static UniChar OSKeyCodeToUnicode( UInt16 osKeyCode, bool shift = false )
    // Translate the key code.

    UniChar uniChar = 0;
    if( sKeyLayoutKind == kKLKCHRKind )
        // KCHR mapping.

        void* KCHRData;
        KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty( sKeyLayout, kKLKCHRData, ( const void** ) & KCHRData );

        UInt16 key = ( osKeyCode & 0x7f );
        if( shift )
            key |= NSShiftKeyMask;

        UInt32 keyTranslateState = 0;
        UInt32 charCode = KeyTranslate( KCHRData, key, &keyTranslateState );
        charCode &= 0xff;

        if( keyTranslateState == 0 && charCode )
            uniChar = charCode;
        // UCHR mapping.

        UCKeyboardLayout* uchrData;
        KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty( sKeyLayout, kKLuchrData, ( const void** ) &uchrData );

        UInt32 deadKeyState;
        UniCharCount actualStringLength;
        UniChar unicodeString[ 4 ];
        UCKeyTranslate( uchrData,
                        ( shift ? 0x02 : 0 ), // Oh yeah... Apple docs are fun...
                        sizeof( unicodeString ) / sizeof( unicodeString[ 0 ] ),
                        unicodeString );

        if( actualStringLength )
            uniChar = unicodeString[ 0 ]; // Well, Unicode is something else, but...

    return uniChar;
Example #2
void keyboard_layout_bang(t_keyboard_layout *x) {
    //OSStatus err;
    KeyboardLayoutRef currentLayoutRef;
    const void *keyboardName;
    char cKeyboardName[100];

    KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty(currentLayoutRef, kKLName, (const void **)&keyboardName);
    CFStringGetCString((CFStringRef)keyboardName, cKeyboardName, 100, kCFStringEncodingASCII);

    outlet_symbol(x->x_data_outlet, gensym(cKeyboardName));
Example #3
void keyboard_layout_anything(t_keyboard_layout *x, t_symbol *s, short argc, t_atom *argv) {
    //OSStatus err;
    KeyboardLayoutRef currentLayoutRef;
    const void *keyboardName;
    char cKeyboardName[100];

    keyboardName= CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, s->s_name, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
    KLGetKeyboardLayoutWithName(keyboardName, &currentLayoutRef);
    KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty(currentLayoutRef, kKLName, (const void **)&keyboardName);
    CFStringGetCString((CFStringRef)keyboardName, cKeyboardName, 100, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
    //outlet_anything(x->t_out, s, 0, NULL);
Example #4
OSXKeyState::getKeyMap(synergy::KeyMap& keyMap)
	// update keyboard groups
	if (getGroups(m_groups)) {
		SInt32 numGroups = (SInt32)m_groups.size();
		for (SInt32 g = 0; g < numGroups; ++g) {
			m_groupMap[m_groups[g]] = g;

	UInt32 keyboardType = LMGetKbdType();
	for (SInt32 g = 0, n = (SInt32)m_groups.size(); g < n; ++g) {
		// add special keys
		getKeyMapForSpecialKeys(keyMap, g);

		const void* resource;
		bool layoutValid = false;
		// add regular keys
		// try uchr resource first
		#if defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5)
		CFDataRef resourceRef = (CFDataRef)TISGetInputSourceProperty(
			m_groups[g], kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData);
		layoutValid = resourceRef != NULL;
		if (layoutValid)
			resource = CFDataGetBytePtr(resourceRef);
		layoutValid = KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty(
			m_groups[g], kKLuchrData, &resource);

		if (layoutValid) {
			CUCHRKeyResource uchr(resource, keyboardType);
			if (uchr.isValid()) {
				LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "using uchr resource for group %d", g));
				getKeyMap(keyMap, g, uchr);

		LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "no keyboard resource for group %d", g));
Example #5
void keyboard_layout_menu(t_keyboard_layout *x) {
    //OSStatus err;
    KeyboardLayoutRef currentLayoutRef;
    const void *keyboardName;
    char cKeyboardName[100];
    CFIndex countOfLayouts;
    CFIndex i;
    t_atom name;

// TODO this should probably output [menu clear( so other messages work too
    outlet_anything(x->x_status_outlet, gensym("clear"), 0, NULL);

    for(i= 0; i<countOfLayouts; i++) {
        KLGetKeyboardLayoutAtIndex(i, &currentLayoutRef);
        KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty(currentLayoutRef, kKLName, (const void **)&keyboardName);
        CFStringGetCString((CFStringRef)keyboardName, cKeyboardName, 100, kCFStringEncodingASCII);

        SETSYMBOL(&name, gensym(cKeyboardName));
// TODO this should probably output [menu append( so other messages work too
        outlet_anything(x->x_status_outlet, gensym("append"), 1, &name);
static bool translateKeyEventInternal(EventHandlerCallRef er, EventRef keyEvent, int *qtKey,
                                      QChar *outChar, Qt::KeyboardModifiers *outModifiers, bool *outHandled)
#if !defined(QT_MAC_USE_COCOA) || defined(Q_OS_MAC64)
    const UInt32 ekind = GetEventKind(keyEvent);
        UInt32 mac_modifiers = 0;
        GetEventParameter(keyEvent, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32, 0,
                          sizeof(mac_modifiers), 0, &mac_modifiers);
        qDebug("************ Mapping modifiers and key ***********");
        *outModifiers = qt_mac_get_modifiers(mac_modifiers);
        qDebug("------------ Mapping modifiers and key -----------");

    //get keycode
    UInt32 keyCode = 0;
    GetEventParameter(keyEvent, kEventParamKeyCode, typeUInt32, 0, sizeof(keyCode), 0, &keyCode);

    //get mac mapping
    static UInt32 tmp_unused_state = 0L;
    const UCKeyboardLayout *uchrData = 0;
#if defined(Q_OS_MAC32)
    KeyboardLayoutRef keyLayoutRef = 0;
    OSStatus err;
    if (keyLayoutRef != 0) {
        err = KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty(keyLayoutRef, kKLuchrData,
                                  (reinterpret_cast<const void **>(&uchrData)));
        if (err != noErr) {
            qWarning("Qt::internal::unable to get keyboardlayout %ld %s:%d",
                     long(err), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    QCFType<TISInputSourceRef> inputSource = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardInputSource();
    Q_ASSERT(inputSource != 0);
    CFDataRef data = static_cast<CFDataRef>(TISGetInputSourceProperty(inputSource,
    uchrData = data ? reinterpret_cast<const UCKeyboardLayout *>(CFDataGetBytePtr(data)) : 0;
    *qtKey = Qt::Key_unknown;
    if (uchrData) {
        // The easy stuff; use the unicode stuff!
        UniChar string[4];
        UniCharCount actualLength;
        UInt32 currentModifiers = GetCurrentEventKeyModifiers();
        UInt32 currentModifiersWOAltOrControl = currentModifiers & ~(controlKey | optionKey);
        int keyAction;
        switch (ekind) {
        case kEventRawKeyDown:
            keyAction = kUCKeyActionDown;
        case kEventRawKeyUp:
            keyAction = kUCKeyActionUp;
        case kEventRawKeyRepeat:
            keyAction = kUCKeyActionAutoKey;
        OSStatus err = UCKeyTranslate(uchrData, keyCode, keyAction,
                                  ((currentModifiersWOAltOrControl >> 8) & 0xff), LMGetKbdType(),
                                  kUCKeyTranslateNoDeadKeysMask, &tmp_unused_state, 4, &actualLength,
        if (err == noErr) {
            *outChar = QChar(string[0]);
            *qtKey = qt_mac_get_key(*outModifiers, *outChar, keyCode);
            if (currentModifiersWOAltOrControl != currentModifiers) {
                // Now get the real char.
                err = UCKeyTranslate(uchrData, keyCode, keyAction,
                                     ((currentModifiers >> 8) & 0xff), LMGetKbdType(),
                                      kUCKeyTranslateNoDeadKeysMask, &tmp_unused_state, 4, &actualLength,
                if (err == noErr)
                    *outChar = QChar(string[0]);
        } else {
quint32 QxtGlobalShortcutPrivate::nativeKeycode(Qt::Key key)
    UTF16Char ch;
    // Constants found in NSEvent.h from AppKit.framework
    if (key == Qt::Key_Up)				ch = 0xF700;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_Down)		ch = 0xF701;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_Left)		ch = 0xF702;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_Right)		ch = 0xF703;
    else if (key >= Qt::Key_F1 && key <= Qt::Key_F35)
        ch = key - Qt::Key_F1 + 0xF704;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_Insert)		ch = 0xF727;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_Delete)		ch = 0xF728;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_Home)		ch = 0xF729;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_End)			ch = 0xF72B;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_PageUp)		ch = 0xF72C;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_PageDown)	ch = 0xF72D;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_Print)		ch = 0xF72E;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_ScrollLock)	ch = 0xF72F;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_Pause)		ch = 0xF730;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_SysReq)		ch = 0xF731;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_Stop)		ch = 0xF734;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_Menu)		ch = 0xF735;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_Select)		ch = 0xF741;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_Execute)		ch = 0xF742;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_Help)		ch = 0xF746;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_Mode_switch)	ch = 0xF747;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_Escape)		ch = 27;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_Return)		ch = 13;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_Enter)		ch = 3;
    else if (key == Qt::Key_Tab)			ch = 9;
    else								ch = key;

    KeyboardLayoutRef layout;
    KeyboardLayoutKind layoutKind;
    KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty(layout, kKLKind, const_cast<const void**>(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&layoutKind)));

    if (layoutKind == kKLKCHRKind)
    { // no Unicode available
        if (ch > 255) return 0;

        char* data;
        KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty(layout, kKLKCHRData, const_cast<const void**>(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&data)));
        int ct = *reinterpret_cast<short*>(data + 258);
        for (int i = 0; i < ct; i++)
            char* keyTable = data + 260 + 128 * i;
            for (int j = 0; j < 128; j++)
                if (keyTable[j] == ch) return j;

        return 0;

    char* data;
    KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty(layout, kKLuchrData, const_cast<const void**>(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&data)));
    UCKeyboardLayout* header = reinterpret_cast<UCKeyboardLayout*>(data);
    UCKeyboardTypeHeader* table = header->keyboardTypeList;

    for (quint32 i=0; i < header->keyboardTypeCount; i++)
        UCKeyStateRecordsIndex* stateRec = 0;
        if (table[i].keyStateRecordsIndexOffset != 0)
            stateRec = reinterpret_cast<UCKeyStateRecordsIndex*>(data + table[i].keyStateRecordsIndexOffset);
            if (stateRec->keyStateRecordsIndexFormat != kUCKeyStateRecordsIndexFormat) stateRec = 0;

        UCKeyToCharTableIndex* charTable = reinterpret_cast<UCKeyToCharTableIndex*>(data + table[i].keyToCharTableIndexOffset);
        if (charTable->keyToCharTableIndexFormat != kUCKeyToCharTableIndexFormat) continue;

        for (quint32 j=0; j < charTable->keyToCharTableCount; j++)
            UCKeyOutput* keyToChar = reinterpret_cast<UCKeyOutput*>(data + charTable->keyToCharTableOffsets[j]);
            for (quint32 k=0; k < charTable->keyToCharTableSize; k++)
                if (keyToChar[k] & kUCKeyOutputTestForIndexMask)
                    long idx = keyToChar[k] & kUCKeyOutputGetIndexMask;
                    if (stateRec && idx < stateRec->keyStateRecordCount)
                        UCKeyStateRecord* rec = reinterpret_cast<UCKeyStateRecord*>(data + stateRec->keyStateRecordOffsets[idx]);
                        if (rec->stateZeroCharData == ch) return k;
                else if (!(keyToChar[k] & kUCKeyOutputSequenceIndexMask) && keyToChar[k] < 0xFFFE)
                    if (keyToChar[k] == ch) return k;
            } // for k
        } // for j
    } // for i

    return 0;
Example #8
COSXKeyState::mapKeyFromEvent(CKeyIDs& ids,
				KeyModifierMask* maskOut, EventRef event) const

	// map modifier key
	if (maskOut != NULL) {
		KeyModifierMask activeMask = getActiveModifiers();
		activeMask &= ~KeyModifierAltGr;
		*maskOut    = activeMask;

	// get virtual key
	UInt32 vkCode;
	GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyCode, typeUInt32,
							NULL, sizeof(vkCode), NULL, &vkCode);

	// handle up events
	UInt32 eventKind = GetEventKind(event);
	if (eventKind == kEventRawKeyUp) {
		// the id isn't used.  we just need the same button we used on
		// the key press.  note that we don't use or reset the dead key
		// state;  up events should not affect the dead key state.
		return mapVirtualKeyToKeyButton(vkCode);

	// check for special keys
	CVirtualKeyMap::const_iterator i = m_virtualKeyMap.find(vkCode);
	if (i != m_virtualKeyMap.end()) {
		m_deadKeyState = 0;
		return mapVirtualKeyToKeyButton(vkCode);

	// get keyboard info
	KeyboardLayoutRef keyboardLayout;
	OSStatus status = KLGetCurrentKeyboardLayout(&keyboardLayout);
	if (status != noErr) {
		return kKeyNone;

	// get the event modifiers and remove the command and control
	// keys.  note if we used them though.
	UInt32 modifiers;
	GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32,
								NULL, sizeof(modifiers), NULL, &modifiers);
	static const UInt32 s_commandModifiers =
		cmdKey | controlKey | rightControlKey;
	bool isCommand = ((modifiers & s_commandModifiers) != 0);
	modifiers &= ~s_commandModifiers;

	// if we've used a command key then we want the glyph produced without
	// the option key (i.e. the base glyph).
	if (isCommand) {
		modifiers &= ~optionKey;

	// translate via uchr resource
	const void* resource;
	if (KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty(keyboardLayout,
								kKLuchrData, &resource) == noErr) {
		// choose action
		UInt16 action;
		switch (eventKind) {
		case kEventRawKeyDown:
			action = kUCKeyActionDown;

		case kEventRawKeyRepeat:
			action = kUCKeyActionAutoKey;

			return 0;

		// translate key
		UniCharCount count;
		UniChar chars[2];
		OSStatus status = UCKeyTranslate((const UCKeyboardLayout*)resource,
							vkCode & 0xffu, action,
							(modifiers >> 8) & 0xffu,
							LMGetKbdType(), 0, &m_deadKeyState,
							sizeof(chars) / sizeof(chars[0]), &count, chars);

		// get the characters
		if (status == 0) {
			if (count != 0 || m_deadKeyState == 0) {
				m_deadKeyState = 0;
				for (UniCharCount i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
				adjustAltGrModifier(ids, maskOut, isCommand);
				return mapVirtualKeyToKeyButton(vkCode);
			return 0;
// This method must be executed from the main runloop to avoid the seemingly random
// Exception detected while handling key input.  TSMProcessRawKeyCode failed (-192) errors.
// CFEqual(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), CFRunLoopGetMain())
void keycode_to_string(CGEventRef event_ref, UniCharCount size, UniCharCount *length, UniChar *buffer) {
	#if defined(USE_CARBON_LEGACY)
	KeyboardLayoutRef curr_keyboard_layout;
	void *inputData = NULL;
	if (KLGetCurrentKeyboardLayout(&curr_keyboard_layout) == noErr) {
		if (KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty(curr_keyboard_layout, kKLuchrData, (const void **) &inputData) != noErr) {
			inputData = NULL;
	#elif defined(USE_COREFOUNDATION)
	TISInputSourceRef curr_keyboard_layout = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource();
	CFDataRef inputData = NULL;
	if (curr_keyboard_layout != NULL && CFGetTypeID(curr_keyboard_layout) == TISInputSourceGetTypeID()) {
		CFDataRef data = (CFDataRef) TISGetInputSourceProperty(curr_keyboard_layout, kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData);
		if (data != NULL && CFGetTypeID(data) == CFDataGetTypeID() && CFDataGetLength(data) > 0) {
			inputData = (CFDataRef) data;

	// Check if the keyboard layout has changed to see if the dead key state needs to be discarded.
	if (prev_keyboard_layout != NULL && curr_keyboard_layout != NULL && CFEqual(curr_keyboard_layout, prev_keyboard_layout) == false) {
		curr_deadkey_state = 0;

	// Release the previous keyboard layout.
	if (prev_keyboard_layout != NULL) {

	// Set the previous keyboard layout to the current layout.
	if (curr_keyboard_layout != NULL) {
		prev_keyboard_layout = curr_keyboard_layout;

	if (inputData != NULL) {
		const UCKeyboardLayout *keyboard_layout = (const UCKeyboardLayout *) inputData;
		const UCKeyboardLayout *keyboard_layout = (const UCKeyboardLayout*) CFDataGetBytePtr(inputData);

		if (keyboard_layout != NULL) {
			//Extract keycode and modifier information.
			CGKeyCode keycode = CGEventGetIntegerValueField(event, kCGKeyboardEventKeycode);
			CGEventFlags modifiers = CGEventGetFlags(event);

			// Disable all command modifiers for translation.  This is required
			// so UCKeyTranslate will provide a keysym for the separate event.
			static const CGEventFlags cmd_modifiers = kCGEventFlagMaskCommand |
					kCGEventFlagMaskControl | kCGEventFlagMaskAlternate;
			modifiers &= ~cmd_modifiers;

			// I don't know why but UCKeyTranslate does not process the
			// kCGEventFlagMaskAlphaShift (A.K.A. Caps Lock Mask) correctly.
			// We need to basically turn off the mask and process the capital
			// letters after UCKeyTranslate().  Think Different, not because it
			// makes sense but because you want to be a hipster.
			bool is_caps_lock = modifiers & kCGEventFlagMaskAlphaShift;
			modifiers &= ~kCGEventFlagMaskAlphaShift;

			OSStatus status = noErr;
			if (curr_deadkey_state == 0) {
				// No previous deadkey, attempt a lookup.
				status = UCKeyTranslate(
									(modifiers >> 16) & 0xFF, //(modifiers >> 16) & 0xFF, || (modifiers >> 8) & 0xFF,
									kNilOptions, //kNilOptions, //kUCKeyTranslateNoDeadKeysMask
			else {
Example #10
OSXKeyState::mapKeyFromEvent(KeyIDs& ids,
				KeyModifierMask* maskOut, CGEventRef event) const

	// map modifier key
	if (maskOut != NULL) {
		KeyModifierMask activeMask = getActiveModifiers();
		activeMask &= ~KeyModifierAltGr;
		*maskOut    = activeMask;

	// get virtual key
	UInt32 vkCode = CGEventGetIntegerValueField(event, kCGKeyboardEventKeycode);

	// handle up events
	UInt32 eventKind = CGEventGetType(event);
	if (eventKind == kCGEventKeyUp) {
		// the id isn't used.  we just need the same button we used on
		// the key press.  note that we don't use or reset the dead key
		// state;  up events should not affect the dead key state.
		return mapVirtualKeyToKeyButton(vkCode);

	// check for special keys
	VirtualKeyMap::const_iterator i = m_virtualKeyMap.find(vkCode);
	if (i != m_virtualKeyMap.end()) {
		m_deadKeyState = 0;
		return mapVirtualKeyToKeyButton(vkCode);

	// get keyboard info

#if defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5)
	TISInputSourceRef currentKeyboardLayout = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource(); 
	KeyboardLayoutRef currentKeyboardLayout;
	OSStatus status = KLGetCurrentKeyboardLayout(&currentKeyboardLayout);
	if (currentKeyboardLayout == NULL) {
		return kKeyNone;

	// get the event modifiers and remove the command and control
	// keys.  note if we used them though.
	// UCKeyTranslate expects old-style Carbon modifiers, so convert.
	UInt32 modifiers;
	modifiers = mapModifiersToCarbon(CGEventGetFlags(event));
	static const UInt32 s_commandModifiers =
		cmdKey | controlKey | rightControlKey;
	bool isCommand = ((modifiers & s_commandModifiers) != 0);
	modifiers &= ~s_commandModifiers;

	// if we've used a command key then we want the glyph produced without
	// the option key (i.e. the base glyph).
	//if (isCommand) {
		modifiers &= ~optionKey;

	// choose action
	UInt16 action;
	if(eventKind==kCGEventKeyDown) {
		action = kUCKeyActionDown;
	else if(CGEventGetIntegerValueField(event, kCGKeyboardEventAutorepeat)==1) {
		action = kUCKeyActionAutoKey;
	else {
		return 0;

	// translate via uchr resource
#if defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5)
	CFDataRef ref = (CFDataRef) TISGetInputSourceProperty(currentKeyboardLayout,
	const UCKeyboardLayout* layout = (const UCKeyboardLayout*) CFDataGetBytePtr(ref);
	const bool layoutValid = (layout != NULL);
	const void* resource;
	int err = KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty(currentKeyboardLayout, kKLuchrData, &resource);
	const bool layoutValid = (err == noErr);
	const UCKeyboardLayout* layout = (const UCKeyboardLayout*)resource;

	if (layoutValid) {
		// translate key
		UniCharCount count;
		UniChar chars[2];
		LOG((CLOG_DEBUG2 "modifiers: %08x", modifiers & 0xffu));
		OSStatus status = UCKeyTranslate(layout,
							vkCode & 0xffu, action,
							(modifiers >> 8) & 0xffu,
							LMGetKbdType(), 0, &m_deadKeyState,
							sizeof(chars) / sizeof(chars[0]), &count, chars);

		// get the characters
		if (status == 0) {
			if (count != 0 || m_deadKeyState == 0) {
				m_deadKeyState = 0;
				for (UniCharCount i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
				adjustAltGrModifier(ids, maskOut, isCommand);
				return mapVirtualKeyToKeyButton(vkCode);
			return 0;

	return 0;
Example #11
OP_STATUS UKeyTranslate::GetUnicharFromVirtualKey(UInt32 virtualKeyCode, uni_char &outUniChar, UInt8 modifierKeyState)
	UInt32 deadKeyState = 0;
	OP_STATUS result = OpStatus::ERR;
	TISInputSourceRef kbInputSourceRef = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource();
	CFDataRef uchrDataRef = (CFDataRef)TISGetInputSourceProperty(kbInputSourceRef, kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData);
	Boolean existsUchr = ((uchrDataRef != NULL) && (CFDataGetBytePtr(uchrDataRef) != NULL) && (CFDataGetLength(uchrDataRef) != 0));
	if (existsUchr)
		UniCharCount actualLength = 0;
		UniChar outChar[2] = {0,0};

		OSStatus status = UCKeyTranslate((const UCKeyboardLayout *)CFDataGetBytePtr(uchrDataRef),
										 virtualKeyCode, kUCKeyActionDown,
										 modifierKeyState, LMGetKbdType(), kNilOptions,
										 &deadKeyState, 2, &actualLength, outChar);
		if (status == noErr && actualLength && outChar[0] != kFunctionKeyCharCode)
			outUniChar = outChar[0];
			result = OpStatus::OK;

	return result;
#else	// !SIXTY_FOUR_BIT
	static KeyboardLayoutRef lastKbdLayout = 0;
	static const UCKeyboardLayout* ucharData = NULL;
	static const void* charData = NULL;
	KeyboardLayoutRef currentKbdLayout = 0;

	if (noErr != KLGetCurrentKeyboardLayout(&currentKbdLayout) || !currentKbdLayout)
		return OpStatus::ERR;

	short	keyCode;
	OSStatus error = noErr;
	UInt32 deadKeyState = 0;
	OP_STATUS result = OpStatus::ERR;

	keyCode = virtualKeyCode;

	if (!ucharData || (currentKbdLayout != lastKbdLayout))
		// Don't fetch this unless we have to: Because of the KeyScript issue handled below this may in some cases return 0
		// KeyScript is an EXPENSIVE call, so by caching ucharData as long as possible we minimise the number of times
		// we need to call it.
		error = KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty(currentKbdLayout, kKLuchrData, (const void**)&ucharData);
	if (!ucharData)
		static Boolean try_again = true;
		if (try_again && (smRoman == GetScriptManagerVariable(smKeyScript)))
			// This is required for roman scripts in order to get something from KLGetCurrentKeyboardLayout
			KeyScript(smRoman | smKeyForceKeyScriptMask);
			error = KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty(currentKbdLayout, kKLuchrData, (const void**)&ucharData);
			if (error || !ucharData)
				try_again = false;

	if ((error == noErr) && (ucharData != 0))
		UniCharCount actualLength = 0;
		UniChar outChar[2] = {0,0};
		charData = NULL;
		error = UCKeyTranslate(ucharData, (unsigned short)keyCode,
									kUCKeyActionDown, modifierKeyState, LMGetKbdType(), 0,
									&deadKeyState, 2, &actualLength, outChar);
		if (error == noErr && actualLength && outChar[0] != kFunctionKeyCharCode)
			outUniChar = outChar[0];
			result = OpStatus::OK;
//			if (outUniChar & 0xff00)
//				fprintf(stderr, "UKC:%x\n", outChar[0]);
			fprintf(stderr, "UKCe:%li-%x-%lu-%x\n", error, outChar[0], virtualKeyCode, modifierKeyState);
		if (actualLength != 1)
			fprintf(stderr, "UKCl:%lu-%x-%x-%lu-%x\n", actualLength, outChar[0], outChar[1], virtualKeyCode, modifierKeyState);
		fprintf(stderr, "KLP:%li\n", error);
		error = noErr;
		if (!charData || (currentKbdLayout != lastKbdLayout))
			error = KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty(currentKbdLayout, kKLKCHRData, &charData);
		if ((error == noErr) && (charData != 0))
			unsigned long charcs = KeyTranslate(charData, (keyCode & 0xFF) | (modifierKeyState << 8), &deadKeyState);
			if (charcs & 0xFF)
				char src = charcs & 0x00FF;
				gTextConverter->ConvertBufferFromMac(&src, 1, &outUniChar, 1);
				result = OpStatus::OK;
				fprintf(stderr, "KTe\n", outUniChar);
			if (charcs & 0xFF0000)
				fprintf(stderr, "KTe:%x-%lu-%x\n", charcs, virtualKeyCode, modifierKeyState);
			fprintf(stderr, "KLPe:%li\n", error);
	lastKbdLayout = currentKbdLayout;
	return result;
#endif	// SIXTY_FOUR_BIT
static void GetKeyboardLayout()
    KLGetCurrentKeyboardLayout( &sKeyLayout );
    KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty( sKeyLayout, kKLKind, ( const void** ) &sKeyLayoutKind );
    KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty( sKeyLayout, kKLIdentifier, ( const void** ) &sKeyLayoutID );
Example #13
void updateScancodes()
    TISInputSourceRef layout = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource();
    if (!layout) {
        qWarning() << "Error retrieving current layout";
    if (layout == lastLayout) {
    } else {
        // keyboard layout changed
#ifndef NDEBUG
        const void *name = TISGetInputSourceProperty(layout, kTISPropertyLocalizedName);
        qDebug() << "Layout changed to: " << CFStringGetCStringPtr((CFStringRef)name, 0);
        lastLayout = layout;

        CFDataRef data = static_cast<CFDataRef>(TISGetInputSourceProperty(layout,
        const UCKeyboardLayout *ucData = data ? reinterpret_cast<const UCKeyboardLayout *>(CFDataGetBytePtr(data)) : 0;

        if (!ucData) {
            qWarning() << "Error retrieving current layout character data";

        for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
            UInt32 tmpState = 0;
            UniChar str[4];
            UniCharCount actualLength = 0;
            OSStatus err = UCKeyTranslate(ucData, i, kUCKeyActionDown, 0, LMGetKbdType(),
                                          kUCKeyTranslateNoDeadKeysMask, &tmpState, 4, &actualLength, str);
            if (err != noErr) {
                qWarning() << "Error translating unicode key" << err;
            } else {
                if (str[0] && str[0] != kFunctionKeyCharCode) {
                    scancodes.insert(str[0], i);
    KeyboardLayoutRef layout;
    if (KLGetCurrentKeyboardLayout(&layout) != noErr) {
        qWarning() << "Error retrieving current layout";
    if (layout != lastLayout) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
        void *name;
        KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty(layout, kKLName, const_cast<const void **>(&name));
        qDebug() << "Layout changed to: " << CFStringGetCStringPtr((CFStringRef) name, 0);
        lastLayout = layout;
        void *kchr;
        if (KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty(layout, kKLKCHRData, const_cast<const void **>(&kchr)) != noErr) {
            qWarning() << "Couldn't load active keyboard layout";
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
                UInt32 tmpState = 0;
                UInt32 chr = KeyTranslate(kchr, i, &tmpState);
                if (chr && chr != kFunctionKeyCharCode) {
                    scancodes.insert(chr, i);