Example #1
void ProcessDecals( void )
	int			i, j, x, y, pw[ 5 ], r, iterations;
	float			distance;
	vec4_t			projection, plane;
	vec3_t			origin, target, delta;
	entity_t			*e, *e2;
	parseMesh_t		*p;
	mesh_t			*mesh, *subdivided;
	bspDrawVert_t		*dv[4];
	const char		*value;
	/* note it */
	MsgDev( D_NOTE, "--- ProcessDecals ---\n" );
	/* walk entity list */
	for( i = 0; i < numEntities; i++ )
		/* get entity */
		e = &entities[ i ];
		value = ValueForKey( e, "classname" );
		if( com.stricmp( value, "_decal" ) )
		/* any patches? */
		if( e->patches == NULL )
			MsgDev( D_WARN, "Decal entity without any patch meshes, ignoring.\n" );
			e->epairs = NULL;	/* fixme: leak! */
		/* find target */
		value = ValueForKey( e, "target" );
		e2 = FindTargetEntity( value );
		/* no target? */
		if( e2 == NULL )
			MsgDev( D_WARN, "Decal entity without a valid target, ignoring.\n" );
		/* walk entity patches */
		for( p = e->patches; p != NULL; p = e->patches )
			/* setup projector */
			if( VectorCompare( e->origin, vec3_origin ) )
				VectorAdd( p->eMins, p->eMaxs, origin );
				VectorScale( origin, 0.5f, origin );
			else VectorCopy( e->origin, origin );
			VectorCopy( e2->origin, target );
			VectorSubtract( target, origin, delta );
			/* setup projection plane */
			distance = VectorNormalizeLength2( delta, projection );
			projection[ 3 ] = DotProduct( origin, projection );
			/* create projectors */
			if( distance > 0.125f )
				/* tesselate the patch */
				iterations = IterationsForCurve( p->longestCurve, patch_subdivide->integer );
				subdivided = SubdivideMesh2( p->mesh, iterations );
				/* fit it to the curve and remove colinear verts on rows/columns */
				PutMeshOnCurve( *subdivided );
				mesh = RemoveLinearMeshColumnsRows( subdivided );
				FreeMesh( subdivided );
				/* offset by projector origin */
				for( j = 0; j < (mesh->width * mesh->height); j++ )
					VectorAdd( mesh->verts[ j ].xyz, e->origin, mesh->verts[ j ].xyz );
				/* iterate through the mesh quads */
				for( y = 0; y < (mesh->height - 1); y++ )
					for( x = 0; x < (mesh->width - 1); x++ )
						/* set indexes */
						pw[ 0 ] = x + (y * mesh->width);
						pw[ 1 ] = x + ((y + 1) * mesh->width);
						pw[ 2 ] = x + 1 + ((y + 1) * mesh->width);
						pw[ 3 ] = x + 1 + (y * mesh->width);
						pw[ 4 ] = x + (y * mesh->width);	/* same as pw[ 0 ] */
						/* set radix */
						r = (x + y) & 1;
						/* get drawverts */
						dv[ 0 ] = &mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 0 ] ];
						dv[ 1 ] = &mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 1 ] ];
						dv[ 2 ] = &mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 2 ] ];
						dv[ 3 ] = &mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 3 ] ];
						/* planar? (nuking this optimization as it doesn't work on non-rectangular quads) */
						plane[ 0 ] = 0.0f;	/* stupid msvc */
						if( 0 && PlaneFromPoints( plane, dv[ 0 ]->xyz, dv[ 1 ]->xyz, dv[ 2 ]->xyz ) &&
							fabs( DotProduct( dv[ 1 ]->xyz, plane ) - plane[ 3 ] ) <= PLANAR_EPSILON )
							/* make a quad projector */
							MakeDecalProjector( p->shaderInfo, projection, distance, 4, dv );
							/* make first triangle */
							MakeDecalProjector( p->shaderInfo, projection, distance, 3, dv );
							/* make second triangle */
							dv[ 1 ] = dv[ 2 ];
							dv[ 2 ] = dv[ 3 ];
							MakeDecalProjector( p->shaderInfo, projection, distance, 3, dv );
				/* clean up */
				Mem_Free( mesh );
			/* remove patch from entity (fixme: leak!) */
			e->patches = p->next;
			/* push patch to worldspawn (enable this to debug projectors) */
#if 0
			p->next = entities[ 0 ].patches;
			entities[ 0 ].patches = p;
	/* emit some stats */
	MsgDev( D_NOTE, "%9d decal projectors\n", numProjectors );
Example #2
static void ProjectDecalOntoPatch( decalProjector_t *dp, mapDrawSurface_t *ds )
	int			x, y, pw[ 5 ], r, iterations;
	vec4_t		plane;
	float		d;
	mesh_t		src, *mesh, *subdivided;
	winding_t	*w;
	/* backface check */
	if( ds->planar )
		VectorCopy( mapplanes[ ds->planeNum ].normal, plane );
		plane[ 3 ] = mapplanes[ ds->planeNum ].dist + DotProduct( plane, entityOrigin );
		d = DotProduct( dp->planes[ 0 ], plane );
		if( d < dp->backfacecull )
	/* tesselate the patch */
	src.width = ds->patchWidth;
	src.height = ds->patchHeight;
	src.verts = ds->verts;
	iterations = IterationsForCurve( ds->longestCurve, patchSubdivisions );
	subdivided = SubdivideMesh2( src, iterations );
	/* fit it to the curve and remove colinear verts on rows/columns */
	PutMeshOnCurve( *subdivided );
	mesh = RemoveLinearMeshColumnsRows( subdivided );
	FreeMesh( subdivided );
	/* iterate through the mesh quads */
	for( y = 0; y < (mesh->height - 1); y++ )
		for( x = 0; x < (mesh->width - 1); x++ )
			/* set indexes */
			pw[ 0 ] = x + (y * mesh->width);
			pw[ 1 ] = x + ((y + 1) * mesh->width);
			pw[ 2 ] = x + 1 + ((y + 1) * mesh->width);
			pw[ 3 ] = x + 1 + (y * mesh->width);
			pw[ 4 ] = x + (y * mesh->width);	/* same as pw[ 0 ] */
			/* set radix */
			r = (x + y) & 1;
			/* generate decal for first triangle */
			w = AllocWinding( 3 );
			w->numpoints = 3;
			VectorCopy( mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 0 ] ].xyz, w->p[ 0 ] );
			VectorCopy( mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 1 ] ].xyz, w->p[ 1 ] );
			VectorCopy( mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 2 ] ].xyz, w->p[ 2 ] );
			ProjectDecalOntoWinding( dp, ds, w );
			/* generate decal for second triangle */
			w = AllocWinding( 3 );
			w->numpoints = 3;
			VectorCopy( mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 0 ] ].xyz, w->p[ 0 ] );
			VectorCopy( mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 2 ] ].xyz, w->p[ 1 ] );
			VectorCopy( mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 3 ] ].xyz, w->p[ 2 ] );
			ProjectDecalOntoWinding( dp, ds, w );
	/* clean up */
	free( mesh );
void TriangulatePatchSurface( mapDrawSurface_t *ds ){
	int iterations, x, y, pw[ 5 ], r;
	mapDrawSurface_t    *dsNew;
	mesh_t src, *subdivided, *mesh;

	/* try to early out */
	if ( ds->numVerts == 0 || ds->type != SURFACE_PATCH || patchMeta == qfalse ) {

	/* make a mesh from the drawsurf */
	src.width = ds->patchWidth;
	src.height = ds->patchHeight;
	src.verts = ds->verts;
	//%	subdivided = SubdivideMesh( src, 8, 999 );
	iterations = IterationsForCurve( ds->longestCurve, patchSubdivisions );
	subdivided = SubdivideMesh2( src, iterations ); //%	ds->maxIterations

	/* fit it to the curve and remove colinear verts on rows/columns */
	PutMeshOnCurve( *subdivided );
	mesh = RemoveLinearMeshColumnsRows( subdivided );
	FreeMesh( subdivided );
	//% MakeMeshNormals( mesh );

	/* make a copy of the drawsurface */
	dsNew = AllocDrawSurface( SURFACE_META );
	memcpy( dsNew, ds, sizeof( *ds ) );

	/* if the patch is nonsolid, then discard it */
	if ( !( ds->shaderInfo->compileFlags & C_SOLID ) ) {
		ClearSurface( ds );

	/* set new pointer */
	ds = dsNew;

	/* basic transmogrification */
	ds->type = SURFACE_META;
	ds->numIndexes = 0;
	ds->indexes = safe_malloc( mesh->width * mesh->height * 6 * sizeof( int ) );

	/* copy the verts in */
	ds->numVerts = ( mesh->width * mesh->height );
	ds->verts = mesh->verts;

	/* iterate through the mesh quads */
	for ( y = 0; y < ( mesh->height - 1 ); y++ )
		for ( x = 0; x < ( mesh->width - 1 ); x++ )
			/* set indexes */
			pw[ 0 ] = x + ( y * mesh->width );
			pw[ 1 ] = x + ( ( y + 1 ) * mesh->width );
			pw[ 2 ] = x + 1 + ( ( y + 1 ) * mesh->width );
			pw[ 3 ] = x + 1 + ( y * mesh->width );
			pw[ 4 ] = x + ( y * mesh->width );    /* same as pw[ 0 ] */

			/* set radix */
			r = ( x + y ) & 1;

			/* make first triangle */
			ds->indexes[ ds->numIndexes++ ] = pw[ r + 0 ];
			ds->indexes[ ds->numIndexes++ ] = pw[ r + 1 ];
			ds->indexes[ ds->numIndexes++ ] = pw[ r + 2 ];

			/* make second triangle */
			ds->indexes[ ds->numIndexes++ ] = pw[ r + 0 ];
			ds->indexes[ ds->numIndexes++ ] = pw[ r + 2 ];
			ds->indexes[ ds->numIndexes++ ] = pw[ r + 3 ];

	/* free the mesh, but not the verts */
	free( mesh );

	/* add to count */

	/* classify it */
	ClassifySurfaces( 1, ds );
Example #4
void ProcessDecals( void )
	int					i, j, x, y, pw[ 5 ], r, iterations, smoothNormals;
	float				distance, lightmapScale, backfaceAngle;
	vec4_t				projection, plane;
	vec3_t				origin, target, delta, lightmapAxis;
	vec3_t              minlight, minvertexlight, ambient, colormod;
	entity_t			*e, *e2;
	parseMesh_t			*p;
	mesh_t				*mesh, *subdivided;
	bspDrawVert_t		*dv[ 4 ];
	const char			*value;
	/* note it */
	Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "--- ProcessDecals ---\n" );

	/* no decals */
	if (nodecals)
		for( i = 0; i < numEntities; i++ )
			/* get entity */
			e = &entities[ i ];
			value = ValueForKey( e, "classname" );
			if( Q_stricmp( value, "_decal" ) && Q_stricmp( value, "misc_decal" ) )

			/* clear entity patches */
			e->patches = NULL; // fixme: LEAK!
	/* walk entity list */
	for( i = 0; i < numEntities; i++ )
		/* get entity */
		e = &entities[ i ];
		value = ValueForKey( e, "classname" );
		if( Q_stricmp( value, "_decal" ) && Q_stricmp( value, "misc_decal" ) )
		/* any patches? */
		if( e->patches == NULL )
			Sys_Warning( e->mapEntityNum, "Decal entity without any patch meshes, ignoring." );
			e->epairs = NULL;	/* fixme: leak! */
		/* find target */
		value = ValueForKey( e, "target" );
		e2 = FindTargetEntity( value );
		/* no target? */
		if( e2 == NULL )
			Sys_Warning( e->mapEntityNum, "Decal entity without a valid target, ignoring." );

		/* vortex: get lightmap scaling value for this entity */
		GetEntityLightmapScale( e, &lightmapScale, 0);

		/* vortex: get lightmap axis for this entity */
		GetEntityLightmapAxis( e, lightmapAxis, NULL );

		/* vortex: per-entity normal smoothing */
		GetEntityNormalSmoothing( e, &smoothNormals, 0);

		/* vortex: per-entity _minlight, _ambient, _color, _colormod */
		GetEntityMinlightAmbientColor( e, NULL, minlight, minvertexlight, ambient, colormod, qtrue );
		/* vortex: _backfacecull */
		if ( KeyExists(e, "_backfacecull") )
			backfaceAngle = FloatForKey(e, "_backfacecull");
		else if ( KeyExists(e, "_bfc") )
			backfaceAngle = FloatForKey(e, "_bfc");
			backfaceAngle = 90.0f;

		/* walk entity patches */
		for( p = e->patches; p != NULL; p = e->patches )
			/* setup projector */
			if( VectorCompare( e->origin, vec3_origin ) )
				VectorAdd( p->eMins, p->eMaxs, origin );
				VectorScale( origin, 0.5f, origin );
				VectorCopy( e->origin, origin );
			VectorCopy( e2->origin, target );
			VectorSubtract( target, origin, delta );
			/* setup projection plane */
			distance = VectorNormalize( delta, projection );
			projection[ 3 ] = DotProduct( origin, projection );
			/* create projectors */
			if( distance > 0.125f )
				/* tesselate the patch */
				iterations = IterationsForCurve( p->longestCurve, patchSubdivisions );
				subdivided = SubdivideMesh2( p->mesh, iterations );
				/* fit it to the curve and remove colinear verts on rows/columns */
				PutMeshOnCurve( *subdivided );
				mesh = RemoveLinearMeshColumnsRows( subdivided );
				FreeMesh( subdivided );
				/* offset by projector origin */
				for( j = 0; j < (mesh->width * mesh->height); j++ )
					VectorAdd( mesh->verts[ j ].xyz, e->origin, mesh->verts[ j ].xyz );
				/* iterate through the mesh quads */
				for( y = 0; y < (mesh->height - 1); y++ )
					for( x = 0; x < (mesh->width - 1); x++ )
						/* set indexes */
						pw[ 0 ] = x + (y * mesh->width);
						pw[ 1 ] = x + ((y + 1) * mesh->width);
						pw[ 2 ] = x + 1 + ((y + 1) * mesh->width);
						pw[ 3 ] = x + 1 + (y * mesh->width);
						pw[ 4 ] = x + (y * mesh->width);	/* same as pw[ 0 ] */
						/* set radix */
						r = (x + y) & 1;
						/* get drawverts */
						dv[ 0 ] = &mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 0 ] ];
						dv[ 1 ] = &mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 1 ] ];
						dv[ 2 ] = &mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 2 ] ];
						dv[ 3 ] = &mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 3 ] ];
						/* planar? (nuking this optimization as it doesn't work on non-rectangular quads) */
						plane[ 0 ] = 0.0f;	/* stupid msvc */
						if( 0 && PlaneFromPoints( plane, dv[ 0 ]->xyz, dv[ 1 ]->xyz, dv[ 2 ]->xyz ) && fabs( DotProduct( dv[ 1 ]->xyz, plane ) - plane[ 3 ] ) <= PLANAR_EPSILON )
							/* make a quad projector */
							MakeDecalProjector( i, p->shaderInfo, projection, distance, 4, dv, cos(backfaceAngle / 180.0f * Q_PI), lightmapScale, lightmapAxis, minlight, minvertexlight, ambient, colormod, smoothNormals);
							/* make first triangle */
							MakeDecalProjector( i, p->shaderInfo, projection, distance, 3, dv, cos(backfaceAngle / 180.0f * Q_PI), lightmapScale, lightmapAxis, minlight, minvertexlight, ambient, colormod, smoothNormals);
							/* make second triangle */
							dv[ 1 ] = dv[ 2 ];
							dv[ 2 ] = dv[ 3 ];
							MakeDecalProjector( i, p->shaderInfo, projection, distance, 3, dv, cos(backfaceAngle / 180.0f * Q_PI), lightmapScale, lightmapAxis, minlight, minvertexlight, ambient, colormod, smoothNormals);
				/* clean up */
				free( mesh );
			/* remove patch from entity (fixme: leak!) */
			e->patches = p->next;
			/* push patch to worldspawn (enable this to debug projectors) */
			#if 0
				p->next = entities[ 0 ].patches;
				entities[ 0 ].patches = p;
	/* emit some stats */
	Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "%9d decal projectors\n", numProjectors );