Example #1
void Frame::UpdateOrbitRails(double time, double timestep)
	m_oldPos = m_pos;
	m_oldAngDisplacement = m_angSpeed * timestep;

	// update frame position and velocity
	if (m_parent && m_sbody && !IsRotFrame()) {
		m_pos = m_sbody->GetOrbit().OrbitalPosAtTime(time);
		vector3d pos2 = m_sbody->GetOrbit().OrbitalPosAtTime(time+timestep);
		m_vel = (pos2 - m_pos) / timestep;
	// temporary test thing
	else m_pos = m_pos + m_vel * timestep;
	// update frame rotation
	double ang = fmod(m_angSpeed * time, 2.0 * M_PI);
	if (!is_zero_exact(ang)) {			// frequently used with e^-10 etc
		matrix3x3d rot = matrix3x3d::RotateY(-ang);		// RotateY is backwards
		m_orient = m_initialOrient * rot;		// angvel always +y
	UpdateRootRelativeVars();			// update root-relative pos/vel/orient

	for (Frame* kid : m_children)
		kid->UpdateOrbitRails(time, timestep);
Example #2
void Frame::UpdateOrbitRails(double time, double timestep)
	m_oldPos = m_pos;
	m_oldAngDisplacement = m_angSpeed * timestep;

	// update frame position and velocity
	if (m_parent && m_sbody && !IsRotFrame()) {
		m_pos = m_sbody->orbit.OrbitalPosAtTime(time);
		vector3d pos2 = m_sbody->orbit.OrbitalPosAtTime(time+timestep);
		m_vel = (pos2 - m_pos) / timestep;
	// temporary test thing
	else m_pos = m_pos + m_vel * timestep;
	// update frame rotation
	double ang = m_angSpeed * timestep;		// hmm. cumulative inaccuracy? worse!
	if (!is_zero_exact(ang)) {			// frequently used with e^-10 etc
		matrix3x3d rot = matrix3x3d::RotateY(-ang);		// RotateY is backwards
		m_orient = m_orient * rot;		// angvel always +y
	UpdateRootRelativeVars();			// update root-relative pos/vel/orient

	for (ChildIterator it = m_children.begin(); it != m_children.end(); ++it)
		(*it)->UpdateOrbitRails(time, timestep);
Example #3
static int l_get_gps(lua_State *l)
	Player *player = LuaObject<Player>::CheckFromLua(1);
	vector3d pos = Pi::player->GetPosition();
	double center_dist = pos.Length();
	auto frame = player->GetFrame();
	if(frame) {
		Body *astro = frame->GetBody();
		if(astro && astro->IsType(Object::TERRAINBODY)) {
			TerrainBody* terrain = static_cast<TerrainBody*>(astro);
			if (!frame->IsRotFrame())
				frame = frame->GetRotFrame();
			vector3d surface_pos = pos.Normalized();
			double radius = 0.0;
			if (center_dist <= 3.0 * terrain->GetMaxFeatureRadius()) {
				radius = terrain->GetTerrainHeight(surface_pos);
			double altitude = center_dist - radius;
			vector3d velocity = player->GetVelocity();
			double vspeed = velocity.Dot(surface_pos);
			if (fabs(vspeed) < 0.05) vspeed = 0.0; // Avoid alternating between positive/negative zero

			//			RefreshHeadingPitch();

			if (altitude < 0) altitude = 0;
			LuaPush(l, altitude);
			LuaPush(l, vspeed);
			const float lat = RAD2DEG(asin(surface_pos.y));
			const float lon = RAD2DEG(atan2(surface_pos.x, surface_pos.z));
			LuaPush(l, lat);
			LuaPush(l, lon);
			return 4;
			//				}
	return 0;