Example #1
std::string Value::toJSONString(unsigned indent) const {
  JSValueRef exn;
  auto stringToAdopt = JSC_JSValueCreateJSONString(m_context, m_value, indent, &exn);
  if (!stringToAdopt) {
    throw JSException(m_context, exn, "Exception creating JSON string");
  return String::adopt(m_context, stringToAdopt).str();
Example #2
void Object::setProperty(const String& propName, const Value& value) {
  JSValueRef exn = nullptr;
  JSC_JSObjectSetProperty(m_context, m_obj, propName, value, kJSPropertyAttributeNone, &exn);
  if (exn) {
    throw JSException(m_context, exn, folly::to<std::string>(
      "Failed to set property '", propName.str(), "'").c_str());
Example #3
void Object::setPropertyAtIndex(unsigned int index, const Value& value) {
  JSValueRef exn = nullptr;
  JSC_JSObjectSetPropertyAtIndex(m_context, m_obj, index, value, &exn);
  if (exn) {
    throw JSException(m_context, exn, folly::to<std::string>(
      "Failed to set property at index ", index).c_str());
Example #4
Value Object::callAsFunction(JSObjectRef thisObj, int nArgs, const JSValueRef args[]) const {
  JSValueRef exn;
  JSValueRef result = JSC_JSObjectCallAsFunction(m_context, m_obj, thisObj, nArgs, args, &exn);
  if (!result) {
    throw JSException(m_context, exn, "Exception calling object as function");
  return Value(m_context, result);
Example #5
Object Object::callAsConstructor(std::initializer_list<JSValueRef> args) const {
  JSValueRef exn;
  JSObjectRef result = JSC_JSObjectCallAsConstructor(m_context, m_obj, args.size(), args.begin(), &exn);
  if (!result) {
    throw JSException(m_context, exn, "Exception calling object as constructor");
  return Object(m_context, result);
Example #6
String Value::toString() const {
  JSValueRef exn;
  JSStringRef jsStr = JSC_JSValueToStringCopy(context(), m_value, &exn);
  if (!jsStr) {
    throw JSException(m_context, exn, "Failed to convert to string");
  return String::adopt(context(), jsStr);
Example #7
Object Value::asObject() const {
  JSValueRef exn;
  JSObjectRef jsObj = JSC_JSValueToObject(context(), m_value, &exn);
  if (!jsObj) {
    throw JSException(m_context, exn, "Failed to convert to object");
  return Object(context(), jsObj);
Example #8
JSValueRef evaluateSourceCode(JSContextRef context, JSSourceCodeRef source, JSStringRef sourceURL) {
  JSValueRef exn, result;
  result = JSEvaluateSourceCode(context, source, NULL, &exn);
  if (result == nullptr) {
    throw JSException(context, exn, sourceURL);
  return result;
Example #9
JSValueRef evaluateScript(JSContextRef context, JSStringRef script, JSStringRef sourceURL) {
  JSValueRef exn, result;
  result = JSC_JSEvaluateScript(context, script, NULL, sourceURL, 0, &exn);
  if (result == nullptr) {
    throw JSException(context, exn, sourceURL);
  return result;
Example #10
/* static */
Value Value::fromJSON(JSContextRef ctx, const String& json) {
  auto result = JSC_JSValueMakeFromJSONString(ctx, json);
  if (!result) {
    throw JSException(folly::to<std::string>(
      "Failed to create Value from JSON: ", json.str()).c_str());
  return Value(ctx, result);
Example #11
Value Object::getPropertyAtIndex(unsigned int index) const {
  JSValueRef exn;
  JSValueRef property = JSC_JSObjectGetPropertyAtIndex(m_context, m_obj, index, &exn);
  if (!property) {
    throw JSException(m_context, exn, folly::to<std::string>(
      "Failed to get property at index ", index).c_str());
  return Value(m_context, property);
Example #12
Value Object::getProperty(const String& propName) const {
  JSValueRef exn;
  JSValueRef property = JSC_JSObjectGetProperty(m_context, m_obj, propName, &exn);
  if (!property) {
    throw JSException(m_context, exn, folly::to<std::string>(
      "Failed to get property '", propName.str(), "'").c_str());
  return Value(m_context, property);
Example #13
Value Value::makeError(JSContextRef ctx, const char *error)
  JSValueRef exn;
  JSValueRef args[] = { Value(ctx, String(ctx, error)) };
  JSObjectRef errorObj = JSC_JSObjectMakeError(ctx, 1, args, &exn);
  if (!errorObj) {
    throw JSException(ctx, exn, "Exception making error");
  return Value(ctx, errorObj);
Example #14
Value Value::makeError(JSContextRef ctx, const char *error, const char *stack)
  auto errorMsg = Value(ctx, String(ctx, error));
  JSValueRef args[] = {errorMsg};
  if (stack) {
    // Using this instead of JSObjectMakeError to actually get a stack property.
    // MakeError only sets it stack when returning from the invoked function, so we
    // can't extend it here.
    auto errorConstructor = Object::getGlobalObject(ctx).getProperty("Error").asObject();
    auto jsError = errorConstructor.callAsConstructor({errorMsg});
    auto fullStack = std::string(stack) + jsError.getProperty("stack").toString().str();
    jsError.setProperty("stack", String(ctx, fullStack.c_str()));
    return jsError;
  } else {
    JSValueRef exn;
    JSObjectRef errorObj = JSC_JSObjectMakeError(ctx, 1, args, &exn);
    if (!errorObj) {
      throw JSException(ctx, exn, "Exception making error");
    return Value(ctx, errorObj);