Example #1
boolean IfxCpu_startCore(Ifx_CPU *cpu, uint32 programCounter)
    boolean retVal = TRUE;

    /* Set the PC for Core 1 */
    retVal &= IfxCpu_setProgramCounter(cpu, programCounter);
    /* Get the mode for Core 1 and set it to RUNNING */

    /* Core not running already */
    if (IfxCpu_getCoreMode(cpu) == IfxCpu_CoreMode_halt)
        retVal &= IfxCpu_setCoreMode(cpu, IfxCpu_CoreMode_run);

    return retVal;
* _start() - startup code
void _Core0_start(void)
    uint32 pcxi;
    uint16 cpuWdtPassword = IfxScuWdt_getCpuWatchdogPasswordInline(&MODULE_SCU.WDTCPU[0]);

    IFX_CFG_CPU_CSTART_PRE_C_INIT_HOOK(0);  /*Test Stack, CSA and Cache */

    /* Load user stack pointer */
    __setareg(sp, __USTACK(0));

    /* Set the PSW to its reset value in case of a warm start,clear PSW.IS */

    /* Set the PCXS and PCXO to its reset value in case of a warm start */
    pcxi  = __mfcr(CPU_PCXI);
    pcxi &= IFXCSTART0_PCX_O_S_DEFAULT; /*0xfff00000; */
    __mtcr(CPU_PCXI, pcxi);

    /*enable/disable program cache depending on the configuration */

    /*enable/disable data cache depending on the configuration */

    /* Clear the ENDINIT bit in the WDT_CON0 register, inline funtion */
    IfxScuWdt_clearCpuEndinitInline(&MODULE_SCU.WDTCPU[0], cpuWdtPassword);

    /* Load Base Address of Trap Vector Table. */
    __mtcr(CPU_BTV, (uint32)__TRAPTAB(0));

    /* Load Base Address of Interrupt Vector Table. we will do this later in the program */
    __mtcr(CPU_BIV, (uint32)__INTTAB(0));

    /* Load interupt stack pointer. */
    __mtcr(CPU_ISP, (uint32)__ISTACK(0));

    IfxScuWdt_setCpuEndinitInline(&MODULE_SCU.WDTCPU[0], cpuWdtPassword);

    /* initialize SDA base pointers */
    __setareg(a0, __SDATA1(0));
    __setareg(a1, __SDATA2(0));

    /* These to be un commented if A8 and A9 are required to be initialized */
    __setareg(a8, __SDATA3(0));
    __setareg(a9, __SDATA4(0));
    /* Setup the context save area linked list. */

    IfxCpu_initCSA((uint32 *)__CSA(0), (uint32 *)__CSA_END(0));     /*Initialize the context save area for CPU0 */

        /*CPU and safety watchdogs are enabled by default, C initialization functions are not servicing the watchdogs */
        uint16 safetyWdtPassword = IfxScuWdt_getSafetyWatchdogPassword();

        Ifx_C_Init();           /*Initialization of C runtime variables */


    /*Initialize the clock system */

    /*Start remaining cores */
    (void)IfxCpu_startCore(&MODULE_CPU1, (uint32)&_Core1_start);       /*The status returned by function call is ignored */
    (void)IfxCpu_startCore(&MODULE_CPU2, (uint32)&_Core2_start);       /*The status returned by function call is ignored */

    /*halt the CPU 0 if it is not needed to be enabled */
    IfxCpu_setCoreMode(&MODULE_CPU0, IfxCpu_CoreMode_idle);

    /*Call main function of Cpu0 */