wyBool TableTabInterfaceTabMgmt::CreatePreviewTab() { wyBool retval = wyTrue; wyString tabtitle; tabtitle.SetAs(_("&5 SQL Preview")); m_tabpreview = new TabPreview(m_hcommonwnd, this); /// Creating Preview instance m_tabpreview->Create(); /// Inserting tab into CustomTab InsertTab(m_hwnd, CustomTab_GetItemCount(m_hwnd), IDI_TABPREVIEW, tabtitle, (LPARAM)m_tabpreview); return retval; }
wyBool TableTabInterfaceTabMgmt::CreateIndexesTab() { wyBool retval = wyTrue; wyString tabtitle; tabtitle.SetAs(_("&2 Indexes")); m_tabindexes = new TabIndexes(m_hcommonwnd, this); /// Creating Index-tab m_tabindexes->Create(); /// Inserting Index-tab into tab-management InsertTab(m_hwnd, CustomTab_GetItemCount(m_hwnd), IDI_MANINDEX_16, tabtitle, (LPARAM)m_tabindexes); return retval; }
wyBool TableTabInterfaceTabMgmt::CreateForeignKeysTab() { wyBool retval = wyTrue; wyString tabtitle; tabtitle.SetAs(_("&3 Foreign Keys")); m_tabfk = new TabForeignKeys(m_hcommonwnd, this); /// Creating Foreign-Keys tab if(!m_tabfk->Create()) return wyFalse; /// Inserting tab into CustomTab InsertTab(m_hwnd, CustomTab_GetItemCount(m_hwnd), IDI_MANREL_16, tabtitle, (LPARAM)m_tabfk); return retval; }
wyBool TableTabInterfaceTabMgmt::CreateAdvancedPropertiesTab() { wyBool retval = wyTrue; wyString tabtitle; tabtitle.SetAs(_("&4 Advanced")); m_tabadvprop = new TabAdvancedProperties(m_hcommonwnd, this); /// Creating Advanced Properties instance if(!m_tabadvprop->Create()) return wyFalse; /// Inserting tab into CustomTab InsertTab(m_hwnd, CustomTab_GetItemCount(m_hwnd), IDI_TABLEOPTIONS, tabtitle, (LPARAM)m_tabadvprop); return retval; }
wyBool TableTabInterfaceTabMgmt::CreateFieldsTab() { wyBool retval = wyTrue; wyString fieldstab; fieldstab.SetAs(_("&1 Columns")); m_tabfields = new TabFields(m_hcommonwnd, this); /// Creating Fields tab if(!m_tabfields->Create()) return wyFalse; /// Inserting tab into tab-management InsertTab(m_hwnd, CustomTab_GetItemCount(m_hwnd), IDI_COLUMN, fieldstab, (LPARAM)m_tabfields); return retval; }
void CGraphicTabControl::ChangeTabClient( int iTab, CWnd* pClient ) { if( m_bChangingClient ) return; ASSERT_RETURN( iTab >= 0 && iTab < GetTabCount() && pClient != NULL ); if( TabExists( pClient ) ) { // make sure window is shown and update tab bar layout pClient->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); RecalcLayout(); UpdateWindow(); return; // nothing to do } SECTab* ptab = GetTabPtr(iTab); ASSERT_RETURN( ptab ); CWnd* pOldClient = (CWnd*)ptab->m_pClient; // check to see if we really need to do anything if( pOldClient == pClient ) { pClient->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); return; } m_bChangingClient = true; // hide both windows pClient->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); pOldClient->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); CString tabName = ptab->m_csLabel; InsertTab( iTab, tabName, pClient, NULL, NULL ); // remove old tab ActivateTab( iTab ); DeleteTab( iTab + 1 ); pClient->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); RecalcLayout(); UpdateWindow(); m_bChangingClient = false; return; }
wyBool BlobMgmt::InitDlgVales() { wyString codepage; //if find dialog is open, we need to close find dialog if(pGlobals->m_pcmainwin->m_finddlg) { DestroyWindow(pGlobals->m_pcmainwin->m_finddlg); pGlobals->m_pcmainwin->m_finddlg = NULL; } VERIFY(m_hwndtab = GetDlgItem(m_hwnddlg, IDC_MAINTAB)); VERIFY(m_hwndedit = GetDlgItem(m_hwnddlg, IDC_TEXT)); VERIFY(m_hwndimage = GetDlgItem(m_hwnddlg, IDC_IMAGE)); VERIFY(m_hwndnull = GetDlgItem(m_hwnddlg, IDC_SETNULL)); VERIFY(m_hwndcombo = GetDlgItem(m_hwnddlg, IDC_COMBO)); InsertTab(m_hwndtab, 0, _(L"Text")); InsertTab(m_hwndtab, 1, _(L"Image")); // if its not word wrap then we need to destroy it. SetEditWordWrap(m_hwndedit, wyTrue, wyTrue); // just for the sake hide both of them VERIFY(ShowWindow(m_hwndimage, FALSE)); VERIFY(ShowWindow(m_hwndedit, FALSE)); if(m_piub && m_piub->m_isnull == wyTrue) { SendMessage(GetDlgItem(m_hwnddlg, IDC_SETNULL), BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); DisableAll(); } SetWindowLongPtr(m_hwndimage, GWLP_USERDATA,(LONG_PTR)this); SetWindowLongPtr(m_hwndedit, GWLP_USERDATA,(LONG_PTR)this); SendMessage(m_hwndedit, SCI_SETCODEPAGE, SC_CP_UTF8, 0); //To avoid printing of special characters in scintilla on ctrl+F and ctrl+H SendMessage (m_hwndedit, SCI_CLEARCMDKEY, (SCMOD_CTRL << 16)|'F', 0); SendMessage (m_hwndedit, SCI_CLEARCMDKEY, (SCMOD_CTRL << 16)|'H', 0); //Line added because to turn off the margin SendMessage(m_hwndedit, SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN,1,0); //m_encodingtype.SetAs(codepage.GetString()); //InitEncodingType(); m_wporigtextproc =(WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(m_hwndedit, GWLP_WNDPROC,(LONG_PTR)TextProc); m_wporigpaintproc =(WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(m_hwndimage, GWLP_WNDPROC,(LONG_PTR)ImageProc); //initializing text in combobox InitComboText(); ShowData(); // set the font after reading it from ini file. SetEditFont(m_hwndedit); // if its not editable then we disable all except the ok button if(m_edit == wyFalse) { DisableAll(); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnddlg, IDC_SETNULL), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnddlg, IDC_TEXT), TRUE); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(m_hwnddlg, IDC_TEXT), EM_SETREADONLY, TRUE, TRUE); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(m_hwnddlg, IDC_TEXT)); } m_checkboxstate = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(m_hwnddlg, IDC_SETNULL), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0); SendMessage(m_hwndedit, SCI_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER, 0, 0); return wyTrue; }
/** * AddCustomPane * * @param [in] crstrName: name of pane (default is empty) * if empty, a default name is created and * the pane is regarded as automatic pane, * i.e. the name is always "Watch x" where x is * the pane index + 1 * @return Index of newly added custom pane * (0..number of custom panes - 1) * @exception - * @see */ int CWatchWindow::AddCustomPane(const CString& crstrName /*=_T("")*/) { int iTabIndex; int iCustomPane; CWatchControlWrapper *pWrapper; SECTab* pTab = NULL; CString strName(crstrName); ETabType eType = eImportExport; if (m_pTabWindow == NULL) return (-1); // We insert new custom panes to the right of existing custom panes. // Thus current custom pane count will be index of new custom pane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// iCustomPane = m_iCustomPaneCount; if(strName.IsEmpty()) { strName = BuildCustomPaneCaption (iCustomPane); eType = eAutomatic; } // Add a tab for our custom pane. We have to add the tab index base for custom panes // to our custom pane index to get the effective tab index. Note that Stingrays tab // window does not allow to use the InsertTab method to append a tab. Instead we have // to use AddTab in this case. Set scroll style of new tab. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// iTabIndex = iCustomPane; if(!InsertTab(iTabIndex, strName, eType)) { return -1; } m_pTabWindow->SetScrollStyle (iTabIndex, 0); // Obviously have to increase number of custom panes. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ++m_iCustomPaneCount; // If we have a forced pane and we inserted before the forced // pane we have to increase the forced panes tab index. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (m_iForcedPaneTab != -1 && m_iForcedPaneTab >= 0) ++m_iForcedPaneTab; // Propagate project path to the Active X Control wrapper, if already //set (may be not set yet if OnCreate). ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pWrapper = GetCustomPaneWrapper (iCustomPane); if (pWrapper != NULL && m_strProjectPath.GetLength()) pWrapper->SetProjectPath (m_strProjectPath); return (iCustomPane); }
int SeparateTabWidget::InsertTab (int index, QWidget *page, const QString& text) { return InsertTab (index, page, QIcon (), text); }