inline force_inline // Absolutely MUST be inline so optimizations can happen.
double NeighborSearchRules<SortPolicy, MetricType, TreeType>::
BaseCase(const size_t queryIndex, const size_t referenceIndex)
  // If the datasets are the same, then this search is only using one dataset
  // and we should not return identical points.
  if ((&querySet == &referenceSet) && (queryIndex == referenceIndex))
    return 0.0;

  // If we have already performed this base case, then do not perform it again.
  if ((lastQueryIndex == queryIndex) && (lastReferenceIndex == referenceIndex))
    return lastBaseCase;

  double distance = metric.Evaluate(querySet.col(queryIndex),

  // If this distance is better than any of the current candidates, the
  // SortDistance() function will give us the position to insert it into.
  arma::vec queryDist = distances.unsafe_col(queryIndex);
  arma::Col<size_t> queryIndices = neighbors.unsafe_col(queryIndex);
  const size_t insertPosition = SortPolicy::SortDistance(queryDist,
      queryIndices, distance);

  // SortDistance() returns (size_t() - 1) if we shouldn't add it.
  if (insertPosition != (size_t() - 1))
    InsertNeighbor(queryIndex, insertPosition, referenceIndex, distance);

  // Cache this information for the next time BaseCase() is called.
  lastQueryIndex = queryIndex;
  lastReferenceIndex = referenceIndex;
  lastBaseCase = distance;

  return distance;
Example #2
inline force_inline
double LSHSearch<SortPolicy>::BaseCase(arma::mat& distances,
                                       arma::Mat<size_t>& neighbors,
                                       const size_t queryIndex,
                                       const size_t referenceIndex)
  // If the datasets are the same, then this search is only using one dataset
  // and we should not return identical points.
  if ((&querySet == &referenceSet) && (queryIndex == referenceIndex))
    return 0.0;

  const double distance = metric::EuclideanDistance::Evaluate(
      querySet.unsafe_col(queryIndex), referenceSet.unsafe_col(referenceIndex));

  // If this distance is better than any of the current candidates, the
  // SortDistance() function will give us the position to insert it into.
  arma::vec queryDist = distances.unsafe_col(queryIndex);
  arma::Col<size_t> queryIndices = neighbors.unsafe_col(queryIndex);
  size_t insertPosition = SortPolicy::SortDistance(queryDist, queryIndices,

  // SortDistance() returns (size_t() - 1) if we shouldn't add it.
  if (insertPosition != (size_t() - 1))
    InsertNeighbor(distances, neighbors, queryIndex, insertPosition,
        referenceIndex, distance);

  return distance;
inline force_inline
double FastMKSRules<KernelType, TreeType>::BaseCase(
    const size_t queryIndex,
    const size_t referenceIndex)
    // Score() always happens before BaseCase() for a given node combination.  For
    // cover trees, the kernel evaluation between the two centroid points already
    // happened.  So we don't need to do it.  Note that this optimizes out if the
    // first conditional is false (its result is known at compile time).
    if (tree::TreeTraits<TreeType>::FirstPointIsCentroid)
        if ((queryIndex == lastQueryIndex) &&
                (referenceIndex == lastReferenceIndex))
            return lastKernel;

        // Store new values.
        lastQueryIndex = queryIndex;
        lastReferenceIndex = referenceIndex;

    double kernelEval = kernel.Evaluate(querySet.unsafe_col(queryIndex),

    // Update the last kernel value, if we need to.
    if (tree::TreeTraits<TreeType>::FirstPointIsCentroid)
        lastKernel = kernelEval;

    // If the reference and query sets are identical, we still need to compute the
    // base case (so that things can be bounded properly), but we won't add it to
    // the results.
    if ((&querySet == &referenceSet) && (queryIndex == referenceIndex))
        return kernelEval;

    // If this is a better candidate, insert it into the list.
    if (kernelEval < products(products.n_rows - 1, queryIndex))
        return kernelEval;

    size_t insertPosition = 0;
    for ( ; insertPosition < products.n_rows; ++insertPosition)
        if (kernelEval >= products(insertPosition, queryIndex))

    InsertNeighbor(queryIndex, insertPosition, referenceIndex, kernelEval);

    return kernelEval;
inline force_inline // Absolutely MUST be inline so optimizations can happen.
double NeighborSearchRules<SortPolicy, MetricType, TreeType>::
BaseCase(const size_t queryIndex, const size_t referenceIndex)
  // If the datasets are the same, then this search is only using one dataset
  // and we should not return identical points.
  if ((&querySet == &referenceSet) && (queryIndex == referenceIndex))
    return 0.0;

  double distance = metric.Evaluate(querySet.unsafe_col(queryIndex),

  // If this distance is better than any of the current candidates, the
  // SortDistance() function will give us the position to insert it into.
  arma::vec queryDist = distances.unsafe_col(queryIndex);
  size_t insertPosition = SortPolicy::SortDistance(queryDist, distance);

  // SortDistance() returns (size_t() - 1) if we shouldn't add it.
  if (insertPosition != (size_t() - 1))
    InsertNeighbor(queryIndex, insertPosition, referenceIndex, distance);

  return distance;
Example #5
void CF<FactorizerType>::GetRecommendations(const size_t numRecs,
                                            arma::Mat<size_t>& recommendations,
                                            arma::Col<size_t>& users)
  // Generate new table by multiplying approximate values.
  rating = w * h;

  // Now, we will use the decomposed w and h matrices to estimate what the user
  // would have rated items as, and then pick the best items.

  // Temporarily store feature vector of queried users.
  arma::mat query(rating.n_rows, users.n_elem);

  // Select feature vectors of queried users.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < users.n_elem; i++)
    query.col(i) = rating.col(users(i));

  // Temporary storage for neighborhood of the queried users.
  arma::Mat<size_t> neighborhood;

  // Calculate the neighborhood of the queried users.
  // This should be a templatized option.
  neighbor::AllkNN a(rating);
  arma::mat resultingDistances; // Temporary storage.
  a.Search(query, numUsersForSimilarity, neighborhood, resultingDistances);

  // Temporary storage for storing the average rating for each user in their
  // neighborhood.
  arma::mat averages = arma::zeros<arma::mat>(rating.n_rows, query.n_cols);

  // Iterate over each query user.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < neighborhood.n_cols; ++i)
    // Iterate over each neighbor of the query user.
    for (size_t j = 0; j < neighborhood.n_rows; ++j)
      averages.col(i) += rating.col(neighborhood(j, i));
    // Normalize average.
    averages.col(i) /= neighborhood.n_rows;

  // Generate recommendations for each query user by finding the maximum numRecs
  // elements in the averages matrix.
  recommendations.set_size(numRecs, users.n_elem);
  recommendations.fill(cleanedData.n_rows); // Invalid item number.
  arma::mat values(numRecs, users.n_elem);
  values.fill(-DBL_MAX); // The smallest possible value.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < users.n_elem; i++)
    // Look through the averages column corresponding to the current user.
    for (size_t j = 0; j < averages.n_rows; ++j)
      // Ensure that the user hasn't already rated the item.
      if (cleanedData(j, users(i)) != 0.0)
        continue; // The user already rated the item.

      // Is the estimated value better than the worst candidate?
      const double value = averages(j, i);
      if (value > values(values.n_rows - 1, i))
        // It should be inserted.  Which position?
        size_t insertPosition = values.n_rows - 1;
        while (insertPosition > 0)
          if (value <= values(insertPosition - 1, i))
            break; // The current value is the right one.

        // Now insert it into the list.
        InsertNeighbor(i, insertPosition, j, value, recommendations,

    // If we were not able to come up with enough recommendations, issue a
    // warning.
    if (recommendations(values.n_rows - 1, i) == cleanedData.n_rows + 1)
      Log::Warn << "Could not provide " << values.n_rows << " recommendations "
          << "for user " << users(i) << " (not enough un-rated items)!"
          << std::endl;
Example #6
void CF::GetRecommendations(const size_t numRecs,
                            arma::Mat<size_t>& recommendations,
                            arma::Col<size_t>& users)
  // We want to avoid calculating the full rating matrix, so we will do nearest
  // neighbor search only on the H matrix, using the observation that if the
  // rating matrix X = W*H, then d(X.col(i), X.col(j)) = d(W H.col(i), W
  // H.col(j)).  This can be seen as nearest neighbor search on the H matrix
  // with the Mahalanobis distance where M^{-1} = W^T W.  So, we'll decompose
  // M^{-1} = L L^T (the Cholesky decomposition), and then multiply H by L^T.
  // Then we can perform nearest neighbor search.
  arma::mat l = arma::chol(w.t() * w);
  arma::mat stretchedH = l * h; // Due to the Armadillo API, l is L^T.

  // Now, we will use the decomposed w and h matrices to estimate what the user
  // would have rated items as, and then pick the best items.

  // Temporarily store feature vector of queried users.
  arma::mat query(stretchedH.n_rows, users.n_elem);

  // Select feature vectors of queried users.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < users.n_elem; i++)
    query.col(i) = stretchedH.col(users(i));

  // Temporary storage for neighborhood of the queried users.
  arma::Mat<size_t> neighborhood;

  // Calculate the neighborhood of the queried users.
  // This should be a templatized option.
  neighbor::KNN a(stretchedH);
  arma::mat resultingDistances; // Temporary storage.
  a.Search(query, numUsersForSimilarity, neighborhood, resultingDistances);

  // Generate recommendations for each query user by finding the maximum numRecs
  // elements in the averages matrix.
  recommendations.set_size(numRecs, users.n_elem);
  recommendations.fill(cleanedData.n_rows); // Invalid item number.
  arma::mat values(numRecs, users.n_elem);
  values.fill(-DBL_MAX); // The smallest possible value.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < users.n_elem; i++)
    // First, calculate average of neighborhood values.
    arma::vec averages;

    for (size_t j = 0; j < neighborhood.n_rows; ++j)
      averages += w * h.col(neighborhood(j, i));
    averages /= neighborhood.n_rows;

    // Look through the averages column corresponding to the current user.
    for (size_t j = 0; j < averages.n_rows; ++j)
      // Ensure that the user hasn't already rated the item.
      if (cleanedData(j, users(i)) != 0.0)
        continue; // The user already rated the item.

      // Is the estimated value better than the worst candidate?
      const double value = averages[j];
      if (value > values(values.n_rows - 1, i))
        // It should be inserted.  Which position?
        size_t insertPosition = values.n_rows - 1;
        while (insertPosition > 0)
          if (value <= values(insertPosition - 1, i))
            break; // The current value is the right one.

        // Now insert it into the list.
        InsertNeighbor(i, insertPosition, j, value, recommendations,

    // If we were not able to come up with enough recommendations, issue a
    // warning.
    if (recommendations(values.n_rows - 1, i) == cleanedData.n_rows + 1)
      Log::Warn << "Could not provide " << values.n_rows << " recommendations "
          << "for user " << users(i) << " (not enough un-rated items)!"
          << std::endl;
Example #7
void FastMKS<KernelType, TreeType>::Search(
    const typename TreeType::Mat& querySet,
    const size_t k,
    arma::Mat<size_t>& indices,
    arma::mat& kernels)

  // No remapping will be necessary because we are using the cover tree.
  indices.set_size(k, querySet.n_cols);
  kernels.set_size(k, querySet.n_cols);

  // Naive implementation.
  if (naive)
    // Fill kernels.

    // Simple double loop.  Stupid, slow, but a good benchmark.
    for (size_t q = 0; q < querySet.n_cols; ++q)
      for (size_t r = 0; r < referenceSet.n_cols; ++r)
        const double eval = metric.Kernel().Evaluate(querySet.col(q),

        size_t insertPosition;
        for (insertPosition = 0; insertPosition < indices.n_rows;
          if (eval > kernels(insertPosition, q))

        if (insertPosition < indices.n_rows)
          InsertNeighbor(indices, kernels, q, insertPosition, r, eval);



  // Single-tree implementation.
  if (singleMode)
    // Fill kernels.

    // Create rules object (this will store the results).  This constructor
    // precalculates each self-kernel value.
    typedef FastMKSRules<KernelType, TreeType> RuleType;
    RuleType rules(referenceSet, querySet, indices, kernels, metric.Kernel());

    typename TreeType::template SingleTreeTraverser<RuleType> traverser(rules);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < querySet.n_cols; ++i)
      traverser.Traverse(i, *referenceTree);

    Log::Info << rules.BaseCases() << " base cases." << std::endl;
    Log::Info << rules.Scores() << " scores." << std::endl;


  // Dual-tree implementation.  First, we need to build the query tree.  We are
  // assuming it doesn't map anything...
  TreeType queryTree(querySet);

  Search(&queryTree, k, indices, kernels);
Example #8
void FastMKS<KernelType, TreeType>::Search(const size_t k,
                                           arma::Mat<size_t>& indices,
                                           arma::mat& kernels)
  // No remapping will be necessary because we are using the cover tree.
  indices.set_size(k, referenceSet.n_cols);
  kernels.set_size(k, referenceSet.n_cols);

  // Naive implementation.
  if (naive)
    // Simple double loop.  Stupid, slow, but a good benchmark.
    for (size_t q = 0; q < referenceSet.n_cols; ++q)
      for (size_t r = 0; r < referenceSet.n_cols; ++r)
        if (q == r)
          continue; // Don't return the point as its own candidate.

        const double eval = metric.Kernel().Evaluate(referenceSet.col(q),

        size_t insertPosition;
        for (insertPosition = 0; insertPosition < indices.n_rows;
          if (eval > kernels(insertPosition, q))

        if (insertPosition < indices.n_rows)
          InsertNeighbor(indices, kernels, q, insertPosition, r, eval);



  // Single-tree implementation.
  if (singleMode)
    // Create rules object (this will store the results).  This constructor
    // precalculates each self-kernel value.
    typedef FastMKSRules<KernelType, TreeType> RuleType;
    RuleType rules(referenceSet, referenceSet, indices, kernels,

    typename TreeType::template SingleTreeTraverser<RuleType> traverser(rules);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < referenceSet.n_cols; ++i)
      traverser.Traverse(i, *referenceTree);

    // Save the number of pruned nodes.
    const size_t numPrunes = traverser.NumPrunes();

    Log::Info << "Pruned " << numPrunes << " nodes." << std::endl;

    Log::Info << rules.BaseCases() << " base cases." << std::endl;
    Log::Info << rules.Scores() << " scores." << std::endl;


  // Dual-tree implementation.

  Search(referenceTree, k, indices, kernels);