tcStoresGui::tcStoresGui(long id, long host, unsigned int idx, const wxPoint& pos, const wxString& configFile) : tcContainerGui(pos, configFile, "StoresGui"), platformId(id), hostId(host), storesIdx(idx), slotsPerPage(8), nPages(1), currentPage(0), maxSlots(100), mouseOverPage(9999), lastKeypressTime(0), keyboardWait(false) { ReadGuiParameters(); InitializeGui(); SetActive(true); #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(stdout, "tcStoresGui::tcStoresGui - %s, %d slots\n", configFile.c_str(), slots.size()); #endif }
int APIENTRY _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { AddExceptionHandler(); return InitializeGui(hInstance, (LPARAM)0); }
int AppBrowser (void) { Debug ("AppBrowser"); u32 btn; redraw = 1; appsSelected = -1; // Current selected app with wimote spotSelected = -1; spotSelectedLast = -1; browserRet = -1; grlibSettings.color_window = RGBA(192,192,192,255); grlibSettings.color_windowBg = RGBA(32,32,32,128); grlib_SetRedrawCallback (Redraw, Overlay); apps = (s_app*) vars.bigblock; //malloc (usedBytes); memset (apps, 0, APPSMAX * sizeof(s_app)); = 0; // Immediately draw the screen... AppsFree (); InitializeGui (); /* Redraw (); grlib_PushScreen (); grlib_PopScreen (); grlib_Render(); // Render the frame buffer to the TV */ AppsBrowse (0); if (config.appPage >= 0 && config.appPage <= pageMax) page = config.appPage; else page = 0; FeedCoverCache (); LiveCheck (1); // Loop forever while (browserRet == -1) { if (LiveCheck (0)) redraw = 1; btn = grlib_GetUserInput(); // If [HOME] was pressed on the first Wiimote, break out of the loop if (btn) { browserRet = ChooseDPadReturnMode (btn); if (browserRet != -1) break; if (btn & WPAD_BUTTON_1) { spotSelected = -1; page = GoToPage (page, pageMax); FeedCoverCache (); redraw = 1; } if (btn & WPAD_BUTTON_2) { ShowFilterMenu(); redraw = 1; } if (btn & WPAD_BUTTON_A && appsSelected != -1 && sortMode == 0) { if (apps[appsSelected].type == AT_HBA) { if (!QuerySelection (appsSelected)) { redraw = 1; continue; } AppsSetRun (appsSelected); browserRet = INTERACTIVE_RET_HBSEL; break; } else if (apps[appsSelected].type == AT_FOLDER) // This is a folder ! Jump inside { sprintf (config.subpath, "%s/", apps[appsSelected].path); sprintf (config.submount, "%s", apps[appsSelected].mount); AppsBrowse (0); redraw = 1; } else if (apps[appsSelected].type == AT_FOLDERUP) // This is a folder ! Jump inside { int i = strlen(config.subpath); if (i > 0) i--; if (i > 0) i--; while (i >= 0 && config.subpath[i] != '/') config.subpath[i--] = 0; gui.spotsIdx = 0; AppsBrowse (0); redraw = 1; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // We are in sort mode, check item if (btn & WPAD_BUTTON_A && appsSelected != -1 && sortMode > 0) { if (!apps[appsSelected].checked) { apps[appsSelected].priority = sortMode--; apps[appsSelected].checked = TRUE; redraw = 1; //Debug ("selected %s (%d)\n", apps[appsSelected].name, apps[appsSelected].priority); } else { } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Select application as default if (btn & WPAD_BUTTON_B && appsSelected != -1 && sortMode == 0) { ShowAppMenu (appsSelected); redraw = 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // If user press (B) stop sort mode if (btn & WPAD_BUTTON_B && sortMode > 0) { SortItems(); int i; for (i = 0; i < appsCnt; i++) { apps[i].priority = appsCnt - i; apps[i].checked = FALSE; } sortMode = 0; needToSave = 1; redraw = 1; } if (btn & WPAD_BUTTON_HOME && sortMode > 0) { grlib_menu (0, "You are in sort mode.\n", "Close"); redraw = 1; } if (btn & WPAD_BUTTON_HOME && sortMode == 0) { ShowMainMenu (); redraw = 1; } if (btn & WPAD_BUTTON_MINUS) { page = ChangePage (0); } if (btn & WPAD_BUTTON_PLUS) { page = ChangePage (1); } } if (CoverCache_IsUpdated ()) { redraw = 1; } FindSpot (); if (redraw) { Redraw (); grlib_PushScreen (); redraw = 0; } REDRAW(); if (grlibSettings.wiiswitch_poweroff) { browserRet = INTERACTIVE_RET_SHUTDOWN; } if (grlibSettings.wiiswitch_reset) { browserRet = INTERACTIVE_RET_WIIMENU; } if (wiiload.status == WIILOAD_HBZREADY) { WiiloadZipMenu (); AppsBrowse (0); redraw = 1; } if (wiiload.status == WIILOAD_HBREADY) { if (WiiloadCheck()) browserRet = INTERACTIVE_RET_WIILOAD; else redraw = 1; } if (vars.themeReloaded) // Restart the browser { vars.themeReloaded = 0; browserRet = INTERACTIVE_RET_TOHOMEBREW; } } // Lets close the topbar, if needed CLOSETOPBAR(); CLOSEBOTTOMBAR(); // save current page config.appPage = page; SaveSettings (); // Clean up all data AppsFree (); gui_Clean (); //free (apps); grlib_SetRedrawCallback (NULL, NULL); return browserRet; }