Example #1
void CHC_GameSystem::ClickMouseUp(CHC_Line & L)
	CHC_Vector3 P;
	int x, y; 

	xyToBoardxy(P[0], P[2], x, y);
	if (InMap(SelectX, SelectY)) {
		if (InMap(x, y)) {
			Delete_mirror(SelectX, SelectY);
			Insert_mirror(x, y, MousePickMirror, PickMirrorState);
			SelectX = x, SelectY = y;			// Select
		} else {
			Delete_mirror(SelectX, SelectY);
			SelectX = SelectY = 255;			// outside
	} else 
	if (InToolBar(SelectX, SelectY) >= 0) {
		SelectX = SelectY = 255;
		if (InMap(x, y)) {
			Insert_mirror(x, y, MousePickMirror, PickMirrorState);
			SelectX = x, SelectY = y;			// Select
Example #2
int dis(Point p1,Point p2)
	if(p1 == p2)
		return 0;
	Point q[40];
	int d[40] = {0};
	int u[8][8] = {0};
	int start,end;
	start = 0;
	end = 1;
	q[start] = p1;
	u[p1.x][p1.y] = 1;
	while(start < end)
		for(int i = 0;i < 6;i++)
			int tx = q[start].x + cDirection[i][0];
			int ty = q[start].y + cDirection[i][1];
					q[end] = Point(tx,ty);
					d[end++] = d[start] + 1;
					u[tx][ty] = 1;
					if(Point(tx,ty) == p2)
						return d[end - 1];
	return 0x7FFFFFFF;
Example #3
bool CHC_GameSystem::Delete_mirror(int x, int y)
	if (!InMap(x, y) || !now_map[x][y].isMirror()) return false;
	now_map[x][y].obj = BLANK_ID;
	return true;
Example #4
bool CHC_GameSystem::Insert_mirror(int x, int y, int sort, int d)
	if (!InMap(x, y) || now_nm[sort] == 0 || !now_map[x][y].isBlank()) return false;
	now_map[x][y].obj = MIRROR_ID;
	now_map[x][y].mirror_s = sort;
	now_map[x][y].dir = d;
	return true;
Example #5
void CHC_GameSystem::KeyBoardChangeState(int dx)
	if (MousePickMirror >= 0) {
		PickMirrorState = (PickMirrorState + dx + NUM_MIRROR_STATE) % NUM_MIRROR_STATE;
	} else 
	if (InMap(SelectX, SelectY) && now_map[SelectX][SelectY].isMirror()) {
		now_map[SelectX][SelectY].dir = (now_map[SelectX][SelectY].dir + dx + NUM_MIRROR_STATE) % NUM_MIRROR_STATE;
Example #6
void CalcStampdownPos()
	float lv = 4;

	//if(!InMap(raystart)) {stdownvalid = mapstdownvalid = 0; return;}

	Vector3 ptt = raystart, vta;
	NormalizeVector3(&vta, &raydir);
	vta *= lv;

	float h;
	int nlp = farzvalue * 1.5f / lv;
	int m = (ptt.y < GetHeight(ptt.x, ptt.z)) ? 0 : 1;

	for(int i = 0; i < nlp; i++)
		ptt += vta;
		if(!InMap(ptt)) continue; //{stdownvalid = mapstdownvalid = 0; return;}
		h = GetHeight(ptt.x, ptt.z);

		if(ptt.y == h)

		//if(  (!m && (ptt.y > h))
		//  || (m && (ptt.y < h)) )
		if(m ^ ((ptt.y > h)?1:0))
			{vta *= -0.5f; m = 1 - m;}

		{mapstdownpos = ptt; mapstdownpos.y = h; mapstdownvalid = 1;}
	else	mapstdownvalid = 0;
	if(mapstdownvalid && InLevel(mapstdownpos))
		{stdownpos = mapstdownpos; stdownvalid = 1;}
	else	stdownvalid = 0;
Example #7
void CHC_GameSystem::RefreshBackTrace(int x, int y, int d, CHC_Color & col)
	mark[x][y][d] = true;
	x += dx[d/2], y += dy[d/2];
	if (!InMap(x, y) || mark[x][y][d]) return;
	now_map[x][y].col[(d / 2 + 2) % 4].add(col);
	int d_1, d_2;
	if (now_map[x][y].isMirror()) {
		if (now_map[x][y].mirror_s == 0) {
			d_1 = Reflection(d, now_map[x][y].dir, 0);
			if (d_1 < 0) return;
			RefreshBackTrace(x, y, d_1, col);
		} else 
		if (now_map[x][y].mirror_s == 2) {
			d_1 = Reflection(d, now_map[x][y].dir, 0);
			d_2 = Reflection(d, (now_map[x][y].dir + 4) % NUM_MIRROR_STATE, 0);
			if (d_1 >= 0) RefreshBackTrace(x, y, d_1, col);
			else if (d_2 >= 0) RefreshBackTrace(x, y, d_2, col);
		} else 
		if (now_map[x][y].mirror_s == 4) {
			d_1 = Reflection(d, now_map[x][y].dir, 0);
			d_2 = Reflection(d, (now_map[x][y].dir + 4) % NUM_MIRROR_STATE, 0);
			if (d_1 >= 0) RefreshBackTrace(x, y, d_1, col);
			else if (d_2 >= 0) RefreshBackTrace(x, y, d_2, col);
			if (d / 2 % 2 == 1) {
				// -
				if (now_map[x][y].dir != 0 && now_map[x][y].dir != 4) RefreshBackTrace(x, y, d, col);
			} else {
				// |
				if (now_map[x][y].dir != 2 && now_map[x][y].dir != 6) RefreshBackTrace(x, y, d, col); 
	} else
	if (now_map[x][y].isSender()) {
	} else {
		RefreshBackTrace(x, y, d, col);
Example #8
void CHC_GameSystem::ClickMouse(CHC_Line & L)
	CHC_Vector3 P;
	getnearest(L, P);
	int x, y; 
	xyToBoardxy(P[0], P[1], x, y);
	SelectX = 255, SelectY = 255;
	if (InToolBar(x, y) >= 0) {
		if (MouseLeftDown && now_nm[y - MIRROR_TOOLBAR_Y] > 0) {
			SelectX = x, SelectY = y;
			MousePickMirror = y - MIRROR_TOOLBAR_Y;
			PickMirrorState = START_MIRROR_STATE;
		} else MousePickMirror = -1;
	} else
	if (InMap(x, y)) {
		if (MouseLeftDown && now_map[x][y].isMirror()) {
			SelectX = x, SelectY = y;
			PickMirrorState = now_map[x][y].dir;
			MousePickMirror = now_map[x][y].mirror_s;
		} else MousePickMirror = -1;
Example #9
WorldPoint3D Map3D_c::TurnLEAlongShoreLine(WorldPoint3D waterPoint, WorldPoint3D beachedPoint, WorldPoint3D toPoint)
	WorldPoint3D movedPoint = {0,0,0.}, firstEndPoint = {0,0,0.}, secondEndPoint = {0,0,0.};
	WorldPoint3D testPt = {0,0,0.}, realBeachedPt = {0,0,0.};
	double alpha, sideA, sideB, sideC, sideD, shorelineLength;
	long startver, endver, x1, y1, x2, y2, testcase = 0;
	LongPointHdl ptsHdl = GetPointsHdl();	
	if(!ptsHdl) return waterPoint;
	if (!InMap (beachedPoint.p))
		return waterPoint;	// something went wrong don't do anything
	if (OnLand (beachedPoint.p))	
		// Find shoreline segment where LE has beached and get the endpoints
		// Then move LE parallel to shoreline in the direction the beaching vector tends towards
		// May only want to do this for current movement...
		WorldPoint center;
		float dist;
		long segNo = PointOnWhichSeg(beachedPoint.p.pLong,beachedPoint.p.pLat,&startver,&endver,&dist);
		if (segNo==-1) return waterPoint;	// this should probably be an error
		firstEndPoint.p.pLong = (*ptsHdl)[startver].h;
		firstEndPoint.p.pLat = (*ptsHdl)[startver].v;
		secondEndPoint.p.pLong = (*ptsHdl)[endver].h;
		secondEndPoint.p.pLat = (*ptsHdl)[endver].v;
		center.pLong = (waterPoint.p.pLong + beachedPoint.p.pLong) / 2;
		center.pLat = (waterPoint.p.pLat + beachedPoint.p.pLat) / 2;
		sideA = DistanceBetweenWorldPoints(waterPoint.p,firstEndPoint.p);
		sideB = DistanceBetweenWorldPoints(beachedPoint.p,waterPoint.p);
		sideC = DistanceBetweenWorldPoints(beachedPoint.p,firstEndPoint.p);
		sideD = DistanceBetweenWorldPoints(waterPoint.p,toPoint.p);
		shorelineLength = DistanceBetweenWorldPoints(secondEndPoint.p,firstEndPoint.p);
		testPt.p.pLat = beachedPoint.p.pLat + DistanceToLat(LongToDistance(firstEndPoint.p.pLong - secondEndPoint.p.pLong,center)*(sideD/shorelineLength));
		testPt.p.pLong = beachedPoint.p.pLong - DistanceToLong(LatToDistance(firstEndPoint.p.pLat - secondEndPoint.p.pLat)*(sideD/shorelineLength),center);
		if (InMap(testPt.p) && !OnLand(testPt.p))
			testcase = 1;
			testPt.p.pLat = beachedPoint.p.pLat + DistanceToLat(LongToDistance(secondEndPoint.p.pLong - firstEndPoint.p.pLong,center)*(sideD/shorelineLength));
			testPt.p.pLong = beachedPoint.p.pLong - DistanceToLong(LatToDistance(secondEndPoint.p.pLat - firstEndPoint.p.pLat)*(sideD/shorelineLength),center);
			if (InMap(testPt.p) && !OnLand(testPt.p))
				testcase = 2;
		if (testcase==1)
			realBeachedPt.p.pLat = beachedPoint.p.pLat - DistanceToLat(LongToDistance(firstEndPoint.p.pLong - secondEndPoint.p.pLong,center)*(dist/shorelineLength));
			realBeachedPt.p.pLong = beachedPoint.p.pLong + DistanceToLong(LatToDistance(firstEndPoint.p.pLat - secondEndPoint.p.pLat)*(dist/shorelineLength),center);
			sideB = DistanceBetweenWorldPoints(realBeachedPt.p,waterPoint.p);
		else if (testcase==2)
			realBeachedPt.p.pLat = beachedPoint.p.pLat - DistanceToLat(LongToDistance(secondEndPoint.p.pLong - firstEndPoint.p.pLong,center)*(dist/shorelineLength));
			realBeachedPt.p.pLong = beachedPoint.p.pLong + DistanceToLong(LatToDistance(secondEndPoint.p.pLat - firstEndPoint.p.pLat)*(dist/shorelineLength),center);
			sideB = DistanceBetweenWorldPoints(realBeachedPt.p,waterPoint.p);
		alpha = acos((sideB*sideB + sideC*sideC - sideA*sideA)/(2*sideB*sideC));
		// turn direction determined by which is greater, alpha or 90, towards larger one, if same?
		if (alpha > PI/2.)
			movedPoint.p.pLat = waterPoint.p.pLat + DistanceToLat(LatToDistance(firstEndPoint.p.pLat - secondEndPoint.p.pLat)*(sideB/shorelineLength));
			movedPoint.p.pLong = waterPoint.p.pLong + DistanceToLong(LongToDistance(firstEndPoint.p.pLong - secondEndPoint.p.pLong,center)*(sideB/shorelineLength),center);
			movedPoint.p.pLat = waterPoint.p.pLat + DistanceToLat(LatToDistance(secondEndPoint.p.pLat - firstEndPoint.p.pLat)*(sideB/shorelineLength));
			movedPoint.p.pLong = waterPoint.p.pLong + DistanceToLong(LongToDistance(secondEndPoint.p.pLong - firstEndPoint.p.pLong,center)*(sideB/shorelineLength),center);
		movedPoint.z = beachedPoint.z;
		// check that movedPoint is not onLand
		if (InMap(movedPoint.p) && !OnLand(movedPoint.p))
			return movedPoint;
		else // try again
			/*WorldRect wBounds = this -> GetMapBounds(); // use bounds to determine how far offshore to move point
			 double latDiff = fabs(float(wBounds.hiLat - wBounds.loLat)/1000000);
			 double lonDiff = fabs(float(wBounds.loLong - wBounds.hiLong)/1000000);
			 double distOffshore;	// probably want an option for user to set this value
			 if (latDiff >=1 || lonDiff >=1){ if (sideD<1) distOffshore = 1; else distOffshore = sideD;}
			 else if (latDiff >=.1 || lonDiff >=.1) { if (sideD<.5) distOffshore = .5; else distOffshore = sideD;}
			 else if (latDiff >=.01 || lonDiff >=.01) { if (sideD<.05) distOffshore = .05; else distOffshore = sideD;}*/
			double distOffshore;	// probably want an option for user to set this value
			//if (sideD<1) distOffshore = fMinDistOffshore; else distOffshore = sideD;	
			if (sideD<fMinDistOffshore) distOffshore = fMinDistOffshore; else distOffshore = sideD;	
			//if (sideD < 1) distOffshore = 1.;	// at least 1km
			//if (sideD < 1) distOffshore = .05;	// at least 1km
			//if (sideD < 5) distOffshore = 5.;	// at least 1km
			//else distOffshore = sideD;
				movedPoint.p.pLat = beachedPoint.p.pLat + DistanceToLat(LongToDistance(firstEndPoint.p.pLong - secondEndPoint.p.pLong,center)*(distOffshore/shorelineLength));
				movedPoint.p.pLong = beachedPoint.p.pLong - DistanceToLong(LatToDistance(firstEndPoint.p.pLat - secondEndPoint.p.pLat)*(distOffshore/shorelineLength),center);
			if (InMap(movedPoint.p) && !OnLand(movedPoint.p))
				return movedPoint;
				movedPoint.p.pLat = beachedPoint.p.pLat + DistanceToLat(LongToDistance(secondEndPoint.p.pLong - firstEndPoint.p.pLong,center)*(distOffshore/shorelineLength));
				movedPoint.p.pLong = beachedPoint.p.pLong - DistanceToLong(LatToDistance(secondEndPoint.p.pLat - firstEndPoint.p.pLat)*(distOffshore/shorelineLength),center);
			if (InMap(movedPoint.p) && !OnLand(movedPoint.p))
				return movedPoint;
				distOffshore = 2*distOffshore;
				movedPoint.p.pLat = beachedPoint.p.pLat + DistanceToLat(LongToDistance(firstEndPoint.p.pLong - secondEndPoint.p.pLong,center)*(distOffshore/shorelineLength));
				movedPoint.p.pLong = beachedPoint.p.pLong - DistanceToLong(LatToDistance(firstEndPoint.p.pLat - secondEndPoint.p.pLat)*(distOffshore/shorelineLength),center);
				if (InMap(movedPoint.p) && !OnLand(movedPoint.p))
					return movedPoint;
					movedPoint.p.pLat = beachedPoint.p.pLat + DistanceToLat(LongToDistance(secondEndPoint.p.pLong - firstEndPoint.p.pLong,center)*(distOffshore/shorelineLength));
					movedPoint.p.pLong = beachedPoint.p.pLong - DistanceToLong(LatToDistance(secondEndPoint.p.pLat - firstEndPoint.p.pLat)*(distOffshore/shorelineLength),center);
				if (InMap(movedPoint.p) && !OnLand(movedPoint.p))
					return movedPoint;
					return waterPoint;
	return waterPoint;	// shouldn't get here
Example #10
void CHC_GameSystem::KeyBoardDelete()
	if (InMap(SelectX, SelectY) && now_map[SelectX][SelectY].isMirror()) {
		Delete_mirror(SelectX, SelectY);