Example #1
    VOIDFUNCPTR *vector,        /* interrupt vector to attach to     */
    VOIDFUNCPTR routine         /* routine to be called              */
    int irq = IVEC_TO_INUM ((int)vector) - INT_NUM_IRQ0;
    PCI_INT_RTN *pRtn;
    int oldLevel;

    for (pRtn = (PCI_INT_RTN *)DLL_FIRST (&pciIntList[irq]); pRtn != NULL;
         pRtn = (PCI_INT_RTN *)DLL_NEXT (&pRtn->node)) {
        if (pRtn->routine == routine) {
            oldLevel = intLock ();                      /* LOCK INTERRUPT */
            dllRemove (&pciIntList[irq], &pRtn->node);
            intUnlock (oldLevel);                       /* UNLOCK INTERRUPT */

            free ((char *)pRtn);
            return (OK);

    return (ERROR);
Example #2
pciIntConnect (VOIDFUNCPTR *vector, VOIDFUNCPTR routine, int parameter)
    static int alreadyConnected=FALSE;

    int irq = IVEC_TO_INUM ((int)vector) - sysVectorIRQ0;
    PCI_INT_RTN *pRtn;
    int oldLevel;

    pRtn = (PCI_INT_RTN *)malloc (sizeof (PCI_INT_RTN));
    if (pRtn == NULL) {
        return (ERROR);

    pRtn->routine   = routine;
    pRtn->parameter = parameter;

    oldLevel = intLock ();                      /* LOCK INTERRUPT */
    dllAdd (&pciIntList[irq], &pRtn->node);
    intUnlock (oldLevel);                       /* UNLOCK INTERRUPT */

    if (!alreadyConnected) {
        if (intConnect(vector, (VOIDFUNCPTR) pciInt, irq) == ERROR) {
            return -1;
    return (OK);
*This routine is used to check interrupt id and interrupt cpuid
    int * pLevel,
    int * pVector,
    int * pSrcCpuId
    UINT32 currentLevel, levelBak;

    g_vicIntCheck = 1;
    if (NULL != vicIntBreakInPtr)
        (void)vicIntBreakInPtr(); /*lint !e534 !e718*/
    /* read pending interrupt register and mask undefined bits */
    levelBak = *GIC_CPU_IntAck;
    currentLevel = levelBak & GIC_INT_SPURIOUS;
    /*  If no interrupt is pending, register will have a value of 0x3ff,
     * return ERROR   */
    if (currentLevel == GIC_INT_SPURIOUS)
        return ERROR;
    /* check if interrupt is IPI */
    if(currentLevel < SGI_INT_MAX)
         * When we find that this is a SGI interrupt, we add armGicLinesNum to
         * the current SGI level (0 - SGI_INT_MAX), in other words, the SGI
         * level is redefined by software to declare that this is a specific
         * interrupt, then we need save the source CPU ID to ack this interrupt.
        *pSrcCpuId = levelBak & GIC_SGI_SRC_CPU_ID_MASK;
        *pLevel = (int)(currentLevel + armGicLinesNum);
        *pVector = IVEC_TO_INUM(currentLevel + armGicLinesNum);
        *pLevel =(int)currentLevel;
        *pVector = IVEC_TO_INUM(currentLevel);
    if(vicIntLvlChgHookPtr != NULL)
        (void)vicIntLvlChgHookPtr(0, *pLevel); /*lint !e534 !e119*/
    return OK;
Example #4
 * 函 数 名  : BSP_INT_DisConnect
 * 功能描述  : 取消注册某个中断
 * 输入参数  : VOIDFUNCPTR * vector 中断向量号,取值范围0~40
 *  		 VOIDFUNCPTR routine  中断服务程序
 *           BSP_S32 parameter      中断服务程序参数
 * 输出参数  : 无
 * 返 回 值  : OK&ERROR
 * 修改记录  : 2009年3月5日   zhanghailun  creat
BSP_S32 BSP_INT_DisConnect  (VOIDFUNCPTR * vector,VOIDFUNCPTR routine, BSP_S32 parameter)
    BSP_S32 s32Result = OK;

    if(IVEC_TO_INUM(vector) >= (INT_LVL_MAX))
        return ERROR;

    if(IVEC_TO_INUM(vector) < INT_LVL_MAX)
        free_irq((unsigned int)vector, NULL);
        s32Result = OK;

    return s32Result;
Example #5
 * 函 数 名  : BSP_INT_Connect
 * 功能描述  : 注册某个中断
 * 输入参数  : VOIDFUNCPTR * vector 中断向量号,取值范围0~40
 *  		 VOIDFUNCPTR routine  中断服务程序
 *           BSP_S32 parameter      中断服务程序参数
 * 输出参数  : 无
 * 返 回 值  : OK&ERROR
 * 修改记录  : 2009年3月5日   zhanghailun  creat
BSP_S32 BSP_INT_Connect  (VOIDFUNCPTR * vector,VOIDFUNCPTR routine, BSP_S32 parameter)
    BSP_S32 s32Result = OK;
    char *acTmp = g_subvic_irq_name;
    int iTmp;

    if(IVEC_TO_INUM(vector) >= (INT_LVL_MAX))
        return ERROR;

    if(IVEC_TO_INUM(vector) < INT_LVL_MAX)
        iTmp = IVEC_TO_INUM(vector);
        acTmp[9] = (iTmp%10) + '0';
        acTmp[8] = ((iTmp/10)%10) + '0';
        acTmp[7] = (iTmp/100) + '0';

        s32Result = request_irq((unsigned int)vector, (irq_handler_t)routine, 0, acTmp, NULL);

    return s32Result;
int sysPciIvecToIrq 
    int vector		/* vector address */
    UINT32 irq;
    UINT32 intNum = IVEC_TO_INUM (vector);

    /* walk through the sysInumTbl[] to get the match */

    for (irq = PCI_INT_BASE; irq < (PCI_INT_BASE + PCI_INT_LINES); irq++)
	if (sysInumTbl[irq] == intNum)
    	    return (irq);

    return (ERROR);
Example #7
ixOsalIrqUnbind (UINT32 irqLevel)
     * disable interrupts for this vector 
    if (intDisable (IVEC_TO_INUM (irqLevel)) != OK)
        return IX_FAIL;

     * register a dummy ISR 
    if (intConnect ((IxOsalVoidFnVoidPtr
                *) irqLevel, (IxOsalVoidFnVoidPtr) ixOsalDummyIsr, 0) != OK)
        return IX_FAIL;
    return IX_SUCCESS;