void CResizableSheet::PresetLayout() { if (IsWizard()) // wizard mode { // hide tab control GetTabControl()->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); AddAnchor(ID_WIZLINE, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT); } else // tab mode { AddAnchor(AFX_IDC_TAB_CONTROL, TOP_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT); } // add a callback for active page (which can change at run-time) AddAnchorCallback(1); // use *total* parent size to have correct margins CRect rectPage, rectSheet; GetTotalClientRect(&rectSheet); GetActivePage()->GetWindowRect(&rectPage); ScreenToClient(&rectPage); // pre-calculate margins m_sizePageTL = rectPage.TopLeft() - rectSheet.TopLeft(); m_sizePageBR = rectPage.BottomRight() - rectSheet.BottomRight(); // add all possible buttons, if they exist for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (NULL != GetDlgItem(_propButtons[i])) AddAnchor(_propButtons[i], BOTTOM_RIGHT); } }
void CResizableSheet::OnGetMinMaxInfo(MINMAXINFO FAR* lpMMI) { MinMaxInfo(lpMMI); CTabCtrl* pTab = GetTabControl(); if (!pTab) return; int nCount = GetPageCount(); for (int idx = 0; idx < nCount; ++idx) { if (IsWizard()) // wizard mode { // use pre-calculated margins CRect rectExtra(-CPoint(m_sizePageTL), -CPoint(m_sizePageBR)); // add non-client size ::AdjustWindowRectEx(&rectExtra, GetStyle(), !(GetStyle() & WS_CHILD) && ::IsMenu(GetMenu()->GetSafeHmenu()), GetExStyle()); ChainMinMaxInfo(lpMMI, *GetPage(idx), rectExtra.Size()); } else // tab mode { ChainMinMaxInfoCB(lpMMI, *GetPage(idx)); } } }
BOOL CResizableSheet::ArrangeLayoutCallback(LAYOUTINFO &layout) const { if (layout.nCallbackID != m_nCallbackID) // we only added 1 callback return CResizableLayout::ArrangeLayoutCallback(layout); // set layout info for active page layout.hWnd = (HWND)::SendMessage(m_hWnd, PSM_GETCURRENTPAGEHWND, 0, 0); if (!::IsWindow(layout.hWnd)) return FALSE; // set margins if (IsWizard()) // wizard mode { // use pre-calculated margins layout.marginTopLeft = m_sizePageTL; layout.marginBottomRight = m_sizePageBR; } else // tab mode { CTabCtrl* pTab = GetTabControl(); ASSERT(pTab != NULL); // get tab position after resizing and calc page rect CRect rectPage, rectSheet; GetTotalClientRect(&rectSheet); if (!GetAnchorPosition(pTab->m_hWnd, rectSheet, rectPage)) return FALSE; // no page yet // temporarily resize the tab control to calc page size CRect rectSave; pTab->GetWindowRect(rectSave); ::MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hWnd, (LPPOINT)&rectSave, 2); pTab->SetRedraw(FALSE); pTab->MoveWindow(rectPage, FALSE); pTab->AdjustRect(FALSE, &rectPage); pTab->MoveWindow(rectSave, FALSE); pTab->SetRedraw(TRUE); // set margins layout.marginTopLeft = rectPage.TopLeft() - rectSheet.TopLeft(); layout.marginBottomRight = rectPage.BottomRight() - rectSheet.BottomRight(); } // set anchor types layout.anchorTopLeft = TOP_LEFT; layout.anchorBottomRight = BOTTOM_RIGHT; // use this layout info return TRUE; }
void CResizableSheet::PresetLayout() { // set the initial size as the min track size CRect rc; GetWindowRect(&rc); SetMinTrackSize(rc.Size()); if (GetStyle() & WS_CHILD) { GetClientRect(&rc); GetTabControl()->MoveWindow(&rc); } if (IsWizard()) // wizard mode { // hide tab control GetTabControl()->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); AddAnchor(ID_WIZLINE, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT); } else // tab mode { AddAnchor(AFX_IDC_TAB_CONTROL, TOP_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT); } // add a callback for active page (which can change at run-time) m_nCallbackID = AddAnchorCallback(); // use *total* parent size to have correct margins CRect rectPage, rectSheet; GetTotalClientRect(&rectSheet); GetActivePage()->GetWindowRect(&rectPage); ::MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hWnd, (LPPOINT)&rectPage, 2); // pre-calculate margins m_sizePageTL = rectPage.TopLeft() - rectSheet.TopLeft(); m_sizePageBR = rectPage.BottomRight() - rectSheet.BottomRight(); // add all possible buttons, if they exist for (int i = 0; i < _propButtonsCount; i++) { if (NULL != GetDlgItem(_propButtons[i])) AddAnchor(_propButtons[i], BOTTOM_RIGHT); } // prevent flickering GetTabControl()->ModifyStyle(0, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS); }
BOOL CXTPResizePropertySheet::OnPageChanging(NMHDR* /*pNotifyStruct*/, LRESULT* /*pResult*/) { // When in wizard mode, the property sheet seems to resize/move the page // back to it's original size/position on the sheet. We need to let the // size manager know that this has occurred, so that it can move the pages // back to the correct position if (IsWizard()) { CXTPResize::Reset(); } // Update new wizard page, the active page changes after this notification CXTPResize::Size(); // and continue routing... return FALSE; }
void CResizableSheetEx::OnGetMinMaxInfo(MINMAXINFO FAR* lpMMI) { MinMaxInfo(lpMMI); CTabCtrl* pTab = GetTabControl(); if (!pTab) return; int nCount = GetPageCount(); for (int idx = 0; idx < nCount; ++idx) { if (IsWizard()) // wizard mode { // use pre-calculated margins CRect rectExtra(-CPoint(m_sizePageTL), -CPoint(m_sizePageBR)); // add non-client size ::AdjustWindowRectEx(&rectExtra, GetStyle(), !(GetStyle() & WS_CHILD) && ::IsMenu(GetMenu()->GetSafeHmenu()), GetExStyle()); ChainMinMaxInfo(lpMMI, *GetPage(idx), rectExtra.Size()); } else if (IsWizard97()) // wizard 97 { // use pre-calculated margins CRect rectExtra(-CPoint(m_sizePageTL), -CPoint(m_sizePageBR)); if (!(GetPage(idx)->m_psp.dwFlags & PSP_HIDEHEADER)) { // add header vertical offset CRect rectLine, rectSheet; GetTotalClientRect(&rectSheet); GetAnchorPosition(ID_WIZLINEHDR, rectSheet, rectLine); rectExtra.top = -rectLine.bottom; } // add non-client size ::AdjustWindowRectEx(&rectExtra, GetStyle(), !(GetStyle() & WS_CHILD) && ::IsMenu(GetMenu()->GetSafeHmenu()), GetExStyle()); ChainMinMaxInfo(lpMMI, *GetPage(idx), rectExtra.Size()); } else // tab mode { ChainMinMaxInfoCB(lpMMI, *GetPage(idx)); } } }
void CResizableSheetEx::PresetLayout() { if (IsWizard() || IsWizard97()) // wizard mode { // hide tab control GetTabControl()->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); AddAnchor(ID_WIZLINE, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT); if (IsWizard97()) // add header line for wizard97 dialogs AddAnchor(ID_WIZLINEHDR, TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT); } else // tab mode { AddAnchor(AFX_IDC_TAB_CONTROL, TOP_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT); } // add a callback for active page (which can change at run-time) m_nCallbackID = AddAnchorCallback(); // use *total* parent size to have correct margins CRect rectPage, rectSheet; GetTotalClientRect(&rectSheet); GetActivePage()->GetWindowRect(&rectPage); ::MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hWnd, (LPPOINT)&rectPage, 2); // pre-calculate margins m_sizePageTL = rectPage.TopLeft() - rectSheet.TopLeft(); m_sizePageBR = rectPage.BottomRight() - rectSheet.BottomRight(); // add all possible buttons, if they exist for (int i = 0; i < _propButtonsCount; i++) { if (NULL != GetDlgItem(_propButtons[i])) AddAnchor(_propButtons[i], BOTTOM_RIGHT); } }
BOOL CResizableSheet::ArrangeLayoutCallback(LayoutInfo &layout) { if (layout.nCallbackID != 1) // we only added 1 callback return CResizableLayout::ArrangeLayoutCallback(layout); // set layout info for active page layout.hWnd = GetActivePage()->GetSafeHwnd(); // set margins if (IsWizard()) // wizard mode { // use pre-calculated margins layout.sizeMarginTL = m_sizePageTL; layout.sizeMarginBR = m_sizePageBR; } else // tab mode { CRect rectPage, rectSheet; GetTotalClientRect(&rectSheet); CTabCtrl* pTab = GetTabControl(); pTab->GetWindowRect(&rectPage); pTab->AdjustRect(FALSE, &rectPage); ScreenToClient(&rectPage); // use tab control layout.sizeMarginTL = rectPage.TopLeft() - rectSheet.TopLeft(); layout.sizeMarginBR = rectPage.BottomRight() - rectSheet.BottomRight(); } // set anchor types layout.sizeTypeTL = TOP_LEFT; layout.sizeTypeBR = BOTTOM_RIGHT; // use this layout info return TRUE; }
BOOL CXTPResizePropertySheet::OnInitDialog() { CRect rcClientBegin, rcClientEnd; GetWindowRect(rcClientBegin); SendMessage(WM_NCCALCSIZE, FALSE, (LPARAM)(LPRECT)rcClientBegin); // Modify the window style to include WS_THICKFRAME for resizing. ::SetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE, GetStyle() | WS_THICKFRAME); GetWindowRect(rcClientEnd); SendMessage(WM_NCCALCSIZE, FALSE, (LPARAM)(LPRECT)rcClientEnd); CPropertySheet::OnInitDialog(); // subclass our "flicker-free" tab control. m_tabCtrl.SubclassWindow(GetTabControl()->m_hWnd); // the size icon is too close to the buttons, so inflate the sheet CRect rc; GetWindowRect(rc); if (rcClientBegin.Width() - rcClientEnd.Width() > 3) { rc.InflateRect((rcClientBegin.Width() - rcClientEnd.Width()) / 2, (rcClientBegin.Height() - rcClientEnd.Height()) / 2); MoveWindow(rc); } // Do this last so that any prop pages are moved accordingly else if (!HasFlag(xtpResizeNoSizeIcon) && !IsWizard()) { rc.InflateRect(1, 1, 2, 2); MoveWindow(rc); } // add sizing entries to the system menu CMenu* pSysMenu = (CMenu*)GetSystemMenu(FALSE); if (pSysMenu) { CString szMaximize, szMinimize, szSize, szRestore; // try to get the strings from the topmost window CWnd* pwndTop; for (pwndTop = this; pwndTop->GetParent(); pwndTop = pwndTop->GetParent()); CMenu* pTopSysMenu = (CMenu*)pwndTop->GetSystemMenu(FALSE); if (pTopSysMenu) { pTopSysMenu->GetMenuString(SC_MAXIMIZE, szMaximize, MF_BYCOMMAND); pTopSysMenu->GetMenuString(SC_MINIMIZE, szMinimize, MF_BYCOMMAND); pTopSysMenu->GetMenuString(SC_SIZE, szSize, MF_BYCOMMAND); pTopSysMenu->GetMenuString(SC_RESTORE, szRestore, MF_BYCOMMAND); } // if we din't get the strings then set them to the English defaults if (szMaximize.IsEmpty()) szMaximize = _T("Ma&ximize"); if (szMinimize.IsEmpty()) szMinimize = _T("Mi&nimize"); if (szSize.IsEmpty()) szSize = _T("&Size"); if (szRestore.IsEmpty()) szRestore = _T("&Restore"); pSysMenu->InsertMenu(1, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_SEPARATOR, 0, (LPCTSTR) 0); pSysMenu->InsertMenu(1, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_STRING, SC_MAXIMIZE, szMaximize); pSysMenu->InsertMenu(1, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_STRING, SC_MINIMIZE, szMinimize); pSysMenu->InsertMenu(1, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_STRING, SC_SIZE, szSize); pSysMenu->InsertMenu(0, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_STRING, SC_RESTORE, szRestore); } DWORD dwStyle = ::GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE); if ((dwStyle & WS_THICKFRAME) == 0) { SetFlag(xtpResizeNoSizeIcon); } CXTPResize::Init(); // Check which buttons are available in sheet or wizard if (IsWizard()) { SetResize(ID_WIZBACK, XTP_ATTR_REPOS(1)); SetResize(ID_WIZNEXT, XTP_ATTR_REPOS(1)); SetResize(ID_WIZFINISH, XTP_ATTR_REPOS(1)); SetResize(ID_WIZLINE, XTP_ANCHOR_BOTTOMLEFT, XTP_ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT); } else { SetResize(IDOK, XTP_ATTR_REPOS(1)); SetResize(ID_APPLY_NOW, XTP_ATTR_REPOS(1)); SetResize(AFX_IDC_TAB_CONTROL, XTP_ATTR_RESIZE(1)); } SetResize(IDCANCEL, XTP_ATTR_REPOS(1)); SetResize(IDHELP, XTP_ATTR_REPOS(1)); // set page sizings CRect rcPage; GetActivePage()->GetWindowRect(rcPage); ScreenToClient(rcPage); int i; for (i = 0; i <GetPageCount(); i++) { SetResize(GetPage(i), XTP_ATTR_RESIZE(1), rcPage); } return TRUE; }
void CBasePropertySheet::AddPage(CPropertyPage* pPage) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(pPage != NULL); ASSERT_KINDOF(CPropertyPage, pPage); ASSERT_VALID(pPage); // add page to internal list m_pages.Add(pPage); // add page externally if (m_hWnd != NULL) { // build new prop page array AFX_OLDPROPSHEETPAGE *ppsp = new AFX_OLDPROPSHEETPAGE[m_pages.GetSize()]; memcpy(ppsp, m_psh.ppsp, sizeof(AFX_OLDPROPSHEETPAGE) * (m_pages.GetSize()-1)); delete[] (PROPSHEETPAGE*)m_psh.ppsp; m_psh.ppsp = (PROPSHEETPAGE*)ppsp; ppsp += m_pages.GetSize()-1; // copy processed PROPSHEETPAGE struct to end memcpy(ppsp, &pPage->m_psp, sizeof(pPage->m_psp)); // pPage->PreProcessPageTemplate((PROPSHEETPAGE&)*ppsp, IsWizard()); CPropertyPage_PreProcessPageTemplate((_CCPropertyPage*)pPage, (PROPSHEETPAGE&)*ppsp, IsWizard()); HPROPSHEETPAGE hPSP = CreatePropertySheetPage((PROPSHEETPAGE*)ppsp); if (hPSP == NULL) AfxThrowMemoryException(); if (!SendMessage(PSM_ADDPAGE, 0, (LPARAM)hPSP)) { DestroyPropertySheetPage(hPSP); AfxThrowMemoryException(); } } }
void CBasePropertySheet::AddPage(CPropertyPage* pPage) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ENSURE_VALID(pPage); ASSERT_KINDOF(CPropertyPage, pPage); // add page to internal list m_pages.Add(pPage); // add page externally if (m_hWnd != NULL) { // determine size of PROPSHEETPAGE array PROPSHEETPAGE* ppsp = const_cast<PROPSHEETPAGE*>(m_psh.ppsp); int nBytes = 0; int nNextBytes; for (UINT i = 0; i < m_psh.nPages; i++) { nNextBytes = nBytes + ppsp->dwSize; if ((nNextBytes < nBytes) || (nNextBytes < (int)ppsp->dwSize)) AfxThrowMemoryException(); nBytes = nNextBytes; (BYTE*&)ppsp += ppsp->dwSize; } nNextBytes = nBytes + pPage->m_psp.dwSize; if ((nNextBytes < nBytes) || (nNextBytes < (int)pPage->m_psp.dwSize)) AfxThrowMemoryException(); // build new prop page array ppsp = (PROPSHEETPAGE*)realloc((void*)m_psh.ppsp, nNextBytes); if (ppsp == NULL) AfxThrowMemoryException(); m_psh.ppsp = ppsp; // copy processed PROPSHEETPAGE struct to end (BYTE*&)ppsp += nBytes; Checked::memcpy_s(ppsp, nNextBytes - nBytes , &pPage->m_psp, pPage->m_psp.dwSize); // pPage->PreProcessPageTemplate(*ppsp, IsWizard()); CPropertyPage_PreProcessPageTemplate((_CCPropertyPage*)pPage, *ppsp, IsWizard()); if (!((_CCPropertyPage*)pPage)->m_strHeaderTitle.IsEmpty()) { ppsp->pszHeaderTitle = ((_CCPropertyPage*)pPage)->m_strHeaderTitle; ppsp->dwFlags |= PSP_USEHEADERTITLE; } if (!((_CCPropertyPage*)pPage)->m_strHeaderSubTitle.IsEmpty()) { ppsp->pszHeaderSubTitle = ((_CCPropertyPage*)pPage)->m_strHeaderSubTitle; ppsp->dwFlags |= PSP_USEHEADERSUBTITLE; } HPROPSHEETPAGE hPSP = AfxCreatePropertySheetPage(ppsp); if (hPSP == NULL) AfxThrowMemoryException(); if (!SendMessage(PSM_ADDPAGE, 0, (LPARAM)hPSP)) { AfxDestroyPropertySheetPage(hPSP); AfxThrowMemoryException(); } ++m_psh.nPages; } }
void CResizableSheetEx::PresetLayout() { if (IsWizard() || IsWizard97()) // wizard mode { // hide tab control GetTabControl()->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); AddAnchor(ID_WIZLINE, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT); if (IsWizard97()) // add header line for wizard97 dialogs AddAnchor(ID_WIZLINEHDR, TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT); } else // tab mode { AddAnchor(AFX_IDC_TAB_CONTROL, TOP_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT); } // add a callback for active page (which can change at run-time) m_nCallbackID = AddAnchorCallback(); // use *total* parent size to have correct margins CRect rectPage, rectSheet; GetTotalClientRect(&rectSheet); GetActivePage()->GetWindowRect(&rectPage); ::MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hWnd, (LPPOINT)&rectPage, 2); // pre-calculate margins m_sizePageTL = rectPage.TopLeft() - rectSheet.TopLeft(); m_sizePageBR = rectPage.BottomRight() - rectSheet.BottomRight(); // add all possible buttons, if they exist for (int i = 0; i < _propButtonsCount; i++) { CButton* dlgBtn = reinterpret_cast<CButton*>(GetDlgItem(_propButtons[i])); if (dlgBtn != NULL) { CRect rcBtn; CString sBtn; dlgBtn->GetWindowRect(rcBtn); ScreenToClient(rcBtn); HBITMAP hBmp = NULL; switch(_propButtons[i]) { case ID_WIZBACK: dlgBtn->SetWindowPos(NULL, rcBtn.left - 16, rcBtn.top - 8, rcBtn.Width(), rcBtn.Height() + 4, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOREDRAW); sBtn.LoadString(IDS_BACK); //sBtn.Insert(0, _T(" ")); dlgBtn->SetWindowText(sBtn); m_BtnNavBack.SubclassDlgItem(_propButtons[i], this); m_BtnNavBack.SetIcon(IDI_ICON_NAV_BACK); rcBtn.right = rcBtn.Width() * 2 + 10; rcBtn.left = 5; rcBtn.top -= 10; rcBtn.bottom -= 3; m_BtnDonate.Create(_T("Help keep us strong!"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, rcBtn, this, ID_WIZDONATE); m_BtnDonate.SetIcon(IDI_ICON_DONATE); m_BtnDonate.SetAlign(CButtonST::ST_ALIGN_HORIZ); m_BtnDonate.SetDisplayStyle(CButtonST::DISP_FLAT); m_BtnDonate.SetFont(GetFont(), FALSE); AddAnchor(ID_WIZDONATE, BOTTOM_LEFT); AddAnchor(_propButtons[i], BOTTOM_RIGHT); break; case ID_WIZNEXT: dlgBtn->SetWindowPos(NULL, rcBtn.left - 14, rcBtn.top - 8, rcBtn.Width(), rcBtn.Height() + 4, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOREDRAW); sBtn.LoadString(IDS_NEXT); //sBtn.Append(_T(" ")); dlgBtn->SetWindowText(sBtn); m_BtnNavNext.SubclassDlgItem(_propButtons[i], this); m_BtnNavNext.SetIcon(IDI_ICON_NAV_NEXT); m_BtnNavNext.SetAlign(CButtonST::ST_ALIGN_HORIZ_RIGHT); AddAnchor(_propButtons[i], BOTTOM_RIGHT); break; case IDCANCEL: dlgBtn->SetWindowPos(NULL, rcBtn.left - 14, rcBtn.top - 8, rcBtn.Width(), rcBtn.Height() + 4, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOREDRAW); sBtn.LoadString(IDS_CANCEL); //sBtn.Append(_T(" ")); dlgBtn->SetWindowText(sBtn); m_BtnNavCancel.SubclassDlgItem(_propButtons[i], this); m_BtnNavCancel.SetIcon(IDI_ICON_NAV_CANCEL); m_BtnNavCancel.SetAlign(CButtonST::ST_ALIGN_HORIZ_RIGHT); AddAnchor(_propButtons[i], BOTTOM_RIGHT); break; case ID_WIZFINISH: dlgBtn->SetWindowPos(NULL, rcBtn.left - 14, rcBtn.top - 8, rcBtn.Width(), rcBtn.Height() + 4, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOREDRAW); sBtn.LoadString(IDS_FINISH); //sBtn.Append(_T(" ")); dlgBtn->SetWindowText(sBtn); m_BtnNavFinish.SubclassDlgItem(_propButtons[i], this); m_BtnNavFinish.SetIcon(IDI_ICON_NAV_FINISH); m_BtnNavFinish.SetAlign(CButtonST::ST_ALIGN_HORIZ_RIGHT); AddAnchor(_propButtons[i], BOTTOM_RIGHT); break; } } } }
void CResizableSheetEx::PresetLayout() { // set the initial size as the min track size CRect rc; GetWindowRect(&rc); SetMinTrackSize(rc.Size()); // use *total* parent size to have correct margins CRect rectPage, rectSheet; GetTotalClientRect(&rectSheet); // get page area if (IsWizard() || IsWizard97()) { HWND hPage = PropSheet_GetCurrentPageHwnd(m_hWnd); ::GetWindowRect(hPage, &rectPage); } else { GetTabControl()->GetWindowRect(&rectPage); } ::MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hWnd, (LPPOINT)&rectPage, 2); // calculate margins CRect rect; int cxDiff = rectSheet.right - rectPage.right; int cyDiff = 0; // try all possible buttons for (int i = 0; i < _propButtonsCount; i++) { CWnd* pWnd = GetDlgItem(_propButtons[i]); if (NULL != pWnd) { // move buttons if necessary if (GetStyle() & WS_CHILD) { pWnd->GetWindowRect(&rect); ::MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hWnd, (LPPOINT)&rect, 2); cyDiff = rectSheet.bottom - rect.bottom; rect.OffsetRect(cxDiff, cyDiff); pWnd->MoveWindow(&rect); } // add buttons to the layout manager AddAnchor(_propButtons[i], BOTTOM_RIGHT); } } // setup pages area if (IsWizard() || IsWizard97()) { // move line and pages if necessary if (GetStyle() & WS_CHILD) { GetDlgItem(ID_WIZLINE)->GetWindowRect(&rect); ::MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hWnd, (LPPOINT)&rect, 2); rect.OffsetRect(0, cyDiff); rect.InflateRect(cxDiff, 0); GetDlgItem(ID_WIZLINE)->MoveWindow(&rect); rectPage.bottom += cyDiff; rectPage.left = 0; rectPage.top = 0; rectPage.right = rectSheet.right; } AddAnchor(ID_WIZLINE, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT); if (IsWizard97()) // add header line for wizard97 dialogs AddAnchor(ID_WIZLINEHDR, TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT); // hide tab control GetTabControl()->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); // pre-calculate margins m_sizePageTL = rectPage.TopLeft() - rectSheet.TopLeft(); m_sizePageBR = rectPage.BottomRight() - rectSheet.BottomRight(); } else { // grow tab to the available sheet space if (cyDiff > 0) rectSheet.bottom = rectPage.bottom + cyDiff; if (GetStyle() & WS_CHILD) GetTabControl()->MoveWindow(&rectSheet); AddAnchor(AFX_IDC_TAB_CONTROL, TOP_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT); } // add a callback for active page (which can change at run-time) m_nCallbackID = AddAnchorCallback(); // prevent flickering GetTabControl()->ModifyStyle(0, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS); }