            @arg COMP_InvertingInput_DAC1: DAC1 output on comparator inverting input enable
  *            @arg COMP_InvertingInput_DAC2: DAC2 output on comparator inverting input enable
  * @param  COMP_OutputSelect : selects the comparator output
  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *            @arg COMP_OutputSelect_TIM2IC2: COMP2 output connected to TIM2 Input Capture 2
  *            @arg COMP_OutputSelect_TIM3IC2: COMP2 output connected to TIM3 Input Capture 2
  *            @arg COMP_OutputSelect_TIM1BRK: COMP2 output connected to TIM1 Break Input
  *            @arg COMP_OutputSelect_TIM1OCREFCLR: COMP2 output connected to TIM1 OCREF Clear
  * @param  COMP_Speed selects the comparator speed
  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *            @arg COMP_Speed_Slow: Comparator speed: slow
  *            @arg COMP_Speed_Fast: Comparator speed: fast
  * @retval None.
void COMP_Init(COMP_InvertingInput_Typedef COMP_InvertingInput,
               COMP_OutputSelect_Typedef COMP_OutputSelect, COMP_Speed_TypeDef COMP_Speed)
  /* Check the parameters */

  /* Reset the INSEL[2:0] bits in CSR3 register */
  COMP->CSR3 &= (uint8_t) (~COMP_CSR3_INSEL);
  /* Select the comparator inverting input */
  COMP->CSR3 |= (uint8_t) COMP_InvertingInput;

  /* Reset the OUTSEL[1:0] bits in CSR3 register */
  COMP->CSR3 &= (uint8_t) (~COMP_CSR3_OUTSEL);
  /* Redirect the comparator output */
  COMP->CSR3 |= (uint8_t) COMP_OutputSelect;

  /* Reset the comparator speed bit */
  COMP->CSR2 &= (uint8_t) (~COMP_CSR2_SPEED);
  /* Select the comparator speed */
  COMP->CSR2 |= (uint8_t) COMP_Speed;