static RectI DrawBottomRightLink(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, const WCHAR *txt) { ScopedFont fontLeftTxt(GetSimpleFont(hdc, L"MS Shell Dlg", 14)); HPEN penLinkLine = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, COL_BLUE_LINK); HGDIOBJ origFont = SelectObject(hdc, fontLeftTxt); /* Just to remember the orig font */ SetTextColor(hdc, COL_BLUE_LINK); SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); ClientRect rc(hwnd); SIZE txtSize; GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, txt, (int)str::Len(txt), &txtSize); RectI rect(rc.dx - - ABOUT_INNER_PADDING, rc.y + rc.dy - - ABOUT_INNER_PADDING,,; if (IsUIRightToLeft()) rect.x = ABOUT_INNER_PADDING; DrawText(hdc, txt, -1, &rect.ToRECT(), IsUIRightToLeft() ? DT_RTLREADING : DT_LEFT); SelectObject(hdc, penLinkLine); PaintLine(hdc, RectI(rect.x, rect.y + rect.dy, rect.dx, 0)); SelectObject(hdc, origFont); DeleteObject(penLinkLine); // make the click target larger rect.Inflate(ABOUT_INNER_PADDING, ABOUT_INNER_PADDING); return rect; }
// creates a dialog box that dynamically gets a right-to-left layout if needed static INT_PTR CreateDialogBox(int dlgId, HWND parent, DLGPROC DlgProc, LPARAM data) { if (!IsUIRightToLeft()) return DialogBoxParam(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(dlgId), parent, DlgProc, data); ScopedMem<DLGTEMPLATE> rtlDlgTemplate(GetRtLDlgTemplate(dlgId)); return DialogBoxIndirectParam(NULL, rtlDlgTemplate, parent, DlgProc, data); }
void NotificationWnd::UpdateMessage(const WCHAR *message, int timeoutInMS, bool highlight) { win::SetText(self, message); this->highlight = highlight; if (timeoutInMS) hasCancel = false; ToggleWindowStyle(self, WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL | WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT, IsUIRightToLeft(), GWL_EXSTYLE); UpdateWindowPosition(message); InvalidateRect(self, NULL, TRUE); if (timeoutInMS) SetTimer(self, TIMEOUT_TIMER_ID, timeoutInMS, NULL); }
void Notifications::Relayout() { if (wnds.Count() == 0) return; HWND hwndCanvas = GetParent(wnds.At(0)->hwnd()); ClientRect frame(hwndCanvas); for (size_t i = 0; i < wnds.Count(); i++) { RectI rect = WindowRect(wnds.At(i)->hwnd()); rect = MapRectToWindow(rect, HWND_DESKTOP, hwndCanvas); if (IsUIRightToLeft()) rect.x = frame.dx - rect.dx - NotificationWnd::TL_MARGIN - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); else rect.x = NotificationWnd::TL_MARGIN; SetWindowPos(wnds.At(i)->hwnd(), NULL, rect.x, rect.y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER); } }
void NotificationWnd::UpdateWindowPosition(const WCHAR *message, bool init) { // compute the length of the message RECT rc = ClientRect(self).ToRECT(); HDC hdc = GetDC(self); HFONT oldfnt = SelectFont(hdc, font); DrawText(hdc, message, -1, &rc, DT_CALCRECT | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX); SelectFont(hdc, oldfnt); ReleaseDC(self, hdc); RectI rectMsg = RectI::FromRECT(rc); if (hasCancel) { rectMsg.dy = std::max(rectMsg.dy, 16); rectMsg.dx += 20; } rectMsg.Inflate(PADDING, PADDING); if (shrinkLimit < 1.0f) { ClientRect rcOrig(self); if (rectMsg.dx < rcOrig.dx && rectMsg.dx > rcOrig.dx * shrinkLimit) rectMsg.dx = rcOrig.dx; } // adjust the window to fit the message (only shrink the window when there's no progress bar) if (!hasProgress) { SetWindowPos(self, nullptr, 0, 0, rectMsg.dx, rectMsg.dy, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER); } else if (init) { RectI rect = WindowRect(self); rect.dx = std::max(progressWidth + 2 * PADDING, rectMsg.dx); rect.dy = rectMsg.dy + PROGRESS_HEIGHT + PADDING / 2; SetWindowPos(self, nullptr, 0, 0, rect.dx, rect.dy, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER); } else if (rectMsg.dx > progressWidth + 2 * PADDING) { SetWindowPos(self, nullptr, 0, 0, rectMsg.dx, WindowRect(self).dy, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER); } // move the window to the right for a right-to-left layout if (IsUIRightToLeft()) { HWND parent = GetParent(self); RectI rect = MapRectToWindow(WindowRect(self), HWND_DESKTOP, parent); rect.x = WindowRect(parent).dx - rect.dx - TL_MARGIN - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); SetWindowPos(self, nullptr, rect.x, rect.y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER); } }
void NotificationWnd::CreatePopup(HWND parent, const WCHAR *message) { NONCLIENTMETRICS ncm = { 0 }; ncm.cbSize = sizeof(ncm); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, sizeof(ncm), &ncm, 0); font = CreateFontIndirect(&ncm.lfMessageFont); HDC hdc = GetDC(parent); progressWidth = MulDiv(PROGRESS_WIDTH, GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX), USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI); ReleaseDC(parent, hdc); self = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST, NOTIFICATION_WND_CLASS_NAME, message, WS_CHILD | SS_CENTER, TL_MARGIN, TL_MARGIN, 0, 0, parent, (HMENU)0, ghinst, NULL); SetWindowLongPtr(self, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)this); ToggleWindowStyle(self, WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL | WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT, IsUIRightToLeft(), GWL_EXSTYLE); UpdateWindowPosition(message, true); ShowWindow(self, SW_SHOW); }
HPROPSHEETPAGE CreatePrintAdvancedPropSheet(Print_Advanced_Data *data, ScopedMem<DLGTEMPLATE>& dlgTemplate) { PROPSHEETPAGE psp; ZeroMemory(&psp, sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE)); psp.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); psp.dwFlags = PSP_USETITLE | PSP_PREMATURE; psp.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PROPSHEET_PRINT_ADVANCED); psp.pfnDlgProc = Sheet_Print_Advanced_Proc; psp.lParam = (LPARAM)data; psp.pszTitle = _TR("Advanced"); if (IsUIRightToLeft()) { dlgTemplate.Set(GetRtLDlgTemplate(IDD_PROPSHEET_PRINT_ADVANCED)); psp.pResource = dlgTemplate.Get(); psp.dwFlags |= PSP_DLGINDIRECT; } return CreatePropertySheetPage(&psp); }
// Notify both display model and double-buffer (if they exist) // about a potential change of available canvas size void WindowInfo::UpdateCanvasSize() { RectI rc = ClientRect(hwndCanvas); if (canvasRc == rc) return; canvasRc = rc; // create a new output buffer and notify the model // about the change of the canvas size delete buffer; buffer = new DoubleBuffer(hwndCanvas, canvasRc); if (IsDocLoaded()) { // the display model needs to know the full size (including scroll bars) ctrl->SetViewPortSize(GetViewPortSize()); } // keep the notifications visible (only needed for right-to-left layouts) if (IsUIRightToLeft()) notifications->Relayout(); }
static bool CreatePropertiesWindow(HWND hParent, PropertiesLayout* layoutData) { CrashIf(layoutData->hwnd); HWND hwnd = CreateWindow( PROPERTIES_CLASS_NAME, PROPERTIES_WIN_TITLE, WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, NULL, NULL, ghinst, NULL); if (!hwnd) return false; layoutData->hwnd = hwnd; layoutData->hwndParent = hParent; ToggleWindowStyle(hwnd, WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL | WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT, IsUIRightToLeft(), GWL_EXSTYLE); // get the dimensions required for the about box's content RectI rc; PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); UpdatePropertiesLayout(layoutData, hdc, &rc); EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); // resize the new window to just match these dimensions // (as long as they fit into the current monitor's work area) WindowRect wRc(hwnd); ClientRect cRc(hwnd); RectI work = GetWorkAreaRect(WindowRect(hParent)); wRc.dx = min(rc.dx + wRc.dx - cRc.dx, work.dx); wRc.dy = min(rc.dy + wRc.dy - cRc.dy, work.dy); MoveWindow(hwnd, wRc.x, wRc.y, wRc.dx, wRc.dy, FALSE); CenterDialog(hwnd, hParent); ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOW); return true; }
static void GetProps(Doc doc, PropertiesLayout *layoutData, DisplayModel *dm, bool extended) { CrashIf(!doc.IsEngine() && !doc.IsEbook()); DocType engineType = doc.GetDocType(); WCHAR *str = str::Dup(gPluginMode ? gPluginURL : doc.GetFilePath()); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("File:"), str); str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_Title); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Title:"), str); str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_Subject); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Subject:"), str); str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_Author); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Author:"), str); str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_Copyright); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Copyright:"), str); str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_CreationDate); if (Engine_PDF == engineType) ConvDateToDisplay(&str, PdfDateParse); else if (Engine_XPS == engineType) ConvDateToDisplay(&str, IsoDateParse); else if (Engine_Epub == engineType || Doc_Epub == engineType) ConvDateToDisplay(&str, IsoDateParse); else if (Engine_Mobi == engineType || Doc_Mobi == engineType) ConvDateToDisplay(&str, IsoDateParse); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Created:"), str); str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_ModificationDate); if (Engine_PDF == engineType) ConvDateToDisplay(&str, PdfDateParse); else if (Engine_XPS == engineType) ConvDateToDisplay(&str, IsoDateParse); else if (Engine_Epub == engineType || Doc_Epub == engineType) ConvDateToDisplay(&str, IsoDateParse); else if (Engine_Mobi == engineType || Doc_Mobi == engineType) ConvDateToDisplay(&str, IsoDateParse); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Modified:"), str); str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_CreatorApp); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Application:"), str); str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_PdfProducer); // TODO: remove PDF from string layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("PDF Producer:"), str); str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_PdfVersion); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("PDF Version:"), str); str = FormatPdfFileStructure(doc); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("PDF Optimizations:"), str); size_t fileSize = file::GetSize(doc.GetFilePath()); if (fileSize == INVALID_FILE_SIZE && doc.IsEngine()) free(doc.AsEngine()->GetFileData(&fileSize)); if (fileSize != INVALID_FILE_SIZE) { str = FormatFileSize(fileSize); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("File Size:"), str); } if (doc.IsEngine()) { str = str::Format(L"%d", doc.AsEngine()->PageCount()); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Number of Pages:"), str); } if (dm && dm->engineType != Engine_Chm) { str = FormatPageSize(dm->engine, dm->CurrentPageNo(), dm->Rotation()); if (IsUIRightToLeft() && IsVistaOrGreater()) { // ensure that the size remains ungarbled left-to-right // (note: XP doesn't know about \u202A...\u202C) str = str::Format(L"\u202A%s\u202C", ScopedMem<WCHAR>(str)); } layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Page Size:"), str); } str = FormatPermissions(doc); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Denied Permissions:"), str); #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(ENABLE_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES) if (extended) { // TODO: FontList extraction can take a while str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_FontList); if (str) { // add a space between basic and extended file properties layoutData->AddProperty(L" ", str::Dup(L" ")); } layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Fonts:"), str); } #endif }
bool PrintFile(const WCHAR *fileName, const WCHAR *printerName, bool displayErrors, const WCHAR *settings) { if (!HasPermission(Perm_PrinterAccess)) return false; ScopedMem<WCHAR> fileName2(path::Normalize(fileName)); BaseEngine *engine = EngineManager::CreateEngine(!gUseEbookUI, fileName2); if (!engine || !engine->AllowsPrinting()) { if (displayErrors) MessageBox(NULL, _TR("Cannot print this file"), _TR("Printing problem."), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK | (IsUIRightToLeft() ? MB_RTLREADING : 0)); return false; } HANDLE printer; bool ok = OpenPrinter((WCHAR *)printerName, &printer, NULL); if (!ok) { if (displayErrors) MessageBox(NULL, _TR("Printer with given name doesn't exist"), _TR("Printing problem."), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK | (IsUIRightToLeft() ? MB_RTLREADING : 0)); return false; } // get printer driver information DWORD needed = 0; GetPrinter(printer, 2, NULL, 0, &needed); ScopedMem<PRINTER_INFO_2> infoData((PRINTER_INFO_2 *)AllocArray<BYTE>(needed)); if (infoData) ok = GetPrinter(printer, 2, (LPBYTE)infoData.Get(), needed, &needed); if (!ok || !infoData || needed <= sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_2)) goto Exit; LONG structSize = DocumentProperties(NULL, printer, /* Handle to our printer. */ (WCHAR *)printerName, /* Name of the printer. */ NULL, /* Asking for size, so */ NULL, /* these are not used. */ 0); /* Zero returns buffer size. */ if (structSize < sizeof(DEVMODE)) { // If failure, inform the user, cleanup and return failure. if (displayErrors) MessageBox(NULL, _TR("Could not obtain Printer properties"), _TR("Printing problem."), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK | (IsUIRightToLeft() ? MB_RTLREADING : 0)); goto Exit; } LPDEVMODE devMode = (LPDEVMODE)malloc(structSize); if (!devMode) goto Exit; // Get the default DevMode for the printer and modify it for your needs. LONG returnCode = DocumentProperties(NULL, printer, (WCHAR *)printerName, devMode, /* The address of the buffer to fill. */ NULL, /* Not using the input buffer. */ DM_OUT_BUFFER); /* Have the output buffer filled. */ if (IDOK != returnCode) { // If failure, inform the user, cleanup and return failure. if (displayErrors) MessageBox(NULL, _TR("Could not obtain Printer properties"), _TR("Printing problem."), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK | (IsUIRightToLeft() ? MB_RTLREADING : 0)); goto Exit; } ClosePrinter(printer); printer = NULL; { Print_Advanced_Data advanced; Vec<PRINTPAGERANGE> ranges; ApplyPrintSettings(settings, engine->PageCount(), ranges, advanced); PrintData pd(engine, infoData, devMode, ranges, advanced); ok = PrintToDevice(pd); if (!ok && displayErrors) MessageBox(NULL, _TR("Couldn't initialize printer"), _TR("Printing problem."), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK | (IsUIRightToLeft() ? MB_RTLREADING : 0)); } Exit: free(devMode); if (printer) ClosePrinter(printer); delete engine; return ok; }
void OnMenuPrint(WindowInfo *win, bool waitForCompletion) { // we remember some printer settings per process static ScopedMem<DEVMODE> defaultDevMode; static PrintScaleAdv defaultScaleAdv = PrintScaleShrink; static bool defaultAsImage = false; bool printSelection = false; Vec<PRINTPAGERANGE> ranges; PRINTER_INFO_2 printerInfo = { 0 }; if (!HasPermission(Perm_PrinterAccess)) return; DisplayModel *dm = win->dm; assert(dm); if (!dm) return; if (!dm->engine || !dm->engine->AllowsPrinting()) return; if (win->IsChm()) { win->dm->AsChmEngine()->PrintCurrentPage(); return; } if (win->printThread) { int res = MessageBox(win->hwndFrame, _TR("Printing is still in progress. Abort and start over?"), _TR("Printing in progress."), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_YESNO | (IsUIRightToLeft() ? MB_RTLREADING : 0)); if (res == IDNO) return; } AbortPrinting(win); PRINTDLGEX pd; ZeroMemory(&pd, sizeof(PRINTDLGEX)); pd.lStructSize = sizeof(PRINTDLGEX); pd.hwndOwner = win->hwndFrame; pd.Flags = PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE | PD_COLLATE; if (!win->selectionOnPage) pd.Flags |= PD_NOSELECTION; pd.nCopies = 1; /* by default print all pages */ pd.nPageRanges = 1; pd.nMaxPageRanges = MAXPAGERANGES; PRINTPAGERANGE *ppr = AllocArray<PRINTPAGERANGE>(MAXPAGERANGES); pd.lpPageRanges = ppr; ppr->nFromPage = 1; ppr->nToPage = dm->PageCount(); pd.nMinPage = 1; pd.nMaxPage = dm->PageCount(); pd.nStartPage = START_PAGE_GENERAL; Print_Advanced_Data advanced(PrintRangeAll, defaultScaleAdv, defaultAsImage); ScopedMem<DLGTEMPLATE> dlgTemplate; // needed for RTL languages HPROPSHEETPAGE hPsp = CreatePrintAdvancedPropSheet(&advanced, dlgTemplate); pd.lphPropertyPages = &hPsp; pd.nPropertyPages = 1; // restore remembered settings if (defaultDevMode) pd.hDevMode = GlobalMemDup(defaultDevMode.Get(), defaultDevMode.Get()->dmSize + defaultDevMode.Get()->dmDriverExtra); if (PrintDlgEx(&pd) != S_OK) { if (CommDlgExtendedError() != 0) { /* if PrintDlg was cancelled then CommDlgExtendedError is zero, otherwise it returns the error code, which we could look at here if we wanted. for now just warn the user that printing has stopped becasue of an error */ MessageBox(win->hwndFrame, _TR("Couldn't initialize printer"), _TR("Printing problem."), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK | (IsUIRightToLeft() ? MB_RTLREADING : 0)); } goto Exit; } if (pd.dwResultAction == PD_RESULT_PRINT || pd.dwResultAction == PD_RESULT_APPLY) { // remember settings for this process LPDEVMODE devMode = (LPDEVMODE)GlobalLock(pd.hDevMode); if (devMode) { defaultDevMode.Set((LPDEVMODE)memdup(devMode, devMode->dmSize + devMode->dmDriverExtra)); GlobalUnlock(pd.hDevMode); } defaultScaleAdv = advanced.scale; defaultAsImage = advanced.asImage; } if (pd.dwResultAction != PD_RESULT_PRINT) goto Exit; if (pd.Flags & PD_CURRENTPAGE) { PRINTPAGERANGE pr = { dm->CurrentPageNo(), dm->CurrentPageNo() }; ranges.Append(pr); } else if (win->selectionOnPage && (pd.Flags & PD_SELECTION)) { printSelection = true; } else if (!(pd.Flags & PD_PAGENUMS)) { PRINTPAGERANGE pr = { 1, dm->PageCount() }; ranges.Append(pr); } else { assert(pd.nPageRanges > 0); for (DWORD i = 0; i < pd.nPageRanges; i++) ranges.Append(pd.lpPageRanges[i]); } LPDEVNAMES devNames = (LPDEVNAMES)GlobalLock(pd.hDevNames); LPDEVMODE devMode = (LPDEVMODE)GlobalLock(pd.hDevMode); if (devNames) { printerInfo.pDriverName = (LPWSTR)devNames + devNames->wDriverOffset; printerInfo.pPrinterName = (LPWSTR)devNames + devNames->wDeviceOffset; printerInfo.pPortName = (LPWSTR)devNames + devNames->wOutputOffset; } PrintData *data = new PrintData(dm->engine, &printerInfo, devMode, ranges, advanced, dm->Rotation(), printSelection ? win->selectionOnPage : NULL); if (devNames) GlobalUnlock(pd.hDevNames); if (devMode) GlobalUnlock(pd.hDevMode); if (!waitForCompletion) PrintToDeviceOnThread(win, data); else { PrintToDevice(*data); delete data; } Exit: free(ppr); GlobalFree(pd.hDevNames); GlobalFree(pd.hDevMode); }
static void GetProps(Controller *ctrl, PropertiesLayout *layoutData, bool extended) { CrashIf(!ctrl); WCHAR *str = str::Dup(gPluginMode ? gPluginURL : ctrl->FilePath()); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("File:"), str, true); str = ctrl->GetProperty(Prop_Title); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Title:"), str); str = ctrl->GetProperty(Prop_Subject); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Subject:"), str); str = ctrl->GetProperty(Prop_Author); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Author:"), str); str = ctrl->GetProperty(Prop_Copyright); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Copyright:"), str); str = ctrl->GetProperty(Prop_CreationDate); if (str && ctrl->AsFixed() && Engine_PDF == ctrl->AsFixed()->engineType) ConvDateToDisplay(&str, PdfDateParse); else ConvDateToDisplay(&str, IsoDateParse); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Created:"), str); str = ctrl->GetProperty(Prop_ModificationDate); if (str && ctrl->AsFixed() && Engine_PDF == ctrl->AsFixed()->engineType) ConvDateToDisplay(&str, PdfDateParse); else ConvDateToDisplay(&str, IsoDateParse); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Modified:"), str); str = ctrl->GetProperty(Prop_CreatorApp); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Application:"), str); str = ctrl->GetProperty(Prop_PdfProducer); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("PDF Producer:"), str); str = ctrl->GetProperty(Prop_PdfVersion); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("PDF Version:"), str); str = FormatPdfFileStructure(ctrl); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("PDF Optimizations:"), str); int64 fileSize = file::GetSize(ctrl->FilePath()); if (-1 == fileSize && ctrl->AsFixed()) { size_t fileSizeT; if (ScopedMem<unsigned char>(ctrl->AsFixed()->GetEngine()->GetFileData(&fileSizeT))) fileSize = fileSizeT; } if (-1 != fileSize) { str = FormatFileSize((size_t)fileSize); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("File Size:"), str); } // TODO: display page count per current layout for ebooks? if (!ctrl->AsEbook()) { str = str::Format(L"%d", ctrl->PageCount()); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Number of Pages:"), str); } if (ctrl->AsFixed()) { str = FormatPageSize(ctrl->AsFixed()->GetEngine(), ctrl->CurrentPageNo(), ctrl->AsFixed()->GetRotation()); if (IsUIRightToLeft() && IsVistaOrGreater()) { // ensure that the size remains ungarbled left-to-right // (note: XP doesn't know about \u202A...\u202C) WCHAR *tmp = str; str = str::Format(L"\u202A%s\u202C", tmp); free(tmp); } layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Page Size:"), str); } str = FormatPermissions(ctrl); layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Denied Permissions:"), str); #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(ENABLE_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES) if (extended) { // TODO: FontList extraction can take a while str = ctrl->GetProperty(Prop_FontList); if (str) { // add a space between basic and extended file properties layoutData->AddProperty(L" ", str::Dup(L" ")); } layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Fonts:"), str); } #else UNUSED(extended); #endif }
void DrawStartPage(WindowInfo& win, HDC hdc, FileHistory& fileHistory, COLORREF colorRange[2]) { HPEN penBorder = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, DOCLIST_SEPARATOR_DY, WIN_COL_BLACK); HPEN penThumbBorder = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, DOCLIST_THUMBNAIL_BORDER_W, WIN_COL_BLACK); HPEN penLinkLine = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, COL_BLUE_LINK); ScopedFont fontSumatraTxt(GetSimpleFont(hdc, L"MS Shell Dlg", 24)); ScopedFont fontLeftTxt(GetSimpleFont(hdc, L"MS Shell Dlg", 14)); HGDIOBJ origFont = SelectObject(hdc, fontSumatraTxt); /* Just to remember the orig font */ ClientRect rc(win.hwndCanvas); FillRect(hdc, &rc.ToRECT(), gBrushLogoBg); SelectObject(hdc, gBrushLogoBg); SelectObject(hdc, penBorder); bool isRtl = IsUIRightToLeft(); /* render title */ RectI titleBox = RectI(PointI(0, 0), CalcSumatraVersionSize(hdc)); titleBox.x = rc.dx - titleBox.dx - 3; DrawSumatraVersion(hdc, titleBox); PaintLine(hdc, RectI(0, titleBox.dy, rc.dx, 0)); /* render recent files list */ SelectObject(hdc, penThumbBorder); SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); SetTextColor(hdc, WIN_COL_BLACK); rc.y += titleBox.dy; rc.dy -= titleBox.dy; FillRect(hdc, &rc.ToRECT(), gBrushAboutBg); rc.dy -= DOCLIST_BOTTOM_BOX_DY; Vec<DisplayState *> list; fileHistory.GetFrequencyOrder(list); int width = limitValue((rc.dx - DOCLIST_MARGIN_LEFT - DOCLIST_MARGIN_RIGHT + DOCLIST_MARGIN_BETWEEN_X) / (THUMBNAIL_DX + DOCLIST_MARGIN_BETWEEN_X), 1, DOCLIST_MAX_THUMBNAILS_X); int height = min((rc.dy - DOCLIST_MARGIN_TOP - DOCLIST_MARGIN_BOTTOM + DOCLIST_MARGIN_BETWEEN_Y) / (THUMBNAIL_DY + DOCLIST_MARGIN_BETWEEN_Y), FILE_HISTORY_MAX_FREQUENT / width); PointI offset(rc.x + DOCLIST_MARGIN_LEFT + (rc.dx - width * THUMBNAIL_DX - (width - 1) * DOCLIST_MARGIN_BETWEEN_X - DOCLIST_MARGIN_LEFT - DOCLIST_MARGIN_RIGHT) / 2, rc.y + DOCLIST_MARGIN_TOP); if (offset.x < ABOUT_INNER_PADDING) offset.x = ABOUT_INNER_PADDING; else if (list.Count() == 0) offset.x = DOCLIST_MARGIN_LEFT; SelectObject(hdc, fontSumatraTxt); SIZE txtSize; const WCHAR *txt = _TR("Frequently Read"); GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, txt, (int)str::Len(txt), &txtSize); RectI headerRect(offset.x, rc.y + (DOCLIST_MARGIN_TOP - / 2,,; if (isRtl) headerRect.x = rc.dx - offset.x - headerRect.dx; DrawText(hdc, txt, -1, &headerRect.ToRECT(), (isRtl ? DT_RTLREADING : DT_LEFT) | DT_NOPREFIX); SelectObject(hdc, fontLeftTxt); SelectObject(hdc, GetStockBrush(NULL_BRUSH)); win.staticLinks.Reset(); for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) { for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) { if (h * width + w >= (int)list.Count()) { // display the "Open a document" link right below the last row height = w > 0 ? h + 1 : h; break; } DisplayState *state = list.At(h * width + w); RectI page(offset.x + w * (int)(THUMBNAIL_DX + DOCLIST_MARGIN_BETWEEN_X * win.uiDPIFactor), offset.y + h * (int)(THUMBNAIL_DY + DOCLIST_MARGIN_BETWEEN_Y * win.uiDPIFactor), THUMBNAIL_DX, THUMBNAIL_DY); if (isRtl) page.x = rc.dx - page.x - page.dx; bool loadOk = true; if (!state->thumbnail) loadOk = LoadThumbnail(*state); if (loadOk && state->thumbnail) { SizeI thumbSize = state->thumbnail->Size(); if (thumbSize.dx != THUMBNAIL_DX || thumbSize.dy != THUMBNAIL_DY) { page.dy = thumbSize.dy * THUMBNAIL_DX / thumbSize.dx; page.y += THUMBNAIL_DY - page.dy; } HRGN clip = CreateRoundRectRgn(page.x, page.y, page.x + page.dx, page.y + page.dy, 10, 10); SelectClipRgn(hdc, clip); RenderedBitmap *clone = state->thumbnail->Clone(); UpdateBitmapColorRange(clone->GetBitmap(), colorRange); clone->StretchDIBits(hdc, page); SelectClipRgn(hdc, NULL); DeleteObject(clip); delete clone; } RoundRect(hdc, page.x, page.y, page.x + page.dx, page.y + page.dy, 10, 10); int iconSpace = (int)(20 * win.uiDPIFactor); RectI rect(page.x + iconSpace, page.y + page.dy + 3, page.dx - iconSpace, iconSpace); if (isRtl) rect.x -= iconSpace; DrawText(hdc, path::GetBaseName(state->filePath), -1, &rect.ToRECT(), DT_SINGLELINE | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX | (isRtl ? DT_RIGHT : DT_LEFT)); SHFILEINFO sfi; HIMAGELIST himl = (HIMAGELIST)SHGetFileInfo(state->filePath, 0, &sfi, sizeof(sfi), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_SMALLICON | SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES); ImageList_Draw(himl, sfi.iIcon, hdc, isRtl ? page.x + page.dx - (int)(16 * win.uiDPIFactor) : page.x, rect.y, ILD_TRANSPARENT); win.staticLinks.Append(StaticLinkInfo(rect.Union(page), state->filePath, state->filePath)); } } /* render bottom links */ rc.y += DOCLIST_MARGIN_TOP + height * THUMBNAIL_DY + (height - 1) * DOCLIST_MARGIN_BETWEEN_Y + DOCLIST_MARGIN_BOTTOM; rc.dy = DOCLIST_BOTTOM_BOX_DY; SetTextColor(hdc, COL_BLUE_LINK); SelectObject(hdc, penLinkLine); HIMAGELIST himl = (HIMAGELIST)SendMessage(win.hwndToolbar, TB_GETIMAGELIST, 0, 0); RectI rectIcon(offset.x, rc.y, 0, 0); ImageList_GetIconSize(himl, &rectIcon.dx, &rectIcon.dy); rectIcon.y += (rc.dy - rectIcon.dy) / 2; if (isRtl) rectIcon.x = rc.dx - offset.x - rectIcon.dx; ImageList_Draw(himl, 0 /* index of Open icon */, hdc, rectIcon.x, rectIcon.y, ILD_NORMAL); txt = _TR("Open a document..."); GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, txt, (int)str::Len(txt), &txtSize); RectI rect(offset.x + rectIcon.dx + 3, rc.y + (rc.dy - / 2,,; if (isRtl) rect.x = rectIcon.x - rect.dx - 3; DrawText(hdc, txt, -1, &rect.ToRECT(), isRtl ? DT_RTLREADING : DT_LEFT); PaintLine(hdc, RectI(rect.x, rect.y + rect.dy, rect.dx, 0)); // make the click target larger rect = rect.Union(rectIcon); rect.Inflate(10, 10); win.staticLinks.Append(StaticLinkInfo(rect, SLINK_OPEN_FILE)); rect = DrawBottomRightLink(win.hwndCanvas, hdc, _TR("Hide frequently read")); win.staticLinks.Append(StaticLinkInfo(rect, SLINK_LIST_HIDE)); SelectObject(hdc, origFont); DeleteObject(penBorder); DeleteObject(penThumbBorder); DeleteObject(penLinkLine); }