HRESULT CGifSmileyCtrl::OnDrawSmiley(ATL_DRAWINFO& di, bool bCustom=false) { USES_CONVERSION; if (di.dwDrawAspect != DVASPECT_CONTENT) { return E_FAIL; } if ( bCustom && !IsVisible(di)) { return S_OK; } if (!m_pGifImage) { return E_FAIL; } RECT& rc = *(RECT*)di.prcBounds; HRGN hOldRgn, hNewRgn; if (!IsRectEmpty(&m_rectPos)) { //strange workaround for drawing zoom out smileys (look MS calculate it one pix larger than exactly) if ( == && rc.right-rc.left== m_rectPos.right-m_rectPos.left); } if ( bCustom )SelectSmileyClipRgn(di.hdcDraw, rc, hOldRgn, hNewRgn, TRUE); InflateRect(&rc,-1,0); //border offset to fix blinked cursor painting if ( (m_dwFlags&REO_INVERTEDSELECT) == 0 || !bCustom || m_bTransparent) DoDrawSmiley(di.hdcDraw, rc, rc.right-rc.left,, m_nFrameSize.Width, m_nFrameSize.Height); else { Bitmap bmp(rc.right-rc.left,, PixelFormat32bppARGB); Graphics g(&bmp); COLORREF col=(COLORREF)(m_clrBackColor); SolidBrush brush(Color(GetRValue(col),GetGValue(col),GetBValue(col))); g.FillRectangle( &brush, 0 ,0, rc.right-rc.left,; HDC hdc=g.GetHDC(); RECT mrc={0}; mrc.right=rc.right-rc.left;; DoDrawSmiley(hdc, mrc, mrc.right-mrc.left,, m_nFrameSize.Width, m_nFrameSize.Height); InvertRect(hdc, &mrc); BitBlt(di.hdcDraw, rc.left,, rc.right-rc.left,, hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ); g.ReleaseHDC(hdc); } if ((m_dwFlags&REO_SELECTED) == REO_SELECTED && bCustom) { //Draw frame around HBRUSH oldBrush=(HBRUSH)SelectObject(di.hdcDraw, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH)); HPEN oldPen=(HPEN)SelectObject(di.hdcDraw, GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN)); ::Rectangle(di.hdcDraw, rc.left,, rc.right, rc.bottom ); SelectObject(di.hdcDraw, oldBrush); SelectObject(di.hdcDraw, oldPen); } AdvanceFrame(); if (!bCustom) m_bPaintValid=false; ResetClip(di.hdcDraw, hOldRgn, hNewRgn); return S_OK; }
void PaintClc(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, HDC hdc, RECT * rcPaint) { HDC hdcMem; RECT clRect; int y, indent, index, fontHeight; struct ClcGroup *group; HFONT hOldFont; DWORD style = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); int status = GetGeneralisedStatus(); int grey = 0, groupCountsFontTopShift; HBRUSH hBrushAlternateGrey = NULL; // yes I know about GetSysColorBrush() COLORREF tmpbkcolour = style & CLS_CONTACTLIST ? (dat->useWindowsColours ? GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE) : dat->bkColour) : dat->bkColour; if (dat->greyoutFlags & pcli->pfnClcStatusToPf2(status) || style & WS_DISABLED) grey = 1; else if (GetFocus() != hwnd && dat->greyoutFlags & GREYF_UNFOCUS) grey = 1; GetClientRect(hwnd, &clRect); if (rcPaint == NULL) rcPaint = &clRect; if (IsRectEmpty(rcPaint)) return; y = -dat->yScroll; hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); HBITMAP hBmpOsb = CreateBitmap(clRect.right, clRect.bottom, 1, GetDeviceCaps(hdc, BITSPIXEL), NULL); HBITMAP hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdcMem, hBmpOsb); { TEXTMETRIC tm; hOldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdcMem, dat->fontInfo[FONTID_GROUPS].hFont); GetTextMetrics(hdcMem, &tm); groupCountsFontTopShift = tm.tmAscent; SelectObject(hdcMem, dat->fontInfo[FONTID_GROUPCOUNTS].hFont); GetTextMetrics(hdcMem, &tm); groupCountsFontTopShift -= tm.tmAscent; } if (style & CLS_GREYALTERNATE) hBrushAlternateGrey = CreateSolidBrush(GetNearestColor(hdcMem, RGB(GetRValue(tmpbkcolour) - 10, GetGValue(tmpbkcolour) - 10, GetBValue(tmpbkcolour) - 10))); ChangeToFont(hdcMem, dat, FONTID_CONTACTS, &fontHeight); SetBkMode(hdcMem, TRANSPARENT); { HBRUSH hBrush; hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(tmpbkcolour); FillRect(hdcMem, rcPaint, hBrush); DeleteObject(hBrush); if (dat->hBmpBackground) { BITMAP bmp; HDC hdcBmp; int x, y; int maxx, maxy; int destw, desth; // XXX: Halftone isnt supported on 9x, however the scretch problems dont happen on 98. SetStretchBltMode(hdcMem, HALFTONE); GetObject(dat->hBmpBackground, sizeof(bmp), &bmp); hdcBmp = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcMem); SelectObject(hdcBmp, dat->hBmpBackground); y = dat->backgroundBmpUse & CLBF_SCROLL ? -dat->yScroll : 0; maxx = dat->backgroundBmpUse & CLBF_TILEH ? clRect.right : 1; maxy = dat->backgroundBmpUse & CLBF_TILEV ? maxy = rcPaint->bottom : y + 1; switch (dat->backgroundBmpUse & CLBM_TYPE) { case CLB_STRETCH: if (dat->backgroundBmpUse & CLBF_PROPORTIONAL) { if (clRect.right * bmp.bmHeight < clRect.bottom * bmp.bmWidth) { desth = clRect.bottom; destw = desth * bmp.bmWidth / bmp.bmHeight; } else { destw = clRect.right; desth = destw * bmp.bmHeight / bmp.bmWidth; } } else { destw = clRect.right; desth = clRect.bottom; } break; case CLB_STRETCHH: if (dat->backgroundBmpUse & CLBF_PROPORTIONAL) { destw = clRect.right; desth = destw * bmp.bmHeight / bmp.bmWidth; } else { destw = clRect.right; desth = bmp.bmHeight; } break; case CLB_STRETCHV: if (dat->backgroundBmpUse & CLBF_PROPORTIONAL) { desth = clRect.bottom; destw = desth * bmp.bmWidth / bmp.bmHeight; } else { destw = bmp.bmWidth; desth = clRect.bottom; } break; default: //clb_topleft destw = bmp.bmWidth; desth = bmp.bmHeight; break; } for (; y < maxy; y += desth) { if (y < rcPaint->top - desth) continue; for (x = 0; x < maxx; x += destw) StretchBlt(hdcMem, x, y, destw, desth, hdcBmp, 0, 0, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight, SRCCOPY); } DeleteDC(hdcBmp); } } group = &dat->list; group->scanIndex = 0; indent = 0; for (index = 0; y < rcPaint->bottom;) { if (group->scanIndex == group->cl.count) { group = group->parent; indent--; if (group == NULL) break; group->scanIndex++; continue; } if (y > rcPaint->top - dat->rowHeight) { int iImage = -1; int selected = index == dat->selection && (dat->showSelAlways || dat->exStyle & CLS_EX_SHOWSELALWAYS || GetFocus() == hwnd) && group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type != CLCIT_DIVIDER; int hottrack = dat->exStyle & CLS_EX_TRACKSELECT && group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type != CLCIT_DIVIDER && dat->iHotTrack == index; SIZE textSize, countsSize, spaceSize; int width, checkboxWidth; char *szCounts; //alternating grey if (style & CLS_GREYALTERNATE && index & 1) { RECT rc; = y; rc.bottom = + dat->rowHeight; rc.left = 0; rc.right = clRect.right; FillRect(hdcMem, &rc, hBrushAlternateGrey); } //setup if (group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type == CLCIT_GROUP) ChangeToFont(hdcMem, dat, FONTID_GROUPS, &fontHeight); else if (group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type == CLCIT_INFO) { if (group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->flags & CLCIIF_GROUPFONT) ChangeToFont(hdcMem, dat, FONTID_GROUPS, &fontHeight); else ChangeToFont(hdcMem, dat, FONTID_CONTACTS, &fontHeight); } else if (group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type == CLCIT_DIVIDER) ChangeToFont(hdcMem, dat, FONTID_DIVIDERS, &fontHeight); else if (group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type == CLCIT_CONTACT && group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->flags & CONTACTF_NOTONLIST) ChangeToFont(hdcMem, dat, FONTID_NOTONLIST, &fontHeight); else if (group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type == CLCIT_CONTACT && ((group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->flags & CONTACTF_INVISTO && GetRealStatus(group->cl.items[group->scanIndex], status) != ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE) || (group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->flags & CONTACTF_VISTO && GetRealStatus(group->cl.items[group->scanIndex], status) == ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE) ) ) { // the contact is in the always visible list and the proto is invisible // the contact is in the always invisible and the proto is in any other mode ChangeToFont(hdcMem, dat, group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->flags & CONTACTF_ONLINE ? FONTID_INVIS : FONTID_OFFINVIS, &fontHeight); } else if (group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type == CLCIT_CONTACT && !(group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->flags & CONTACTF_ONLINE)) ChangeToFont(hdcMem, dat, FONTID_OFFLINE, &fontHeight); else ChangeToFont(hdcMem, dat, FONTID_CONTACTS, &fontHeight); GetTextExtentPoint32(hdcMem, group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->szText, lstrlen(group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->szText), &textSize); width =; if (group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type == CLCIT_GROUP) { szCounts = pcli->pfnGetGroupCountsText(dat, group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]); if (szCounts[0]) { GetTextExtentPoint32A(hdcMem, " ", 1, &spaceSize); ChangeToFont(hdcMem, dat, FONTID_GROUPCOUNTS, &fontHeight); GetTextExtentPoint32A(hdcMem, szCounts, lstrlenA(szCounts), &countsSize); width += +; } } if ((style & CLS_CHECKBOXES && group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type == CLCIT_CONTACT) || (style & CLS_GROUPCHECKBOXES && group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type == CLCIT_GROUP) || (group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type == CLCIT_INFO && group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->flags & CLCIIF_CHECKBOX)) checkboxWidth = dat->checkboxSize + 2; else checkboxWidth = 0; //background if (selected) { int x = dat->leftMargin + indent * dat->groupIndent + checkboxWidth + dat->iconXSpace - 2; ImageList_DrawEx(dat->himlHighlight, 0, hdcMem, x, y, min(width + 5, clRect.right - x), dat->rowHeight, CLR_NONE, CLR_NONE, dat->exStyle & CLS_EX_NOTRANSLUCENTSEL ? ILD_NORMAL : ILD_BLEND25); SetTextColor(hdcMem, dat->selTextColour); } else if (hottrack) SetHotTrackColour(hdcMem, dat); //checkboxes if (checkboxWidth) { RECT rc; HANDLE hTheme = OpenThemeData(hwnd, L"BUTTON"); rc.left = dat->leftMargin + indent * dat->groupIndent; rc.right = rc.left + dat->checkboxSize; = y + ((dat->rowHeight - dat->checkboxSize) >> 1); rc.bottom = + dat->checkboxSize; DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, hdcMem, BP_CHECKBOX, group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->flags & CONTACTF_CHECKED ? (hottrack ? CBS_CHECKEDHOT : CBS_CHECKEDNORMAL) : (hottrack ? CBS_UNCHECKEDHOT : CBS_UNCHECKEDNORMAL), &rc, &rc); CloseThemeData(hTheme); } //icon if (group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type == CLCIT_GROUP) iImage = group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->group->expanded ? IMAGE_GROUPOPEN : IMAGE_GROUPSHUT; else if (group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type == CLCIT_CONTACT) iImage = group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->iImage; if (iImage != -1) { /*COLORREF colourFg=dat->selBkColour; int mode=ILD_NORMAL; if(selected) mode=ILD_SELECTED; else if(hottrack) {mode=ILD_FOCUS; colourFg=dat->hotTextColour;} else if(group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type==CLCIT_CONTACT && group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->flags&CONTACTF_NOTONLIST) {colourFg=dat->fontInfo[FONTID_NOTONLIST].colour; mode=ILD_BLEND50;} ImageList_DrawEx(himlCListClc,iImage,hdcMem,dat->leftMargin+indent*dat->groupIndent+checkboxWidth,y+((dat->rowHeight-16)>>1),0,0,CLR_NONE,colourFg,mode); */ // this doesnt use CLS_CONTACTLIST since the colour prolly wont match anyway COLORREF colourFg = dat->selBkColour; int mode = ILD_NORMAL; if (hottrack) { colourFg = dat->hotTextColour; } else if (group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type == CLCIT_CONTACT && group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->flags & CONTACTF_NOTONLIST) { colourFg = dat->fontInfo[FONTID_NOTONLIST].colour; mode = ILD_BLEND50; } if (group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type == CLCIT_CONTACT && dat->showIdle && (group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->flags & CONTACTF_IDLE) && GetRealStatus(group->cl.items[group->scanIndex], ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) mode = ILD_SELECTED; ImageList_DrawEx(himlCListClc, iImage, hdcMem, dat->leftMargin + indent * dat->groupIndent + checkboxWidth, y + ((dat->rowHeight - 16) >> 1), 0, 0, CLR_NONE, colourFg, mode); } //text if (group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type == CLCIT_DIVIDER) { RECT rc; = y + (dat->rowHeight >> 1); rc.bottom = + 2; rc.left = dat->leftMargin + indent * dat->groupIndent; rc.right = rc.left + ((clRect.right - rc.left - >> 1) - 3; DrawEdge(hdcMem, &rc, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_RECT); TextOut(hdcMem, rc.right + 3, y + ((dat->rowHeight - fontHeight) >> 1), group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->szText, lstrlen(group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->szText)); rc.left = rc.right + 6 +; rc.right = clRect.right; DrawEdge(hdcMem, &rc, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_RECT); }
STDMETHODIMP CGfxRMI::Update() { return S_OK; #if 0 HRESULT hr = S_OK; RECT rs, rd; SetRect(&rs,0,0,m_dwWidth,m_dwHeight); IntersectRect(&rs,&rs,&m_rectSrc); rd = m_rectDst; // handle alignment #if 0 if(m_Caps.dwAlignSizeDest>1) { rd.right &= ~(m_Caps.dwAlignSizeDest-1); rd.left &= ~(m_Caps.dwAlignSizeDest-1); } #endif if(m_bScnClip) { IntersectRect(&rd,&rd,&m_rectScn); if(!EqualRect(&rd,&m_rectDst)) { // translate the clipped destination rectangle to clipping for source rectangle RECT rn; // normalization int wd,ws,hd,hs; rn = rd; OffsetRect(&rn,-m_rectDst.left,; wd = m_rectDst.right-m_rectDst.left; hd =; ws = rs.right-rs.left; hs =; if(wd<=0 || hd<=0) SetRect(&rs,0,0,0,0); else { rn.left = rn.left*ws/wd; rn.right = rn.right*ws/wd; =*hs/hd; rn.bottom = rn.bottom*hs/hd; OffsetRect(&rn,rs.left,; IntersectRect(&rs,&rs,&rn); } } } // m_rectBltSrc = rs; if(m_rectScn.right>0 && m_rectScn.bottom>0 && !IsRectEmpty(&rd)) { m_rectBltDst.left = (float)rd.left/m_rectScn.right; m_rectBltDst.right = (float)rd.right/m_rectScn.right; = (float); m_rectBltDst.bottom = (float)rd.bottom/m_rectScn.bottom; } else { m_rectBltDst.left = (float)0; m_rectBltDst.right = (float)1.; = (float)0; m_rectBltDst.bottom = (float)1.; } m_bUpdateBltDst = TRUE; // if(m_bLastShow==FALSE && m_bShow==FALSE) // return S_OK; // m_bLastShow = m_bShow; return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; #endif }
// Assign a DirectShow YUV sample to a YUV_frame extern HRESULT YUV_frame_from_DirectShow(const CMediaType* pMT, BYTE* buff, YUV_frame* pFrame) { BITMAPINFOHEADER* pBmi; pBmi = GetBMI(pMT); if (pBmi == NULL) return E_UNEXPECTED; // set line stride if ((pBmi->biBitCount != 0) && ((pBmi->biBitCount & 7) == 0)) // For 'normal' formats, biWidth is in pixels. // Expand to bytes and round up to a multiple of 4. pFrame->Y.lineStride = ((pBmi->biWidth * (pBmi->biBitCount / 8)) + 3) & ~3; else // Otherwise, biWidth is in bytes. pFrame->Y.lineStride = pBmi->biWidth; // set pixel stride switch (pBmi->biCompression) { case FCC('YV12'): case FCC('IF09'): case FCC('YVU9'): case FCC('IYUV'): // planar formats pFrame->Y.pixelStride = 1; break; case FCC('UYVY'): case FCC('YUY2'): case FCC('YVYU'): case FCC('HDYC'): // multiplexed formats pFrame->Y.pixelStride = 2; break; default: return E_UNEXPECTED; } // set dimensions RECT* rcTarget = GetTargetRect(pMT); // If rcTarget is empty, use the whole image. if (IsRectEmpty(rcTarget)) { pFrame->Y.w = pBmi->biWidth; pFrame->Y.h = abs(pBmi->biHeight); } else // rcTarget is NOT empty. Use a sub-rectangle in the image. { pFrame->Y.w = rcTarget->right - rcTarget->left; pFrame->Y.h = rcTarget->bottom - rcTarget->top; buff += (rcTarget->top * pFrame->Y.lineStride) + (rcTarget->left * pFrame->Y.pixelStride); } // set subsampling pFrame->U = pFrame->Y; switch (pBmi->biCompression) { case FCC('UYVY'): case FCC('YUY2'): case FCC('YVYU'): case FCC('HDYC'): // horizontal 2:1 pFrame->U.w = pFrame->Y.w / 2; pFrame->U.pixelStride = pFrame->Y.pixelStride * 2; break; case FCC('YV12'): case FCC('IYUV'): // horizontal 2:1, vertical 2:1 pFrame->U.w = pFrame->Y.w / 2; pFrame->U.h = pFrame->Y.h / 2; pFrame->U.lineStride = pFrame->Y.lineStride / 2; break; case FCC('IF09'): case FCC('YVU9'): // horizontal 4:1, vertical 4:1 pFrame->U.w = pFrame->Y.w / 4; pFrame->U.h = pFrame->Y.h / 4; pFrame->U.lineStride = pFrame->Y.lineStride / 4; break; default: return E_UNEXPECTED; } pFrame->V = pFrame->U; // set buffer pointers switch (pBmi->biCompression) { case FCC('UYVY'): case FCC('HDYC'): pFrame->Y.buff = buff + 1; pFrame->U.buff = buff; pFrame->V.buff = buff + 2; break; case FCC('YUY2'): pFrame->Y.buff = buff; pFrame->U.buff = buff + 1; pFrame->V.buff = buff + 3; break; case FCC('YVYU'): pFrame->Y.buff = buff; pFrame->U.buff = buff + 3; pFrame->V.buff = buff + 1; break; case FCC('IYUV'): case FCC('IF09'): case FCC('YVU9'): pFrame->Y.buff = buff; pFrame->U.buff = pFrame->Y.buff + (pFrame->Y.lineStride * pFrame->Y.h); pFrame->V.buff = pFrame->U.buff + (pFrame->U.lineStride * pFrame->U.h); break; case FCC('YV12'): pFrame->Y.buff = buff; pFrame->V.buff = pFrame->Y.buff + (pFrame->Y.lineStride * pFrame->Y.h); pFrame->U.buff = pFrame->V.buff + (pFrame->V.lineStride * pFrame->V.h); break; default: return E_UNEXPECTED; } return S_OK; }
DWORD PrintABand (HDC hDC, LPRECT lpRectOut, LPRECT lpRectClip, BOOL fDoText, BOOL fDoGraphics, LPSTR lpDIBHdr, LPSTR lpDIBBits) { int nxLogPix, nyLogPix; RECT rect; double dblXScaling, dblYScaling; DWORD dwError = ERR_PRN_NONE; if (fDoGraphics) { nxLogPix = GetDeviceCaps (hDC, LOGPIXELSX); nyLogPix = GetDeviceCaps (hDC, LOGPIXELSY); dblXScaling = ((double) lpRectOut->right - lpRectOut->left) / DIBWidth (lpDIBHdr); dblYScaling = ((double) lpRectOut->bottom - lpRectOut->top) / DIBHeight (lpDIBHdr); // Now we set up a temporary rectangle -- this rectangle // holds the coordinates on the paper where our bitmap // WILL be output. We can intersect this rectangle with // the lpClipRect to see what we NEED to output to this // band. Then, we determine the coordinates in the DIB // to which this rectangle corresponds (using dbl?Scaling). IntersectRect (&rect, lpRectOut, lpRectClip); if (!IsRectEmpty (&rect)) { RECT rectIn; int nPct; rectIn.left = (int) ((rect.left - lpRectOut->left) / dblXScaling + 0.5); = (int) (( - lpRectOut->top) / dblYScaling + 0.5); rectIn.right = (int) (rectIn.left + (rect.right - rect.left) / dblXScaling + 0.5); rectIn.bottom = (int) ( + (rect.bottom - / dblYScaling + 0.5); // Could just always call StretchDIBits() below, but // we want to give SetDIBitsToDevice() a work out, too! if ((rect.right - rect.left == rectIn.right - rectIn.left) && (rect.bottom - == rectIn.bottom - { if (!SetDIBitsToDevice (hDC, // DestDC rect.left, // DestX, // DestY rect.right - rect.left, // DestWidth rect.bottom -, // DestHeight rectIn.left, // SrcX (int) DIBHeight (lpDIBHdr)-// SrcY - (rectIn.bottom -, 0, // nStartScan (int) DIBHeight (lpDIBHdr),// nNumScans lpDIBBits, // lpBits (LPBITMAPINFO) lpDIBHdr, // lpBitInfo DIB_RGB_COLORS)) // wUsage dwError |= ERR_PRN_SETDIBITSTODEV; } else { if (!StretchDIBits (hDC, // DestDC rect.left, // DestX, // DestY rect.right - rect.left, // DestWidth rect.bottom -, // DestHeight rectIn.left, // SrcX (int) DIBHeight (lpDIBHdr) - // SrcY - (rectIn.bottom -, rectIn.right - rectIn.left, // SrcWidth rectIn.bottom -, // SrcHeight lpDIBBits, // lpBits (LPBITMAPINFO) lpDIBHdr, // lpBitInfo DIB_RGB_COLORS, // wUsage SRCCOPY)) // dwROP dwError |= ERR_PRN_STRETCHDIBITS; } // Change percentage of print shown in abort dialog. nPct = MulDiv (rect.bottom, 100, lpRectOut->bottom); ChangePrintPercent (nPct); } } I_UNUSED(nyLogPix); I_UNUSED(nxLogPix); I_UNUSED(fDoText); return dwError; }
LOCAL void Story_OnDraw(HWND hWindow, HDC hDC, LPRECT lpRect, BOOL fHighlight) /***********************************************************************/ { BOOL bHasFocus, bSelected, bDown; DWORD dwStyle; RECT rSrcArea, rDstArea; PTOON pToon = NULL; PDIB pdibSrc, pdibDst; LPOFFSCREEN lpOffScreen = NULL; if (IsRectEmpty(lpRect)) return; PSTORY pStory = GetStory(hWindow); if (!pStory) return; if (!pStory->m_pDib) return; // Draw the Bitmap rSrcArea = *lpRect; rDstArea = *lpRect; LPSCENE lpScene = CScene::GetScene(GetParent(hWindow)); if (lpScene) lpOffScreen = lpScene->GetOffScreen(); if (lpOffScreen) { if ( !(pdibSrc = lpOffScreen->GetReadOnlyDIB()) ) return; MapWindowPoints( hWindow, GetParent(hWindow), (LPPOINT)&rDstArea, 2 ); } else { // see if there is a toon control HWND hToon = FindClassDescendent(GetParent(hWindow), "toon"); if (!hToon) return; pToon = GetToon(hToon); if (!pToon) return; pdibSrc = pToon->GetStageDib(); MapWindowPoints( hWindow, GetParent(hToon), (LPPOINT)&rDstArea, 2 ); } // create a dib to draw into pdibDst = new CDib(); if (!pdibDst) return; if (!pdibDst->Create(pdibSrc->GetBitCount(), lpRect->right-lpRect->left, lpRect->bottom-lpRect->top)) { delete pdibDst; return; } pdibDst->CopyColorTable(pdibSrc); // copy our color table into the dest dib dwStyle = GetWindowLong( hWindow, GWL_STYLE ); bHasFocus = ( GetFocus() == hWindow ); bDown = ( bSelected || (bTrack && bInRect && bHasFocus) ); // draw in background pdibSrc->DibBlt( pdibDst, 0, 0, rDstArea.right - rDstArea.left, rDstArea.bottom -, rDstArea.left,, rDstArea.right - rDstArea.left, rDstArea.bottom -, NO /*bTransparent*/ ); // now draw in foreground RGBTRIPLE rgb; LPRGBTRIPLE lpRGB = NULL; if (dwStyle & BS_MASK) { STRING szColor; GetWindowText(hWindow, szColor, sizeof(szColor)); AsciiRGB( szColor, &rgb ); if (fHighlight) { // this relies on the fact that AsciiRGB replaces commas // with NULL terminators LPTSTR lp = szColor + lstrlen(szColor) + 1; // passed red lp += lstrlen(lp) + 1; // passed green lp += lstrlen(lp) + 1; // passed blue to higlight color AsciiRGB(lp, &rgb); rgb.rgbtRed = rgb.rgbtGreen = 0; rgb.rgbtBlue = 255; } else rgb.rgbtRed = rgb.rgbtGreen = rgb.rgbtBlue = 0; lpRGB = &rgb; } pStory->m_pDib->DibBlt( pdibDst, 0, 0, rDstArea.right - rDstArea.left, rDstArea.bottom -, rSrcArea.left,, rSrcArea.right - rSrcArea.left, rSrcArea.bottom -, YES /*bTransparent*/, lpRGB, App.m_lpLut ); pdibDst->DCBlt( hDC, rSrcArea.left,, rSrcArea.right - rSrcArea.left, rSrcArea.bottom -, 0, 0, rSrcArea.right - rSrcArea.left, rSrcArea.bottom -; delete pdibDst; }
static LRESULT CALLBACK MHeaderbarWndProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { MHeaderbarCtrl* itc = (MHeaderbarCtrl *)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, 0); switch(msg) { case WM_NCCREATE: itc = new MHeaderbarCtrl; //(MHeaderbarCtrl*)mir_alloc(sizeof(MHeaderbarCtrl)); if (itc == NULL) return FALSE; SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, 0, (LONG_PTR)itc); MHeaderbar_SetupColors(itc); { HWND hParent = GetParent(hwndDlg); RECT rcWnd; GetWindowRect(hwndDlg, &rcWnd); itc->controlsToRedraw = 0; itc->nControlsToRedraw = 0; for (HWND hChild = FindWindowEx(hParent, NULL, NULL, NULL); hChild; hChild = FindWindowEx(hParent, hChild, NULL, NULL)) { if (hChild != hwndDlg) { RECT rcChild; GetWindowRect(hChild, &rcChild); RECT rc; IntersectRect(&rc, &rcChild, &rcWnd); if (!IsRectEmpty(&rc)) { ++itc->nControlsToRedraw; itc->controlsToRedraw = (HWND *)mir_realloc(itc->controlsToRedraw, sizeof(HWND) * itc->nControlsToRedraw); itc->controlsToRedraw[itc->nControlsToRedraw - 1] = hChild; } } } } break; case WM_SETFONT: itc->hFont = (HFONT)wParam; break; case WM_SIZE: GetClientRect(hwndDlg, &itc->rc); itc->width = itc->rc.right-itc->rc.left; itc->height = itc->rc.bottom-itc->; return TRUE; case WM_THEMECHANGED: case WM_STYLECHANGED: MHeaderbar_SetupColors(itc); return TRUE; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg), WM_SYSCOMMAND, 0xF012, 0); return 0; case WM_SETICON: if (wParam < 3) { itc->hIcon = (HICON)lParam; InvalidateRect(hwndDlg, NULL, FALSE); } break; case WM_ERASEBKGND: return 1; case WM_NCPAINT: InvalidateRect(hwndDlg, NULL, FALSE); break; case WM_PAINT: MHeaderbar_OnPaint(hwndDlg, itc, msg, wParam, lParam); break; case WM_DESTROY: delete itc; break; } return DefWindowProc(hwndDlg, msg, wParam, lParam); }
long DoCommand( HWND hWindow, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) /***********************************************************************/ { FNAME szFileName; LPFRAME lpFrame; LPOBJECT lpObject, lpBase; RECT rect, rMask, rTemp, rAll; HWND hWnd; STRING szString; int i, idFileType, x, y, dx, dy; BOOL fDoZoom, bPrint, fHasZoom; LPSTR lpszCmdLine; HGLOBAL hMem; ITEMID idDataType; DWORD dwReturn; int NewShape; UINT wID; SoundStartID( wParam, NO/*bLoop*/, NULL/*hInstance*/ ); /* WIN16: ID = wParam ctrl handle = LOWORD(lParam) notify code = HIWORD(lParam) WIN32: ID = LOWORD(wParam) ctrl handle = lParam notify code = HIWORD(wParam) */ #ifdef WIN32 wID = LOWORD(wParam); #else wID = wParam; #endif switch (wID) { case IDM_EXIT: DeactivateTool(); PostMessage( hWndAstral, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0L); Delay (750); break; case IDM_CLOSE: DeactivateTool(); /* Check to see if the image needs to be saved */ if ( !ConfirmClose(NO,NO) ) break; CloseImage( NO, lpImage ); // Close the active image break; case IDM_ABOUT: /* Bring up the modal 'About' dialog box */ AstralDlg( NO|2, hInstAstral, hWindow, IDD_ABOUT, DlgAboutProc); break; case IDM_NEXTPAGE: if ( !lpImage ) break; DeactivateTool(); SendMessage( lpImage->hWnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_NEXTWINDOW, 0L ); break; case IDM_NEW: DeactivateTool(); SoundStartResource( "magic01", NO, NULL ); AstralCursor( IDC_WAIT ); New( Control.NewWidth, Control.NewHeight, Control.NewResolution, Control.NewDepth ); AstralCursor( NULL ); break; case IDM_OPEN: DeactivateTool(); /* Bring up the modal 'File Open' box */ if ( !(dwReturn = DoOpenDlg( hWindow, IDD_OPEN, Save.FileType, szFileName, NO )) ) break; idFileType = LOWORD( dwReturn ); Save.FileType = idFileType; PutDefaultInt( "FileType", idFileType - IDN_TIFF ); AstralImageLoad( idFileType, szFileName, MAYBE, YES ); break; case IDM_ALTOPEN: DeactivateTool(); // Command line sent from a second instance prior to it closing /* If the caller passed in a file name, try to load it or print it */ if ( !(lpszCmdLine = (LPSTR)lParam) ) break; HandleCommandLine( hWindow, lpszCmdLine, &bPrint ); break; case IDM_SAVE: DeactivateTool(); HandleSaveCommand(hWindow, wID, YES); break; case IDM_SAVEAS: DeactivateTool(); HandleSaveCommand(hWindow, wID, YES); break; case IDM_SAVESPECIAL: DeactivateTool(); HandleSaveCommand(hWindow, wID, YES); break; case IDM_SAVEWALLPAPER: DeactivateTool(); SaveWallpaper( "CRAYOLA", NO/*fTiled*/ ); break; case IDM_REVERT: if ( !lpImage ) break; DeactivateTool(); if ( lpImage->fUntitled ) // If the picture doesn't have a name, get out break; if ( ImgChanged(lpImage) ) { /* Check to see if its OK to trash changes */ if ( AstralOKCancel(IDS_OKTOREVERT, (LPSTR)lpImage->CurFile) == IDCANCEL ) break; } lstrcpy( szFileName, lpImage->CurFile ); idFileType = lpImage->FileType; fDoZoom = IsZoomed(lpImage->hWnd); fHasZoom = Window.fHasZoom; CloseImage( NO, lpImage ); // Close the active image if ( !AstralImageLoad( idFileType, szFileName, fDoZoom, YES ) ) break; break; case IDM_RECALLIMAGE0: case IDM_RECALLIMAGE1: case IDM_RECALLIMAGE2: case IDM_RECALLIMAGE3: case IDM_RECALLIMAGE4: case IDM_RECALLIMAGE5: case IDM_RECALLIMAGE6: case IDM_RECALLIMAGE7: case IDM_RECALLIMAGE8: case IDM_RECALLIMAGE9: DeactivateTool(); GetMenuString( GetMenu(hWindow), wID, szFileName, sizeof(szFileName), MF_BYCOMMAND ); i = 0; while ( szFileName[i] && szFileName[i] != ' ' ) i++; // Skip over the numeric id in the string (3. junk.tif) lstrcpy(szString, &szFileName[i+1]); GetRecallFileName(szString); AstralImageLoad( NULL, szString, MAYBE, YES ); break; case IDM_PRINT: if ( !lpImage ) break; DeactivateTool(); AstralCursor( IDC_WAIT ); DoPrintSizeInits(); SoundStartResource( "print", YES, NULL ); PrintFile( hWindow, filename(lpImage->CurFile), YES, lpImage, NULL ); SoundStop(); AstralCursor( NULL ); break; case IDM_PRINTSETUP: /* Bring up the setup dialog box for the active printer */ AstralDlg( NO|2, hInstAstral, hWindow, IDD_PRINTSETUP, DlgPrintSetupProc); break; case IDC_SOUND: SoundToggle(); break; case IDM_UNDO: if ( !lpImage ) break; DeactivateTool(); ImgEditUndo(lpImage, YES, NO); break; case IDM_CUT: case IDM_COPY: if ( !lpImage ) break; DeactivateTool(); // Create the clipboard files from the image ProgressBegin(1, IDS_PROGCOPY); if ( !ImgWriteClipOut( lpImage, NULL, NULL, &rMask, lpImage->DataType ) ) { ProgressEnd(); Message(IDS_EMEMALLOC); break; } ProgressEnd(); OpenClipboard(hWindow); EmptyClipboard(); // Passing a NULL data handle in SetClipboardData() means that // the data will be requested in a WM_RENDERFORMAT message hMem = ConstructObject( lpImage, IsRectEmpty(&rMask)? (LPRECT)NULL : (LPRECT)&rMask ); if ( pOLE ) { // Any data put on before Native will become staticly copied SetClipboardData( pOLE->cfNative, NULL ); SetClipboardData( pOLE->cfOwnerLink, hMem ); } SetClipboardData( CF_DIB, NULL ); if ( Control.DoPicture ) SetClipboardData( CF_METAFILEPICT, NULL ); if ( Control.DoBitmap ) SetClipboardData( CF_BITMAP, NULL ); SetClipboardData( CF_PALETTE, NULL ); SetClipboardData( Control.cfImage, NULL ); if ( pOLE && wID == IDM_COPY && !lpImage->fUntitled ) { // ObjectLink is retrieved during a Paste Link... SetClipboardData( pOLE->cfObjectLink, hMem ); } CloseClipboard(); if ( wID == IDM_COPY ) break; // else fall through to IDM_DELETE case IDM_DELETE: if ( !lpImage ) break; { COLORINFO ColorInfo; DeactivateTool(); ColorInfo.gray = 255; SetColorInfo( &ColorInfo, &ColorInfo, CS_GRAY ); TintFill( lpImage, &ColorInfo, 255, MM_NORMAL, wID == IDM_CUT ? IDS_UNDOCUT : IDS_UNDODELETE ); } break; case IDM_PASTE: if ( !lpImage ) break; case IDM_PASTEASNEW: if ( !OpenClipboard(hWndAstral) ) { Message( IDS_ECLIPOPEN ); break; } if ( !IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_DIB) && !IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_BITMAP) && !IsClipboardFormatAvailable(Control.cfImage) ) { Message( IDS_ECLIPOPEN ); CloseClipboard(); break; } CloseClipboard(); DeactivateTool(); // First put clipboard contents into a file(s) AstralCursor(IDC_WAIT); if ( !PasteFromClipboard( hWindow, (wID == IDM_PASTE) /*fNeedMask*/ ) ) { AstralCursor(NULL); Message(IDS_EMEMALLOC); break; } if ( wID == IDM_PASTE ) { ProgressBegin(1, IDS_PROGPASTECLIP); TransformObjectsStart( YES/*fNewObject*/ ); if ( ImgCreateClipInObject( lpImage, NO ) ) ; ProgressEnd(); } else if ( wID == IDM_PASTEASNEW ) { if ( lpFrame = AstralFrameLoad( Names.PasteImageFile, -1, &idDataType, &idFileType) ) { if ( NewImageWindow( NULL, // lpOldFrame NULL, // Name lpFrame, // lpNewFrame idFileType, // lpImage->FileType idDataType, // lpImage->DataType FALSE, // New view? IMG_DOCUMENT, // lpImage->DocumentType NULL, // lpImage->ImageName MAYBE ) ) lpImage->fChanged = YES; } } break; case IDM_ESCAPE: if (!lpImage) break; if (lpImage->hWnd == hZoomWindow) break; if ( Tool.bActive && Tool.lpToolProc ) DestroyProc( lpImage->hWnd, 1L ); break; case IDM_SIZEUP: case IDM_SIZEDOWN: if (!Retouch.hBrush) break; SetFocus( hWindow ); // Take focus away from any controls if ( Retouch.BrushShape == IDC_BRUSHCUSTOM ) break; if ( wID == IDM_SIZEUP ) { if( bHexBrush && ( Retouch.BrushSize % 2 == 0 ) && ( Retouch.BrushSize > 6 )) Retouch.BrushSize += 2; else Retouch.BrushSize++; } else { if( bHexBrush && ( Retouch.BrushSize % 2 == 0 ) && ( Retouch.BrushSize > 6 )) Retouch.BrushSize -= 2; else Retouch.BrushSize--; } if ( Retouch.BrushSize < 1 || Retouch.BrushSize > MAX_BRUSH_SIZE ) { Retouch.BrushSize = bound( Retouch.BrushSize, 1,MAX_BRUSH_SIZE); MessageBeep(0); break; } if (lpImage) DisplayBrush(0, 0, 0, OFF); SetMgxBrushSize(Retouch.hBrush, Retouch.BrushSize); if (lpImage && Window.hCursor == Window.hNullCursor) DisplayBrush(lpImage->hWnd, 32767, 32767, ON); if ( Tool.hRibbon ) SetSlide( Tool.hRibbon, IDC_BRUSHSIZE, Retouch.BrushSize ); break; case IDM_SHAPEUP: case IDM_SHAPEDOWN: if (!Retouch.hBrush) break; SetFocus( hWindow ); // Take focus away from any controls NewShape = Retouch.BrushShape; if ( wID == IDM_SHAPEUP ) NewShape++; else NewShape--; if ( NewShape > IDC_BRUSHCUSTOM ) NewShape = IDC_BRUSHCIRCLE; if ( NewShape < IDC_BRUSHCIRCLE ) NewShape = IDC_BRUSHCUSTOM; if (lpImage) DisplayBrush(0, 0, 0, OFF); if (!SetMgxBrushShape(Retouch.hBrush, NewShape, Names.CustomBrush)) { NewShape = IDC_BRUSHCIRCLE; SetMgxBrushShape(Retouch.hBrush, NewShape, Names.CustomBrush); } Retouch.BrushShape = NewShape; if (lpImage && Window.hCursor == Window.hNullCursor) DisplayBrush(lpImage->hWnd, 32767, 32767, ON); if ( Tool.hRibbon ) { CheckComboItem( Tool.hRibbon, IDC_BRUSHSHAPE, IDC_BRUSHCIRCLE, IDC_BRUSHCUSTOMNEW, Retouch.BrushShape ); SendMessage( Tool.hRibbon, WM_CONTROLENABLE, 0, 0L ); } break; case IDM_MOVEUP: case IDM_MOVEDOWN: case IDM_MOVELEFT: case IDM_MOVERIGHT: if (!lpImage) break; lpBase = ImgGetBase(lpImage); if (ImgGetSelObject(lpImage, NULL) == lpBase) break; dx = dy = 0; if (wID == IDM_MOVEUP) --dy; if (wID == IDM_MOVEDOWN) ++dy; if (wID == IDM_MOVELEFT) --dx; if (wID == IDM_MOVERIGHT) ++dx; lpObject = NULL; while (lpObject = ImgGetSelObject(lpImage, lpObject)) { rect = lpObject->rObject; OffsetRect(&rect, dx, dy); if (!AstralIntersectRect(&rTemp, &lpBase->rObject, &rect)) break; } if (lpObject) break; AstralSetRectEmpty(&rAll); lpObject = NULL; while (lpObject = ImgGetSelObject(lpImage, lpObject)) { rect = lpObject->rObject; OffsetRect(&lpObject->rObject, dx, dy); AstralUnionRect(&rAll, &rAll, &lpObject->rObject); if (!lpObject->Pixmap.fNewFrame && EqualRect(&rect, &lpObject->rUndoObject)) lpObject->rUndoObject = lpObject->rObject; UpdateImage(&rect, TRUE); UpdateImage(&lpObject->rObject, TRUE); } if (wID == IDM_MOVEUP) { x = (rAll.left + rAll.right)/2; y =; } else if (wID == IDM_MOVEDOWN) { x = (rAll.left + rAll.right)/2; y = rAll.bottom; } else if (wID == IDM_MOVELEFT) { x = rAll.left; y = ( + rAll.bottom)/2; } else if (wID == IDM_MOVERIGHT) { x = rAll.right; y = ( + rAll.bottom)/2; } File2Display(&x, &y); AutoScroll(lpImage->hWnd, x, y); AstralUpdateWindow(lpImage->hWnd); DisplayInfo(-1, &rAll); break; case IDM_LASTTOOL: DeactivateTool(); if ( Tool.idLast && (hWnd = AstralDlgGet(IDD_MAIN)) ) SendMessage( hWnd, WM_COMMAND, Tool.idLast, 2L); break; case IDM_PREF: // prevent problems if running animations and they change // the wave mix dll setting in preferences StopAnimation(); AstralDlg( NO|2, hInstAstral, hWindow, IDD_PREF, DlgPrefProc ); break; case IDC_VIEWLAST: // duplicate of function in the view ribbon if ( !lpImage ) break; RevertLastView(); break; // case IDC_VIEWFULL: // duplicate of function in the view ribbon // if ( !lpImage ) // break; // AstralDlg( NO, hInstAstral, hWindow, IDD_VIEWFULL, DlgFullScreenViewProc ); // break; case IDC_VIEWALL: // duplicate of function in the view ribbon if ( !lpImage ) break; ViewAll(); break; case IDC_ZOOMIN: // duplicate of function in the view ribbon if ( !lpImage ) break; if (!lpImage->lpDisplay) break; if (!lpImage->lpDisplay->ViewPercentage) break; x = ( lpImage->lpDisplay->FileRect.left + lpImage->lpDisplay->FileRect.right ) / 2; y = ( lpImage->lpDisplay-> + lpImage->lpDisplay->FileRect.bottom ) / 2; SaveLastView(); Zoom(x,y, +100, YES, ( View.ZoomWindow ^ CONTROL ) ); break; case IDC_ZOOMOUT: // duplicate of function in the view ribbon if ( !lpImage ) break; if (!lpImage->lpDisplay) break; if (!lpImage->lpDisplay->ViewPercentage) break; x = ( lpImage->lpDisplay->FileRect.left + lpImage->lpDisplay->FileRect.right ) / 2; y = ( lpImage->lpDisplay-> + lpImage->lpDisplay->FileRect.bottom ) / 2; SaveLastView(); Zoom(x,y, -100, YES,( View.ZoomWindow ^ CONTROL ) ); break; case IDM_HELP: Control.Hints = !Control.Hints; PutDefInt (Control.Hints,Control.Hints); break; default: return( FALSE ); } return( TRUE ); }
void AGScreen::Paint (CG16bitImage &Dest) // Paint // // Paint the whole screen. // // Dest is the entire display area; its origin is 0,0. { if (!IsRectEmpty(&m_rcInvalid)) { int i; // Convert to Window coordinates RECT rcUpdate = m_rcInvalid; OffsetRect(&rcUpdate, m_rcRect.left,; // Clip appropriately. Note that Dest is always in // window coordinates. Dest.SetClipRect(rcUpdate); // Blank the screen Dest.Fill(rcUpdate.left,, RectWidth(rcUpdate), RectHeight(rcUpdate), CG16bitImage::RGBValue(0,0,0)); // Let each area paint for (i = 0; i < GetAreaCount(); i++) { AGArea *pArea = GetArea(i); // m_rcInvalid is in Screen coordinates, and so is the rect // for each area. The intersection is the portion of the // area's rect that is invalid. RECT rcIntersect; if (pArea->IsVisible() && ::IntersectRect(&rcIntersect, &m_rcInvalid, &pArea->GetRect())) { // Calculate the rect of the area relative to the Window RECT rcArea = pArea->GetRect(); OffsetRect(&rcArea, m_rcRect.left,; // Clip appropriately OffsetRect(&rcIntersect, m_rcRect.left,; Dest.SetClipRect(rcIntersect); // Paint pArea->Paint(Dest, rcArea); } } // Reset the invalid rect memset(&m_rcInvalid, 0, sizeof(m_rcInvalid)); Dest.ResetClipRect(); } }
/* * OnInitDialog() */ BOOL mfd_OnInitDialog(HWND mtfDlg, HWND focusCtrl, LPARAM lParam) { HWND ctrl; int i; SPECIALLCDINIT noteLcdInit = { IDC_MT_NOTE_1, 3, 13, 109 , Prog_keyNameStrings[13], NULL }; NUMLCDINIT fineLcdInit = { IDC_MT_FINE_1, 3, 0, 63, -31, NULL }; NUMLCDINIT fullLcdInit = { IDC_MT_FULL_1, 4, 0, 6143, 0, NULL }; _TUCHAR noteName[5]; mfd_dlgData.wnd = Prog_mtfDlg = mtfDlg; /* * Adjust the window position. */ if (IsRectEmpty(&Prog_mtfDlgPlacement.rcNormalPosition)) { Window_Center(mtfDlg, mfd_parentWnd); GetWindowPlacement(mtfDlg, &Prog_mtfDlgPlacement); } /* * Set up dialog controls. */ for (i = 0; i < mfd_initCnt; i++) { int topOffset = 34 * i; /* * Create note label. */ KybdCtrl_KeyToText(i, noteName); ctrl = CreateWindow( _T("Static") /* window class */ , noteName /* caption text */ , WS_CHILD | WS_GROUP | WS_VISIBLE /* styles */ | SS_LEFT , 3, 7 + topOffset /* left, top */ , 26, 13 /* width, height */ , mtfDlg /* parent window */ , (HMENU) IDC_STATIC /* control ID */ , Prog_instance /* program instance */ , NULL /* creation data */ ); if (!ctrl) { Error_LastErrorF(_T("Error creating %s note label"), noteName); return FALSE; } SetWindowFont(ctrl, Prog_tahomaFont, FALSE); /* * Create Note LCD. */ ctrl = CreateWindow( _T("LcdCtrl") /* window class */ , NULL /* caption text */ , WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE /* styles */ | LCS_SMALL | LCS_TEXT | LCS_LEFT_SB , 32, topOffset /* left, top */ , 324, 13 /* width, height */ , mtfDlg /* parent window */ , (HMENU) (IDC_MT_NOTE_1 + (i << 1)) /* control ID */ , Prog_instance /* program instance */ , NULL /* creation data */ ); if (!ctrl) { Error_LastErrorF(_T("Error creating %s note LCD"), noteName); return FALSE; } LcdCtrl_SpecialInit(ctrl, ¬eLcdInit); KeyNav_SubclassLcdCtrl(ctrl); /* * Create fine LCD. */ ctrl = CreateWindow( _T("LcdCtrl") /* window class */ , NULL /* caption text */ , WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE /* styles */ | LCS_SMALL | LCS_NUMERIC | LCS_SHOWPLUS | LCS_LEFT_SB , 360, topOffset /* left, top */ , 143, 13 /* width, height */ , mtfDlg /* parent window */ , (HMENU) (IDC_MT_FINE_1 + (i << 1)) /* control ID */ , Prog_instance /* program instance */ , NULL /* creation data */ ); if (!ctrl) { Error_LastErrorF(_T("Error creating %s fine LCD"), noteName); return FALSE; } LcdCtrl_NumInit(ctrl, &fineLcdInit); KeyNav_SubclassLcdCtrl(ctrl); /* * Create full range LCD. */ ctrl = CreateWindow( _T("LcdCtrl") /* window class */ , NULL /* caption text */ , WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE /* styles */ | LCS_SMALL | LCS_NUMERIC | LCS_LEFT_SB , 32, 15 + topOffset /* left, top */ , 471, 13 /* width, height */ , mtfDlg /* parent window */ , (HMENU) (IDC_MT_FULL_1 + i) /* control ID */ , Prog_instance /* program instance */ , NULL /* creation data */ ); if (!ctrl) { Error_LastErrorF(_T("Error creating %s full range LCD"), noteName); return FALSE; } LcdCtrl_NumInit(ctrl, &fullLcdInit); KeyNav_SubclassLcdCtrl(ctrl); /* * Create frequency static control. */ ctrl = CreateWindow( _T("Static") /* window class */ , NULL /* caption text */ , WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SS_RIGHT /* styles */ | SS_SUNKEN , 508, 7 + topOffset /* left, top */ , 40, 16 /* width, height */ , mtfDlg /* parent window */ , (HMENU) (IDC_MT_FREQ_1 + i) /* control ID */ , Prog_instance /* program instance */ , NULL /* creation data */ ); if (!ctrl) { Error_LastErrorF(_T("Error creating %s frequency display"), noteName); return FALSE; } SetWindowFont(ctrl, Prog_tahomaFont, FALSE); } /* * Set up the undo infrastructure. */ = GetMenu(mtfDlg); mfd_dlgData.undo = Undo_Create(); /* * Init control values. */ MTGen_InitControlValues(&mfd_dlgData); /* * Set up the scrolling dialog module. */ if (!(mfd_dialog = Dialog_Create(mtfDlg))) return FALSE; Dialog_UpdateScrollBars(mfd_dialog); /* * Adjust and display the window. */ #define RC Prog_mtfDlgPlacement.rcNormalPosition MoveWindow(mtfDlg, RC.left, , RECT_W(RC) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXHSCROLL) , RECT_H(RC) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVSCROLL), TRUE); MoveWindow(mtfDlg, RC.left,, RECT_W(RC), RECT_H(RC), TRUE); #undef RC ShowWindow(mtfDlg, SW_SHOWNORMAL); return TRUE; }
LRESULT OnKeyDown(HWND hWnd,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { BOOL bShift, bControl; int dx,dy; RECT drt,crt,irt; BOOL bAction=TRUE; if (NowSel == -1) { return 0; } bShift=((GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) != 0); bControl=((GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) != 0); if (bControl) { dx=1; dy=1; } else { dx=GridX; dy=GridY; } drt=arObj[NowSel]->rt; if (bShift == FALSE) { switch(wParam) { case VK_LEFT: OffsetRect(&drt,-dx,0); break; case VK_RIGHT: OffsetRect(&drt,dx,0); break; case VK_UP: OffsetRect(&drt,0,-dy); break; case VK_DOWN: OffsetRect(&drt,0,dy); break; default: bAction=FALSE; break; } } else { switch(wParam) { case VK_LEFT: if (drt.right > drt.left + 10) { drt.right -= dx; } break; case VK_RIGHT: drt.right += dx; break; case VK_UP: if (drt.bottom > + 10) { drt.bottom -=dy; } break; case VK_DOWN: drt.bottom += dy; break; default: bAction=FALSE; break; } } if (bAction) { GetClientRect(hWnd,&crt); InflateRect(&crt,-10,-10); IntersectRect(&irt,&crt,&drt); if (!IsRectEmpty(&irt)) { arObj[NowSel]->rt=drt; InvalidateRect(hWnd,NULL,TRUE); } } return 0; }
BOOL GUIAPI SubtractClipRect (PCLIPRGN pRgn, const RECT* pRect) { PCLIPRECT pCRect, pSaved, pTemp; RECT rc[4], rcTemp, rcInflated; int nCount; PRECT src, erc; int i; if (IsRectEmpty (pRect)) return FALSE; rcInflated = *pRect; erc = &rcInflated; NormalizeRect (erc); if (!DoesIntersect(&pRgn->rcBound, erc)) { return FALSE; } pCRect = pRgn->head; while (pCRect) { src = &pCRect->rc; if (!IntersectRect(&rcTemp, src, erc)) { pCRect = pCRect->next; continue; } pSaved = pCRect->next; nCount = 0; if(erc->top > src->top) { rc[nCount].left = src->left; rc[nCount].top = src->top; rc[nCount].right = src->right; rc[nCount].bottom = erc->top; nCount++; src->top = erc->top; } if(erc->bottom < src->bottom) { rc[nCount].top = erc->bottom; rc[nCount].left = src->left; rc[nCount].right = src->right; rc[nCount].bottom = src->bottom; nCount++; src->bottom = erc->bottom; } if(erc->left > src->left) { rc[nCount].left = src->left; rc[nCount].top = src->top; rc[nCount].right = erc->left; rc[nCount].bottom = src->bottom; nCount++; } if(erc->right < src->right) { rc[nCount].left = erc->right; rc[nCount].top = src->top; rc[nCount].right = src->right; rc[nCount].bottom = src->bottom; nCount++; } if (nCount == 0) SetRectEmpty (&pCRect->rc); else if(nCount > 0) pCRect->rc = rc[0]; for(i = 1; i<nCount; i++) { pTemp = ClipRectAlloc (pRgn->heap); pTemp->rc = rc[i]; pCRect->next = pTemp; pCRect = pTemp; } pCRect->next = pSaved; pCRect = pSaved; } EvaluateBoundRect (pRgn); return TRUE; }
HRESULT CViewProps::DisplayProps() { if(!m_View) return E_FAIL; CProjectDoc* Doc = m_View->GetDocument(); if(!Doc || !Doc->m_Settings) return E_FAIL; CPLPropertyEdit* pEdit; CPLPropertyCombo* pCombo; CPLPropertyEditEx* pEditEx; CPLCategory* cat; CPLPropertyColor* pColor; CString str; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cat = m_PropList.AddCategory("startup", LOC("/str0001/Startup settings")); pEdit = new CPLPropertyEdit("resolution-x", LOC("/str0002/Resolution - width")); pEdit->m_HelpFile = "resolution"; m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEdit); pEdit->SetValidation(CPLPropertyEdit::EDIT_UNSIGNED, true, 320, 3000); str.Format("%d", Doc->m_Settings->m_ResolutionWidth); pEdit->SetValue(str); pEdit = new CPLPropertyEdit("resolution-y", LOC("/str0003/Resolution - height")); pEdit->m_HelpFile = "resolution"; m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEdit); pEdit->SetValidation(CPLPropertyEdit::EDIT_UNSIGNED, true, 200, 3000); str.Format("%d", Doc->m_Settings->m_ResolutionHeight); pEdit->SetValue(str); pEdit = new CPLPropertyEdit("reg-path", LOC("/str0005/Registry path")); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEdit); if(Doc->m_Settings->m_RegPath) pEdit->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_RegPath); else pEdit->SetValue(""); /* pCombo = new CPLPropertyCombo("require-accel", LOC("/str0006/Require 3D accel.")); pCombo->SetupBool(); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pCombo); pCombo->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_RequireAcceleration?LOC("/str1000/Yes"):LOC("/str1001/No")); */ pCombo = new CPLPropertyCombo("require-sound", LOC("/str1144/Require sound")); pCombo->SetupBool(); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pCombo); pCombo->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_RequireSound?LOC("/str1000/Yes"):LOC("/str1001/No")); pCombo = new CPLPropertyCombo("hwtl-mode", LOC("/str1145/Hardware T&&L")); pCombo->AddValue(LOC("/str1146/don't use"), "0"); pCombo->AddValue(LOC("/str1147/use when available"), "1"); pCombo->AddValue(LOC("/str1148/ask user"), "2"); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pCombo); switch(Doc->m_Settings->m_TLMode) { case 0: pCombo->SetValue("0"); break; case 2: pCombo->SetValue("2"); break; default: pCombo->SetValue("1"); } pCombo = new CPLPropertyCombo("use-d3d9", LOC("/str1149/Use Direct3D 9")); pCombo->SetupBool(); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pCombo); pCombo->SetValue(Doc->m_D3D9?LOC("/str1000/Yes"):LOC("/str1001/No")); pCombo = new CPLPropertyCombo("allow-windowed", LOC("/str0007/Allow windowed")); pCombo->SetupBool(); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pCombo); pCombo->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_AllowWindowed?LOC("/str1000/Yes"):LOC("/str1001/No")); pCombo = new CPLPropertyCombo("allow-advanced", LOC("/str1115/Allow 3D settings")); pCombo->SetupBool(); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pCombo); pCombo->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_AllowAdvanced?LOC("/str1000/Yes"):LOC("/str1001/No")); pCombo = new CPLPropertyCombo("allow-desktop-res", LOC("/str1186/Allow desktop resolution")); pCombo->SetupBool(); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pCombo); pCombo->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_AllowDesktopRes?LOC("/str1000/Yes"):LOC("/str1001/No")); pCombo = new CPLPropertyCombo("allow-access-tab", LOC("/str1126/Allow accessibility")); pCombo->SetupBool(); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pCombo); pCombo->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_AllowAccessTab?LOC("/str1000/Yes"):LOC("/str1001/No")); pCombo = new CPLPropertyCombo("allow-about-tab", LOC("/str1127/Allow about tab")); pCombo->SetupBool(); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pCombo); pCombo->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_AllowAboutTab?LOC("/str1000/Yes"):LOC("/str1001/No")); pEditEx = new CPLPropertyEditEx("string-table", LOC("/str0008/String table")); pEditEx->m_ReadOnly = true; pEditEx->SetButtonPressCallback(HookButtonFile, this); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEditEx); pEditEx->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_StringTableFilename); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cat = m_PropList.AddCategory("game", LOC("/str0009/Game settings")); pEdit = new CPLPropertyEdit("caption", LOC("/str0010/Caption")); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEdit); pEdit->SetValue(Doc->Game->m_Caption[0]); pEdit = new CPLPropertyEdit("name", LOC("/str0011/Name")); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEdit); pEdit->SetValue(Doc->Game->m_Name); pEditEx = new CPLPropertyEditEx("startup-scene", LOC("/str1087/Startup scene")); pEditEx->m_ReadOnly = true; pEditEx->SetButtonPressCallback(HookButtonFile, this); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEditEx); if(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_StartupScene) pEditEx->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_StartupScene); pEditEx = new CPLPropertyEditEx("scripts", LOC("/str0012/Scripts")); pEditEx->m_ReadOnly = true; pEditEx->SetButtonPressCallback(HookButtonScripts, this); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEditEx); if(Doc->Game->m_Scripts.GetSize()==0) str = LOC("/str0013/[NO SCRIPTS]"); else{ str.Format("[%d %s]", Doc->Game->m_Scripts.GetSize(), Doc->Game->m_Scripts.GetSize()>1?LOC("/str0014/scripts"):LOC("/str0015/script")); } pEditEx->SetValue(str); pCombo = new CPLPropertyCombo("subtitles", LOC("/str0017/Speech subtitles")); pCombo->SetupBool(); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pCombo); pCombo->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_Subtitles?LOC("/str1000/Yes"):LOC("/str1001/No")); pCombo = new CPLPropertyCombo("video-subtitles", LOC("/str0018/Video subtitles")); pCombo->SetupBool(); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pCombo); pCombo->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_VideoSubtitles?LOC("/str1000/Yes"):LOC("/str1001/No")); pEdit = new CPLPropertyEdit("subtitles-speed", LOC("/str0019/Subtitles speed")); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEdit); CString val; val.Format("%d", Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_SubtitlesSpeed); pEdit->SetValue(val); pEdit->SetValidation(CPLPropertyEdit::EDIT_UNSIGNED, true, 10, 1000); pEditEx = new CPLPropertyEditEx("system-font", LOC("/str0020/System font")); pEditEx->m_ReadOnly = true; pEditEx->SetButtonPressCallback(HookButtonFile, this); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEditEx); if(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_SystemFont) pEditEx->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_SystemFont); pEditEx = new CPLPropertyEditEx("video-font", LOC("/str0021/Video font")); pEditEx->m_ReadOnly = true; pEditEx->SetButtonPressCallback(HookButtonFile, this); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEditEx); if(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_VideoFont) pEditEx->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_VideoFont); pEditEx = new CPLPropertyEditEx("cursor", LOC("/str0022/Cursor")); pEditEx->m_ReadOnly = true; pEditEx->SetButtonPressCallback(HookButtonFile, this); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEditEx); if(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_Cursor) pEditEx->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_Cursor); pEditEx = new CPLPropertyEditEx("active-cursor", LOC("/str0023/Active cursor")); pEditEx->m_ReadOnly = true; pEditEx->SetButtonPressCallback(HookButtonFile, this); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEditEx); if(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_ActiveCursor) pEditEx->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_ActiveCursor); pEditEx = new CPLPropertyEditEx("nonint-cursor", LOC("/str0024/Nonint.cursor")); pEditEx->m_ReadOnly = true; pEditEx->SetButtonPressCallback(HookButtonFile, this); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEditEx); if(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_NoninteractiveCursor) pEditEx->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_NoninteractiveCursor); pEditEx = new CPLPropertyEditEx("inventory", LOC("/str0025/Inventory window")); pEditEx->m_ReadOnly = true; pEditEx->SetButtonPressCallback(HookButtonFile, this); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEditEx); if(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_InventoryFile) pEditEx->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_InventoryFile); pEditEx = new CPLPropertyEditEx("response", LOC("/str0026/Response window")); pEditEx->m_ReadOnly = true; pEditEx->SetButtonPressCallback(HookButtonFile, this); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEditEx); if(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_ResponseFile) pEditEx->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_ResponseFile); pEditEx = new CPLPropertyEditEx("items", LOC("/str0027/Items definition")); pEditEx->m_ReadOnly = true; pEditEx->SetButtonPressCallback(HookButtonFile, this); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEditEx); if(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_ItemsFile) pEditEx->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_ItemsFile); pCombo = new CPLPropertyCombo("talk-skip", LOC("/str0028/Talk lines skipped by")); pCombo->AddValue(LOC("/str0029/left mouse button"), "left"); pCombo->AddValue(LOC("/str0030/right mouse button"), "right"); pCombo->AddValue(LOC("/str0031/both mouse buttons"), "both"); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pCombo); if(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_TalkSkipButton==TALK_SKIP_RIGHT) pCombo->SetValue("right"); else if(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_TalkSkipButton==TALK_SKIP_BOTH) pCombo->SetValue("both"); else pCombo->SetValue("left"); pEditEx = new CPLPropertyEditEx("viewport", LOC("/str0032/Scene viewport")); pEditEx->m_ReadOnly = true; pEditEx->SetButtonPressCallback(HookButtonViewport, this); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEditEx); RECT* rc = &Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_SceneViewport; if(IsRectEmpty(rc)) str = LOC("/str0033/[fullscreen]"); else{ str.Format(CString("[") + LOC("/str0034/Pos:") + "%d,%d " + LOC("/str0035/Size:") + "%dx%d]", rc->left, rc->top, rc->right - rc->left, rc->bottom - rc->top); } pEditEx->SetValue(str); pEditEx = new CPLPropertyEditEx("guid", LOC("/str1151/GUID")); pEditEx->m_ReadOnly = true; pEditEx->SetButtonPressCallback(HookButtonGUID, this); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEditEx); if(Doc->m_Settings->m_GameGUID==GUID_NULL) str = ""; else { LPOLESTR olestr; StringFromIID(Doc->m_Settings->m_GameGUID, &olestr); str = CString(olestr); CoTaskMemFree(olestr); } pEditEx->SetValue(str); pEditEx = new CPLPropertyEditEx("compat", LOC("/str1177/Compatibility")); pEditEx->m_ReadOnly = true; pEditEx->SetButtonPressCallback(HookButtonCompat, this); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEditEx); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cat = m_PropList.AddCategory("save", LOC("/str1091/Saved games")); cat->m_Expanded = false; pCombo = new CPLPropertyCombo("personal-save", LOC("/str0016/Personal savegames")); pCombo->SetupBool(); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pCombo); pCombo->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_PersonalizedSave?LOC("/str1000/Yes"):LOC("/str1001/No")); pEdit = new CPLPropertyEdit("save-path", LOC("/str1116/Save directory")); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEdit); if(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_LocalSaveDir) pEdit->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_LocalSaveDir); else pEdit->SetValue(""); pEdit = new CPLPropertyEdit("thumbnail-width", LOC("/str1092/Thumbnail width")); pEdit->m_HelpFile = "thumbnail"; m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEdit); val.Format("%d", Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_ThumbnailWidth); pEdit->SetValue(val); pEdit->SetValidation(CPLPropertyEdit::EDIT_UNSIGNED, true, 0, 400); pEdit = new CPLPropertyEdit("thumbnail-height", LOC("/str1093/Thumbnail height")); pEdit->m_HelpFile = "thumbnail"; m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEdit); val.Format("%d", Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_ThumbnailHeight); pEdit->SetValue(val); pEdit->SetValidation(CPLPropertyEdit::EDIT_UNSIGNED, true, 0, 400); pEdit = new CPLPropertyEdit("indicator-x", LOC("/str1097/Indicator X")); pEdit->m_HelpFile = "indicator"; m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEdit); val.Format("%d", Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_IndicatorX); pEdit->SetValue(val); pEdit->SetValidation(CPLPropertyEdit::EDIT_SIGNED, false); pEdit = new CPLPropertyEdit("indicator-y", LOC("/str1098/Indicator Y")); pEdit->m_HelpFile = "indicator"; m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEdit); val.Format("%d", Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_IndicatorY); pEdit->SetValue(val); pEdit->SetValidation(CPLPropertyEdit::EDIT_SIGNED, false); pEdit = new CPLPropertyEdit("indicator-width", LOC("/str1099/Indicator Width")); pEdit->m_HelpFile = "indicator"; m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEdit); val.Format("%d", Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_IndicatorWidth); pEdit->SetValue(val); pEdit->SetValidation(CPLPropertyEdit::EDIT_SIGNED, false); pEdit = new CPLPropertyEdit("indicator-height", LOC("/str1100/Indicator Height")); pEdit->m_HelpFile = "indicator"; m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEdit); val.Format("%d", Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_IndicatorHeight); pEdit->SetValue(val); pEdit->SetValidation(CPLPropertyEdit::EDIT_SIGNED, false); pColor = new CPLPropertyColor("indicator-color", LOC("/str1101/Indicator Color")); pColor->m_HelpFile = "indicator"; m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pColor); pColor->SetRGB(D3DCOLGetR(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_IndicatorColor), D3DCOLGetG(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_IndicatorColor), D3DCOLGetB(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_IndicatorColor)); pEdit = new CPLPropertyEdit("indicator-alpha", LOC("/str1102/Indicator Transparency")); pEdit->m_HelpFile = "indicator"; m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEdit); val.Format("%d", D3DCOLGetA(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_IndicatorColor)); pEdit->SetValue(val); pEdit->SetValidation(CPLPropertyEdit::EDIT_UNSIGNED, true, 0, 255); pEditEx = new CPLPropertyEditEx("save-load-image", LOC("/str1104/Save/load screen")); pEditEx->m_ReadOnly = true; pEditEx->SetButtonPressCallback(HookButtonSaveLoad, this); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEditEx); if(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_SaveImageName || Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_LoadImageName) str = LOC("/str1105/<set>"); else str = LOC("/str1106/<not set>"); pEditEx->SetValue(str); pEdit = new CPLPropertyEdit("save-ext", LOC("/str1158/File extension")); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEdit); if(Doc->m_Settings->m_SavedGameExt) pEdit->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_SavedGameExt); else pEdit->SetValue(""); pCombo = new CPLPropertyCombo("rich-save", LOC("/str1157/Rich saved games")); pCombo->SetupBool(); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pCombo); pCombo->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_RichSavedGames?LOC("/str1000/Yes"):LOC("/str1001/No")); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cat = m_PropList.AddCategory("debug", LOC("/str0036/Debugging settings")); pCombo = new CPLPropertyCombo("debug-mode", LOC("/str0037/Debug mode")); pCombo->SetupBool(); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pCombo); pCombo->SetValue(Doc->m_DebugMode?LOC("/str1000/Yes"):LOC("/str1001/No")); pCombo = new CPLPropertyCombo("show-fps", LOC("/str0038/Show FPS")); pCombo->SetupBool(); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pCombo); pCombo->SetValue(Doc->m_ShowFPS?LOC("/str1000/Yes"):LOC("/str1001/No")); pCombo = new CPLPropertyCombo("allow-windowed", LOC("/str0039/Allow windowed")); pCombo->m_HelpFile = "allow-windowed-d"; pCombo->SetupBool(); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pCombo); pCombo->SetValue(Doc->m_AllowWindowed?LOC("/str1000/Yes"):LOC("/str1001/No")); pCombo = new CPLPropertyCombo("console-mode", LOC("/str1129/Debugging console")); pCombo->AddValue(LOC("/str1130/Never"), "0"); pCombo->AddValue(LOC("/str1131/In windowed mode"), "1"); pCombo->AddValue(LOC("/str1132/Always"), "2"); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pCombo); switch(Doc->m_ConsoleMode) { case 0: pCombo->SetValue("0"); break; case 2: pCombo->SetValue("2"); break; default: pCombo->SetValue("1"); } pEditEx = new CPLPropertyEditEx("startup-scene-d", LOC("/str1087/Startup scene")); pEditEx->m_ReadOnly = true; pEditEx->SetButtonPressCallback(HookButtonFile, this); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEditEx); if(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_DebugStartupScene) pEditEx->SetValue(Doc->m_Settings->m_EdGame->m_DebugStartupScene); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cat = m_PropList.AddCategory("package", LOC("/str0040/Selected package")); pEdit = new CPLPropertyEdit("description", LOC("/str0041/Description")); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEdit); pEdit->SetValidation(CPLPropertyEdit::EDIT_ANY, true, 0, 100); /* pEdit = new CPLPropertyEdit("cd", LOC("/str0042/CD")); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEdit); pEdit->SetValidation(CPLPropertyEdit::EDIT_UNSIGNED, true, 0, 99); */ pEdit = new CPLPropertyEdit("priority", LOC("/str0043/Priority")); m_PropList.AddProperty(cat, pEdit); pEdit->SetValidation(CPLPropertyEdit::EDIT_UNSIGNED, true, 0, 200); m_PropList.ShowCategory("package", false); return S_OK; }
HBITMAP FAR CJpegFile::CopyScreenToBitmap(LPRECT lpRect) { HDC hScrDC, hMemDC; // screen DC and memory DC HBITMAP hBitmap, hOldBitmap; // handles to deice-dependent bitmaps int nX, nY, nX2, nY2; // coordinates of rectangle to grab int nWidth, nHeight; // DIB width and height int xScrn, yScrn; // screen resolution /* check for an empty rectangle */ if (IsRectEmpty(lpRect)) return NULL; /* create a DC for the screen and create * a memory DC compatible to screen DC */ hScrDC = CreateDC("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL); hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hScrDC); /* get points of rectangle to grab */ nX = lpRect->left; nY = lpRect->top; nX2 = lpRect->right; nY2 = lpRect->bottom; /* get screen resolution */ xScrn = GetDeviceCaps(hScrDC, HORZRES); yScrn = GetDeviceCaps(hScrDC, VERTRES); /* make sure bitmap rectangle is visible */ if (nX < 0) nX = 0; if (nY < 0) nY = 0; if (nX2 > xScrn) nX2 = xScrn; if (nY2 > yScrn) nY2 = yScrn; nWidth = nX2 - nX; nHeight = nY2 - nY; /* create a bitmap compatible with the screen DC */ hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hScrDC, nWidth, nHeight); /* select new bitmap into memory DC */ hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hMemDC, hBitmap); /* bitblt screen DC to memory DC */ BitBlt(hMemDC, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, hScrDC, nX, nY, SRCCOPY); /* select old bitmap back into memory DC and get handle to * bitmap of the screen */ hBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hMemDC, hOldBitmap); /* clean up */ DeleteDC(hScrDC); DeleteDC(hMemDC); /* return handle to the bitmap */ return hBitmap; }
//*增加的函数 //考贝屏幕 HBITMAP CCatchScreenDlg::CopyScreenToBitmap(LPRECT lpRect, BOOL bSave) //lpRect 代表选定区域 { HDC hScrDC, hMemDC; // 屏幕和内存设备描述表 HBITMAP hBitmap, hOldBitmap; // 位图句柄 int nX, nY, nX2, nY2; // 选定区域坐标 int nWidth, nHeight; // 确保选定区域不为空矩形 if (IsRectEmpty(lpRect)) return NULL; //为屏幕创建设备描述表 hScrDC = CreateDC("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL); //为屏幕设备描述表创建兼容的内存设备描述表 hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hScrDC); // 获得选定区域坐标 nX = lpRect->left; nY = lpRect->top; nX2 = lpRect->right; nY2 = lpRect->bottom; //确保选定区域是可见的 if (nX < 0) nX = 0; if (nY < 0) nY = 0; if (nX2 > m_nCXScreen) nX2 = m_nCXScreen; if (nY2 > m_nCYScreen) nY2 = m_nCYScreen; nWidth = nX2 - nX; nHeight = nY2 - nY; // 创建一个与屏幕设备描述表兼容的位图 hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap (hScrDC, nWidth, nHeight); // 把新位图选到内存设备描述表中 hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hMemDC, hBitmap); // 把屏幕设备描述表拷贝到内存设备描述表中 if(bSave) { CDC dcCompatible; dcCompatible.CreateCompatibleDC(CDC::FromHandle(hMemDC)); dcCompatible.SelectObject(m_BackgroundBitmap); BitBlt(hMemDC, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, dcCompatible, nX, nY, SRCCOPY); } else { BitBlt(hMemDC, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, hScrDC, nX, nY, SRCCOPY); } hBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hMemDC, hOldBitmap); //得到屏幕位图的句柄 //清除 DeleteDC(hScrDC); DeleteDC(hMemDC); // 返回位图句柄 if(bSave) { if (OpenClipboard()) { //清空剪贴板 EmptyClipboard(); //把屏幕内容粘贴到剪贴板上, //hBitmap 为刚才的屏幕位图句柄 SetClipboardData(CF_BITMAP, hBitmap); //关闭剪贴板 CloseClipboard(); } } return hBitmap; }
BOOL wf_info_have_invalid_region(wfInfo* wfi) { return IsRectEmpty(&wfi->invalid); }
bool WCreateEditWindow( HINSTANCE inst, WStringEditInfo *einfo ) { int x, y, width, height; char *title; HMENU hmenu; HMENU menu; bool is_rc; RECT rect; if( einfo == NULL ) { return( FALSE ); } x = CW_USEDEFAULT; y = CW_USEDEFAULT; width = appWidth; height = appHeight; if( einfo->info->stand_alone ) { WGetScreenPosOption( &rect ); if( !IsRectEmpty( &rect ) ) { x = rect.left; y =; width = appWidth; if( width < rect.right - rect.left ) width = rect.right - rect.left; height = appHeight; if( height < rect.bottom - ) { height = rect.bottom -; } } } is_rc = FALSE; title = WCreateEditTitle( einfo ); if( title == NULL ) { title = AllocRCString( W_STRINGAPPTITLE ); is_rc = TRUE; } menu = (HMENU)NULL; if( einfo->info->stand_alone ) { menu = LoadMenu( inst, WMainSOMenuName ); } einfo->win = CreateWindow( WMainClass, title, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, x, y, width, height, einfo->info->parent, menu, inst, einfo ); if( title != NULL ) { if( is_rc ) { FreeRCString( title ); } else { WRMemFree( title ); } } if( einfo->win == (HWND)NULL ) { return( FALSE ); } if( !WCreateRibbon( einfo ) ) { return( FALSE ); } einfo->wsb = WCreateStatusLine( einfo->win, inst ); if( einfo->wsb == NULL ) { return( FALSE ); } if( !WCreateStringEditWindow( einfo, inst ) ) { return( FALSE ); } hmenu = GetMenu( einfo->win ); if( hmenu != (HMENU)NULL ) { EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_STR_CUT, MF_GRAYED ); EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_STR_COPY, MF_GRAYED ); } if( WGetOption( WOptScreenMax ) ) { ShowWindow( einfo->win, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED ); } else { ShowWindow( einfo->win, SW_SHOWNORMAL ); } UpdateWindow( einfo->win ); WResizeWindows( einfo ); SetFocus( einfo->edit_dlg ); return( TRUE ); }
bool SeqParamSet::Parse(NALUnit* pnalu) { if (pnalu->Type() != NALUnit::NAL_Sequence_Params) { return false; } // with the UE/SE type encoding, we must decode all the values // to get through to the ones we want pnalu->ResetBitstream(); pnalu->Skip(8); // type m_Profile = pnalu->GetWord(8); m_Compatibility = (BYTE) pnalu->GetWord(8); m_Level = pnalu->GetWord(8); /*int seq_param_id =*/ pnalu->GetUE(); if ((m_Profile == 100) || (m_Profile == 110) || (m_Profile == 122) || (m_Profile == 144)) { int chroma_fmt = pnalu->GetUE(); if (chroma_fmt == 3) { pnalu->Skip(1); } /* int bit_depth_luma_minus8 = */ pnalu->GetUE(); /* int bit_depth_chroma_minus8 = */ pnalu->GetUE(); pnalu->Skip(1); int seq_scaling_matrix_present = pnalu->GetBit(); if (seq_scaling_matrix_present) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (pnalu->GetBit()) { if (i < 6) { ScalingList(16, pnalu); } else { ScalingList(64, pnalu); } } } } } int log2_frame_minus4 = pnalu->GetUE(); m_FrameBits = log2_frame_minus4 + 4; int POCtype = pnalu->GetUE(); if (POCtype == 0) { /*int log2_poc_minus4 =*/ pnalu->GetUE(); } else if (POCtype == 1) { pnalu->Skip(1); // delta always zero /*int nsp_offset =*/ pnalu->GetSE(); /*int nsp_top_to_bottom = */ pnalu->GetSE(); int num_ref_in_cycle = pnalu->GetUE(); for (int i = 0; i < num_ref_in_cycle; i++) { /*int sf_offset =*/ pnalu->GetSE(); } } else if (POCtype != 2) { return false; } // else for POCtype == 2, no additional data in stream /*int num_ref_frames =*/ pnalu->GetUE(); /*int gaps_allowed =*/ pnalu->GetBit(); int mbs_width = pnalu->GetUE(); int mbs_height = pnalu->GetUE(); m_cx = (mbs_width+1) * 16; m_cy = (mbs_height+1) * 16; // smoke test validation of sps if ((m_cx > 2000) || (m_cy > 2000)) { return false; } // if this is false, then sizes are field sizes and need adjusting m_bFrameOnly = pnalu->GetBit() ? true : false; if (!m_bFrameOnly) { pnalu->Skip(1); // adaptive frame/field } pnalu->Skip(1); // direct 8x8 SetRect(&m_rcFrame, 0, 0, 0, 0); bool bCrop = pnalu->GetBit() ? true : false; if (bCrop) { // get cropping rect // store as exclusive, pixel parameters relative to frame m_rcFrame.left = pnalu->GetUE() * 2; m_rcFrame.right = pnalu->GetUE() * 2; = pnalu->GetUE() * 2; m_rcFrame.bottom = pnalu->GetUE() * 2; } if (!IsRectEmpty(&m_rcFrame)) { m_rcFrame.right = m_cx - m_rcFrame.right; m_rcFrame.bottom = m_cy - m_rcFrame.bottom; } // adjust rect from 2x2 units to pixels if (!m_bFrameOnly) { // adjust heights from field to frame m_cy *= 2; *= 2; m_rcFrame.bottom *= 2; } // .. rest are not interesting yet return true; }
void CSelection::SetSelectionFromPoint( CEditView *pView, int x, int y, BOOL bEmpty, BOOL bAllowLineSel ) { ASSERT( bEmpty || ( pView == m_pView ) ); if ( m_pView != pView ) { CEditView *pLastView = m_pView; m_pView = pView; if ( !IsEmpty() ) { // switching views -- erase the selection in the other view pLastView->DamageView( min( m_nEndRow, m_nStartRow ), max( m_nEndRow, m_nStartRow ) ); } } int nCol, nRow; RECT rcChar; m_pView->GetCharPosFromPoint( x, y, nCol, nRow, &rcChar ); RECT rcView; m_pView->GetViewRect( &rcView ); CBuffer *pBuffer = m_pCtrl->GetBuffer(); int nLineCount = pBuffer->GetLineCount(); if ( !bEmpty && bAllowLineSel && ( x > rcView.left && x < ( rcView.left + m_pView->GetLeftMargin( TRUE ) ) ) ) { // line selecting nCol = 0; if ( nRow < m_nStartRow ) { m_nStartCol = CEditView::MAXCOL; } else { m_nStartCol = 0; nRow++; } nRow = min( nRow, nLineCount - 1 ); nRow = max( 0, nRow ); // selecting the last line should just go to the end of the line since // there is no line below nRow. if ( nLineCount && ( nRow == nLineCount - 1 ) ) { nCol = pBuffer->GetLineLength( nRow ); } } else { nRow = min( nRow, nLineCount - 1 ); nRow = max( 0, nRow ); nCol = pBuffer->ConvertViewColToBufferCol( nRow, nCol ); } // since the column might have changed above, let's refetch the // char rect. m_pView->GetCharBoundingRect( nCol, nRow, &rcChar ); if ( !IsRectEmpty( &rcChar ) && ( x > ( ( rcChar.left + rcChar.right ) / 2 ) ) ) { // cursor is closer to the next char nCol += pBuffer->GetCharSize( nRow, nCol ); } if ( bEmpty ) { SetEmptySelection( nCol, nRow ); } else { if ( nCol != m_nEndCol || nRow != m_nEndRow ) ExtendTo( nCol, nRow ); } }
LOCAL void Story_OnDraw(HWND hWindow, HDC hDC, LPRECT lpRect, BOOL fHighlight) /***********************************************************************/ { BOOL bHasFocus, bSelected, bDown; DWORD dwStyle; RECT rSrcArea, rDstArea; POINT ptDst; PDIB pdibSrc, pdibDst, pDib; LPOFFSCREEN lpOffScreen; PTOON pToon; LPSCENE lpScene; PSTORY pStory; RGBQUAD rgbQuad[256]; BITMAPINFOHEADER bmi; LPTR lp; HDC hWinGDC; HPALETTE hWinGPal = NULL, hDisplayPal = NULL, hOldPal; if (IsRectEmpty(lpRect)) return; pStory = GetStory(hWindow); if (!pStory) return; if (!pStory->m_pDib) return; lpScene = CScene::GetScene(GetParent(hWindow)); if (!lpScene) return; rSrcArea = *lpRect; rDstArea = *lpRect; bSelected = GetWindowWord(hWindow, GWW_STATE ); dwStyle = GetWindowLong( hWindow, GWL_STYLE ); bHasFocus = ( GetFocus() == hWindow ); bDown = ( bSelected || (bTrack && bInRect && bHasFocus) ); lpOffScreen = lpScene->GetOffScreen(); if (lpOffScreen) { MapWindowPoints( hWindow, GetParent(hWindow), (LPPOINT)&rDstArea, 2 ); if ( !(pdibSrc = lpOffScreen->GetReadOnlyDIB()) ) return; if ( !(pdibDst = lpOffScreen->GetWritableDIB()) ) return; hWinGDC = lpOffScreen->GetDC(); hWinGPal = hDisplayPal = GetApp()->m_hPal; } else { // fix HWND hToon = FindClassDescendent(GetParent(hWindow), "toon"); if (!hToon) return; pToon = GetToon(hToon); if (!pToon) return; MapWindowPoints( hWindow, pToon->GetWindow(), (LPPOINT)&rDstArea, 2 ); pdibSrc = pToon->GetStageDib(); lp = ToonGetDIBPointer(pToon->GetToonHandle(), &bmi); ToonGetColors(pToon->GetToonHandle(), 0, 256, rgbQuad); bmi.biClrUsed = 256; pdibDst = new CDib(&bmi, rgbQuad, lp); if (!pdibDst) return; hWinGDC = ToonDC(pToon->GetToonHandle()); // to make sure we don't change the system palette hDisplayPal = CopySystemPalette(); // to match WinG dib hWinGPal = CreateCustomPalette(rgbQuad, 256); } if (!pStory->m_fMappedToPalette && ((dwStyle & BS_MASK) == 0)) { pStory->m_pDib->MapToPalette(hWinGPal); pStory->m_fMappedToPalette = TRUE; } // Copy source dib so we can twiddle its bits pDib = new CDib(); if (!pDib) { if (!lpOffScreen && hDisplayPal) DeleteObject(hDisplayPal); if (!lpOffScreen && hWinGPal) DeleteObject(hWinGPal); return; } if (!pDib->Create(pStory->m_pDib->GetBitCount(), lpRect->right-lpRect->left, lpRect->bottom-lpRect->top)) { delete pDib; if (!lpOffScreen && hDisplayPal) DeleteObject(hDisplayPal); if (!lpOffScreen && hWinGPal) DeleteObject(hWinGPal); return; } pDib->CopyColorTable(pStory->m_pDib); // draw in source bitmap pStory->m_pDib->DibBlt( pDib, 0, 0, rSrcArea.right - rSrcArea.left, rSrcArea.bottom -, rSrcArea.left,, rSrcArea.right - rSrcArea.left, rSrcArea.bottom -, NO /*bTransparent*/ ); if ( pdibSrc->GetCompression() == BI_RLE8 || pdibDst->GetCompression() == BI_RLE8) { // compressed DIBs must use GDI copying (lose transparency ability) pdibSrc->DCBlt( hWinGDC, rDstArea.left,, rDstArea.right - rDstArea.left, rDstArea.bottom -, rDstArea.left,, rDstArea.right - rDstArea.left, rDstArea.bottom - ); } else { pdibSrc->DibBlt( pdibDst, rDstArea.left,, rDstArea.right - rDstArea.left, rDstArea.bottom -, rDstArea.left,, rDstArea.right - rDstArea.left, rDstArea.bottom -, NO /*bTransparent*/ ); } if ( pDib->GetCompression() == BI_RLE8 || pdibDst->GetCompression() == BI_RLE8 ) { // compressed DIBs must use GDI copying (lose transparency ability) pDib->DCBlt( hWinGDC, rDstArea.left,, rDstArea.right - rDstArea.left, rDstArea.bottom -, rSrcArea.left,, rSrcArea.right - rSrcArea.left, rSrcArea.bottom - ); } else { RGBTRIPLE rgb; LPRGBTRIPLE lpRGB = NULL; if (dwStyle & BS_MASK) { STRING szColor; GetWindowText(hWindow, szColor, sizeof(szColor)); AsciiRGB( szColor, &rgb ); if (fHighlight) { // this relies on the fact that AsciiRGB replaces commas // with NULL terminators LPTSTR lp = szColor + lstrlen(szColor) + 1; // passed red lp += lstrlen(lp) + 1; // passed green lp += lstrlen(lp) + 1; // passed blue to higlight color AsciiRGB(lp, &rgb); rgb.rgbtRed = rgb.rgbtGreen = 0; rgb.rgbtBlue = 255; } else rgb.rgbtRed = rgb.rgbtGreen = rgb.rgbtBlue = 0; lpRGB = &rgb; } else { BYTE bTrans = *pStory->m_pDib->GetXY(0, 0); LPTR lpColor = pStory->m_pDib->GetXY(1, 0); LPTR lpHighlight = pStory->m_pDib->GetXY(2, 0); BYTE bColor = *lpColor; BYTE bHighlight = *lpHighlight; // if highlight color is the transparent color then // we are hiding and showing highlighted area // if not, then we are changing the color of highlighted area if (bHighlight == bTrans) { // we need to strip off highlight info if we are not // highlighted if (!fHighlight && (bColor != bTrans)) { HPTR hp = pDib->GetPtr(); DWORD dwSize = pDib->GetSizeImage(); while (dwSize) { if (*hp != bColor) *hp = bTrans; ++hp; --dwSize; } } } else { // we need to change the color if we are highlighted if (fHighlight && (bColor != bHighlight) && (bColor != bTrans)) { HPTR hp = pDib->GetPtr(); DWORD dwSize = pDib->GetSizeImage(); while (dwSize) { if (*hp == bColor) *hp = bHighlight; ++hp; --dwSize; } } } } pDib->DibBlt( pdibDst, rDstArea.left,, rDstArea.right - rDstArea.left, rDstArea.bottom -, 0, 0, rSrcArea.right - rSrcArea.left, rSrcArea.bottom -, YES/*bTransparent*/, lpRGB, NULL, hWinGPal ); } delete pDib; ptDst.x = rSrcArea.left; ptDst.y =; if (lpOffScreen) { lpOffScreen->DrawRect( hDC, &rDstArea, &ptDst ); } else { //if (hDisplayPal) //{ // hOldPal = SelectPalette(hDC, hDisplayPal, FALSE); // RealizePalette(hDC); //} //pdibDst->DCBlt( hDC, // ptDst.x, ptDst.y, // rDstArea.right - rDstArea.left, rDstArea.bottom -, // rDstArea.left,, // rDstArea.right - rDstArea.left, rDstArea.bottom - ); WinGStretchBlt( hDC, ptDst.x, ptDst.y, rDstArea.right - rDstArea.left, rDstArea.bottom -, hWinGDC, rDstArea.left,, rDstArea.right - rDstArea.left, rDstArea.bottom - ); //if (hDisplayPal) //{ // SelectPalette(hDC, hOldPal, TRUE); // DeleteObject(hDisplayPal); //} if (hWinGPal) DeleteObject(hWinGPal); } }
// Create an instance of the Mozilla embeddable browser // HRESULT CBrowserView::CreateBrowser() { // Create web shell nsresult rv; mWebBrowser = do_CreateInstance(NS_WEBBROWSER_CONTRACTID, &rv); if(NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // Save off the nsIWebNavigation interface pointer // in the mWebNav member variable which we'll use // later for web page navigation // rv = NS_OK; mWebNav = do_QueryInterface(mWebBrowser, &rv); if(NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // mSessionHistory = do_GetInterface(mWebBrowser, &rv); // de: added 5/11 // Create the CBrowserImpl object - this is the object // which implements the interfaces which are required // by an app embedding mozilla i.e. these are the interfaces // thru' which the *embedded* browser communicates with the // *embedding* app // // The CBrowserImpl object will be passed in to the // SetContainerWindow() call below // // Also note that we're passing the BrowserFrameGlue pointer // and also the mWebBrowser interface pointer via CBrowserImpl::Init() // of CBrowserImpl object. // These pointers will be saved by the CBrowserImpl object. // The CBrowserImpl object uses the BrowserFrameGlue pointer to // call the methods on that interface to update the status/progress bars // etc. mpBrowserImpl = new CBrowserImpl(); if(mpBrowserImpl == nsnull) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; // Pass along the mpBrowserFrameGlue pointer to the BrowserImpl object // This is the interface thru' which the XP BrowserImpl code communicates // with the platform specific code to update status bars etc. mpBrowserImpl->Init(mpBrowserFrameGlue, mWebBrowser); mpBrowserImpl->AddRef(); mWebBrowser->SetContainerWindow(static_cast<nsIWebBrowserChrome*>(mpBrowserImpl)); rv = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem> dsti = do_QueryInterface(mWebBrowser, &rv); if(NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; dsti->SetItemType(nsIDocShellTreeItem::typeContentWrapper); // Create the real webbrowser window // Note that we're passing the m_hWnd in the call below to InitWindow() // (CBrowserView inherits the m_hWnd from CWnd) // This m_hWnd will be used as the parent window by the embeddable browser // rv = NS_OK; mBaseWindow = do_QueryInterface(mWebBrowser, &rv); if(NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // Get the view's ClientRect which to be passed in to the InitWindow() // call below RECT rcLocation; GetClientRect(&rcLocation); if(IsRectEmpty(&rcLocation)) { rcLocation.bottom++;; } rv = mBaseWindow->InitWindow(nsNativeWidget(m_hWnd), nsnull, 0, 0, rcLocation.right - rcLocation.left, rcLocation.bottom -; rv = mBaseWindow->Create(); // Register the BrowserImpl object to receive progress messages // These callbacks will be used to update the status/progress bars /* // from WinEmbed.cpp nsCOMPtr<nsIWebProgressListener> listener(static_cast<nsIWebProgressListener*>(this)); nsCOMPtr<nsIWeakReference> thisListener(do_GetWeakReference(listener)); (void)mWebBrowser->AddWebBrowserListener(thisListener, NS_GET_IID(nsIWebProgressListener)); // The window has been created. Now register for history notifications rv = mWebBrowser->AddWebBrowserListener(thisListener, NS_GET_IID(nsISHistoryListener)); */ // Finally, show the web browser window mBaseWindow->SetVisibility(PR_TRUE); qaTests = new CTests(mWebBrowser, mBaseWindow, mWebNav, mpBrowserImpl); //nsiRequest = new CNsIRequest(mWebBrowser,mpBrowserImpl); return S_OK; }
/* on WM_PAINT */ void onPaint(HWND hWnd) { PNHMapWindow data; PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hDC; HDC tileDC; HGDIOBJ saveBmp; RECT paint_rt; int i, j; /* get window data */ data = (PNHMapWindow)GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_USERDATA); hDC = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps); /* calculate paint rectangle */ if( !IsRectEmpty(&ps.rcPaint) ) { /* calculate paint rectangle */ paint_rt.left = max(data->xPos + (ps.rcPaint.left - data->map_orig.x)/data->xScrTile, 0); = max(data->yPos + ( - data->map_orig.y)/data->yScrTile, 0); paint_rt.right = min(data->xPos + (ps.rcPaint.right - data->map_orig.x)/data->xScrTile+1, COLNO); paint_rt.bottom = min(data->yPos + (ps.rcPaint.bottom - data->map_orig.y)/data->yScrTile+1, ROWNO); if( data->bAsciiMode #ifdef REINCARNATION || Is_rogue_level(& /* You enter a VERY primitive world! */ #endif ) { HGDIOBJ oldFont; oldFont = SelectObject(hDC, data->hMapFont); SetBkMode(hDC, TRANSPARENT); /* draw the map */ for(i=paint_rt.left; i<paint_rt.right; i++) for(; j<paint_rt.bottom; j++) if(data->map[i][j]>=0) { char ch; TCHAR wch; RECT glyph_rect; int color; unsigned special; int mgch; HBRUSH back_brush; COLORREF OldFg; nhcoord2display(data, i, j, &glyph_rect); #if (VERSION_MAJOR < 4) && (VERSION_MINOR < 4) && (PATCHLEVEL < 2) nhglyph2charcolor(data->map[i][j], &ch, &color); OldFg = SetTextColor (hDC, nhcolor_to_RGB(color) ); #else /* rely on NetHack core helper routine */ mapglyph(data->map[i][j], &mgch, &color, &special, i, j); ch = (char)mgch; if (((special & MG_PET) && iflags.hilite_pet) || ((special & MG_DETECT) && iflags.use_inverse)) { back_brush = CreateSolidBrush(nhcolor_to_RGB(CLR_GRAY)); FillRect (hDC, &glyph_rect, back_brush); DeleteObject (back_brush); switch (color) { case CLR_GRAY: case CLR_WHITE: OldFg = SetTextColor( hDC, nhcolor_to_RGB(CLR_BLACK)); break; default: OldFg = SetTextColor (hDC, nhcolor_to_RGB(color) ); } } else { OldFg = SetTextColor (hDC, nhcolor_to_RGB(color) ); } #endif DrawText(hDC, NH_A2W(&ch, &wch, 1), 1, &glyph_rect, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_NOPREFIX ); SetTextColor (hDC, OldFg); } SelectObject(hDC, oldFont); } else { /* prepare tiles DC for mapping */ tileDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); saveBmp = SelectObject(tileDC, GetNHApp()->bmpMapTiles); /* draw the map */ for(i=paint_rt.left; i<paint_rt.right; i++) for(; j<paint_rt.bottom; j++) if(data->map[i][j]>=0) { short ntile; int t_x, t_y; RECT glyph_rect; ntile = glyph2tile[ data->map[i][j] ]; t_x = (ntile % GetNHApp()->mapTilesPerLine)*GetNHApp()->mapTile_X; t_y = (ntile / GetNHApp()->mapTilesPerLine)*GetNHApp()->mapTile_Y; nhcoord2display(data, i, j, &glyph_rect); StretchBlt( hDC, glyph_rect.left,, data->xScrTile, data->yScrTile, tileDC, t_x, t_y, GetNHApp()->mapTile_X, GetNHApp()->mapTile_Y, SRCCOPY ); if( glyph_is_pet(data->map[i][j]) && iflags.wc_hilite_pet ) { /* apply pet mark transparently over pet image */ HDC hdcPetMark; HBITMAP bmPetMarkOld; /* this is DC for petmark bitmap */ hdcPetMark = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); bmPetMarkOld = SelectObject(hdcPetMark, GetNHApp()->bmpPetMark); nhapply_image_transparent( hDC, glyph_rect.left,, data->xScrTile, data->yScrTile, hdcPetMark, 0, 0, TILE_X, TILE_Y, TILE_BK_COLOR ); SelectObject(hdcPetMark, bmPetMarkOld); DeleteDC(hdcPetMark); } } SelectObject(tileDC, saveBmp); DeleteDC(tileDC); } /* draw focus rect */ nhcoord2display(data, data->xCur, data->yCur, &paint_rt); if( data->bAsciiMode ) { PatBlt( hDC, paint_rt.left,, paint_rt.right-paint_rt.left,, DSTINVERT ); } else { DrawFocusRect(hDC, &paint_rt); } } EndPaint(hWnd, &ps); }
void IntDrawScrollBar(HWND Wnd, HDC DC, INT Bar) { //PSBWND pSBWnd; //INT ThumbSize; SCROLLBARINFO Info; BOOL Vertical; /* * Get scroll bar info. */ switch (Bar) { case SB_HORZ: Vertical = FALSE; break; case SB_VERT: Vertical = TRUE; break; case SB_CTL: Vertical = (GetWindowLongPtrW(Wnd, GWL_STYLE) & SBS_VERT) != 0; break; default: return; } if (!IntGetScrollBarInfo(Wnd, Bar, &Info)) { return; } if (IsRectEmpty(&Info.rcScrollBar)) { return; } //ThumbSize = pSBWnd->pSBCalc->pxThumbBottom - pSBWnd->pSBCalc->pxThumbTop; /* * Draw the arrows. */ if (Info.dxyLineButton) { IntDrawScrollArrows(DC, &Info, Vertical); } /* * Draw the interior. */ IntDrawScrollInterior(Wnd, DC, Bar, Vertical, &Info); /* * If scroll bar has focus, reposition the caret. */ if (Wnd == GetFocus() && SB_CTL == Bar) { if (Vertical) { SetCaretPos( + 1, Info.dxyLineButton + 1); } else { SetCaretPos(Info.dxyLineButton + 1, + 1); } } }