bool UMediaPlayer::OpenUrl( const FString& NewUrl ) { URL = NewUrl; InitializePlayer(); return (CurrentUrl == NewUrl); }
void Player::SetPlayer(ObjectCharacter* character) { player = character; Interactions::Player::SetPlayer(character); InitializeInteractions(); InitializeInventoryUi(); InitializeMainBar(); InitializePlayer(); }
void UMediaPlayer::PostLoad() { Super::PostLoad(); if (!HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject) && !GIsBuildMachine) { InitializePlayer(); } }
void CSakiServerEngine::HandleStateGameOver() { if (m_startEnding == 0) { m_startEnding = ::GetTickCount64(); // Who is the winner? unsigned char winner = 0; for (auto x : m_players) { if (m_goners.find(x.first) == m_goners.end()) { winner = x.first; break; } } // Notify the winner to everybody for (auto x : m_players) { auto msg = SakiSnakeCommon::Msg<SakiSnakeCommon::msgGameOver, SakiSnakeCommon::GameOverMsg>(); msg._data._winner = winner; x.second->Send(&msg); } } else if (::GetTickCount64() - m_startEnding > 5000) // Reset game 5 seconds after the game over. { m_board.Clear(); m_goners.clear(); m_startEnding = 0; for (auto x : m_players) { InitializePlayer(x.second); } if (m_players.size() > 0 && m_players.size() < SakiSnakeCommon::maxPlayers) { m_state = stateAccepting; } else if (m_players.size() == SakiSnakeCommon::maxPlayers) { m_state = stateCountDown; m_startCounting = ::GetTickCount64(); } else if (m_players.size() == 0) { m_state = stateNone; } BroadcastBoard(); } }
/// Initializes the gameplay state. /// @param[in] screen_width_in_pixels - The width of the screen, in pixels. /// @param[in] saved_game_data - The saved game data to use to initialize the gameplay state. /// @param[in,out] overworld - The overworld for the gameplay state. /// @return True if initialization succeeded; false otherwise. bool GameplayState::Initialize( const unsigned int screen_width_in_pixels, const SavedGameData& saved_game_data, const std::shared_ptr<MAPS::Overworld>& overworld) { // MAKE SURE AN OVERWORLD WAS PROVIDED. bool overworld_exists = (nullptr != overworld); if (!overworld_exists) { // The gameplay state requires an overworld. return false; } // SET THE OVERWORLD. Overworld = overworld; // INITIALIZE THE PLAYER. std::unique_ptr<OBJECTS::Noah> noah_player = InitializePlayer(saved_game_data); bool player_initialized = (nullptr != noah_player); if (player_initialized) { Overworld->NoahPlayer = std::move(noah_player); } else { // The gameplay state requires a player. return false; } // INITIALIZE THE HUD. Hud = InitializeHud(screen_width_in_pixels, Overworld); bool hud_initialized = (nullptr != Hud); if (!hud_initialized) { // The gameplay state requires a HUD. return false; } // INITIALIZE THE BIBLE VERSES LEFT TO FIND. std::set_difference( BIBLE::BIBLE_VERSES.cbegin(), BIBLE::BIBLE_VERSES.cend(), saved_game_data.FoundBibleVerses.cbegin(), saved_game_data.FoundBibleVerses.cend(), std::inserter(BibleVersesLeftToFind, BibleVersesLeftToFind.begin())); // START PLAYING THE BACKGROUND MUSIC. Overworld->BackgroundMusic->play(); // INDICATE WHETHER OR NOT INITIALIZATION SUCCEEDED. bool initialization_succeeded = hud_initialized; return initialization_succeeded; }
void InitializeLevel(void) { Vec3 TextTint; ResetObjectList(); ResetCamera(); // Initialize the player InitializePlayer(&CurrentPlayer, Mayple, 0, -220); CurrentPlayer.PlayerCollider.Position = CurrentPlayer.Position; Vec3Set(&TextTint, 1, 1, 1); LevelName = CreateText("Level 4", 0, 300, 100, TextTint, Center, Border); ChangeTextVisibility(LevelName); }
void Game::Run() { XmlParser parser("settings/Players.xml"); PlayerType playerType = (PlayerType)parser.ReadInt("/PlayerData/PlayerOneType"); u32 keybinds[4] = { CL_KEY_LEFT, CL_KEY_RIGHT, CL_KEY_UP, CL_KEY_J }; Initialize(); InitializeLevel(); InitializePlayer(playerType, keybinds); s32 timeElapsedMs, lastTime, currentTime, waitTime; currentTime = lastTime = CL_System::get_time(); // Main game loop while(!m_quit) { //Calculate the elapsed time since the beginning of the last frame currentTime = CL_System::get_time(); timeElapsedMs = currentTime - lastTime; if (timeElapsedMs > 50) { //Guard to ensure that the frame time isn't too long timeElapsedMs = 50; } lastTime = currentTime; //Update the game state m_level->Update(); m_updateSignal.invoke(timeElapsedMs); m_drawSignal.invoke(); // Flip the display, showing on the screen what we drew since last call to flip() m_window.flip(0); //Measure the time for this frame's update waitTime = 16 - (CL_System::get_time() - currentTime); if (waitTime < 0) { waitTime = 0; } // This call processes user input and other events CL_KeepAlive::process(0); // Sleep for a little while to avoid using too much of the CPU. CL_System::sleep(waitTime); } }
CSakiPlayer* CSakiServerEngine::JoinGame(CAsyncSocket* pVisitor) { CSakiPlayer* player = nullptr; unsigned char playerId = 0; for (int i = SakiSnakeCommon::player1; i <= SakiSnakeCommon::player4 && player == 0; i++) { if (m_players.find(i) == m_players.end()) { playerId = i; player = new CSakiPlayer(playerId, pVisitor); m_players[playerId] = player; InitializePlayer(player); } } return player; }
BOOL InitializeModules() { if (!InitializeScript()) { return false; } if(!InitializeSyslog()) { return false; } if (!InitializeOlc()) { return false; } if (!InitializeOlcs()) { return false; } if (!InitializeSocials()) { return false; } InitializePlayer(); if (!InitializeExternalModules()) { return false; } if (!InitializeExternalExtensions()) { return false; } return true; }
// Gameplay Screen Initialization logic void InitGameplayScreen(void) { // TODO: Initialize GAMEPLAY screen variables here! framesCounter = 0; finishScreen = 0; // MAP LAODING // TODO: Read .bmp file propierly in order to get image width & height Color *mapPixels = malloc(GRID_WIDTH*GRID_HEIGHT * sizeof(Color)); mapPixels = GetImageData(LoadImage("assets/gameplay_screen/maps/map.bmp")); maxTriangles = 0; maxPlatforms = 0; for (int i=0; i<GRID_WIDTH*GRID_HEIGHT; i++) { /* printf("r: %i\n", mapPixels[i].r); printf("g: %i\n", mapPixels[i].g); printf("b: %i\n\n", mapPixels[i].b); */ if (mapPixels[i].r == 255 && mapPixels[i].g == 0 && mapPixels[i].b == 0) maxTriangles++; else if (mapPixels[i].r == 0 && mapPixels[i].g == 255 && mapPixels[i].b == 0) maxPlatforms++; } triangles = malloc(maxTriangles * sizeof(TriangleObject)); platforms = malloc(maxPlatforms * sizeof(SquareObject)); int trianglesCounter=0; int platformsCounter=0; for (int y=0; y<GRID_HEIGHT; y++) { for (int x=0; x<GRID_WIDTH; x++) { if (mapPixels[y*GRID_WIDTH+x].r == 255 && mapPixels[y*GRID_WIDTH+x].g == 0 && mapPixels[y*GRID_WIDTH+x].b == 0) { InitializeTriangle(&triangles[trianglesCounter], (Vector2){x, y}); trianglesCounter++; } else if (mapPixels[y*GRID_WIDTH+x].r == 0 && mapPixels[y*GRID_WIDTH+x].g == 255 && mapPixels[y*GRID_WIDTH+x].b == 0) { InitializePlatform(&platforms[platformsCounter], (Vector2){x, y}); platformsCounter++; } } } free(mapPixels); //DEBUGGING && TESTING variables pause = FALSE; srand(time(NULL)); // Textures loading player.texture = LoadTexture("assets/gameplay_screen/cube_main.png"); triangleTexture = LoadTexture("assets/gameplay_screen/triangle_main.png"); platformTexture = LoadTexture("assets/gameplay_screen/platform_main.png"); player.pEmitter.texture = LoadTexture("assets/gameplay_screen/particle_main.png"); bg = LoadTexture("assets/gameplay_screen/bg_main.png"); // Sound loading InitAudioDevice(); PlayMusicStream("assets/gameplay_screen/music/Flash_Funk_MarshmelloRemix.ogg"); PauseMusicStream(); SetMusicVolume(0.5f); // Did player win? startGame = FALSE; /* player.texture = LoadTexture("assets/gameplay_screen/debug.png"); triangleTexture = LoadTexture("assets/gameplay_screen/debug.png"); platformTexture = LoadTexture("assets/gameplay_screen/debug.png"); player.pEmitter.texture = LoadTexture("assets/gameplay_screen/particle_main.png"); */ // Camera initialization mainCamera = (Camera2D){Vector2Right(), (Vector2){6.5f, 6.5f}, Vector2Zero(), TRUE}; // Gravity initialization gravity = (GravityForce){Vector2Up(), 1.5f}; // Ground position and coordinate groundCoordinadeY = GetScreenHeight()/CELL_SIZE-1; groundPositionY = GetOnGridPosition((Vector2){0, groundCoordinadeY}).y; // Player initialization InitializePlayer(&player, (Vector2){4, groundCoordinadeY-1}, (Vector2){0, 15}, 0.35f*GAME_SPEED); /* // Triangles initialization InitializeTriangle(&triangles[0], (Vector2){40, groundCoordinadeY-1}); InitializeTriangle(&triangles[1], (Vector2){50, groundCoordinadeY-1}); InitializeTriangle(&triangles[2], (Vector2){85, groundCoordinadeY-1}); // Platforms initialization InitializePlatform(&platforms[0], (Vector2){20, groundCoordinadeY-1}); InitializePlatform(&platforms[1], (Vector2){21, groundCoordinadeY-1}); InitializePlatform(&platforms[2], (Vector2){22, groundCoordinadeY-1}); InitializePlatform(&platforms[3], (Vector2){23, groundCoordinadeY-2}); InitializePlatform(&platforms[4], (Vector2){24, groundCoordinadeY-2}); */ }
int main() { WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsa); s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; server.sin_port = htons(PORT); bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sizeof(server)); GenerateMap(); while (isRunning) { incrementIndex = -1; memset(buf, '\0', BUFLEN); recv_len = recvfrom(s, buf, BUFLEN, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&tempClient.address, &tempClient.addrLength); for (int x = 0; x < clientList.size(); x++) { if (tempClient.address.sin_port == clientList[x].address.sin_port) incrementIndex = x; } std::string tempMessage = ""; switch (ProcessCommand(buf)) { case 0 : tempClient.uniqueID = incrementID; incrementID += 1; if (AddConnection(tempClient)) SendMessage("connect", tempClient); std::cout << GetConnectionCount() << "/" << maxConnections << std::endl; break; case 1: SendMap(clientList[incrementIndex]); break; case 2: InitializePlayer(clientList[incrementIndex]); tempMessage += "advert<position>" + std::to_string((int)clientList[incrementIndex].uniqueID) + ":"; tempMessage += std::to_string((int)clientList[incrementIndex].player.position.x) + "," + std::to_string((int)clientList[incrementIndex].player.position.y); char tempMessageChar[BUFLEN]; strcpy(tempMessageChar, tempMessage.c_str()); SendMessage(tempMessageChar, clientList[incrementIndex], clientList); break; case 3: RequestPlayer(clientList[incrementIndex]); break; case 4: UpdatePosition(clientList[incrementIndex], buf); break; } std::cout << buf << std::endl; } closesocket(s); WSACleanup(); return 0; }
void GameServer::Run() { XmlParser parser("settings/Players.xml"); PlayerType playerType = (PlayerType)parser.ReadInt("/PlayerData/PlayerOneType"); u32 keybinds[4] = { CL_KEY_LEFT, CL_KEY_RIGHT, CL_KEY_UP, CL_KEY_J }; Initialize(); InitializeLevel(); InitializePlayer(playerType, keybinds); InitializeNetwork(); s32 timeElapsedMs, lastTime, currentTime, waitTime; currentTime = lastTime = CL_System::get_time(); // Main game loop while (!m_quit) { //Calculate the elapsed time since the beginning of the last frame currentTime = CL_System::get_time(); timeElapsedMs = currentTime - lastTime; if (timeElapsedMs > 50) { //Guard to ensure that the frame time isn't too long timeElapsedMs = 50; } lastTime = currentTime; m_frameCounter++; m_incomingMessages.clear(); m_outgoingMessages.clear(); while (true) { MessageData packet; u32 bytes_read = m_connection.ReceivePacket(, sizeof(; if (bytes_read == 0) { break; } m_incomingMessages.push_back(packet); } std::vector<MessageData>::iterator it = m_incomingMessages.begin(); for (; it != m_incomingMessages.end(); ++it) { ProcessMessage((*it).data); } //Update the game state m_level->Update(); m_updateSignal.invoke(timeElapsedMs); m_drawSignal.invoke(); // Flip the display, showing on the screen what we drew since last call to flip() m_window.flip(0); ComposeUpdateMessage(); if ((m_frameCounter % 6) == 0) { ComposeSyncMessage(); } if (m_outgoingMessages.size() > 0) { std::vector<MessageData>::iterator it = m_outgoingMessages.begin(); for (; it != m_outgoingMessages.end(); ++it) { m_connection.SendPacket((*it).data, (*it).size); } } //Measure the time for this frame's update waitTime = 16 - (CL_System::get_time() - currentTime); if (waitTime < 0) { waitTime = 0; } // This call processes user input and other events CL_KeepAlive::process(0); // Sleep for a little while to avoid using too much of the CPU. CL_System::sleep(waitTime); } }
void UMediaPlayer::PostEditChangeProperty( FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent ) { Super::PostEditChangeProperty(PropertyChangedEvent); InitializePlayer(); }