Vector RenderableView::GetScreenPoint(const Vector& p) const { float distance = m_WindowSize / 2.0f / (float)tan( m_FieldOfView/2.0f ); Matrix matrix = Matrix::translation(-m_Target); matrix.preMultiplication(m_Orientation.inverse().buildMatrix()); matrix.preMultiplication(Matrix::translation(0.0f, 0.0f, -distance)); Vector result = matrix*p; result[0] = result[0] * distance / -result[2]; result[1] = result[1] * distance / -result[2]; result[2] = 0.0; result[3] = 1.0; result[0] = result[0] / (m_WindowSize / (m_Height<m_Width?m_Height: m_Width)); result[1] = result[1] / (m_WindowSize / (m_Height<m_Width?m_Height: m_Width)); result[0] = (float)result[0]+(float)m_Width/2.0f; result[1] = (float)result[1]+(float)m_Height/2.0f; result[1] = InvertY(result[1]); return result; }
/* * DrawSceneOutline() * - draws scene outline within main drawing area * * PARAMETERS * data - pointer to MyProgram structure * * RETURNS * nothing */ void DrawSceneOutline(MyProgram *data) { XPoint points[5]; points[0].x = DEFAULT_SCENE_BOT_LEFT_X; points[0].y = InvertY(DEFAULT_SCENE_BOT_LEFT_Y); points[1].x = DEFAULT_SCENE_BOT_LEFT_X; points[1].y = InvertY(DEFAULT_SCENE_TOP_RIGHT_Y); points[2].x = DEFAULT_SCENE_TOP_RIGHT_X; points[2].y = InvertY(DEFAULT_SCENE_TOP_RIGHT_Y); points[3].x = DEFAULT_SCENE_TOP_RIGHT_X; points[3].y = InvertY(DEFAULT_SCENE_BOT_LEFT_Y); points[4].x = DEFAULT_SCENE_BOT_LEFT_X; points[4].y = InvertY(DEFAULT_SCENE_BOT_LEFT_Y); DrawPolyline( &points[0], 5 ); }
/* * DrawSceneTextArea() * - updates scene text area within main drawing area * * PARAMETERS * data - pointer to MyProgram structure * * RETURNS * nothing */ void DrawSceneTextArea(MyProgram *data) { pointType left_pt, right_pt; int height; XFont font; int vert_spacing, text_offset; font = GetWidgetFont( data->draw_area_widget ); height = FontHeight( font ); vert_spacing = 2 * DEFAULT_SCENE_TEXT_SPACING; text_offset = DEFAULT_SCENE_TEXT_SPACING; left_pt.x = DEFAULT_SCENE_BOT_LEFT_X; left_pt.y = height + DEFAULT_SCENE_BOT_LEFT_Y + vert_spacing; right_pt.x = DEFAULT_SCENE_TOP_RIGHT_X; right_pt.y = left_pt.y; DrawLine( left_pt.x, InvertY(left_pt.y), right_pt.x, InvertY(right_pt.y) ); DrawText( "Sound:", (left_pt.x+text_offset), InvertY((left_pt.y-text_offset-height)) ); left_pt.y += (height + vert_spacing); right_pt.y = left_pt.y; DrawLine( left_pt.x, InvertY(left_pt.y), right_pt.x, InvertY(right_pt.y) ); DrawText( "Dialog:", (left_pt.x+text_offset), InvertY((left_pt.y-text_offset-height)) ); left_pt.y += (height + vert_spacing); right_pt.y = left_pt.y; DrawLine( left_pt.x, InvertY(left_pt.y), right_pt.x, InvertY(right_pt.y) ); DrawText( "Action:", (left_pt.x+text_offset), InvertY((left_pt.y-text_offset-height)) ); }
Ray OrthographicView::GetPickRay(int x, int y) const { y = InvertY(y); float fx = (float)x-(float)m_Width/2.0f; float fy = (float)y-(float)m_Height/2.0f; float objectDx = fx * m_WindowSize / (m_Height<m_Width?m_Height: m_Width); float objectDy = fy * m_WindowSize / (m_Height<m_Width?m_Height: m_Width); Matrix matrix = Matrix::translation(0.0f, 0.0f, 200.0f); matrix.preMultiplication(m_Orientation.buildMatrix()); matrix.preMultiplication(Matrix::translation(m_Target)); return Ray(matrix*Vector(objectDx,objectDy,0.0f,1.0f), matrix*Vector(0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f,0.0f)); }
/*********************************************************************** DrawLinks() - this function draws the current link hierarchy as stated in the data structure 'data'. ***********************************************************************/ int DrawLinks(MyProgram *data) { int i; if (data->redraw == TRUE) SetDrawMode(SANE_XOR); /* draw each link */ for (i = 0; i < data->num_links; i++) DrawLine(data->links[i].start.x, InvertY(data->links[i].start.y), data->links[i].visend.x, InvertY(data->links[i].visend.y)); /* draw end effector */ switch(data->end_effect.type) { case ENDEFF_SQUARE: DrawFilledBox(data->, InvertY(data->, ENDEFF_SIZE, ENDEFF_SIZE); break; case ENDEFF_CIRCLE: DrawFilledArc(data->, InvertY(data->, ENDEFF_SIZE, ENDEFF_SIZE, 0, 360); break; case ENDEFF_TRIANGLE: break; default: break; } SetDrawMode(GXcopy); return(0); } /* end of DrawLinks() */
Ray RenderableView::GetPickRay(int x, int y) const { y = InvertY(y); float fx = (float)x-(float)m_Width/2.0f; float fy = (float)y-(float)m_Height/2.0f; float objectDx = fx * m_WindowSize / (m_Height<m_Width?m_Height: m_Width); float objectDy = fy * m_WindowSize / (m_Height<m_Width?m_Height: m_Width); float distance; distance = m_WindowSize / 2.0f / (float)tan( m_FieldOfView/2.0f ); Matrix matrix = Matrix::translation(0.0f, 0.0f, distance); matrix.preMultiplication(m_Orientation.buildMatrix()); matrix.preMultiplication(Matrix::translation(m_Target)); return Ray(matrix*Vector(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f), matrix*Vector(objectDx,objectDy,-distance,0.0f)); }
/*********************************************************************** HandleButton() - this function determines if the end effector of the structure has been grabbed or not. ***********************************************************************/ int HandleButton(MyProgram *data) { pointType curr_p; curr_p.x = data->curr_mousx; curr_p.y = InvertY(data->curr_mousy); if (data->button_state == BUTTON_DOWN) /* check if actually grabbed */ if (PointInBox(curr_p, data->end_effect.extent) == TRUE) { data->endgrabbed = TRUE; printf("end effector was grabbed\n"); } else data->endgrabbed = FALSE; else return(1); /* error, unknown button state */ return(0); } /* end of HandleButton() */
/* * DrawHeader() * - draws header label within main drawing area * * PARAMETERS * data - pointer to MyProgram structure * * RETURNS * nothing */ void DrawHeader(MyProgram *data) { pointType label_pos; int width, height; XFont font; font = GetWidgetFont( data->draw_area_widget ); height = FontHeight( font ); label_pos.x = DEFAULT_PROJ_LABEL_X; label_pos.y = DEFAULT_PROJ_LABEL_y; DrawText("Project:", label_pos.x, InvertY(label_pos.y)); width = TextWidth( font, "Project:" ); label_pos.x += (width + DEFAULT_LABEL_SPACING1); DrawText(data->proj.projname_str, label_pos.x, InvertY(label_pos.y)); width = TextWidth( font, data->proj.projname_str ); label_pos.x += (width + DEFAULT_LABEL_SPACING2); DrawText("Act:", label_pos.x, InvertY(label_pos.y)); width = TextWidth( font, "Act:" ); label_pos.x += (width + DEFAULT_LABEL_SPACING1); DrawText("1", label_pos.x, InvertY(label_pos.y)); width = TextWidth( font, "1" ); label_pos.x += (width + DEFAULT_LABEL_SPACING2); DrawText("Scene:", label_pos.x, InvertY(label_pos.y)); width = TextWidth( font, "Scene:" ); label_pos.x += (width + DEFAULT_LABEL_SPACING1); DrawText("1", label_pos.x, InvertY(label_pos.y)); }