Example #1
File: mgtic.c Project: plbogen/CSDL
main (int argc, char *args[])
  int i, n, r, c, ch;
  FILE *inf;
  marklistptr library = NULL, list = NULL, step = NULL;
  marklistptr symbol_list = NULL;
  marktype d, d2;
  Pixel **bitmap, **recon, **bitmapcopy;
  char *splitfilename = NULL;
  int cols, rows, count, librarysize, lossy = 1;
  int quick = 0;
  int ticencode = 0, ticdecode = 0, external = 0;
  char *libraryname = NULL, *infile = NULL;
  char *s1 = NULL, *s2 = NULL;
  char bufferin[BUFSIZ], bufferout[BUFSIZ];

  if (argc < 2)
    usage ();

  while ((ch = getopt (argc, args, "edlLQhvXR:")) != -1)
    switch (ch)
      case 'e':
	ticencode = 1;
      case 'd':
	ticdecode = 1;
      case 'l':
	lossy = 1;
      case 'L':
	lossy = 0;
      case 'Q':
	quick = 1;
      case 'v':
	V = 1;
      case 'X':
	external = 1;
      case 'R':
	splitfilename = optarg;
      case 'h':
      case '?':
	usage ();

  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
    if (args[i][0] != '-')
      if (strcmp (args[i - 1], "-R"))
	{			/* ignore arg following -R, ie. -R <filename> */
	  if (!s1)
	    s1 = args[i];
	  else if (!s2)
	    s2 = args[i];
	    error_msg (args[0], "too many filenames", "");

  if (ticencode == ticdecode)
    error_msg (args[0], "please specify either encode XOR decode", "");

  if (ticencode)
      long PrevBits = 0;
      long BITS_header = 0, BITS_symbols = 0, BITS_offsets = 0, BITS_residue = 0,
        BITS_footer = 0, BITS_library = 0;

      libraryname = s1;
      if (!libraryname)
	error_msg (args[0], "please specify a library file", "");
      infile = s2;
      if (!infile)
	error_msg (args[0], "please specify a file name", "");

      inf = fopen (infile, "rb");
      if (inf == NULL)
	error_msg (args[0], "Trouble opening file:", infile);
      setbuf (inf, bufferin);

      count = librarysize = read_library (libraryname, &library);

      if (V)
	fprintf (stderr, "%s: processing...\n", args[0]);

      if (pbm_isapbmfile (inf))
	  if (V)
	    fprintf (stderr, "reading file %s...\n", infile);
	  bitmap = pbm_readfile (inf, &cols, &rows);
	  fclose (inf);

	  bitmapcopy = pbm_copy (bitmap, cols, rows);

	  if (V)
	    fprintf (stderr, "extracting...");
	  ExtractAllMarks (bitmap, &list, cols, rows);
	  if (V)
	    fprintf (stderr, "(%d marks)\n", marklist_length (list));

	  /* sort into reading order */
	  if (V)
	    fprintf (stderr, "sorting...\n");
	  list = sortmarks (list);

	  pbm_freearray (&bitmap, rows);	/* clear old version */
	  bitmap = bitmapcopy;	/* point to the copy */
	  recon = pbm_allocarray (cols, rows);

	  if (V)
	    fprintf (stderr, "matching...");

	  match_sequence (list, library, &symbol_list, recon, quick);

	  PrevBits = 0;
	  setbuf (stdout, bufferout);
	  /* start output */
	  magic_write (stdout, MAGIC_TIC);
	  InitArithEncoding ();

	  EncodeGammaDist (1);	/* version 1 of the program */
	  EncodeGammaDist (lossy);	/* lossy=1 = no residue */
	  EncodeGammaDist (external);	/* 1== external file */

	  count = marklist_length (symbol_list);
	  if (V)
	    fprintf (stderr, "encoding cols, rows, and number of symbols=%d\n", count);

	  EncodeGammaDist (cols);
	  EncodeGammaDist (rows);
	  EncodeGammaDist (count);
	  EncodeGammaDist (librarysize);

	  BITS_header = CountOfBitsOut - PrevBits;
	  PrevBits = CountOfBitsOut;

	  /* output the library sequence */
	  if (external == 0)
	      if (V)
		fprintf (stderr, "encoding library\n");

	      bl_clearmodel ();
	      bl_writetemplate (library_template);
	      for (step = library; step; step = step->next)
		bl_compress_mark (step->data);
	      bl_freemodel ();
	      BITS_library = CountOfBitsOut - PrevBits;
	      PrevBits = CountOfBitsOut;

	  /* output the symbol sequence */
	  if (V)
	    fprintf (stderr, "encoding symbol sequence\n");
	  InitPPM ();
	  EncodeSymbols (symbol_list, count);
	  BITS_symbols = CountOfBitsOut - PrevBits;
	  PrevBits = CountOfBitsOut;

	  /* output the offset sequence */
	  if (V)
	    fprintf (stderr, "encoding offset sequence\n");
	  EncodeOffsets (symbol_list, count);
	  BITS_offsets = CountOfBitsOut - PrevBits;
	  PrevBits = CountOfBitsOut;

	  EncodeChecksum ();	/* code lossy checksum */

	  /* calculate the residue...and compress it---if need be! */
	  if (!lossy)
	      if (V)
		fprintf (stderr, "encoding residue...\n");

	      d.bitmap = bitmap;
	      d.h = rows;
	      d.w = cols;
	      d2.bitmap = recon;
	      d2.h = rows;
	      d2.w = cols;

	      if (splitfilename)
		  FILE *temp;

		  CloseDownArithEncoding ();
		  fclose (stdout);
		  /* no residue result */
		  BITS_footer = CountOfBitsOut - PrevBits;

		  temp = fopen (splitfilename, "wb");
		  if (temp == NULL)
		    error_msg (args[0], "Trouble creating file:", splitfilename);

		  arith_out = temp;
		  InitArithEncoding ();
		  bl_clair_compress (d, d2);
		  CloseDownArithEncoding ();
		  BITS_residue = CountOfBitsOut;
		  fclose (temp);
		  bl_clair_compress (d, d2);
		  BITS_residue = CountOfBitsOut - PrevBits;
		  PrevBits = CountOfBitsOut;
		  EncodeChecksum ();	/* code lossless checksum */
		  CloseDownArithEncoding ();
		  BITS_footer = CountOfBitsOut - PrevBits;
	      if (V)
		fprintf (stderr, "not encoding residue..lossy mode\n");
	      CloseDownArithEncoding ();
	      BITS_footer = CountOfBitsOut - PrevBits;

	  /* because we edit the values above */
	  CountOfBitsOut = BITS_header + BITS_library + BITS_symbols + BITS_offsets + BITS_residue + BITS_footer;

	  fprintf (stderr, "bits: header=%ld, library=%ld, "
		   "symbols=%ld, offsets=%ld, residue=%ld, footer=%ld\n",
		   BITS_header, BITS_library, BITS_symbols,
		   BITS_offsets, BITS_residue, BITS_footer);
	  fprintf (stderr, "total bits: %ld, ", CountOfBitsOut);
	  fprintf (stderr, "Lossy CR: %4.2f", (cols * rows) / (float) (CountOfBitsOut - BITS_residue));
	  if (external)
	    fprintf (stderr, " (excluding external lib)");
	  fprintf (stderr, ", Lossless CR: %4.2f\n", (!lossy) * (cols * rows) / (float) (CountOfBitsOut));
	error_msg (args[0], "unknown format of bitmap--expecting PBM.", "");
      int lastx, lasty;
      librarysize = 0;

      if (external)
	  libraryname = s1;
	  infile = s2;
	  count = librarysize = read_library (libraryname, &library);
	  infile = s1;
	  if (infile && s2)
	    error_msg (args[0], "too many filenames", "");

      if (!freopen (infile, "rb", stdin))
	error_msg (args[0], "Trouble opening file:", infile);

      if (V)
	fprintf (stderr, "decompressing...\n");

      setbuf (stdin, bufferin);
      magic_check (stdin, MAGIC_TIC);

      InitArithDecoding ();

	int version = DecodeGammaDist ();
	if (version != 1)
	  error_msg (args[0], "Need later version of decompressor.", "");

	int templossy = DecodeGammaDist ();
	if (!lossy)
	  lossy = templossy;	/* can only choose if encoded file is lossless */
	if (V)
	    if (lossy)
	      fprintf (stderr, "lossy mode\n");
	      fprintf (stderr, "lossless mode\n");

      if (DecodeGammaDist ())
	{			/* if compressed file doesn't contain library */
	  if (!external)
	    error_msg (args[0], "compressed file doesn't contain library, specify externally", "");
	  external = 1;
	{			/* if compressed file contains library */
	  if (external)
	    fprintf (stderr, "ignoring external library file\n");
	  external = 0;

      cols = DecodeGammaDist ();
      rows = DecodeGammaDist ();
      count = DecodeGammaDist ();

      i = DecodeGammaDist ();	/* librarysize */
      if (external)
	  if (i > librarysize)
	    error_msg (args[0], "external library file is too small!", "");
	  else if (i < librarysize)
	    fprintf (stderr, "%s: warning, expecting a different (smaller) library.\n", args[0]);
      librarysize = i;

      if (V)
	fprintf (stderr, "cols %d, rows %d, num syms %d, library size %d\n", cols, rows, count, librarysize);

      /* decode library */
      if (external == 0)
	  if (V)
	    fprintf (stderr, "reading library\n");
	  bl_clearmodel ();
	  bl_readtemplate ();
	  for (n = 0; n < librarysize; n++)
	      bl_decompress_mark (&d);
	      d.symnum = n;
	      if (library == NULL)
		step = marklist_add (&library, d);
		step = marklist_add (&step, d);
	  bl_freemodel ();
	  if (V)
	    fprintf (stderr, "read %d marks from library\n", marklist_length (library));

      recon = pbm_allocarray (cols, rows);

      /* decode symbols */
      InitPPM ();
      if (V)
	fprintf (stderr, "decompressing %d symbols\n", count);
      symbol_list = DecodeSymbols (count);

      /* decode offsets */
      if (V)
	fprintf (stderr, "reading offsets...\n");
      DecodeOffsets (symbol_list, count);
      lastx = lasty = 0;
      for (step = symbol_list; step; step = step->next)
	  lastx = lastx + step->data.xoffset;
	  lasty = lasty + step->data.yoffset;

	  marklist_getat (library, step->data.symnum, &d2);
	  for (r = 0; r < d2.h; r++)
	    for (c = 0; c < d2.w; c++)
	      if (pbm_getpixel (d2.bitmap, c, r))
		pbm_putpixel_trunc (recon, lastx + c, lasty + r, 1, cols, rows);	/* we don't care, already warned them! */
	  lastx += d2.w;

      DecodeChecksum (args[0]);

      /* decode the residue */
      if (!lossy)
	  if (V)
	    fprintf (stderr, "decoding residue...\n");

	  bitmap = pbm_allocarray (cols, rows);
	  d.bitmap = bitmap;
	  d.w = d2.w = cols;
	  d.h = d2.h = rows;

	  d2.bitmap = recon;

	  /* NOTE: the 2nd argument is clairvoyantly compressed */
	  if (splitfilename)
	      FILE *temp;

	      CloseDownArithDecoding ();
	      fclose (stdin);

	      temp = fopen (splitfilename, "rb");
	      if (temp == NULL)
		error_msg (args[0], "Trouble opening file:", splitfilename);

	      arith_in = temp;
	      InitArithDecoding ();
	      bl_clair_decompress (d, d2);
	      CloseDownArithDecoding ();
	      fclose (temp);
	      bl_clair_decompress (d, d2);
	      DecodeChecksum (args[0]);
	      CloseDownArithDecoding ();
	  pbm_freearray (&recon, rows);
	  recon = bitmap;	/* point to the bitmap */
	  CloseDownArithDecoding ();

      if (V)
	fprintf (stderr, "writing pbm file...\n");
      setbuf (stdout, bufferout);
      pbm_writefile (stdout, recon, cols, rows);
      pbm_freearray (&recon, rows);
    }				/* end decoding */
Example #2
int main (void)
  char altPhase = 0;
  int test = 0;
  unsigned int Blink,TestschubTimer;
  unsigned int Blink2,MittelstromTimer,DrehzahlMessTimer,MotorGestopptTimer;

  DDRC  = 0x08;  //PC3输出,控制红色led 端口C 数据方向寄存器
  PORTC = 0x08;  //PC3输出高电平,红色led亮
  DDRD  = 0x3A;  //10111010A-B-C-配置为输出,TXD,LED_GRN(PD7)配置为输出,MITTEL/RXD/INTO为输入
  PORTD = 0x00;
  DDRB  = 0x0E;
  PORTB = 0x31;

  PORTB |= (ADR1 + ADR2);   // Pullups für Adresswahl
  if(PINB & ADR1)
    if (PINB & ADR2) MotorAdresse = 1;
    else MotorAdresse = 2;
    if (PINB & ADR2) MotorAdresse = 3;
    else MotorAdresse = 4;
  HwVersion = 11;
  MotorAdresse  = MOTORADRESSE;
  HwVersion = 10;
  if(PIND & 0x80) {HwVersion = 12; IntRef = 0xc0;} //为1.2版本     
  DDRD  = 0xBA;
  sei();//Globale Interrupts Einschalten

  // Am Blinken erkennt man die richtige Motoradresse
     if(test == MotorAdresse) PORTD |= GRUEN;
     PORTD &= ~GRUEN;

  // UART_Init();  // war doppelt


  Blink             = SetDelay(101);    
  Blink2            = SetDelay(102);
  MinUpmPulse       = SetDelay(103);
  MittelstromTimer  = SetDelay(254);
  DrehzahlMessTimer = SetDelay(1005);
  TestschubTimer    = SetDelay(1006);
    if(SollwertErmittlung()) break; // 一旦发现有信号,立刻停止延时

  PWM = 0;


  SFIOR = 0x08;  // Analog Comperator ein
  ADMUX = 1;

  MinUpmPulse = SetDelay(10);
  DebugOut.Analog[1] = 1; // 填写一些调试信号
  PPM_Signal = 0;

  if(!SollwertErmittlung()) MotorTon();
  PORTB = 0x31; // Pullups wieder einschalten

  // zum Test der Hardware; Motor dreht mit konstanter Drehzahl ohne Regelung
  if(TEST_MANUELL)    Anwerfen(TEST_MANUELL);  // kommt von dort nicht wieder

  while (1)

    if(!TEST_SCHUB)   PWM = SollwertErmittlung();
    //I2C_TXBuffer = PWM; // Antwort über I2C-Bus

    // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    if(Phase != altPhase)   // es gab eine Kommutierung im Interrupt
      MotorGestoppt = 0;
      ZeitFuerBerechnungen = 0;    // direkt nach einer Kommutierung ist Zeit
      MinUpmPulse = SetDelay(250);  // Timeout, falls ein Motor stehen bleibt
      altPhase = Phase; // 旧相位 = 新相位
    // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    if(!PWM)    // Sollwert == 0 在开机后主控板静默,并没有发任何I2C信号过来
      MotorAnwerfen = 0;      // kein Startversuch MotorAnwerfen means motor start
      ZeitFuerBerechnungen = 0; // 指使一些操作的优先级用
      // nach 1,5 Sekunden den Motor als gestoppt betrachten
        MotorGestoppt = 1;  
      if(MotorGestoppt) MotorAnwerfen = 1;        // Startversuch
      MotorGestopptTimer = SetDelay(1500);

    if(MotorGestoppt && !TEST_SCHUB) PWM = 0; //TEST_SCHUB 1为测试模式,0为正常模式
    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    if(!ZeitFuerBerechnungen++) //先!,后++ 
      if(MotorGestoppt) // 马达停止
        DebugAusgaben();  // welche Werte sollen angezeigt werden?
        if(!UebertragungAbgeschlossen)  SendUart();
        else DatenUebertragung();
      // Berechnen des Mittleren Stroms zur (langsamen) Strombegrenzung
      if(CheckDelay(MittelstromTimer)) //254ms 
        MittelstromTimer = SetDelay(50); // alle 50ms
        if(Mittelstrom <  Strom) Mittelstrom++;// Mittelwert des Stroms bilden 将mittelstorm平缓化
        else if(Mittelstrom >  Strom) Mittelstrom--;
        if(Strom > MAX_STROM) MaxPWM -= MaxPWM / 32;  //为什么电流大于最大电流的时候,PWM最大值要减小?            
        if((Mittelstrom > LIMIT_STROM))// Strom am Limit? 动态调整MaxPWM的值
          if(MaxPWM) MaxPWM--;// dann die Maximale PWM herunterfahren
          PORTC |= ROT;
          if(MaxPWM < MAX_PWM) MaxPWM++;

      if(CheckDelay(DrehzahlMessTimer))   // Ist-Drehzahl bestimmen 1005ms 
        DrehzahlMessTimer = SetDelay(10);
        SIO_Drehzahl = CntKommutierungen;//(6 * CntKommutierungen) / (POLANZAHL / 2);
        CntKommutierungen = 0;
        // if(PPM_Timeout == 0) // keine PPM-Signale
        ZeitZumAdWandeln = 1;

#if TEST_SCHUB == 1
          TestschubTimer = SetDelay(1500);
            case 0: PWM = 50; test++; break;
            case 1: PWM = 130; test++; break;
            case 2: PWM = 60;  test++; break;
            case 3: PWM = 140; test++; break;
            case 4: PWM = 150; test = 0; break;
            default: test = 0;
      // Motor Stehen geblieben
      if((CheckDelay(MinUpmPulse) && SIO_Drehzahl == 0) || MotorAnwerfen) // SIO_Drehzahl 为当前转速值 前面为判断意外停机
        /* 下面三行代码给电机意外停转用*/
        MotorGestoppt = 1;    
        DISABLE_SENSE_INT; // 取消比较中断
        MinUpmPulse = SetDelay(100);        
          PORTC &= ~ROT; //switch off red led
          Strom_max = 0; 
          MotorAnwerfen = 0;
          if(Anwerfen(10)) // 以PMW = 10触发启动程序,期间要换相32次,成功返回1
            GRN_ON; //绿灯打开
            MotorGestoppt = 0;  //  
            Phase--; // Phase = 1
            PWM = 1;
            SENSE_TOGGLE_INT; // ?????
            ENABLE_SENSE_INT;  // ????? 使能比较器中断
            MinUpmPulse = SetDelay(20);
            while(!CheckDelay(MinUpmPulse)); // kurz Synchronisieren
            PWM = 15;
            MinUpmPulse = SetDelay(300);
            while(!CheckDelay(MinUpmPulse)) // kurz Durchstarten
              if(Strom > LIMIT_STROM/2)
                STEUER_OFF; // Abschalten wegen Kurzschluss
                MotorAnwerfen = 1;
            // Drehzahlmessung wieder aufsetzen
            DrehzahlMessTimer = SetDelay(50);
            altPhase = 7;
          else if(SollwertErmittlung()) MotorAnwerfen = 1;
    } // ZeitFuerBerechnungen
  } // while(1) - Hauptschleife