Example #1
    Master::Master(const std::shared_ptr<Library>& library, const MasterParameters& parameters):
	nodeAcceptor(library->ioService(), parseTcpEndpoint(parameters.nodeEndpoint)),
	clientAcceptor(library->ioService(), parseTcpEndpoint(parameters.clientEndpoint)),
		// Setup SSL
		std::string pw = parameters.sslPassword;
		sslContext().set_password_callback([pw](std::size_t, ssl::context::password_purpose) { return pw; });
		try {
			BOOST_LOG_SEV(log, LogLevel::Info) <<
			format("Using %s as the certificate chain file.") % parameters.sslCertificateFile;
		} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
			(str(format("Error occured while attempting to use '%s' as the "
						"certificate chain file: %s") %
				 parameters.sslCertificateFile % ex.what())));
		try {
			BOOST_LOG_SEV(log, LogLevel::Info) <<
			format("Using %s as the private key file.") % parameters.sslPrivateKeyFile;
			sslContext().use_private_key_file(parameters.sslPrivateKeyFile, boost::asio::ssl::context::pem);
		} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
			(str(format("Error occured while attempting to use '%s' as the "
						"private key file: %s") %
				 parameters.sslPrivateKeyFile % ex.what())));
		BOOST_LOG_SEV(log, LogLevel::Debug) << "SSL is ready.";
		// Prepare to accept the first client and node
		BOOST_LOG_SEV(log, LogLevel::Debug) << "Preparing to accept clients and nodes.";
		waitingNodeConnection = std::make_shared<MasterNodeConnection>(*this);
		waitingClient = std::make_shared<MasterClient>(*this, 1,

		// Start heartbeat
		BOOST_LOG_SEV(log, LogLevel::Debug) << "Starting heartbeat.";
		BOOST_LOG_SEV(log, LogLevel::Info) <<
		format("Merlion Master Server Core (%s) running.") % MSC_VERSION_STRING;
Example #2
 * \brief Parses the header read using the specified \a reader.
 * \throws Throws InvalidDataException if the data read from the stream is
 *         no valid frame header.
void AdtsFrame::parseHeader(IoUtilities::BinaryReader &reader)
    m_header1 = reader.readUInt16BE();
    // check whether syncword is present
    if ((m_header1 & 0xFFF6u) != 0xFFF0u) {
        throw InvalidDataException();
    m_header2 = hasCrc() ? reader.readUInt56BE() : (reader.readUInt40BE() << 16);
    // check whether frame length is ok
    if (totalSize() < headerSize()) {
        throw InvalidDataException();
Example #3
 * \brief Prepares making.
 * \returns Returns a MatroskaTagFieldMaker object which can be used to actually make the field.
 * \remarks The field must NOT be mutated after making is prepared when it is intended to actually
 *          make the field using the make method of the returned object.
 * \throws Throws TagParser::Failure or a derived exception when a making
 *                error occurs.
 * This method might be useful when it is necessary to know the size of the field before making it.
MatroskaTagFieldMaker MatroskaTagField::prepareMaking(Diagnostics &diag)
    static const string context("making Matroska \"SimpleTag\" element.");
    // check whether ID is empty
    if (id().empty()) {
        diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "Can not make \"SimpleTag\" element with empty \"TagName\".", context);
        throw InvalidDataException();
    try {
        return MatroskaTagFieldMaker(*this, diag);
    } catch (const ConversionException &) {
        diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "The assigned tag value can not be converted to be written appropriately.", context);
        throw InvalidDataException();
Example #4
void Web::Request::Connect() {
	SOCKET httpSocket;
	int ret;
	struct sockaddr_in httpAddr;
	struct hostent *hostinfo;
	char buffer[REQUESTBUFFERSIZE + 1];
	int bufferSize;
   int timeout = REQUESTTIMEOUT;

   /* Choses settings for the socket to connect to */
   httpAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;

   /* Set the port */
   //httpAddr.sin_port = htons(url->getPort());
   httpAddr.sin_port = htons(80);

   /* Do a hostname lookup on the host */
   //hostinfo = gethostbyname (url->getHost());
   hostinfo = gethostbyname ("localhost");
   if (hostinfo == NULL) {
      throw HostNotFoundException();
   /* Fill the httpAddr with IP data */
   httpAddr.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr *) hostinfo->h_addr;
	/* Creates the socket */
	httpSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP) ;
	/* Check for errors */
	if (httpSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
	    throw SocketException();

   /* Add a timeout on all communiction*/
   ret = setsockopt(httpSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *)&timeout, sizeof(timeout));

   /* Check for errors */
   if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) {
      throw SocketException();

   /* Connect to the server */
   ret = connect(httpSocket,(LPSOCKADDR)&httpAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr));

   /* Check for errors */
   if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) {
      throw ConnectionFailedException(WSAGetLastError());

   /* Create a request */
   bufferSize = _snprintf(buffer, REQUESTBUFFERSIZE, "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", url->getURL());

   if (bufferSize <= 0) {
      throw Exception("Request Buffer Too Small");
   /* Send a HTTP request */
   ret = send(httpSocket, buffer, bufferSize, 0);

   if (ret < bufferSize) {
      throw TransferException();
   /* Now wait for the return and loop while its coming */
   while (ret > 0) {
      ret = recv(httpSocket, buffer, REQUESTBUFFERSIZE, 0);
      /* Append data to the buffer */
      if (ret > 0)
         reply.append(buffer, ret);

   /* Clean up the socket */

   /* Now if we didn't get any data throw a error */
   if (reply.length()==0) {
      throw TransferException();

   /* Got some data let parse it */
   ret = (int)reply.find("\r\n\r\n");

   if (ret==-1) {
      throw InvalidDataException();
   header = reply.substr(0, ret);
   ret += 4;
   body = reply.substr(ret, reply.length() - ret);  
