Example #1
	const JSize			colorCount,
	const JColorIndex*	colorTable,
	unsigned short**	imageData,
	const JBoolean		hasMask,
	const unsigned long	maskColor
	const JCoordinate w = GetWidth();
	const JCoordinate h = GetHeight();


	// convert color table to X pixel values

	unsigned long* xColorTable = new unsigned long [ colorCount ];
	assert( xColorTable != NULL );

	for (JIndex i=0; i<colorCount; i++)
		if (!hasMask || i != maskColor)
			xColorTable[i] = colorTable[i];

	// put data into image

	for (JCoordinate x=0; x<w; x++)
		for (JCoordinate y=0; y<h; y++)
			const unsigned short color = imageData[x][y];

			if (hasMask && color == maskColor)
				if (itsMask == NULL)
					itsMask = new JXImageMask(itsDisplay, w,h, kJTrue);
					assert( itsMask != NULL );
				XPutPixel(itsImage, x,y, 0);
				XPutPixel(itsImage, x,y, xColorTable[color]);

	// clean up

	delete [] xColorTable;

Example #2
int FLIMData::GetRegionData(int thread, int group, int region, int px, float* region_data, float* intensity_data, float* r_ss_data, float* acceptor_data, int* irf_idx, float* local_decay, int n_thread)
   int s = 0;

   if ( global_mode == MODE_IMAGEWISE )
      s = GetMaskedData(thread, group, region, region_data, intensity_data, r_ss_data, acceptor_data, irf_idx);
   else if ( global_mode == MODE_GLOBAL )
      s = 0;
      int start = GetRegionPos(0, region);
      // we want dynamic with a chunk size of 1 as the data is being pulled from VM in order
      #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:s) schedule(dynamic, 1) num_threads(n_thread)
      for(int i=0; i<n_im_used; i++)
         if (!status->terminate)
            // This thread index will only be used if we're not streaming data,
            // make sure that we pass the right one in
            int r_thread;
            if (n_thread == 1)
               r_thread = thread;
               r_thread = omp_get_thread_num();

            int pos = GetRegionPos(i, region) - start;
            if (GetRegionCount(i, region) > 0)
               s += GetMaskedData(r_thread, i, region, region_data + pos*n_meas, intensity_data + pos, r_ss_data + pos, acceptor_data + pos, irf_idx + pos);

   memset(local_decay,0, n_meas * sizeof(float));

   for(int i=0; i<s; i++)
      for(int j=0; j<n_meas; j++)
         local_decay[j] += region_data[i*n_meas + j];
   for(int j=0; j<n_meas; j++)
      local_decay[j] /= s;

   return s;